2 ground vibration prediction6.30.8

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  • 7/29/2019 2 Ground Vibration Prediction6.30.8


    LBS DIST (SD .5) (PPV)

    3200 2300 40.65864 1.568779

    3200 2300 40.65864 0.426221

    13 108 15 3.177381

    1000 1200 15 0.315112

    13 187 51.86447 1.091349

    310 950 53.95637 0.561901

    310 950 53.95637 0.211731

    DIST 1 DIST 2 PPV 1 PPV 2

    45 121 1.1 0.244592

    50 573 2.8 0.056554

    450 1050 0.4 0.127436

    In all cases enter your values (under the bolded labels) over the sample values

    LBS Maximum amount of explosives per delay in pounds.

    DIST Distance to the point of concern.

    SD^.5 Square root (.5) scaled distance.

    PPV Predicted peak particle velocity.

    DIST 1 Distance to the point of the known peak particle velocity.

    DIST 2 Distance to the point of the point of concern.

    PPV 1 The known peak particle velocity measurement.

    PPV 2


    PPV SD^.5

    4 21.96442

    4 9.319644

    4 12.98964

    4 3.064393

    4 23.03083

    4 13.01253

    0.75 21.63835

    Unusually High Confinement Oriard (Cons

    Upper Bounds RI 8507 (Bituminous Coal

    Mean Line RI 8507 (Bituminous Coal Mine

    degree of certainty that the ground vibration travel path to DIST 2 is similar to that of DIST 1.

    Bituminous Coal Mines

    Construction Blasting

    Quarry Blasting

    Enter data in the fields under the bolded labels (LBS, DIST-DIST 1, DIST 2, PPV 1, PPV below) to

    Unusually High Confinement Oriard (Cons

    Upper Bounds Oriard (Construction Worst

    Lower Bounds Oriard (Construction Best

    Upper Bounds BU 656 (Quarry Production

    Average BU 656 (Quarry Production Blasts

    bolded (SD^2, PPV, PPV 2, and SD^2 below). Note: Only solve for PPV 2 if you have a reasonab

    The peak particle velocity at the point of concern.

    Upper Bounds Oriard (Construction Worst

    Upper Bounds RI 8507 (Bituminous Coal

    Mean Line RI 8507 (Bituminous Coal Mine

    Lower Bounds Oriard (Construction Best

    Ground displacement, the actual amount of ground movement.

    Upper Bounds BU 656 (Quarry Production

    Average BU 656 (Quarry Production Blasts

  • 7/29/2019 2 Ground Vibration Prediction6.30.8


    0.75 28.55365

    SD^.5 PPV

    90 0.468841

    36 0.512823

    90 0.180729

    10 0.602853

    50 1.157187

    90 0.277348

    20 0.832879 Average BU 656 (Quarry Production Blasts

    29 0.731616 Construction Average (taken from Oriard)


    0.753 14.3 0.008381

    PPV FQ ACC/g's

    0.75 75 0.915622

    ACC/g's FQ PPV

    0.2 9 1.365193

    ACC/g's PPV FQ

    0.91 0.75 74.53951

    Upper Bounds BU 656 (Quarry Production

    Upper Bounds RI 8507 (Bituminous Coal

    Mean Line RI 8507 (Bituminous Coal Mine

    Upper Bounds Oriard (Construction Worst

    Construction Average (taken from Oriard)

    of .003. A displacement of .00315 is 5% over the limit.

    over .00840 it is more than 5% over and is clearly a violation. Enforcement actions for displace

    Note: The above table is applicable only at frequencies over 9.9472 (9.95) and PPV's up to 2.0.

    9.9466 (9.95) is 0.50. A PPV 5% over 0.50 is 0.525. At very low frequencies, below 2.65 (possible

    If ppv/frequency is on or slightly above the Z-curve graph it is important to know if it is over the

    Lower Bounds Oriard (Construction Best

    Unusually High Confinement Oriard (Cons

  • 7/29/2019 2 Ground Vibration Prediction6.30.8



    ruction, i.e. Trenching With low PF)

    ines Worst Case)


    solve for values under the labels not

    ruction, i.e. Trenching With low PF)

    Case-Not Highly Confined)

    ase Lightly Confined)

    Blasts Worst Case)



    Case-Not Highly Confined)

    ines Worst Case)


    ase Lightly Confined)

    Blasts Worst Case)


  • 7/29/2019 2 Ground Vibration Prediction6.30.8



    Blasts Worst Case)

    ines Worst Case)


    Case-Not Highly Confined)

    ents over .008 but under .00840 are at your discretion.

    The limit at frequencies from 2.6526 (2.65) to

    but highly unlikely), the limit is a displacement

    line or to know or how far over. If the displacement is

    ase Lightly Confined)

    ruction, i.e. Trenching With low PF)