kuta weekly-edition 218 "bali"s premier weekly newspaper"

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  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


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    Organda Ba l i , EddySharma Putra, told Bisnis Balithat he hoped the new on-lineregistration system for motorvehicles in Bali would eliminateillegal levies that he claimed arevery burdensome to members ofhis organization who operatet o u r i s m t r a n s p o r t a t i o ncompanies in Bali.

    Continue to page 2




    Volume 5, Issue 218


    E R E EE

    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (21 8)

    Putting a Glove on Itchy FingersKut a Townhouses

    I sland sland


    Gta wa


    G tawa


    Current NewsSports News



    Its All About BaliJoke Corner


    World News

    1 -

    11 - 25






    26 - 40




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    Head of Bali RoadTranspo rt OrganizationHopes I l legal FeesLevied During VehicleRegistration ProcessWill End.

    In the midst of a host ofhigh operating cost problemsplaguing transportationoperators in Bali, the head ofthe Bali branch of the NationalRoad Transport OperatorsOrganization (Organda Bali) hasspoken out about illegal fees

    imposed byofficials during thev e h i c l er e g i s t r a t i o n(STNK) renewalprocess.

    T h echairman of the

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Jl. Raya Pelabuhan, Benoa Marina, Denpasar, 80228, Bali - IndonesiaPh: Bali Office : (+62) 361 726523 from 7am to 10pm I Gili Office : (+62) 81337074147 All day

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  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    He said that the illegallevies demanded when renewingvehicle registrations amounted toRp. 100,000 (US$11) for a touristbus and Rp. 50,000 (US$ 5.55)

    for a rental vehicle. Thesefees are entirely unofficial andpaid without the issuance of aformal receipt. By limiting thepersonal contact between

    officials andtransportation companiesseeking tor e n e wv e h i c l eregistrations, Putra ishopeful thatthe new on-line renewalprocess tob eintroduced

    b y t h e p r o v i n c i a lgovernment on January 28,2011, may eliminate the illegallevies.

    Part of the new onlineregistration system includes adoor-to-door service in whichthe vehicle owner will beinformed one month before therenewal deadline of the officialtax due to re-register theirvehicle in order to allowpayment in advance via theprovincial development bank -BDP Bali. With proof that thevehicle tax has been paid, theowner can then theoreticallyc o m p l e t e t h e o n - l i n eregistration process.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    South Bali's new traffic-beatingroad option has finally beensettled: it will be an 11.5-kilometre elevated road onconcrete pylons built in theprotected mangrove forest ofBenoa Harbour and run fromSouth Denpasar to Nusa Dua

    east of the congested NgurahRai Bypass.The proposed Sanur-

    Tanjung Benoa toll bridge plan hasbeen abandoned as have otherproposals for tunnels and flyovers.

    Instead a Rp1.4-trillion(US$154-million) toll way on 1,000pylons will take traffic fromPedungan in South Denpasar toNusa Dua. The final plan wasa p p r o v e d b y t h e c e n t r a lgovernment this month, accordingto a Bali government spokesman.

    The new highway will havean airport access point.

    A two-month survey of theproposed route will be donebefore construction contracts arelet. But the timeframe is shortbecause under a presidentialinstruction the new road must be

    operation before anAPEC Summit meeting due tobe held in Bali in 2013.

    The project is beingfinanced by four state-ownedenterprises including theairport and Port of Benoaoperators and the Bali Tourism

    Development Corporation.News of the roaddecision came as the vice-chairman of the Bali House ofR e p r e s e n t a t i v e s , K e t u tSuwandhi, announced thatearlier plans to build a toll waya n d b r i d g e c o n n e c t i n gSerangan Island Turtle Islandin Benoa Harbour withTanjung Benoa could notproceed because of uncertainland titles on Serangan and thereported bankruptcy of theTurtle Island DevelopmentCorporation (BTID).

    But the bridge plan hadalready run into difficulties dueto conflicting requirementsfrom the Port of Benoa andNgurah Rai InternationalAirport. International maritime

    regulations require aminimum clearance for shippingunder bridges and internationalair transport rules set strict heightlimits on structures below landingand takeoff flight paths atairports.

    Suwandhi said he hoped

    the mangrove motorway planwould not endanger the naturalenvironment, but acknowledgedthat some impact on themangroves was inevitable.

    Mangroves are protectedinternationally because they arecritical marine life breedinggrounds and also protectcoastlines from erosion and helplimit damage from tsunamis.

    S u w a n d h i s a i dconstruction of the new highwayshould include funding formangrove reforestation after theroad is completed.

    L o c a l I n d o n e s i a n -language media say the newhighway will be dubbed the JDRJalan di Atas Rawa.

    All Set for the Mangrove Motorway

    Continued from page 1

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Kim, Kourtney and KhloeK a r d a s h i a n h a v e apopular reality TV show.

    A Pennsylvania prisonerwho claimed that watching realityTV show Keeping Up With TheKardashians caused him "extremeemotional distress" has lost a courtcase seeking damages.

    Danie l Goodson hadargued in a September 10complaint that the socialite LosAngeles sisters Kim, Kourtney andKhloe Kardashian intended theirbehaviour on their two TV showsKeeping Up With The Kardashiansand Kourtney And Khloe TakeMiami to cause him injury.

    He had sought more than$US75,000 in damages, as well as

    an apology, but has lostan appeal in a Philadelphiacourt.

    The appeals court saidthe sisters' alleged conductwas "simply not sufficientlyo u t r a g e o u s " t o s u s t a i nGoodson's claim for intentionalinfliction of emotional distress.

    It also said Goodsoncould no t p reva i l on anegligence claim.

    Keeping Up With TheK a r d a s h i a n s h a s b e e nchronicling the lives of thec o l o u r f u l a n d w e a l t h yKardashian family since 2007and is the biggest hit for E!television, attracting more thanfour million viewer s.

    Prisoner loses Kardashian st ress appeal

    The Beach Garbage Hotelin central Madrid, wasbuilt using 12 tonnes ofgarbage collected fromthe beaches , rubbishdumps and f lea markets.

    A new hotel has opened inthe heart of Madrid proudlydeclaring that it is completerubbish.

    The Beach Garbage Hotelis more of a wooden shack than af i v e - s t a restablishment withwalls made of debris

    dragged up by thetide, recovered fromlandfills or snappedup at flea markets.

    Among thewall decorations:p l a s t i c d r u m s ,w o o d e n f r a m e s ,musical instruments,striped socks, tyresand children's books.

    Located in the

    city centre's Plaza de

    Callao, the hotel is thework of German artist Ha Schulttimed to coincide with Madrid'sh o s t i n g o f t h e a n n u a linternational tourism trade fair.

    "I created the BeachGarbage Hotel because theoceans of our planet are thebiggest garbage dump," he said.

    In the five rooms thereare street l ights, wobblysideboards and torn Persianrugs, ready to welcome the

    l u c k y w i n n e r s o f aFacebook competition whoseprize is a f ree stay.

    Out front, there is a smallpatch of sand and palm trees.

    R o s a P i q u e r a s ,s p o k e s w o m a n f o r t h eenvironmental project, says theidea was to show something a littled i f f e r e n t f r o m t h e i d e a ldestinations touted by the tourismindustry.

    "We wanted to show whatour holidays couldbecome if we don'tclean our beaches,"she said.

    About 30 to 40per cent of the objectsadorning the hotelwere picked up frombeaches in Britain,France, Germany,Italy and Spain.

    The dirtiestwere the beaches ins o u t h e r n I t a l y ,accord ing to MsPiqueras.

    Rubbish hotel opens in Madrid

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Warung Corner Kuta Weekly


    27 J a n - 2 Feb 2011 (21 8)


    Kuta Weekly News Corner

    A woman was temporarilypartially paralysed by a lovebite on her neck from heramorous partner, doctorsreported in the New ZealandMedical Journal.

    The 44-year-old NewZealand woman went to the

    e m e rg e n c y d e p a r t m e n t o fMiddlemore Hospital in Aucklandlast year after experiencing loss ofmovement in her left arm whilewatching television.

    Doctors concluded thewoman had suffered a mild stroke

    but were puzzled aboutits cause until they found a smallvertical bruise on her neck - alove bite or hickey - near a majorartery.

    She had received thelove bite a few days earlier.

    "Because it was a lovebite there would be a lot ofsuction," one of the doctors whotreated her, Teddy Wu, told theChristchurch Press.

    "Because of the physicaltrauma it had made a bit ofbruising inside the vessel. There

    underneath where thehickey was."

    Dr Wu says the clotdislodged and travelled to thewoman's heart where it caused aminor stroke that led to the loss ofmovement.

    "We looked around themedical literature and thatexample of having a love bitecausing something like that hasn'tbeen described before," he said.

    The medic said the womanrecovered after being treated withan anti-coagulant.

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    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Woman left paralysed by love bite

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    G 'day again folks and welcome to another week of the islandsbest newspaper. I hope you all enjoyed your Australia Day andcelebrated our great nation as best you could. I see on the televisionmost states are having the usual massive fireworks shows and expectthis year to be as spectacular as the last or even better. I did see a poston facebook, where a few people think that the money being spent onexploding shells over the Sydney harbour bridge should be put into

    flood relief, and do agree that the money could be used to help the millions of effected Aussies, however Ithink the Australia Day fireworks is a must have and will help to remind everyone about mateship andpulling together in times of need, as that's what Australians do.

    I recall several months back a big group of Aussie lads where sitting on the beach in Kuta, possiblyschoolies, enjoying an afternoon coldy or two, whilst watching the sunset and along came a fireworksseller with his wicker basket full of different rockets and tom thumbs etc etc, who spotted and approachedthe lads knowing this would be right up their alley and after a haggle session to rival a foreign debtsettlement, a massive amount of cash was passed over to him in exchange for an even more massiveselection of exploding treats ready for the boys to shoot skyward after dark. Seeing there was still 2 hoursor so till sunset, and bearing in mind the curfew set on the beach the crew sat and downed a few moregreen ones with the stories being told, getting further distorted with every swig until it got dark enough tolet them loose.

    So as the light had faded to almost dark the lads have headed to the water line and set all thecrackers into the sand in a big line and with each of them standing lighter in hand, they have lit the entirecache at once. Needless to say the show was spectacular, with some of the rockets having eight shots inthe one tube. Great stuff. Everyone is happy with the outcome with the exception of the small army ofsecurity guards that have mustered en masse the minute the first bang was heard as apparently the use offireworks isn't allowed on the beach as it scares some of the tourists that are in the adjoining hotels. Thesecurity guards have collared the crew and offered a stern talking to and with the promise to only let offireworks that don't go bang in the future, everyone has gone on with their evening and life is normal onKuta beach. Now punters, I don't know about you but I haven't heard of a firework that doesn't go BANGbut apparently you can get them. Sounds boring to me. I think the security boys have concerns with thefireworks as some of the thatched roofed cabanas have been set ablaze in the past due to fire crackers.

    Ok, I hope you all have a good week, stay safe and always remember, it's all good fun till someonelooses an eye. Enjoy.. ALAISJ

    BALI THE RIGHT WAYKuta Weekly News Corner



    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)


    Bloody idiot drink-drivesto police station

    A man who turned up drunk at a policestation has lost his licence and had his carimpounded.

    The man had gone to Christies Beachpolice station in Adelaidewanting to clear a defectnotice on his car.

    Police breath-testedthe Seaford man, 49, becausehe appeared intoxicated andsay he blew more than fourtimes the legal limit.

    'Obama' bank robb er onthe run in Austria

    Police in Austria are hunting a gunmanwho robs banks wearing a rubber mask ofUS president Barack Obama, but speaksvery much like a local.

    The Obama robber struck in the town ofHandenberg on Thursday, robbing his sixth bankin the region since 2008.

    Police say he turns up in a mask justbefore closing time, equipped with a silver pistoland a black shoulder bag.

    He is believed to have stolen $13,000 inHandenberg.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    A Japanese businessmanusing a home-built computerhas taken calculations of themathematical concept of pito the trillions of digits andwon a world record for hislabours.

    Shigeru Kondo, a systemsengineer in his 50s at a foodcompany in the central Japaneseprefecture of Nagano, calculatedpi - the ratio of a circle'scircumference to its diameter - tofive trillion digits, almost doublingthe accuracy of the previous worldrecord.

    Last week thec a l c u l a t i o n w a srecognised by GuinnessWorld Records with acertificate mailed to MrKondo, who said hebegan the calculationssimply as a hobby.

    "I really want topraise my computer,w h i c h c a l c u l a t e dcontinuously for threem o n t h s w i t h o u tcomplaint," he told theChunichi Shimbun daily.

    He shared the honour withUS computer science studentAlexander Yee, who programmedthe application software andliaised with Mr Kondo by email.

    Using parts from localwarehouses and online stores, MrKondo assembled a desktopcomputer that featured two high-end Intel processors and 20

    external hard drives.After 90 days of non-stopprocessing, he obtained a stringof five trillion numbers thatdefined pi.

    He verified the result with

    different methods, whichalone took 64 hours.

    The previous record, setby a French software consultantin January 2010, was around 2.7trillion digits.

    Ca lcu la t ing a moreaccurate pi, which is believed togo on forever, has been achallenge for scholars forthousands of years, ever sincethe parameter was used inancient Egypt.

    Mr Kondo is now trying tocalculate pi to 10 trillion digits.

    "If everything goes well, Ishould reach that point in July. I'mreally looking forward to that," hesaid.

    Man wins wo rld record for p i calculation

    Police Commissioner MalHyde would love some peopleto be microchipped, butconcedes it will not happen.

    South Australia's policecommissioner says some peopleshould be microchipped as a crime

    prevention measure.Commissioner Mal Hydemade the remark while answering aquestion at an internationalAustralian Crime PreventionCouncil forum in Adelaide.

    Mr Hyde said his commentswere light-hearted, but added thatsociety could embrace such aconcept in the future.

    "I'd like to microchip a lot ofdifferent people, just to be a little bitflippant about it, but I don't think

    that's going to happen,"he said.

    "I say it sort of flippantly,but who knows, becauseattitudes change so much?"

    M r H y d e s a i dw i d e s p r e a dCCTV had oncebeen considereda n u n l i k e l yconcept becauseo f p r i v a c yconcerns.

    He sa idc o m m u n i t yattitudes usuallychanged in linewith perceivedthreats.

    " I f t h e

    about crime and internalsecurity then changes would beflowing through much more readilyand technology would be muchmore acceptable in that change aswell," he said.

    Top cop's wish list: microchipped crooks

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Warung Corner




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    Kuta Weekly 27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

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    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    The Leapfrog MyPuppy Pal is a popular soft toyfor babies and toddlers thatsings personalised songs

    downloaded from a website.English woman Lee

    Singing toy puppy sounds suspiciously rudeIs it just a problem withaccent, or is that babytoy singing puppy reallysaying a certainf o u r - l e t t e rword?

    T h eseemingly innocenttoy puppy can beheard singing whatsounds like a veryrude tune.

    Presumablythe song says "Ifyou're happy andyou know it barkw i t h m e " , b u tt h r o u g h p o o rpronunciation ors o u n d q u a l i t y,"bark" sounds verymuch like a four-letter F-word.

    McPherson bought"Violet" the toy as a Christmaspresent for her daughter. Whenshe played one of the

    d o w n l o a d e dsongs, the lyricss o u n d e dsuspiciously rude.

    " I w a smortified for mydaughter," MsMcPherson toldThe Sun.

    " L u c k i l ys he ' s n o t o l denough to pick upthings like that, butif she was two orthree she'd berunning aroundt h e h o u s eswearing at me.

    Which is not very good at all."

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    parked UPS truck, itwas reported.

    L o s t i t sbumper, is howWinick describedlast week's crash.She said people atthe car companywere lovely.

    You know,

    they deal with thisstuff all the time, sheadded.

    The car hadto be towed back toNew York City. It willget a mention in thenext edition of themagazine.

    The crash will not.

    Editor of luxury magazine crashes $250,650 Bentleyduring Connecticut test-drive

    The car had to be towedback to NewYork City. It willget a mentioni n t h e n e x tedition of themagazine.

    THE editor of

    wealth managementmagazine Worthc r a s h e d a$250,650.00 Bentleyi n C o n n e c t i c u tduring a test-drive.

    Kate Winick,the senior editor forthe magazine thatadvises high-net-worth peoplehow to manage their money,was test-driving a new

    Continental GTC Speed8 0 1 1 , i n R i d g e f i e l d ,

    Connecticut, when she lostcontrol of the pricey convertibleon an icy road and had to

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (21 8)

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Dumped ... Suresh Kalmadi isu n d e r i n v e s t i g a t i o n f o rcorruption.

    India's sports ministryremoved the top two organisers oflast year's tainted CommonwealthGames in New Delhi on Monday toenable an "unhindered" police probeinto alleged corruption.

    Suresh Kalmadi, chairmanof the Games organising committee,and Lalit Bhanot, its secretarygeneral, were sacked "in the interestof impart ia l and unhinderedinvestigations", the ministry said in a


    T h e d e c i s i o n t oremove the pair was taken byruling Congress party politicianAjay Maken, who last weektook over as sports ministerfrom M S Gill following acabinet reshuffle.

    " I n l i g h t o f t h econcerns expressed by theCBI (Central Bureau ofInvestigation) and in theinterest of impartial and

    unhindered investigations, it hasbeen decided to remove Kalmadiand Bhanot," Maken said in thestatement.

    Both Kalmadi, a ruling partypolitician and president of the IndianOlympic Association, and Bhanotwere asked by the minister to handover to Jarnail Singh, the chiefexecutive officer of the organisingcommittee.

    The October 3-14 Games,marred by venue delays and chaoticorganisation, were also hit by claimsof massive financial irregularities asthe budget ballooned three times to

    an estimated $6.07 billion.The national anti-corruption

    watchdog, the Central VigilanceCommission (CVC), receivedcomplaints alleging up to $1.82 billiono f G a m e s m o n e y w a smisappropriated.

    An initial report by the CVCinto the Games confirmed the use ofsub-standard construction materialsin a host of Games-related buildingcontracts and deliberate costoverruns.

    Maken last week ordered theGames organisers to sort outdifferences with foreign contractorsand sports bodies amid complaintsand legal threats over millions ofdollars in unpaid bills.

    Maken set a 10-day deadlinefor government officials in theorganising committee to settle all"legitimate" dues.

    Firms in Australia, Britain,France and Germany were amongthose owed money, while nationalCommonwealth Games associationscomplained of missing refunds and

    Commonwealth Games chiefs sackedKuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Mobile meal no fairytale for ringing croc

    W O R K E R S a t aUkra in i an aqua r iumdidn't believe it when avisitor said a crocodileswallowed her phone.Then the reptile startedringing.

    The accident in theeastern city of Dnipropetrovsksounds a bit like Peter Pan, inwhich a crocodile happily went"tick-tock" after gulping down analarm clock.

    But Gena, the 14-year-oldcroc who swallowed the phone,has hardly been living a fairy tale:He hasn't eaten or had a bowelmovement in four weeks andappears depressed and in pain.

    Gena noshed on theNokia phone after RimmaGolovko dropped it in the water.She had stretched out her arm,

    trying tosnap a photo ofGena openingh i s m o u t h ,w h e n t h ephone slipped.

    " T h i sshould havebeen a verydramatic shotb u t t h i n g sd i d n ' t w o r kout," she said.

    Employe e s w e r eskeptical whenMs Golovko

    told them what happened."But then the phone

    started ringing and the sound wascoming from inside our Gena'sstomach and we understood shewasn't lying," Alexandra, anemployee, said.

    Since then, Gena hasbeen refusing food and actinglistless.

    He also won't play withthree fellow African crocodiles,despite being the leader in thegroup.

    "His behav iour haschanged," Alexandra said.

    "He moves very little andswims much less than he usedto."

    Doctors tried to whet thecrocodile's appetite this week byfeeding him live quail rather thanthe pork or beef he usually getsonce a week.

    once a week.The quail were injected

    with vitamins and a laxative, butwhile Gena smothered one bird,he didn't eat it.

    Dnipropetrovsk chiefv e t e r i n a r i a n O l e k s a n d rShushlenko said the crocodile willbe taken for an X-ray next week ifhe continues to refuse food.

    Surgically removing thephone would be a last resort, hesaid, since incisions and stitchesusually take at least three weeksto heal in reptiles and theprocedure is dangerous for theanimal and the vets.

    "Everything will dependon where the foreign body islocated," Dr Shushlenko said.

    "We don't have muchexperience working with suchlarge animals."

    The crocodile in PeterPan with the ticking stomach wason the hunt for Captain Hook aftergetting a taste for the pirate's fleshfrom eating one of his hands.

    But luckily for Hook, hecould always hear the crocodilecoming.

    Ms Golovko has about asmuch optimism for retrieving herphone as Hook did for retrievinghis hand.

    But she does want to getback the phone's SIM card, whichholds her precious photos andcontacts.

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    LIVE MUSICT hursday & S unday N ightshursday & S unday N ights

    Kuta Weekly Warung Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Iran bans Valentine'sDay gift s

    Iran has banned the production ofValentine's Day gifts in an effort to com batthe spread of Western culture.

    Although the holiday itself has not officiallybeen banned, Iranian media reported that gifts,such as cards and boxes with symbols of hearts orred roses were covered under the ban.

    Promotion of the holiday has also beenbanned.

    Valentine's Day has become increasinglypopular among Iranian youth and is a money-maker for businesses in a country where 70 percent of people are under 30.

    Hardliners have repeatedly warnedagainst the corruptive spread of Western values.

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner

    The iTunes App Storesold its 10 billionthapp - to the daughterof a woman who hungup on Apple.

    THE British womanwho purchased Apple AppStore's 10 billionth downloadsaid she hung up the phonewhen the company called tosay she had won a $10,000iTunes gift card, technologywebs i te Cul to fMac .comreported Saturday.

    G a i l D a v i s , f r o mOrpington, Kent, said she"thought it was a prank call" when Applephoned her to tell her she had won the prize.

    "I said, 'Thank you very much, I'm notinterested' and I hung up," she said.

    Ms Davis said it was one of her twodaughters, aged 14 and 17, who actuallydownloaded the 10 billionth app - the PaperGlider, a free game in which the player seeshow far they can fly a virtual paper airplane.

    "The girls came down and said it wasn'ta p r a n k , " M s D a v i s e x p l a i n e d t oCultofMac.com. "I had a moment of panic."

    Ms Davis said she tried to phone Appleback but was put through to a person at thecompany's help desk, who was unable to help.

    "The more I thought about it, the more Irealised it was a genuine call," she said.

    "The girls were getting quite tense.They never would have forgiven me. Theywould have held it against me for all eternity."

    When an Apple executive called back acouple of hours later Ms Davis said she was"hugely relieved."

    The App Store - which offers more than300,000 free and paid apps in 20 categories tousers in 90 countries around the world - hit 10billion downloads on Saturday, the Californiagadget-maker announced.

    Ten billion downloads equating toroughly 62 apps for each one of its 160 millioniPhone, iPod touch and iPad users,AllThingsDigital reported Saturday.

    "The App Store has surpassed ourwildest dreams," said Philip Schiller, Apple's

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    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (21 8)

    SVP of Worldwide ProductMarketing, in a statement.

    "While others try to copy the AppStore, it continues to offer developersand customers the most innovativeexperience on the planet."

    The success of Apple's App Storehas spawned rivals Blackberry, Google,which is the developer of the Androidmobile operating system, and others tolaunch their own online app stores, AFPreported.

    Apple reported a record quarterlynet profit of $6 billion on Tuesday, a dayafter the company's iconic chiefexecutive, Steve Jobs, announced he isgoing on medical leave.

    Apple customer who downloaded 10 billionth appthought p rize call was a prank

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    ARIESEver since your ruler Mars moved into Aquarius, late lastweek, teamwork has become paramount. While youthoroughly enjoy the company of others, generally youassume a leadership role. Now circumstances requirethat you bow to somebody else, who has either moreextensive knowledge or greater power than you do.

    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)


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    TAURUSWhen you believe in something or somebody, you've anamazing capacity to withstand confrontation, and in avariety of forms. At the moment, however, you're urged toat least give serious thought to what you're being told.Sure as you are of your facts, what's coming to light couldsuggest you're wrong.

    GEMINIYou're by no means narrow minded. On the contrary, youwere born under what is perhaps the most inquisitive ofsigns. Still, what you learn between now and early June,while expansive Jupiter accents your perspective, won't

    just be interesting. The resulting insights couldrevolutionise your thinking and approach to numeroussituations.CANCERWhen it comes to discussing difficult issues, timing iseverything. The individual in question is fully aware they'regoing to have to explain their words or actions, and fully.Make it clear you're looking forward to this exchange.Then back off, giving them the option of deciding whenand where.

    LEOAs a fire sign, you not only try to avoid dealing with boringdetails yourself, you regard such matters as tedious.However, if you don't tackle certain already trickysituations, and in detail, you could soon be facing seriousproblems. Ironically, once you're actually involved, you'llfind them unexpectedly interesting.

    VIRGOInitially you undoubtedly regarded the suddendevelopments that introduced unsettling changes in thelives of those closest, partners at home or at work, asreason to worry. Since then, however, you've learned agreat deal more, enough that you've now realised thatthey're both timely and in everybody's best interests.

    LIBRAObviously you would never do anything upsettingdeliberately. But you may have to take rather extrememeasures if you're to make your point with one or two verystubborn individuals. The problem is, they're convincedtheir right and won't listen. So talking achieves nothing.Your only choice, therefore, is to take action.

    SCORPIONow that the Sun is accenting the structure of your life,there are bound to be discussions about exactly thechanges you've been struggling to avoid. The moreinvolved you get in exploring these, and in depth, the moreswiftly you'll realise that those you're most resisting areactually the most promising.

    SAGITTARIUSBy no means are you narrow minded. However, based onpast experience, you're not even considering certainideas or offers. While that may have been disappointing,the current circumstances are different and, actually, soare you. Consequently, you owe it to yourself to at leastexplore these. You could be pleasantly surprised.

    CAPRICORNThat not everybody is honest about their circumstances ortheir intentions is to be expected. Still, the extent andnature of one particular individual's deceptions hasshocked you. While others won't confront them with thisissue, you can. Gather your facts and organise yourthoughts, then say what needs to be said.

    AQUARIUSThe Sun's move into Aquarius, a few days ago, washugely significant for you. Of even greater impact,however, will be the move by your ruler Uranus into Ariesand to accent a new perspective on your life. This, whichtakes place on March 12, ends one cycle and beginsanother.

    PISCESThere's no telling exactly how you'll benefit from thebountiful Jupiter's move to accent your resources. What'ssure is, when you look back, you'll realise that numerousendeavours that have been profitable, and in many ways,had their origins during this five-month period. Still, youmust take advantage of it.

    HOROSCOPE PREDICTION27 Jan -2 Feb 2011

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly News Corner 27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    PURISTS may believe SMStext messaging is killing theEnglish language, but goodgrammar, i t seems, i sunlikely to go out of style.

    The Herald Sun reports

    new research into the nation'stexting habits has revealed morethan half of all Australians dislikereceiving truncated SMS thatinclude abbreviations.

    Men are less tolerant thanwomen of shorthand texting, with40 per cent preferring properspelling compared to 32 per cent oftheir gender opposites.

    Topping the list of irritatingmissives are "totes" (short for"totally"), "4COL" (for crying outloud) and "wut" (what).

    Also on the nose are "I

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner

    Influential figure ... AndrewMcLeod says the league haschanged in terms of racialawareness.

    Former Adelaide star Andrew McLeodis headed to Switzerland at the head of an AFLdelegation which will attend a United Nationsforum on racism in sport.

    The 340-game veteran McLeod,widely considered one of the game's all-timegreatest Indigenous footballers, will address aforum called Combating Racism ThroughSport in Geneva.

    "What better way to spend Australia

    Day than representing theAus t ra l i an people?" the dua lpremiership player and Norm SmithMedallist said last week.

    McLeod began his AFL career ata turbulent time for race relations.

    Nicky Winmar's pointed show ofcultural pride was still fresh in thefootball world's consciousness, andMichael Long was about to make hispublic stand against racism.

    McLeod retired in 2010 from acompetition which had developed avery different attitude to racialvilification.

    "Even really around thechangerooms ... you used to hear a lotof banter about the place," he said.

    "But certainly you don't hear thatany more."

    McLeod says racism can neverbe truly defeated, but education is thebest defence.

    He believes all sports can learnfrom the AFL's vilification policy and usesport to combat racism in the widercommunity.

    The fearless footballer admittedto some fear about addressingrepresentatives of at least 80 countries.

    "It's exciting though," he said."I've never been to a place that's

    that cold before, so I'm just worriedabout what I have to wear."

    He is also keen to have a first tryat skiing, if time permits.

    Ex-Crow McLeod leads team to UN27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)


    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    Ubud, a must vi sit in Bali.The quiet, touristy town of Ubud isconsidered by many to be theepicenter for arts and culture in Bali.

    Ubud (pronounced Ew-bood)has developed a reputation as a placewith a positive vibe, possibly explaining

    why so many artists and naturalistshave settled in the lush, green areasaround town.

    Although tourism in Ubud isgrowing faster than the town can keepup, there is still a certain tranqu ility andhappiness to be found in the clean air.The town has become a popular andpeaceful retreat from the parties andcrowded madness of Kuta just twohours away.

    Shopping in UbudThe influx of tourism in Ubud

    mixed with the proximity of so manyartists has caused a great deal ofunique boutiques and shops to open.Unlike the tacky, beach-tourist feelingof shopping in Kuta, Ubud provides a

    much more sophisticated experience.Local shops are filled withunique and beautiful crafts, art work,carvings, jewelery, and gifts to takeback home. The sprawling, indoorUbud Market caters mostly to tourists insearch of cheap souvenirs. Be sure tohaggle prices - negotiation is expected -or you may end up paying triple whatsomething is worth.Walking the Rice Fields

    Ubud has spilled out into its tinysurrounding villages, but the growthhas not ruined the natural setting of thebeautiful surroundings. Green ricefields still blanket much of the area andcan easily be reached by foot or onbicycle.

    The fields may be hiked alonga twisting path for miles through tiny,thatched-roof villages. You will find thestart of one of the trails just past thesmall market outside the "top" entranceof the Ubud Monkey Forest.

    Hiking these tranquil fields inthe morning to the sounds village lifebeginning is something you will neverforget.Get Healthy

    With scores of hol is t icmedicine practitioners now livingaround Ubud, it is no surprise that so

    many spas and meditationcenters have opened up. In town youcan easily find all types of Eastern andWestern massage centers, reikihealers, herbal medicine shops, andeven acupuncture practitioners.

    The Bodyworks HealingCentre was the first of such places andhas been providing natural healing tothe local people long before Ubud wason the tourist map.Petulu

    A s t r a n g e , n a t u r a lphenomenon occurs each evening

    just north of Ubud in the village ofPetulu. Thousands of white heronsarrive here around 6:00 p.m. andprepare to roost for the night beforeflying off again in the morning.

    The birds first began cominghere after a communist massacre in1965 but no one is sure why theycontinue to return. Local lore holdsthat these are the souls of those that

    were killed. Such a predictablegathering of these large and beautifulbirds is a spectacle not to be missed.

    Balinese Dance Performanc esNo visit to Ubud is complete

    without seeing at least one traditionaldance performance. Although theperformances are very tourist-oriented, this is a great opportunity tosee classic Hindu legends being toldthrough dancers in colorful, traditionalcostumes.

    Ubud Palace is a popularplace providing shows nightly as wellas Pura Dalem which has twice-weekly shows and fire dances

    performed outside.Hindu Temples

    Ubud and the villages in thesurrounding area contain dozens ofexamples of beautiful HinduTemples. Most temples are free to

    visit or ask for a small donation.Proper attire is required, althoughmany temples will loan or rent asarong for your visit.

    Pura Penataran Asih innearby Pejeng is a charming templecontaining the largest bronze kettledrum in the world. The Bronze Agedrum is known as the "Moon ofPejeng" and dates back to 300 B.C.

    Pura Besakih on the slopesof Mount Agung is Bali's mostsacred temple site. A complex of 23temples can be explored on a daytrip from Ubud.

    Elephant CaveOnly two km south of Ubud

    lies one of the most sacred sites in

    Bali - Goa Gajah. Also known as theElephant Cave, this Hindu sitedates back to the 11th Century andwas nominated as a tentativeUNESCO World Heritage Site.

    The cave is believed tohave been home to Hindu priestsand the entrance is carved withmenacing figures from Hindulegend. The interior of the cave isdark and contains a few religiousrelics. The site is still used forworship by locals so proper dress isrequired to enter.

    Ubud Monkey ForestThe shady, green Ubud

    Monkey Forest is the most popularstop for tourists in the town of Ubud

    itself. Hundreds of playful andinteractive Macaque monkeys callthe sacred forest home and roamfreely around the tree canopy andtemple complex.

    Wa l k i n g a r o u n d t h ewinding, moss-covered brick pathsof the Monkey Forest is a great wayto escape the heat of the afternoon,but mind your belongings. Thesteady stream of tourists has madethe monkeys bold enough to evenreach into pockets in search ofsomething interesting!

    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)


  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Sports Corner Kuta Weekly


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Veteran presence ... IvanHenjak believes Hodgeswill shore up the youngBrisbane backline withDarren Lockyer.

    C o a c h I v a n H e n j a kbelieves a fit and hungry Justin

    Hodges is "crucial" to Brisbane'sNRL premiership charge in 2011.T h e f o r m e r

    Q u e e n s l a n d a n dAustralian centre missedall of last season with aruptured achilles, butH o d g e s h a s s h o w nenough at training toi n s p i r e H e n j a k w i t hconfidence.

    The 28-year-old leftteam-mates stranded witha flashy sidestep off hisinjured foot at a recentsession, with the swiftmove convincing thecoach his star is back.

    Brisbane missedHodges' potent attack asmuch as his defensiveintimidation last year.

    The Broncos failedto make the finals for thefirst time in 19 seasonsafter inspirational skipperD a r r e n L o c k y e r ( r i bcartilage) went downinjured five weeks out from thefinals.

    Hodges failed in a late bid

    to help the club's cause and at onestage there were genuineconcerns he may have played hislast game as he struggled to geton top of his serious foot problem.

    "We certainly missed himlast year, he's a big part of ourteam," Henjak said.

    "With the players we'velost over the last few years(primarily Karmichael Hunt andIsrael Folau) he's even more

    important to the sidenow," added the coach, who isy e t t o a n o i n t F o l a u ' sreplacement.

    "His experience will becrucial to our prospects in 2011.With both K (Hunt) and Izzy(Folau) gone, Justin is a senior

    player in our backline along with

    Locky."Our outside backs are

    still very young and Justin plays

    a crucial role, not only what hedoes physically out there, butwith the confidence and talk hecan share with those youngblokes out wide."

    Henjak is not the onlyone excited by the prospect ofseeing Hodges back in full flightafter what will be almost 18months on the sidelines.

    "We're all excited,everyone in this organisation

    Hodges key to Broncos' season: Henjaklooking forward to

    seeing him play again," said thecoach.

    "It's really encouragingto see some of the things he's

    just starting to do at training ...he's starting to take it upanother notch."

    Hodges, who will missthe NRL All Stars spectacular atSki l led Park nextmonth, has not saidmuch publicly about hisgoals in 2011.

    But there is nodoubt he wants to re-establish himself as arepresentative playera g a i n , a l o n g s i d eQueensland Origincentre partner andgood friend Greg Inglis.

    In December2008, Brisbane gaveHodges six weeks'leave to work through anumber of personali s s u e s f o l l o w i n gc o n c e r n s h e w a sbattling depression.

    But Henjak saidHodges had comethrough his latestmental battle withoutdisplaying any worryingsigns.

    "I think it's beena real frustrating time for him,especially when there were

    doubts over whether he'd everplay again," Henjak said."The signs for Justin are

    very good, he's in a very goodspace, he's physically in goodshape, he's enjoying trainingand he's training really well.He's definitely ready to go."

    Brisbane plays the firstof three pre-season trialsagainst the Gold Coast Titanson February 12.

    unsuspecting patienthad accidentally swallowedthe metal attachment, theSwedish news website said.

    The man was rushed tothe hospital for an X-rayfollowing the bizarre mishap inthe central province of cated

    Va s t m a n l a n d .Medics located themissing part in hisstomach but reassuredhim that it posed no risk.

    The misplaceddrill bit was expected tocome out "the naturalway, " Vas tm an la n dCounty Council said.

    D e s p i t e t h epatient suffering no ill-health, the incident was

    subsequently reported toSweden's National Board ofHea l t h and We l f a r e f o rinvestigation.

    Neither the dentist, northe unfortunate patient, wereidentified.

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    But j u s t a s t heyprepared to sink their teethinto the petrified youngster, hepulled out his mobile phoneand cranked out a song by USmetal legends, Megadeth.

    Walter had previouslybeen told not to run away fromwolves but to face them andattempt to scare them away.

    And sure enough, the

    Norwegian boy sees off wolves with blast of heavymetal music - report

    T h e p a t i e n t w a sh a v i n g a r o u t i n eprocedure when thed r i l l b i t s udden lycame loose in hismouth.

    A SWEDISH mansuffered a nightmare ordealwhen he accidentallyswallowed part of a dentist'sdrill, The Local reportedtoday.

    The patient was havinga routine procedure on histeeth when the drill bitsuddenly came loose in hismouth.

    Before e i ther thedentist or his assistant couldreach in to pluck it out, the

    Swedish patient swallows dentist's drill - report

    A 1 3 - Y E A R - O L DNorwegian boy saw off apack of wolves with ablast of heavy metalmusic from his cell phone.

    Wa l t e r A c r e w a swalking home from school inthe central municipality ofRakkestad when he foundhimself encircled by the foursnarling beasts.

    tactic worked as thethrash guitar music sent thea n i m a l s s c a t t e r i n g i nconfusion, Zvuki.ru said.

    The Russian musicwebsite said that Walter made ithome safely, using one finalblast of music to see off a straywolf that was prowling close tohis front porch.

    Francisco, US, but wasrefused entry when he couldnot produce his papers, policesaid.

    Mr Hall then asked adumbfounded ticket agent,"Can you put me in a suitcaseand send me down thebaggage belt?"

    She refused, and hestrode behind the counter,

    Man rides luggage carousel in a desperate bid toA PASSENGER with nophoto ID was so desperateto get on a flight he hoppedthe check-in counter androde the luggage carouselinto a secure area.

    Edward Hall III, 24, aC o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t yresearcher, allegedly tried tomake a United Airlines flightfrom JFK, bound for San

    and jumped onto themoving luggage baggage belt.

    He was arrested about20 minutes later near thetarmac, and told police, "I justwanted to make my flight."

    In an online profile, MrHall fittingly said he researches"human impatience".

    He was charged withtrespassing.

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    A pectoral injurywill leave JamesFrawley on thesidelines for thestart of the AFLseason.

    Melbourne'sAll-Australian keydefender JamesFrawley is set to miss

    the start of the AFLs e a s o n a f t e rsustaining a seriouspectoral injury attraining.

    The 22-year-old Frawley tore the leftpectoralis major tendon onThursday and will undergosurgery next week.

    He is expected to besidelined for 10-12 weeks.

    Melbourne's openingmatch of the home and awayseason is against Sydney at theMCG on March 27.

    "This is obviously anunfortunate setback for James,"

    s a i dMelbourne coachDean Bailey.

    " H e i sclearly an integralpart of our teamand he will bemissed.

    "However,w e h a v e f u l lconfidence that

    others aroundJames will stepup to fill the void inhis absence."

    F r a w l e yh ad t he be s t

    season of his AFL career in2010, winning All-Australianselection and finishing secondto Brad Green in the Demons'best and fairest award.

    Demons lose Frawley for season start

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Chilli fumes send fourto hospital

    The pungent smell of roasting chilliesin an apartment building sent fourpeople in the Finnish city of Espoo tot h e h o s p i t a l w i t h r e s p i r a t o r yproblems.

    "Rescue workers had to use gasmasks to get up to the top floors where thesmell was coming from," rescue servicesspokesman Mika Maekelae told AFP, sayingthe smokeless odour was akin to pepperspray.

    The first rescue worker who enteredthe building had a bad coughing fit andtrouble breathing, he added.

    Inside the apartment, rescue workersfound an oven full of burnt whole chillies,which the occupant had forgotten.

    The occupant and her child escapedthe fumes onto their balcony, and did notneed medical attention.

    The four people taken to t he hospitalwere not seriously injured by the chilli f umes,according to the rescue services.

    Rotting flesh plant bloomsin Cairns

    The titan arum, also known as amorphophallus,can grow up to three metres in height.

    One of the world's rarest, largest and smelliestflowers has bloomed in Cairns in far north Queensland.

    The titan arum is native t o Sumatra in Indonesiaand stands around three metres high.

    It is now in full bloom at the Cairns BotanicGardens and curatorDavid Warmingtonsays it is a sight - andsmell - to behold.

    " T h i s p l a n tomits this famouso d o u r w h e n i t ' smature and it smellslike a dead animal," hesaid.

    "People call ita dead alligator orcrocodile or lizard, it isa really, really strongs t e n c h w h i c h i sdesigned to attract allof those insects.

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  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner 27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Big shoes tof i l l . . .M a t t h e wBoyd takeso v e r f r o mclub legendB r a dJohnson .

    P r o l i f i cm i d f i e l d e rMatthew Boydhas been namedthe new captainof the WesternBulldogs for the2 0 1 1 A F Lseason.

    The 28-year-old Boyd, a2009 All-Australian selection,takes over from retired skipperBrad Johnson.

    An Auskick guard ofhonour, about 200 supportersand the Bulldogs' theme songgreeted Boyd as he led his sideon to Whitten Oval for the firsttime this morning.

    B r o w n l o wMedal l i s t AdamC o o n e y a n dv e t e r a nmidfielder/forwardD a n i e lGiansiracusa havebeen named asBoyd's deputies.

    The playerv o t e f o r t h ecaptaincy was saidto be close, withc o a c h R o d n e yEade having thelast word.

    Boy d , t he2009 club best-and-

    fairest winner, enjoyed hisbest season in 2010 with anaverage of 30.3 disposals pergame - third in the AFL.

    Boyd to captain Bulldogs in 2011

    Kuta Weekly WarungCorner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    e e 3 2 r

    S p a g e f o S p e i a l O f f e r


    ee 32 r

    S page foSpe ial Offer


    includes three Russians, aFrenchman, an Italian-Colombian,and a Chinese, are in good health,he said.

    "Some have becomephysically stronger due to regularexercise," Mr Morukov said.

    The spaceship will simulateone month on Mars during whichtime three crew members willa t t emp t wa lk s a Rus s i ancosmonaut, a European SpaceAgency astronaut, and Wang Yue,the volunteer from the AstronautCentre of China.

    The crew will not emerge

    Space crew to simulate walking on Mars next monthAn earlier training runon the simulated Marssurface at Moscow'sInstitute for BiomedicalProblems.

    THREE men w i l lsimulate walking on Mars nextmonth as part of a project thathas seen a multinational crewlocked up inside a mockMoscow spaceship sinceJune.

    The team of six participantswill "land" on the Red Planet onFebruary 12 after spending morethan eight months in isolation in themodule, which was built at Moscow'sInstitute for Biomedical Problems(IBMP).

    "The spaceship will reachthe orbit of Mars on February 1, thelanding is planned for February 12,and three 'Mars walks' will occurbetween February 14 and 22," BorisMorukov, who heads the Mars-500project, told RIA Novosti.

    The team of six, which

    from the hatch untilN o v e m b e r , a f t e r t h e i rspaceship "returns" to Earth.Until then, it will only reopen ifone of the team pulls out hewill be deemed dead and his"body" pushed out to space.

    T h e e x p e r i m e n tsimulates the real time it wouldtake to reach Mars and performexperiments while in totalisolation from society. Some105 research experiments are

    planned during the mission, MrMorukov said.

    Unlike a real spaceflight,mission participants will not besubjected to the debilitating effects ofwe igh t l e s sne s s and i on i s i ngradiation.

    A blog created by the institutetogether with Google follows the dailylife of the six participants and explainstheir research activities in the hatch.

    A real joint mission to Mars isplanned for 2030 by 26 spaceagencies, Roskosmos chief AnatolyPerminov said in November.

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  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner 27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)


    Michael Clarke may be tryin gtoo hard to break his forms l u m p , h i s A u s t r a l i a nteammate David Husseysays. Clarke has made only55 runs in three one-dayersagainst England as part of afa l ter ing Austra l ian toporder.

    But Hussey says Clarke'sworth to the team should not bemeasured by pure runs, but alsoinclude his captaincy skills.

    I wouldn't say he'sperformed that badly, Husseytold reporters in Adelaide onMonday.

    On the field, I think he'scaptaining beautifully, everybowling change he's made, he'sbrought wickets, great fieldingpositions.

    And maybe he is trying abit too hard when it comes tobatting. But I'm sure a big, bigscore is just around the corner,he's such a classy player.

    C l a r k e ' s l e a nperformances prompted oneAustralian journalist to suggesthe should worry about scoringruns rather than frequently usesocial networking site Twitter.

    Clarke responded with atweet aimed at the reporter totake a chill pill, it's all a bit offun mate.

    Hussey, who doesn't useTwitter, had no opinion ofClarke's usage: It's really up toMichael, it has got nothing to dowith me.

    Clarke will try to secure aseries win against England onWednesday with the hostsleading 3-0 in the seven-matchtournament.

    We want to clinch theseries, Australia Day is such abig occasion not only for theteam but for the rest of Australiaas well, Hussey said.

    It's everybody's dreamto play on Australia Day andhopefully we can put on a greatperformance.

    Hussey's unbeaten 68 inSydney on Sunday night steeredAustralia to victory in a confidencebooster for the Victorian.

    When I first started out, Ididn't really crack the one-dayarena, said Hussey, recalled to theAustralian one-day outfit afterspending the past 18 months onthe outer.

    But hopefully this inningskicks starts my little career goinginto the World Cup and hopefully afew more match winning inningswill come.

    Hussey also backed hisbrother Mike, recuperating fromhamstring surgery, to feature in theWorld Cup.

    I know he'll be very diligentin what he needs to do in hisrehabilitation, he said.

    And I'm sure he'll be fit andhealthy in the shortest amount (oftime) possible because he lovesplaying cricket and wants to getback there as soon as possible he lives for a Word Cup, he lives toplay cricket.

    Clarke is just t rying too hard to score runs, says Hussey

    Paceman Jimmy Andersonhopes to inspire a change inEngland's faltering one-dayfortunes after returning toAustralia. A hero in England'ssuccessful Ashes campaign,Anderson returned home afterthe Test series.

    In his absence, England lostall three matches so far in theseven-game one-day series.

    Anderson, who also wenthome during the Ashes to witnessthe birth of his daughter, will returnto action in the Australia Day clashin Adelaide on Wednesday,

    It was great to go home andsee my family, it was also nice toget a break and rest the body andthe mind, the bowler told reporters

    in Adelaide on Monday.I needed it, my body

    certainly needed it after the Testseries.

    I ' m e x c i t e d a b o u tplaying again and lookingforward to Wednesday.

    Hopefully I can bring abit of experience and a bit of

    energy in the field I don'tthink we are that far awayhaving seen the first threegames.

    We aren't far away froma w i n a n d t u r n i n g t h emomentum around.

    Anderson said moralehad not suffered from the one-day defeats.

    I know we are 3-0 downbut the dressing room seems

    just as positive as when Ileft, he said.

    They are still in goodspirits.

    Adelaide was the firstwinning stop in England's Ashescampaign, with a crushing inningsand 71-run win in the second Test.

    Anderson took six wickets

    in that match and hopes to keepuntarnished memories of thepicturesque ground.

    I have nice memories fromthe Test here, but Wednesday is acompletely different situation, hesaid.

    We're 3-0 down and wehave a must-win one-day game.

    We're hoping for moregood memories here.

    Anderson hopes to ch ange English fort unes

    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    Injured Swann to return to England

    See Our Voucher on 32

    Recovery time ...Graeme Swann willreturn to Englandwith Tim Bresnanbefore the WorldCup.

    E n g l a n d o f fspinner Graeme Swann

    will be sent home fromthe Australian tourbecause of a back injury.

    Swann joins all-rounder Tim Bresnan,who has already leftAustralia with a calfstrain.

    "Graeme Swannwill be taking the earliestflight home," England coach AndyFlower told reporters in Adelaideon Tuesday.

    "He's unfortunately got astrain in his lower back and that,allied with his knee problem,

    means that it is best for him to gohome and get ready for the WorldCup now.

    "Of course it is a big blow,he's an important part of our side,he's a world class performer andhe's full of confidence obviouslyafter the Ashes.

    "But these things happen."We are coming towards

    the end of a long, hard tour andcertainly the physical challengesare starting to take their toll."

    Flower was confident

    Swann and Bresnanwould be fit for the World Cupstarting next month on thesubcontinent.

    Fast bowler Stuart Broadhas rejoined the English campafter suffering a stomach strain inthe second Ashes Test, but wasunlikely to feature in the remainingfour games of the one-day seriesagainst Australia, which continueson Wednesday in Adelaide.

    "It is good to have him outhere with the squad again,"Flower said of Broad.

    "He is going to be anintegral part of our World Cupcampaign and having him outhere, training with us, and workingwith out sports science people iswhere he should be."

    T h ei n j u r y - h i tEnglishmen trail3-0 in the one-day series butF l o w e r w a sadamant theywould not limpto the finish lineo f t h e i rAustralian tour.

    " O fcourse it hasbeen a long tour,a v e r ysuccessful Testseries, we drewthe Twenty20s,and we have

    had a poor start to the one-dayseries," he said.

    "We intend to finishstrongly, we are here to win thesegames - it 's not only preparationfor the World Cup and it's

    important that we play good hardcricket in these final four one-daygames."

    Swing bowler JimmyAnderson, who also rejoined thesquad this week after being senthome for a rest after the Ashesseries, will press for selection forWednesday's Australia Daylimited-overs fixture.

    And batsman KevinPietersen, who missed Sunday'sone-day loss with a groin injury,was also fit to play, Flower said.

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  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    Less crash, more success for Coulthard

    His s pec t acu l a r h igh -speed crash at last year'sB a t h u r s t 1 0 0 0 m a d eheadlines around the worldbut Fabian Coulthard ishoping for 2011's top

    stories to be about hisdriving.The New Zealander was

    widely tipped to realise hispromise after joining theWalkinshaw Racing stable atthe start of last year's V8Supercar championship.

    But instead he struggledthroughout the year, eventuallyfinishing a lowly 23rd on thechampionship standings withthe multiple rollover crash onthe opening lap at Bathurst themost coverage he received.

    Launching his new-look Commodore in Sydneyon Tuesday, Coulthard saidthere is no reason he can notdeliver in his fourth season asa full-time driver.

    " L a s t y e a r w a sprobably not the best season.I expected a lot more,"Coulthard said.

    "Collectively as agroup we all struggled, so itdoesn't just reflect poorly onme.

    "This year's the year.I've had a year to learn theteam and the car and thingslike that so excuses have nowgone out the window."

    Coulthard, whoseBundaberg Red Racing outfithas been trimmed to one carthis year, said the team'songoing partnership withWalkinshaw stablematesHolden Racing Team was themain source of his confidence.

    He believes a strongerrelationship with the Holdengiant and the arrival ofreigning champion JamesCourtney to that team willprove a boon to Coulthard'sseason as well.

    "We've strengthenedour link with the HoldenRacing Team, we're like onebig family," he said.

    "That in itself is goingto be pretty good. We share a

    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

    technical alliance and thingslike that.

    "I've never been a driver that'shere to make up the numbers.

    "I go to every race to win andI'm sure there is 29 other guys with thesame mindset.

    "I think realistically if we can

    come away with top five, that's apersonal goal for me and there's noreason why we can't achieve that.

    "It's all about running up thefront on a consistent basis."

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    Kuta Weekly Sports Corner


    An unbeaten 81from Sarah Elliottp r o v i d e d t h ebackbone fo r as u c c e s s f u l r u nchase.

    A u s t r a l i a h a s

    restored some muchneeded cricketing pridewith its women's teamwrestling the Ashes back fromEngland.

    A match-winning 81 notout from Sarah Elliott led theSouthern Stars to an emotion-charged seven wicket victory inthe one-off Test at BankstownOval in Sydney on Tuesday.

    The match was in thebalance at the start of the day'splay with Australia 1 for 29

    chasing 198 for victoryand it took an assured andincreasingly confident inningsfrom Elliott to pave the way for thewin.

    Fittingly it was Elliott whohit the winning runs, a single downto fine leg, to secure a win that willstand out in a summer punctuatedlargely by humiliation forAustralian cricket and i tsfollowers.

    I t i s the f i r s t t imeAustralia's women have held theAshes since 2005, as theycompleted the challenge theirmale counterparts failed so poorlyto execute earlier this summer -winning back the urn on homesoil.

    It was a brilliant 114-runthird wicket stand between Elliottand captain Alex Blackwell (70),the highest of the match, whichset the Stars on their way.

    The partnership cameafter Rene Farrell's Monday hat-trick broke the back of the Englishsecond innings and threw thegame wide open.

    Elliott and Blackwell cametogether with Australia at 2 for 54and the Ashes there for bothside's taking.

    The pair started slowlyand steadied up a shakyAustralian innings before puttingon 91 runs between lunch and teato all but guarantee glory.

    Blackwell fell lbw toKatherine Brunt with 19 runs stillrequired, but by then the damage

    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)



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    Southern Stars win back Ashes AFC boss callsfor Blatter's job

    Time for f resh blood?Mohamed Bin Hammambelieves Sepp Blatter hash a d l o n g e n o u g h i nFIFA' s top job.

    A s i a n F o o t b a l lC o n f e d e r a t i o n p r e s i d e n tMohamed Bin Hammam saysFIFA boss Sepp Blatter should bereplaced.

    Blatter, 74, joined FIFA in1975 and is up for re-election fora fourth four-year term aspresident in June.

    So far no one has put theirhand up to run against Blatt er, butBin Hammam says the time hascome for new blood.

    "I'm actually seeking for itto see as a competition withinFIFA for this post," he said.

    "I prefer to see twocandidates or maybe more thantwo candidates proposingthemselves to the congress ofFIFA and let the congress pickwhat they think as the best for theorganisation."

    B i n H a m m a m s a y sBlatter has been in FIFA far toolong.

    "People see that MrBlatter has stayed long time atFIFA," he said.

    "He was more than 55years together in FIFA, he was 12years as president so far, 13years.

    "It is going to be 13 years

    now and he was also about 22years as general secretary.

  • 8/7/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 218 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


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    27 Jan - 2 Feb 2011 (218)

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