11.2008 - archways

Archways November 2008 Volume 22 Issue 11 A Monthly Publication of Taylor Road Baptist Church Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Psalm 100:4 What’s Inside A Note From Andy page 2 A Night fo Praise page 3 Children’s Ministry page 4 D-Now Weekend page 5 Men’s Minustry page 6

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Monthly publication of Taylor Road Baptist Church.


Page 1: 11.2008 - Archways


November 2008

ARCHWAYS (USPS No. 000-611) is published monthly by the Taylor Road Baptist Church,

1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117. Brian Harris, editor. Periodical postage

paid at Montgomery, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Taylor Road Baptist

Church, 1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117

1685 Taylor Road

Montgomery, AL 36117






Montgomery, AL



9:09 a.m. - Bible Study10:30 a.m. - Worship

sermon series - Romans

5:30 p.m. - C.L.U. Groups6:30 p.m. - Worship

sermon series - succesful


Wednesday5000 p.m. - Family Meal6:30 p.m. - Wednesday


Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayTuesday


3 5 6 7











24 25 26





Outreach Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


13 14

18 22Outreach



Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Volume 22 Issue 11

A Monthly Publication of Taylor Road Baptist Church

Family Thanksgiving Meal/Kevin Derryberry


Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


No Wednesday Activities

Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship

Talylor Road Baptist Church

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give

thanks to him and praise his name.Psalm 100:4

Men’s Golf Tournament 1

Daylight Saving Time Ends

Men’s Wild Game Dinner D-Now Weekend

Simply Jesus Women’s Dinner

Christian Heritage of US Conference

Cleveland Court Thanksgiving Meal

Church Office Closed

What’s Inside

A Note From Andy

page 2

A Night fo Praise

page 3

Children’s Ministry

page 4

D-Now Weekend

page 5

Men’s Minustry

page 6

Children’s Movie Night

6:30 p.m.

Page 2: 11.2008 - Archways

After Good News Club a few weeks ago a precious child approached me and

asked “Will you help me ask Jesus to be my Savior?” Could I? I was so excited

to be able to lead a child to Christ!!! Her Mom came about that time so she

was able to be there as we discussed what that meant and prayed. Then the

child said “And I want to be baptized to show Jesus how important He is to

me”. What a tremendous joy it is to witness God’s transforming power in a

child’s life!!

The Good News Club at Halcyon Elementary is sponsored by Taylor Road

Baptist Church. Three teens and three adults from our church volunteer

every Monday afternoon for one hour to teach and lead about 120 children.

Ryan Jenkins, Jamal Frazier and Rena Caldwell teach the club and Janet Treat,

Beverly Crouch and Teresa Caldwell provide leadership. They have been

trained by the local Child Evangelism Fellowship Ministry.

This club is operated through the YMCA’s Good Times program, but there

are many children who are not able to be in the club because they are not

part of the Good Times program. We are praying about beginning a club for

those children after the new year. If you think you might be interested in

helping us, please contact Ruth Givens, Betsy Russell or Margaret Levy.

Margaret Levy

It’s on my heart!

What a mighty God we serve! His ways are beyond our

ways and His thoughts are beyond our comprehension.

Yet, God has made a way for us to know Him and to have

a full and meaningful relationship with Him through His

Son, Jesus.

This is the month in our Nation when we choose a new

president for the next four years. Please make your

decision prayerfully and keep in mind that it is more than

the financial condition of our country or the international

political unrest; it is the moral condition of our country

that can be changed only by the power of Jesus. Make

your choices on November 4 with God’s Word in your


With regard to Finish the Task, I want to thank those of

you that have taken this matter seriously and I want to

ask those of you who have not yet become involved to

consider the situation. The land has not sold as quickly

as we would like; therefore, we need to dig as deep as we

possibly can to make sure that we do the best that we

can in giving to our wonderful Lord is this endeavor. Be

faithful first to your tithe which is paying the interest on

our loan; and, then, be faithful to Finish the Task which is

our Building Fund that is paying the principal. Both are

important!! Your gifts and your prayers are needed to

make this a success.

In His Love,


From Pastor Andy...


Taylor Road Missions

Men’s Wild Game Dinner

Thursday, November 6 @ 6:30 p.m.Fellowship Suite

Gary Claxton, also known as “the Mouth of the South,” will be the special guest entertainer at this year’s Wild Game Dinner for men and boys. Gary has performed at the Grand Ole Opry and at many churches across the country. He will tickle your funny bone as he shares his down-home style of humor; and will share the Gospel of Jesus in a unique way that will appeal to your un-churched and lost friends. This is an event that you do not want to miss!!! Tickets are available in the Church Office or by contacting Dean Finch. The cost is $15 for men; $10 for boys 11-years-old and under.

Wild game and fish are still needed. Men, if you have wild game or fish cluttering your freezer, you can donate it for our dinner to help make the feast a more personal and special event. Call Dean at 356-1706 or 271-3363 about what you have to donate.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Tuesday – November 4 – 6:45 a.m. Fellowship Suite

This will be a very special day – Election Day 2008. If there was ever a time that we need to pray for our country, now is that time!!! Come join us for fellowship, a good meal, and the wonderful privilege

to pray for our church family and for our great country. The cost is only $2.00 for an All-American breakfast


The TRBC Thanksgiving Family Dinner is always a

wonderful time as we gather around the tables for

a time of celebration and praise for all that God has

done for us. This year, for the first time, we will be

together in the new Fellowship Suite. Make your plans

now to attend the dinner and, immediately after dinner,

a concert to be presented in the Worship Center, by

Kevin Derryberry. The cost of the meal is $5.00 for

adults and $3.00 for children in Grades 6 and under.

(The family maximum of $20 will be applied.)


Once again, we have an opportunity to make an eternal

difference in the lives of children overseas. Fill a shoe

box with age-appropriate gifts for a boy or girl and add

a Gospel tract in their native language to share the

good news of Jesus Christ. Tell your neighbors, co-

workers, and friends how they can make a difference by

simply filling a shoe box. Our collection day at TRBC

will be on Sunday, November 16.

Women of the Word Dinner

Are the holidays a stressful time in your family? Join us

for dinner as we share decorating ideas and a plan to help

make your celebration more enjoyable, less stressful and

filled with the things that really matter, a Christ-Centered

Christmas! It begins with a thankful heart.


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2008 @ 6:00 pm


Cost: $7.00 per person Tickets will be on sale November 02 & 09.

Women’s Ministry

Page 3: 11.2008 - Archways

Check This


Second Sunday - In November, Second Sunday at Cleveland

Court will be held on a Saturday. We will be partnering

with the rest of the Church body on the Saturday before

Thanksgiving, November 22, to serve a Thanksgiving meal

and play games with the children. We will depart from the

Church at 10:00 a.m. and return around 2:00 p.m.

As a Student Ministry we are going to dig a water well in Peru.

Over 1 billion people in the world do not have clean water

and every fifteen seconds someone dies from drinking unclean

water. We cannot give water to all 1 billion people, but we can

give water to thousands with this water well. The organization

that we are working with is Living Water International.

Eric SmithStudent Pastor

[email protected]

To reach students for Christ and help them to become passionate followers of Him!


Sundays9:09 AM

Small Groups

5:30 PMC-Groups

Wednesdays6:30 PMRefuge

Andrew MackerStudent Intern

[email protected]

Finish the Task

As a student ministry

we are challenging every

student to not have a soda

or coffee each week and

give at least one dollar

every Sunday Morning for

the next three years. If we

can do that we will help

finish the task of paying for

the New Facility by raising

$11,000. Parents please

encourage your students

to begin now by being

generous by expanding the

Kingdom of God!

Night of PraiseNovember 2 6:30 p.m.

We have so many things to be thankful for!!! Sunday Evening, November 2, we will have a “Night of Praise,” to just spend some time praising God through music. I hope each of you will plan to attend with your families and invite others to be your guests that evening. I think we have some very talented people at Taylor Road who love to glorify God through song. Many of them will be sharing with us that evening. Each time we celebrate together like this, I am reminded of the goodness of God, and it is just great to spend time with Him, worshipping Him through music.

Taylor Road recently changed the way we do our podcast so if you have subscribed in the past, you will need to

resubscribe to continue to receive the audio from each weeks service. If you don’t know what a podcast is, let me take

a moment to tell you about it. A podcast is basically a digital audio or video recording of a broadcast or similar program

which in our case is the weekly sermons. These audio files are made available on the Internet for downloading to a

personal audio player or computer. The word podcast was originally derived from a combination of “broadcasting” and

“iPod,” and was actually declared “word of the year” when it was added to the dictionary at the end of 2005. Hopefully

that will catch you up to the world of podcasting because if you aren’t subscribed already, now is a great time to do it!

We have three current podcast feeds that are produced here at Taylor Road. One is “The Word for Life” podcast which

is the 10:30 Sunday morning service. Another one is the “Successful Families” podcast which is the 6:30 Sunday evening

services. The third podcast that we produce is “Refuge” which is the student services recorded at 6:30 on Wednesday

evenings. These podcast are great to download and listen to while you work out, drive to work, or just when you need

some spiritual recharging. The past 10 weeks are always available and once you have downloaded them, they are on your

computer as long as you choose. The best thing about all this is that it is free! All of the podcast are available through

Itunes and you will also find links on TaylorRoad.org in the each services respective pages.

Taylor Road also produces a weekly TV broadcast called “The Word for Life” which is primarialy carried on WAKA CBS 8

at 10:30 am. It also airs on our local Christian station, WFRZ 34 which you can find on Charter and Knology’s channel 13.

The Sunday service airs for the first time with only a one day delay on Mondays at 6:00 pm. You can also watch it Tuesday

at 1:30 pm or Sunday afternoon at 12:30 pm for a total of four different opportunities. Taylor Road also produces a new

program geared towards students called “Refuge”. It is recorded during Refuge on Wednesday nights and features Student

Pastor Eric Smith. The program follows the sermon series that Eric teaches on topics such as “Consumed” which teaches

students what means to worship or “How To Save A Life” a series designed to teach students on how to witness to their

friends and family. Check it out also on WFRZ 34 Saturday nights at 11:30 pm and on Sunday nights at 11:00 pm.

When you get a chance send an email to WFRZ’s station manager, John Rogers ([email protected]), to thank

him and their station for providing a place to air Christian programming like “The Word for Life” and “Refuge” here in


Brian Harris ([email protected])Communications Director

“Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him

with joyful songs.” (Psalm 100:2)

Will be November 7 - 8 here at the Church with the students staying in the

homes of Church members. If you are interested in hosting a group of students

please contact the Church office or Eric. More details are coming soon.

Disciple Now Weekend

Podcasts and Broadcasts

Page 4: 11.2008 - Archways

Children's Ministry

October was a great month to be a kid at Taylor

Road! We took a trip to The Montgomery Zoo (with

40+ in attendance), went to see “Charlotte’s Web” at

The Alabama Shakespeare Festival, and just a few weeks

ago, we had our first ever Taylor-gating in the evening.

This was a time filled with food, friends, games, and a

message from Junior Hill that led to many of our kids

giving their lives to Christ.

And how can we talk about October at Taylor Road

without talking about Taylor Road Treats the Town?

What a fun night! Thank you to all who helped make

this outreach effort a success. It is such a joy to watch

the body of Christ work selflessly as one. We hope you

were able to attend and had a fun night!

Next month promises to be just as much fun! Be sure

to make plans to attend each Sunday and Wednesday

nights. With Sunday School, Choir, Bible Drill, GA s, and

AWANA, you will not want to miss out!

David & Ruth Givens

“Congratulations to the Fifth Grade Class, who won the ‘Best Decorated

Car’ award!”

“Sixth Graders show their team spirit!”

“Third Grade Iron Bowl!”

AWANAThe Boy’s AWANA program is off to a great start! Each

Wednesday night they meet for opening assembly in the

Rally Room (2nd Floor of the Education Building) for a

time of discipleship, scripture memory and games. So far,

the boys have memorized tons of scripture and have had

a great time doing it.

From now until the end of November, the boys are

collecting canned goods for various shelters in the

Montgomery area. For each can of food that an Awana

brings, he will get an AWANA buck. Also, don’t forget

November 19 is “Wear your team colors”, AWANA

theme night.

The Christian Heritage of the United StatesNovember 20@ 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

TRBC Worship Center

“The founding fathers of our country held a deep faith and dependence on The Almighty. Our founding documents reflect this principle, our founding fathers admit to this principle, our fledgling nation appealed to this principle and it is

our responsibility to abide in this principle.Powerful words and images from this nation’s past and present show God’s hand in the foundation, formation and

future of the greatest nation in the history of the world.” Please visit www.guttensohn.webs.com for more information.

Page 5: 11.2008 - Archways

Children's Ministry

October was a great month to be a kid at Taylor

Road! We took a trip to The Montgomery Zoo (with

40+ in attendance), went to see “Charlotte’s Web” at

The Alabama Shakespeare Festival, and just a few weeks

ago, we had our first ever Taylor-gating in the evening.

This was a time filled with food, friends, games, and a

message from Junior Hill that led to many of our kids

giving their lives to Christ.

And how can we talk about October at Taylor Road

without talking about Taylor Road Treats the Town?

What a fun night! Thank you to all who helped make

this outreach effort a success. It is such a joy to watch

the body of Christ work selflessly as one. We hope you

were able to attend and had a fun night!

Next month promises to be just as much fun! Be sure

to make plans to attend each Sunday and Wednesday

nights. With Sunday School, Choir, Bible Drill, GA s, and

AWANA, you will not want to miss out!

David & Ruth Givens

“Congratulations to the Fifth Grade Class, who won the ‘Best Decorated

Car’ award!”

“Sixth Graders show their team spirit!”

“Third Grade Iron Bowl!”

AWANAThe Boy’s AWANA program is off to a great start! Each

Wednesday night they meet for opening assembly in the

Rally Room (2nd Floor of the Education Building) for a

time of discipleship, scripture memory and games. So far,

the boys have memorized tons of scripture and have had

a great time doing it.

From now until the end of November, the boys are

collecting canned goods for various shelters in the

Montgomery area. For each can of food that an Awana

brings, he will get an AWANA buck. Also, don’t forget

November 19 is “Wear your team colors”, AWANA

theme night.

The Christian Heritage of the United StatesNovember 20@ 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

TRBC Worship Center

“The founding fathers of our country held a deep faith and dependence on The Almighty. Our founding documents reflect this principle, our founding fathers admit to this principle, our fledgling nation appealed to this principle and it is

our responsibility to abide in this principle.Powerful words and images from this nation’s past and present show God’s hand in the foundation, formation and

future of the greatest nation in the history of the world.” Please visit www.guttensohn.webs.com for more information.

Page 6: 11.2008 - Archways

Check This


Second Sunday - In November, Second Sunday at Cleveland

Court will be held on a Saturday. We will be partnering

with the rest of the Church body on the Saturday before

Thanksgiving, November 22, to serve a Thanksgiving meal

and play games with the children. We will depart from the

Church at 10:00 a.m. and return around 2:00 p.m.

As a Student Ministry we are going to dig a water well in Peru.

Over 1 billion people in the world do not have clean water

and every fifteen seconds someone dies from drinking unclean

water. We cannot give water to all 1 billion people, but we can

give water to thousands with this water well. The organization

that we are working with is Living Water International.

Eric SmithStudent Pastor

[email protected]

To reach students for Christ and help them to become passionate followers of Him!


Sundays9:09 AM

Small Groups

5:30 PMC-Groups

Wednesdays6:30 PMRefuge

Andrew MackerStudent Intern

[email protected]

Finish the Task

As a student ministry

we are challenging every

student to not have a soda

or coffee each week and

give at least one dollar

every Sunday Morning for

the next three years. If we

can do that we will help

finish the task of paying for

the New Facility by raising

$11,000. Parents please

encourage your students

to begin now by being

generous by expanding the

Kingdom of God!

Night of PraiseNovember 2 6:30 p.m.

We have so many things to be thankful for!!! Sunday Evening, November 2, we will have a “Night of Praise,” to just spend some time praising God through music. I hope each of you will plan to attend with your families and invite others to be your guests that evening. I think we have some very talented people at Taylor Road who love to glorify God through song. Many of them will be sharing with us that evening. Each time we celebrate together like this, I am reminded of the goodness of God, and it is just great to spend time with Him, worshipping Him through music.

Taylor Road recently changed the way we do our podcast so if you have subscribed in the past, you will need to

resubscribe to continue to receive the audio from each weeks service. If you don’t know what a podcast is, let me take

a moment to tell you about it. A podcast is basically a digital audio or video recording of a broadcast or similar program

which in our case is the weekly sermons. These audio files are made available on the Internet for downloading to a

personal audio player or computer. The word podcast was originally derived from a combination of “broadcasting” and

“iPod,” and was actually declared “word of the year” when it was added to the dictionary at the end of 2005. Hopefully

that will catch you up to the world of podcasting because if you aren’t subscribed already, now is a great time to do it!

We have three current podcast feeds that are produced here at Taylor Road. One is “The Word for Life” podcast which

is the 10:30 Sunday morning service. Another one is the “Successful Families” podcast which is the 6:30 Sunday evening

services. The third podcast that we produce is “Refuge” which is the student services recorded at 6:30 on Wednesday

evenings. These podcast are great to download and listen to while you work out, drive to work, or just when you need

some spiritual recharging. The past 10 weeks are always available and once you have downloaded them, they are on your

computer as long as you choose. The best thing about all this is that it is free! All of the podcast are available through

Itunes and you will also find links on TaylorRoad.org in the each services respective pages.

Taylor Road also produces a weekly TV broadcast called “The Word for Life” which is primarialy carried on WAKA CBS 8

at 10:30 am. It also airs on our local Christian station, WFRZ 34 which you can find on Charter and Knology’s channel 13.

The Sunday service airs for the first time with only a one day delay on Mondays at 6:00 pm. You can also watch it Tuesday

at 1:30 pm or Sunday afternoon at 12:30 pm for a total of four different opportunities. Taylor Road also produces a new

program geared towards students called “Refuge”. It is recorded during Refuge on Wednesday nights and features Student

Pastor Eric Smith. The program follows the sermon series that Eric teaches on topics such as “Consumed” which teaches

students what means to worship or “How To Save A Life” a series designed to teach students on how to witness to their

friends and family. Check it out also on WFRZ 34 Saturday nights at 11:30 pm and on Sunday nights at 11:00 pm.

When you get a chance send an email to WFRZ’s station manager, John Rogers ([email protected]), to thank

him and their station for providing a place to air Christian programming like “The Word for Life” and “Refuge” here in


Brian Harris ([email protected])Communications Director

“Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him

with joyful songs.” (Psalm 100:2)

Will be November 7 - 8 here at the Church with the students staying in the

homes of Church members. If you are interested in hosting a group of students

please contact the Church office or Eric. More details are coming soon.

Disciple Now Weekend

Podcasts and Broadcasts

Page 7: 11.2008 - Archways

After Good News Club a few weeks ago a precious child approached me and

asked “Will you help me ask Jesus to be my Savior?” Could I? I was so excited

to be able to lead a child to Christ!!! Her Mom came about that time so she

was able to be there as we discussed what that meant and prayed. Then the

child said “And I want to be baptized to show Jesus how important He is to

me”. What a tremendous joy it is to witness God’s transforming power in a

child’s life!!

The Good News Club at Halcyon Elementary is sponsored by Taylor Road

Baptist Church. Three teens and three adults from our church volunteer

every Monday afternoon for one hour to teach and lead about 120 children.

Ryan Jenkins, Jamal Frazier and Rena Caldwell teach the club and Janet Treat,

Beverly Crouch and Teresa Caldwell provide leadership. They have been

trained by the local Child Evangelism Fellowship Ministry.

This club is operated through the YMCA’s Good Times program, but there

are many children who are not able to be in the club because they are not

part of the Good Times program. We are praying about beginning a club for

those children after the new year. If you think you might be interested in

helping us, please contact Ruth Givens, Betsy Russell or Margaret Levy.

Margaret Levy

It’s on my heart!

What a mighty God we serve! His ways are beyond our

ways and His thoughts are beyond our comprehension.

Yet, God has made a way for us to know Him and to have

a full and meaningful relationship with Him through His

Son, Jesus.

This is the month in our Nation when we choose a new

president for the next four years. Please make your

decision prayerfully and keep in mind that it is more than

the financial condition of our country or the international

political unrest; it is the moral condition of our country

that can be changed only by the power of Jesus. Make

your choices on November 4 with God’s Word in your


With regard to Finish the Task, I want to thank those of

you that have taken this matter seriously and I want to

ask those of you who have not yet become involved to

consider the situation. The land has not sold as quickly

as we would like; therefore, we need to dig as deep as we

possibly can to make sure that we do the best that we

can in giving to our wonderful Lord is this endeavor. Be

faithful first to your tithe which is paying the interest on

our loan; and, then, be faithful to Finish the Task which is

our Building Fund that is paying the principal. Both are

important!! Your gifts and your prayers are needed to

make this a success.

In His Love,


From Pastor Andy...


Taylor Road Missions

Men’s Wild Game Dinner

Thursday, November 6 @ 6:30 p.m.Fellowship Suite

Gary Claxton, also known as “the Mouth of the South,” will be the special guest entertainer at this year’s Wild Game Dinner for men and boys. Gary has performed at the Grand Ole Opry and at many churches across the country. He will tickle your funny bone as he shares his down-home style of humor; and will share the Gospel of Jesus in a unique way that will appeal to your un-churched and lost friends. This is an event that you do not want to miss!!! Tickets are available in the Church Office or by contacting Dean Finch. The cost is $15 for men; $10 for boys 11-years-old and under.

Wild game and fish are still needed. Men, if you have wild game or fish cluttering your freezer, you can donate it for our dinner to help make the feast a more personal and special event. Call Dean at 356-1706 or 271-3363 about what you have to donate.

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Tuesday – November 4 – 6:45 a.m. Fellowship Suite

This will be a very special day – Election Day 2008. If there was ever a time that we need to pray for our country, now is that time!!! Come join us for fellowship, a good meal, and the wonderful privilege

to pray for our church family and for our great country. The cost is only $2.00 for an All-American breakfast


The TRBC Thanksgiving Family Dinner is always a

wonderful time as we gather around the tables for

a time of celebration and praise for all that God has

done for us. This year, for the first time, we will be

together in the new Fellowship Suite. Make your plans

now to attend the dinner and, immediately after dinner,

a concert to be presented in the Worship Center, by

Kevin Derryberry. The cost of the meal is $5.00 for

adults and $3.00 for children in Grades 6 and under.

(The family maximum of $20 will be applied.)


Once again, we have an opportunity to make an eternal

difference in the lives of children overseas. Fill a shoe

box with age-appropriate gifts for a boy or girl and add

a Gospel tract in their native language to share the

good news of Jesus Christ. Tell your neighbors, co-

workers, and friends how they can make a difference by

simply filling a shoe box. Our collection day at TRBC

will be on Sunday, November 16.

Women of the Word Dinner

Are the holidays a stressful time in your family? Join us

for dinner as we share decorating ideas and a plan to help

make your celebration more enjoyable, less stressful and

filled with the things that really matter, a Christ-Centered

Christmas! It begins with a thankful heart.


FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2008 @ 6:00 pm


Cost: $7.00 per person Tickets will be on sale November 02 & 09.

Women’s Ministry

Page 8: 11.2008 - Archways


November 2008

ARCHWAYS (USPS No. 000-611) is published monthly by the Taylor Road Baptist Church,

1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117. Brian Harris, editor. Periodical postage

paid at Montgomery, Alabama. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Taylor Road Baptist

Church, 1685 Taylor Road, Montgomery, Alabama, 36117

1685 Taylor Road

Montgomery, AL 36117






Montgomery, AL



9:09 a.m. - Bible Study10:30 a.m. - Worship

sermon series - Romans

5:30 p.m. - C.L.U. Groups6:30 p.m. - Worship

sermon series - succesful


Wednesday5000 p.m. - Family Meal6:30 p.m. - Wednesday


Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday SaturdayTuesday


3 5 6 7











24 25 26





Outreach Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


13 14

18 22Outreach



Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Thursday Morning Bible Study

Volume 22 Issue 11

A Monthly Publication of Taylor Road Baptist Church

Family Thanksgiving Meal/Kevin Derryberry


Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship


No Wednesday Activities

Adult Bible StudyAwanas & GA’s

Adult ChoirYouth Worship

Talylor Road Baptist Church

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give

thanks to him and praise his name.Psalm 100:4

Men’s Golf Tournament 1

Daylight Saving Time Ends

Men’s Wild Game Dinner D-Now Weekend

Simply Jesus Women’s Dinner

Christian Heritage of US Conference

Cleveland Court Thanksgiving Meal

Church Office Closed

What’s Inside

A Note From Andy

page 2

A Night fo Praise

page 3

Children’s Ministry

page 4

D-Now Weekend

page 5

Men’s Minustry

page 6

Children’s Movie Night

6:30 p.m.