-h family focus newsletter - iowa state university …€¦ ·  · 2016-08-04final meeting—6...

Washington County property tax dollars support the Washington County Extension Office. These tax dollars come to us through the Agricultural Extension District tax levy. The elected nine-member Extension Council is responsible for these funds. The fees for service will be used to off-set direct expenses and to support the County Extension 4-H Program. Thank You For Your Support! State Fair projects due to Extension Office for packing Aug. 5 Ak-Sar-Ben entry forms and fees due Aug. 8 Iowa State Fair Aug. 11-21 Leadership Development FINAL meeting—6 p.m.—Ext Office Aug. 22 County Council Meeting- 7 p.m.—Ext. Office Aug. 22 Pick up State Fair Projects at Extension Office Aug. 23 Labor Day – Office Closed Sept. 5 4-H & Youth Committee Meeting - 6:00 p.m. Sept. 8 Fair Evaluation Meeting - 6:30 p.m. - Fairboard Mtg. Rm Sept 8 HAPPY 4-H NEW YEAR!! 4-H Kickoff Party watch for more details coming soon! Sept. ? ? ? County Council Meeting— 7:00 p.m.—Ext. Office Sept. 26 4-H Community Service Day Oct. 1 All Award applications due to Extension Office Oct. 1 National 4-H Week Oct. 2-8 Dates to Remember Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability. Newsletter prepared by: Amy Green, [email protected] 4-H/Youth Coordinator Highlights of this Edition: National 4-H Week Fair Wrap-up Fair Evaluation Form & Meeting De- tails Thank-you cards State Fair Communication Schedule Hall of Fame Induc- tee Project Drop Off & Pick Up Odds & Ends Invite friends to join 4-H Auction Buyers Record Book Tips Little Hands on the Farm Award applications The CYC says. . . EVERY year I am amazed at how many people are needed and how many volunteers work together to make our county fair happen successfully. It’s not like that everywhere—we have something very special here.—something people love and are committed to and take pride in. And for that I CANNOT say THANK YOU enough. This year I found myself watching in awe and sometimes even with tears in my eyes proud as kids stepped up to volunteer, strangers helped each other, and people were genuinely happen and encourag- ing each other. Thank you for creating that envi- ronment on our fairgrounds and for our kids! An extra BIG and SPECIAL thank you goes to. . . Superintendents: We COULD NOT do what we do without you. Your hands, hours and expertise in the barns, at check-in, weigh-ins and judging are PRICELESS to us! You are not thanked near enough-THANK YOU Youth Committee: Your supervision of our events and extra hands for set up and tear down are greatly appreciated. You are always so fun to work with as well! County Council: You are busy busy busy all week with your own projects but still found time to support the team projects. Some of you went above and beyond with great leadership! ELITE Project Team: It was a record breaking year for Little Hands on the Farm. Thank you for the many hours to plan and execute that event with such added hours this year. LOVED IT! Washington County Extension Office 2223 250th St. Washington, Iowa 52353 Phone: (319) 653-4811 FAX: (319) 653-6712 www.extension.iastate.edu/washington August - September 2016 4-H Family Focus Newsletter

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W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y p r o p e r t y t a x d o l l a r s s u p p o r t t h e W a s h i n g t o n

C o u n t y E x t e n s i o n O f f i c e . T h e s e t a x d o l l a r s c o m e t o u s t h r o u g h t h e

A g r i c u l t u r a l E x t e n s i o n D i s t r i c t t a x l e v y . T h e e l e c t e d n i n e - m e m b e r

E x t e n s i o n C o u n c i l i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e s e f u n d s . T h e f e e s f o r s e r v i c e

w i l l b e u s e d t o o f f - s e t d i r e c t e x p e n s e s a n d t o s u p p o r t t h e C o u n t y

E x t e n s i o n 4 - H P r o g r a m . Th a n k Y o u F o r Y o u r S u p p o rt !

State Fair projects due to Extension Office for packing

Aug. 5

Ak-Sar-Ben entry forms and fees due

Aug. 8

Iowa State Fair Aug. 11-21

Leadership Development FINAL meeting—6 p.m.—Ext Office

Aug. 22

County Council Meeting- 7 p.m.—Ext. Office

Aug. 22

Pick up State Fair Projects at Extension Office

Aug. 23

Labor Day – Office Closed Sept. 5

4-H & Youth Committee Meeting - 6:00 p.m.

Sept. 8

Fair Evaluation Meeting - 6:30 p.m. - Fairboard Mtg. Rm

Sept 8

HAPPY 4-H NEW YEAR!! 4-H Kickoff Party watch for more details coming soon!

Sept. ? ? ?

County Council Meeting—7:00 p.m.—Ext. Office

Sept. 26

4-H Community Service Day Oct. 1

All Award applications due to Extension Office

Oct. 1

National 4-H Week Oct. 2-8

Dates to Remember

Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability.

Newsletter prepared by:

Amy Green,

[email protected]

4-H/Youth Coordinator

Highlights of

this Edition:

National 4-H Week

Fair Wrap-up

Fair Evaluation

Form & Meeting De-


Thank-you cards

State Fair



Hall of Fame Induc-


Project Drop Off &

Pick Up

Odds & Ends

Invite friends to join


Auction Buyers

Record Book Tips

Little Hands on the


Award applications

The CYC says. . .

EVERY year I am amazed at how many people are needed and how many volunteers work together to make our county fair happen successfully. It’s not like that everywhere—we have something very special here.—something people love and are committed to and take pride in. And for that I CANNOT say THANK YOU enough. This year I found myself watching in awe and sometimes even with tears in my eyes proud as kids stepped up to volunteer, strangers helped each other, and people were genuinely happen and encourag-ing each other. Thank you for creating that envi-ronment on our fairgrounds and for our kids! An extra BIG and SPECIAL thank you goes to. . .

Superintendents: We COULD NOT do what we do without you. Your hands, hours and expertise in the barns, at check-in, weigh-ins and judging are PRICELESS to us! You are not thanked near enough-THANK YOU Youth Committee: Your supervision of our events and extra hands for set up and tear down are greatly appreciated. You are always so fun to work with as well! County Council: You are busy busy busy all week with your own projects but still found time to support the team projects. Some of you went above and beyond with great leadership! ELITE Project Team: It was a record breaking year for Little Hands on the Farm. Thank you for the many hours to plan and execute that event with such added hours this year. LOVED IT!

Washington County Extension Office

2223 250th St.

Washington, Iowa 52353

Phone: (319) 653-4811

FAX: (319) 653-6712


August - September 2016

4-H Family Focus Newsletter

Page 2 Aug. - Sept. 2016

C o m p l e t i n g y o u r r e c o r d b o o k w i l l t a k e s o m e t i m e a n d e n e r g y , b u t i t a l s o g i v e s y o u a c h a n c e t o s e e h o w y o u r e a c h e d y o u r g o a l s a n d t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o r e c o r d y o u r 4 - H e x p e r i e n c e s . Y o u m a y a s s e m b l e i t i n a 4 - H c o v e r ( a v a i l a b l e a t t h e E x t e n s i o n O f f i c e f o r $ 2 . 5 0 ) o r a 3 - r i n g n o t e b o o k .

Your 4-H leader will determine the Record Book due dates and collect them.

O U T S T A N D I N G R E C O R D B O O K a w a r d s w i l l b e g i v e n t o a l l a g e d i v i s i o n s . J u n i o r s m a y a l s o e a r n a n H o n o r a -b l e M e n t i o n . ( L E A D E R S , t h e r e a r e e v a l u a t i o n g u i d e s a v a i l a b l e a t t h e E x t e n s i o n O f f i c e . )

P l e a s e k e e p y o u r e y e s p e e l e d f o r t h e R e c o g n i t i o n & A w a r d B o o k c o m i n g s o o n f o r a l l c o u n t y l e v e l a w a r d o p p o r t u n i t i e s . A l l a w a r d s d u e O c t . 1 t o E x t . O f f i c e .

A W A R D S F O R V O L U N T E E R S ! ! ! ! W e h a v e m a n y v o l u n t e e r s w h o c o n t r i b u t e g r e a t l y t o t h i s p r o g r a m . N o m i n a t e t h e m f o r P a r t n e r i n 4 - H , 4 - H A l u m n i , 4 - H F a m i l y o f t h e Y e a r , o r 4 - H V o l u n t e e r o f t h e Y e a r . S e e t h e d e t a i l s i n t h e R e c o g n i t i o n & A w a r d s B o o k c o m i n g s o o n .

W e w i l l h a v e o u r A w a r d s N i g h t e a r l y i n N o v e m b e r t o r e c o g n i z e W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y S p e -c i a l A w a r d w i n n e r s , C o m m u n i t y S e r v i c e a w a r d w i n n e r s , a n d R e c o r d B o o k a w a r d w i n -n e r s . W a t c h f o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n s o o n ! I t w i l l b e a n e v e n i n g o f r e c o g n i t i o n a n d f u n f o r t h e w h o l e f a m i l y .

National 4-H week October 2-9 What can your club do to promote it?

Your Club Pride boards will be out and about already!

Plan a special club event for recruiting young people in your community.

Have a poster contest in your club – Post them in community businesses or public areas.

Ask each member to bring a guest to your next meeting.

Need a fund-raising project? Do it during National 4-H Week.

Volunteer to tell about 4-H in church or a classroom.

Make banners with catchy slogans to put in your community.

Brainstorm other ideas at your upcoming club meetings.

Make 4-H visible in our

community for this special week!

The application and reapplication process will begin soon! Current County Council and ELITE Project Team members will go

through a reapplication and review process. Those who participated in the Leadership Development Program in

2015-2016 may apply to be on either of these groups. This will include an application and possibly interview.

All other 9th, 10th or 11th graders who want to be on County Council or ELITE in 2016-2017 will need to complete the Leader-ship Development Program this year in order to be eligible .

Page 3

There are still projects left from the County Fair in the Extension Office. Please stop in and pick up your items as soon as possible! New homes will be found for any projects left after August 10th!

A county Fair

Evaluation Meeting w i l l b e h e l d o n T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r

8 , 6 : 3 0 p . m . i n t h e F a i r B o a r d M e e t i n g r o o m . P l e a s e s h a r e y o u r q u e s t i o n s , c o n c e r n s , c o m p l i m e n t s a n d s u g g e s t i o n s o n t h e e n c l o s e d

e v a l u a t i o n f o r m a n d p l e a s e r e t u r n t o t h e o f f i c e b y A u g u s t 2 5 o r e m a i l t o A m y a t a m y g r e e n @ i a s t a t e . e d u . T h e

o f f i c e w i l l p r e p a r e a c o m b i n e d c o m m e n t s h e e t f o r t h e m e e t i n g t o

r e v i e w . A l l l e a d e r s , c o m m i t t e e m e m b e r s , a n d f a m i l i e s a r e u r g e d t o

c o m p l e t e t h i s f o r m . A n y o n e i s w e l c o m e t o a t t e n d t h e m e e t i n g t o r e v i e w a n d s t a r t p l a n n i n g f o r n e x t

y e a r . P l e a s e t a k e t h e t i m e t o c o m p l e t e t h e

s u r v e y i n s i d e . Y o u r o p i n i o n s a r e v a l u a b l e a s w e w o r k t o i m p r o v e t h e

W a s h i n g t o n C o u n t y F a i r . P l e a s e n o t e : n o a n o n y m o u s e v a l u a t i o n s w i l l

b e i n c l u d e d .

Fair Pictures Available Printed Hills Bank pictures left over from the fair are in the Extension Office. Stop by and pick up photos

of yourself during fair to add to your record book.

They are also available for printing online at


onCountyFair. Password: 2016July


2016 Washington County Fair

Dates: July 16-21

Family Focus Newsletter

TONS and TONS of pictures were posted on the Washington

County 4-H Facebook page during fair! Check it out! Use

those for your record book! Follow Washington

County 4-H on face- book! Join “Washington

County 4-H - Iowa” to follow the happenings,

visit with 4-H friends, and reconnect with

alumni from the past.

We are already looking forward to the 4-H NEW YEAR !!! That means it will soon be time to re-enroll. Enrollments will take place through your family’s 4hOnline account AFTER SEPTEMBER 15. You will not be able to do this until the new year begins AFTER SEPTEM-BER 15. We want to make the re-enrollment process easy and FUN for families this year with a Family Fun Night! Watch for more de-tails coming soon!

Thank you to the 2016 Leadership

Development group for their

cooperation and supervision of the Lego Land Build-ing Station. This spot was open

each day for a free and fun place for kids of all ages to build, play, and be

little engineers.


Jameson Bell

James Colbert

Kitty Conway

Cody Crawford

Peyton Cud-


Gracie Greiner

Luke Greiner

David Hora

Frankie Johnson

Jacob Leonard

Clara Schmitz

The new Leadership

Development Crew

will start in February.

Aug. - Sept. 2016 Page 4

Remember to say “Thank You!!”

Part of being a good 4-H member is letting people know you appre-ciate their support. 4-H’ers need to write notes, make calls to, or vis-it with people who provided trophies, premium money, bought ani-mals at the Fair, and volunteered. Please let them know what they are doing to support 4-H is worthwhile and appreciated. The fol-lowing are generous supporters from the community:

For paying swine scan fees &

swine insurance fees :

Brenneman Pork

1551 Larch Ave

Washington, IA 52353

For grilling Wed. during Swine

Show & Fri. auction breakfast :

Wash. Co. Pork Producers

c/o Tim Brenneman

1976 155th

Wellman, IA 52356

For grilling Thursday during

Market Beef Show :

Wash. Co. Cattlemen

c/o Curt Pacha

3275 120th St

Brighton, IA 52540

For partial sponsorship of beef


David Richardson Custom

Chopping and Baling:

3279 Louisa/Washington Rd

Crawfordsville, IA 52621

For Livestock Auction


Wash. Co. Farm Bureau

PO Box 30

Washington, IA 52353

For fair ground set up/ clean

up/ ribbons/ premium money:

Wash. Co. Fair Board Assoc.

PO Box 485

Washington, IA 52353

For Beef Check-Off fees for

those who sold calves:

Pioneer Hi-Bred

c/o Mike Huston

1260 Gum Ave

Wellman, IA 52356

For planting and maintaining

the flowers on the fairgrounds:

Washington Master Gardeners

c/o Don Pfeiffer

631 W Washington

Washington, IA 52353

For taking/providing photos to

4-H’ers during fair:

Hills Bank

120 5th Street

Kalona, IA 52247

For paying lamb scan fees:

Premier One Supplies

2031 300th ST

Washington, IA 52353

For hauling pigs to Tyson as a


Holmes Livestock Logistics

c/o Jared Holmes

1963 Larch Ave.

Washington, IA 52353

For 4-H t-shirts for all 4-H’ers:

Federation Bank

c/o Jamie Collier

102 E Main

Washington, IA 52353

For checking in livestock and taking care of animal issues through out the week:

Schlapkohl Vet Services Keota Vet Clinic Kalona Vet Clinic Washington Vet Clinic

c/o Dr. David Schlapkohl c/o Dr. Rex Greiner & c/o Dr. Shelden Yoder c/o Dr. Shelly Wickham

& Elizabeth Stronk Dr. James Branstad & PO Box 847 1404 E Washington

PO Box 610 Dr. Jay Swanstrom Kalona, IA 52248 Washington, IA 52353

Kalona, IA 52247 PO Box 34

Keota, IA 52248

For volunteering during the livestock auction:

Keith Murphy Dwight Duwa Matt McWhirter Brayton Turner Margaret Crawford

1405 South Ave E 1365 Hwy 22 W. 1533 130th St. 2005 260 th St 1663 240th

Washington, IA Wellman, IA Wayland, IA Washington, IA 52353 Keota, IA 52248

There are many dedicated volunteers who serve as livestock and non-livestock superintendents. Please think about those who helped you do what you needed during the fair - Thank them. Let us know if you need other names or address-es. Our superintendents work hard that week to make for a smooth fair and deserve all kinds of credit and thanks! Leaders: You might want to get your clubs together in August or September and have members write thank you notes at the meeting.

For assistance with

sheep show grilling:

Doug/Fletcher Flynn

25125 Keo/Wash Rd

Keota, IA 52248

Libertyville Savings Bank

PO Box 68

Keota, IA 52248

Page 5 Family Focus Newsletter

It’s that time of year again. . .

. . .Record Book Deadlines

Each leader will have their own individual deadlines

and expectations, but use this tip sheet as a guide

to get you started! Stop by the Extension Office any

time to get your forms.

It’s a great activity to do in the air conditioning BEFORE school starts!

Philosophy of 4-H Record Keeping

The purpose of 4-H record keeping is to teach how to keep records, which is an important life skill. Record keeping

is an ongoing process that does not end when the 4-H year ends. Youth are encouraged to select from a variety of

alternatives to meet their individual record keeping needs and learning styles. The following forms (see below) are

available in the Extension Office or online at http://www.extension.iastate.edu/washington/page/4-h-record-

keeping-information. The forms available through the website are set up to be typed into and then printed for

clean and legible records!

Each Record Book Should Have:

Cover sheet that includes name, grade, age, club, project list, and a current picture for this year. This should

be the first page in the record book and each year you will add the newest one on top.

Yearly 4-H Summary (form 4-H-96). This form includes all 4-H activities and involvement from the year. It

lists club meetings, county activities, workshops, school activities, etc.

Project Records. These are different for each age division. For every non-livestock project there should be

one of the following: a) Basic Project Record (4H-96A for Juniors), b) Experienced Project Record (4H-96B for

Intermediates), c) Advanced Project Record (4H-96C for Seniors). This is also the place to include the 4-H Ex-

hibit Form (your fair write-up) and any pictures. Photography has its own Project Worksheet (4H 643-WS)

Livestock Records. All found on http://www.extension.iastate.edu/4h/projects/livestock/

Market Animals (beef, meat goat, sheep swine) 4H-228 for jrs or 4H-228WS for int/srs

Breeding Animals (beef, meat goat, sheep swine) 4H-229 for jrs or 4H-229WS for int/srs

Dairy/Dairy Goat 4H-329WS

Horse & Pony 4H-512WS

Poultry 4-H Poultry Project Worksheet

Rabbit 4-H Rabbit Project Worksheet

Dog 4-H Dog’s Permanent Record 4H-402WS

Member Self-Evaluation. This form will evaluate the goals, and record keeping for this year.

Remember to check with your leaders on deadlines and other

requirements. Happy Record Keeping!

Page 6 Aug. - Sept. 2016

State Fair Project Drop-off and Pick-up

If you have projects going to the State Fair, they must be dropped off at the Extension

Office by Friday, Aug 5 (Unless you were noti-fied to haul it yourself due to size constraints or are bringing fresh food items in on Aug 11 between 7:30 a.m.-8 a.m. We will take them to the State Fair and pick them up. They can

be picked up between Aug 23-Aug 31 from the Extension Office. Please make arrangements

as soon as possible to pick those up.

GREAT NUMBERS!! Look for those exhibits and exhibitors in

Des Moines! Congratulations and best of

luck to everyone involved!

Jim and Louella Schneider carry on a strong family tradition of 4-H. Jim

grew up as a Riverside Rambler 4-H member in Washington County and

has been a leader of that club for 40 years. Jim and Louella have proudly

mentored and guided their two sons through the Washington County 4-H

program as well as a “herd” of nieces and nephews and hundreds of mem-

bers through the Riverside Rambler 4-H Club. Jim thinks 4-H is a great

program because kids learn a work ethic, it brings families together,

brings different kids together, and new friendships are formed, The

Schneiders will be inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame at the

Iowa State Fair on Sunday, August 21 at 3:30 p.m. in the 4-H Exhib-

it Building. If you are at the State Fair that day, please stop to

honor Jim and Louella and what all they have done for Washing-

ton County 4-H and County Fair.

Find our 4-H’ers at the State Fair

Here is a list of when Washington County 4-H’ers will be exhibiting com-

munications at the State Fair. If you are on the grounds those days,

please go and support these 4-H’ers and Washington County in the 4-H

Exhibit Building on the southwest corner of the fairgrounds.

Thursday, Aug 11

Hannah/Eli Van Roekel Working Exhibit 1 p.m.

Sunday, Aug 14

Limecreek Limelights Share the Fun 1 p.m.

Thursday, Aug 18

Emily Hora EdPres 8:30 a.m. Jenna Messer Working Exhibit 8:30 a.m. Emily Hora/Lindsay Crawford Working Exhibit 1 p.m. Frankie Johnson EdPres 1 pm. Katie Palmer/Lindsey Palmer Working Exhibit 1 p.m.

Friday, Aug 19

Ally Rees EdPres 8:30 a.m. Ally & Bailey Rees Share the Fun Noon Brittney Pfeifer EdPres 1 p.m. Amanda Pfeifer EdPres 1 p.m. Kitty Conway EdPres 1 p.m.

Sunday, August 21

State Fair Hall of Fame Recognized and Introduced 3:30 pm

Jim & Louella Schneider

55 Non-livestock exhibits

19 Communication exhibitors

55 Livestock exhibitors

Page 6

August 11-21

2016 4-H Hall of Fame

Page 7

2016 Livestock Auction Buyers Washington County 4-H & FFA would like to thank the following for their support at the 2016 Washington County Fair Live-

stock Auction. Please show thanks as you do business with them in the upcoming year. Also, we give a special thank you to

the countless volunteers who helped with the auction and to the auctioneers-Keith Murphy, Dwight Duwa, and Matt McWhirt-

er, Brayton Turner and Margaret Crawford as the clerk.

Family Focus Newsletter

Greiner Crop Services

Hammes Saw Mill

Harry Walker

Heath Boone

Hills Bank

Holmes Livestock

Home Gas Wellman

Horning Repair

Jarrod Horning

Jim Peiffer

Jim Schneider

Kalona Sale Barn

Keota Vet Clinic

Leichty & Sons

Lyle Insurance

Magnum Custom Enterprises

Matt Flynn

Maurice Pacha

MGM Marketing

Mike Orris

Midwest Precast Concrete

Miller’s Welding & Tiling Inc

AgriGold Hybrids

Agriway Partners

Art & Dana Peck

Bill Blum

Blake Hershberger

Bloomfield Painting

Bones Patterson

Brenneman Pork

Brian & Luann Eakins

Brian Becker


Cedar Family Farms

Chem Gro

Community First Credit Union

County Line Mart

Dallmeyer Farms

Dave Erwin

Dennis Sieren

Duwa Auction

Eichelberger Farms

Federation Bank

G. Walker

Pat Schneider

Paul Vontersch

Peoples Savings Bank

Ray-Man Inc

Reha Greenhouses

Richard Kron

Riverside Casino

Riverside Grain & Feed

Roger Greiner

Ryan Gerot

Scott Mellinger

Shari’s Starz

Sprouse Family Club Lambs

Stutsman Inc

Terry Greiner

Virgil Meyer

Walker Seeds

Walsh Farms

Washington Ag Supply

Washington State Bank

Wayland State Bank

< Washington County Fair in 2016

Little Hands on the Farm Hands on farming experience of planting a seed, milking a cow, combing wool

Hosted by the 4-H ELITE Project Team Enthusiastic Leaders Inspiring Teamwork and Experiences

Served over 650


Hands-on learning

stations involving

beef, swine, poultry,

sheep, dairy, corn

4 feeder pigs donated

by Brenneman Pork

New this year added

aprons for all volun-

teers and youth to

wear while going

through the barn

2016 WASHINGTON COUNTY FAIR EVALUATION Name_________________________**Names are required for comments to be considered/shared with super-

intendents and the Policy Committee as the fair book states all complaints must be submitted in writing and

signed. Names will be kept confidential within the Extension Office.




BUCKET BOTTLE CALF (Interview, books, test, show ring judging)


CLOTHING EVENT (judging, Best Foot Forward Workshop, combined with Share the Fun)

CLOVER KID EVENTS (Sheep/goat/rabbit show, Great Gardener Fest, Style Review, Conference judging, Pet show, Lego,


COMMUNICATIONS (Educational Presentations, Share the Fun, Working Exhibits, Pride of Iowa)



DOG (Agility, Obedience, Open Agility)













Please use additional sheets if necessary and for any other comments & suggestions. Thank you for your time to make our fair better than ever! Feel free to email comments to [email protected] if more convenient.

Please return by August 25 to: Washington County Extension Office, 2223 250th, Washington, IA 52353

Everyone is welcome to the Fair Evaluation meeting on September 8 @ 6:30 p.m. in the Fairboard Meeting Room.



This is Your

Washington County

4-H Newsletter

Aug.-Sept. 2016

Washington County Extension & Outreach 2223 250th St. Washington, IA 52353-1743

Return Service Requested