reconstruction 1865-1877 the period after the civil war when congress was making laws about how to...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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• The period after the Civil War when Congress was making laws about how to put the country back together and

• how to allow the southern states back into the union

Should coming back into the Union be easy or hard?

• Lincoln/Johnson plan• EASY-Forgive• 10% swear loyalty oath

and • Approve 13th amendment

(freeing the slaves)

• Radical Republicans• HARD - Punish• Majority swear loyalty

oath • No former congressmen

or confederate generals can be in Congress

• Blacks have to be able to vote

1. To put a government official on trial

2. Made African Americans citizens

3. Wanted to make coming back into the union difficult

4. President after Lincoln was killed

5. Amendment that outlawed slavery

6. Laws that said blacks couldn’t have guns or vote

7. Law passed by congress that split the south into military districts ruled by union generals

8. Government Agency that gave blacks food and taught blacks to read

9. Gave blacks the right to vote

Andrew Johnson• Abraham Lincoln’s

vice-president• Became the new

president when Lincoln was killed

• Was hated by the Radical republicans because he was too easy on the South

• Was impeached but was not removed from office

Veto: presidential power to stop a law passed by Congress

• Over-ride a Veto • Need 66% or 2/3 of

the votes to over-ride

• Sentence: The Congress over-rode the president’s Veto

• Senators that wanted to punish the southern states for the Civil War,

• give rights to blacks and

• make it really hard for southern states to come back into the Union

• Voted to impeach Andrew Johnson but did not remove him

• Congress added the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. This law officially outlawed slavery in the United States.

Freedman’s Bureau

• groups of government workers who went to the south and set up schools to teach blacks to read and helped the former slaves get things like medical attention and support

Black Codes

• policies that white people in the Southern states made up, things like blacks can’t have guns, or blacks can’t vote, blacks can’t own land, etc. to try to keep black people powerless

• “all persons born or naturalized in the United States” were citizens and therefore entitled to equal protection of the law.

Military Districts

15th Amendment

• gave people the right to vote regardless of “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”.

Jim Crow Laws

• Laws passed by southern states that separated the races

• A secret society of whites in the south that put on costumes and did things like kill black people,

• burned churches or • burned crosses to

scare African Americans to not vote

Lynch or Lynching

• Regular people – not police

• taking someone and hanging them without a trial

• Some people tried to take advantage of the situation. Northerners, known as carpetbaggers, moved to the South to buy cheap land and start businesses. This angered many Southerners.

Election of 1876

• Tilden the Democrat gets more popular votes than the republican Hayes

• Some Electoral votes are disputed so

Democrats decide to give the presidency to the Republicans in exchange for the government taking the troops out of the south


• Now that the federal troops are gone

• • How are blacks going

to be treated?

Redemption: Southern Whites taking back rule of the South

• 1.__________________________ the amendment that gave freed slaves all the rights that come with citizenship

• 2. _________________________racist policies set up by southerners that include things like, blacks couldn’t have guns, serve on juries, live inside city limits, marry whites, etc.

• 3. ________________________ the unpopular president at the beginning of the Reconstruction period

• 4. ________________________ were the members in Congress that wanted to punish the south and make re-entry to the union difficult

• 5. ________________________ the amendment to the constitution that outlawed slavery

• 6. ________________________ the act of congress that broke the south up into military districts and forced troops on the southern states

• 7. _______________________ whites from the north who moved south to make money during Reconstruction

• 8. _______________________ the event that pretty much ended the period known as “Reconstruction”

• 9. _______________________ an agency of northerners who went to the south to do things like provide education and health care for the blacks

• 10. ______________________ the amendment that gave freed slaves the right to vote

• 11. _____________________ major goal of the KKK • 12._____________________ to put a president on trial in the

Senate• 13. ____________________ reason Reconstruction might be

considered a success• 14. ____________________ reason Reconstruction might be

considered a failure

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