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Goa, 5th November, 1964 (

All correspondence referring to announcements and subscription of Government Gazette must be addressed to its administration office. Literary publications will be advertised free of charge provided two copies are offered.

Todaa icorrespondencia relativa a anuncios e it ass ina­tura do Boletint Ojicial deve ser dirigida it Adminis­tracao d~, Imprcnsa Nacional. As publicaQoes literarias de q~e (se receberem do is exemplares anunciam-se gratuitar1ente. .

K":':f ~:.:, 0 L E TIM ment. . .


T Series Hs. II Series Hs.

III Series 11s,



·10, - I's. 24/-

1:8. 12/-1 ',S. 10/· I:s. 12/-

Panjim, 31st Octog!.:= .. =============================== .. ; __ , .. _=====';==.0:;'

By notif

Esvonta regedor concelhc



ORDER GAD~EST~8364/29273

Aow:i.ng Officers are h'ireby desrgnalted as Under Se­!~ withunmedi'aJte effect:-

~ / '

}'Shri R. K. Gupta, Deputy Secr'etary (Planning). Shri D. V .. Sawant, Deputy SecI1eJtary (Hea1itil::t). Shri V. S. Srtmvasaglopruan, Deputy S:ecretary (Fi-

Shr:t Vaman Sanies:sai, Deputy Dire'Ctor c.ld :ex-offd1cio De­Slecretary, is designated as: ksslis'; ant D1I1ectoT, Pan-

lEy ol1der ,and dn the !l1:aIIle of <the Administrator of the UniOIll T,enrfutory .of Goa, Dannan and 'Diu.

B. K. Chot~gule, Chief Secretary. Panjim, 28th October, 1964.

Notification SD /LEV/64j2927,l

ShrJ GU,runalth Dess,ai, se--;ond grade officer of the office of "'''''''--''«'''.- DrreCltior of Clru Administration is herelby 'appiomted to

the ,current :charg;e of the post of Cusltodian 'Of Abandoned PTOiperty 'and Clai,ms Offd,oer with etfect fr.om 17-10~64 BN. :vice SOO V. M. iKamat.

By o,rder and in 'the name of;the Administrator of the Uni.on Territory of Goa, Daman ,and Diu.

K. B. La,ll, Under ,Secre~talry Gene'ra~Admi:n:is:trat10nDepart-

28th Ocbober, 1964.

Notification ISID/UEV j64/2g12i5

.tihslmtlllte the following for it'he notification lNo. lSiD/LEV / idated 7-5-164.

H. K. Khan, I, A, S. OOIHector of Daman is sanctioned learned leave fr.om 20-2-64 to 5-3-64.

l.scerti!fie'd ithat on ex!piry 'Of ~€:aJVe IShr& H. K Khan, was at iDamran !in Itil:le s'anne Icapacity.

(By 'Order, and in the name .of the Administrator :of the (,'0 . . .union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

'K:nGhOt~gule, Chief S-ecretary. Panjuh, '2i51fu. Octdber, 19'64.

.. ..



GOVERNO DE E Secrehuia

Portaria GAD-EST-84364/2H273

Os oficiai-s a s'eguir ~ndicados pass'rum il tel', com efeita in):'-dtaibo, a desi'gnagao de subs:€creUirios:

(1) Sr. R. K. Gupta, S'ecretamol AdjurlitiO' (Planeamel1taJ. (2) Sr. D. V. Savant, Secr'etar.io Adjunto (Satldej. ('3) lSI'. IV. IS. S.l'iiniva;S'agopa:lan, ISecr:etario Adjunto (Finan­

gas) .

Sr. Vanwn Sardessai, Director Adjunto :e ex--offlcio Slec!t'let:irio Adjunto, passa a iter a designaQii.o de Director As­si-stente dos Panchayats.

POI' ordem 16 em llJOme d'O Adminifs~t;l'ad{)'r do terl']t6ric da UniiiJ'O de Goa, Damao 'e Din.

B. K. Ch'Ougule, Secretario-chefe. Pang1im, 28 de Outubl'o de 1964.

Portal'ia .81D/['!Erv /64/,29271

:0 Sr. IGwunata IDessai, :segmndo-oficialdos SeX'vigos de AJdministragao ICirvil, e nome ado para ass,umiir as fungoes do cargo de Igestor da proprtedade laban don-ada 'e de ofieioJ e'ncarregaido de ace.i!tarreclarrn;aQoes,com .elfeito a partir de 17 de OuitUJbro de 19164, antes do meio-dia, em subst-itlliQao do IS:r. V. [!VI. Ka;mwt.

POI' ordem 'e em nome do j\.dministrador do territ6rio da Uniao de Goa, Damao e DiD.

K. B. Lall, iSubsecretari-o do rDepartan1e!11to da AdministraQao Geral.

Pangiil'n, 2'8 de Outuibro de 11964.

Despacho ISiD /i£.JElV /64/29112'5

o despaclro n.oSD/LEVj64/12510, de 7 de Mailo 1964. e substiltuQdo pelo que segue:

E ooncedida ao Sr. H. K. Villan, I. IA. S., Collector de Da· mao, qUJinze .d!iIa-s de lilcenga ldiiscl-plinar, deade 20 de Fr v:ereiro de ,1964 a 5 de Margo de 1964.

Conslt8Jta-se que ap6e 0 termo da licenga a' Sr. H. K Khan, l'eassumQu as SUM fungoes a;cima referidas em Damilo.

POI' 'Ordem ie em nome do AdmillJ~s<trrador da Uniao de Goa, D8Jmao Ie Din.

B. K. ChouguZe, Secretario-Ohefe. Pangim, 25 de Outubro de 196/

do t"rrH6l'io

c , " 434 c II LV -~-------------------------------------------------------------------


The. 1iquidation proceedings <of Estal:eiiros Navais de Goa, a C()Iffipan~ registeQ'ed under the old Pol1tuguese Law are under conslideration. It is hereby notified for general infor­mation that the persons mentioned in the schedule given belOiWare meported to be shareholders in the salid Compan~, and are reported to haV'e obtained a nationa]i1ly other than Indhm, or have left; India, .or whose whereabouts and nation a­lit~y are not known. All the :shaQ'es standing in the names of the saJid persons are liable to be treated as 'e~.acu.ee 'pro­pert.1y and be deemed to have vested in the Custodian when the Bill recently passed by the Legislative As~·embly comes Luto foree. Till then the Custodian of .AJbandoned Property, Government of Goa, Daman and Dliu, Banjim, will represent their int'erests. Any person having 'aniy representation to make in· ith!is '['egard should file itt W'J.th the Custodian of Abandoned property, with all :the necessary documents and proff, ,if any, within 15 darys from the date of this notifi­ca,tion.

S. No. Name of shareholder No. of shares

1. J eremias Xavier Carvallio .,............................ 15 2. iDr. "Tose J10aquim Millita:oQuadros .................. 10 3. W·alver Claudino Henriques ........................... ' 5 4. BroomhaU BoaventUlu Henriques..................... 5 5. Antonio Alfredo Viegas ............................... ~. :12 6. Avelino P. C. GouV'eia .. ,................................... 5 7. Jose Mariano Pereira .................... ............ .... 12 8. Oonceigil;o Luis Pereira ................................. 20 9. Francisco X. de Cruz ..................................... 2

10. Maria A. J. Ventura Nazareth ........................ 3 11. Joa:o Menino Nazareth ................................... 2 12. P. S. D'Souza ................ .............. .......... .... 10 13. Madalena Diase Gomes ................................. 5 14. jose Ant6ni:o L. P. S. Gomes ........................... &1 15. Jose A!I.'1Uando Vlitor ,Gomes .......... ;................ 1 1:6,., Mana Ursula Wilfl'ed Gomes ........................... 1 17. Orphia lEeda Pruden cia Gomes ........................ 1 18. Ange]:o FerdunandQ R. Gomes ........................ 1 19. Francisco M. ;C. R. Silva Rosa........................ 1 20. ,Jose Cristovao Sdlva Rosa .............................. .1 21. Pedro FranCISCo Fernandes ........................... 15 22. Flotiano L. Jooo Fernandes ...........................5 23. Victor Joaqu<im de Souza................................. 10 24. Ana Maria H. Carvalho ................................. 2 25. Alexandre.<8. Carvalho ..... :........................... 2 2.6'. Hermenegildo de Cruz .................................... '65 27. Mavoos Maria Salome Rodrigues ..................... 2 28. Mal'oos P. E. de Aquino Henriques .................. 20 29. Francis F1ernandes ............. ,........................... 1 30. M'a;r;tinho Jeronimo Fernandes ........................ 1 31. Antonio .J:ose Fernandes ................................. 1 32. Espirito S. R. dos Anjos Fernandes ............... :1 33. Francisco J. Margariida Nazareth..................... 5 34. Ana Mal'ia Mra F. de Sa Henriques ............... ,15 35. Joao Luis N. M. W. Fernandes ... ,.................... 1 36. Ana Graga B. de Souza ................................. 1 37. Jose Sebastiao P. F1el'nandes........................... 1 38. Jose Raimundo de Souza .............................. 1 39. Dionisio E. C. de Sauza ................................. 1

, 40. Raul Ayr-es F1ernandes .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . ... . .. .. . . 3 41. Ant6nio Santana Tome Cota...........................3 42. Domlngo's Laurenco Balbino Lobo .................. 3 43. Minguel Santana Fernandes ........................... 3 44. Gaspar Rodrigues ........................................... 2 45. Nicolau Piedade Fernandes ........................... 4 4,6. Jose Vic'ente Moraes .............. ....................... 2 47. Jose Menano da Cunha .................................... 2 48. Ant6nio Ribeiro . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . .... . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . 1 49. Alfredo S'ouza (Afonso de Souza) . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 5 50. Hugo Coutinho ..... '...... ......... ..... ........... .......... ;)

lEy; order and in the name of the Administrator of the ',J!nion Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

B. K, Chougltle" Chief Secretary.

P'anjittn, :28th OctoheT, 196'4.

ORDER SD/iLEiV/64;12i9200

Kamalt, Custodiian .of AbanJdoned iP.l1oper.ty and .gl1anrted ·leave ;for 4'4 day:s 'with ,effed from

Estao em estudo as fonnal:kiadeB legaj·, a ltqui:dagao dOB ESitaleiroF Nava:is de Goa nhia registada. ao abrigo anitiga lei piibH·co para CO'll hecimen l'o' geral que duos m:encionados no quadro que: segue se' ach-am 'accionisltas da l'eferida ·companlbJ.a e ide que lOS

V'era:m nacionalidade idif,crente da ,indiana, ou India, ou 'que 0 seu ipaTadeiro' nadonalidaJde cLaos. Todasas :aco;;oes regis,tad'as !em nome dos inctividuos :€Scil!o sudeitas ,mrem Iconsider,l'das come dade dO's :e,wlCuados 'e tendO' passa.do, .di; GestJoQ', quando 0 projecto .ld reoentemimtp a Assembleia ]jegh;latWa .cntrar 'em vilgoI'_ Ate Gestor da propriedade nbandonada, do Go" DamiiJo ·e DiiIO, repr'esental'a 'os 's'eus :intel'l,,," viduo que idesejte H1l'bmeterq118!lquer repr:esc tido, devera faz~-lo lao Ge"tor da proprieda( todos os docmme'l1Jtos nece.ss2ri:08 e lPro!vaO de 115 dias ,cO'ntado dadab p:n'blicaQarJ, p2 rUI'

N.o de serie

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. ,15. 16. '17. 18. 19. 20. ,21. 22. 23. 24. 25·. 26. 2·7. 28. 29. 30. 31. 3,2. 33. 3,4. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

LUIsa Mar';:l. A'DRO .~ervat',ria

Jel'e.nlias Xavie,l' C(u:-,,'ulho' ~ .... ·'2.a Dr. Jlo'Se J10aquim Militao QL Waiver Claudino HeJi.liques .raidor do Broomhall BoaventUID Henr' Antonio Alfredo . , .......... , AveLino P. C, ................ . Jose Mariano Perei,ra ...... , ....... . Conceigao Luis Pereila ............. .. Francisco X. de Cruz ................ .. Maria A. J. Ventura ]\[azareth .... .. Joao M·eninQ Nazarpth ............... , P. S. D'Souza ................. . Madalena Dias e Gem"s .............. . Jose Antonio L. P. S. Gomes "llte Jose ArmandO' V:itOl' G-omes ... " ....... "." .. ' 'Maria UTsul<a WHfred Gomes ....... .. Onphra Beda ~rud~ncjrl, :Gomes knge'lo iFerdunando :Gomes ........ , .. ," Francisco M. C. R. Silva R:os'a .... . J:O'se Oristoviio !Si'lva Rosa ..... ,".,., Pedro Franc:isco Fernandes Flbrlano L. Joao Fernandes Victor Joaquim de SQuza .... Ana Mwria H. Carvalho Alexandre S. Carvalho ... , Hermenegildo de Cruz .. " ... " .... Mar:cos l\IIlaTra Salome 'Rodrigues Marcos P. E. de Aquino Henriques Francis F1ernandes ...... , .... , .... . 'MiaT.t1nho .Je'r6ni'mo Ji'erma,ndes .. , ......... " Ant6nio Jlose Fernandes .. , .... " .... " ...... .. E'S:piri,to IS. 'R. dos Anjos Fernandes Francisco J. Margar,ida Naza'reth ..... Ana Ma't'i:a Afra 'F. de ,Sii Henriques JQao Luis N. M. W. Fernandes ...... Ana Grag.a; B. de Souza ..... Jose Sebastiao P. Fern~ll1des Jose Raimundo de SQUZfl .. Dionisio E. C. de Sauza Raul Ayres F·ernandes . ., .. Ant6nro Santana Tome Cot a Dom:ingos Laurenco Balbino Lobo Minguel Santana Fe,rnandes Gaspar Rodrlgu es ..... , .. Nicolau Piedade Fernandes Jose Vicenite MQraes Jose Menino da Cunha. Ant6nio Ribeiro ........ . Alfredo S:ouza (Afonso de Souza) Hugo Coutinho .................. " .. "

1 1

15 5

10 2 2

65 2

20 1 1 1 1 5

15 1 1 1 1 1 3 ", . • J .., " 3 2 4 2 2 1 5 5

POl' ordeme em nome do Administrador do territ6'rio ida Uniao de Goa, Damao e Dio,

B. K. Chougule, Seeretario-iOhefe.

Pang~m, !2,s de Outuibro 'de 19!34.

SD/LEiV /64/2:9200

Econ;cedida ao ,Sr, V. 'M. Kamat, gestor da propriedade aban1donada e official encarr<egado de ace;ita;, recfamag6es,




17-10-'64. On !e~dJry of le'ave his servilces 'are ,replaiced at the :disposal of the Government of Mysore.

The nature 'of [eave will ibe Illotified la't'er. (By order. and in the name of the Administrator of the

Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

IK.BB. LaTE, Under ,Secreltary General Administ:ration !Depart­ment.

'Panjim, ,28th Ootober, 1964.



IShri IR. C. ·lDatar, Block [)eveLO/Pment Officer, is appointed as Under :Secretary with effect from the !l5orenoon ·of 1:'he 30th .october, 11904, run.til lfiurtherlorde,rs,. '

(By order and 1n the name of the Administrator :of the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

IK. If. LaTh, Under ,Secre1tary General Administration !Depart­ment.

Panjim, 31st October, 1964 .

••• General Administration Department

Civil Administration Services

By notification dated 25th October, 1964:

Esvonta Laximan Rau Desai - relieved fmm the post of regedor (patil) effective ·of the village ,of Volvale of Bardez concelho, at his request.

By notificati:on dated 26th OCitober, 1964:

Francisco Xavi~r Lindorfo da ConceIgao Oosta - relieved from the post ofregedor (patil) effective of the village of Cuelimof Marmag;oa conceIho, at his requeSit.

Office ~f the Registrar of Societies



In exerc&se of the' !powers IVested in tITle IDirec'tor :Of Civil Admi!nistration, Goa, lDamanand Diu, under Gov,ernment Noti­ifica:Uon dated 6th . [June 1,9'64, lPuib1'isbeid lim: the Government Gazette !!lO. 24, iSerie:s II, !dated 1llth ,Jullle1964, fhe Society !Viz. :Shri Kanraleshwar :S'h~ksh!lla Frasarak !Sarm,stha, Korgao, Ta:Iu'kJa Pernem,is registered at ISeria:l no. 27 of .19,64 under the :S'odeties iRe:g1istraUon Ac:t, 1860.

BrijJ'ad Anant Nadkm'ni, R'eg;istrar of Societies and Director of Civil Administratron.

'Panjim, 128tUl Oct<>lOOr,ll'96~.

Direotorateof C1vH AdlTIlinistration Servlices, of Goa, 5th November, 1964. ~ The Directqr, Sri,pad Anant Sinll>i Nad­

- karni (Ex-officio Secretary). .

••• Education, 'Public Health 'and Public Works

Goa Medical College


. The ,temporay promoUonseffeClted by ,order no. 'GOA/PH/ 21:5/15648, dated !1llth OCltOlbet' 19612 allld pu;blis,hed in Govern­menlt Gazette no'. '42, Series II, :of 18th October 1'962 and rene,*ed ibyorder !dated :24'1Jh October 1M,3 :published in .00-v'ernment Gazette no. 45, Series II, of' 7th November 1963 ,of the below mentioned staff of Goa Medical School cadre ~re renewed for another period of one year wtth effect from 18th October 1964:

J:itime Bravo da Costa, 2nd grade fis·cal. Tomaz Francisco OIegario de Melo, chief male llurse.

c G

IicenQa de Iquarenta e qua:tro dia,', .:on efeito a de Outubro, de ,1964. IFiinda a 'liccn<;:l' 'os seus posto;; a di,sposigao do :Governo

A na,tureza da llcen<;a sera

Por ordem 'e em nome do A.drninistrador da Uniao de Goa, Damao Dio.

K. B. Lall, !Subsecreta'l'io do IDe:p:) I am ell to da GeraJ.

Pangim,28 de Outubl'o de

QA[)~ElS,T-8364/ 29'379

rO ,sr. R. 'C. :Datar, rElock lDev'eiO'pment ,officer, Subsecreitario, com efeito a partir do meio-dia de bl'O de 1964 e ate ordens ulteriores

Par ordJem Ie em nome :do AdmiilJJlis,trador da Unia:o de Goa, Damao e

K. B. Lall, Su'bsecretario dO' da Geral.

Pangim, :31 de Ot~tu bro 'de 19tH

Departamento da Adminlstra~ao Geral

Servi~o$ de Civil

Por despacho de 25 de Outubro de 1964:

non;I_'adll' de

Esvonta Laximan Rau Desai -- exonerado, a sen pedido, do carg.o de regedor efectivo da frcguesia de Colvale dO' ceIho de Bardes.

Por despacho de :26 de Outubl'o de .1964:

Francisco :Xavier Lindorfo da GO'nceiga,o Costa - exO'nerado, a seu pedido, do cargo de regedorefectivo da freguesia de 'Cuelim do conceIho de MO'rmugao.

Repartigao do Registador de Sociedades



No us;o das faculdadesl conferidas ao Direc,tor dos g'crviQos de Administragao Civil,. de Goa, Damao, e Dio, pOtr portaria de6 de Junho de .1964, lPubilicada no 'B.oleb£m Oficial n." 24, 2." serie, de 11 de Jurrho de 1964, a sociedade «Shrii Kama­lesihwar S!hikshna !Prasarak ;Samstiha», de Gorga,o do concelho de Pernem, e registada sob on." de ordem 27, de 1964, flO

abrigo do «:Societies RJeg.rstration Act, :1860».

Sripad Anant Nadkarni, Registadol' de SO'ciedades e Direc­Itor dos IServigos de Admi'I1istragao Cllvil.

Pangim, 28 de Outubro de 1964.

Direcgao' do'S IS!ervigos de Adminiistl'agaO' Civil, :em Goa, 5 de NoV'embro de :19:64, - 0 DirectOi', Sripad A nant Sinai Nadkarni (8ecretario ex-officio) .

Instru~ao, Saude Publica e Obras Publicas

Faculdade de Medicina de Goa


As n,omeagoes interinas efeetuadas POl' pol',tal'i:;I, 11." GOAl PH/215/15648, de 11 de Outubro de 1962, publicada. 110 Bole­tim Oficial n.O 42, 2." serle, de 18 deOutubro do mesmo ano, e renovadas pOl' portaria de 24 de OutuHo de 1963, publicada no BoletimO/icial n." 45,2." serle, de~~e Novembl'o de 1963, do abaixo .mencionado pessoal do quad'rti privativo da Escola Medico~Cir(irgica de Goa, sao renovadaJ'E! par mais um ano, a pactir de 18 de Outubro de 1964:

Jaime Bravo da Costa, fiscal de 2." classc. Tomas Francisco Olegario de Melo, e~fcrmcilO-mQI,\

Pedro' Santana Sequeira, ,1st grade' mMe nurse. 30ao·. Jlose Fernandes, 1st grade ma!l:e nurse., Lourengo de Oliveira, 2nd grade male nurse. 'Bras da Ounha,2nd grade male nurse. 'Gl:larndracantaRoguvira Camotim, 2nd grade male nurse.

lEy order and in the name of the Administrator of the Vnion Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

A. F. Oouto, !D€'VIe'lopun:ent CorrnmissionleI'.

• Panjim, 23rd October, 1964.

The appointment :of IJoao JiGs'e Antonio de SOUZR ProenQa, assis;t!ant of group of subjects of Ainalisequimica, Fisica far­maceutica, Analises hmmato'logicas,biJoquimicase Toxicoilo­gicas e ffistoria de farmacia, ,1egislaQao e deontoIogia of

. Pharmaceutical course' of 1G0a Medical.Schdo[, is hereby ex­tem:de(llfor 'another ;perto'<l:olf lone year wd.t!heff'e'dt from 1.4.th Octolbel' ',1964, in accordance 'with the lP'royision .of article 18 of

~,Decreei1l1o.35 610', of 24th <April :19'64;

By order and in 'the name of the' Administrator of the Unron Territory of Goa, .Daman and Diu.

A. F. Oouto, Development Commissioner.

Panjim, 23rd October, 1964~

Goa Medical Oollege, at Panjim,31st October,1964. - A. O. Dua~t;e Monte~ro, Dean. .

.... law Department



The temJporary 81PJlointmlent .. :o;fShrcr: :lF1ranrcmco Maria da Costa, bai~iff ~f the :Julgado iOourt of P!ooJda, :by 'm"delr dated

. :5,th iNroV'emlYer,. :19'6,3, iplublished 'in! :the Oflfilici'al \GaZletJte :nio' .. 42, ·SerJJes: JlI;>Olf";7th' Novemher, 11B6i3 15' !hlelreby, Tenew:ed Mdlth effect f,mm nh NOiVember, :1964, fOil' !a; further iperi'od of one ye!a;r :t!o lex:eI1cils,e the <duties as ibatiwtf:f !in: ItheJiU'Lg'aJd!O Cdiu!I1t of Ptonda.

!By order. ,and in .the name of the Adrn4tistrator of the U,niJonTerritory of Goa,Danian and Diu.

S. Balakrishnan, Law SecI1etarly.

IPanrjim, :31st Octolber, 1964.

Judl~i~IC~mmi$si~ner's Court of Goa. Daman and Diu


Shri Al1t6nioRiOlS!al'io M<a'sc3JI1enhrus, is her~by ruppofuntedi ito !the post 'of'«Qomador Di'stribUJidor» lin the Oomama Court!: of Quepem.

Shri Venctexa P01'ob:o Mvencar,:ts heI1eby appointed ito the post of «Contador D1stribuitdor» lin .tIne Comarca, OOUrit of Bicholi!in. ;. i • .


;Shri lBalcihollJdra LoXimona P:onoibo, holding temporarily ;the pOSit of ·bailliif~.m :the: i,JuIgaJdo iMluln'icilpal OqUI'tof Diu, 18 :tr!lns­ferred to !lBo:i1da to take ,over tih~,char.ge o!f li'dentical post in the Ju'lgaJdo MiUnici;pal Court lolf POn!da, lelft 'vacant !by the death of the,lho!llder·ofth'e:p'O's;t,. !Tomas· Id',kquino Sa:o 'Tiago JOaiqui111' ISantaJna' Rodr~gues.


,Shri iSebilJsti3JO lR!odr~gues, iClrussi'fi,ed in iJhe second :place, is 3.p.poin!ted ·tOO1[l'orarNy ito the ipios:t of lYaJill'if,f :iJn Ithe J ulgad() Municlipal ;Court 'of . !Diu, ,to sUibstitute'. 8h:ri Balcihondra Loxi­mona,p,ol'obo, Ibra:t\\sferred !by lorder ,of even !dateto BonicIa to ;bame !O'VIer 'the 'cha:l1g'e 'oil' !the POSIt of biajlHff 'in Ithe iJulg'aJc1o MuniciJ?'al IQouIit of l'on<'la.

~ iPanjim, 126th .. October, 1J9>64, - The Judicia;l iCommissione,r, - ~ ---'AZva1'o ~o~e Ma~.:: SiZva Diws.


Pedro Santana. Sequei.r"., 1'I1'['"rmeiro de Joao Jose Fernandes, entt:rmeiro de 1." clasilc. ILourenQ.o de Oliveira, I'nfcl'meiro de 2.' dassf. Bras da Cunha" enfermeil'o de ,2." C'la.SS(), Gb:andrac:a.nta Roguvira Camotim, enfermeiro d 3

POI' ordem 'e em nome do .Administrador de oa Uniao de Goa, Damao e Dio.

A. F. Oouto, Comissario de F'omento.

Pangim, '23 de Outubro de 1964 .

Joao Jose Ant6nio de SOUSil ProenQa, assistente dirS'C'i.pI'irlIas Ide An!3iJirse quimi,(Xi, Fis:irca farmaceutica. brom'atoI6gicas, bloquimlCas ;toxico16gicas farmacia, legislaQuo e deonLologia, do curso Escola Medico··Cir(trgica de Goa ~~~- reconduzido pOl' ano, a partir de 14. de Outubro de .1964, nos termos do do arUgo 18.0 do Decre.to n." 610, de 24 dE' Abril

Par ,ordem .e Crm nom.e UDJiao de Goa, Damao

A. F. Oonto, Comissario

Pangim, :23 de Outubro

Administradm' do Dio.



Faculdade de Medicina de (,oa, em Panginl. de 1964. - A. O. Dt~a1'te Ul:f.on;'rciro, Dean.

Departamento de justi~a




:ill renovada !par maio; urn fillO, com efeito a partir de de Novembro de 19'64, a n:omeaQa.o Itemp'o,raTia ide Francisco M'aria da ICosta, !p'ara exercer as funQoes de oifj,cial de diligen­'mas do Tribunal do Julgado IMunicipal:de Pon'da,eil:'ectuaaa. :por portaria de 5 idle Novembro ,de :1963, iPu,blicada, Ino :Boletim Of~cf;al n.· 42, 12.' s'erie, Ide 7 de (NoiVem[>I~O de 1963.

POI' ordem e em nome do Administrador do territ6rio da UnlaO de Goa, Damao e Dio.

S. Balakrishnan, Secretario de JustiQa.

lPang.im, '31 de Ou:bulbro Ide l!964,

Tribunal do Comissario Judicial


Antonio RosaI'il) Ma:scal'enbia;s.--' llomeado ,para o cargo, de contadoINj;jIs,trlbutl!dolr do.TI1i1buil1!aJ da lC!omar:ca :de QUlEjpem.

'\Cenct<exa P{),robo Alvencar nomeadol para 0 cargo< de cont!ador-'dils'trtbUl~dor do 'I1rilbunaJ ida ,comarca' de lBilcho1im.


iBaJl!chondraIJoximona IPoroho, exercendo ,tempo.rarilamente fuS lfunQpe,,!! de'ofilclj1alI Ide {j<i11iJg1enleias do 'l;ril:Y1.tmd do Jul­g'ado 'M1un1ilcilp:all de· Di>c)J -4transferido para ,Ponda a tim. de a:s.sumir fU'llJQoes de identico .car,go do T,rilbun1l1 do Julgado MrunicipaI ida mesma, 'Vi1a, na Iva:ga resultante do falf"cimento :do ti!turar do, ,caI1g'oTomas d'lA1quino Sao Tiago Joaiquim San­tana Rodr,Lg'ues.


S<e'basiiiio H~odri.gues, e1as:sificadD em .2." lugat'"- nomoario temp:o ri1ri'amen te· p:a'ra 0 'cai'rgo :de 'ofidal de dHigenc'ias .do Trilbull'a-l :do Ju:lg'ado IlVruniic.ilpa:] de Dio, em substitu~Qao de B8!!.ch:onidra . LoX!irnona !Pombo, tr ansfe'ridoporta.riiH. desita data .p'3Jra iPonJda, !p'al'a assumir as d'unQoesofidal de;:;'~li-

~ geIlJci:a.s do'I1rilbun-al :doJulga.do ,Muni:cipaJ] d a m:eSJl1!a vHa.

'Pangim, 12.8 de Outubro de '1964. --- 0 Comiss':5.rioJ'udicial, Alvaro Jose Maria da Silva Dieul. ·


Session of 8~h September, 1964


No. :3:2,7:9 - RelatoiI'< - Jud1JciJail IOo1Il!lll!i:ssioner Dr. Alvaro Dia:s - Summary appeaJ - Darrnao - Appellant: Btl;lJa Revia, fl'olm" Carivar.i! - Respondent: QuesT.1chandi MOiw:chande, fram Dall:nfua Pequeno,. The inCident was decided 18JIld the decision was published.

No. \'3:2,91: - R,el!ator - Judie,iatl 'Commiss'i!oner Dr. .A:lvaTo Dia:s - Penal lappeal - QuepeID - Appellants: Noormaha­mad Abdul K'arim and other, fI'om Margao -- Respondent: Th@ PubliC Prosecuto,r. The ,a:ppeal was diJsmissed.

Nio. 3,21:1 - RelatoI' - AddJ~tional Judicial ColITlnl!issioner Mr. V. N. Palekar - Cirv:il app€a;l - MOl1mugao - p~ppel­

lant: P:edro A:ntonto Oa,rvalho, frlom Uitorda - Respondent: Joanita dos S,anilo's Peredra, from the 'same plaoe. Stay vaca.­ted. Publish order.

No. 3250 - Relator - Addiltional Judicial Cocmm:issi:oner Mr. V. 'N. Pa:l:~a;r - Criimlnal appeal - AppeUanlt: Xavie'r Romao Barreto and

NIO. 3252 - ReJiator - Additiona,l J·udiciial Commissioner MI'. V; N. (i?alekar - Cv.1minal apea1 - Appellants: Arcado Xaviler Fiem:andes and Jloao Perewa InOOo - Corrv,ictions confirmed. Sentence alitered. Judglffi'ent read.

No. 31227 - Relator - J'uCii!clial CommilSsioner Dr. AIV1aro DliJas - Penal! iappeaiIJ -ISaxce,te - AippelHant: Edgar de' Castro Cota Cruz, from Chandor - Respondent: The Public PriO''S'e­:cuteit'. The penalties wel1e :aJ:tered and! reduc'ed iby appli:caUon oil' amnesty.

Goa, 8th September, 1964. - The RegiSitrar, Diliipa Vinaica OOri.sS0110.

Sesslionof 15th Sep,tember, 1964


,No'. 13:2341 -.-; Relator - J:udi~ci3J. Coon!lnissnoner Dr. A1varto Dliiais - Penal appeal - Ponda - Appellant: Sr1nivassa Go­pala Valtdia, from Queri'ln, presently (l'!eSidIDg ,at Curti of Ponda. - ResPIondenrts: Vamona BaJblo SotOTcar !a.nd the P'U'bIlc Pr:osecutor. The 'appeal was disrrnJissed.

No. '309,7 - Relator. - Addiitlion3il .Jud~oi:al! Commissioner Mr. V. N. Palekar - Civil appeal - Bti:choilliim - Appellant: Vlll'a!i:ca Narana :xJert::e Bandeear, residing lat Assonora, - Res­plondenlt: Rajarama Naraina :xJete rBandecar,riesiding at Vasco <Ill. Gama - A;W~C'8ltiio!ll lis dJismi'ssed. Publi~h lorder"

Goa, il5lth SIep!tember, '1:964. -' The Regi'strar, Dilipa Vinaica OoWsoro.

Session of 18th September, 1964


No. ,3274 - Relator - J'lldiCi1al Commissioner Dr. ALvail'o Dd:as '- Penal a,ppeaJ - Damao - AprpellaJIlt: We Pub~ic Brosecutol1-lRe\Sip'oodents: Bema BC\g;van~ 00Jd ot'heil's from Regunvara. The Icbarge ,and !the penalty were .alltered.

Goa, 18th Septemiberr; 19164. - The Regi'strar, Dilipa Vinaica Coissoro.

Session of 3rd Octo,ber, 1964


No. 3223 - Relator - AdditIonal Judici:aI COmmissioner Mr. V. N. Palekar-Penar' appeal-PiOnda-AppeJlants: AleixinhoFernande:s :and other, from Siroda-Respondent: rrhe Public Pr.osecutor. Sentence !'educed to six months. Am­nesty applied.

iNa. 3242 - Relator - Judicial Commissioner Dr. cAlvaro Dias - Penal appeal Salcete - Appellant: Damodora Vttola Naique, from Margao - Respondents: Purxotoma Sinai Dai­mode, from Margao, :and the PubIic Presecutor. The penalty was alte!'ed and the ex:ecution was suspended fior2 years.

Goa, 3rd October, 1964. - The Registrar, Dilipa Vinaica Coi,ssoro.

Session of 6th Ocfo,ber, 1964


N.o .• 3321- Relator - Judicial Commissioner Dr. Alvaro •• Dras - Civi:l appeal - I1has de Goa - .AJppeJJ.8Jnt : Me'11ino

Mari,ano Mendes, residing at Panjim. Respondent: Ibrahim Mahamod, ~esidmg at the same place. The incident was deCi­ded and th orde.r was published.

• •

de :mbo de 1964

N."32,7,9-ReJ'8Jtolr: 0 Ex."''' Judiicia!l Commi'c;,·ioner varo Dias. A[JeIagao suma.!ia de Damao, Revia,de Carivll:riJ; up ehdO' , que,,:,riJcl1andi, ,M~';~>.r

DamilJo H:~q>ueno. ncci!dido 0 in:Ci:dente e: publi'c::xdO' 0

N.o 31291- RelataI': :0 EX,mo Judicial Ciommissioflef' Dr D:i'as. ,Re'curso .pena'l de iRoco,lT,entes, A!bdul Kari:m e ioutr:o, reemYddn. Puhlico.iNegado provimento.

N." 321'1-R'elator: 0 Ex.In" ional Judici:al 'MI'. V. N. Paleka.!'. Agpavo de MO'I'mugs.o, Agl'avi! Pedll'o AllIt6nio CarvalhO', de a:grava'da., Joanita 8'anltos Pereiina, da diita. StDY Publish ord""

,N." 3250---< Rela,tor: 0 Ex,''''' Additional Judic!ia.] lVfr. V. iN. Palekar. 01"iimin:11 AppeaL RO'llnao iBarrcto 'e

N.o 3252_R'elato,r: 0 Ex.''''' litional Judicial ner M'r. V. N. :Pallcikar. CrilTl iUD 1 appeal. }{;avier ~ernandes {l Jo:1o PfTei:'u, Inacio. .fdJrmed. S'entence aliLered, Jutlgn12nt read.

N." 13227i - ReJaltor: :0 Ex,"''' JucJi.C;ial Ciommis';:inCl' va'ro Dtilas. RecuTsO', penal I s·ete. ;R"'n'{,,,·,,,,,, OaJstro Oota Cruz, de Chando b1i:co. Alteradas as penas '" aJmnistia.

Goa, 8'ae Setembl'O de 1964, -­C'oissoro.


Sessao de 15 de Se.hmbro de 1964

N." 3234 ~ Relator: 0 Ex."'" Judici:l1 Oommissrroner Dr, Dias. Re,eur,so penal de P:onda, Rccorrenlte, SriniV'3)Ssa Go]}ah Vaidia, de Quetim, 'OIla res1denteem Ourti de Ponda; re-cor­l1idos, Vamona BabI6 S'O'torcar ,(' () MJinisterio Publico, gadio ipI'lOV'irmento.

N.o 3,0'9:7 -RelaJtor: 0 ,Ex."''' Additional JudiC'ial Commissioner Mr.V. IN. Pal:ekali. Apela~ao dv'el de Bicholim. Aipela.ni'o, VlinaleC'a N'arana Xete Bandecar, residenlteel11 AssonO'ra; wpeIado, Raj.anama.1 iNal'a'ina Xebe Banrde.car, res,[dente em VaElC/o dia Gama. AppHca;tion j" dismissed. Publish mdeL

Goa, 15 de Seb,lmbro de 196 rL- 0 «Relgistra rJ>, Dil.ipa Vi-naica Ooiss.aro.

Sessao de 18 de Se,j-embro de 1964


N."32,74-Re1atO"r: 0 Ex.,un Judicial Comm:is;;ioner' Dr. Al­VaI10 DiiaiS. Recurs'O' Penal cie Damiio. Recorrente, 0 M:inis­Ib~rio Puhlico; rieCOrTii:dos, Pema_ BO'gvane o cmt ro'S , de Re­:gunvara. Alterada a [ncrim'inaG~l{) e a ,pena.

Goa, 18 de SeJtemhro de 1964. -- 0 «!Registral'», Dil-iqJa, Vi­naica Oo,is8oro.

Sessao de 3 de Outubro de 1964


N." 3223 - RelMor: 0 ·Ex."''' Additional Judicial Commissioner Mr. V. N. Palekar. Recul'so Penal de Ponda. Recorrentes, Aleixinho Fernandes e outro, de SirO'da; recon-ido, 0 Minis­:terio Publico. Sentence reduced to six mO'nths. Amnestv applied. ~

N." ,3.2!42-Relator: 0 Ex."''' JudidaJ Commi,s'Sionel'Dr. Alvaro­Dias. Recurso penal de Salcete. Reoorrente, Damodora Vitola :Naique, de IVfarga.o; recorridos, Purxotoma Sinai Daimod6, de Margao e 0' Ministel'io Publico, AUelada a pena e suspensa a execugiio por :2 auO's,

Goa, 3 de Outubro de 1964,- 0 «Registrar», iJilipa Viuaica Ooi.ssoro.

Sessao de 6 de Outubro de 1964


N." 33'21-Relat:or: 0 Ex.''''' Judkial Commissioill;Y'DL _Alvaro Dias. Apela~ao dvel das Ilhas de Goa. ApeJantc, ]\,Ienino Mariano Mendes, morador em Pangim; apeJado, Ibrahim Mahamod, morador na mesma. Decidido 0 incidente e publi­cado a «Order».

No. 3066 - Rela,tor - Judicial GOmrnlSsioner Dr. Alvaro DiiaS - Civi:l appeal- Swlcete - Appellant: Joao Santana Gomes, from Margao-Respondent: Narama Sinai Candea­par car, fvom ith¥ said place. The tax was fixed and the order was published.

No. 3271- Relator -Judicial Commissioner Dr. Alvaro Dias - Penal appea;l- Salcete - Appellant: Salvador Fer­nandes from Margao - Respondent: Manuel Salvador Fernan­des, from the said place. The main appeal was dismissed and cognizap.ce of the attached appeal WaS pvejudiced.

Goa, 6th October, 1964. - The Reg1strar, DiJlipa Vinaica Ooissor6.

Office of the Regis+ers and Notary Services



Tille teJJ:npOII'ary 3jpiP'ointment of Luisa Maria Fernandes to ltIhe jpOst O!f <Clerk:in fueOffd·ce of the'Lan;d !Registrar of Pan­jim, :madeinitiaHy Iby IOroer Qf t:he [Land !Registrar of Panjim, dated I2ind lNoViemoer, 191611, pulb1ished in ,the GOive1'lll.fment Ga­zette l1lO. 8, Series II, dated the :22nd Flebrnary, 1002, is hereby

-renewed for 'a if.utither periQdof one year, witlh ,effect from the 2nd NOViember, 1964.

By ovder and in the -name of the Administra;tor of the Union Terr~tory of GO'll!, Dama!ll 'ood Diu.

S. Balakrishnarn, Law Secretary.

'Panjim, 130th IOctQiber, 1964.



IShri Venctexa. Poi Khot, tis hereby ·temporaJIiily appointed to the post of assistanJt to the Notary Publdc of the Comarca of Bicholim. '.

This appolintment has been made against the post which has been v:acated by Shn RajaramaBwbona Dhume the former .,incumbent (If :the post, due ·1:!o :a;ge limit.

By order and fill the name of the AdmIDistmtor of the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

S. BaZakrishnan,Law Secretary.

Panjim, lSth October, 1964.


In. the order !DIO, RC/2490/64, OOJted i17th Octolber 19tH, pU!btished lin the. GOIVernment Gazette no. 43., series II, dated 1212\tlJ(i' Oetolber 11964, lneaJd: ,«;ool1l'e.s[>Qnding to l·etter«T», inlStead of «oorTespIO!lldillg" to letter «S» as :appearing tiherein.

S. B alakrish'lU1Jn, Law, Secretary.

Panj:im, 2nd lNolVlember, 1964.


Institute Menezes Bragan<;a


The temporary appointment IOf Tucarama Demu Xete, made by Government order dated 13ifu ,september 1963, published in the GOVier:nment Gazette no. 38, series, II, dated 19-9-.1963 i;svenewe:d fu'r '8.!I£othler ipeTii'Od Oil' lOne yerur with 'effeot ;tlrom 18-10-19·64.

By ovder ·wnd :iIn the name of the AdmilITrstrator of the UniJonTerr]tory (If Goa, Da;mam and Diu.

A. F. JCowto, Development CommJsSlioner.

Panjim, 28th September, 1964 ..


N.O ;306'6 -Relator: 0 Ex."''' Commi·,s'.i Dias. Agrav.o ciye!. de Saliletc. \.gravante Gomes, de Margao; agrav:ado, Naraina 8ina' da dita. F·ixado 0 imposto jJHblicado a oru, I

N.o31271-Re1ato.r: 0 Ex."''' Conmlissi Dias. Recurso Penal de Sai1H8te.Hecorrente, namdes, de M'argao'; recorrido, Manuel Salvador da dita. iNegado proviment·) judicado 0' conhecimento de

Goa, 6 de Outubl'o de. 1964 .. Cioissoro.

Reparti'Sao dos



lE: renovada pOl' mais urn ano., com efeito a Novembro de 1964, 'a nomea<;ao :interina de Mar',:! namdes, para 0 cargo de aspirante da ConservatiJria do 'gisto Predial, de Pan:gim, feim inicialmente Conse.mrador do Re,gisto 'Pl'eldiirul, Pangicr::n, ide de de 1916'1, pulblicada [110' Bo/eUm Oficial tn.O 8, 2." "",erie, de Feverei1'o de 1962.

Po'r ovde'm '8 em nome da Uniao de Go·w. Dam8.o

,\.'dmi:ni,straidol' do Di!o·.

S. Balakrishnan, Secretario aD JustiQa.

Pangim, 30 de OUitubl'o de 1

Po riilfi,

RN/353 64

o S,r. Venetexa 'P~'i Khot, e nome ado itempOral'1.al'nE!ute ajudan1Je do [lo,taliro publico da. CDmarca de Bieholim.

A mesma nom'ea<;iio, e para '0 Jugal" que fi:cou vago em tude de 0 anterior titular do mrrgo. 08·1'. Rajarama RaboTIn Dhume, ter atingido 0 limite deidade.

'Por ordem !e em nome do A:dminiL'ltra'dor do territorio da U!lli'ao de Goa, !Damao 'e 'Dio.

S. Barakrishnan, 8ecreta1'io de .Justi<;a.

Pangiim, 1'6 de Ouitubro de 1964.


Na rp1ortaTi'a n.O RC/2490/64, de 17 de OutUibro' de 191&4, pubUooda: no Boletim OfioiaJ: n.O 43, 2." serie, de 22 de Outubro de 11:964, qeiia-s'e '«correspon:dente a letl'a «T», 'em ·vez de «COT­

reslPondente a ffietra «IS», 'como sain Ipulbli.ca:do.

S. Balakrishnan, Secretario de Just'-<;a.

Pa!llgim, 2 de NOViembrol de :1964.

-----$> .. ----

Instituto Menezes

Porta ria

Tucarama Demu Xete - renovR.da, por maif' um ana, a partlir de 18 de Ontuhr:o de .1964, a ,ma nomeagao interina efectuada pOtr portaria. de 13 de Setembro de 19133, publicada. no BO'letim Oficial n.O 38, 2." serie, de 19· de :Se,tembro de 1963.

Par orde·m 'e em nome do Administrador da Uniao de Goa, Daman ,e Dio.

A. F. (Jouto, Comiss,ario de Fom'en[o.

Pangim, 28 de Setembro de 1964,.



(Imprensa Nacion8-1 - Goa)

PRICE - 40 Ps.


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