•and oursfultonhistory.com/newspaper 18/new york ny sun/new york...vassar club fund to benefit...

THE NEW YORK SUN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1931. 27 or Kg ns but and arly d t nds irde ieat : e i FtOOB re ar rice u need \g clS€ »$- So jne is it is a >attern s they fitted Vassar Club Fund To Benefit From 'Mignon' Matinee Mrs. Walter E. Hope and Mrs. E. P. Townsend Head Sponsors. s-h P New York Vassar Club will JIJVP i' s annual benefit opera mat- inee on January 30 at the Metropol- itan Opcta House, when "Mlgnon" i will be .«ung by a cast which is to ' include Miss Iucrezia Bort, Mme. Lily Pea*. Aimand Tokatyan and j^nn RothlW. Thi.* Is ,np seventh consecutive opfrn benefit far 'be scholarship fund of 'he Hub. The club pays tht; jjppnars of Kills chosen from the mftrnr"' , l! , '''n nlPa nt Vassar. There r nw are ssvea Kills at college, par- tially or entirely supported by this fund •ypp opna committee is headed hy Urs WTI'II F.wmjj Hope of New York and Washington, the wife of the Asfi-'ant Secretary of the Treas- ury and Mir Kdward Perry Town •and Thev are assisted by Miss Ruth Adam? Mi- 5 Ko.alte F Bailey. Mrs. Arthur A BaHaatiae, Mrs C. Alfred Capen Uri Thomas W. Chrystie, Mrs Mar\ Childs Draper. Mn. Ernest Fierterick Eidlitz. Mrs Al- bert J Frdmann. Mr3. George S. Frank. Mrs Chart** W. Halaey, Mr? William Henry Hays. Mrs. Elon Huntington Hooker. Mrs. John Humpstone. Mrs. Graeme MacDon- ild. Hiss Ellen S. Marvin. Miss Ma- bel McMahon. Miss Anna Murtland. Mrs Walter Wood Parsons, Miss Rosamond Roberts. Miss Millie Ross. Miss Hrlrn Simpson. Mrs. Daniel G. Tennev Mrs Leslie J. Tompkins and Mrs Tracy Vnoihees. On the junior committee are Miss Pauline Billinss. Mi.«s Louisa Pey- ton Hark, Miss Edith Darraeh. Miss Marie I. Gaillard. Miss Constance Gibnoney, Miss Rlanchette Hookei. Miss Caroline Hoysradt. Miss Jean P North and Miss Emily Parsons. The subscribers to the performance Include Mrs John H. Finley. Mrs Harry Harkneea Flagler, Mrs. Wil- liam D. <;aillard. Mis. William G. Gallowhur, Miss Jennie A. Gouldy Mrs. Henry S. Graves, Mrs. Arthui T. Hadley, Mrs. John Henry Ham mond Mis Forbes Hawkes, Mrs. O. Paul Humpatosa, Miss Annie Burr Jennings lira Otto H. Kahn, Miss Heleji Kenyan, Mrs. Rohert S. K'l- hnine Mrs Russell C Leffinjjwell, Mr« Jo.iah O, I^ow, Mrs Henry No- ble MarCracken. Mrs. John Henry MacCrarken. Mrs Ferris .1. Meisrs. Mr? Van Rantvoord Merle-Smith, Mrs Eucene Meyer, Jr., and Mrs Dunlevy Milbank Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank, Mrs. Wil- liam Fellowes Morgan. Mrs. Ray Morris. Mrs Dwight W. Morrow Mrs Frank C. Munsnn. Mrs, Samuel Murtland. Mrs Arthur Wilson Page. Mrs Ira A Place. Mis. Victor F Ridder Mrs James Gamble Rogers. Mrs Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mrs John E Rousmaniere, Mrs. F. Louis Blade Mrs. Edward W. Sparrow. Mrs Philip B. Stanley. Mrs. John Stilwell Mrs. James Monroe Taylor, Mrs. Thomas D. Thacher, Mrs. Wil- liam Reed Thompson, Miss Ada l"hur«ton and Mrs. Willis D. Wood. PROMOTING PHILANTHROPIC PROJECTS I" fcrnnkle &P«!i IM rote p FLOOR isses I Novelties Planned Mrs - K*™eth B. schiey For the Russian Students' Ball Miss Barbara Tmesdale Is Chairman of Debutante Committee. Occupies Aiken Home Sprrtat Dispatch to T*» Si s, AIKEN. S C, Jan. 23-Mrs. Ken- neth B. Schley and Miss Anne C Schley of Far Hills, N. J., arrived yesterday and opened their winter home, where they will be Joined later by Mr. Schley. Also arriving were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Fowler of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bohlen en- tertained friends at luncheon at their home yesterday. Mrs. C. Oliver Russian Students' ball in the ball- I" , i n h a9 atarted ' or * ***£ t o N * w room and adjoining suite of the Rltz- | York *"•; I - ou,s SUrr of Bernards- Carlton on January 30. *"•• N •»•• '» » f «••* mt *? h . ( , )r T The ball is given annually for the of Mr and Un - """* W Plans have been completed for the Mrs. Howland Russell Honored at Miami Beach Rpteial hitpntrh to TMB Ron. MIAMI BEACH. Fla.. Jan. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus H. K. Curtis of! Alida Davis. benefit of the National Russian Stu- dents Christian Association purposes of which are to promote mutual understandings and establish closer Intellectual ties between Rus- sian and American students in th. United States. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the associa- tion's existence and an elaborate en- tertainment is planned. The program is to include Nastia Pollakova, the gypsy singer; Tamara Geva, Russian dancer, as well as a number of Americans now starring on Broadway. A midnight supper will he served In the oval restaurant, and palm court. A fashion show and several sur- prise numbers are planned for the supper. On Miss Barbara Trueadale's com- mittee of debutantes working for the success of the ball are the Misses Sarah Davis, Alice Doubleday, Adele Wilson, Martha Hutcheson, Helena Edey, Mary Kelley. Camilla Marvin. Mary Conover, Alice Stevens. Fran- ces Rousmaniere, Challia Walker, Lillian Swann, Agnes MeCrea. Doris Havemeyer, Mary Delafield and Miss Marie Louise Beard of Phil th ' e adelphia is with Mrs. Qeraldyn Red- mond. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour H. Knox of Buffalo have returned North after a short stay at their home, to which they will return for the season on February 15. Mr. and Mrs. William Hagedorn of New York have taken a cottage at the Palmetto Inn. Mrs. William Russell Grace is ex- pected to return to her winter home on Friday from New York, where she went this week for the funeral of her aunt. Miss Louise Berry, who died at her cottage here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Colket Join Americans in Rome A letter from Rome brings the information that the news of the American Government's purchase of the Queen Mother's palace to house the Embassy in Rome has been re- ceived with the greatest enthusiasm by the American residents. The palace In which Queen Margherita lived until her death is spacious and , Is surrounded by a garden. It is on I the Via Veneto In the fashionable ' Ludovist quarter. Just opposite la ' the modern Excelsior Hotel. Recent arrivals tn Rome at the Excelsior Hotel include Prince and ' Princess Takamatsu, who after a short visit to Naples returned again ' to Rome. The Maharajah of Indoi e also la at the Excelsior. American arrivals include Mr. and Mrs. G. Hamilton Colket of New York, who arrived by motor from France; Gil- bert McClintock. Harold Small, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Hltborn, Leon Fraser, Mra. W. L. Younger and Mrs. W . F . Gordon. Arrivals at the Grand Hotel tn Venice Include Douglas Parmentler, Mr. and Mra. A. Z. Gray, Mr. and Mrs Henty Russell and Mr. and Mrs. George Henry. JSL 'jam} .•wir< f "r WEST INDIES CARIBBEAN <*(.'£ ours Philadelphia entertained at the Surf Club yesterday at luncheon for Mrs. Howland Russell of New York. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. The subscribers Include Mr. an.' Mrs. Ogden L. Mills. Prince and Princess Serge Obolensky, Prince and Princess Alexis Obolensky, Prin At the left is Mrs. Walter Ewing Hope, wife of the Assistant Secre- tary of the Treasury and head of the committee that has arranged a performance of "Mignon" at the Metropolitan Opera House on Jwnuiiry 30 under the auspices of the New York Vassar Club for the club's scholarship fund. At the right is Miss Frederica Gallatin, member of the dance committee of the Russian Students' ball at the Ritz-Carlton on the same date. Colonial Hotel Opens For Season at Nassau apf-mi f*srre»aa«rf>Rcf tn T u n I r a . NASSAU, Bahamas. Jan. 20.- The Evangeline arrived yesterday from Haw York and brought many so- journers for the opening of the New Colonial Hotel. In the grill there will be * feature every Wednesday Bight, and among the special eve- nings there will be a native Raham- lan night. * pirate ball, black and whi'e hall, a rainbow party and an Italian evening, each with its ap- propriate dfcenttHra effects. Mr and Mrs Homer A Wessell Cf New York and Rriarcliff Manor eam» to the hotel, as did John A. Philhrirk and his datrghter. Miss EhTsh«-, n Philbrick, to pass their Customary winter visit. Mr *nd Mrs John W. Aitken of He* York are new arrivals this Max •BB Others from that city are Eliot Buffington. A. J. Pagel, A. C. Beane, Mr and Mrs Raymond C. Schlndler *nd Mr and Mrs. Harris Fahne- •tock. Jr, Arrivals at the Royal Victoria In- clude Mr and Mrs. James D. Lau- dator, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner D. Kll- m«x of Scarsdale, Miss Lima La- roque and Miss June Blossom of WW York Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tours of Great Neck. Miss Ruth Barry and Miss Lilian Barry of Harkensack, N. J. Mr and Mrs Homer C. Rockwell of N»w York gave a dinner at the Royal Victoria. Tn the party were Col and Mrs. Edward H. Twombly »nd Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Johnson Mr and Mrs. A. G. Pratt of F.nglo- *ood. N. T., are at the Royal Vic- toria Mrs. V. P. Myers Gives Bridge-Tea at Pinehurst Spfriol Ptrptltih tn THI St'*. PINEHURST. N . C . Jan. 23-Mrs. V* P. Myers of New York gave a bridge-tea at her home today. The guests included Mrs. Fleming Pop- pam, Dr. Alice Presbrey, Mrs. Anna Boughton and Miss Elizabeth Jones of New York; Mrs. H. C. Buckmin- sler of Boston, Mrs. George P Vail, Mrs. Herbert D. Vail of Glen Cove, L. I.; Mrs. Richard S. Tufts, Mrs. George P. Hawes. Mrs. Charles Pic- quet of Pinehurst. Mrs. Paul Dana of Scarsdale, N. Y., and Mrs. Frank Dudgeon of Locust Valley, L. I. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bradley of Nyack, N. Y., are at the Mid Pin"s Country Cluh. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Adams of Plandome, L. I., are ex- pected to arrive next week, they will stav at the Chalfonte Hotel. At the Chalfonte are Mrs. Charles W. Tracy, E. W. Tracy and H. M. Adams of New York. Arrivals at the Carolina Hotel In- clude H. C. Heisler, A. R. IVterlinK. New York; Mrs. J. R. Patterson. Mrs. E. L. Worthington, Cleveland. Ohio, and Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Muellet. Philadelphia, Palm Beach Sojourners Attend Miami Races Homesteaders Ball to Be Given hy the Lido Club A novel fiance of the midwinter season B t the Lido Country Cluh Is to r- # »Vio Homesteaders ball tomor- row evening. The members will ap- P'*r in nirnl dress. The ballroom. *hirh overlooks the sea, will be transformed into R rustic interior. Calored cloths will cover the tables. Antiquated coal-oil lamps will be •usprnrtrr) f rnrn tnr filing. During the evening there will he a program " f, Tf:'Tinment hy the Missouri Moun'mnerrs, who will do some old- Jwhionori dances, including a square flftnre for the members of the party. H"vr>n ( nt isr, ninECToft. *" rii d A Muschenhelm. president •' »hr Hotel Astor, gave a luncheon ystcrdav for George W. White. 'ruise director for Thomas Cook A *°n. who sails today for South Arnen^ ort th( , rosulich liner Vul- *nh Among those present were nr Fiori E Emmons. Tarl E. Esta- tirnnkr. Henry G. Fargel, Allan G. Hur.i lam,, j Mariner. Arthur L. Wtlmalpy and C Frederick White. *o ,,,,, v HivaM* tulTnan. M>- -,nd Mrs Gerhard M Dahl will «"!" next week for Havana, where Ot* »tu be at the new National Ho- tel •mn, m i , , , %T vummnvn/t, M' tad |f n Frankbnd F. Staf- T 2 r * *r. ,t tht vsnderbilt from Miss Jane Middlebrook Bride of J. L. Black, Jr. A suburban wedding today Is tha* of Miss Jan» Middlebrook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Curtis Middle- brook of Comstock Place, South Or- ange, to James Luther Black. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blnrk of Piqus. Ohio, at the Church of* the Holy Communion in South Orange. A reception follows at the Essex County Country Club. Miss Polly Middlebrook is her sis- ter's maid of honor, and the brides other attendants are Miss France* Bullard of Fairfield, Mrs. Allen Os- borne of Montclair, Miss Virginia Thompson of New Rochelle, Mrs. Curtis M. Middlebrook of Orange, slster-tn-law of Miss Middlebrook. Mrs. Charles Cory of Lima, Ohio, and Miss Dorothy Denney of Glen Ridge. Prescott Brigham of Bridge- port is best man, and the ushers in- clude Frank Camp, Thorton Barrett. Donald Chadwick and Cedric Horn- by, all of Bridgeport; Cedric Braun of Pittsburgh and Curtis M. Middle- brook, brother of the hrlde-elect. The bride attended Birmingham School and Skldmore College. Mr. Black is a graduate of Yale Uni- versity. S/7ve?r Cross Nursery Will Give Dance tonight *>«-i''«l rX'polrh to T H I S I N . MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 23.- A number of Palm Beach colonists arrived to- day for the races at Hialeah Park and luncheon at the clubhouse. Charles A. Munn brings members of his house party, Mrs. Baldwin Browne, Noel Munn and Miss Pau- line Munn. Harold Sterling Van- derhilt comes with guests from his La ran a estate. Mrs. Dodge Sloane brings guests she is entertaining at Concha Marina. Mr. and Mrs. John Hay Whitney, who were at the track yesterday, are planning to sail for England the firs' week in February'- They are going over for the Grand National Steeple- chase at Aintree on March 27, when Mr. Whitney's horse Easter Morn will run again. Earl W. Sinclair, who Is a guest of Thomas M, Howell aboard the tes- ter's yacht, Thalia, .put in his first appearance at the track. Mr. and Mrs. George Loft of New York have arrived on their yacht, Sheila, and may now be expected at the track daily as is their usual custom. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Elkins of Elkins Park. Pa., who have arrived at the Boca Raton Club*in their pri- vate car. also attended the races. Henry W. Putnam. New York, ha« arrived for his sixth season aboard his yacht, the Alcyone. His plans Include a cruise which will not be completed until the latter part of March. George Dickson of Philadelphia and | eeaa Nina of Russia, Prince Paul Mrs. George Noyes of Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs, J. F. Maynard, Jr., Miss Mary Louise Maynard, Miss Sally Maynard and Mrs. F. C. Oaterhout of Utica have arrived at the Flamin- go Hotel to join J. F. Maynard, who has been there for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bluett. Glen Ridge. N. J.; Miss Ruth Fisher. Belmar. N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. A. M Day. Hempstead, L. I.; Mrs. James Kelsey, Asbury Park, N. J., were among the Boulevard Hotel sojourn- ers attending the bridge party there last night. Arrivals at the Pancoast Hotel In- clude Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kiedel of New York. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ebin- ger of Brooklyn. Walter Ebinger of Brooklyn is expected here within the next few days to join Mrs. Ebin- ger and daughter at the Pancoast Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Patterson. White Plains. N. Y.. were among the ar- rivals at the Boulevard Hotel. Among those attending the Uni- versity of Miami tea yesterday at the estate of Theodore Dickinson were Mr and Mrs Joseph H Adams Brooklyn; Mrs. Kenneth Ashby, E. R. Thomas. Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs John McEntee Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Rruen, Mr. and Mrs Elmer E. Chattan, Mr. and Mrs. William T. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gtfford. Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Curtiss James, Col. and Mrs. E. H. R. Green, of New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Gannett of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Van Riper Arrive at Atlantic City fp"<nt THap&trh tn THI Srs. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Jan. 23. Arrivals at the hotels from New York include: Travmore— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Van Riper. Mr. and Mrs. W. W Chew, W. W. Chew. Jr.. Mrs. Charles C. Murphy, Mrs. Arthur F. Chace and Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Akin. Ambassador-Mr. and Mrs. Ssmuel Berlinger and Mr. and Mrs. David Brown. Madison -Mr. and Mrs. E. J Mackin, D. A. Taylor and George K Burns. Ludy Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Tanner. Mrs. Thomas L. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Metzer. President Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beal, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Pierce, Mr. end Mrs. Charles W. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Weir, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wadsworth and Mr. and Mrs. "Peter Foster. Chelsea Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hop- kins and Mrs. Harriet H. Johnson. Chalfonte-Haddon Hall Mrs. W. Chavchavadze, Mr. and Mrs. Court- landt D. Rarnes, Prince and Prin- cess S. Sidamon Eristoff, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Moore, Prince and Princess Serge Gagarin. Frank L. Polk, who is honorary chairman of the ball; Mrs. Polk. Col. Francis L. Robbins, Jr., the honorary vice- chairman; Mrs. Robbins, Sir Harry and Lady Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Astor,- Boris A. Bakhmeteff, Col, and Mrs. Franklin Q. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Day, Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Duggan. Mr. snd Mrs. Morton D. Hull, Major- Gen, and Mrs. William N. Haskell. Baroness Sophie Meyendorff, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Nazaroff and Mr. and Mrs. Serge Ughat. Also Dr. and Mrs. Henry Fairfield Osborn, Jr., Brig.-Gen. and Mrs. William Barclay Parsons, Mme. Helen Romanoff, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Sturges, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Symington. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Raffalovlch and Col. and Mra. Cornelius W. Wickersham. Pierre Routsky of 109 West Fifty- fourth street and Miss Lucile de Nevers Jones of 347 Msdison avenue have charge of the tickets. OFFICIAL BUS INFORMATION COACH TKKM1XAI StfcA, > ~<1HH 59-61 Wctt 36«Street^ 'TtmtWlswasm 7-Q277 roKMSKit WALDORF-ASTORIA COACHTtRMiNAi. Montreal, $10 I BOSTON, $4 Rperiitt 4 l'n> Kvrar- ainn llfinnd Trip Stt 4 <'Mth*B Dally 3 DAY A " tST ATLANTIC CITY $20 KKUJI KM OKPARTt KE.S VUK K\ KR\ WHF.KK ...$31.«M1 .... :.c» .... *.M .... S.«H1 .... S.S5 .... 3.SS .,. mi .... «:«.«• .VM .... 4.44 Atlnntir City Brtdarport Rnrlinatnn t'hlritg-n, Itliuoi* ttontrr H.I .... I «ilen« Fill la Hartford IJI« Angrlra .... I Nkr M noil Miami , New Britain N>w Haven . Philadelphia I'talt»tHtrt .. rr«,Me«ce Springfield . M. l-nftin ... Waahlacten . Hrhraertsdr MIIIHIC ( I I A I H K S I1IH srRtlAI. HIRF. Travel. AsheviUe. T. Dippel, Mrs. M. M. Cooke and The Junior Auxiliary of the Silver Mr> anrl Mr , R . H . Owens Cross Day Nursery will hold Its an- nual review and supper-dance »A the RlU-Carlton tonight. Dances and comedy numbers will be added at- tractions. The nursery cares for children whose mothers must work. The ac- tive members of the Silver CTOM malntain the day nursery at 249 East 117th street. The organization wis started in 1*90 and has continued to expand until now it has a fireproof building with large, airy room- where many needy children are #ared for from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M It if nonsectarlan and is suppo/ed by the efforts of members and by volun- tary contributions from friends. Officers of the auxiliary are Mrs Marjorie M. Wise, president; Mrs. Jacob Doll, vice-president; Mrs Lyman Ward, corresponding secre- tary; Mrs. David G. Leggett. record- ing secretary, and Miss Marguerit" Suter. treasurer. Mrs. Hugo Lehifeld is chairman of the entertainment committee. Mis? Wllhelmina Mahr. asalsted by Mrs Karl Eimer. has charge of pro grams, and Mrs. David G, Leggett is supervising the decorations. «iPi,r,Mm«T nmnr.p. PARTI. Mrs Beverley C. Sanders of 4'» Eant Eighty-eighth rtreet is chairman of a luncheon and bridge to he given In the large ballroom of the Plaza or January 2* by members of the Maple- hurst Alumiae. ttfirrinl P t l f fag tn T H » ? I *. ASHEVILLE. N. C. Jan. 23 Mrs. Henry Boehm started for New York yesterday after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Westall. Lieut.-Commander H. C. Colhurn and Mrs Colhurn have pur- chased the former home of Dr. and Mrs George Lambert in Biltmore Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams of Rochester, N. Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs Henry Thompson In Nor- wood Park. Mrs. Robert W. Martin, Jr., started for New York after pass- ing a fortnight with Mr. Martin's parents. Arrivals at the Asheville-Blltmore Hotel include Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Stone of Mountain Lakes. N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. John Wehrle of Norwalk. Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. M I. Wlllara of Philllpsburg. N. J". Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gentry. Thomas A. Mayo and A. J. Drew of Now York, Mr. and Mrs. J M Lundie and Mr. and Mrs, W R Slack have returned to New York after passing a week at the George Vanderbilt Hotel. MRS. i.ni is r.r.nnr.F, «« F,*T. Miss Jean Wotfftl gave a farewell luncheon vesterdsy at the Park Lane In honor of Mrs Louis George Miss Wuertz leaves soon for Palm Reach, where she will be at tht Breakers until April. Af rs. James K. Hyde Given Luncheon at St. Augustine Special /iitpntrh to T i n S r s . ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla., Jan. 2 3 - Mrs. James K. Hyde gave a luncheon yesterday at the Alcaxar Hotel for Miss Gladys Padgett, whose engage- ment to Mra. Hyde's son, J. Kll- hourne Hyde, was announced re- cently. Other guests included Mmes Puller Moore. Walter D. Webb and Leslie Stephens; the Misses Mary Lueaa Hart, Alleyne Smith, Sarah Gibson. Gertrude CalhouA and Vir- ginia Walcutt. Mrs. Edward I. Devlin and her mother, Mrs. William T. Dickson, of New York,, will entertain twenty guests at a bridge and tea today at the clubhouse of the St. Augustine links. Mrs. George J. Maust gave a tea there yesterday. H e r g u e s t s wer«« Mrs William B. Robinson. Miss Ann D. P. Cooper of New York and Mr. and Mra. J. W. Boran Arrivals at the Ponce de Leon In- clude Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hoatetter. Mr. and Mra. R. N. Rltter. Mrs. F. H. - Gordon, Mrs. F. P. Fltzslmons snd W. P. Levis of New York. Mr. snd Mra. H. S. Lovejoy of New Haven are at the Alcazar. John D. Rockefeller Has Guests at Ormond Beach Sperml Tiixpateh to T m Si t. ORMOND BEACH, Fla., Jan. 23 - Mr. and Mrs. John White and Miss Betty White of Cleveland are guests of John D. Rockefeller at the Case- ments and join him in the daily round of golf. In a bridge party at the HoteJ Or- mond last night were Mrs. Arthur H. Waterman. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. McKean. Mr. and Mra. W. E. Edmlster, Mrs., A. A. Sedgwick, Henry and O. C. Weatherby, William Ward, A. D. Pomeroy. Daniel C. Roberts, F. K. Moore and George C. Klmmont. Arrivals Include Mrs. Bradford Merrill of Manhassett. L. I.; James R. and Miss R. F. Merrill of New Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lamper and S. G. Davison of Lynn, Mass. 3NT it grand that the i - I route to summer should be so inexpensive 3 Hotel-like accom- modations on fast big ocean liners with a cozy stateroom, splendid meals, games by day, dancing—all these and more are included in the low fare. Express sailings New York to Miami every Wednesday and Saturday Overnight service by large ocean steamers between Miami a-irl Havana. Also every Tuesdav, Thursday, and $atur« rtay New York to ja-kscnville To Charles- ton S. C on Tuesdays and Thursdays and alternate Saturdays, Thrmigfc llpk»t» *nd html* »o all Flnrlda fmtnta »1« Jtrk'mmlllo nd Minmt tn n»< n, « •" the Clpl- llnas. 0»«nt», Kaaaasaw. •*» . »U nitrlanlon. Economical All-Eapentc Tours Tahf four tar l*w rat CLYD E-MALL'Orky Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Weeks Open Home at Camden Sserial Ditpoteh In TMS Re*. CAMDEN. 8. C. Jan. 23-Mr. and Mrs. John L. Weeks of New York have opened Rloomsbury, which thev recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs C. M. Robblna of Pelham, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Speakman of Mount Ver- non and A. H. Paine and Miss Paine of Rrightavatera, L. I., have arrived at the Klrkwood. Mrs. S. Osgood Pell, who Is visit- ing Mrs. William Bull In Aiken, re- turns today to be with her sister, Mrs. William N. Kerr, for a few days at her home here before start- ing for California. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Cooper of Phil adelphia have arrived at the Court Inn. Newport. Sn»rin| f»i#a«ifea Tt«« SI-N. NEWPORT. R. I.. Jan. 23-Mr. and Mrs. William Fltahugh White- house start today for New York en route for Havana. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Eppley have returned to Beacon Rock from New York. Mrs Edward V. Hartford is ex- pected today from New York to pass the week end at Seaverge with her son, G. Huntington Hartford 2d, who is coming from Harvard with guests. Mr. and Mrs. Snowden A. Fahne- atock and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Pell arrive today from New York to pasa the week end. Mra. Pell will be among the hostesses at the Art Association tomorrow, when Mr. Pell gives a talk on his collection of ancient and modern prints, now on display. Other hostesses will include Mrs. Harris Ii«nlng. Mrs Mllo F. Draame! and Mrs. George B. Wright. Miss Agnes C Storer will start to- morrow for New York and will sail next Friday on a trip around the world, returning next summer. She will he accompanied hy Miss Cath- erine Qulnn. ft'KI.FARP. RRinr.F. PARTY. The annual bridge of the New York Division of the United Daugh- ters of th* Confederacy takes place I this afternoon at the roof garden i of the St. Regis. The proceeds will ! be devoted to the philanthropic fund. Mrs. J. Marvla Dow is president of the division. Miss A. F Beaaon is viea-president, Mrs. Charles E. L.ld- don, treasurer, and Mrs. Alexander J. Field, historian. MS rift* AT* fhnn» VAndMMH 3 »?«« flff N, Vnrlh Rlw Itwiw WAlk.f J inna nr Any Auihnrt«M| TmirlJt A**m Wt5T Dlt5 *NCHANTM*NT ELEVEN priceless diva, ad venturing in the tfopics, fot a price anyone can afford A movie of the centuries in San Juan and thru the countryside of Puerto Rko Then to Santo Domingo with aightsrring trips that ahow you a cross section of this colorful Rrpub -«— he. The ship la your hotel, the Porto Rtco Line your hott oa every ocraaion Near "BORINQUEN- A> ttrviet, Ff*. IOJ1 ^©IKTC tRflCO D.DNH. A Crtt.n it«r4> fnm A'«,» f o r * <• »!•*•••• /"arrirWaet from Cmij* /V|»» . P,.rt* fti/y t.tn.jnotnf Unit St, mr US r,/th A- , ft»» Yuri- or imtk* rrstnmlHttn tin SRSl W*»r ew» l*r*l tatrwf * ft*! IT HAVE TO I REMBRANDT Now you can live in the lap of luxury without being the possessot ©f precious heirlooms.. .The moder- ate rentals at 7 Park Ave. are only one of the many reasons why you should live there. I, 2, 3. and 4 room housekeeping apartments with complete kitchens- Gorgeous bathrooms in color. Sev- eral suites have terraces. Hotel service available. Ready far immtdititt rtttupnnty. Renting tgtnt »* prtminx. 7 PARK AVENUE BERMUDA WEST INDIES Comi our three Mew n formation at fork Offices THOS. COOK St SON ;MH fifth Ate.. r.l R'way. Ml Madlaan Ate. atSMUDA via at. a. "•naipgpr m "Vnaaaai." Faratu Btrniiida u«» U warWfcaB St. Resorts. I anada. ITALY>; 5 v %0 S/I«!t MOVTHf.AI. ler hnrktM w '!# Montreal Tourlet Bureau, N#r» Rlrtca Rld|., Montreal. Flnrlda. NORTHEAST CORNER S4TH STREET ItTsi & CLLIMAM effrsjf! $40 Madison Ava. T*1. R e g e n t 4-< . A<***fW a* ff, fhrmm _ V GREEN CO i T^HamufQO BS8S Mew Jeraef—Atlantte Cttt ^ r Ai n RIVIERA SIC1 NORTH AI By i*a taasrtaa* Una conn COMTE m im^Mn OMSaAlTAI ' AlOttBS falttMr, NArlfS VTUeetAMCrfl OtMOA |aa. 23 Feb. 10 M.2I OaSaaalaaaaa i i i n m n a* aS *«•* LLOYD SABAUOO * Start* BSIIH. NaaTarl *rt Mrtte €trr, * at faSSWBI mmd Vmhtokm "Hesw •/ »•• Caeeatea Or*.- I'*** " Aaerla Caret*. WALTEI J. BUZIY. INC flit fwhlie ** H«n*ed' BOSTON *42£ PROVIDENCE $3.00 <A!MT* fare. InefsaV Herts la eahln) Cut 4*. N. N. ifaat af 6arfMai*tt St I run* A ««•«•* I ie P. M. tlntUaa if(»rr««a)i. wlta reaalaf «rt*BF, II Colonia' Llflt ta'aal a lass _ 0 MONItTNA ft 0ANCIN0. on the t a •_fla*J*'j > Jfjffjjaia, 1 «*n tn noatnti r>atl» Rarept Snadlr. S P M Eatltra S. I . Llatt, Stai l«, a a , ft. Wirtta It. STATENDAM the largest ship to those exotic Isles Laavas New Yatrk JAN. 28 mt FEB. 24 to the inspection of this magnificent Liner . . . u n d to the moving picture him of the Cruise on board TUESDAY JANUARY 27th Inspection from 10 A. M. t o 5 P. !M. At Pier, Foot of Fifth Street, Hoboken, N.J. Come and See the Cruise in Movies Starts at 3Mr*. M. Tea Served Afterwards Theaa two twenty-Are day rrulaea «f t h e X. v Statondmm vlalt rORTORK.tl—SanJuan.4.aBuaat VIKt.lN ISI.AM>*v-St. Thomas* M\l< I IMI.H K - l o r i .lr rrance, St. I i.rr. ll\HIIMM»s-llr..|«r- towni IKIMIMIi Rri||hton. Port of Spalnt VKNK/I tl.\-La (,UI>IW, Cararaat I I K M M l < > r . r l . B a y , * illrin.lail. PAN A- MA OUtobal, Colon. Anaon, Panama City. Old Panama. Bal- boa; JAMAICA— Kingston, «,aa- tlrlon l.,r,|.n.. 4 I HA—llaranai BAHAMA ISLANDS— >anau. Shore arransemrnta and special entertainment In nioperntlon with Bay mond - Whitcumb Company. LUXURIOUS accommoda- tion* at moderate rata*. lltutlrnirH Booklet on Frquat WEST [HDJES \CARIBIIAN AH Exp»fii« Cryise V©L£MIDAil Tha beauflful ship—the ship of Immarulate linury — th» ship of rhermlna romfort . . . and fam« n«<* fnr i*« rir»|Irn» ruinlne Thla Is your Hotel throughout the rruiaaj, 28-day Cruise FEBRUARY 11 Viaitlns BAHAMA I S L A N D S — "k > « j n -' I HA—ll.,.,na -•nlin'ii JAM Alt*. A—kinaatoni PANAMA— Colnm CLRACAO, LA G i l A Y S 4, VFNKZtFLA— Carara*! TRIM. nAt».BARhADOS,MARnNIOt E, VIRt.lN ISLANDS—st. rhomi.ii rniiro Rlt:n-San Juan and BLRMCDA. Ratea aa low aa %St9. Ratea Include complete proems of ahora earuraloaa under tho nanagement of Frank Tourist Co. LUXURIOUS aceamriMMf*. tions at vary attractive rata*. rtit-H hnr.kLH «,#. HOLLAND AMERICA I. i N r 2 1 - 2 4 a t a t e SUNtwYark,aad ERANK TOURIST COMPANY 842 atti Ava.. Naw Varlt oe local Innriil (i|.nl> 70 days of doHSpfht o n f Aa Entiroly Modarniaee! tnn.ni,. I.ruilinf Ship ROTTBMiAM I ^ n * «*s Ne>w Y o r k IF<f-b. abillh andrr Hnlland-Amrrirs Line'a «>»n m.n.trm.ni Thn Hlnrrary which I* lh» mnat com* preheneite in the annal* nf thla (a- mnuaateamer inrludca * Mednn, I auhlmri (th. plavyround nf Mnr- ,w,„«nd Nnrth Afnrai.'jdii.^r«ill>{f.raaad*l. r,ibr«l*»r. Alprn, N«pl». lAm .till Taa» Ath*o«. (omnniiaoplr. H«f«. Jrruulrn.|iltc Hoi* land), Alriandna, I •in., laad t.|nrB'l. Rotor and Duhrorntklnntlir DalaiatianCnaatl. Vmrr. Manln lirninil rail), MntMrn, aad ika Rivi»r» ImiB Naplr* a inp tn la* " fjemal t Uty,' R«*M, •a inrludrd Othrt la*rinatin|l porta of rail ara Malta.thr n.manor I . pru.. til*aonnv lair, and Mraatna i I amminai m l^iriU Alan tnr taland ,,l Rlinflcaand f«nh« inland nana ar* added. Inmlant. etprrt rare nf all »<Hir travel rnmforfa . . nn aea h y t h e HOItaND-AMrRH A LINK tmland hy AMLRDAN F.XPRKSS CflMPANV . . each organisation mitatMndina In lianwnSctd. Aaom* hlnatinn insorina the m«at per- fect acr.lrcbothaahlpandeahoea I 1 " • >f t ritNie*- *ter«f»ffi'^af*B!i** mmkm r**»*»T% atMitta nnm Rat** frnfl |**^S 9 nip ffit tttmttmtrd **•**•*,•** m HOHAW-AHKRICAUNf ii ft -f4 flaw Strata, Haw f** Of I .^sl rAaaydS r>n*»S Wxlt'S bran 0 W.TO noo\ \ Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: •and oursfultonhistory.com/Newspaper 18/New York NY Sun/New York...Vassar Club Fund To Benefit From 'Mignon' Matinee Mrs. Walter E. Hope and Mrs. E. P. Townsend Head Sponsors. s-hP


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Vassar Club Fund To Benefit From 'Mignon' Matinee

Mrs. Walter E. Hope and Mrs. E. P. Townsend

Head Sponsors.

s-hP New York Vassar Club will JIJVP i's annual benefit opera mat­inee on January 30 at the Metropol­itan Opcta House, when "Mlgnon" i will be .«ung by a cast which is to ' include Miss Iucrezia Bort, Mme. Lily Pea*. Aimand Tokatyan and j^nn RothlW.

Thi.* Is , n p seventh consecutive opfrn benefit far 'be scholarship fund of 'he Hub. The club pays tht; jjppnars of Kills chosen from the mftrnr"',l!,'''n n l P a n t Vassar. There rnw are ssvea Kills at college, par­tially or entirely supported by this fund

•ypp opna committee is headed hy Urs WTI'II F.wmjj Hope of N e w York and Washington, the wife of the Asfi-'ant Secretary of the Treas­ury and Mir Kdward Perry Town •and

Thev are assisted by Miss Ruth Adam? Mi-5 Ko.alte F Bailey. Mrs. Arthur A BaHaatiae, Mrs C. Alfred Capen Uri Thomas W. Chrystie, Mrs Mar\ Childs Draper. M n . Ernest Fierterick Eidlitz. Mrs Al­bert J Frdmann. Mr3. George S. Frank. Mrs Chart** W. Halaey, Mr? William Henry Hays. Mrs. Elon Huntington Hooker. Mrs. John Humpstone. Mrs. Graeme MacDon-ild. Hiss Ellen S. Marvin. Miss Ma­bel McMahon. Miss Anna Murtland. Mrs Walter Wood Parsons, Miss Rosamond Roberts. Miss Millie Ross . Miss Hrlrn Simpson. Mrs. Daniel G. Tennev Mrs Leslie J. Tompkins and Mrs Tracy Vnoihees.

On the junior committee are Miss Pauline Billinss. Mi.«s Louisa Pey­ton Hark, Miss Edith Darraeh. Miss Marie I. Gaillard. Miss Constance Gibnoney, Miss Rlanchette Hooke i . Miss Caroline Hoysradt. Miss Jean P North and Miss Emily Parsons.

The subscribers to the performance Include Mrs John H. Finley. Mrs Harry Harkneea Flagler, Mrs. Wil­liam D. <;aillard. Mis. Will iam G. Gallowhur, Miss Jennie A. Gouldy Mrs. Henry S. Graves, Mrs. Arthui T. Hadley, Mrs. John Henry Ham mond Mis Forbes Hawkes, Mrs. O. Paul Humpatosa, Miss Annie Burr Jennings lira Otto H. Kahn, Miss Heleji Kenyan, Mrs. Rohert S. K'l-hnine Mrs Russell C Leffinjjwell, Mr« Jo.iah O, I^ow, Mrs Henry No­ble MarCracken. Mrs. John Henry MacCrarken. Mrs Ferris .1. Meisrs. Mr? Van Rantvoord Merle-Smith, Mrs Eucene Meyer, Jr., and Mrs Dunlevy Milbank

Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank, Mrs. Wil­liam Fellowes Morgan. Mrs. Ray Morris. Mrs Dwight W. Morrow Mrs Frank C. Munsnn. Mrs, Samuel Murtland. Mrs Arthur Wilson Page. Mrs Ira A Place. Mis. Victor F Ridder Mrs James Gamble Rogers. Mrs Franklin D. Roosevelt. Mrs John E Rousmaniere, Mrs. F. Louis Blade Mrs. Edward W. Sparrow. Mrs Philip B. Stanley. Mrs. John Stilwell Mrs. James Monroe Taylor, Mrs. Thomas D. Thacher, Mrs. Wil­liam Reed Thompson, Miss Ada l"hur«ton and Mrs. Willis D. Wood.


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Novelties Planned Mrs- K*™eth B. schiey For the Russian

Students' Ball

Miss Barbara Tmesdale Is Chairman of Debutante


Occupies Aiken Home Sprrtat Dispatch to T * » Si s ,

AIKEN. S C , Jan. 2 3 - M r s . Ken­neth B. Schley and Miss Anne C Schley of Far Hills, N. J., arrived yesterday and opened their winter home, where they will be Joined later by Mr. Schley. Also arriving were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Fowler of N e w York.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bohlen en­tertained friends at luncheon at their home yesterday. Mrs. C. Oliver

Russ ian Students' ball in the ball- I " , i n h a 9 a t a r t e d ' o r * ***£ t o N * w

room and adjoining suite of the Rltz- | Y o r k * " • ; I - o u , s S U r r o f Bernards-Carlton on January 30. * " • • N •»•• '» » f «••* mt * ? h . ( , )rT

The ball is given annually for the o f M r a n d Un- " " " * W

Plans have been completed for the

Mrs. Howland Russell Honored at Miami Beach

Rpteial hitpntrh to TMB R o n . MIAMI BEACH. Fla . . Jan. 23.

Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus H. K. Curtis of! Alida Davis .

benefit of the National Russian Stu­dents Christian Association purposes of which are to promote mutual understandings and establish closer Intellectual ties between Rus­sian and American students in th. United States . This year marks the tenth anniversary of the associa­tion's existence and an elaborate en­tertainment is planned.

The program is to include Nast ia Pollakova, the gypsy singer; Tamara Geva, Russ ian dancer, as well a s a number of Americans now starring on Broadway. A midnight supper will he served In the oval restaurant, and palm court.

A fashion show and several sur­prise numbers are planned for the supper.

On Miss Barbara Trueadale's com­mittee of debutantes working for the success of the ball are the Misses Sarah Davis , Alice Doubleday, Adele Wilson, Martha Hutcheson, Helena Edey, Mary Kelley. Camilla Marvin. Mary Conover, Alice Stevens. Fran­ces Rousmaniere , Challia Walker, Lillian Swann, Agnes MeCrea. Doris Havemeyer, Mary Delafield and

Miss Marie Louise Beard of Phil t h ' e adelphia is with Mrs. Qeraldyn Red­

mond. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour H. Knox of Buffalo have returned North after a short stay at their home, to which they will return for the season on February 15.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hagedorn of New York have taken a cottage at the Palmetto Inn.

Mrs. Will iam Russell Grace is ex­pected to return to her winter home on Friday from N e w York, where she went this week for the funeral of her aunt. Miss Louise Berry, who died at her cottage here on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Colket Join Americans in Rome

A letter from R o m e brings the information that the n e w s of the American Government's purchase of the Queen Mother's palace to house the Embassy in R o m e h a s been re­ceived with the greatest enthusiasm by the American residents. The palace In which Queen Margherita lived until her death is spacious and , Is surrounded by a garden. It is on I the Via Veneto In the fashionable ' Ludovist quarter. Just opposite la ' the modern Excelsior Hotel.

Recent arrivals tn R o m e at the Excelsior Hotel include Prince and ' Princess Takamatsu, w h o after a short visit to Naples returned again ' to Rome. The Maharajah of Indoi e also la at the Excels ior. American arrivals include Mr. and Mrs. G. Hamilton Colket of N e w York, who arrived by motor from France; Gil­bert McClintock. Harold Small, Mr. and Mrs. J. 8 . Hltborn, Leon Fraser, Mra. W . L. Younger and Mrs. W. F. Gordon.

Arrivals at the Grand Hotel tn Venice Include Douglas Parmentler, Mr. and Mra. A. Z. Gray, Mr. and Mrs Henty Russell and Mr. and Mrs. George Henry.

JSL 'jam}

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<*(.'£ ours

Philadelphia entertained at the Surf Club yesterday at luncheon for Mrs. Howland Russell of N e w York. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs.

The subscribers Include Mr. an. ' Mrs. Ogden L. Mills. Prince a n d Princess Serge Obolensky, Pr ince and Princess Alexis Obolensky, Prin

A t the left is Mrs. Walter E w i n g Hope, wife of the Ass i s tant Secre­tary of the Treasury and head of the committee that has arranged a performance of "Mignon" at the Metropolitan Opera House on Jwnuiiry 30 under the auspices of the N e w York V a s s a r Club for the club's scholarship fund. At the right is Miss Freder ica Gallatin, member of the dance commit tee of the Russian Students ' ball at the

Ritz-Carlton on the same date .

Colonial Hotel Opens For Season at Nassau

apf-mi f*srre»aa«rf>Rcf tn T u n I r a . NASSAU, Bahamas. Jan. 20.- The

Evangeline arrived yesterday from Haw York and brought m a n y so­journers for the opening of the New Colonial Hotel. In the grill there will be * feature every Wednesday Bight, and among the special eve­nings there will be a native Raham-lan night. * pirate ball, black and whi'e hall, a rainbow party and an Italian evening, each with its ap­propriate dfcenttHra effects.

Mr and Mrs Homer A Wessell Cf New York and Rriarcliff Manor eam» to the hotel, as did John A. Philhrirk and his datrghter. Miss EhTsh«-,n Philbrick, to pass their Customary winter visit.

Mr *nd Mrs John W. Aitken of He* York are new arrivals this Max •BB Others from that city are Eliot Buffington. A. J. Pagel, A. C. Beane, Mr and Mrs Raymond C. Schlndler *nd Mr and Mrs. Harris Fahne-•tock. Jr,

Arrivals at the Royal Victoria In­clude Mr and Mrs. James D . Lau­dator, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner D. Kll-m«x of Scarsdale, Miss Lima La-roque and Miss June Blossom of WW York Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tours of Great Neck. Miss Ruth Barry and Miss Lilian Barry of Harkensack, N. J.

Mr and Mrs Homer C. Rockwell of N»w York gave a dinner at the Royal Victoria. Tn the party were Col and Mrs. Edward H. Twombly »nd Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Johnson Mr and Mrs. A. G. Pratt of F.nglo-*ood. N. T., are at the Royal Vic­toria

Mrs. V. P. Myers Gives Bridge-Tea at Pinehurst

Spfr io l Ptrptltih tn T H I St '* . P I N E H U R S T . N. C . Jan. 2 3 - M r s .

V* P. Myers of New York gave a bridge-tea at her home today. T h e guests included Mrs. Fleming Pop-pam, Dr. Alice Presbrey, Mrs. Anna Boughton and Miss Elizabeth Jones of N e w York; Mrs. H. C. Buckmin-sler of Boston, Mrs. George P Vail, Mrs. Herbert D. Vail of Glen Cove, L. I . ; Mrs. Richard S. Tufts, Mrs. George P. Hawes . Mrs. Charles Pic-quet of Pinehurst. Mrs. Paul Dana of Scarsdale, N . Y., and Mrs. Frank Dudgeon of Locust Valley, L. I.

Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Bradley of Nyack, N. Y. , are at the Mid Pin"s Country Cluh. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Adams of Plandome, L. I., are ex­pected to arrive next week, t h e y will stav at the Chalfonte Hotel . At the Chalfonte are Mrs. Charles W. Tracy, E. W. Tracy and H. M. Adams of New York.

Arrivals at the Carolina Hotel In­clude H. C. Heisler, A. R. IVterlinK. New York; Mrs. J. R. Patterson. Mrs. E. L. Worthington, Cleveland. Ohio, and Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Muellet. Philadelphia,

Palm Beach Sojourners Attend Miami Races

Homesteaders Ball to Be Given hy the Lido Club

A novel fiance of the midwinter season Bt the Lido Country Cluh Is to r-# »Vio Homesteaders ball tomor­row evening. The members will ap-P'*r in nirnl dress. The ballroom. *hirh overlooks the sea, will be transformed into R rustic interior. Calored cloths will cover the tables. Antiquated coal-oil lamps will be •usprnrtrr) frnrn t n r f i l i n g . During the evening there will he a program " f ,Tf:'Tinment hy the Missouri Moun'mnerrs, who will do some old-Jwhionori dances, including a square flftnre for the members of the party.

H"vr>n ( nt isr, ninECToft. *"riid A Muschenhelm. president

• ' »hr Hotel Astor, gave a luncheon ystcrdav for George W. White. 'ruise director for Thomas Cook A *°n. who sails today for South Arnen^ ort t h ( , rosul ich liner Vul-

*nh Among those present were nr Fiori E Emmons. Tarl E. Esta-tirnnkr. Henry G. Fargel, Allan G. Hur.i l a m , , j Mariner. Arthur L. Wtlmalpy and C Frederick White.

* o , , , , , v H i v a M * t u l T n a n . M>- -,nd Mrs Gerhard M Dahl will

«"!" next week for Havana, where Ot* »tu be at the new National Ho­tel

•mn, mi, , , %T vummnvn/t, M' tad | f n Frankbnd F. Staf-

T2r* *r. , t t h t vsnderbi l t from

Miss Jane Middlebrook Bride of J. L. Black, Jr.

A suburban wedding today Is tha* of Miss Jan» Middlebrook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Curtis Middle­brook of Comstock Place, South Or­ange, to James Luther Black. Jr. . son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Blnrk of Piqus . Ohio, at the Church of* the Holy Communion in South Orange. A reception follows at the Essex County Country Club.

Miss Polly Middlebrook is her sis­ter's maid of honor, and the b r i d e s other attendants are Miss France* Bullard of Fairfield, Mrs. Allen Os­borne of Montclair, Miss Virginia Thompson of N e w Rochelle, Mrs. Curtis M. Middlebrook of Orange, slster-tn-law of Miss Middlebrook. Mrs. Charles Cory of Lima, Ohio, and Miss Dorothy Denney of Glen Ridge. Prescott Brigham of Bridge­port is best man, and the ushers in­clude Frank Camp, Thorton Barrett . Donald Chadwick and Cedric Horn­by, all of Bridgeport; Cedric Braun of Pittsburgh and Curtis M. Middle­brook, brother of the hrlde-elect.

The bride attended Birmingham School and Skldmore College. Mr. Black is a graduate of Yale Uni­versity.

S/7ve?r Cross Nursery Will Give Dance tonight

*>«-i''«l rX'polrh to T H I S I N . MIAMI, Fla., Jan . 23.- A number

of Palm Beach colonists arrived to­day for the races at Hialeah Park and luncheon at the clubhouse. Charles A. Munn brings members of his house party, Mrs. Baldwin Browne, Noel Munn and Miss Pau­line Munn. Harold Sterling Van-derhilt comes with guests from his La ran a estate. Mrs. Dodge Sloane brings guests she is entertaining at Concha Marina.

Mr. and Mrs. John H a y Whitney, who were at the track yesterday, are planning to sail for England the firs' week in February'- They are going over for the Grand National Steeple­chase at Aintree on March 27, when Mr. Whitney's horse Easter Morn will run again.

Earl W. Sinclair, w h o Is a guest of Thomas M, Howell aboard the tes­ter's yacht, Thalia, .put in his first appearance at the track. Mr. and Mrs. George Loft of N e w York have arrived on their yacht , Sheila, and may now be expected at the track daily as is their usual custom.

Mr. and Mrs. George W. Elkins of Elkins Park. Pa . , w h o have arrived at the Boca Raton Club*in their pri­vate car. also attended the races.

Henry W. P u t n a m . N e w York, ha« arrived for his sixth season aboard his yacht, the Alcyone. His plans Include a cruise which will not be completed until the latter part of March.

George Dickson of Philadelphia and | eeaa N ina of Russia, Prince Paul Mrs. George Noyes of Milwaukee, Wis.

M r s , J. F. Maynard, Jr. , Miss Mary Louise Maynard, Miss Sally Maynard and Mrs. F . C. Oaterhout of Utica have arrived at the Flamin­go Hotel to join J. F. Maynard, who has been there for several weeks .

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bluett. Glen Ridge. N . J . ; Miss Ruth Fisher. Belmar. N . J . ; Mr. and Mrs. A. M Day. Hempstead, L. I . ; Mrs. James Kelsey, Asbury Park, N . J., were among the Boulevard Hotel sojourn­ers attending the bridge party there last night.

Arrivals at the Pancoast Hotel In­clude Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Kiedel of New York. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ebin-ger of Brooklyn. Walter Ebinger of Brooklyn is expected here within the next few days to join Mrs. Ebin­ger and daughter at the Pancoast Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Patterson. White Plains . N . Y. . were among the ar­rivals at the Boulevard Hotel .

Among those attending the Uni­versity of Miami tea yesterday at the estate of Theodore Dickinson were Mr and Mrs Joseph H Adams Brooklyn; Mrs. Kenneth Ashby, E. R. Thomas. Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs John McEntee Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Rruen, Mr. and Mrs Elmer E. Chattan, Mr. and Mrs. Will iam T. Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gtfford. Mr. and Mrs. Ar­thur Curtiss James, Col. and Mrs. E. H . R. Green, of N e w York, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank E . Gannett of Buffalo.

Mr. and Mrs. Van Riper Arrive at Atlantic City fp"<nt THap&trh tn T H I S r s .

ATLANTIC CITY, N . J., Jan. 23. Arrivals at the hotels from N e w York include:

Travmore— Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Van Riper. Mr. and Mrs. W. W Chew, W. W. Chew. Jr. . Mrs. Charles C. Murphy, Mrs. Arthur F. Chace and Mr. and Mrs. S. R . Akin.

Ambassador-Mr. and Mrs. Ssmuel Berlinger and Mr. and Mrs. David Brown.

Madison -Mr. and Mrs. E. J Mackin, D. A. Taylor and George K Burns.

Ludy Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Tanner. Mrs. Thomas L. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Metzer.

President Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beal, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Pierce, Mr. end Mrs. Charles W. Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Weir , Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wadsworth and Mr. and Mrs. "Peter Foster.

Chelsea Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hop­kins and Mrs. Harriet H. Johnson.

Chalfonte-Haddon Hall Mrs. W.

Chavchavadze, Mr. and Mrs. Court-landt D. Rarnes, Prince and Prin­cess S. Sidamon Eristoff, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Moore, Prince and Princess Serge Gagarin. Frank L. Polk, who is honorary chairman of the ball; Mrs. Polk. Col. Francis L. Robbins, Jr . , the honorary vice-chairman; Mrs. Robbins, Sir Harry and Lady Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Astor,- Boris A. Bakhmeteff , Col, and Mrs. Franklin Q. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Day, Dr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Duggan. Mr. snd Mrs. Morton D. Hull, Major-Gen, and Mrs. William N. Haskel l . Baroness Sophie Meyendorff, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Nazaroff and Mr. and Mrs. Serge Ughat.

Also Dr. and Mrs. Henry Fairfield Osborn, Jr. , Brig.-Gen. and Mrs. William Barclay Parsons, Mme. Helen Romanoff, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Sturges, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Symington. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Raffalovlch and Col. and Mra. Cornelius W. Wickersham.

Pierre Routsky of 109 West Fifty-fourth street and Miss Lucile de Nevers Jones of 347 Msdison avenue have charge of the tickets.



StfcA, > ~<1HH

59-61 Wctt 36«Street^ 'TtmtWlswasm 7-Q277 r o K M S K i t W A L D O R F - A S T O R I A C O A C H T t R M i N A i .

Montreal, $10 I BOSTON, $4 Rperiitt 4 l'n> Kvrar-ainn llfinnd Trip Stt

4 <'Mth*B Da l ly



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.VM . . . . 4.44

Atlnntir City Brtdarport Rnrlinatnn t'hlritg-n, Itliuoi* ttontrr H . I . . . . I «ilen« Fill la Hartford I J I « Angrlra . . . . I Nkr M noil

Miami , New Britain N>w Haven . Phi ladelphia I'talt»tHtrt . . r r « , M e « c e Springfield . M. l-nftin . . . Waahlac ten . Hrhraertsdr

MIIIHIC ( I I A I H K S I1IH s r R t l A I . HIRF.

T r a v e l .


T. Dippel, Mrs. M. M. Cooke and The Junior Auxiliary of the Silver M r > a n r l M r , R . H . Owens

Cross Day Nursery will hold Its an­nual review and supper-dance »A the RlU-Carlton tonight. Dances and comedy numbers will be added at­tractions.

The nursery cares for children whose mothers must work. The ac­tive members of the Silver CTOM malntain the day nursery at 249 East 117th street. The organization w i s started in 1*90 and has continued to expand until now it has a fireproof building with large, airy room-where many needy children are #ared for from 7 A. M. to 6 P. M It if nonsectarlan and is s u p p o / e d by the efforts of members and by volun­tary contributions from friends.

Officers of the auxiliary are Mrs Marjorie M. Wise, president; Mrs. Jacob Doll, vice-president; Mrs Lyman Ward, corresponding secre­tary; Mrs. David G. Leggett . record­ing secretary, and Miss Marguerit" Suter. treasurer.

Mrs. Hugo Lehifeld is chairman of the entertainment committee. Mis? Wllhelmina Mahr. asalsted by Mrs Karl Eimer. has charge of pro grams, and Mrs. David G, Leggett is supervising the decorations.

« i P i , r , M m « T n m n r . p . P A R T I .

Mrs Beverley C. Sanders of 4'» Eant Eighty-eighth rtreet is chairman of a luncheon and bridge to he given In the large ballroom of the Plaza or January 2* by members of the Maple-hurst A l u m i a e .

ttfirrinl P t l f fag tn T H » ? I * . ASHEVILLE. N. C . Jan. 23 Mrs.

Henry Boehm started for New York yesterday after spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Westall. Lieut.-Commander H. C. Colhurn and Mrs Colhurn have pur­chased the former home of Dr. and Mrs George Lambert in Biltmore Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams of Rochester, N . Y., are visiting Mr. and Mrs Henry Thompson In Nor­wood Park. Mrs. Robert W. Martin, Jr. , started for N e w York after pass­ing a fortnight w i th Mr. Martin's parents.

Arrivals a t the Asheville-Blltmore Hotel include Mr. and Mrs. V. P . Stone of Mountain Lakes. N. J . ; Mr. and Mrs. John Wehrle of Norwalk. Conn.; Mr. and Mrs. M I . Wlllara of Philllpsburg. N. J". Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gentry. Thomas A. Mayo and A. J. Drew of N o w York,

Mr. and Mrs. J M Lundie and Mr. and Mrs, W R Slack have returned to New York after passing a week at the George Vanderbilt Hotel.

MRS. i .n i i s r.r.nnr.F, «« F,*T.

Miss Jean Wotfftl gave a farewell luncheon ves terdsy at the Park Lane In honor of Mrs Louis George Miss Wuertz leaves soon for Palm Reach, where she will be at tht Breakers until April.

Af rs. James K. Hyde Given Luncheon at St. Augustine

Specia l /iitpntrh to T i n S r s . ST. AUGUSTINE. Fla . , Jan. 2 3 -

Mrs. James K. Hyde gave a luncheon yesterday at the Alcaxar Hotel for Miss Gladys Padgett , whose engage­m e n t to Mra. Hyde's son, J. Kll-hourne Hyde, w a s announced re­cently. Other guests included Mmes Puller Moore. Walter D. Webb and Leslie Stephens; the Misses Mary Lueaa Hart, Alleyne Smith, Sarah Gibson. Gertrude CalhouA and Vir­ginia Walcutt .

Mrs. Edward I . Devlin and her mother, Mrs. Will iam T. Dickson, of New York, , will entertain twenty guests at a bridge and tea today at the clubhouse of the St. Augustine links. Mrs. George J. Maust gave a tea there yesterday. Her guests wer«« Mrs Will iam B . Robinson. Miss Ann D. P . Cooper of N e w York and Mr. and Mra. J. W. Boran

Arrivals at the Ponce de Leon In­clude Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hoatetter. Mr. and Mra. R. N . Rltter. Mrs. F . H. - Gordon, Mrs. F. P. Fltzslmons s n d W. P . Levis of N e w York. Mr. snd Mra. H. S. Lovejoy of New Haven are at the Alcazar.

John D. Rockefeller Has Guests at Ormond Beach

Sperml Tiixpateh to T m Si t . O R M O N D BEACH, Fla. , Jan. 23 -

Mr. and Mrs. John White and Miss Betty White of Cleveland are guests of John D . Rockefeller at the Case­ments and join him in the daily round of golf.

In a bridge party at the HoteJ Or­mond last night were Mrs. Arthur H. Waterman. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. McKean. Mr. and Mra. W. E . Edmlster, Mrs., A. A. Sedgwick, Henry and O. C. Weatherby, Wil l iam Ward, A. D . Pomeroy. Daniel C. Roberts, F . K. Moore and George C. Klmmont .

Arrivals Include Mrs. Bradford Merrill of Manhassett . L. I . ; James R. and Miss R. F. Merrill of N e w Rochelle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Lamper and S. G. Davison of Lynn, Mass.

3NT it grand that the i - I route to summer should be so

inexpensive3 Hotel-like accom­modations on fast big ocean liners with a cozy stateroom, splendid meals, games by day, dancing—all these and more are included in the low fare. Express sailings New York to Miami every Wednesday and Saturday Overnight service by large ocean steamers between Miami a-irl Havana. Also every Tuesdav, Thursday, and $atur« rtay New York to ja-kscnville To Charles­ton S. C on Tuesdays and Thursdays and alternate Saturdays, Thrmigfc llpk»t» *nd h t m l * »o all Flnrlda fmtnta »1« Jtrk'mmlllo nd Minmt tn n»<n,« •" the Clpl-

llnas. 0»«nt», Kaaaasaw. •*» . »U nitrlanlon.

Economical All-Eapentc Tours

Tahf four tar l*w rat

CLYD E - M A L L ' O r k y

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Weeks Open Home at Camden

Sser ia l Ditpoteh In T M S R e * . CAMDEN. 8 . C . Jan. 2 3 - M r . and

Mrs. John L. Weeks of New York have opened Rloomsbury, which thev recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs C. M. Robblna of Pe lham, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Speakman of Mount Ver­non and A. H. Paine and Miss Paine of Rrightavatera, L. I., have arrived at the Klrkwood.

Mrs. S. Osgood Pell, who Is visit­ing Mrs. Wil l iam Bull In Aiken, re­turns today to be with her sister, Mrs. Will iam N. Kerr, for a few days at her home here before start­ing for California.

Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Cooper of Phil adelphia have arrived at the Court Inn.

Newport. Sn»rin| f»i#a«ifea f» Tt«« S I - N .

N E W P O R T . R. I. . Jan. 2 3 - M r . and Mrs. William Fltahugh White-house start today for N e w York en route for Havana. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Eppley have returned to Beacon Rock from N e w York.

Mrs Edward V. Hartford is ex­pected today from N e w York to pass the week end at Seaverge with her son, G. Huntington Hartford 2d, who i s coming from Harvard with guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Snowden A. Fahne-atock and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Pell arrive today from New York to pasa the week end. Mra. Pell will be among the hostesses at the Art Association tomorrow, when Mr. Pell g ives a talk on his collection of ancient and modern prints, now on display. Other hostesses will include Mrs. Harris Ii«nlng. Mrs Mllo F. Draame! and Mrs. George B. Wright.

Miss Agnes C Storer will start to­morrow for New York and will sail next Friday on a trip around the world, returning next summer. She will he accompanied hy Miss Cath­erine Qulnn.

f t ' K I . F A R P . R R i n r . F . P A R T Y .

The annual bridge of the N e w York Division of the United Daugh­ters of th* Confederacy takes place I this afternoon at the roof garden i of the St. Regis. The proceeds will !

be devoted to the philanthropic fund. Mrs. J . Marvla Dow is president of the division. Miss A. F Beaaon is viea-president, Mrs. Charles E . L.ld-don, treasurer, and Mrs. Alexander J. Field, historian.

MS rift* AT* fhnn» VAndMMH 3 »?«« f l f f N, Vnrlh R l w Itwiw WAlk.f J inna

nr Any Auihnrt«M| TmirlJt A**m

Wt5T Dlt5 * N C H A N T M * N T

E L E V E N priceless diva, ad venturing in the tfopics, fot a price anyone can afford A movie of the centuries in San Juan and thru the countryside of Puerto R k o Then to Santo D o m i n g o with aightsrring trips that ahow you a cross section o f this colorful Rrpub

-«— he. The ship la your hotel, the Porto Rtco Line your hott oa every ocraaion


A> ttrviet, Ff*. IOJ1


A Crtt.n it«r4> fnm A'«,» for* <• T » » ! • * • • • • /"arrirWaet from Cmij* /V|»» . P,.rt* fti/y t.tn.jnotnf Unit St, mr US r,/th A- , ft»» Yuri- or imtk* rrstnmlHttn tin SRSl W*»r ew» l*r*l tatrwf * ft*!


N o w you can live in the lap of luxury without being the possessot ©f precious heirlooms. . .The moder­ate rentals at 7 Park Ave. are only one of the many reasons why you should live there.

I, 2, 3. and 4 room housekeeping apartments with complete kitchens-Gorgeous bathrooms in color. Sev­eral suites have terraces. Hotel service available.

Ready far immtdititt rtttupnnty. Renting tgtnt »* prtminx.




o u r t h r e e M e w

n formation at fork Off ices

THOS. COOK St SON ;MH f i f t h Ate. . r . l R'way. Ml Madlaan Ate .

atSMUDA via at. a. "•naipgpr m "Vnaaaai." Faratu Btrniiida u«» U warWfcaB St.

R e s o r t s . I anada .

ITALY>; 5 v %0

S/I«!t M O V T H f . A I . l e r hnrktM w '!# Montreal Tourlet Bureau, N#r» Rlrtca R l d | . , Montreal .



I tTs i & CLLIMAM • e f f r s j f !

$40 Madison Ava. T*1. Regent 4-<

. A<***fW a* ff, fhrmm _ V G R E E N C O

i T^HamufQO BS8S

Mew Jeraef—Atlantte Cttt

^ r Ai n RIVIERA SIC1 NORTH AI By i*a taasrtaa* Una

conn COMTE m


OMSaAlTAI ' AlOttBS • fa l t tMr, NArlfS • VTUeetAMCrfl • OtMOA

|aa. 23 Feb. 10 M.2I OaSaaalaaaaa i i i n m n a* aS * « • *

LLOYD SABAUOO * Start* B S I I H . N a a T a r l

*rt Mrtte €trr, * at faSSWBI mmd Vmhtokm "Hesw • / »•• Caeeatea

O r * . - I ' * * * " A a e r l a Caret* . WALTEI J. BUZIY. INC

f l i t fwhl ie ** H « n * e d '

BOSTON *42£ PROVIDENCE $3.00 < A ! M T * f a re . InefsaV Herts la eahln) Cut 4*. N. N. ifaat af 6arfMai*tt St I

run* A ««•«•* I ie P. M. tlntUaa if(»rr««a)i. wlta reaalaf «rt*BF, I I

Colonia ' L l f l t ta'aal a lass _ 0 M O N I t T N A ft 0 A N C I N 0 .

on t h e

t a •_ f l a *J * ' j > J f j f f j j a ia , 1 «*n tn noatnti r>atl» Rarept Snadlr . S P M Eatltra S. I . Llatt, Stai l«, a a , ft. Wirtta I t .

STATENDAM the largest ship to those exotic Isles

Laavas New Yatrk

JAN. 28 mt FEB. 24

t o t h e i n s p e c t i o n o f t h i s magni f i cent Liner . . . und to the mov ing picture h im

of the Cruise o n board


Inspect ion from 10 A. M. t o 5 P. !M. At Pier, Foot of Fifth

S t r e e t , Hoboken, N . J .

Come and See the Cruise in Movies Starts at 3Mr*. M.

Tea Served Afterwards T h e a a t w o t w e n t y - A r e d a y rrulaea «f t h e X. v Statondmm v la l t r O R T O R K . t l — S a n J u a n . 4 . a B u a a t V I K t . l N ISI .AM>*v-St . T h o m a s * M \ l < I IMI.H K - l o r i . lr r r a n c e , S t . I i . r r . l l \ H I I M M » s - l l r . . | « r -t o w n i I K I M I M I i — R r i | | h t o n . Port o f S p a l n t VKNK/I t l . \ - L a ( , U I > I W , Cararaat I I K M M l — < > r . r l . B a y , * i l l r i n . l a i l . PAN A-MA — O U t o b a l , C o l o n . A n a o n , P a n a m a C i t y . O ld P a n a m a . B a l ­b o a ; J A M A I C A — K i n g s t o n , «,aa-t l r l o n l . , r , | . n . . 4 I H A — l l a r a n a i B A H A M A ISLANDS— > a n a u . S h o r e a r r a n s e m r n t a a n d s p e c i a l e n t e r t a i n m e n t In n i o p e r n t l o n w i t h B a y m o n d - W h i t c u m b

C o m p a n y .

LUXURIOUS accommoda-tion* at moderate rata*.

lltutlrnirH Booklet on Frquat

WEST [HDJES \CARIBIIAN AH Exp» f i i « Cry ise

V©L£MIDAil T h a b e a u f l f u l s h i p — t h e s h i p o f I m m a r u l a t e l i n u r y — t h » s h i p o f r h e r m l n a r o m f o r t . . . a n d f a m « n«<* fnr i*« r i r» | Irn» ru in lne Thla Is y o u r H o t e l t h r o u g h o u t t h e rruiaaj,

28-day Cruise FEBRUARY 1 1 V i a i t l n s B A H A M A I S L A N D S — "k > « j n -' I H A — l l . , . , n a - • n l i n ' i i J A M Alt*. A — k i n a a t o n i PANAMA— C o l n m C L R A C A O , LA G i l A Y S 4 , V F N K Z t F L A — C a r a r a * ! T R I M . n A t » . B A R h A D O S , M A R n N I O t E, V I R t . l N I S L A N D S — s t . r h o m i . i i r n i i r o R l t : n - S a n J u a n a n d B L R M C D A . Ratea aa low aa %St9. R a t e a I n c l u d e c o m p l e t e p r o e m s o f a h o r a e a r u r a l o a a u n d e r t h o n a n a g e m e n t of Frank T o u r i s t C o .

LUXURIOUS aceamriMMf*. t i o n s a t vary a t t r a c t i v e

r a t a * . rtit-H hnr.kLH « , # .


2 1 - 2 4 a t a t e S U N t w Y a r k , a a d E R A N K T O U R I S T C O M P A N Y

8 4 2 a t t i Ava. . N a w V a r l t o e l o c a l I n n r i i l ( i | . n l >

70 d a y s of doHSpfht o n f Aa Entiroly Modarniaee !

tnn.ni,. I . r u i l i n f Ship

ROTTBMiAM I ^ n * «*s Ne>w York

IF<f-b. abillh andrr Hnlland-Amrrirs Line'a

«>»n m.n.trm.ni

T h n H l n r r a r y w h i c h I* l h » mnat c o m * p r e h e n e i t e i n t h e a n n a l * nf t h l a ( a -

m n u a a t e a m e r i n r l u d c a * M e d n n , I auhlmri (th. plavyround nf Mnr-,w,„«nd Nnrth Afnrai.'jdii.^r«ill>{f.raaad*l. r,ibr«l*»r. Alprn , N«pl». lAm .til l Taa» Ath*o«. (omnniiaoplr. H«f«. Jrruulrn. | i ltc Hoi* land), Alriandna, I •in., laad t.|nrB'l. Rotor and Duhrorntklnntlir DalaiatianCnaatl. Vmrr. Manln lirninil rail), MntMrn, aad ika Rivi»r»

ImiB Naplr* a inp tn la* " fjemal t Uty,' R«*M, •a inrludrd Othrt la*rinatin|l porta of rail ara Malta.thr n.manor I . pru.. til*aonnv lair, and Mraatna i I amminai m l^iriU Alan tnr taland ,,l Rlinflcaand f«nh« inland nana ar* added.

I n m l a n t . e t p r r t rare nf a l l »<Hir t rave l r n m f o r f a . . nn aea hy t h e H O I t a N D - A M r R H A LINK t m l a n d hy A M L R D A N F.XPRKSS C f l M P A N V . . e a c h o r g a n i s a t i o n mi ta tMndina In l i a n w n S c t d . Aaom* h l n a t i n n i n s o r i n a t h e m « a t per­fec t a c r . l r c b o t h a a h l p a n d e a h o e a


• >f t ritNie*- *ter«f»ffi'̂ af*B!i** mmkm r**»*»T% atMitta nnm Rat** frnfl |**^S

9 nip ffit tttmttmtrd **•**•*,•** m


ii f t - f4 f law Strata, Haw f * * Of I .^sl rAaaydS

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