07 julie / july 2016 jr/yr 13 no.26

Veiling Oudhede & Huisware 9 Julie - 11h00 Krugerspostplaas R36 - 23km van Lydenburg na Ohrigstad Streng kontant / Internet oorbetaling Johan Hartzenberg - 073 579 8238 Dianne Hartzenberg - 073 851 8160 Jannie Jacobs - 082 824 7967 This photo was taken by Inger Chester-Browne of a Zebra near Lydenburg. This foal suckling its mother is a rare sight because Zebra’s are notoriously shy and Inger was lucky to take such a beautiful picture of the wildlife around Lydenburg. Several cars were reportedly damaged on Monday due to an oil spill between Belfast and Dullstroom. A Lydenburg resident reported that a car rolled and that 3 small accidents took place due to the spill. Please drive carefully when you come across oil or diesel on the roads.

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07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26


Page 1: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26

VeilingOudhede & Huisware

9 Julie - 11h00Krugerspostplaas

R36 - 23km van Lydenburg na OhrigstadStreng kontant / Internet oorbetaling

Johan Hartzenberg - 073 579 8238Dianne Hartzenberg - 073 851 8160

Jannie Jacobs - 082 824 7967

This photo was taken by Inger Chester-Browne of a Zebra near Lydenburg. This foal suckling its mother is a rare sight because Zebra’s are notoriously shy and Inger was lucky to take such a beautiful picture of the wildlife around Lydenburg.

Several cars were reportedly damaged on Monday due to an oil spill between Belfast and Dullstroom. A Lydenburg resident reported that a car rolled and that 3 small accidents took place due to the spill. Please drive carefully when you come across oil or diesel on the roads.

Page 2: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26

Tel: 013 235 3855 Cell: 071 316 [email protected]

lydenburg-audiologist.co.zaOpposite Medical Centre - Lydenburg

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A cookout is a perfect reason to show support for good cause

The Sephari Team was the overall winner of the Cookout

The Cookout was held at the Thabang Boma, Thaba Moshate, on Saturday. The Game Changers from Burgersfort took part in the event.

Kgoshigadi Cooks won the third place.

The Judges trying to make the hard decision who the winners are. Although is was not hard work to taste all

the potjiekos dishes from the teams.

A SATURDAY morning cooking food over the open fire was not only to have nice social event. This Potjiekos Cookout held at Thaba Moshate had three levels of importance: a cooking competition, a networking session and most importantly a campaign aimed at creating awareness around substance abuse. “I have noticed substance abuse growing in Burgersfort, especially with the use of Nyaope more than anything else. There are centres that are dedicated to create awareness around HIV/AIDS are now being revamped and rebranded to create awareness around substance abuse, ” said Raff Marule and JoeyGraphix Mamogobo. These young men thought a cookout competition would be the ideal way to have fun and raise awareness for drugs and abuse. The organisaers also said that the whole initiative was to create awareness and raise

funds so that people who are battling with addiction can go to rehabilitation. Thank you to the sponsors Pick n Pay Steelpoort, Panarottis (Burgersfort), Spur (Burgersfort) and Thaba Moshate. Francesca Ward.

Page 3: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26

•Address: Bergsering Str. - Unit 3 - Steelpoort•Tel: 013 230 9738



KABELDIEFSTAL in Lydenburg gaan onverpoosd voort. Verlede Vrydag is oorhoofse kabels weer in Joubertstraat gesteel en besighede was vir ’n ruk sonder krag voordat die stadsraad die probleem kom herstel het. Voorverlede week is ’n klomp kabeldiewe deur Sun Security gevang, maar dit skrik skynbaar niemand af nie. Die munisipaliteit en SAPD trek hulle skouers op se sê dat die mense

op heterdaad betrap moet word. Die vraag is wat dan? Kry hulle gou-gou ’n paar Rand borgtog of wat? Waar is die versamelpunte en aankopers en verkopers van hierdie kabels? Is die SAPD werklik nie in staat om inligting te bekom om die slang se kop af te sny nie? Wat gaan aan? Het die munisipaliteit soveel geld dat hierdie verliese hulle nie pla nie? Gee niemand om vir die verliese van ’n reeds sukkelende sakesektor nie?

Die boewe is vasgetrek wat in Junie kabels gesteel het (bo).

Nog kabels gesteel en dorp ontwrig

Register forspecial votesby FridayA special vote allows a registered voter, who can't vote at their voting station on election day, to apply to vote on a predetermined day before election day. Special voting days allocated for the 2016 Municipal Elections are 1 and 2 August 2016 – the two days before election day on 3 August 2 0 1 6 . If you are away from your voting district from 1 to 3 August 2016, then unfortunately you forfeit your vote in the 2016 Municipal Elections. Also note that voting abroad is only possible in national elections, and not in municipal elections.Where do I vote?If you can travel, but can't vote at the voting station where you are registered on election day, you must vote at the voting station where you are registered either on Monday 1 August 2016 or Tuesday 2 August 2016. Voting stations will be open from 8am to 5pm for special voting (NOT from 7am to 7pm as is the case on election day). If you can't travel to the voting station where you are registered because you are physically infirm, disabled or pregnant, voting officials will visit you on Monday 1 August 2016 or Tuesday 2 August 2016 at the place where you live (must be within the voting district where you're registered) and allow you to vote. By law, special votes can only be cast on the dates specified in the election timetable and no exceptions can be made.

Die gemeenskap soek antwoorde op hierdie vrae. Andre Coetzee

Page 4: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26

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TERWYL ek my mede landsburgers so sit en bestudeer, het ek tot ’n geweldige slotsom gekom. Suid Afrika se mense kan vreeslik hard werk.So ’n paar maande gelede het ’n hele horde mense die asgate “gemyn” vir chroom. Rugbrekende harde pik en graaf werk om na ’n dag ’n blikkie klonte te kan verkoop vir R50.

Die kabeldiefstal bo in uitbreiding 6 is nog ’n voorbeeld. Honderde meter se pik en graaf werk in klipharde grond en hierdie manne grawe slote beter as wat mens dit met ’n masjien kan doen. En vir hoeveel? Met die bykomende risiko dat jy tronk toe kan gaan.Kyk na die onrus. Duisende reuse klippe word op paaie gepak en vragmotorbande aangerol om toegang te versper. Of vore word dwars oor teerpaaie gegrawe. Dis moerse harde werk. En jy loop die risiko dat iemand jou met ’n

rubberkoeël kan skiet! Nee, ons land se mense kan ongetwyfeld geweldig hard werk.Maar as jy dieselfde ou wettige werk teen R 90 per dag aanbied, wat veel minder inspannend is, dan staak die perd oor te min geld.Verduidelik vir my hoe logies is dit? Kan jy jou indink as die chroom myners, kabeldiewe en onrusstokers elke dag soveel harde arbeid in konstruktiewe en infrastruktuurskeppende werk inploeg, hoe vooruitstrewend hierdie land sal wees? Ons sal binne vyf jaar die beste pad en spoornetwerk in die wêreld hê. Die beste geboue en elke ding. Sonder om harder te werk. En vir betaling en dalk selfs UIF en ander voordele! Vreemd inderdaad.

Genesis 3:19: In die sweet van jou aangesig sal jy brood eet totdat jy terugkeer na die aarde, want daaruit is jy geneem. Want stof is jy, en tot stof sal jy terugkeer.Vader vergeef ons hierdie oeroue sonde in die naam van Jesus Christus - Amen.

DIE SAUK SE BELEIDSWETTE smokkel met persvryheid, reg tot toegang tot inligting en vele ander grondwette. Maar dit lyk my iemand daar het begin krap waar hy nie moes nie. En hulle het in mediaberigte oor die naweek erken hulle weet nie eintlik wat met sensuur bedoel word nie. Want na die skorsing van die eerste drie senior RSG personeel het nog koppe spreekwoordelik gewaai. Die afgelope week het die SAUK se personeel ook betoog oor die groot skending van menseregte en die koeël teen hul koppe om te sê wat die SAUK goedkeur... soos in kommunistiese lande. Nou ironie, soos julle weet.... is vir my ‘n interessante konsep. Ek sê partykeer vir myself net om die ironie van iets te sien gaan jou dag opkikker. En toe glimlag ek Vrydagaand met die SAUK personeel wat betoog. En die word op die SAUK 19:00 nuus uitgesaai. Deel van die SAUK-raad se beleid is dat geen geweld, aanhitsing tot geweld en stakings ens. uitgesaai sal word nie.Die SAUK-personeel het nou wel nie hul betoging met geweld gedoen nie - maar het die SAUK dan nie juis gesê hulle weier om so iets uit te saai nie? ironies is dit nie? Een van die SAUK-Raad se hooggeplaastes sê so ewe op die nuus in Afrikaans oor die aangeleentheid: “Hulle is baie stout.” “Stout” omdat hulle hul regte gebruik om die kommunistiese beginsels wat die SAUK preek teen te staan. Is dit nie ironies nie? Boonop breek die SABC 19:30 nuus aan Maandagaand. Stakers betoog in Zimbabwe omdat hulle al weke nie salarisse gekry het nie. Die SAUK uitsending wys hoe daar klippe gegooi word in Zimbabwe, hoe voertuie gebrand word en die stakers wat geweld gebruik.Dis mos dubbele standaarde. Die hele perswese-bekgeveg van die SAUK is juis oor die tipe nuus wat die personeel nie op mag kommentaar gee nie en ook nie uitgesaai mag word nie.Maar die SAUK kan dieselfde nuus van Zimbabwe wys. Maar RSG en SAUK mense word onder sensuur geplaas. Weereens is dit ironies. Soos die ou spreekwoord sê: Sy aand en more praatjies stem nie ooreen nie.Arme SAUK, hulle gaan nog baie mense met swart kruise oor hul monde moet skors voor dit gaan end kry. Deur Michelle Boshoff

to the editor

aan dieredakteur


Letters Policy: THE Highlands Panorama News welcomes letters from our readers. Letters must be short and to the point (maximum 200 words). It must be accompanied with the writer’s name, postal address, telephone number and be signed even if placed anonymously. The editorial team reserves the right at all times to shorten letters, to only publish letters when space is

available or to use their discretion in placing letters at all. The Highlands Panorama News is not responsible for the content of letters published. Postal Address: Highlands Panorama News P.O. Box 4418, Lydenburg 1120. Office: 65 Viljoen Str (cr Jansen/ Viljoen Str.)

Wat van Kannabas en Kiepersol?

People camping out in tent is against the lawLydenburger writes:There is a tent pitched next to the bridge in Viljoenstreet, you can see it just as you drive through under the bridge. Why is no one telling those people they can’t stay there. It is illegal to squat on any ground. Especially

next to the main road of Lydenburg. Who at the Thaba Chweu Muncipality will go and talk to these people? I do realise they may have big financial problems but the law must apply to everyone. Get rid of that tent.

Lydenburg inwoner skryf: Almal vergeet van ons. Die pensionarisse w a t h i e r b l y l e e f v a n ‘ n k l e i n staatspensioentjie en Thaba Chweu Municipaliteit moet die geboue in stand hou. Maar niemand help ons nie. Ons moet ons eie gras laat sny. As ‘n geyser breek moet jy self vir een van die duur elektrisiëns in die dorp bel om dit reg te maak en hulle tarief betaal. Dit help nie om dit by TCM aan te gee nie

want hulle kom nooit uit om die probleme en foute reg te maak nie. Wat van Kannabas en Kiepersol? Soos die dorp seker al gehoor het daar is baie probleme hier, ook mense wat met mekaar baklei en op oneerlike wyses hul woonstelle gekry het. Maar kan iemand ons help dat ons ook kan voel ons bly in ‘n ordentlike plek.

Kry nodige hulp by DovesElsa Bester van Lydenburg skryf:Doves is steeds daar om mense in hul tyd van nood by te staan met die afsterwe van hul geliefdes.Daar word al ’n geruime tyd stories aangedra dat Doves nie meer witmense sal begrawe nie. Maar dit is onwaar. Doves doen dit vir almal, enige ras. Ek help

ook by Doves en mense kan my skakel en ek sal saam met die Doves personeel kom om julle by te staan. Ek werk juis saam met Doves sodat niemand voel hulle gaan nie deur die regte mense gehelp word nie. • Skakel Elsa 083 293 0512 of Doves en die regte persoon sal jou bystaan.

Spesiale stemme vir verkiesing

Me. Amelia Bietje, waarnemende VF+ leier van Thaba Chweu skryf:Op 3 Augustus is stemdag. Indien u nie op 3 Augustus om enige rede nie by die stembus kan wees nie kan u ’n spesiale stem uitbring. Op Maandag 1 Augustus en Dinsdag 2 Augustus sal die OVK personeel u tuis besoek om u stem uit te bring. U moet egter voor die tyd ’n vorm invul om ‘n spesiale stem uit te bring. U kan Chris Black by 074 667 8394 of Tienie Nel 072 738 4885 of Frik Rousseau VF+ leier by 073 913 7534 skakel. Dankie aan Chris Black, Kobus Henning, Saskia Black, Donovan Nel en die VF+ Jeugliga vir die opsit van die plakkate. Baie dankie ook aan die kiesers wat vooheen vir ander politieke partye gestem het en wat nou vir VF+ gaan stem.

Page 5: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26

CATHY Schutte van Home 4 Paws se Bantam bakkie wat s y v i r d i e h o n d e p r o j e k gebruik was erg a f g e l e e f . D i e b a r m h a r t i g e Samaritane van De Graaf Under Car en AGWJ het die bakkie verlede week onder hande geneem en gratis baie werk aan die onderstel, wiele, u i t l a a t s i s t e e m , s t u u r s t e l s e l e n bakk l ap gedoen . N u w e b a n d e e n skokbrekers is ook deur De Graaf Under C a r L y d e n b u r g geborg en hulle het vir Cathy ’n leenvoertuig beskikbaar gestel t e rwyl d ie werk gedoen is. Daarna het AGWJ die bakkie pragtig met grafika vir Home 4 Paws versier en die werk ook geborg. Die

was daar toe Cathy die bakkie vir die eerste keer weer s i e n e n s y w a s s p r a k e l o o s v a n blydskap oor hierdie pragtige gebaar van die gemeenskap. Sy k a n n i e g e n o e g dankie sê aan Dawie en Michelle en aan AGWJ se mense nie.D i e H i g h l a n d s Panorama verneem d a t d i e s i t p l e k , bekleedsel en ruitveër meganisme aandag moet kry en die b a k k i e k o r t ’ n volledige diens. Kom mense, staan saam en help Cathy wat teen geen ve rgoed ing o m s i e n n a verwaarloosde diere. Help asb. om die laaste paar klein foutjies reg te sien.Andre Coetzee.

Highlands Panorama Nuus

Home4Paws se bakkie kry weer nuwe lewe

Page 6: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26


IN the 1930's the enthusiastic members of t h e “ Ly d e n b u r g s e A f r i k a a n s e Kultuurvereniging” started collecting with the aim to start a museum. The drive came from Mr Lehman and a history teacher, Mr Vlotman. They received some valuable objects that had belonged to the State President of the ZAR, S.W. Burger, from his widow, Mrs. A. Burger.The first formal museum committee was founded in November 1961 the chairman being Mr. Nic Schoeman. Although they did collect a few valuable items, the committee ended their work by the end of 1964.As soon as the Transvaal Museum Service came into existence in 1971, the Lydenburg Town Council applied for affiliation. On the

th15 of November 1972 their request was accepted and the three themes of cultural history, archaeology and the Pedi were assigned to the museum.The old council hall, next to the library was to be used as a museum. The exhibition cases were designed by Udo Küsel and were completed in 1975. The first permanent curator was appointed on the first of August 1977. As the collection at that time consisted of merely 400 objects, the curator, Mrs. Etta Judson, immediately started collecting and planning an exhibition for the completed cases.The planning of the exhibition was completed in 1978 with the assistance of Mr Johan Erasmus of Museum Services. Building started in 1983. The exhibition was opened on the first of May 1979 by Mr. D.S. van der Merwe Brink. A new building was planned by Mr Erich Jessnitz of Museum Services, to be built in the Gustav Klingbiel Nature Reserve. The new building was built in stages and completed in 1990. The new exhibition, planned by third curator, Mrs. Alta Kriel, and Museum Services, was completed on 28 November 1991. The exhibition was installed in three stages – the first of which in December 1990, coinciding with the moving of the museum curator's office to the new building.The museum complex has an auditorium, with room for 46 people. A tearoom is also included in the building. Two large store rooms and a workroom, apart from walk-in safe, houses the collection currently not on exhibition.As already mentioned, the museum is situated in the Gustav Klingbiel Nature Reserve. The reserve has hiking and MTB trails. The museum is situated on the R37 road to Sabie – the Long Tom Pass – and is on the main tourist route to the Lowveld and the Kruger National Park.

This building has a rich history in Lydenburg. It was

the first Town Council Building. It is next to Longtom Spar in Voortrekker Street.

Deur die dekades en eeue heen het van Lydenburg se oudste geboue staande

gebly. Die swembad, wat baie oud-Lydenburgers steeds sal kan onthou was die uithangplek van die dorp. Dit was aan

die begin net ’n groot swempoel in die rivier. Die huidige Swembadsentrum is nou

oor die swembad gebou. Daar is ook onlangs van die oudste bome in die dorp afgekap. Dit het reeds met dorpstigting

daar gestaan.

Bankwese bestaan al bykans net so lank op Lydenburg as wat die dorp

oud is. Die eerte bankgeboudjie was ’n tweevertrek sinkgeboutjie wat van voor die 2de Vryheidsoorlog dateer.

In 1893 five Roman Catholic nuns established the Loretto Convent school in Lydenburg. The church was built in 1918 and was blessed by Bishop Cox. The plans for the hall and the music rooms were drawn up by the architect, Mr A. Moffat, in August 1923. The marble altar used in the old church was only installed in 1926. Since 1967 the building is home to the Wenakker Centre.

Pioneer Butchery Lange Street c.1920

De Beer Street in the early 1900’s.

Die Poskoets voor die hotel op Krugerspost buite Lydenburg. Dit het behoort aan Willem en Ben

Koeleman Die foto is geneem in die vroeë 1900’s.

Page 7: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26


Willie Grobler gebore 26.6.1935 is die eerste inwoner van Wenakker se bestaan (van 49 jaar) wat 80 jaar oud geword het. Willie is die jongste van sewe kinders en is sedert Nov. 1979 inwoner by Wenakker. Daar was Vrydag 24 Junie ’n groot verjaarsdag

partytjie by die sentrum vir haar gehou. Op die foto wens die voorsitter van die beheerraad Gravett Herbst vir Willie geluk.

Willie van Wenakkervier haar80ste jaar

DIE wêreld praat altyd oor hoe die jeug die toekoms van môre is. Obaro glo egter dat die jeug vandag, sowel as môre is. Die jeug moet nie vandag op sy gesit word tot môre toe nie. Die enigste manier hoe die jeug die toekoms van môre is, is om die hulle vandag by die hand te neem en hulle in hul ontwikkeling te ondersteun.Obaro Groep het verskeie projekte en inisiatiewe wat die jeug van vandag ophef en hulle ondersteun om ? blink toekoms te bou. Van internskappe vir Graad 11-leerlinge tot bestuurderleerlingskappe vir gegradueerders. Obaro maak dit maklik vir die jeug om die arbeidsmag te betree, veral in ? tyd waar werkgewers meer-en-meer van hul intreevlakpersoneel verwag. Hierdie maak dit moeilik vir onervare jeug om vir daardie gekose posisie of pos aansoek te doen. “Twee jaar ondervinding in ? bestuursposisie”, “twee jaar gepaste ondervinding sal voorkeur geniet”. Hierdie woorde op ? loopbaanadvertensie kan enigiemand laat huiwer en meer so vir die onervare. Obaro se internskap- en leerlingskapprogramme bied die jeug van vandag egter die ondervinding en selfvertroue om, ten spyte van hierdie vereistes, sonder huiwer aansoek te kan doen.Tydens Obaro se landbouskole internskapprogram, word Graad 11-leerlinge die geleentheid gebied om vakansietye by die Obaro Brits of Magaliesburg-handelswinkels te werk en tydens Obaro se bestuurderleerlingskapprogram werk gegradueerdes sommer direk onder Obaro se bestuur. Albei programme bied die kandidate waardevolle kennis van die landboubedryf, waardevolle werksondervinding, 'n voorsprong in die arbeidsmark, sekerheid oor loopbaankeuse, kontakte, praktiese toepassing van klaskamerkennis en selfvertroue in 'n werksomgewing. Gegradueerdes wat tot Obaro se leerlingskapprogram gekies word, ontvang selfs ? NQF5 in Algemene Bestuur.“Obaro se Bestuurderleerlingskapprogram het vir my ontsettend baie beteken, nie net vir my persoonlike groei nie, maar ook as 'n bestuurder. Die kennis wat ek van die verskeie aspekte van 'n besigheid opgetel het, is prysloos en is die platform waarop my loopbaan gebou is,” het Franja van Heerden oor dié program te sê gehad. Obaro Groep se internskap- en bestuurderleerlingskapprogramme is daartoe gefokus om jeug met ? voet in die deur te laat want die jeug is vandag, sowel as môre.

Page 8: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26


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MOTORCYCLE sales have plummeted in the past two years and sales prospects for this year appear grim.Lachlan Harris, national director of the Association of Motorcycle Importers and Distributors confirmed on Wednesday that total new motorcycle registrations fell by about 15 percent to 23 304 units in 2015 from 27 358 in 2014.Harris said this followed an approximately 20 percent year-on-year decline in new motorcycle registrations in 2014.He said the prospects for the market in 2016 were difficult to predict, but believed the market would be “lucky to hold even” at 2015 levels.“The market is certainly battling,” he said, “despite motorcycles offering a solution to problems such as the rising cost of living and congestion.”Harris attributed the declining sales to the fact that the market was heavily dependent on motorcycles sold for recreational purposes.“To pay between R180 000 and R200 000 for a toy and with the rand doing what it is doing, it’s not doing the market any favours.“South Africa has just not made the transition to the commuter market, which it was in the 1980s. It is a leisure market. The scooter market in particular is battling to get traction in this market.”Harris said sales of scooters under 500cc dropped by 17 percent in 2015 and he suspected the decline in sales by entry-level scooter distributors which were not Amid members was even greater because Amid represented the better known scooter brands.Motorcycle sales, he said, had also been negatively impacted by the implementation of homologation rules in 2013, resulting in some of the bikes produced by the four major Japanese importers – Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha and Suzuki – not complying with the new rules.Harris said these manufacturers had a number of mid-segment bikes that were designed for the Asian market that they could no longer legally import into the South African market, usually due to emissions criteria.Harris said the depreciation of the rand was a concern, particularly as no bikes were manufactured locally and they all had to be imported.He said Honda, which had the most comprehensive range in the local market, had the highest market share at 17.5 percent of the registration market in 2015 followed by BMW at 12 percent.Harris said scooter distributor Big Boy, which went into liquidation in 2014, leading to the brand being taken over by SA Motorcycles, had the third-highest market share, also at 12 percent, with just a few less registrations than BMW.BMW Motorrad, the motorcycle division of the BMW Group that has entered the below-500cc motorcycle market as part of an aggressive strategy to increase worldwide sales by 50 percent to 200 000 units by 2020, reported achieving record sales in South Africa and also growing its market share.In South Africa, BMW Motorrad achieved record sales, increasing sales to customers by 12 percent from 2850 in 2014 to 3250 in 2015.Alexander Baraka, general manager of BMW Motorrad South Africa, said these sales secured it the position of market leader for motorcycles over 500cc with a total market share of 35 percent compared with 30 percent in 2014, despite an eight percent fall in this market.BMW Motorrad achieved a new global record sales high in 2015 - for the fifth consecutive year - selling 136 963 motorcycles and maxi scooters, an almost 11 percent improvement on the 123 495 units sold in 2014.Stephan Schaller, president of BMW Motorrad, said the 2015 sales figures showed that its motorcycle strategy was taking effect.iol. motoring.co.za

ED: When last have you seen an advert for a motorbike? The industry needs to take a page from the motoring industry en look at the success they achieve through aggressive marketing campaigns. Granted, car sales are also down, but those manufacturers that market continue to operate and some do very well thank you. BMW motorcycles does well with their very serious marketing of an adventure lifestyle, but they sell a very expensive product. Four Japanese bikemakers sell top quality bread and butter machines at reasonable prices to the cash conscious commuter and the public will buy commuter bikes once they realise the immense savings in fuel bills and the ease with which to negotiate traffic congestion, but where is the marketing? Fast expanding economies in the East run on two wheels. Having a car in India or China is actually a problem because of traffic congestion. Our public also needs to be educated and exposed to the advantages of travelling on a bike. I have toured the length and breath of SA on average getting more than 20 km/s per litre of fuel. Some commuter bikes will do 40 km/s to a litre or 100 km at a cost of only R35-00. How much do you travel to work and back? Imagine doing more than 2 000 kilometres on less than R 1 000. Your bakkie costs you R 2 500 for the same distance. Two bike tyres set you back R 3 000 and a set for your bakkie easily costs you R 8 000!

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RENAULT has used its Facebook page to confirm the reveal of its production Alaskan bakkie in Medellin, Columbia. Revealed as the Renault Alaskan Concept at the Frankfurt Motor Show last year, Renault says its one-tonne double-cab bakkie will offer ‘a strong chassis for excellent road holding, high ground clearance and distinctive driving comfort, a payload of more than one tonne with five passengers onboard and a long, wide load bed and best-in-class fuel efficiency, plus impressive power output and acceleration performance.’Sounds great and already a leaked image of the Alaskan has broken cover ahead of the official unveiling. The production car holds pretty true to the concept truck’s facial styling, just toned down, wearing a Renault Kadjar-like facia with more than a hint of Nissan Navara NP300 in the DLR headlights and angle of the grille. There is quite a bit of chrome detailing on the front grille, which puts us in mind of the style used on the Renault Duster and then there’s the satin-finish lower skid plate which suggests it’s rough and rugged but a bit lifestyle/leisure-centered too.As we already know, owing to the Renault-Nissan alliance, the one-tonner will ride on the underpinning of the Nissan Navara NP300, and the upcoming Mercedes-Benz GLT, although all three companies are engineering and fitting unique interiors and engines to their respective bakkies. The Renault will be offered in 4×2 and 4×4 guise with a spread of engines potentially ranging from 1.6 dCi producing 99kW to a 2.3 dCi with 121kW from a Renault Master Van.We understand the Alaskan will keep its concept name heading into production and it will go on sale in Europe and South America in the first half of 2017, with other markets to follow (no confirmation yet on SA availability or timing). Expect both commercial and lifestyle-orientated sectors of the bakkie market to be catered for with a range of models.topcar.co.zaED: Ja well no fine, but remember South Africans like big engines in their bakkies. The excellent Amarok is a case in point. It is a fine vehicle but Ford does better with a 3.2 engine. Pricing will also be a crucial factor. Its relationship with Nissan is a plus so let us see what happens.

AFTER numerous teasers and even more spy shots, the new Porsche Panamera has finally been officially revealed.The German automaker promises that the second-generation four-door model has been “redeveloped and redesigned down to the last detail”. Yes, that means there are engines and transmissions, a new chassis, and a new cabin layout (with far fewer buttons than before). And, naturally, an updated exterior design.The new Panamera is 34 mm longer, 6 mm wider and 5 mm taller than before, while the wheelbase has been increased by 30 mm to 2950 mm. While the new model is, in Porsche’s words, “unmistakably a Panamera”, we reckon it’s also quite a bit better looking than its forebear, particularly from the rear.

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The launch of the s e c o n d - g e n Panamera sees three new biturbo e n g i n e s introduced to the r a n g e : i n t h e Panamera Turbo, the Panamera 4S and the Panamera 4S Diesel. All of t h e m c a n b e equ ipped w i th

permanent all-wheel drive and a new eight-speed dual-clutch transmission.A V8 petrol engine (worth 404 kW and 770 N.m) powers the Panamera Turbo, lending it a startling 3,8-second sprint to 100 km/h (or two-tenths quicker with the Sport Chrono Package specified). A 2,9-litre V6 petrol mill (putting out 324 kW and 550 N.m), meanwhile, drives the Panamera 4S. In the Panamera 4S Diesel, a V8 brings 310 kW and a stonking 850 Nm to the party. Porsche says this makes

this particular model the world’s fastest production vehicle with a diesel engine, thanks to a dash to 100 km/h in 4.5 seconds (o r 4 .3 seconds with the S p o r t C h r o n o Package fitted).carmag.co.za

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•Anglican Church Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1 9 1 9 . • Gereformeerde-kerk Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 4391. •Hervormde-kerk Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • Methodist Church Lydenburg:Sunday s e r v i c e 0 8 : 3 0 , S u n d a y S c h o o l 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-g e m e e n t e Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101 . • NG-ke rk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle E v a n g e l i e - k e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met k i n d e r s 1 0 : 0 0 , Aanddiens 18:00. Woensdae 19:00 m i d w e e k d i e n s , Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. P a s t . A n d r e

Hanekom. • EL-R O H I - D i e G e m e e n t e s v a n Christus Rensburg-str.41,Lydenburg. S o n d a g o g g e n d e 1 0 : 0 0 & Sondagskool 10:00, Sondagaand:18:0, Woensdagoggend 10:00 Sustersbiduur, W o e n s d a g a a n d 1 9 : 0 0 Gemeentebiduur, Vrydagaand: 19:00 Jeug. Pastoor Thys & Tryna Taljaard 082 905 9070/ 083 641 2088 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente ( A G S v a n S A ) . S o n d a e 0 9 : 3 0 (kinder-kerk),18:00 (Engelse diens) Di. e u g s e l 1 9 : 0 0 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. S o n d a e 0 9 : 0 0 . N u w e k e r k g e b o u langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi H a w e n s E v a n g e l i s a s i e Sentrum (PPK). Wo. 10:00 vrouediens, b i d u u r 1 9 : 0 0 . Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor /

Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 [email protected] Sunday m o r n i n g s 0 9 : 3 0 Sondag oggend 09:30.• Bet-El Groep S e w e n d e D a g Adventiste bied aan b y b e l s t u d i e s t e B a p t i s t e K e r k , Saterdag oggend om 9:30. Kontak 082 466 5946 • Shalom C h u r c h C e n t r e . S e r v i c e s C o r o m a n d e l . S u n d a y S c h o o l 1 0 : 0 0 , c h u r c h service 11:00. Skhila S u n d a y S c h o o l 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7 9 5 4 . • A . G . S S t e e l p o o r t . S o n d a g o g g e n d 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 0 8 3 2 9 1 8 0 0 5 / kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.•Lydenburg S e w e n d e D a g Adventiste Kerk. E l k e S a b b a t (Saterdag) by die Methodiste Kerk, Bu rge r S t r. 13 . Diensorde: 09:30 - S a b b a t s k o o l Program; 10:00 - L e s s t u d i e (Bespreking); 11:00 - Erediens. Biduur: E l k e Wo e n s d a g 1 9 : 0 0 (Besonderhede oor p l e k w o r d o p Facebook geplaas weekliks). Leraar Gertjie Allers, 083

271 4734 of Mnr. E. Viljoen, 084 922 4444. Facebook: # L y d e n b u r g S e w e n d e D a g Adventiste Kerk • Volle Evangelie Kerk - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae O g g e n d e A a n d Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 5 3 3 7 8 3 6 • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente , e lke Sondag om 09:00, s e l g r o e p e l k e W o e n s d a g o m 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 5 1 2 9 0 4 6 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters P inkster B e d i e n i n g . S o n d a e : 0 9 : 0 0 Sondagskool, 10:00 Oggenddiens, ou kerkie by Wenakker, K e r k s t r a a t Lydenburg, Past Skeen 083 294 3878.

Page 11: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26


Contact: Office 013 235 2653

RE/MAX - 013 235 2653LORRAINE: 083 525 0788

RE/MAX - 013 235 2653YVONNE: 079 290 4090

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

TE HUUR:•1 Slk w/stel , 2 Slk w/stel , en •3 Slk w/stel@ •3 Slk woning @•3 Slk woning op plot naby dorp

TE KOOP:•3 Slk woning •2 Slk w/stel •Groot 5 Slk woning + 2 Slk w/stel op groot erf •Groot erf in The Heads

@R3 200 p.m @ R4 000 p.m. 1x R4 500 p.m. 1 x R5 000 p.m.R5 400 p.m.

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@ R900 000 o.h.b @ R395.000

LIEFLIKE drie slaapkamer, twee badkamer meenthuis beskikbaar in sekuriteitskompleks. 'n Oopplan sitkamer en kombuis area met een toesluit motorhuis. Hierdie meenthuis het ook 'n klein tuin wat maklik onderhoubaar is. Kontak gerus vir Louis Fourie by Huizemark – 013 235 1335. Koopprys R690 000.

Page 12: 07 Julie / July 2016 Jr/Yr 13 No.26

DIE plaaslike Rugbyklub ondervind tans 'n goeie seisoen. Hulle speel in die Ehlanzeni Mayor's League. Hulle het in Junie Baberton tuis gewen met 26-14. Baberton is 'n baie sterk span het tot hul kennismaking met die Rooikatte vir dié betrokke wedstryd, nog geen wedstryd verloor nie. Die spelers wat drieë aangeteken het was Ruhan Bouwer (2), Francois Faulds (1), Theunis Coetzee (1) en Gerhardt Strydom.Welgedaan Rooikatte!

Aksie foto’s van die Rooikatte se wedstryde in Lydenburg.

• NG Moedergemeente hou basaar op 29 en 30 Julie. Daar is ’n straatmark en dis volop stalletjies. Sit nou al die datum op die kalender en gaan hou saam met die kerk basaar. Dit is beslis altyd ’n groot hoogtepunt.

• Wildevy 4x4. PLM Boskampop Burgersfortpad. Bergfietswedren, stalletjies, gratis kampterrein, 4x4 roetes en demonstrasies, baie stalletjies, Vir meer inligting besoek 082 806 5622 of besoek www.wildevy4x4.co.za

Dagboek Diary