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64th Annual Report Revision 0 - Audited Financials

Season 2014-2015

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2014-2015 Annual Report Presented for the Annual General Meeting 27/08/2015



Page Number 1 2014-2015 Officials 2

2 President’s Report 4

3 Report on Operations 4

3.1 Operation Manager’s Report 6

3.2 Overview of changes and work in progress 6

3.3 Grants Overview 7

3.4 Development 7

3.5 High Performance Program 8

3.6 SASI 10

4 Major Events 11

4.1 East Coast Challenge hosted by WPSA – 10th – 14th July 2014 11

4.2 20s & Under National Championships hosted by WPSA – 8th – 13th July 2014 12 4.3 18 & Under National Club Championships hosted by WPSA – 7th – 12th April 2015 13

5 State Representative Teams 14

5.1 14 & Under East Coast Challenge – 10th -13th July 2014 14

5.2 20 & Under National Championships – 8th – 13th July 2014 15 5.3 16 & Under National Club Championships – 30th Sept – 5th Oct 2014 19

5.4 14 & Under National Club Championships – 1st – 6th April 2015, Gold Coast 23

5.5 18 & Under National Championships – SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre 7th – 12th April 2015 24

5.6 20 & Under National State Championships – 12th – 16th May 2015 25

6 Season Statistics & Awards 27

6.1 Summer 2014/15 State League 27

6.2 National League – Fyfe Adelaide Jets 31

7 Membership Statistics 2014-2015 35

8 Finance Report 37

8.1 Auditor’s Report 37 8.2 Profit and Loss Statement for the Year ended 30th June 2015 38

8.3 Balance Sheet for the Year ended 30th June 2015 42

9 Governance 46

10 Media Coverage 47

11 Sponsors 49

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2014-2015 Annual Report Presented for the Annual General Meeting 27/08/2015


1 2014-2015 Officials


Ron Howell Jill Glastonbury (dec)

Bruce Chisholm (dec) Margaret Jones

Paul Raynor Jon Harmer

John Bird Lynn Martin

Des Clark Gary Mavrinac

Brian Knevitt Shaun Baker

Peter Bayne Chris Turner

Graeme Litster David Martin

Alan Dowling John Medcalf


Charlie Turner Michael Turner

Chris Wybrow Rod Owen Jones

Rafael Sterk


President Mark Dayman Secretary Derek Seret Director for Finance Thomas Dayman Jon Harmer Jennifer Addison Mark van der Pennen Charmaine Jackson Maritza Manojlovic Steve Piech John Flynn Nick Yiannicou

OFFICERS & OFFICIALS Patron Vice-Patron Public Officer Maritza Manojlovic Privacy Officer Maritza Manojlovic Member Protection Officer Maritza Manojlovic

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STAFF Operations Officer Ben Arthur (Part-time)

(Resigned 31 Mar 15) High Performance Coach Alex Murphy (Part-time) Competition & Events Officer Charmaine Jackson (Part-time)

(Commenced April 2015) Book Keeper Sarah Kelly (Casual) State Representative Teams Coaches Managers

14 & Under Girls ECC Jodie Adams 14 & Under Boys ECC Tom Dayman Sally Lewis 14 & Under Boys – Adelaide Jets

Tom Dayman Will Dayman/ Sally Lewis

14 & Under Boys – Adelaide Stealth

Cameron den Dekker Scott Parker

16 & Under Girls Jason Wedding Sarah Hill 16 & Under Boys Emy van Duijn

Alex Murphy Belinda Parousis

18 & Under Girls Jason Wedding Carolyn Symons 18 & Under Boys Alex Murphy Charmaine Jackson 20 & Under Women Combined VIC/SA/TAS

Victorian Coach Grieg Richardson

Belinda Symons

20 & Under Men 2014 Alex Murphy Charmaine Jackson 20 & Under Men 2015 Alex Murphy Janice van der Pennen

National League Coaches

Men Alex Murphy Women Alex Murphy

AFFILIATED CLUBS Adelaide Tritons Water Polo Club Adelaide Vikings Water Polo Club Eastern Saints Water Polo Club Henley Sharks Water Polo Club

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2014-2015 Annual Report Presented for the Annual General Meeting 27/08/2015


2 President’s Report “The Headlines”

• In last years report at least four items under “The Great Challenges” moved into the great headlines this year including

o Becoming competitive at National Championships. In July our 14 and Under Boys won a bronze medal. The first by a South Australian team at the East Coast Challenge since 2014. This was in addition to our National State Championships bronze last year.

o Membership Levels. A drop this year but still very solid numbers at 295 and the third highest;

o Improving our development opportunities. Both High Performance and junior development programs have further developed.

• Continued high number of international representation both in juniors and seniors; • Sensational 18&U Tournament hosted at SAALC. SAALC Nominated the Tournament for Event of

the year with Sport SA. • Continued good number of State teams sent away with high levels of athletes and good

potential shown; • After more than 2 years we now have the SASI coach position resolved. • WPSA providing coaching support to SASI while the coaching position is resolved; • Water Polo now played at 3 pools with another opening at Campbelltown in the near future; • Online registration now refined as our registration method • New Executive Officer appointed with sports and NFP experience; • Relationships with key stakeholders has continued to build; • Continued improvement in reporting and monitoring of grants; • Successful with a new round of grants and grant acquittals.

“The Challenges”

• Current model for the Board does not give the Association the ability to elect a Board based on capability and specific skills;

• The ability of the Board to decide and follow through a course of action in an efficient manner; • The above issues are driven by an outdated Constitution that prevents a small capable and

appropriately skilled Board from being formed. It also means the Association is wasting a willing pool of volunteers;

• Becoming more competitive in National Championships; • Becoming more competitive in National League; • Increasing or at least holding our current membership levels; • Having all clubs viable for juniors, Seniors and both genders; • Taking Water Polo to new areas in metropolitan Adelaide and South Australia; • Continuing to improve our development opportunities and systems for our athletes; • Keeping our focus on improvements that benefit our sport rather than politics;

My summary of our operations in this report is that Water Polo South Australia is now operating as a genuine business. We have excellent recognition and support of our key stakeholders of how we have developed our operations. However, resolving our Constitution and Board make-up will assist our Executive staff to achieve our strategy for our sport.

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2014-2015 Annual Report Presented for the Annual General Meeting 27/08/2015


Some highlights of 2014-2015 are: WPSA Board: As the Section 9 shows the Board has had very good attendance at meetings. Meetings have been conducted at SAALC. Officers from the Office of Recreation and Sport have attended. For some time we have been working on a new constitution. The first draft has been completed is completed and there will be a Special Meeting to consider this change. The constitution revision is the most important task for the Association. Management: Charmaine Jackson Competition Manager and Gayle Rogers Executive Officer are new to their positions but have demonstrated they will be of significant benefit to the Association. Our office at SAALC is now fully operational and we are building relationships with the other aquatic associations. Development: During 2014 and 2015 our development programs continued to provide increased opportunities to our athletes. Our junior squads have had record numbers and we have established squads at each level of National Competition. During 2015 the High Performance Program has continued to provide a pathway for our athletes to SASI and national League. We have seen further group’s transition to SASI and another group being has been selected for the High Performance Program. National Representation: This year again saw our athletes achieve outstanding results with selection to National teams and squads. The first selections from our High Performance Squad were achieved. National League: 2015 saw a significant number of new players to both the men’s and women’s teams. While both teams did not achieve the success they were hoping for the season was a positive experience for both teams and continued to build a platform for the future. National 18 and Under Championships: A tremendous event with great support from our volunteer community. Over 32 volunteers helped deliver this great event. SAALC nominated the event for the 2015 Sport SA Event of the Year. Membership: Again inn this report we can say the big success is our membership levels. While there was a drop in membership numbers to 295, part of this drop is due to better administration of the Sporting Pulse database. In closing, I would like to thank all people who have assisted WPSA throughout the year including our Board Members, Executive Officer Gayle Rogers, Charmaine Jackson Competition and Events Officer, Head Coach Alex Murphy, Finance Officer Sarah Kelly, our development coaches, state team coaches, referees, team managers and committee members.

Mark Dayman President

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2014-2015 Annual Report Presented for the Annual General Meeting 27/08/2015


3 Report on Operations

3.1 Operation Manager’s Report

Ben Arthur, our Operation’s Manager resigned effective of 31 March 2015. Therefore there will be no official Operations Manager report in this annual report. A number of Board Members took on responsibility for various areas of the association whilst recruitment of an Executive Officer and Competitions & Events Officer was under taken. After an extensive search and two rounds of advertising, Gayle Rogers was employed as the Executive Officer (15 hours per week), and commenced work on 15th July 2015, and Charmaine Jackson was employed as the Competition & Events Officer (10 hours per week) commencing May 2015.

3.2 Overview of changes and work in progress

Prior to Ben’s departure he worked closely with the Board, reviewing office structure, recommending to the Water Polo SA Board the following staffing structure

Charmaine Jackson is currently performing the Competitions & Events Officer role and Sarah Kelly, Finance Officer & State Teams Administrator Role. Coaching and Development Officer Roles are currently under review, as negotiations are in progress for a new SASI Coach, which will in turn affect the WPSA High Performance Coaching role and the Development Officer Role.

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3.3 Grants Overview

Water Polo SA has continued to receive grant funding support from the Office of Recreation totalling $84,500 (plus GST) for 2014-2015. The 2014-15 ORS grants included:

Sport and Recreation Sustainability Program Grant

Provide Leadership, policies and services

$ 27 500(plus GST)

Sport and Recreation Development and Inclusion Program Grant

High Performance Pathways Program

$ 25 000(plus GST)

Sport and Recreation Development and Inclusion Program Grant

Officials Development Program $ 10 000(plus GST)

Sport and Recreation Development and Inclusion Program Grant

Flippa Ball Program in the Southern Suburbs

$ 22 000 (Plus GST)

Water Polo SA will receive new funding under both the Sustainability Program Grant and the Development and Inclusion Program Grants for 2015-2016 in the amount of $86,600 (plus GST).

3.4 Development

Water Polo SA chose 6 schools to work with in 2014/15. They were based on relative size, and ability and willingness to travel to the SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre for sessions, and the location proximity to the SA Aquatic Leisure Centre.

• Brighton Primary School • Warradale Primary School • Christ the King School • Darlington Primary School • Glenelg Primary School • Westminster College

In addition to these schools that were specifically targeted, a range of other schools in the Southern suburbs received promotional material from Water Polo SA.

2014/15, Water Polo saw a 22% increase in children participating in the Flippa Ball competition. Flippa ball membership now represents approximately 13% of the sport’s membership base.

For a lengthy period, clubs have had difficulties in recruiting new members to their club at the 10-12 years of age level. There has not been an established program to assist with this process until Flippa Ball. There is now a strong base of children (and their families) that have been introduced to Flippa Ball, and will continue to be involved in the sport.

Another significant outcome is the increased communication with schools in the general southern area. Connections with schools in the Southern suburbs have been limited in recent times due to lack of staffing. Through Water Polo SA’s Development program, communication lines have now

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been opened, and we will continue to provide information to schools on how they can be involved in the sport.

3.5 High Performance Program

The 2014/15 High Performance Pathways Programs (HPPP) has focused on the development of South Australia’s young, talented water polo athletes. It has received significant ORS Grants funding, and has increased that funding for 2015/16.

High Performance Pathways Program Aims:

• Providing an underpinning program to the SASI Water Polo program • Prepare the best athletes to be truly elite • Develop individual athletes to the standard necessary to be selected into a national squad

via a year round elite training squad

In July 2014, 15 (6 female, 9 male) athletes were inducted into Water Polo SA’s HPPP. These athletes have been selected from Water Polo SA’s senior and junior competitions, as well as the development squad training program (incorporating state squad training sessions). Added to this, specific trials were conducted to allow for a transparent selection process. The alignment with the SASI Water Polo program continues, with the following athlete progression occurring:

• Athletes that have moved through to SASI in 2014/15 (from 2013/14 HPPP) o 1 athlete (1 male) – in effort to maintain a high quality program at the SASI level,

Water Polo SA has limited the number of athletes to move from HPPP • Athletes that have retained their place in the High Performance Program in 2014/15 (from

2013/14 HPPP) o 5 female athletes o 5 male athletes

Focus has been aimed at induction of girls into the HPPP Program, resulting in a squad of 10 girls currently, this has enabled WPSA to enter a girls High Performance team into the 2015/16 Summer A-Grade competition. Something the boys High Performance team has been competing in for the last two seasons.

WPSA and the High Performance Program also hosted a Water Polo Australia Women's Talent Identification Camp at SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre on the 24th of May 2015. Two sessions were held for athletes, with SA Coaches given the opportunity to attend and observe.

High Performance Athletes National Achievements

Max Pickering

Max Pickering added his name to the SA players selected for international duty last European summer. He headed to Serbia with the first ever U15's National team. (See article in Section 10)

Liam Cameron

Congratulations also went to Liam Cameron for being selected in the born 98 Australian team traveling to New Zealand to take part in the Pan Pacific water polo festival.

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Other Significant outcomes achieved as a result of the program include:

• Improved performance at the 20&U Male National Championships (Bronze medal) • Improved performance at the 20&U Female National Championships (Gold medal,

combined team) • Improved performance at the 18&U Male National Championships (Top 8 – Championship

Group) • Higher retention rate within the sport of athletes aged 15 – 18 years • Regular competitive games in the Water Polo SA Men’s A Grade summer competition • HPPP contributing athletes to the National Water Polo League squads – currently 2 male

athletes and 1 female athlete training with the squad

20 & Under National Championships – South Australia (team)

Boys (# of teams in competition) Girls (# of teams in competition)

2015 6 (8) 4 (8)* 2014 3 (8) 1 (8)* 2013 7 (8) 4 (7) 2012 6 (6) 5 (7) 2011 6 (7) 6 (6) 2010 5 (5) 6 (6)

* Combined team with Victoria and Tasmania (3 SA athletes represented the team)

18 & Under National Championships – South Australia (team)

Boys (# of teams in competition) Girls (# of teams in competition)

2015 7 (16) 14 (16) 2014 12 (16) Did not compete 2013 12 (17) Did not compete 2012 4 (14) 19 (23) 2011 7 (10) 7 (8) 2010 8 (8) 6 (8)

16 & Under National Championships – South Australia (team)

Boys (# of teams in competition) Girls (# of teams in competition)

2015 October 2015 October 2015 2014 13 (26)* 20 (26)^ 2013 16 (25) 24 (25) 2012 8 (25) 23 (27) 2011 11 (24) 20 (24) 2010 13 (20) 13 (24)

* Won Plate Final ^ Runner-up Bowl Final

Alex Murphy High Performance Coach

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3.6 SASI

Report from SASI unavailable at time of compilation. Our SASI Athletes Achievements Lauren McGrechan

Congratulations to Lauren McGrechan on her selection in the Born 98 Australian Youth Women’s Squad, who travelled to New Zealand to compete in the Pan Pacific Water Polo Festival.

Daniel Hall

Congratulations to Daniel Hall on his selection in the Born 96 Australian Junior Men’s team, who travelled to Europe, and saw them compete in tournaments in Germany and France throughout August. Chelsea Allen

Congratulations to Chelsea Allen on her selection in the Born 96 Australian Youth Women’s team, who travelled to compete in the 2014 World Youth Water Polo Championships.

The B'96 Youth women's team also placed 4th at the Pythia Cup with Chelsea being awarded top goal scorer. Allen

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4 Major Events 2014-2015 was a very busy time for Water Polo South Australia. We hosted three national tournaments, the East Coast Challenge and the 20 & Under National State Championships in July 2014 and then the 18 & U National Club Championships in April 2015, as well as numerous National Water Polo League Home Games. All these events involved a huge organisational effort by our operational staff and many extremely valuable volunteers. The success was largely due to an outstanding commitment by Operations Manager Ben Arthur and Tournament Director Alex Murphy, as well as a fantastic group of volunteers.

All three events ran very smoothly and were a success and credit to our association.

4.1 East Coast Challenge hosted by WPSA – 10th – 14th July 2014

The South Australian Aquatic and Leisure Centre welcomed twelve teams for the first day of the 14 and under East Coast Challenge, seeing over 150 athletes and as many spectators descend on Adelaide. The tournament was held in Adelaide for the first time in its 24 year history, and with the National 20 and under championships also being played in Adelaide, three water polo pools were in operation. The SA Aquatic Centre was buzzing with a large passionate crowd but despite cold winter weather outside, Water Polo SA turned on a warm welcome as management and volunteers worked hard to successfully run both the ECC and the 20 and Under National Championships. The support of parents and the wider water polo community was much appreciated, and WPSA acknowledges the contribution of the young SA referees helping out under the watchful eye of Tony Hall

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2014 East Coast Challenge - Competing Teams

Girls Boys New South Wales 1 New South Wales 1

New South Wales 2 New South Wales 2

Queensland 1 Queensland 1

Queensland 2 Queensland 2

South Australia South Australia

Victoria Victoria

4.2 20s & Under National Championships hosted by WPSA – 8th – 13th July 2014

Water Polo SA and the SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre welcomed 13 Men and Women’s teams to the 20 and Under National State Championships.

It was an extremely successful tournament for South Australia, with a combined South Australian/Victorian/Tasmanian women’s team achieving an amazing GOLD MEDAL and our South Australian Junior Men achieving the BRONZE MEDAL.

In the Gold Medal game, the composite team of South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania took on the West Australian's. The South Australian contingent of Chloe Barr, Lucinda Swan, Lucy Burg and Georgina Symons all contributed, with Barr starring in the win.

The SA men's team, coached by Alex Murphy, played in the early game and Queensland - a team they had narrowly beaten only days prior. The South Australian's played as a team, not relying on any individual players to come away with a 8-5 win. After the game, Murphy credited the win to the team's "steely defence, combined with dynamic shooting."

The smooth running of these championships would not have been possible without the valuable support and assistance provided by Water Polo Australia, the SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre, the State Government, in particular the Office for Recreation and Sport, and event sponsors.

WPSA would like to acknowledge the staff and volunteers of Water Polo SA that worked tirelessly to ensure that the championships were a success.

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4.3 18 & Under National Club Championships hosted by WPSA – 7th – 12th April 2015

The 18 & Under Boys National Club Championships was hosted by WPSA at the SAALC in Adelaide from 7th -12th April 2015.

16 teams, including our Adelaide Jets completed in over 52 games over six days.

The organisation and running of these championships would not have been possible without the valuable support and assistance provided by Water Polo Australia, the SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre.

WPSA would also like to acknowledge the staff, especially Alex Murphy and Charmaine Jackson and numerous volunteers of Water Polo SA that worked together to ensure that the championships were a success.

WPSA would again like to acknowledge the staff and volunteers of Water Polo SA that worked tirelessly to ensure that the championships were a success. We had over 32 volunteers that provided assistance, one way or another for up to 12 hours per day for 6 days. WE COULD NOT HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT YOU!

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5 State Representative Teams

5.1 14 & Under East Coast Challenge – 10th -13th July 2014

South Australia hosted the 2014 East Coast Challenge, this event saw over 150 athletes and just as many spectators descend on the world class facility – SA Aquatic and Leisure Centre. Our South Australian Athletes:

South Australian Girls Club Olivia Bradley Adelaide Tritons Sophie Munchenberg Adelaide Tritons Sophie Hill Adelaide Vikings Sophie Edwards Adelaide Tritons Emma Dorward Eastern Saints Autumn Grooby Adelaide Vikings Georgia Osbourne Adelaide Vikings Madeline Lambert Henley Sharks Kate Wheeler Adelaide Tritons Kati Yiannicou Henley Sharks Carys Jones Eastern Saints Mikayla Flynn Henley Sharks Jessica Gallasch Adelaide Tritons Coach: Jodie Adams

South Australian Boys Club Aldo Pretorius Henley Sharks Brayden Addison Adelaide Vikings Tyson Friend Adelaide Tritons Tom Clegg Adelaide Tritons Nat Swan Adelaide Tritons Liam Rowland Adelaide Vikings Kai Peters Adelaide Tritons Jet Lewis Adelaide Tritons Jesse Taylor Adelaide Vikings Finn Liebich Adelaide Tritons Charlie Bates Adelaide Tritons Vincent Muneretto Adelaide Vikings Joe Plamenac Henley Sharks Coach: Tom Dayman

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5.2 20 & Under National Championships – 8th – 13th July 2014

Gold Medal For Our Combined South Australia/Victoria/Tasmania Women 20 & Under Junior Women A combined team of Victoria/South Australia/Tasmania (Composite) emerged as the victors of the women’s competition with a 5-2 victory over Western Australia in a hard fought game at the 2014 20 & Under National State Championships. It was a fairy-tale victory for the Composite team who first came together the night before competition commenced. Composite coach Grieg Richardson said the whole week was a learning process for his side.

“We only had 55 minutes together on Monday night,” Richardson said.

“We kept it simple and I think we won on defence, in a way we used the tournament to train, the games weren’t easy, but it was a steep learning curve.”

Despite the eventual score, the match was extremely close between the two sides as it came down to a defensive contest. Composite had begun with a strong first quarter to lead 3-0 at the break.

Unforseen at the time, the first term is what set Composite up for the win as Lucinda Swan scored twice with support from Chloe Barr, ensuring that Composite relieved any pressure they were feeling early in the game.

Coach Richardson said the first period helped calm the nerves of all the girls in the team, and the coaching staff.

“It was a brilliant start for us, and in that game it was a lot of goals for a quarter. It didn’t feel easy, but it was reassuring after that term. If someone had a heart rate monitor on me, it wouldn’t have looked so easy,” he said.

The second stanza really showed the tenacity of the WA team as they managed to slow the scoring rate of the Composite girls, limiting them to just one goal off Ellie Stott as Jessica Zimmerman produced the first goal for WA.

In similar fashion to the second term, the third saw the teams inseparable as both sides failed to score a goal. Composite goalkeeper Katie Blunt was at her best as her team rallied around her with

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strong defence. WA also showed impressive defence to ensure that a win was not out of their grasp.

The final term again saw just one goal apiece as Barr bagged her second for the game, while Jiorja Ralston put her name on the board for Western Australia.

Katie Blunt, who was post game named goalkeeper of the tournament, said that it was a strong team effort in defence, which helped her between the posts.

“I am amazed that we came together in a week, our defence was clinical and the girls on my team made it easy for me,” Blunt said.

I need to thank the team for that. We’ve been working on having a team of shooters all week and that showed in the opening quarter today.”

The win marks the first time that South Australia and Tasmania have won the title at these championships.

Awards for the tournament

Gold Medal: Victoria/South Australia/Tasmania Silver Medal: Western Australia Bronze Medal: NSW Blues MVP: Chloe Barr, SA Best Goalkeeper: Katie Blunt, VIC Highest Goalscorer: Jayde Appel, NSW, 23 goals

Composite Team – South Australia/Victoria/Tasmania

SA Club

Katie Blunt

Ellie Stott

Lucinda Swan Adelaide Tritons

Chloe Barr Adelaide Tritons

Alex Steere

Alex Cox

Georgina Symons Adelaide Tritons

Zoe Hille

Stella Salter

Charlotte Brooking

Lucy Burg Eastern Saints

Coach: Grieg Richardson

Team Manager: Belinda Symons

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Bronze Medal For Our South Australian 20 & Under Junior Men

A strong final quarter led South Australia to claiming the bronze medal over Queensland following on from an encounter that had both sides trading goals throughout the contest.

Queensland had the upper hand early on in the game, scoring within the first thirty seconds of play with Pat Flanagan the man to get his side on the scoreboard first. SA responded, albeit in the final two minutes thanks to Michael Carter. However the even playing field was short lived as Zac Hudson stepped up to have Queensland calling the shots at quarter time.

The middle two quarters of the game played out in a similar fashion to the first, with one team scoring and the other replying. SA took advantage of extra man opportunities in the first and sixth minutes of the second term, while Queensland rallied to find space around a full South Australian defence.

In the dying minutes of the third Stanza, Andrew van der Pennen stepped up for SA to score what would be an unanswered goal to put his side two clear of Queensland, and on the path to victory.

The final quarter was tough for Queensland as SA took advantage of the confidence earned in the previous period of play to extend their lead to four goals, claiming their national championships medal in their home state.

Awards for the tournament

Gold Medal: NSW Blues Silver Medal: Western Australia Bronze Medal: South Australia MVP: Jesse Deloraine, NSW Best Goalkeeper: Sam Cocokios, NSW Highest Goalscorer: Nick Brookes, NSW, 31 goals

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South Australian 20s Junior Men Club

Joseph Parnis (GK) Adelaide Tritons

Harry Gibbs Adelaide Tritons

Dan Hall Adelaide Tritons

Andrew van der Pennen Adelaide Tritons

Nick Jordan Adelaide Tritons

Sam Jackson Adelaide Tritons

Sam Huis in t’Veld Adelaide Tritons

Billy McFall Adelaide Tritons

William Dayman Adelaide Vikings

Llewellyn Smith Eastern Saints

Michael Carter Adelaide Tritons

Max Pickering Adelaide Tritons

Thomas Birnie (GK) Adelaide Tritons

Coach: Alex Murphy

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5.3 16 & Under National Club Championships – 30th Sept – 5th Oct 2014

Adelaide Jets – 16 & Under Girls – AIS Canberra ACT

Adelaide Jets – 16 & Under Girls Club

Katherine Landers (Co-Captain) Adelaide Tritons

Sophie Hall (Co-Captain) Adelaide Tritons

Lauren McGrechan Adelaide Tritons

Flora King Adelaide Tritons

Phoebe Hill Adelaide Vikings

Mirella di Cesare Eastern Saints

Emily (Millie) Lewis Adelaide Tritons

Elise Sexton Adelaide Tritons

Jessica Rose Adelaide Tritons

Lilli Heard Adelaide Vikings

Kristyn Jurrius Adelaide Tritons

Sophie Munchenberg Adelaide Tritons

Georgia Osborne Adelaide Vikings

Coach: Jason Wedding Team Manager: Sarah Hill

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Game 1: Adelaide Jets (4) versus UNSW Killer Whales Black (6)

Game 2: Adelaide Jets (1) versus All Hallows (24)

Game 3: Adelaide Jets (2) versus ACT Fins (10)

Game 3 was eventful. The table made mistakes early in the game and the first quarter, as a result one of the starting 6 had 2 exclusions recorded in the first quarter and was rolled midway thru the 3rd quarter. We lodged an appeal.

Game 3 Partial Do Over Adelaide Jets (3) versus ACT Fins (9)

Our appeal prevailed and replayed the game with 3.38 minutes to go in the third quarter.

Game 4: Adelaide Jets (11) versus Essendon (5)

Game 5 Adelaide Jets (10) versus Ryde Rhinos (2)

Game 6 Adelaide Jets (3) versus Hunter Hurricanes (8)

Game 7 Adelaide Jets (8) versus Balmain Tigers (5)

Our Adelaide Jets girls made the Bowl final, taking on the Hunter Hurricanes but unfortunately could not bring the Bowl home, finishing 20th overall out of 26 teams.

Bowl final play off

Adelaide Jets (3) versus Hunter Hurricanes (7)

All players approached the game with a sense of pride and purpose. Everyone had made a commitment to the team and backed themselves.

Ms Sarah Hill 16 & U Adelaide Jets Girls Team Manager

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Adelaide Jets – 16 & Under Boys – Hobart, Tasmania Adelaide Jets finished 13th from 26 competing teams and were successful in winning the Plate Final.

Adelaide Jets boys staged a come from behind victory against Melbourne Collegians Gold to win the Plate final, with an impressive third quarter winning them the game.

Melbourne had led 3-0 at half time, however they were unable to find the back of the cage for the remainder of the game as Llewellyn Smith (2), Liam Cameron (2) and Jake Linden all combined to hand the Jets the victory.

Adelaide Jets – 16 & Under Boys Club Thomas Andrews Adelaide Tritons Jake Linden Adelaide Vikings Joshua Dawkins Henley Sharks George Parousis Adelaide Tritons Max Pickering Adelaide Tritons Liam Cameron Adelaide Vikings Llewellyn Smith Eastern Saints Harrison Crawford Adelaide Vikings Keli'ikoa Peters Adelaide Tritons Timothy Jolly Adelaide Tritons Scott Price Adelaide Vikings Peter Burgess Adelaide Vikings Brayden Addison Adelaide Vikings Coach: Emy Van Duijn Assistant Coach: Alex Murphy Manager: Belinda Parousis Parent Driver: Chris Linden

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(Photo – Belinda Parousis Sunday 5/10/2014)

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5.4 14 & Under National Club Championships – 1st – 6th April 2015, Gold Coast

Unfortunately, WPSA could not field a 14s & Under Girls team this year, however, Catherine O’Sullivan has taken the reins and a 14 & Under Girls team recently attended the East Coast Challenge in Brisbane in July 2015. We did however field two 14 & Under Boys Teams, our first team was the Adelaide Jets and the second more inexperienced players were the Adelaide Stealth.

29 Teams overall competed in the Boys competition. Adelaide Jets placed 11th and Adelaide Stealth were the Shield Runner’s Up placing 25th overall.

Adelaide Jets – 14 & Under Boys Club Kieran Gohl Henley Sharks Jesse Taylor Adelaide Vikings Nathanael Swan Adelaide Tritons Kainalu Peters Adelaide Tritons Nicolas Maddern Eastern Saints Aldo Pretorius Henley Sharks Tyson Friend Adelaide Tritons Thomas Clegg Adelaide Tritons Vincent Munretto Adelaide Vikings Dyson Hilder Adelaide Vikings Jet Lewis Adelaide Tritons Noah Gladdy Henley Sharks Coach: Tom Dayman Team Manager: Sally Lewis

Adelaide Stealth – 14 & Under Boys Club Aidan Scipioni Eastern Saints Joe Plamenac Henley Sharks Quinn Etherington Henley Sharks James Burgess Adelaide Vikings Charles White Adelaide Tritons Hamish Shute Adelaide Tritons Martin Lidums Adelaide Vikings Owen Gladdy Henley Sharks Nathaniel Scipioni Eastern Saints Angus Parker Adelaide Vikings Oliver Varney Henley Sharks Coach: Cameron den Dekker Team Manager: Scott Parker

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5.5 18 & Under National Championships – SA Aquatic & Leisure Centre 7th – 12th April 2015

16 teams, including our Adelaide Jets completed in over 52 games over six days at Marion. The Jets placed 7th overall, a good result based on previous years, and considering we had a couple of players with injuries – Jake Linden, did not play at all, and Sam Jackson was injured during our 3rd game against Sydney University Blue and was out for following game and not 100% for the remainder of the tournament.

Adelaide Jets – 18 & Under Boys Club

Joseph Parnis Adelaide Tritons

Tim Jolly Adelaide Tritons

Liam Cameron Adelaide Vikings

Llewellyn Smith Eastern Saints

Max Pickering Adelaide Tritons

Samuel Jackson Adelaide Tritons

Andrew van der Pennen Adelaide Tritons

Jake Linden Adelaide Vikings

Joshua Dawkins Henley Sharks

Fraser Woods Adelaide Vikings

Charles Bates Adelaide Tritons

Ben Piech Eastern Saints

Coach: Alex Murphy Assistant Coaches: Dan Hall / Nick Jordan

Team Manager: Charmaine Jackson

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18 & Under Girls – Canberra, ACT

Team Managers report unavailable at time of compilation.

Game Results:

All Hallows – Adelaide Jets 23-3 West Killer Whales – Adelaide Jets 21-2 Adelaide Jets – Ryde Rhinos 8-8 Hunter Hurricanes – Adelaide Jets 25-5 ACT Fins – Adelaide Jets 10-4 Balmain Tigers – Adelaide Jets 16-11 Essendon – Adelaide Jets 23-4

Adelaide Jets – 18 & Under Girls Club Mahalia Robinson Adelaide Vikings Georgina Symons Adelaide Tritons Francoise Negri Adelaide Tritons Emily Lewis Adelaide Tritons Sophie Munchenberg Adelaide Tritons Elise Sexton Adelaide Tritons Phoebe Hill Adelaide Vikings Ellen Traeger Henley Sharks Coach: Jason Wedding Team Manager: Carolyn Symons

5.6 20 & Under National State Championships – 12th – 16th May 2015

Victoria/South Australia combined for the women this championship, with Georgina Symons as the sole South Australian representative. Victoria/South Australia played off for Bronze but were unfortunately defeated by WA 13-7.

South Australian Boys place 6th Overall

The SA 20 & Under boys placed 6th, however the final placing was not reflective of the quality of the games played, three of our five games were won or lost by 1 goal.

“Queensland won a thrilling fifth place playoff on the final day of action at the men’s 20 & Under National Championships, defeating South Australia in a 15-14 affair at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre.

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It was the men from the sunshine state that opened up the early advantage in the first half of the game, only to see it whittled away in the third portion of the game as South Australia put together an impressive comeback.

The Queenslanders opened the scoring courtesy of Zac Hudson as they raced to a three goal, 4-1 lead at the first break. The advantage over South Australia extended in the second term to 10-4, Queensland seemingly cruising to victory.

Despite their six goal deficit, South Australia turned up the heat in the third period as they stacked on eight of their own goals, Andrew van der Pennen adding three, to be trailing by just one goal, 13-12 at the final change.

With the victory on offer for either team at the beginning of the final stanza, it was Queensland who stood up to be counted first, their efforts eventually rewarded with victory.”

Game Results: SA vs Vic 16-17 SA vs NSW 20-9 SA vs AUS B98 20-8 SA vs NZ 16-15 SA vs QLD 14-15

Adelaide Jets – 20 & Under Boys Club Joseph Parnis Adelaide Tritons Cameron den Dekker Adelaide Vikings Daniel Hall Adelaide Tritons Samuel Jackson Adelaide Tritons Andrew van der Pennen Adelaide Tritons Fraser Woods Adelaide Vikings Liam Cameron Adelaide Vikings Harry Gibbs Adelaide Tritons Michael Carter Adelaide Tritons Llewellyn Smith Eastern Saints Thomas Birnie Adelaide Tritons Coach: Alex Murphy Team Manager: Janice van der Pennen

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6 Season Statistics & Awards

6.1 Summer 2014/15 State League

A Men P W L D B FF F A % Points

Adelaide Vikings 7 5 2 0 0 0 83 79 105.06 20

Adelaide Tritons 6 3 3 0 0 0 62 62 100.00 12

Henley Sharks 7 2 5 0 0 0 84 88 95.45 8

High Performance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Start : 28th October 2014 Preliminary Rounds : 11 Rounds Teams: Vikings, Tritons, Henley Sharks and High Performance Boys – however High Performance Games were wash outs as not to influence premiership points Semi Finals: Henley Sharks 18 – Vikings 17 Finals: Tritons 6 – Henley Sharks 9 Premiership: Henley Sharks

A Women P W L D B FF F A % Points

Adelaide Tritons 8 4 2 2 0 0 70 46 152.17 20

Henley Sharks 8 2 4 2 0 0 46 70 65.71 12

Start : 29th October 2014 Preliminary Rounds : 8 Rounds Teams: Tritons and Henley Sharks Finals: Tritons 5 – Henley Sharks 10 Premiership: Henley Sharks

Henley Sharks A-Grade Players

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B Men P W L D B FF F A % Points

Adelaide Vikings BOSA 10 9 1 0 3 2 124 42 295.24 36

Adelaide Vikings 11 9 2 0 3 1 101 67 150.75 36

Eastern Saints 9 4 4 1 3 0 60 74 81.08 18

Adelaide Tritons 9 2 7 0 3 0 54 86 62.79 8

Henley Sharks 11 0 10 1 3 0 49 119 41.18 2

Start : 29th October 2014 Preliminary Rounds : 11 Rounds Teams: Vikings BOSA, Vikings, Tritons, Henley Sharks & Eastern Saints Semi Finals: Eastern Saints 6 – Tritons 5 Vikings BOSA – Vikings 5 Preliminary Finals: Vikings 4 – Eastern Saints 2 Finals: Vikings BOSA 9 – Vikings 4 Premiership: Vikings BOSA

B Women P W L D B FF F A % Points

Adelaide Vikings 13 10 3 0 0 0 92 45 204.44 40

Adelaide Tritons 13 9 4 0 0 2 87 55 158.18 36

Henley Sharks 13 5 8 0 0 4 85 75 113.33 20

Eastern Saints 13 2 11 0 0 1 36 125 28.80 8

Start : 29th October 2014 Preliminary Rounds : 13 Rounds Teams: Vikings, Tritons, Henley Sharks & Eastern Saints Semi Finals:Tritons 8 – Henley Sharks 2 Finals: Vikings 5 – Tritons 6 Premiership: Tritons

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B98 (17&U) Boys P W L D B FF F A % Points

Adelaide Tritons 14 10 2 2 1 0 143 84 170.24 44

Adelaide Vikings Black 15 10 4 1 0 0 147 105 140.00 42

Adelaide Vikings Red 15 4 8 3 0 0 106 132 80.30 22

Henley Sharks 15 2 11 2 0 1 82 144 56.94 12

Eastern Saints 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 13 0.00 0

Start : 30th October 2014 Preliminary Rounds : 15 Rounds Teams: Tritons, Vikings Black, Vikings Red, Henley Sharks and Eastern Saints (however Eastern Saints withdrew after Round 1) Semi Finals: Vikings Black 12 – Vikings Red 5 Tritons 10 – Henley Sharks 7 Finals: Tritons 9 – Vikings Black 10 Premiership: Vikings Black

B98 (17&U) Girls P W L D B FF F A % Points

Adelaide Vikings 10 7 3 0 5 1 69 66 104.55 28

Adelaide Tritons 10 6 4 0 5 2 88 56 157.14 24

Henley Sharks 10 2 8 0 5 2 50 85 58.82 8

Start : 28th October 2014 Preliminary Rounds : 15 Rounds Teams: Tritons, Vikings and Henley Sharks Semi Finals: Tritons 9 – Henley Sharks 5 Finals: Vikings 3 – Tritons 6 Premiership: Tritons

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Born 2001 (14&U) Mixed

P W L D B FF F A % Points

Adelaide Vikings Red 11 9 2 0 3 0 117 78 150.00 36

Adelaide Tritons 11 8 3 0 3 0 118 57 207.02 32

Henley Sharks 11 3 6 2 3 0 74 97 76.29 16

Adelaide Vikings Black 12 3 8 1 2 0 84 121 69.42 14

Eastern Saints 11 3 7 1 3 0 74 114 64.91 14

Start : 26th October 2014 Preliminary Rounds : 14 Rounds Teams: Vikings Red, Viking Black, Tritons, Henley Sharks & Eastern Saints Semi Finals: Tritons 7 – Henley 3 Vikings Red 14 – Eastern Saints 4 Finals: Vikings Red 5 – Tritons 10 Premiership: Tritons

Born 2003 (12&U) Mixed

P W L D B FF F A % Points

Adelaide Tritons 14 11 2 1 0 2 241 100 241.00 46

Henley Sharks 13 9 3 1 0 3 199 129 154.26 38

Eastern Saints 12 5 7 0 0 1 141 140 100.71 20

Adelaide Vikings 13 0 13 0 0 0 47 259 18.15 0

Start : 26th October 2014 Preliminary Rounds : 15 Rounds Teams: Tritons, Henley Sharks, Eastern Saints, Vikings Semi Finals: Henley 13 – Eastern Saints 15 Finals: Tritons 18 – Eastern Saints 8 Premiership: Tritons

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6.2 National League – Fyfe Adelaide Jets



1 Joseph Parnis 18 191 WCWPC

2 Paxton Barr 22 180 AUS Born '95

3 Daniel Hall 19 180 AUS Born '96

4 Cameron Den Decker 18 183 WCWPC

5 Nick Jordan 20 185 NWPL

6 Samuel Jackson 18 182 NWPL

7 Andrew van der Pennen 17 182 AUS Born 97

8 Jacob Mourer (Import) 22 190 NCAA

9 Thomas Dayman 24 210 AUS Born '95

10 Fraser Woods 17 182 WCWPC

11 Michael Carter 19 180 WCWPC

12 Harry Gibbs 18 187 WCWPC

13 Christopher Richards (Import)

23 189 NCAA

14 Max Pickering 15 189 AUS Born '99

15 Liam Cameron 16 177 AUS Youth

17 Thomas Birnie 19 186 NWPL

19 William Dayman 20 194 AUS Born '96

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1 Nyssa Wedding 20 169 NWPL

2 Kelsey Nolan (Import) 23 172 NCAA

3 Belinda Symons 20 181 AUS Uni

4 Jessica Martin 24 177 AUS Open

5 Emma Opie 21 172 NWPL

6 Asher Batch 24 163 NWPL

7 Lucinda Swan 20 170 AUS Youth

8 Lara Zimmerman (WA) 20 174 AUS Youth

9 Emy van Duijn 23 174 NWPL

10 Brianna Rositano 28 170 NWPL

11 Chelsea Allen 18 186 AUS Junior

12 Sophie Hall 15 164 NWPL

13 Kathleen McHugh 23 173 AUS 20 & Under

22 Georgia Symons 17 173 SA 20 & Under

Jets Milestones 2015 200+ Goals Jess Martin 100+ career games Brianna Rositano 100+ career games Lucinda Swan

Award Winners

Highest Goal Scorer Men Tom Dayman

Best and Fairest - Men Daniel Hall

Best Young Player Men Cameron den Dekker

Player’s Player Men Christopher Richards

Highest Goal scorer Women Kelsey Nolan

Best and Fairest - Women. Lucinda Swan

Best Young Player Women Sophie Hall

Player’s Player Women Nyssa Wedding

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2014 - 2015 NWPL Results

Men 2015

























of W








8-12 11-14 13-7 20-11 15-10 16-8 13-7 10-5 10-3 21-8 21-3

10-2 12-8 12-6 9-13 14-11 16-7 15-7 13-6 16-6 18-5 22-7

12-8 13-9 10-8 16-16 11-13 16-11 9-8 11-4 12-8 19-7 13-1

2-10 11=14 12-8 10-9 17-16 15-11 10-3 12-11 8-6 16-10 19-7

14-11 9-13 0-0 0-0 15-8 9-7 10-9 11-7 10-6 21-10 18-8

6-12 14-11 11-9 17-8 9-8 6-3 4-15 7-4 16-7 19-11 13-3

7-13 11-8 0-0 12=15 16-15 11-9 14-9 15-9 12-11 14-3 17-7

6-12 8-12 9-11 9-13 12-11 16=19 10-8 14-8 8-6 12-5 14-10

11-20 16-16 0-0 15-13 14-7 11-12 9-3 14-14 10-6 10-6 21-4

13-9 9-10 8-17 13-9 6-5 12-6 15-16 10-3 14-8 17-7 16-7

10-15 13-11 8-15 15=16 7-14 8-6 11-8 9-5 9-6 13-8 16-11

11-14 16=17 8-11 11-12 5-6 16-16 8-7 11-8 10-11 10-8 11-9

8-16 11-16 8-9 9-11 12-11 6-8 9-9 9=11 11-9 13-5 11-7

7-16 11-15 3-6 19-16 6-12 16-16 11-7 12-7 12-5 17-8 23-2

7-13 8-9 9-10 9-14 3-9 8-11 9-9 12=13 14-7 12-4 10-5

7-15 3-10 15-4 8-10 15=16 7-8 7-11 11-9 9-8 9-11 14-8

5-10 4-11 7-11 9-15 14-14 5-9 11-9 13-12 5-4 12-5 12-7

6-13 11-11 4-7 8-14 3-10 8-11 7-12 9=11 9-11 7-9 12-5

3-10 8-12 6-10 11-12 5-10 6-9 9-11 7-14 4-5 9-8 14-7

6-16 6-8 7-16 6-8 8-14 11-10 5-12 8-9 11-9 11-8 13-7

8-23 7-19 10-21 3-14 6-10 8-13 5-13 4-12 5-12 8-9 10-9

5-18 10-16 11-19 5-12 7-17 8-10 8-17 11-9 9-7 8-11 7-8

3-21 1-13 8-18 7-18 4-21 11-16 7-11 5-11 7-12 7-14 9-10

7-22 7-19 3-13 10-14 7-16 9-11 2-23 8-14 5-12 7-13 8-7




Uni of WA



Sydney Uni

UNSW Wests





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Women 2015































of W


8-12 6-11 12-9 8-4 7-4 10-6 14-11 11-2 13-4 14-8 9-6

9-8 9=11 12-8 10-6 7-5 11-9 10-5 14-6 17-12 17-6 17-9

12-8 11-8 7-3 11-5 1-10 13-10 14-7 7-4 14-7 16-7 17-5

8-9 6-5 9-4 20-11 2-12 7-1 12-5 9-6 8-5 13-3 13-9

11-6 8-11 9-11 7-3 12-8 10-3 16-9 10-10 11-5 18-7 8-6

11-9 5-6 9-8 12-9 14-6 10-7 15-9 14-1 11-6 17-9 13-7

9-12 3-7 11-9 6-5 6-7 12-11 17-12 12-11 9-7 15-8 16-2

8-12 4-9 8-9 4-3 11-7 11-8 8-12 14-8 10-7 18-7 6-4

4-8 5-11 3-7 5-6 8-6 0-0 13-8 11-4 10-5 14-2 12-6

6-10 9-20 9-12 3-4 15-4 9-6 13-10 9-3 13-11 10-4 12-6

4-7 10-1 8-12 9-7 6-8 6-10 13-14 12-9 8-7 12-7 16-10

5-7 12-2 6-14 7-11 4-15 11-10 16-7 6-8 14-10 13-4 11-9

6-10 10-13 2-10 11-12 0-0 10-6 13-11 12-7 6-3 12-13 12-2

9-11 1-7 6-10 8-11 6-9 10-11 12-10 17-6 10-7 15-14 13-7

11-14 7-14 9-16 12-17 8-13 14-13 11-13 7-5 11-5 14-7 14-8

5-10 5-12 9-15 12-8 10-12 7-16 10-12 12=14 13-8 12-6 12-9

2-11 4-7 10-10 11=12 4-11 9-12 7-12 6-7 7-5 12-13 13-7

6-14 6-9 1-14 8-14 3-9 8-6 6-17 14-12 5-7 10-9 8-7

4-13 7-14 5-11 7-9 5-10 7-8 3-6 5-11 5-7 14-6 8-12

11-17 5-8 6-11 7-10 11=13 10-14 7-10 8-13 7-5 13-10 11-11

8-14 7-16 7-18 8-15 2-14 7-12 13-12 7-14 13-12 6-14 10-9

6-14 3-13 9-17 7-18 4-10 4-13 14-15 6-12 9-10 10-12 4-10

6-9 5-17 6-8 2-16 6-12 9-16 2-12 8-14 7-13 11-8 9-10

9-17 9-13 6-13 4-6 6-12 9-11 7-13 9-12 7-8 11-11 10-4


UNSW Wests




Uni of WA


Sydney Uni





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7 Membership Statistics 2014-2015 As can be seen by the data below, the membership of Water Polo SA declined by 15% however still remains strong at close to 300 members. Senior ranks experienced a small drop in male and female membership with main decrease being in the Junior ranks. This is being addressed through implementing more junior grades and a renewed focus on development activities including Flippa Ball and partnering more closely with SAALC to target holiday programs. The core growth effort needs to remain on supporting the Clubs to not only provide a quality product for participants to enjoy, but they also ensure the needs of their members are met throughout the season. The challenge for Water Polo SA is to continue to grow the sport, whilst being able to provide support for the Clubs that foster this growth in numbers and encourage broadening participation at all levels of the sport.

*Please note that all statistical information has been generated through Fox Sports Pulse, and is correct as at the time of compilation.

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Junior Senior Junior Senior

Adelaide Tritons Water Polo Club 21 22 14 24 81

Adelaide Vikings Water Polo Club 22 39 4 17 82

Eastern Saints Water Polo Club 9 22 5 10 46

Henley Sharks Water Polo Club 26 28 22 10 86

Sub-total 78 111 45 61 295

Total Members

Junior Senior Junior SeniorAdelaide Tritons Water Polo Club -28% -33% -33% -14% -27%Adelaide Vikings Water Polo Club -4% 8% -67% 13% -5%Eastern Saints Water Polo Club -50% -4% -44% -44% -32%Henley Sharks Water Polo Club -4% 8% -8% 150% 6%

-20% -6% -32% -6%

* comparison from 2013/14 published results

Male FemaleChange from Season 2013/14

Male FemaleRegistered Members 2014/15 Club



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8 Finance Report

8.1 Auditor’s Report

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8.2 Profit and Loss Statement for the Year ended 30th June 2015

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8.3 Balance Sheet for the Year ended 30th June 2015

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9 Governance A review of our Constitution and By Laws is long overdue and is substantially underway. A new constitution is being considered with the support of ORS and legal representation referred by Sports SA.

Board Meeting Attendance Sep Oct Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug TOTAL

Mark Dayman Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y A 9

Tom Dayman Y Y A Y Y A A Y Y Y Y 8

Derek Seret Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 11

Jon Harmer Y Y Y Y A Y A A Y Y Y 8

Jennie Addison Y Y Y A Y Y A Y Y Y Y 9

Nick Yiannicou Y Y A Y A Y Y Y A Y Y 8

Brad Morris Y A A A A 1

John Flynn Y Y Y Y Y Y 6

Charmaine Jackson Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 10

Mark van der Pennen Y Y Y A Y Y Y A Y A A 7

Maritza Manojlovic Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 11

Steve Piech Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y A A Y 8


Ben Arthur Y Y Y A A A Y Y Y Y Y 3

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10 Media Coverage

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11 Sponsors Thank you again to all our sponsors who have continued to support Water Polo SA throughout the 2014-2015 season. We are greatly appreciative of your support and services. Our amazing companies are:

• Government of South Australia through the Office for Recreation and Sport

• South Australian Aquatic and Leisure Centre

• Fyfe Pty Ltd

• Warradale Hotel

• Adelaide Fresh Fruiterers

• Leading Edge Physical Therapy

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