30 julie / july 2015 jr/yr no. 29

TEL: 013 235 1486 TEL: 013 231 8008 E: [email protected] ILLIONS of pensioners cannot survive without their monthly pension. Sometimes the grandparents are Mforced to help their whole family with the small amount of money they receive. This past week it has come to light that there are problems at the Social Security Agency (Sassa) with the payment of the pensions. A number of political parties, including the Congress of the People (Cope), said it plans to lay charges against South African officials in Mpumalanga accused of defrauding pensioners. Officials from the political party will accompany complainants who claim Sassa employees deduct money from their pension payouts. Victims of the scam claim they are consistently short changed at payout points. They say accused officials claim the deductions are charges for airtime and electricity purchases, which pensioners deny any knowledge of. This is an enormous problem because it leaves pensioners without a cent for the month. The Highlands Panorama News enquired directly at the SASSA Provincial Office. They said that the alleged claims are being investigated. ~ By Michelle Boshoff

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30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29


Page 1: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

TEL: 013 235 1486TEL: 013 231 8008 E: [email protected]

ILLIONS of pensioners cannot survive without their monthly pension. Sometimes the grandparents are Mforced to help their whole family with the small amount

of money they receive. This past week it has come to light that there are problems at the Social Security Agency (Sassa) with the payment of the pensions. A number of political parties, including the Congress of the People (Cope), said it plans to lay charges against South African officials in Mpuma langa accused o f de f raud ing pens ione rs . Officials from the political party will accompany complainants who

claim Sassa employees deduct money from their pension payouts. Victims of the scam claim they are consistently short changed at payout points. They say accused officials claim the deductions are charges for airtime and electricity purchases, which pensioners deny any knowledge of. This is an enormous problem because it leaves pensioners without a cent for the month. The Highlands Panorama News enquired directly at the SASSA Provincial Office. They said that the alleged claims are being investigated. ~ By Michelle Boshoff

Page 2: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

Tel: 013 235 3855 Cell: 071 316 [email protected]

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Ngululu Bulk Carriers is op heter-daad bedrap toe die

vragmotorbestuurder ’n robot in Voortrekkerstraat, Lydenburg

stukkend ry. Die hele dorp weet die vragmotors verwoes ons

dorp se paaie, sypaadjies ens. Die bestuurder het die voertuie en omstanders wat uit sy pad moes kom lelik gevloek. Ngululu Bulk

Carriers is genader vir kommentaar maar het nog niks gelewer nie. ’n Motoris wat erg

geskok was en ’n getuie was het die foto’s geneem.

Deur Michelle Boshoff

Page 3: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

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No more dumping outsidethe designated area

Medical waste in Kantoor Street

An example of the kind of waste that was found and the correct bag that medical waste should be put in.

The local landfill site in Lydenburg has been an eyesore and a health hazard the past few years. It seems that things are once again more or less under control there. One of the big changes is gravel

that has been placed to designate the road to the landfill. No one can

turn off the road now to dump in the surrounding veld. It is a better solution.

~ Michelle Boshoffappropriate and legal way to dispose of this. If more information and the culprit is found, the Department of Health will be

contacted and a police case will be opened. ~ Michelle Boshoff

h u g e s h o c k Aa w a i t e d

people working i n K a n t o o r S t r e e t , L y d e n b u r g recently. Behind s o m e o f t h e buildings a large a m o u n t o f medical waste was found. No one wants to take responsibility for this. It is a health hazard and was dumped in plain sight. Readers were outraged about this. The H i g h l a n d s Panorama News w e n t t o investigate but it h a d b e e n removed. It is possible that it m a y h a p p e n again because s o m e o n e i s d e f i n i t e l y n o t using the

Page 4: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

vir Gemeenskapsjoernalisteof Community Journalists



Highlands Panorama

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Highlands Panorama Nuus is ’n geakkredi-teerde lid van die

volgende organisa-


Copyright exists on all materialpublished in the

Highlands Panorama. Written permissionmust be obtained touse it in any form.Kopiereg bestaan

op alle materiaal in die Highlands Panorama.Skriftelike toestemmingmoet vir enige gebruikdaarvan bekom word.

Owners/Eienaars: Highlands

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PO Box/Posbus 4418,



Member of

Director / Direkteur: Andre Coetzee -

083 626 6305Editor / Redakteur:Michelle Boshoff -

Nuus: 082 450 4876Advertensies / Advertising:

Reinet Bell082 450 4875

Rekeninge / Accounts:Jill Du Preez - 013 235 2287

Grafies / Graphics:Joseph Wyngaard -

013 235 2287Website / Webtuiste:

Tienie SteynEmail: info@



Printed by Lowveld Media,

12 StinkhoutCrescent,Nelspruit

WAT is dit met mense wat ontevrede is met dinge dat hulle voertuie brand, paaie versper en plunder? Ek ken al d ie teor ieë van ’n verbruikersmentaliteit en elke ding, maar daar is tog so ’n ding soos logika.Neem nou die brand van mynvoertuie, vragmotors en busse wat kort kort in die Steelpoort omgewing opvlam. Ek verneem daar is selfs “Councillors” agter van die optredes. Verstaan die mense nie dat as hulle

’n vragmotor brand, ’n paar mense hulle werk verloor en gesinne van ’n inkomste ontneem word nie? Hoekom byt hulle die hand wat kos op hulle tafels sit? Elke kontrakteur se bussie wat gebrand word, maak dat mense nie kan werk nie en baie afhanklikes daaronder ly. Waar moet ’n reeds bankrot regering geld kry om infrastruktuur te skep, wanneer die bietjie geld tot hulle beskikking gebruik moet word vir herstelwerk?Die argument daarvoor is ’n ou een. As een “suffer” moet almal saam swaarkry. As een betoog, moet almal meedoen en as hy eerder wil gaan werk word hy gedreig en sy huis word gebrand. Dit kom alles uit die “struggle”. Ons land, die Polisie inkluis, is

vasgevang in ’n vrees vir intimidasie. En jy kan nie die Polisie kwalik neem nie. Kyk hoe word hulle verniel na Marikana. Niemand praat oor die intimidasiemoorde voor Marikana nie, of oor selfverdediging nie. As ’n Polisieman iemand aanvat, het hy moeilikheid en sy base en die stelsel beskerm hom nie. Dit is ’n sistemiese siekte wat voor die regering se deur moet lê. Hierdie land sal nie regkom nie voor ons ’n sterk regering het wat ’n lat kan swaai en hierdie kriminele aktiwiteite kan hokslaan nie.Hou op om in vrees te leef. Beskerm jou goed met die redelike minimum geweld wat nodig is, maar baklei vuur met vuur. En vir dié wat brand, hou op. Doen iets konstruktiefs en help jou broers op ’n positiewe manier.

1 Samuel 2:4: Die boog van die magtiges is verbreek, die wat gestruikel het, het nuwe krag gekry. Ons Vader, verbreek die bose en gee vir ons nuwe krag - Amen.

IT has now been one year since the North Gauteng High Court interdicted the Department of Public Works, Roads and Transport from evicting Pilgrim's Rest business owners from their business premises, and granted the applicants the right to file a review of the flawed 2011/12 tender process. There have been numerous meetings in Pilgrim’s this year to discuss the process. Over the past year a number of businesses have closed their doors, and as the uncertainty of business prospects continues, desperately needed jobs are lost while tourism numbers continue to decline. With none of the existing businesses receiving any further correspondence on the leases of the buildings they occupy and no mention of any future plans for this historic town, the ultimate demise of Pilgrim's Rest is imminent. Some residents and business owners remain positive about the future. A better process will hopefully be put in place.

AAR was eenmaal 'n jong prins wat die wêreld platgereis het op soek na 'n ware Dprinses. Nêrens kon hy egter só 'n vrou

vind nie en toe gaan hy maar terneergedruk terug na die paleis toe.Maar een stormagtige nag—só word in Hans Christian Andersen se sprokie Die Prinses en die Ertjie vertel, klop 'n jong meisie teen die paleishekke. Sy vra of hulle asseblief vir haar skuiling kan gee.En sy beweer dat sy 'n ware prinses is.Die koningin, wat haar aanspraak betwyfel, sluip die gastekamer binne, stroop die komberse, lakens en matras van die bed af en plaas 'n ertjie heel onder. Daarna stapel sy twintig matrasse op die bed, plus nog twintig dik verekomberse.Die volgende oggend vra die koningin die meisie of sy goed geslaap het. Ag, kla die gas, sy het 'n vreeslike nag agter die rug. 'n Harde klont in die bed het haar die hele nag gepla en haar lyf gekneus.Die verheugde koningin gaan vertel vir haar seun dat slegs 'n ware prinses só 'n delikate vel kan hê. Uiteindelik het hy toe die droomvrou gevind na wie hy die hele tyd gesoek het.Die menslike vel is natuurlik wel hoogs sensitief. En vir die prinses was dit ook nie anders nie. Maar, nou ja, dis darem te dik vir 'n daalder om te wil beweer dat enigiemand 'n ertjie deur 'n hoop matrasse en donskomberse sal kan voel!Voel, hoor en sien. Nie soos 'n prinses nie, maar in die regte lewe. As een van hierdie sintuie van mens weggevat word sal dit verreikende gevolge hê. Verbeel jou jy kan nie sien nie, voel nie, proe nie, ruik nie ens. Jou hele wêreld word vertaal in tas-oomblikke. Verskillende dele van die tong het smaakknoppies wat verskillende smaaksensasies waarneem: suur aan die kante, soet in die middel, bitter agter en soet en sout by die punt. Die mens se gevoelsin, of tassin, is sy belangrikste sin sover dit oorlewing aangaan. As die vel sy gevoel verloor, kan die liggaam immers ernstig beseer word.Ons begin al meer in kokonne leef en o, behoede die kieme ens wat ons glo ander oordra, so ons vat nie meer aan mekaar nie. Met opnuutgevestigde lot van weeskinders en mense wat nie soveel voordele soos ons het nie, wonder mens oor watter sintuie mense al verloor het. En dit was nie hul keuse nie. En daar draai my rubriek na keuses uitvoer... en dit is 'n storie op sy eie. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Hierdie hond het verlede week weggeraak. Die eienaars bied ’n

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Audrey Fairhurst skryf: Ek het ’n klein babakatjie vanoggend by die werk

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by 013 235 4846 071 674 6941

Lees lekker aan HoorhiersoG.I.F.appel van Lydenburg skryf:Dankie vir jou/jul koerant en lekker lees artikels daarby. Jy skryf van die Springbokke wat nou boerbokke geword het. Jy beledig eindelik boerbokke. Hoorhierso rubriek 23 Junie, Highlands Panorama Nuus. Terug by Saterdag se wedstryd. Ek het verneem die Springbokke het eindelik die wedstryd vir twee presidente gespeel. Die eerste 67 minute was vir mnr Nelson Mandela want dit was Mandeladag Ons geliefde voormalige president. Toe begin hul vir die huidige president te speel. Gelukkig net 17 minute, anders...? ~ Dankie vir die terugvoer - RED

Page 5: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

A 'n inbraak by Wenakker, insluitend die diefstal van 'n voertuig vroeër hierdie week moes dringend na die veiligheid van die sentrum omgesien word. N

Afriforum het hul hulp aangebied. Saam met Lydenburg Reaksie is 'n stelsel geïnstalleer. Elke huismoeder is nou toegerus met 'n paniekknoppie. “Dit sal die veiligheidsaspek baie verbeter. Die huismoeders kan dadelik hulp inroep indien daar 'n brand uitbreek of bv. 'n mediese noodgeval voorkom. Die sisteem is direk verbind met Lydenburg Reaksie. Wenakker bedank almal wat tot hierdie nuwe sisteem bygedra het. Dit gee vir ons baie gemoedsrus,” het mnr. Chris Jankowich, (Direkteur, Wenakker), gesê. Mnr. Leon de Jager (Voorsitter Afriforumtak Lydenburg) het

gesê: “Wenakker is werklik 'n deel van die gemeenskap van Lydenburg en ons as gemeenskap het 'n besonderde sagte plek vir Wenakker. Toe ons by Afriforum hoor van die inbraak by Wenakker het ons finansiële hulp aangebied uit ons takfondse vir die installering van hierdie paniekknoppie-stelsel. “Ons bedank ook graag vir Louwtjie Boshoff en sy span van Lydenburg Reaksie vir die flink diens met die installering van die stelsel. Elke Afriforumlid van Lydenburgtak het direk bygedra om Wenakker veiliger te maak en dit onderstreep weereens dat Afriforum ’n gemeenskapsorganisasie is wat aktief betrokke is in ons gemeenskap.” ~ Deur Michelle Boshoff

Van links na regs is: mnre. Riaan Louw (Afriforum, Lydenburg), Erich Venter (Afriforum Lydenburg), Wessel Davel (Afriforum Lydenburg), me. Maritza du Toit (Solidariteit/ Afriforum), mnre. Louwtjie Boshoff

(Lydenburg Reaksie), Chris Jankowich (Direkteur, Wenakker), Hein Gonzales (Provinsiale sameroeper, Afriforum), Leon de Jager (Afriforum Lydenburg), Gravett Herbst (Voorsitter Beheerliggaam, Wenakker).

MINERAL Resources Minister Ngoako Ramatlhodi was expected to visit the Steelpoort mining town of Sekhukune in Limpopo following days of violent protests in the area. The protest was sparked by millions of rands which the community claims it was promised when companies were granted mining rights eight years ago. Two months ago residents blocked the main road with stones and burning tyres, barring motorists from using the busy road that links the town to Polokwane. Ramatlhodi has called for calm in the area and condemned the use violence and intimidation during these protests. South Africa's mining industry has been rocked over the past three years by periodic outbreaks of violence and labour unrest about pay and conditions.Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), which owns 50 percent of the Mototolo Mine in the area, said that its production had not been disrupted. The company and mining industry sources said protests over the past few days were related to community grievances about poor roads.It was unclear how many people had been involved. Amplats said its output had not been affected.“No production has been impacted, and with regards to transport we are using an alternative road as the protests have been concentrated at a specific area,” a spokeswoman for Amplats said.

Page 6: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

DIE NG Moedergemeente Lydenburg hou hierdie naweek basaar – 'n Fees vir Afrika. Die basaar skop af met ’n heerlike pretloop vir alle seniorburgers op 31 Julie om 15:30 vanaf Wenakker tot by die basaarterrein. Dan vanaf 16:00 die smullekker braaivleis, ’n wildsosatie, ’n skaaptjoppie, boerewors, tuisgebakte brood met konfyt en pap-en-sous teen ’n skamele R50 per bord. Dit kan weggeneem en tuis geniet word. Almal is welkom om saam te kuier by die kerk ook (bring net jou eie mandjie, eetgerei en voggies van jou keuse). Tafels en vure is daar vir u gerief. Daar is ook ’n wynveiling, biltong en ’n eg SA-stalletjie met handgemaakte produkte. springkastele en vermaak vir Afrika. Op Saterdag 1 Augustus skop die basaar af met ’n boere-ontbyt, vleisverkope, biltong, pannekoek, roosterkoek met liplekkervulsels, asemrowende koeke, koffie, kerrie-en-rys, nageregte, ’n trokvrag kraakvars groente en vrugte, boereworsrolletjies en heerlike wildspasteie. Daar is ook reuse winskopies te jag by die tweede-asemtafel. Gaan ondersteun gerus die basaar.

This is Burgersfort roads at its lowest just behind Cheap Cheap Butchery. Business owners put a box inside the pothole to make it more visible to road users, a very clever idea.

Chamber meeting

The next Chamber meeting is due to take place on Tuesday 11 August at 17:30 at the Volle Evangelie Kerk hall in Eeufees Street.At this meeting, Charl du Plessis of the AHI will be acting as speaker. He will be telling us of his 20 years of experience of Municipalities, particularly in the Local Economic Development sphere, while giving useful advice about how to work with your Municipality for the results you need. Phone Ingrid de Wet, Administrator, at 082 634 6473 for more information.

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Old Swimming Pool Centre,Potgieter StreetLydenburg013 235 1539

Fanatic about fitness

Tshepo Maffa van Phoenix Security het Sondag hierdie foto’s naby die hospitaal geneem waar ’n las in die nuwe pyplyne onder druk meegegee het. Na wat die Highlands Panorama van inwoners verneem is dit die hoeveelste probleem met hierdie werk wat sekere dele van die dorp in die hospitaal omgewing nou al vir

weke lank vir tot drie dae op ’n keer sonder water laat. Strome water vloei al vir maande naby Checkers en gaan ook verlore, terwyl inwoners van Mashishing gereeld sonder water is.

OUTH African National Parks (SANParks) received a Hangar from South African Airlink Smeant for anti-poaching operations in the

north of the Kruger National Park (KNP). The existence of this hangar which will accommodate some of the anti-poaching assets from the air wing is going to cut the response time by almost an hour.The facility is already housing the helicopter, Bantam and a Cessna fixed wing. The helicopter and poaching reaction team at the hangar responded to a poaching incident outside the KNP and managed to assist in the arrest of a suspect and recovery of ivory from a poached elephant. In response, the CEO of SANParks Fundisile Mketeni expressed his gratitude to Airlink and other sponsors on the building of this facility.

An hour closer to catchpoachers by air

A mock-up poaching incident

wherein a poacher is

caught with the help of a

helicopter and an anti-

poaching team.

The CEO of SANParks – Mr Fundisile

Mketeni (middle), CEO of Airlink, Mr

Rodger Foster (left) and . KNP's

Chief of Staff: Special

Projects – Mr Ken Maggs


Page 8: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

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Spaar O Rama is now able to offer takeaways during power cuts thanks to their new, bigger generator. So grabbing supper for the family when you have no power at home is no longer a problem. Be sure to visit them to ease your frustration and feed the family next time you are left in the

dark! Contact them 013 235 3422

THE time has finally arrived to spoil the Gr. 12 students of Lydenburg High School with an unforgettable function on Friday, 14 August 2015, 15h30.For this year's unique function to be a huge success, the Gr. 11 students and their parents put in long hours of planning, lots of hard work and loads of enthusiasm. The entrance of the Matrics will still be hosted at Lydenburg High School, so that the public can have an opportunity to view the entrance of the fancy vehicles and the show stopping fashion on the red carpet.Tickets for spectators are available at Lydenburg High School at R20 each.Thereafter the honourable guests are swept away by busses to @Boshoek. Just outside Lydenburg is a glamorous, fairytale world hidden between breathtaking mountains and

majestic trees. This is a closed and private function where they can enjoy the evening and be treated with first class cuisine.Our caterer is the well known restaurant in the Lowveld: Zest @ Kavinga. They are the winners of the Diners Club Wine List Diamond Award for the fifth consecutive year. Chef GT Lundie has an impressive CV and is the chairman of the Lowveld Chef Association of South Africa. And Ferhana Omarjee of Lydenburg has been in charge of the Halaal food for Lydenburg High School for the past ten years. Therefore, it promises to be a stylish feast that is going to make you come back for more. We are eagerly awaiting our honourable guests, Matrics 2015!! Get ready to end your schooling career with an unforgettable evening, before you begin your new adventure......

Page 9: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29


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WE take it for granted that our car will start every morning when we switch it on, forgetting that a lot of maintenance needs to go into keeping a car running. The last thing anyone wants is to be stuck on a cold winter night because the car battery has died. And yet that’s something that is entirely avoidable.Follow these 10 useful tips and avoid being left feeling powerless:Drive your vehicle regularly. Driving your vehicle regularly keeps the battery well charged. If you know your car will be standing for a few weeks, arrange for someone to start it for you once or twice a week. If the car is left running for a few minutes a week, it will maintain battery charge. If there is no-one around to help, it’s best to disconnect your battery before going away.Service according to the manufacturer’s schedule. If your engine isn’t working as it should, the battery will work harder and its life will be reduced.Check the charging rate. Under- and over-charging the battery will reduce its life. “Most reputable battery dealers will conduct these quick checks for you.Avoid leaving car lights and accessories on for long periods without the engine running. Leaving accessories running while a car is stationary will discharge the battery. Although this can be rectified by recharging the battery, constantly doing this may shorten its life.Keep the battery case clean. Dirt and dampness can damage a battery case, causing it to lose charge. To avoid this, ensure that the case and terminals are checked and cleaned during car services. If you notice corrosion or acid on battery terminals, clean it off with water and cover the terminal connection with grease to avoid it recurring.Keep the battery properly secured in the engine bay. Check that your battery is secure at all times. Vibrations can shake it loose and cause damage to the battery plates. Vibrations can also loosen terminals bringing journeys to an abrupt halt.Never try to jump-start a flat battery. Modern cars are packed with electronic wizardry – just waiting to be blown into oblivion by a careless connection. That’s because jump-starting a flat battery can send excessive current into the system and damage the electronics. If you can’t avoid a jump-start, at least ensure that your headlights are switched on before you make the attempt. This will help avoid electrical surges. Refer to your vehicle’s manual for recommendations on how to

jump-start your car, because it can differ from vehicle to vehicle.Park inside a garage in winter. Parking inside a garage where it’s warmer, protects the battery from extreme cold, which shortens its lifespan.Cut down on short trips. Frequent trips of less than 20 minutes don’t give your battery enough time to charge. In doing so, they help drain it faster.

Replace your car battery every 3 to 4 years. On average a battery can last up to three years, but it all depends on your driving conditions, habits and the weather.But, of course, you can’t stave off the inevitable. Your battery will die one day, possibly leaving you stranded, but definitely leaving you with a substantial bill to replace it. Fortunately, there are alternatives available for financing this vital element of your vehicle to avoid having to dip into your pocket. Rewards programmes come into their own, helping consumers to stretch their budgets. Standard Bank’s UCount Rewards scheme allows members to redeem their rewards points to pay for their purchase on a car battery at Tiger Wheel & Tyre, says Fayelizabeth Foster, the bank’s Head of Loyalty and Rewards.Popular Mechanics & Tiger Wheel and Tyre.

ED: Locally you can buy a new battery at any fitment centre or car dealer. Write down the number of your battery (which designates size for fitment, orientation of the terminals etc.) and shop around for prices. Some makes of battery such as Willard available from De Graaf Under Car, also offer extended warranties.Also if you use a home battery charger, throw away your old transformer type of charger and buy a proper intelligent charger such a CTek from LT 4x4 at Toyota (the best) or a generic intelligent charger that also conditions your battery from Midas or Autozone. Prices vary from about R500 to about R 3 000. It is a good investment as I keep my caravan and bush trailer batteries, the battery in the old car and in the bike, all properly charged and conditioned with it.

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• 175/65R14 Sumitomo • 185/65R14 Sumitomo • 195/50R15 Sumitomo



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DIE Wildevy was soos altyd ’n reuse sukses en groter as ooit. Met 120 deelnemers was die baan baie besig en is die manne van die muise geskei. Ons praat liewer nie oor die voertuie nie! Die Morone bergrit vir 20 gelukkige voertuie vol mense was weereens spesiaal. Die kinderspeelterrein het ook gegroei en gaskunstenaars het almal op hulle voete gehad.Die uitslae was soos volg:Wildevy Algehele Wenner: – No 103 – Corjan Mulder en Eugene Smit.Manswenner: – No 13 – Frik Oosthuizen en Nick Oelofse.Mans Tweede plek: – No 77 – Dewald Snyman en Pieter van der Berg.Beste Dames Span: – Jennie Oosthuizen en Lieze Heystek.Beste Gemengde Span: – Sanet Wirths en Leon Wirths.Beste Puntborg soos aangedui deur deelnemers – Samancor ECM.Beste Stalletjie – Hiep Hiep Hoera!Beste Pot en Algehele Potjiekos wenner – Precrete.Beste Tema – Samancor ECM.Beste Gees – Dwarsrivier Myn.“Vat nie kak nie Pot” – North Safety Products.Die Wildevy manne wil ons Hemelse Vader al die eer gee dat hy die Wildevy dag so geseën het. Sonder Sy hulp is ons tot niks in staat nie!Die Wildevy Manne wil graag almal wat deelgemeen het, Puntborge, Hempborge, uitstallers en enige iemand wat deel was van die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag baie bedank vir hul bydra om die dag so ’n sukses te maak!Elke Wildevy lid en sy vrou en gesin en vriende wat gehelp het, wil die bestuur bedank vir die wonderlike wyse wat hulle gehelp het. Mens kan nie iemand uitsonder nie want elkeen het meer as sy deel gedoen. Daar was lang en moeilike ure ingesit en soms is daar gevoel dit was ongesiens, maar dit was beslis raak gesien en ons is baie dankbaar daarvoor. Willem Montgomery en sy span bedank ook al die plaaslike koerante wat die dag lank voor die tyd bekend gestel en geadverteer het.Fotos: Matilda Coetzee.

T’s & C’s ApplyLocal specifications may vary.

Images used for illustrative purposes only. Ts and Cs Apply



• 485L Loading Capacity• Automatic Rain Sensors• Steering Wheel Controls• 6-Speed Transmission • Rear-17” Alloys

• 485L Loading Capacity• Automatic Rain Sensors• Steering Wheel Controls• 6-Speed Transmission • Rear-17” Alloys

The WinterDiscount Drive

The WinterDiscount Drive

Page 11: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

E R AF N ER AD G A U D -C R8 Breytenbach Street, Lydenburg013 235 [email protected]

• Tyres • Exhausts • Shocks • CV Joints • Batteries • Suspensions • Towbars • Rollbars • Bullbars

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THE world of hypercars is a thing of beauty. Not for the fact that the cars are beautiful (in the majority of the cases) and achingly expensive, but because it captures the imagination as cars are supposed to. On 3-5 September 2015 two more hypercars will be shown to the world at the ultra-exclusive Salon Privé event held at Blenheim Palace: Tramontana R and the GTA Spano.Salon Privé is an invite-only event aimed at featuring a collection of supercars and hypercars at one place, at one time. This year the event will be held for the first time at Blenheim Palace and the cars will be exhibited on the Palace’s South Lawn.Tramontana RTramontane, a custom-built car manufacturer, will launch its very own hypercar at the event; the Tramontana R. The name might not be very original, but clients can have their cars customised according to their own likes and preferences. In typical Tramontana-fashion. The R will come in two specifications: a twin-turbo V12- or a V10-engine. All the latest technologies and gadgetries will be to the cars’ and clients’ disposal with each car being hand built to unparalleled standards.GTA SpanoSpanish firm Spania GTA has been involved in motorsport since being founded in 1994 and have now tried its hand at producing a road car: the GTA Spano. This hypercar is powered by the company’s own twin-turbo V10-engine that produces 695 kW and a whopping, earth-ripping 1 220 N.m of torque. Top speed is 370 km/h and the 0 – 100 km/h sprint takes a mere 2,9 seconds.A new sequential seven-speed gearbox has been specifically designed for this new hypercar, as well as a new carbon monocoque chassis. Exotic materials such as titanium, graphene, and Kevlar will also be employed to make the GTA Spano a true rarity. Spania GTA says that their hypercar will offer extraordinary rigidity and lightness.Only 99 units of the GTA Spano will be produced, so pricing is expected

to be on the expensive side.Andrew Bagley, managing director of the Salon Privé, shared his eagerness on exhibiting these two hypercars: “We’re incredibly excited to host these hypercars at this year’s event, which will inevitably draw plenty of attention from visitors.“The fact that Tramontana and Spania GTA have chosen Salon Privé to showcase their models is testament to the influence of Salon Privé as a leading luxury and automotive event.”carmag.co.zaED: Also enjoy the pics of other Hyper cars!

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Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

TE HUUR:• 2 Slk woonstel - met erf• 3 Slk meenthuis, 2 badk, 2 mot, braai area - TE KOOP: • 3 Slk dupleks meenthuis, nuut en modern, palisade, goeie ligging - • 3 Slk meenthuis met 2 badk, 2 mot, alles geteël en netjies - • 4 Slk woning met 2 badk, ruim woonarea, eetk/ komb, stud, 2 mot, pragtige erf met swembad Baie goed geleë. ens. • 5 Slk won, 3 badk, ruim sitk, oopplan eetk/ kombuis/ woonarea. 2 Mot met afdakke,buitekamers, braaiarea, boomryke erf en baie goeie ligging -

R5 200R7 000



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• 1 Slp woonstel - R2900.00• 3 Slp woonstelle van R3800.00• 3 Slk meenthuis - R6500.00• 3 Slp meenthuis - R8800.00• 3 Slp huis in The Heads - R9500.00• 4 Slp huis in The Heads - R9500.00• Kantoorspasie vanaf R1368.00

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Home for first time buyers in security estate. 3 Bedroom duplex with 2 bathrooms,

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Madelein Viljoen en haar

span van Chas Everitt het

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67 min gebruik

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“It is what we make out of what

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• Verskeidenheid huur huise te huur vanaf TE KOOP:

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R7 500 p/m

• 5.9 Ha Plaas te koop 39 Km buite Lydenburg - 1 x 4 Slaapkamer huis, 1 x 3 Slaapkamer huis met 2x2 rondawel en 1 slaapkamer rondawel.

R3.6 Miljoen

Page 13: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29


LYDENBURG PORLYDENBURG R1 200 000 RENTALS3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom

apartments to rent:Starting from R4400 per


We have a wide variety of flats, townhouses and

houses for rent.

Contact: Office 013 235 2653

Anchen: 082 708 0105Bianca: 078 235 0999

Marietjie: 083 922 0675


• Flats• Townhouses• Houses• Office or Retail space

Anchen : 082 708 0105Bianca : 078 235 0999Marietjie : 083 922 0675

LOVELY FAMILY HOMEWell-positioned 4 bedroom

family home, offering 2 bathrooms, open-plan living

areas with modern kitchen and separate scullery. 4

garages and well established garden with lapa and built-in braai for entertainment. Big wendy house with water and

electricity inside.



This is what you will be when viewing this property. This

modern property offers 3 spacious bedrooms with

en-suite bathrooms, 1 garage,

1 carport and a beautiful private garden.

Contact: Office 013 235 2653

RE/MAX - 013 235 2653ANNA-MARIE: 083 960 4775

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R950 0004 Slkm huis met 3 badkmr, sitkamer,eetkamer, kombuis, 3 afdakke, 2 motorhuise, stoorkamer en groot erf in Lydenburg DorpR2 350 0004 slaapkmr 2 badkmr, Studeerkmr,1 sitkmr, 1 tv kmr, kombuis, opwas, ingeboude braai,onthaal area, swembad, dubbel motorh, 2 afdakke, en baie meer

R635 000 3 Slkm woonstel met 1 vol badkmr, kombuis, sitkmr, eetkmr, motorhuis,tuin in ‘n kompleks setraal geleë

* 1 Slk woonstel, 1 bdk, sitk, kombuis en m/afdak in veilige kompleks R2950 water ingesluit*2 Slk woonstel, 2 bdk, 1 m/h met klein erf R5400*3 Slk meenthuis, 2 bdk, 1 m/huis en erf R5500 *3 Slk meenthuis, 2 bdk, 1 m/h en erfie R7000*4 Slk huis met 2 bdk, tv kamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, erf, Wendy huis, 3 m/huise en dubbel afdak. R8500*4 Slk huis, 1 bdk, 1 m/h en groot erf en buite geboue R7900

Beautiful small holding ideally situated only 3 km from town. Are you looking for quietness and space? Then don't look any further. 10 ha of serenity, coupled with

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• Bachelor Woonstel - • Bachelor Woonstel - • 3 Slp Woonhuis - • 4 Slpk Woonhuis met woonstel - • 4 Slp Woonhuis - (Sterkspruit)• 3 Slp Woonhuis op plot -

R2 200R3 000

R5 560R11000

R12 000R9 750

Page 14: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

57 Kerk St Lydenburg013 235 4132 / 013 235 2555

082 883 5342

After Hours: 076 053 7178

STERKSPRUITVeterinary Clinic


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G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

LAUNDRY/ WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976.

A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

NOODHULP? VURE? Slange? Opleiding word ook verskaf. 082 730 3047

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CREATIVE NAIL DESIGN BY CHRISTELLE - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469


S K O O N M A A K V A N MATTE, meubels, motors e n d r o o g s u i g v a n oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

N o 1 C L E A N I N G SERVICES 072 610 5105


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


A T L A S P A N E E L - K L O P P E R S - Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

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GS AUTO Electrical & Mechanical repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780

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LYDENBURGProfessional Architectural

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e-pos: [email protected]

Installering, Instandhouding, Herstel van Huishoudelikeware,Huisbedrading, Pompe en Elektriese groothandelaar

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e-mail: [email protected]



E N I G E K O N T A N T NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843


L Y D E N B U R G HONDESALON 072 320 9203

PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941


BRIDE TO BE Trourokke te koop of huur. Swembad Sentrum. Madelein 076 770 2954


POTCHEFSTROOM 2 slaapkamer woonstel (Mont Serat # 1), grondvloer met grasperk & afdak. 1km vanaf naaste ingang na Universiteit - R620 000. Skakel 083 310 7527

LAND FOR SALE: Ext 2, Lydenburg. 569m². 074 227 4900


KAMERS 079 494 4205

2 x NETJIESE, VEILIGE 1slk woonstel le. 6km buitekant Lydenburg op Dullstroompad. R3000 water, elektrisiteit asook tu ind iens te inges lu i t . R 3 0 0 0 d e p o s i t o . Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel Nico 082 072 7186

NETJIESE, VEILIGE 1slk bachelor woonstel. 6km buitekant Lydenburg op Dullstroompad. R2500 water, elektrisiteit asook tu ind iens te inges lu i t . R 2 5 0 0 d e p o s i t o . Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel Nico 082 072 7186

NETJIESE, VEILIGE 4 slk huis, 2 badk, oop-plan kombuis, sitkamer & enkel motorhuis – R7500 & elektrisieteit per meter. 6km buitekant Lydenburg op Dullstroompad. R7500 depos i to . Onmidde l ik beskikbaar. Skakel Nico 082 072 7186

1 X 3 SLK WOONSTEL met toesluit motorhuis R5000pm; 1 x 2 SLK woonstel R3500pm; 1 x 1 SLK woonstel met toesluit mo to rhu i s R2500pm. Water, ligte & veiligheids o m h e i n i n g i n g e s l u i t . S w e m b a d , l a p a & braaigeriewe 20km van L y d e n b u r g o p Ohrigstadpad. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. 082 253 4525

2 S L K W O O N S T E L Sentraal geleë. Afdak parkering. Goeie sekuriteit. R4400 p/m 082 406 7830


bathrooms in secure complex, Lydenburg from R4800 p/m. Contact 082 460 3000

S H O P S T O L E T 8 Vo o r t r e k k e r s t r e e t , Lydenburg. from R5000 p /m inc lud ing water. Contact 082 460 3000


KLITZ GRAS CHALETS Accommodation, Chapel & venue facilities, Boma/ braai. 013 235 2758



DAME BENODIG VIR 2de H a n d s e w i n k e l i n Lydenburg. Verkiesl ik vorige ondervinding, Graad 12 , rekenaarvaard ig . Volledige CV + bewys van kwalifikasies. Kontak 082 708 7080


N O T I C E O F A N APPLICATION FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE T O W N S H I P B U R G E R S F O R T EXTENSION 33 AND THE CANCELLATION OF THE GENERAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP IN TERMS OF THE TOWN-PLANNING A N D T O W N S H I P S O R D I N A N C E , 1 9 8 6 (ORDINANCE 15 OF 1986).We, Emendo Inc, lodged an application to the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality for the amendment of the township appl icat ion, Burgersfort Extension 33 and the total cancellation of the general plan of the township in terms of provisions of the Town Planning and Townships Ordinance 1986, read together wi th Spat ia l Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013. The amendments to the township application mainly constitute amendments to the approved layout plan a n d t o w n s h i p establishment conditions of Burgersfort Extension 33 to r e f l e c t t h e c u r r e n t development situation within the township. The a f o r e m e n t i o n e d amendments necessitate the total cancellation of the general plan of Burgersfort Extension 33 in terms of Section 37 (2) of the Land Survey Act, 1997. The amended township will be known as Burgersfort Extension 91 and will consist of the following l a n d - u s e s / e r v e n ; 6 x “Res iden t ia l 1 ”zoned erven; 6x “Residential 2” zoned erven; 3x “Business 1 ” z o n e d e r v e n ; 1 x “Institutional” zoned erf; 1x “Special” zoned erf for fu tu re access s t ree t purposes. Particulars of this application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager, Economic Development and Land Development, 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort, for a period of 28 days from 31 July 2015. Objections to or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in

writing and in duplicate to the above-ment ioned address or to the applicant; Emendo Town & Regional Planners, P.O. Box 129, Polokwane, 0700. Tel: (015) 291 4331. Fax:(015) 295 2908. (not later than 11 September 2015)

KENNISGEWING VAN 'N A A N S O E K V I R D I E WYSIGING VAN DIE DORP BURGERSFORT UITBREIDING 33 EN DIE ALGEHELE ROJERING VAN DIE ALGEMENE PLAN VAN DIE DORP I N G E V O L G E D I E O R D O N N A N S I E O P DORPSBEPLANNING EN D O R P E , 1 9 8 6 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986) . Emendo S t a d s - e n Streekbeplanners het 'n aansoek ingedien by G r e a t e r T u b a t s e Munisipal i tei t , v ir die w y s i g i n g v a n d i e dorpstigtingsaansoek vir Burgersfort Uitbreiding 33 en die totale rojering van die algemene plan van die d o r p i n g e v o l g e d i e b e p a l i n g s v a n d i e O r d o n a n s i e o p D o r p s b e p l a n n i n g e n Dorpe, 1986, gelees saam met die Wet op Ruimtelike B e p l a n n i n g e n Grondgebru ikbes tuur, 2013. Die wysigings tot die do rps t i g t i ngsaansoek bestaan hoofsaalik uit w y s i g i n g s a a n d i e u i t l e g p l a n e n dorpstigtingsvoorwaardes van Burgersfort Uitbreiding 33 ten einde die huidige ontwikkelingsituasie van die dorp te reflekteer. Die voorgenoemde wysigings noodsaak die totale rojering van die algemene plan van Burgersfort Uitbreiding 33 ingevolge Artikel 37 van die Opmetingswet 1997. Die gewysigde dorp sal bekend staan as Burgersfor t U i tb re id ing 91en sa l bestaan uit die volgende grondgebruike/erwe; 6x “Residensieel 1” soneerde erwe; 6x “Residensieel 2” s o n e e r d e e r w e ; 3 x “Besigheid 1” soneerde erwe; 1x “Institusioneel” soneerde erf; 1x “Spesiaal” s o n e e r d e e r f v i r toekomstige toegangstraat doeleindes. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae g e d u r e n d e g e w o n e kantoorure by die kantoor v a n d i e B e s t u u r d e r, Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling en Grondontwikkeling, 1 K a s t a n i a S t r a a t , Burgersfort, vir 28 dae vanaf 31 Julie 2015. Besware en/of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word op skrif i n d u p l i k a a t b y d i e bovermelde adres of by die applikant; Emendo Stads-en Streekbeplanners , Posbus 129, Polokwaner, 0700. Tel:(015) 291 4331. Fax:015 295 2908 (nie later as 11 September 2015)


• A n g l i c a n C h u r c h Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 0 1 3 2 3 5 1 9 1 9 . • G e r e f o r m e e r d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 0 1 3 2 3 5 4 3 9 1 . • H e r v o r m d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h Lydenburg:Sunday service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente

Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101.• NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Volle Evangelie-k e r k . S o n d a e : Oggenddiens met kinders 10:00, Aanddiens 18:00. W o e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • Die Gemeente van Christus R e n s b u r g -s t r . 4 1 , L y d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 ( k i n d e r k e r k ) , 1 8 : 0 0 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende Woord Lydenburg. Sondae 09:00. Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum ( P P K ) . W o . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9285075 [email protected] Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church Centre. Services Coromandel. Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. Pastor Johannes Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S Steelpoort. Sondagoggend 09 :00 , aande 18 :00 , Woensdae selgroep 18:30.

P a s t B e u k e s : 0 8 3 2918005/ kerkkantoor:087 808 5604.• Sewedag A d v e n t i s t e K e r k -S a t e r d a g o g g e n d e , M e t h o d i s t e K e r k , Burgerstraat Lydenburg. B y b e l s t u d i e 0 9 : 1 5 , erediens 11:00. Navrae 084 922 4444.• Volle E v a n g e l i e K e r k - Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke S o n d a g o m 0 9 : 0 0 , selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters P i n k s t e r B e d i e n i n g . Sondae, ou kerkie by Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg.

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VACANCYAdmin & Receiving/ Dispatch Clerk

• Must be computer literate• Minimum 5 years experience in Retail or Wholesale sector• Contactable references

Email CV to [email protected] fax to 013 235 2145

Estelle Joubert en Johan van Heerden Annemarie du Plooy

B. Le Roux

Donovan Hiscock (Eerste Prys)

Hennie Toerien ontvang sy prys.

JAKKALSKRANS Akademie het 'n Jagkompetisie geloots in Maart 2015.Die trekking van die 5 pryse het plaasgevind vroeër die maand. Die wenners was: 1ste P r y s : D o n o v a n Hiscock, 2de Prys: C J van Heerden, 3de Prys: Annemarie Du Plooy, 4de Prys : Hennie Toerien, 5de Prys: Benigne Le Roux.D a n k i e a a n d i e volgende borge: 1ste prys Silverton3@tumuga Lodge, 2de prys: Simbambene Lydenburg, 3de Prys: NTT Toyota Witrivier, 4de Prys: NTT Toyota Witrivier, 5de Prys: Hunters Boma en die sportsakke is geborg deur Trentyre, die personeel, ouers en leerlinge bedank graag almal wat hulle so ondersteun het.

Jagkompetisie lewer groot pryseby Jakkalskrans Akademie

C J van Heerden

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Bo en regs van die kinders by die Wildevy 4x4 Mountainbike se

pretrit die naweek. Sien nog foto’s elders in die


Page 16: 30 Julie / July 2015 Jr/Yr No. 29

The Bison Falls Spur Wildevy MTB Race for 2015 was held this weekend, just outside the town of Burgersfort, the race is now in its fourth year and was attended by 260 riders.By all comparisons it was again a tremendous success considering that the race was held at a new venue and a lot of (the regular) national riders were not available due to race calendar conflict. Even so, this year we had a record number of riders - 260 riders compared to about 230 last year - no major injuries and smooth sailing on the admin side.All our feedback so far was very positive as far as the race, the course, the organising and the prizes were concerned.Our success would not be possible if it was not for the following:• The generous contribution of time, effort and money from the Bison Falls Spur team. As the Title sponsor for the event,

they provided R 23 200 towards prize money for the winners, the embroidered winner's fleece jackets, the contents of Spur goodie bags for the kiddies, manned the water point at the finish, etc.• Jacques from Sport4u was unbelievably efficient - it is rare to find guys earlier at the event than planned, always ready to help during the event and patient with us at the end to finish up before he can start to pack up - an excellent job from him and his team.• Spur HQ for assisting and contributing towards the branding and prizes (Andrew & Zithelo)• Piet Pretorius from Supaquick who sponsored the fabulous glass trophies.• The Wildevy Manne - the organisation that made this event possible 4 years ago by inviting the local MTB riders to host this cycling event in conjunction with their 4x4 Family day. The Wildevy Manne contributed heavily towards all the administration costs like the

time keepers, MC, website hosting fees, safety inspection & reports, advertisement and printing costs, etc. • Valencia - Home of VBike for the prize contributions (again) this year.• Our other sponsors include: Sebenza Scaffolding, Kusile Guest House, Bevica Plant Hire, Burgersfort Interactive, Burgersfort.com, SA Tube & Honing, PLM Boerdery and Hannah Game Lodge. • The professional job done by Sandy and Charmaine Korb keeping time and keeping track of missing riders.• Manus de Waal for the Safety Inspection and Report for Cycling South Africa - ensuring that as a CSA sanctioned event, all the safety requirements are covered.• Brett Coates - Our master of ceremonies• Sheena Clark - Race Commissar• The farm/land owners without whom we would not be able to have the race at all; and last but not least, the Wildevy MTB Race organisers, who worked incredibly hard, to keep the race at a very high standard. JB Willers

All Wildevy photos by Matilda Coetzee