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  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


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    Volume 5, Issue 257



    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    Ku ta Townhouses

    Current News

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    Its All About Bali

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    World News

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    In the Event of an Emergency . . .Emergency Personnel at Bali'sNgurah Rai Internat ionalAirport Simulate a Crash onRunway 09.Those who saw clouds of darksmoke ominously rising from Bali'sNgurah Rai International Airport, willbe relieved to know that they wereonly witnessing the by products of ahot drill preparedness exercisesimulating an aircraft crash.The emergency response eventinvolved some 114 personnel,

    including airport security, search andrescue personnel, members of theIndonesian Air Force, medicalpersonnel and employees of the state-owned oil company Pertamina.Equipment deployed comprisedrescue boats, command vehicles,ambulances, fire trucks, foam tendersand a range of other emergencyresponse equipment.Carried out at a corner of the airport onthe western approach to the mainrunway, the drill simulated the crash of

    a Boeing 737-200 aircraft with 90passengers and 5 crew on board.According to the scenario, as thefictional aircraft touched the edge ofrunway 09, the plane's tail section brokeoff and fell into the ocean, while theremainder of the airplane laid burning onthe runway's apron. Emergencyresponse teams immediately set aboutextinguishing the flames while othersfocused on evacuating woundedpassengers from the wreckage.

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    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

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  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    News Corner 3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)Kuta Weekly

    Questions Raised Over Safetyof President, Vice-Presidentand Visiting Heads of State toBali Following Recent HighProfile Lapses by PresidentialSecurity Detail.

    On the eve of visits by atleast 16 heads of state to Bali for thecoming ASEAN Summit, the vice-chairman of the Commission I of theI n d o n e s i a n H o u s e o fRepresentat ives (DPR), TBHasanuddin, has called for thereplacement of Major General AgusSutomo as the head of thePresidential Security Service(Paspampres).

    D e t i k . c o m q u o t e sHasanuddin as saying, in myopinion the Head of Paspampresmust be replaced.

    T h e r e q u e s t f o r areplacement comes after twosignificant security breaches.Presidential security failed in Bali onMonday, October 24, 2011, when agardener penetrated three securitycordons and found himself standingadjacent to a stage occupied by the

    President, his familyand members ofthe cab ine t .Four days later,o n O c t o b e r2 8 t h , ar a m p a g i n gs t u d e n t i n

    Bandung. WestJava, managedt o d i s r u p ts e c u r i t y

    surrounding vice-presidentBoediono who was attending anofficial ceremony, and wasstopped by the security team just15 meters away from the vice-president.

    Hasanuddin, who servedas a military secretary during thep r e s i d e n c y o f M e g a w a t iSoekarnoputri, told the press thatthe Presidential Security Detail(Paspampres) is divided into twogroups: group A guarding the

    President (RI-1) and group Bassigned to protecting the Vice-president (RI-2). If, however, both(details) are penetrated, well, thenthe head of the presidentialsecurity team must be replaced,said Hasanuddin, who is a retiredMajor General in the Army, thesame rank held by the currenthead of Paspampres.

    Hasanuddin said that themaintenance of Ring I thesecurity cordon closest to thepresident is absolutely crucial tokeeping Indonesia 's Chief

    Is it Safe, Yet?

    Jl. Padma Utara No.4, Legian, Kuta, Bali

    Phone:+62 361 751559 Fax:+62 361 753265



    rhetorically what the resultswould have been if a man on a bicyclepenetrating Ring I surrounding thepresident was not a gardener, but aterrorist carrying a weapon? Hecontinued by postulating, or, forinstance, if the president was hit by agrenade thrown from a closedistance?.

    Hasanuddin proclaimed to thepress that his protective services forthe president were never penetratedin 11 years of service.

    While Major General AgusSutomo has admitted that his teamwas guilty of inadvertence during theincident in Bali, he vehemently deniedthe security team was actually"penetrated." Meanwhile, the head ofthe Indonesian Armed Forces and, byextension, Sutomo's boss, MajorGeneral Agus Suhartono, has deniedthat any penetration of thepresidential security took place.

    There was no penetration.That there are layers of security is

    done precisely to anticipate suchsituations. If someone gets past a ring,then there's another ring followed byanother ring after that," saidSuhartono at the DPR building inJakarta.

    Concerns are also beingexpressed, asking if the recent failingsby the presidential security team willhave a negative impact on plans bymany heads of state, including U.S.President Barack Obama, to visit Baliin mid-November.


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    From page1

    Quoted in the Bali Post, Purwanto, thegeneral manager of PT Angkasa Pura I, themanagers of the Ngurah Rai International Airportsaid, this exercise tested the skills anddependability of personnel and fire-fightingequipment. Purwanto cited statistics stating that46% of all aircraft accidents occur during thelanding and take-off process.Emergency preparedness ratings for Bali's NgurahRai International Airport certify that equipment is inplace for handling accidents up to and including afully-loaded Boeing 747-400 aircraft. www.balidiscovery.com

    Kuta Weekl



    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257) News Corner

    A traveller says she will filea complaint after a note leftin her suitcase includedthe hand-written comment"Get your freak on girl".

    Th e T r a n sp o r ta t i o nSecurity Administration documentwas placed in her luggage to

    confirm that it had been searchedby authorities in theUnited States.

    Ms Filipovic hadtravelled from the US toIreland when she openedher case and found thatsomeone had written the"inappropriate" messagein capital letters

    "Just unpackedmy suitcase and foundthis note from TSA," MsFilipovic tweeted.

    " G u e s s t h e ydiscovered a 'personal item' in my

    bag. Wow."Ms Filipovic responded to

    a comment on her blog to explainwhy she put her "personal item" -which she later admitted was avibrator - in her checked baggagerather than in her carry-on case.

    "I didn't want to deal withan agent pulling it out at security(especially since a few monthsago, an agent in Cameroon pulleda tampon out of my bag andmanhandled it for a while beforesmelling it and then asking mewhat it was. A male colleague hadto explain, in French, and it was

    bad for all involved)," she said."I figured in checkedbaggage it would be lessobjectionable. I guess not."

    Prompted to defendherself after an offensivecomment on her blog - whichincluded a threat of sodomy - MsFilipovic said yesterday that theissue had "gotten very out ofcontrol".

    "I've been writing about

    feminism and politics foralmost a decade; I've workedpretty hard to establish myself aswriter, a thinker and an activist.I've also worked really hard topursue a career as an attorney,"she wrote on Feministe.us.

    "I'd rather not be knownas Vibrator Girl. When I put up th is

    post, I had no idea it would spread

    so far so quickly, and I'm trying tofigure out how to proceed. I'vebeen trying to re-centre theconversation on privacy issuesand the security state, but really,everyone wants the funnyvibrator story.

    "I'm stepping away fortoday, as best I can, to think aboutthis and to let things die down.There are really important issuesabout privacy and security thatare worth discussing here and I'malmost always glad to have aplatform to talk about them, butI'm not sure that message is

    getting out, and I'm not sure I wantthe kind of attention this isbringing - owning a vibrator is notreally what I've worked hard to beknown for."

    Ms Filipovic said she hadtravelled with "personal items"many times and no one hadmentioned it. The "Get your freakon girl" message was a first and itwas not fake.

    "Look, it's the internet -

    Sex-toy drama for female travellera n y o n e c a n f a k e

    anything. And there's nothing Ican really do to convince youthat it isn't fake, other than tosay 'it isn't fake' (and also to saythat I'm a lawyer, and I wouldn'trisk getting disbarred for twominutes of internet 'fame')," shewrote.

    In her initialblog post about thenote, Ms Filipovicwrote: "Total violationof p r ivacy, wi ld lyinappropr ia te andclearly not OK, but Ialso just died laughingin my hotel room."

    She has sincesaid she would "likelybe filing a complaint"with the TSA in the US.

    "She said thatexcept for when the

    bag was checked - from the

    time she packed to the time sheunpacked - she had been withthe bag, meaning it was unlikelyan elaborate practical prank bya friend,"

    "She said the fact thatthe note was left on the TSAnotice led her to believe a TSAofficer had written it.

    "A spokesperson for theTSA said that they are 'one ofseveral entities' that handlechecked bags and that at thistime there is 'no concreteevidence who wrote the note'.

    "Still, the TSA said that

    'if inappropriate conduct isdiscovered, TSA [will take]appropr ia te d isc ip l inaryaction'."

    Ms Filipovic said shehoped that the TSA would lookinto the complaint and remindstaff "that going throughpeople's personal belongings isa responsibility that should betreated with some modicum ofprofessionalism".

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


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    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)


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  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    'day again folk and I do hope you all had a great week with thenumber 3 horse getting its whiskers in front to win theGMelbourne cup this week. It's great when a race is as close as

    that, which left all the punters sitting on the edge of their chairs. I didback a horse which started at twenty to one, so watched the race withgreat anticipation, only to see my pick finish at quarter to four, so as youcan guess there was no win for me on the day. I did see a few peoplepick up a coupla bucks on the day so happy faces all round.

    I see from the news this week on Australia Network that the flagship airline of Australia has beenhaving a bit of fun also with the three unions pushing the management for a pay rise getting a little surprise.My understanding of the whole thing was that if they didn't stop the industrial action the boss man would shutdown the entire operation and there would be Qantas no more, and after many weeks of negotiations he didjust that. Can you imagine the logistics in shutting down as big an operation as that? Apparently there where13,500 people that where to have been given travel back into Australia, from different places in the world, onQantas, in the next 24hrs after he made the shut down call. Some people where even in their planes andtaxiing out to take off when the call came, causing the plane to head back to the terminal so the passengerscould to exit the aeroplane and collect their luggage. One can only imagine what the hotel bill would havebeen to accommodate these people or the alternative travel arrangements that would have had to be madefor them. The reality is that this fellow wasn't going to be stood over by stupid staff representatives that,should they have gotten what they wanted, would have sent the airline broke anyhow.

    I don't think I can think of, or know of any other company that has stood up to a union in such a way inmy time, and on that note there may be a heap of Qantas employees that will be questioning why they arenow paying union dues each month. I did see an interview with the legendary Dick Smith, who was the headof the aviation commission for a few years. He was quoted as saying that the other airlines in Australia that

    people call LCC (low cost carriers) are in fact world class setups, and the difference is these companieshave a wage bill that is almost 50% less than that of Qantas, so of course the masses will choose the LCCcarriers. Anyway they seem to have all come to their senses and sorted the issues out and life is nowreturning to normal. By the time this ramble is published I'd say they will be in full flight again, which is a goodthing instead of seeing 35,000 people out of work.Ok folks, the day has been long and the want for a coldy is to the point where I can't wait any longer so I willleave you all for another week. I hope the most of you stay safe, happy, healthy and try to remember, nothingexceeds like excess.

    Enjoy your week, ALIASJ.



    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)


    News Corner

    A British wom an who pleadedgu i l t y t o b i t i ng o f f he rboyfriend's testicles during a

    drunken brawl is facing a jailterm, with a judge warning herhe could lock her up.

    Maria Topp, 44, pleadedguilty to grievous bodily harm whenshe appeared at Newcastle CrownCourt.

    She bit Martin Douglas, herpartner of five years, during adrunken brawl in February.

    He needed emergencysurgery to re-attach his genitals.

    Prosecutor Gavin Doigsaid it was always the Crown'scase that Mr Douglas suffered a

    number of injuries, particularly avery serious wound to hisscrotum.

    "The crown's case hasalways been that was caused by abite. Until today the defence'scontention was it was caused byher hands,"

    " H e r p l e a , a s Iunderstand, is on the basis shedid indeed cause that injury withher teeth."

    Jail threat for woman who bit off boyfriend's testicles"It is an aggravating

    feature she used her teeth."Defence lawyer Caroline

    Goodwin said Topp did notremember the attack.The court was told the

    pair had split several times andthen got back together.

    The judge warned Topp:"I have no idea what I am going todo with you. All options are openand that will include locking youup.

    Kuta Weekl



    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    A TV show contestant whowon the jackpot has ditchedhis fiance just three weeksafter their engagement.

    Nathan Hageman, 31, was thefirst person to win the 1 million ($1.5million) prize on UK show Red orBlack, and his long-term partner, Jane

    Makepeace, 29 said that the moneyhad changed him.

    Mr Hageman kicked his

    fiance out of hispenthouse after giving her60 for her taxi fare.

    "I thought the moneywould make Nathan a betterperson because he wouldn'thave to struggle to get by, butit has just made him worsethan ever," Miss Makepeace

    said.Mr Ha g e ma n , a

    former bricklayer, nearly lost

    his winnings afterit was revealed that hehad been convicted forattacking his formergirlfriend.

    Mr Hageman andMiss Makepeace hookedup in 2009 - two days afterhe was released fromprison.

    " W i t h i n f i v emonths, Jane claims that

    Hageman assaulted herfor the first time when hebit her on the cheek whilstout for the evening,"

    "The fol lowingyear, Jane alleges thatanother row led to herspending time in hospitalwith a suspected bleed onher brain after Hagemanreportedly attacked her.

    " D e s p i t e t h equarrelling, the pairremained together, anda f t e r t h e s h o w ' sproducers failed to strip

    him of his jackpot -following his refusal toadmit to his criminal past -he began spending hiswinnings."

    H o w e v e r M rHageman denies everhitting his former fiance.saying "I've never laid afinger on Jane. I've beennothing but good to her.The only bad stuff hasbeen from her to me.

    News Corner

    Million-dollar winner ditches fiance

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


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    Kuta Weekly


    News Corner

    Popular Tattooed Barbie causes controversySince its release earlier thismonth online, the $50 (31pound) limited edition dolldesigned by Los Angeles-based fashion companytokidoki and aimed at adultcollectors, has sold out butn o t b e f o r e c a u s i n gcontroversy.

    "Is the New 'Tokidoki' TattooBarbie Inappropriate for Children?"

    Some parents in the UnitedStates also questioned whether thetoy company that launched theoriginal Barbie in1959 should bepromoting bodyart.

    " I t ' steaching kids tow a n t t a t t o o sbefore they are oldenough to dresslike that," KevinB u c k n e r , o fVirginia,

    N o o n ewas available fromMattel to commenton the issue butn o t a l l t h ef e e d b a c k h a sbeen negative.Some adults said the doll reflectedmodern fashion and pop culture.

    "Have you seen Lady Gaga,Nicki Minaj, Katy Perry, Rihanna?"Candace Caswell, a 30-year-oldmother from New York asked in anemail interview, adding that the pop

    stars have tattoos and wear wigsand crazy clothes.

    "They are capturing asnapshot of pop culture the way itreally is. Barbie is not raising mydaughter. I am," she added.

    For Heather Gately Stoll, ofColorado, tattoos are not the issue.

    "What is inappropriate forkids are her measurements," shesaid about the shapely doll. "If shecan change personalities why can't

    she change her shape andsize?"

    And while New Yorkmother Sue Dennis would notspend $50 on the doll, she is notoffended by it.

    "I have a 16 month-old sonand the tokidoki Barbie is more thediverse image of women I would

    like to present to him versus moretraditional ones," she said.

    The tokidoki Barbie is notthe first to sport tattoos. In 2009,some stores pulled Mattel's TotallyStylin' Tattoos Barbie followingcomplaints, and a year earlier

    Ma t te l co l l a b o r a te d w i thmotorcycle manufacturer HarleyDavidson to produce a Barbie withwings tattooed on her back.

    Production of tattooedButterfly Art Barbie was halted in1999 after parents voiced their

    concerns.Gayatri Bhalla, 41, of

    Washington D.C, who writes ablog about experiences for tweengirls, sees it as a marketing issue.

    "One the one hand, thecompany likes to hold Barbie up asthe iconic American toy for girlsand use her to promote things thatmost parents wouldn't object to,such as Take Your Daughter ToWork Day," she said.

    Barbie in images that alot of parents wouldn't choose tohold up as a role model for theiryoung daughters, and a full-body tattooed doll falls into thiscamp."

    MOSCOW (Reuters) - Anaked and drunk motorist spedthrough central Moscow on

    Sunday, crashing into 17 carsbefore being stopped by policewho chased him across a largepart of the capital, statetelevision said.

    "When police made himopen his door, it became clear he

    was completelynaked," saids t a t e T V ,showing lines ofc a r s w i t hs h a t t e r e dw in d sc r e e n sand batteredsides.

    L o c a lmedia said them a n , w h oappeared to bein his 40s, wasfrom Moldovaand showed ap i c t u r e h i mgrinning in theback seat of a

    police car.State TV said preliminary

    tests showed the driver had an"abnormally high" level ofalcohol in his system.

    TV pictures showed

    distressed drivers with bloodiedhands and faces sitting in theircars, but police said there wereno serious injuries.

    "The most dangerouspart was when he almost hit abus full of school children,"police spokesman GennadyBogachev told state TV, addingthat four of the 17 vehicles werepolice cars.

    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Kuta Weekly Warung Corner3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    A Fond Farewell to theLadies of Tennis

    Bali Hosting its Last WTA Tournament November3-6, 2011

    The Commonwealth Tournament of Championstakes place in Bali November 3-6, 2011 at the BaliInternational Convention Centre, Nusa Dua.

    The eight players travelling to Bali to compete inthe season-ending championship in the Women's TennisAssociation (WTA) are the six highest rankingInternational Series tournament winners and two

    defending champions granted two wildcards inBali:

    Marion Bartoli,Sabine LisickiRoberta VinciDaniela HantuchovaAnabel Medina GarriguesAnna Ivanovic WildcardPeng Shuai Wildcard

    Tickets are still available for centre court actionas female tennis greats vie for prize money ofUS$600,000

    "We are delighted to have such a strong playerfield in what will be the final year of operating theTournament of Champions in Bali. We look forward towelcoming them and I know that everyone in Bali islooking forward to an exciting event," said KevinLivesey, tournament director of the CommonwealthBank Tournament of Champions.

    Arguably the most popular tournament on theWBA tour, this Bali stop has been a fixture since it wasfirst held on the island in 2001. The 2011 tournament,however, will be the final time the event is hosted in Bali.A lack of financial support from a major sponsor will seeBali replaced by Sofia, Bulgaria.

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    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257) News Corner

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257) News Corner

    Bali's Hatten Wines WinsSilver and Bronze Honorsat Wine Style Asia Award.

    Ha t te n W in e s th ecompany that has first pioneeredBali's wine industry 18 years ago,has returned from the Wine StyleAsia Award 2011, held in

    Singapore in conjunction withWine for Asia conference, winninghonours after undergoing carefulscrutiny by a panel of 9international judges who reviewedthe competing wines forappropriate flavour intensity,balance between the keyelements in the wine and agood length and quality in theafter taste.

    The judging took placewith the judges only advised ofgrape varieties and vintages.Scoring is based on a 100point system with no morethan 10% of the total entriesreceiving a coveted trophyand no more than 45% of theremaining entries beingbestowed medals of Gold (85-100 points), Silver (77.5-84.9points) and Bronze (70-77.4points).

    Organized since 2004,Wine Style Asia Award hasbecome a premier platform thatacknowledges achievement inwine making from vintagessu i tab le to the growing lysophisticated Asia palate. Theaward saw over 460 entriesresulting in 6 Trophies, 30 Gold

    medals, 115 Silver medals and 56Bronze medal award-winningwines.

    Bali's own Hatten Wines'Alexandria won a Silver medal, thesecond time the wine has won asilver award in internationalcompetition. Made from Muscatgrapes grown on the island of Balithis slightly sweet elegant tablewine is a popular accompanimentfor Balinese and Indonesian food,

    offered in leading hotelsand restaurants in Bali and acrossIndonesia.

    Also singled out forrecognition with Hatten's twofortified wines Pino de Bali Redand Pino de Bali - both earningbronze medals. These wines aremade and matured in a gsolerahof

    French and American oak barrelsfor up to 5 years in order toachieve the consistence, maturityand style demanded by technicala d v i so r a n d w in e ma ke r -

    oenologist Don Buchanan.A u s t r a l i a n - b o r n

    Buchanan has practiced his craftin many locations around theworld, his work at Hatten Wines isbringing the highest standard ofwine making to all areas of thebusiness, ensuring consistencyand quality of the Hatten and TwoIsland range of wines.

    Tasting note

    ALEXANDRIA? - SilverMedal Winner. Alexandria ismade from the Belgia grapesgrown in Hatten Wines vineyard.The grapes, ripe and sugar-filled,are processed to bring the veryfruity and perfumed grape flavourto its delightful taste. Sweet winesare appreciated as some of themost complex and impressive

    Mining Silver and Bronze in Baliflavours and aromas in

    the wine world. ?This medium-sweet white wine is very aromaticwith grapey characters and lovelyfloral perfumes. The fruity palateis well balanced betweensweetness and acid, leaving a

    refreshing aftertaste. ?Alexandriatakes its name from the Muscat ofAlexandria grape variety, a closecousin of the Belgia grapes.

    PINO DE BALI WHITEBronze Medal Winner. Aged in

    oak, the fortified wine isdelicate with a warmth on thepalate. The flavour isenhanced by raisin andwoody overtones, along withorange peel and nuttyaromas. Pinot White has asmooth finish yet not overlysweet.

    Pino de Bali makesfor a delicious drink beforedinner but is also highly

    recommended with a 'pat'as hors d'oeuvres or richcheese like blue vein.

    PINO DE BALI REDBronze Medal Winner.Inspired by the FrenchPineau des Charentesmethod, Hatten Wines Pinot

    de Bali Red is presented in a 375ml souvenir bottle. Pino Red is an'apritif' wine, which has beenfortified prior to fermentation,meaning spirit has been added tothe juice, stopping any yeastactivity and therefore retainingprimary aromas of the grapes.

    The Ros (Red) version,made from the local Alphonse-Lavalle grapes, delivers awalnuty and dried apricot scenton the nose along with sweet redfruits flavours. Luscious amber incolor, the wine is well integratedwith the alcohol; the finish issweet on the palate and a touchhot.


    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    World population to hit 10 billion by 2100News Corner

    THE world's population ofseven billion is set to ris e toat least 10 billion by 2100,but could top 15 billion ifbirth rates are just slightlyhigher than expected, theUnited Nations says.

    In a report released todayahead of ceremonies on October 31to mark the seven billionth humanalive, the UN Population Fund(UNFPA) warned demographicpressure posed mighty challengesfor easing poverty and conservingthe environment.

    New estimates see a globalhuman tally of 9.3 billion at 2050, anincrease over earlier figures, andmore than 10 billion by century'send, UNFPA said.

    But, it added, "with only asmall variation in fertility, particularlyin the most populous countries, thetotal could be higher: 10.6 billionpeople could be living on Earth by2050 and more than 15 billion in2100."

    The 126-page document,"The State of the World Population2011", highlights a surge that beganwith the post-World War II babyboom - a numbers "bulge" thatshows up in following generationsas they in turn grow up and havechildren.

    In contrast, prosperity,better education and access tocontraception have slashed theglobal fertility rate to the point thatsome rich countries have to address

    a looming population fall.Over the past six decades,

    fertility has declined from astatistical average of 6.0 childrenper women to about 2.5 today,varying from 1.7 in the mostadvanced economies to 4.2 in theleast developed nations.

    Even so, 80 million peopleeach year are added to the world'spopulation. People under 25comprise 43 per cent of the total.

    "Our record populationcan be viewed in many ways as asuccess for humanity - people areliving longer, healthier lives," saidBabatunde Osotimehin, UNFPA'sexecutive director.

    "How did we become somany? How large a number canour Earth sustain?" he asked.

    "These are importantquestions but perhaps not theright ones for our times. When welook only at the big number, werisk being overwhelmed andlosing sight of new opportunitiesto make life better for everyone inthe future."

    The report highlightedthese challenges and said thathaving large numbers of youngadults offers many poor countriesthe hope of rising from poverty.

    But, warns the UNFPA," t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y o f a'demographic dividend' is a

    fleeting moment that must beclaimed quickly or lost." Finding jobs for this swelling sea ofyoungsters is essential.

    The report notably quotesfrom a report by the UN'sI n t e r n a t i o n a l L a b o u rOrgan isa t ion ( ILO) wh ichsuggests the 23.4 per cent youthunemployment in the Arab worldwas a major contributor to theuprisings there.

    T h e r e p o r t c i t e senvironmental problems that arealready pressing and set tointensify as demand grows for

    food, energy and homes.Referring to a yardstick of

    sustainability used by theenvironmental thinktank GlobalFootprint Network, the report saidit now takes the Earth 18 monthsto regenerate the naturalresources that we use in a year.

    "Climate change andrapid population growth areamong the many factorscontributing to the current drought

    and famine in the Horn ofAfrica, which has affected morethan 12 million people," it says.

    Future concerns focusespecially on water stress."Analysis suggests that the worldwill face a 40 per cent globalshortfall (in water) betweenforecast demand and availablesupply by 2030," says the report,citing Egypt - hugely dependenton the Nile - as a particularexample.

    The balance betweenrural and urban populations "hastipped irreversibly" towards citiesin today's world of seven billion.T h e b i g g e s t u r b a nagglomeration, as defined by theUNFPA, is Tokyo, with 36.7million people, followed by Delhi,with 22 million, Sao Paulo, 20million and Mumbai, with 20million.

    As the world's population

    expands, better urban planning,with closer involvement ofresidents, will be essential.Adequate housing, sanitation andgreen spaces shou ld beincorporated in the shaping ofcities rather than ad-hoc growththat leads to shanty towns.

    In rich countries wherepopulations are becoming top-heavy with the elderly, the taskwill be to meet growing demandsfor labour. Immigration, one of theoptions, needs to be orderly andmanaged so that migrants arebetter integrated and protected.

    Dozens of countries arelagging in achieving the UN'sMillennium Development Goal ofproviding universal access toreproductive health, said thereport.

    "A stable population is asine qua non for accelerated,planned economic growth anddevelopment," said Osotimehin.

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)Kuta Weekly


    News Corner

    Wedding PartyPrasmananLive Sports on Big TV

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    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257) News Corner

    Standing in all its glory,t h i s 2 . 4m l ego manwashed up on a Floridabeach, but no-one knowshow he got there.

    The giant lego mansporting a bizarre message hasbeen taken into police custody.

    But witnesses and policewho found the 8ft toy on theFlorida beach are at a loss as tohow he got there, and who hebelongs to.

    B e a ch wa l ke r Je f fHindman said he spotted thefigure in the pre-dawn light while

    walking on SiestaKey Beach, south ofSarasota.

    Mr Hindman said hedragged the 2.4m manashore and noticed itsstrange message.

    Emblazoned on the45kg fiberglass character's

    g r e e n sh i r t wa s th emessage "NO REAL THANYOU ARE."

    But the lego man'sappearance has sparkedmore questions than answers -especially after others havemade similar appearances

    Similar Lego men were foundon beaches in Holland in 2007 andEngland in 2008.

    With the figure now in thecustody of the Sarasota CountySheriff's Office, a spokeswoman forLegoland - which has opened a newamusement park near Orlando - saidthe Lego man was a counterfeit andwas not endorsed by Legoland or itsp a r e n t c o m p a n y , M e r l i nEntertainments Group.

    If no one claims the Lego manwithin 90 days it will become a case of"finders, keepers" with Mr Hindmansaying he will put the unusual beachdebris up for sale on eBay.

    Giant 8ft Lego man washes up on Florida beach

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    We Ought to Be In PicturesNews Corner

    Hollywood Shooting Rob CohenFilm 'I, Alex Cross' in Bali .

    Based on the Alex Cross, thefictional character invented byauthor James Patterson (Kiss theGirl and Along Cane a Spider),Director Rob Cohen has brought hiscast and crew to Bali to shootsegments of a soon-to-be-releasedblockbuster I, Alex Cross.

    Cohen has a distinguishedlist of successful films and TV workhe has produced or directed,including: Fast and the Furious, TheMummy: Tomb of the Dragon

    Emperor and Dragon: The Bruce LeeStory.

    In Cohen's current project,partially filmed in Bali, Tyler Perryplays Detroit detective Alex Crosswho struggles with his thirst for

    revenge as he tracks anassassin Gilles Mercier, played byJean Reno (Ronin, Leon: TheProfessional, The Da Vinci Code,Pink Panther and Hotel Rwanda),who murdered his wife in the courseof staking his main target.

    Cohen's passion for Baliwhere he maintains a part-timehome, prompted him to shoot theclimactic scenes on the island's eastcoast of Karangasem. In addition tothe international crew that includes;Director of Photography RicardoDella Rossa (House Of Sand, Adrift)and Executive Producer Ethan Smith(W, Diary Of A Wimpy Kid), 35 localcrew and 20 extras are supportingthe production.

    The Bali shooting set wasvisited by recently appointedMinister of Tourism & CreativeEconomy, Mari Elka Pangestu,accompanied by Director for FilmAffairs Syamsul Lussa.

    Dur ing tha t mee t ing ,

    Pangestu invited the Director toparticipate in the ASEAN FilmFestival to be held in conjunction withBALINALE International FilmFestival, November 15-20, 2011 andcoinciding with the ASEAN Summit,

    Bali.The Minister told the State

    News Agency Antara that filmsmade in Bali can help promoteBali's image to the world. Thechoice of Indonesia as a filmshooting locations offers thech a n ce t o i n t r o d u ce t h edestination while at the same timepresenting opportunities for thecreative industry sector inIndonesia to participate in thesef i lm p ro jects . , exp la inedPangestu.

    Produced by Bill Block andP a u l H a n s o n o f Q E DInternational, Rob Cohen's I, AlexCross also stars Matthew Fox,Edward Burns, Rachel Nicholsand Jessalyn Wanlim.

    The film is scheduled forrelease in 2012.

    Filming was facilitated byBali Film Centre and SyzygyProductions providing productionservices,

    Pictured above: actorJean Reno, Minister Pangestuand Director Rob Cohen.


    Young Russian Tourist Gets100 Days Jail for StealingB i c y c l e i n Ba l i D u r i n gDrunken Night on t he Town .

    A Russian tourist in Balihas learned that a night of partyingon Bali's Kuta stretch can besubject to interruptions, lasting upto a hundred days in duration.

    Semen Gobvsky (25) setout for a night of frivolity on thenight of July 23, 2011, thatapparently went badly awry. In theearly hours of the followingmorning, the then heavi lyintoxicated Russian decided heneeded transport and stole thebicycle of a local resident on JalanDrupadi in Seminyak.

    Showing equal skills as a

    drinker, cyclist and a thief -the man only managed to travel300 meters before falling off hisnewly acquired bike to be thenfallen upon by members of thecommunity who eventually turnedhim over to the police.

    Judges in hearing the case

    granted leniency to the youngRussian, taking into considerationthe man's tender age and hissevere inebriation at the time ofthe theft, sentencing him to only100 days in prison.

    With 90 days alreadyserved in jail awaiting trial,Gobvsky only has another 10 daysto serve to once again become afree man.

    As courtesy and precaution

    to Bali bicyclist, Gobvsky willreportedly be provided withofficial transportation from theprison to the airport whereimmigration officer will promptlyplace him on a flight home.


    Semen's Seminal Sentence for Sill iness

    Kuta Weekly News Corner


    Aries Mar 20 - Apr 19Finally, you're in a position to review the rather dramaticevents of the past several days, so will understand whyothers seemed so unsettled. And you had a few anxiousmoments yourself. Still, what you've learned about thosedevelopments since have made you realise just howexciting they could be.

    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    TaurusApr 20 - May 20Bear in mind that this is one of those periods during which,no matter how simple arrangements are, it's unlikely you'llbe able to get everybody to agree. Knowing that, you may

    need to undertake certain plans on your own. Once thosewho were at first hesitant see your success, they're likelyto join in.

    Gemini May 21 - Jun 20Sometimes discussions help turn good ideas intodecisions. While it's worth talking about what's currentlytaking place, the actual decisions have already beenmade. They might seem a bit heavy-handed at themoment. However, once the dust settles, you'll realise justhow timely the changes in question are and will be

    Cancer Jun 21 - Jul 22It's time to celebrate. Over the past several months you'vemade your way through both challenging circumstancesand dealt with a certain amount of emotional upheaval aswell. But suddenly, things aren't just calm, they're fallinginto place with almost magical precision. In fact, they're sogood that you've lots to celebrate.

    Leo Jul 23 - Aug 22Only now that you're able to look back on the past week orso, is it clear how fortunate you were that your efforts to

    avoid certain offers weren't successful. At the time, theyseemed unappealing. But now that you've learned more,you're beginning to realise just how much you'd havemissed.

    VirgoAug 23 - Sep 22There's no point in tiptoeing about troublesome issuesthinking they should wait until things are calmer. Actuallythere's no better moment to address such matters thanwhen everything's in chaos. This way you can deal withchanges and those difficult situations all at once, and putthem to rest at the same time.

    Libra Sep 23 - Oct 22Difficult as it is, you're urged to avoid comparing noteswith certain rather critical individuals. At least for now.Whatever you say, they'll find fault with something.They're convinced they're being helpful and have got youbelieving that as well. But they only create doubts aboutplans or idea that actually are brilliant.

    Scorpio Oct 23 - Nov 21Now, only days after the rare and spectacular aspectbetween the bountiful Jupiter and your ruler Pluto, thingsare much clearer. Initially you worried others were taking

    over decisions you should be making. But now, as youlearn more, you're realising that both those decisions andfuture plans are a joint effort.

    SagittariusNov 22 - Dec 21Making last minute changes is no crime, whatever certainrather uptight individuals say. What's more, during thisperiod of exciting and often unsettling progress, it wouldbe impossible to stick with any one single plan. The moreflexible arrangements are, the more you'll achieve. Even ifit's over the objections of others.

    CapricornDec 22 - Jan 19Good fortune comes in many forms. Judging by thecurrent brilliant planetary activity in your solar chart, whileyou've already recognised certain remarkable events forwhat they are, you still haven't spotted the potential inothers. Invest time in exploring these now, before you'reno longer able to take advantage of them.

    Aquarius Jan 20 - Feb 18After one of the year's most dynamic weeks, you'reundoubtedly longing for some quiet. You'll get it but not

    right away. Having accepted that certain unsettlingchanges are wise, you must now discuss the impact ofthese plans with others. Worrying as this prospect is,they're actually excited about these changes.

    Pisces Feb 19 - Mar 19Yet again you're caught between the need to look afteryour own interests and your concern about your activitiesundermining others. Although one or two individuals arecomplaining about the impact of those changes, they'renot suffering. On the contrary, their intention is to takeadvantage of the situation. And of you.

    HOROSCOPE PREDICTION 3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011

    A n a k e d a n d d r u n kmotor ist sped throughcentral Moscow crashinginto 17 cars before being

    stopped by police whochased him across a largepart of the capital,

    "When police made himopen his door, it became clear hewas completely naked," showinglines of cars with shatteredwindscreens and battered sides.

    The man, who appearedto be in his 40s, was fromMoldova and showed a picturehim grinning in the back seat of a

    police car.Preliminary tests showed

    the driver had an "abnormallyhigh" level of alcohol in his

    system.Distressed drivers withbloodied handsand faces sittingin their cars, butpolice said therewere no seriousinjuries.

    " T h emost dangerouspart was when hesman Gennady

    almost hit a bus full ofs c h o o l c h i l d r e n , " p o l i c espokesman Gennady Bogachevsaid that four of the 17 vehicles

    were police cars.

    Naked and drunk motorist crashes into 17 cars

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly 3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)


    News Corner

    It may have taken her 10years, but an Americanseptuagenarian is finallyready to move out of herhotel suite.

    Joy Bricker, 79, turned her46sqm Towne Place Suites byMarriott, in Virginia, into a home.

    She checked in on August 4, 2001,and became t he l onges textended-stay guest any Marriotthotel had seen.

    O s t e o p o r o s i s a n drheumatoid arthritis have forcedthe former pilot - who began herprofessional career at 50,including a stint at the WhiteHouse - to move in with herdaughter in New York.

    " T h e d e a t h o f h e rhusband, Glenn, from cancer gave

    her no pause in returningto work in 2001, which landed herat the Towne Place Sui tes," .

    Mrs Bricker brought in achair from her Florida condo andframed photos of family to makethe hotel suite more homely.

    Extended hotel stays werenot unusual, Towne Place Suites

    general manager Carla Berberichsaid.

    "For less than the price ofmany apartment rentals in theWashington metro area (roughly$US1500-$US1700 ($1400-$1600) a month) Bricker's roomwas supplied with wi-fi, whichfuelled her hours of daily onlineresearch and reading a day, andthe added benefit of daily roomcleaning, and round-the-clocksecurity. Though she says she still

    makes her bed eachday, though not nearly as well," .

    "Bricker has become apillar of the transient, makeshiftcommunity. She's made friendsof s taf f and shor t - termneighbours alike. Next door, hernew Kuwaiti friend bringstraditional meals of spiced stew

    for them to share."It was this family of

    hotel staff who came to her aidwhen, last year, a late-night falllanded her in the hospital with abroken hip.

    "Genera l managerBobby Bellinger was the firstperson Bricker saw when sheawoke in her hospital bed.

    Woman, 79, leaves hotel suite after 10 years

    An 87-year-old Indianaman was arraigned ondrug charges in federalc o u r t i n D e t r o i t o nMonday after police found228 pounds of cocaineworth an estimated $2.9mi l l i on in h is p ickupfollowing a routine trafficstop.

    A state trooper patrollingInterstate 94 near Ann Arbor

    pulled over Leo Earl Sharp onFriday for following too closelyand executing an improper lanechange, accord ing to acomplaint filed in U.S. DistrictCourt.

    When the trooper askedSharp if he could search thetruck, the octogenarian refused.So the trooper requested abackup unit with a dog trained to

    detect bombs and illegaldrugs.

    As the animal walkedaround the rear of Sharp's truck,it alerted to the possiblepresence of narcotics, thecomplaint said.D u r i n g as u b s e q u e n tsearch of thet r u c k b e d ,troopers found104 bricks of

    cocaine stashedin five bags.U . S .

    M a g i s t r a t eJ u d g e M a r kR a n d o nreleased Sharp,of Michigan City,I n d i a n a , o n$10,000 bond onM o n d a y a n dscheduled a next

    Man, 87, nabbed with 228 pounds of cocaine,

    police sayNovember.Sharp was charged with

    conspiracy and possession withintent to distribute cocaine. Ifconvicted, he faces at least 10years in prison.

    years. Therefore, thepossibility that the tourist meets awonderful festival is very high.It rains easily in the afternoon,and the fog occurs easily, too.G o i n g i n t h e m o r n i n g

    recommends it. Going earlymo r n i n g to se e su n r i serecommends it. Gunung Agungbecomes thin purple by the

    sunr ise . Th isscenery is veryf a n t a s t i catmosphere. Andthe stripe of lightlooks as if god'sr o a d , a n d i tb e c o m e simpossible to beimpressed by them y s t e r i o u sscenery, and to

    say anything.The person whois the paganmight be ablealso to see god'sappearance atthis time.

    Hazards:T h e p e d d l e r i s

    considerably persistent. Workhard and keep refusing.

    The local guide of highpriced is considerably persistent.They say, "The holy guide whoserves God" and approach.

    However, only the contractedguide can enter the temple inPura Besakih . Recent ly ,sightseeing in Pura Besakih isavoided, because there are a lotof troubles of the expensiveguide.

    It is easy to shake rainbecause it is the foot in gunungAgung. Bringing the umbrella andthe raincoat recommends it.


    Kuta Weekly

    Pura BesakihPura Besakih is in the placeof about 3,000 feet on them o u n t a i n s i d e i n M t .G u n u n g A g u n g . T h eBesakih's name is come

    from the word of "Basuki" , itis the old language fromS a n s k r i t " W a s u k i " ." B a s u k i " m e a n i n g i scongratulation inSanskrit.

    There is a sagegate that is called "CandiBentar", it is built withbasalt like thrusting theh e a v e n . B a l i n e s ep r a i s e s t h emagnificence, they areworshiping it, saying that"Mother's temple". Head

    temple of BalineseHinduism. Pura Besakihi s o n e i n s i xrepresentative templesin Bali.

    The history ofPura Besakih is old, it issaid that it was a place ofthe training of the priest in the 8century. Afterwards, the positionwas established as a temple forroyal family's funeral at Gelgeldynasty in the 16th century. Threetemples where three representativegods (Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu)of Hinduism are enshrined arecenters, and a lot of shrines are builtin the circumference. Pura Besakihhas brought a temple big and smallabout 30,000 in Bali various placestogether. Pura Besakih is aggregateof about 30 temples.

    There is "Mel" piled to 11layers in the temple. "Mel" is atower. The height of "Mel" shows thestatus. There are a lot of beautifulsculptures and statues, it is grandatmosphere.

    "Pura Penataran Agung"

    comes into view whenwalking in the approach to atemple. Pura Penataran Agung towhich Shiva is enshrined is acenter of Pura Besakih.

    There is Pura Kiduling

    Kreteg to which Brahma isenshrined in the southwest, andis Pura Batu Madeg to whichVishnu is enshrined in the

    northwest, and Pura PenataranAgung is at the center. The touristmust not enter in the temple.

    In Pura Besakih thathead temple of Bal ineseHinduism, a lot of festivals areheld in one year. Even if I countonly Odalan in Pura Besakih bythe Wuku calendar, it is done 55

    times a year. Wuku calendarmeaning is week, and one ofsystem done in Bali. 210 days (30weeks) are assumed to be oneyear in the Wuku calendar.Odalan is the anniversary of theestablishment festival of eachtemple. Moreover, it crowds sothat it is not possible to move bythe worshipper from variousplace, when it is a grand festivalonce in every 10 years and 100

    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)


    News Corner

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly 3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)


    News Corner

    Smog dims shine of India's festival of lightsBharat Prakash has stayedindoors on Diwali day forthe past four years to avoidthe smog that envelopesIndian cities during thefestival, which celebratesthe triumph of good overevil with fireworks andsmall oil-filled clay lamps.

    As the rest of the countrycelebrates the Festival of Lights,which falls on Wednesday thisyear, asthma sufferers likePrakash, 22, will be cooped upat home, dreading the blanket ofsmoke that worsens the alreadydire air quality.

    "I don't step out of thehouse on Diwali nights," saysP r a k a s h , a m a r k e t i n gprofessional in Pune.

    In New Delhi , the

    morning after Diwali alwaysbrings a blanket of thick whitesmog -- and the situation isgetting worse.

    A study conducted by theCentral Pollution Control Boardshowed that noise and airpollution levels werehigher during Diwali in2 0 1 0 t h a n t h eprevious year despiten a t i o n w i d ecampaigns againstfirecrackers.

    "It's a concern

    that pollution levelsgo up, noise levels goup, and the doctors inci t ies have alsoc o n f i r m e d t h a thospital admissionsdur ing t h i s t imeincrease, due tosymptoms related top o l l u t i o n - r e l a t e dd i s e a s e s , " s a i dAnumita

    Roychowdhury, at theCent re for Science andEnvironment in New Delhi.

    "Every year dur ingDiwali, pollution levels are quitehigh largely because of thefirecrackers, but the trafficintensity also goes up duringthis time."

    Improvements in airquality after Delhi imposed rulesmaking auto-rickshaws andbuses run off liquefied naturalgas have been partly offset bynew cars on the road -- and theirnumbers have nearly doubledover the last decade, thanks torising incomes.

    Indians are at high risk ofrespiratory ailments, heartdisease and lung cancer,according to recent WorldHealth Organisation (WHO)

    data that showed Delhi's air hada l m o s t 1 0 t i m e s t h erecommended level of PM10particulate matter, or particlessmall enough to penetrate to thedeepest part of the lungs andcause health problems.

    The air in the Indiancit ies measured rangesb e t w e e n 8 0 a n d 2 5 1micrograms per cubic metreo f P M 1 0 . T h e W H Orecommends not exceeding20 micrograms per cubicmetre.

    But firecracker-freeDiwali campaigns have notbeen entirely successful, withmost revellers looking forwardto the noise and lights as partof the festival fun.

    Climate and energycampaigner K. Srinivas has asolution.

    "If you really want tolight up the world withcrackers, why not light up withsolar lanterns and give themto people, or try to light up afew people's houses, or a few

    villages ," Srinivas said."The amount of moneythat is spent on crackers caneasily power a number ofhouses in rural areas.

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    Dad's Reply!I took my dad to the mall the other day

    to buy some new shoes (he is 66).We decided to grab a bite at the food

    court.I noticed he was watching a teenager

    sitting next to him.The teenager had spiked hair in all

    different colours - green, red, orange,and blue.

    My dad kept staring at her.The teenager kept looking and would find

    my dad staring every time.When the teenager had had enough, she

    sarcastically asked:"What's the matter old man, never done

    anything wild in your life?"Knowing my Dad, I quickly swallowed my

    food so that I would not choke on hisresponse; I knew he would have a good


    In classic style he responded withoutbatting an eyelid ......

    "Got stoned once and had sex with aparrot. I was just wondering if you

    might be my kid. "

    What's the difference between portpower and a fire fighter?

    A fire fighter climbs a ladder!!

    Assistant Required.

    A man went to Harley Street, London andsaw a card advertising for a

    Gynaecologist's Assistant. Interested, hewent in and asked the clerk

    for details.The clerk pulled up the file and read:

    "The job entails getting the ladies ready forthe gynaecologist. You

    have to help the women out of theirunderwear, lay them down and

    carefully wash their private regions, thenapply shaving foam and

    gently shave off their pubic hair, then rubin soothing oils so

    they're ready for the gynaecologist'sexamination.

    The annual salary is 65,000, and if you're

    interested you'll have togo to Manchester"

    "My God, is that where the job is?" askedthe man.

    She answered, "No sir,that 's where the end of

    the queue is."

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Sports CornerKuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    Kangaroos moving on from Luke tacklePaul Gallen insistsAustralia has movedon from its bruisingFour Nat ions winover New Zealandand is fully focusingon Saturday's clashw i t h E n g l a n d a tWembley.

    Kiwi hooker IssacLuke was cautioned bythe international matchreview panel for hiscannonball tackle to thelegs of Australia prop DavidShi l l ington that forced theCanberra man out of Friday's gamein Warrington late in the secondhalf.

    Shillington escaped anymajor injury to his knee and ankleand team physio Tony Ayoub isconfident he will be fit to play onSaturday.

    "He's hoping to be running

    in the next few days but there is nomajor problems, he's just beenresting it up for the last few days,"Ayoub said.

    Luke escaped a ban forwhat the panel called "conductcontrary to the true spirit of thegame" and will be free to face

    Wales in the opening gameof the double-header at England'snational stadium.

    However the panel said in astatement that Luke wouldautomatically be charged shouldhe receive a second caution duringthe tournament.

    Kangaroos coach TimSheens and his players werefurious about the challenge by

    Luke, but Gallen says the incidentor the Kiwis' targeting of JohnathanThurston has not been discussedby the players since the game.

    "It's a Test match, you knowyou can get away with a bit more,"Gallen said.

    "It can be quite a

    dangerous tacklebut it is quite a difficultthing to rule on for thereferee. We are notworrying about IssacLuke, that game hasgone and now we faceEngland."

    Gallen conceded

    the speed around ther u c k , w h i c h a l s oinfuriated Sheens, wassomething the playersneeded to adjust to butmaintained he had no

    problems with English refereePhil Bentham.

    "I said before the game Ilike the way he reffed our gamein Newcastle, but no-one candeny it was slower than what weare used to in the NRL," he said.

    " I t i s j u s t t h einterpretation is a bit differentwith the one referee, normallyyou would have the pocketreferee screaming at you to getoff a lot quicker.

    "But we slowed themdown as much as they slowed usdown and the penalty count waspretty even, it's just a slower,more physical game at thislevel.

    Davis confi rms he's quit CollingwoodC o l l i n g w o o d h a v econfirmed veteran LeonDavis' departure from theAFL club amid speculationhe is keen to continue his

    playing career in WesternAustralia.The 30-year-old, who

    played 225 games for the club,enjoyed a stellar season in 2011after switching from the forwardline to defence, culminating in agrand final appearance and All-Australian selection.

    However, Davis - whowas drafted by the Magpies fromWAFL club Perth in 1999 - says

    the lure of returning to hishome state to be closer to familyand friends persuaded him toleave Melbourne after 12 seasonswith the Magpies.

    Davis reportedly met withofficials from WAFL club PeelThunder last week, while Swan

    Districts are also said to beinterested in signing him.

    "I definitely enjoyed my 12years at Collingwood. I'm proud ofwhat I achieved and it's sad to beleaving, but I'm looking forward to

    the next phase of my life," Davissaid.

    "There were plenty ofhighs and some lows, but thehighs certainly outweighed thelows, and hopefully my family,friends, coaches, team-mates andsupporters have been proud ofwhat I've been able to achieve. It'sbeen an incredible ride.

    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257) Game Corner


    The answer w ill be published in the next Edition


    1 Broken (4)3 Roomy (8)9 Surgeon's knife (7)10 Florida resort (5)11 Swelling (5)12 Long-hairedsheepdog (6)14 Cloth used withpolish (6)16 Citrus fruit (6)19 Composer of theopera "Lohengrin" (6)21 Imitate (5)24 Annoyed (5)

    25 Spanish winecocktail (7)26 London railterminus (8)27 Period beforeEaster (4)

    1 Meddler (8)2 Animalcompartment (5)4 Insurance contract(6)5 Ship of the desert(5)6 Formal speech (7)7 Lose weight (4)8 Orb (6)13 Trader (8)15 Vivid red (7)17 Gypsy (6)18 Fast, in musicalterms (6)20 Lowest point (5)22 Signalling code(5)23 Forehead (4)

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    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

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    Sports CornerKuta WeeklyKu ta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257) News Corner

    B A L I F R E I GH T T O P E R T H

    W i t h

    B A L I I N M A L A GA

    Co n t a i n e r s L ea v i n g E v e r y 2 M o n t h s t o

    P e r t h - P i c k U p i n Ou r y a r d a t M a l a g a


    Ba l i Con t a c t : K ETUT - 0 8 1 3 3 8 7 1 3 5 4 1

    P e r t h Co n t a c t : B ROD DY - 0 4 0 2 4 1 5 5 9 3

    F r e e P i c k - Up i n B a l i

    A flatbed truck carryinghundreds of beehiveso v e r t u r n e d n e a r aconstruction zone on aUtah highway, freeingmill ions of bees andforcing authorit ies tot e m p o r a r i l y c l o s e

    Interstate 15."The driver lost control,

    hit the concrete barrier androlled over. Of course, we thenhad bees everywhere," saidCorporal Todd Johnson with theUtah Highway Patrol.

    The highway in southernUtah was shut down for severalhours on Sunday evening andMonday morning, officials said.

    Local beekeepers workedthrough the night to gather theescaped bees. Officials said therewas a net over the beehives butbees still managed to escape after

    the truck overturned.The truck driver and two law

    enforcement officers responding tothe accident were stung by bees butthe stings were not life-threatening,Johnson said.

    "There were about 450colonies on the load and probablyabout 45,000 bees to the colony,"said Richard Adee with Adee HoneyFarms in Bruce, South Dakota.

    That would translate to more

    than 20 million bees.

    Millions of escaped bees shut down highwayAdee said the bees

    w e r e h e a d e d t oBakersfield, California foralmond pollination nextspring.

    "We stacked theequipment back together,put them back on trucksand trailers and whatever

    we could find to move themo u t o f t h e r e , " s a i dbeekeeper Melvin Taylor ofSanta Clara, Utah.

    "Then we tried tomove them as far out of themetropolitan area as we could.Because when those beescome alive today they aregoing to be mad that theirhouse is all (broken) apart,"Taylor added.

    Taylor said bees notgathered and removed likelyperished in the accident andcleanup.

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    Wonaeamirri, Dick part of club cu lls

    Sports Corner

    Greater Western Sydneywill have the chance to addmore mature-age bargainsto its squad after a host ofunfulfilled talents weregiven the boot on AFL listlodgement deadline d ay.

    Melbourne excitement

    machine Austin Wonaeamirri,injury-prone Collingwoodgoalsneak Brad Dick, fringeMagpies midfielder JohnMcCarthy and Geelongpremiership ruckman MarkBlake were all axed onMonday, leaving their AFLcareers in limbo.

    C a r l t o n f o r w a r dSetanta O'hAilpin, Hawthorn'sR i c k L a d s o n , N o r t hMelbourne's Ed Lower, PortAdelaide's Daniel Motlop, StKilda's Steven Baker andSydney's Paul Bevan are other

    well-known names who now faceAFL oblivion after being cut.St Kilda's Zac Dawson

    survived the cull, but the AFLcareer of dual All-Australian LeonDavis could be over after heformally cut ties with Collingwoodon Monday.

    Geelong, still buzzingfrom its premiership success,farewelled another familiar name,with premiership ruckman BradOttens joining Cameron Ling,Darren Milburn and CameronMooney in retirement.

    B u t t h e f a t e o fWonaeamirri and Dick loom asthe most intriguing points headinginto the national and pre-seasondrafts.

    Wonaeamirri, who hailsfrom the Tiwi Islands, battledfi tness and homesicknessproblems throughout his 31-game

    career, but was a shining light forthe Demons during a bleak 2008.

    However, the Demonsmade the tough decision to cut the

    176cm, 23-year-old speedsterafter failing to make contact withhim in their bid to discuss hisfuture.

    "Unfortunately, we havebeen unable to adequatelycommunicate with Aussie todetermine his future intentions,"Demons general manager of listmanagement Tim Harringtonsaid.

    Dick's talents were highlyvalued at the Magpies, but anumber of serious shoulderinjuries ultimately brought the 23-

    y e a r - o l d u n d o n e ,restricting him to just 27 gamesover five seasons.

    But while the tender ageof Dick and Wonaeamirri couldultimately count in their favour, theAFL career of 30-year-old Davisappears over, with both WestCoast and Fremantle showing

    little interest in the reborndefender despite his breakout2011 campaign.

    Davis, who notched225 games for the Magpies, isintent on returning home toWestern Australia, where heis likely to resume his careerin the WAFL.

    In other player newson Monday, fringe Fremantlepair Ryan Crowley andMichael Walters survived the

    cut and signed new one-yeardeals under new coach RossLyon.

    Essendon promotedrookie Stewart Crameri onto theirsenior list after his breakthroughseason up forward, while NickLower (Fremantle), Mitch Golby(Brisbane), Alik Magin (GoldCoast), Luke Breust (Hawthorn),Luke Delaney (North Melbourne),Cameron Pederson (NorthMelbourne), Nathan Gordon(Sydney), Ashton Hams (WestCoast), Luke Dahlhaus (Bulldogs)and Matthew Panos (Bulldogs)were also elevated.

    Sonny Bill Williams hassigned up for another yearwith th e New Zealand RugbyUnion and is switching hisSuper Rugby allegiance tothe Chiefs.

    Williams made his SuperRugby debut with the Crusadersin 2011 and came off the bench inthe All Blacks' 8-7 win over Francein the World Cup final.

    SBW stays in NZ, becomes a ChiefT h e r e h a d b e e n

    speculation the former NRL starmight have headed abroad orpossibly even back to rugbyleague.

    The one-year deal willallow the aspiring boxer tocontinue to take part in a limitednumber of professional bouts.

    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    Police officer sues over bagel sandwich served with hairA police officer is suing a NewJersey delicatessen and itscook, who admitted stuffingbody hair into the officer'sbagel sandwich in revenge fora traffic arrest.

    The lawsuit filed byPatrolman Jeremy Merck of theEvesham, New Jersey, Police

    Department seeks unspecifieddamages from Good Foods to Goin Marlton, New Jersey, and itscook, Ryan Burke, for an incidentthat occurred in February 2010.

    Merck ordered an egg,cheese and turkey bagel and aftereating part of it, he found it "wasadulterated with pubic, chest orother human hair," the lawsuitsaid.

    Merck sought medicalhelp and was checked for

    communicable diseasesat a hospital, his attorney, BruceZamost, said on Friday. Nonewas detected.

    Burke, who served Merckthe sandwich, was later chargedwith aggravated assaul t ,retaliation against a publicservant and food tampering. He

    ultimately served 15 days in jail.According to a police

    report from the criminal case,"Burke admitted to tearing outhairs from his chest and his pubicarea and placing them on Ptl.Merck's sandwich out of angerdue to the fines and lawyers feeshe had from the prior arrest in2009."

    In 2009, Merck chargedBurke with traffic offenses. Burkelater complained the traffic casecost him $4,400.

    "Burke admitted that hedid not like Ptl. Merck as aresult of that incident andexpressed that he shouldn'thave to see Ptl. Merck at GoodFoods to Go," the police reportcontinued.

    A w o m a n w h oanswered the phone at the

    headquarters of the restaurantchain declined to comment onreports Burke was fired afterthe sandwich incident. Therestaurant's lawyer, MarkSander, could not be reachedfor comment on Friday.

    Zamost said no trialdate has been set for the civilcase but it would likely beginnext year.

    News Corner

    China will limit the number ofentertainment programmesallowed to air on television,from match-making gameshows to dance broadcasts,and push to replace them withm o r a l i t y - b u i l d i n gprogramming,

    C h i n a ' s S t a t eAdministration of Radio, Film andTelevision starting next year willrestrict shows that "record the darkand gloomy side of society",

    "For every satellite TVstation, no more than twoentertainment programmes canbe aired during prime time from7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. everynight," , citing a directive from thenational broadcasting watchdog.

    Instead, the extra timeslots would be f i l led withprogrammes that "promoteharmony, health and mainstreamculture".

    The official Xinhua news

    agency said the directivea imed to guard against"excessive entertainment" byrestricting game shows, talkshows, talents shows, andreality shows, among othertypes of programming.

    At least two hours ofnews would have to bebroadcast during the last sixhours of the day on 34 stations,Xinhua said.

    Chinese media reportedin September that the watchdoghad asked provincial television

    stations to limit certain types ofb r o a d c a s t s a n d b o o s tproduction of shows abouthousekeeping and ethics, butthe industry was waiting forformal notification.

    In September, theagency ordered a populartelevision talent show akin toAmerican Idol, Super Girl, off theair for a year after it exceeded

    China orders cutback on TV entertainmentbroadcasting time limits.

    It has also recently reiterated itsban on sex-related televisionand radio advertisements, suchas ads for breast enlargementsurgery.

    China routinely censorsanything it considers politicallysensitive or offensive, fromsongs to films, in contrast to thep a t r i o t i c f a r e o f s t a t ebroadcasters.

    Widespread piracy,however, means bans are ofteneasy to skirt via bootlegged

    DVDs or on the Internet.The Communist Party

    Central Committee's hundredsof members met in mid-Octoberto discuss "cultural reform" ofs t a t e - r u n p u b l i s h e r s ,performance troupes andbroadcasters struggling tobalance the pull of themarketplace with the dictates ofpropaganda.

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"



    Kuta Weekly Warung Corner3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    We organize :e organize :

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    See Page 38

    News Corner

    Protecting Paris Hiltonon the side could putyou in danger of losingyour real job.

    Three Polish policecommandos will lose theirposts in an elite anti-terroristu n i t f o r s e r v i n g a sb o d y g u a r d s f o r t h econtroversial celebrity duringa recent visit to Poland.

    "If the policemen whoprotected Hilton do not leaveon their own by the end of thew e e k , t h e y w i l l b edisciplinarily fired," DariuszBiel, the head of the regionalpolice where the three serve,was quoted as saying this week.

    Members of the anti-terrorist unit usually conceal theirfaces and must seek permissionfor any outside work.

    The three commandos,who appeared in variousphotos on gossip sites with theblond hotel heiress, were alsosaid to have carried their policeweapons when they served as

    Polish cops sacked for protecting Paris Hilton

    Hilton's bodyguardsduring her appearance at anopening of a shopping mall inKatowice, in southern Poland.

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)Kuta Weekly


    Sports Corner

    Vettel cruises to victory in IndiaRed Bull's double world championSebastian Vettel ran away wit h theinaugural Indian Formula One

    Grand Prix on Sunday for his 11thvictor y in 17 races this season.

    On a dusty and bittersweetafternoon at the new BuddhInternational Circuit, the 24-year-oldGerman led every lap of the race afterstarting from pole position. He alsoset the fastest lap right at the finish.

    As if those landmarks werenot enough, Vettel also set a recordfor the most laps led in a singleseason by any driver, leapfroggingBritain's 1992 champion NigelMansell in the statisticians' lists.

    Both championships havealready been won by Vettel and histeam.

    Vettel's Australian team-mateMark Webber finished the race infourth after starting on the front row.

    Britain's Jenson Button, the2009 world champion, consolidatedhis grip on second place overall byfinishing 8.4 seconds behind theGerman, while Ferrari's FernandoAlonso took third place a further 15.8seconds adrift.

    "Yes boys, we did it," shoutedVettel after cricket great Sachin

    Tendulkar brought down thechequered flag. "First Indian GrandPrix, great job."

    Vettel now has 374 pointswith two races remaining, McLaren'sButton 240, Alonso 227 and Webberon 221.

    The champion celebrated onthe podium by drinking champagnefrom the gleaming silver trophy afterbeing joined in celebration by RedBull technical head Adrian Neweybut struck a more sombre moodafterwards.

    The afternoon may not havebeen a thriller but, coming at the endof a grim month for motorsport withtwo high-profile race fatalities onsuccessive weekends, that wasalmost a relief.

    Minute's silenceTeams and drivers held a

    minute's silence, standing stock stillon the grid with just the hum ofgenerators, before the race inmemory of double Indy 500 winnerDan Wheldon and MotoGPshowman Marco Simoncelli.

    Button, a friend and rival ofWheldon's early in their careers inBritain, dedicated the race to themwhile Vettel paid his own tribute.

    "I have mixed feelings," the

    German added. "I am very,very happy. The first GP in Indiaand I'm very proud to be the first

    winner. But looking back at the lastweekends, we lost two of ourmates."

    McLaren's 2008 championLewis Hamilton and Ferrari'sFelipe Massa again collided, theirsixth on-track clash of the season.The Brazilian was handed a drivethrough penalty for causing thecollision and later retired with abroken front suspension.

    "Felipe just turned in onme, he didn't give me any space,"shouted Hamilton, who had to pitfor a new front wing while Massacontinued, over the team radio.

    H a m i l t o n , w h o h a d

    qualified in second place but had athree place grid penalty afterignoring warning flags in practice,finished seventh behind theMercedes pairing of MichaelSchumacher and Nico Rosberg.

    S p a n i a r d J a i m eAlguersuari was eighth for ToroRosso while Germany's AdrianSutil ensured Force India scoredpoints in their home race in ninthplace.

    Bulldogs shore up NRL list with MacDougall

    Canterbury has retained MichaelLett for the 2012 NRL season andbolstered its squad with the arrivalof Luke MacDougall and JamesGavet on Tuesday, the offici al startof the club's preseason training.

    MacDougall, the youngerbrother of Adam and Ben, returns torugby league after si tting out the 2011season despite his decision to cutshort a stint with English rugby unionclub Saracens in March.

    MacDougall started hiscareer with Cronulla in 2002 andhas also had stints at South Sydney,St George-Illawarra, Newcastle andMelbourne.

    Lett started in just threeNRL matches for the Bulldogs in2011 but was retained on a one-yeardeal after finishing the NSW Cupseason with a premiership.

    "It's great to have Letty,Luke and James on deck ahead ofpre-season," Bulldogs coach JimDymock said.

    "Letty has got a heap ofpace and he can certainly sniff out atry, blokes like him are hard to find.

    "We're a bit light on in theoutside backs so having him andLuke on board will be important forus.

    "Luke's a quality player with

    70 NRL matches underhis belt, and like Letty he's aproven finisher."

    Gavet, uncapped at NRLlevel, has signed a two-year dealwith the Bulldogs after three yearswith the Warriors.

    He was named prop ofthe year in the NSW Cup after astrong season with the Warriors'

    feeder team the AucklandVulcans.

    "James on the other handis a big unit in the middle of thefield and he's got a great offloadon him," Dymock said.

    "We g o t p le n t y o fopportunities to look at him firsthand during the NSW Cup seasonand he'll be a valuable addition tothe squad."

    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    5.30 PM

    News Corner

    A pregnant woman andh e r h u s b a n d w e r earrested for allegedlys t e a l i n g t w os a n d w i c h e s a t as u p e r m a r k e t i nHonolulu, resulting in

    t h e i r 3 - y e a r - o l ddaughter being put intostate care for 18 hours.

    The supermarket thatcalled the police was a Safeway inMakiki, a neighborhood inHonolulu. A statement from acompany spokesman sa idSafeway was checking on theincident.

    "From our preliminaryinvestigation, it appears we maynot have handled this matter in thebest possible way. We are takingthis situation seriously, and giving

    it our full attention,".Famished mother Nicole

    L e c z c y z y n s k i , 3 0 - w e e k spregnant, was feeling faint andnoshed on a chicken saladsandwich while shopping at thes t o r e o n W e d n e s d a y,Leczcyzynski said .

    She paid for roughly $50dollars worth of groceries butforgot about the two sandwiches,valued at $5 each, according toSafeway.

    Couple jailed, lose custody of daughter, over stolensandwiches

    The family wasstopped by security staffwhile leaving the store.Leczcyzynski offered to payfor the sandwiches, shesaid, but the security guardcalled the police, the couplewere arrested, and their

    daughter was taken intocustody by Child ProtectiveServices, a state welfare

    group."We walked a long way to

    the grocery store and I was feelingfaint, dizzy, like I needed to eatsomething so we decided to pickup some sandwiches and eat themwhile we were shopping," she toldthe local station.

    Both Leczcyzynski, andher husband, Marcin, werecharged with theft, Honolulu policesaid. Bail was set at $50 apiece.

  • 8/3/2019 Kuta Weekly-Edition 257 "Bali"s Premier Weekly Newspaper"


    Kuta Weekly 3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)


    Sports Corner

    Report shows surf life saving clubs at riskA report f romSurf LifesavingAustralia showsmore than half ofthe state's surflife saving clubsare under threatf r o m c o a s t a l

    e r o s i o n a n drising sea levels.

    According tothe report, climatechange has made 55per cent of surf clubsa l o n g W e s t e r nAustralia's coast unstable andstructurally at risk.

    The report sets out aplan to help clubs adapt to thephysical and economic impactsof climate change.

    SLA's Norm Farmersays clubs have adapted over

    the last hundred years toprovide a vital communityservice and hopes they cancontinue to do so.

    "Without that safety therethe people that use the beach willbe at greater risk because theywon't know where to swim, whento swim, and having someone to

    w a t c h o v e rthem to make surethat they can be safe."

    M r F a r m e rsays communitiesneed to work togethert o s o u r c e e x t r afunding for surf clubsto survive.

    "I think thechal lenge of theimpacts of extremeweather events andclimate change needsto be considered in ac o l l a b o r a t i v e

    approach, and that localg o v e r n m e n t s a n d l o c a lcommunities and surf lifesavingclubs and its users need to workcollaborative to address all theissues.

    Kuta Weekly


    3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)

    Barmaid threw wet tampon at drive-through workerquestioned where the

    cordial had come from."It was inside a container in

    the car," Mr Bradley said."I'm informed it was an

    ordinary mixture of water andcordial to a percentage mix thatwas usual."

    Sgt Chawner said shecould not confirm the fluid was

    cordial but would accept theplea of guilty on that basis.Magistrate Parker said

    it was a "disgusting andabhorrent" act.

    "I accept this was atampon filled with cordial buteven on that basis ... it wasintended for him to believe it

    was a used tampon which is moreserious, in my view, than otherassaults," he said.

    "If there was any evidenceyou had removed the tampon fromyour own body or used human tissue,you would be going to jail.

    "It is still, nevertheless, adisgusting and abhorrent result and I

    hope you're thoroughly ashamed ofyourself."

    Mr Bradley said his clienthad lost her job as a result of anearlier news report about theincident.

    The Tewantin woman wassentenced to 60 hours of unpaidcommunity service and escaped aconviction.

    back, but it missed andsplattered on the fridge.

    "Witnesses heard thedefendant laughing."

    Crimmins, originally from

    Rockhampton, later refused to takepart in a police interview and wascharged with common assault.

    Defence lawyer BernardBradley, from Bernard Bradley &Associates, told the court it was a"prank gone terribly wrong".

    "(Crimmins) finished work at12.30am that morning and went outsocialising with colleagues," he said.

    "She was intoxicated at thetime when the prank was formulated.She doesn't have any recollection oftouching the complainant's hand butaccepts it happened.

    "This projectile was wetbecause it was made wet by somelime cordial."

    Magistrate John Parker saidhe was "dubious" about the story and

    T h e S u n s h i n e C o a s tbarmaid who assaulted aMcDonalds drive-throughattendant with a wet tamponin a "prank gone terriblywrong" has faced court.

    T he c ou r t hea rdCrimmins, 27, had beendrinking before the early-

    morning incident, in which shedabbed a McDonald's worker'shand with a wet tampon, beforethrowing it at him.

    Pol i ce prosecutorL e a n n e C h a w n e r s a i dCrimmins was the passenger ofa 4WD which went through theMcDonald's drive through about 3am.

    "They parked in the waitingbay and the victim then gave thedriver the order," she said.

    "The passenger removed alarge fries and yelled 'Oi, what's thisin my fries?"'

    Sgt Chawner said Crimminsgot out of the car and approached the

    19-year-old McDonalds worker atthe drive-through window.

    "The pair was involved in adiscussion when the teenage victimfelt something wet on his hand," shesaid.

    "The victim saw the wettampon and ran to the sink to washhis hands when two witnesses claimthey saw the offender throw it at his

    News Corner

    *FREE Pool Table *Hom emade Ozzie burger & Bintang f rom 40k

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    Kuta Weekly 3 Nov - 9 Nov 2011 (257)


    Sports Corner

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    What the jockeyssaid after the Cup

    Here's what the jockeys said afterthe 151st running of the MelbourneCup:1. Christophe Lemaire (Dunaden):"I was a bit anxious (after the race). I knowit was a bit close. I was told maybe thehorse on the outside won so I was a bitdisappointed because the horse gaveeverything, but then they said you win. It'sa great, great moment."2. Michael Rodd (Red Cadeaux): "Iwould have preferred to get beaten by halfa length than get beaten by that. He ranreally well we had a beautiful run throughthe race, I saved all the ground, I was ableto come out when I wanted to and wasable to hold him up until about the 400m.Coming to the 350m I let him go and heshowed a turn of foot I wasn't expecting. Ithas taken a good horse to beat him. Ithurts."'3. Corey Brown (Lucas Cranach):"He ran super. He had all the breaks he gotthe perfect run in the race and I peeled him

    out at the 600m and travelled up. Wasn't tobe, he had every chance."4. Gerald Mosse (Americain): "Ithink the ground was a bit firm for him. Hegave me good acceleration in the straightbut he started to get tired in the last 50metres with the weight and the ground.He's very honest and tried his best."5. Damien Oliver (Manighar): "Heran really well. He looked a real chancestraightening up and fought on really well.

    It was a brave fifth."6. William Buick (Lost In The Moment): Delighted. Iwas very happy. The horse gave me everything. I had a greatrun through. He had every chance and ran h

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