april 14 may 20,…april 14 – may 20, 2019 bethany united methodist church 10010 anderson mill...

April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., AusƟn, TX www.bethanyumc.org 5122586017

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Page 1: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


April 14 – May 20, 2019 



Bethany United Methodist Church 

10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX 



Page 2: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION




A collection of devotionals written by members of

Bethany United Methodist Church

Compiled by Patsy Cruser

Page 3: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40


Jesus knew what awaited him as he rode into Jerusalem. Knowing that humans are fickle and that these people would be swayed to chant hate against him in less than a week, he allowed the crowds to cheer him on. And the crowds, forgetting that Jesus was teaching them to do God’s will, expected Jesus to do their will. Of course, they believed that their will aligned with God’s will. Maybe they weren’t listening. Maybe they heard but didn’t understand.

We, too, are caught up in crowd mentality. We may align ourselves with a particular sports organization. We cheer for our team. When our team wins, we display our pride as if we have done the work to defeat the others. We may align ourselves with a political party or philosophy. When our party is in power, we tend to overlook mistakes or wrongdoings. When our party does not have the power, we begin casting blame and pointing out the injustices of those who are in authority.

And now, with the crowds, we cry, “Ride on, King Jesus!” “Hosanna!” “Save us!” “Our will be done!”

Jesus rides into Jerusalem, where torture and death await. No one understands.

Lord, Your will is sometimes unfathomable. Help us to understand that only by loving as You love can we do your will. Amen.

Patsy Cruser


Page 4: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

MONDAY, APRIL 15 ~ Read John 12:44-50; Book of James


For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it. (John 12:47b)

Whenever I read about the final days of the life of Jesus here on earth, I feel sad and angry. I definitely become judgmental concerning the actions of the religious leaders. I know the crowds were made up of many people shouting, “Crucify him!” But the final decisions were made by the leaders. Leaders are expected to do the right thing. Leaders are expected to be fair and seek justice. Jesus was aware of what the teachers of the law were doing and warned the people who were listening to his teachings that last week to “Beware of the teachers of the law. ---Such men will be punished severely.” (Luke 20:46-47)

Today the news is full of leaders throughout the world who are harming, killing, starving and forcing people to flee their homes and country. And yes, it makes me angry. Do I have the right to be angry? Yes! But what does anger do? Does my anger change the situation? No. Anger will not help anyone and it does not help me. Psalm 37:8 tells us to “Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil.”

As Christians we should look to the example of Jesus. He told us more than once, he did not come to judge/condemn men/the world but to save men/the world. (John 3:17; John 12:47). And while he was hanging on the cross he said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:24)

Is there something we can do to save the world? Yes, by following the teachings of Jesus, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another”. (John 13:34). “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (John 13:14)

One of my favorite books of the Bible is James. It not only talks about anger: “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteousness that God desires” (James 1:19). It also talks about faith and deeds, “What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such a faith save him? -- faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (James 2:14 and 17)

Lord, let my actions show Your love when I’m tempted to be angry. Show me ways to replace my anger with good deeds. Amen.

Pauline Lacey


Page 5: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

TUESDAY, APRIL 16 ~ Read Isaiah 41:13; John 14:26. Hebrews 12:1-4

As of this writing, we are half way through Lent. I’m sitting here facing and contemplating loss. Loss of my health. My music. My family. Sometimes I used to wonder if the people I loved would realize that holding a grudge or hating someone is like drinking acid and expecting the other person to die.

But I am an Easter woman, and I believe in love, in hope, and in resurrection. I believe health, music, and family will be restored. This probably won’t happen in the time, the way, or the form I want it to. So for now, I will listen to the birds singing, see the flowers blooming, and look at my greening lawn. Healing, resurrection, and renewal will come. I believe it!

Lord, thank You for helping us to remember we are not alone. You are with us through every storm. Amen.

Flossie Young


Page 6: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 ~ Read John 11:25-26


I taught pre-school for thirty years. All of those years were spent in Christian schools so of course I spent a couple of weeks each year teaching about the Easter story. I have dozens of books on the subject which were written for children. I chose books which seemed to have the right balance of realism along with sensitivity to a child’s perspective. I needed to be especially thoughtful and careful because I was conveying a very important Biblical truth to other people’s young children. I wanted them to know Easter wasn’t really about bunnies and colored eggs without making those items sound bad. And I needed to be sensitive to the varying degrees of understanding my young students came to me with regarding Jesus’ death on the cross. At the same time, you cannot tell anyone the Easter story without telling of the crucifixion. So in my lessons to them there was sadness of the death without it being gruesome. Not every teacher taught this way, but I did. There is plenty of time to learn about human evil without it being when you’re four in my way of thinking. By the time it was the week of Easter Sunday, they knew the story. I could see genuine sadness in their little eyes during circle time when I read another account of the crucifixion to them. On one such occasion, a little girl in my class bounced up and down in her chair. “Hurry, Miss Gayle, turn the page. I love the next part,” she said excitedly. “It’s when Jesus comes alive!”

I want to carry that with me every day for the rest of my life. The simple truth, the excitement, the childlike acceptance of the miracle. The anticipation. The redemption. Most of all, the hope I saw in that child’s eyes. The story of Jesus is the greatest story ever told. Because He died and rose again there is hope for the world.

Father God, You sent us Your precious Son, Jesus, to show us the way to live and move in You, and we killed Him. You knew we would, but You sent Him anyway to save us. How great a debt we owe, how awesome a Father You are. Blessed Jesus how You love us. We scarce can take it in. Praise to be God. Amen.

Gayle Kneupper

Page 7: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

THURSDAY, APRIL 18 ~ Read John 13:5-10


In the movie Invictus, there is a scene where Morgan Freeman, who plays Nelson Mandela, is confronted by members of the leadership of the African National Congress. Mandela has decided to keep the members of the Apartheid secret police, including its head, as members of his personal protection unit. The leaders of the ANC told him he was crazy because these men had been responsible for imprisoning him and murdering and torturing black citizens of South Africa. Mandela told them he had forgiven them and that by keeping them close to him, he felt that they would change. In a later scene in the movie, you would see black members of the ANC and members of the secret police playing rugby, laughing and celebrating with each other.

About five years ago, I saw on television the former head of the South African secret police down on his knees in front of fourteen mothers of young black men he had ordered murdered, asking for their forgiveness and asking them if he could wash their feet. By keeping these men close, Mandela was able to witness to them about the unconditional love and forgiveness of God and Christ and through accepting Christ as their Lord and Savior, these men were changed. Mandela knew that they would change because he had seen God, Christ and the Holy Spirit change people, including himself, many times before.

I have been involved in Epiphany prison ministry in the youth prison in Giddings State School in recent years. During every Epiphany weekend, we have a ceremony where we wash the hands of the young inmates. Just like Mandela, I have watched several of these young men go from hardened gang members to young men with a smile on their face, joy in their heart, and plans for a future life. I will never get tired of witnessing the power of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit to change a person with anger, hate, and a dismal future into a person with love, joy, forgiveness, and hope in their heart. 

Lord, allow us the opportunities to use our spiritual gifts to reach out to the unloved, unwanted, and hopeless among Your children. Amen.

Art Cruser


Page 8: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


FRIDAY, APRIL 19 ~ Read Matthew 27:26-34


Several years ago, on Good Friday, a story (that later became a book) began to exist in my imagination. I felt physically transported into that terrible day. The story, told through the narrator, begins when he is unexpectedly entangled in the crowd that is pushing toward Jesus as he struggles down the road to Golgotha. Already weak from blood loss and pain after being beaten and whipped, Jesus carries the heavy wooden beam that will be the top of the cross he is crucified on. The narrator witnesses the nails being driven into Jesus’ flesh, the agony of the mother and son facing each other as he suffers and dies, and the aftermath in his own life after Jesus dies. That is the rest of the story, and it is also our story.

At work many years ago, I was listening to a Christian preacher on the radio. He was graphically describing the physical suffering Jesus had leading up to and including the crucifixion. At first, I didn’t want to listen, but the preacher pointed out the importance of really understanding what Jesus suffered – for us -, what it cost him – for us -, and how totally inhumane this Roman punishment was. He described how the whip was designed to tear flesh deeply where it hit. He spoke of the slow suffocation Jesus endured as his arms and legs became too weak to hold him up enough for his lungs to get any air. He also emphasized this showed Jesus’ physical humanness – just like us.

Today many suffer illness, injuries, disabilities, emotional turmoil, and grief. Jesus also suffered and knew our agony – for us.

Most of us know what it feels like to be let down by the people we thought loved us, were on our side. The disciples fled. One had betrayed him and committed suicide. The week before, Jesus had entered Jerusalem triumphantly like a king, the adoring crowds cheering him on. Now he was jeered at, spat upon, hit, and hated. Jesus understood the human side of hurt feelings, disappointment, and amazement at how mean people can be and how quickly love can turn to hate. His message was to turn hate into love!

One Gospel tells us Jesus even asked God why he had forsaken him. His suffering was so unbearable, surely a loving God would not allow it, a question we still ask today. Some of us know that despair, that hopelessness that comes when we think or feel God doesn’t love us after all.

Yet, in the end, attended to by only his weeping mother and one of his twelve disciples, Jesus overcomes the doubt. He surrenders and then knows the full presence of God with him as he calls out to his father to forgive them. He commits himself, his Spirit, to God. In his death, he is complete, and we are saved. In his earthly end is our beginning.

I still don’t like singing songs about the “blood of Jesus”, but now I have more spiritual maturity and understand better why it is important to claim that part of the miracle of Easter. Without blood, there is no life in the body. He, and we spiritually, must be emptied in order to be filled. Earthly life, with all our agendas, is replaced finally with heaven’s truth: God is with us. He IS risen. We are not alone. Amen.

Gayle Calmes

Page 9: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

SATURDAY, APRIL 20 ~ Read Luke 23:44-47; Matthew 10:5-8



For the sun stopped shining. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two. (Luke 23:45)

When Jesus died on the cross, Matthew, Mark, and Luke all recorded how the curtain in the temple was torn in two. I’d read and heard the story many times before I realized what that meant for me. What it means for all of us. The curtain separated people from God’s presence. Only the high priest was allowed behind the curtain once a year to seek forgiveness for the sins of the people. With the death of Jesus, all people became free to approach God, to talk to God, to spend time with him. And not just once a year but everyday!

Now that we have that freedom, it’s our choice to use it. He is always waiting for us and wanting to be a constant part of our life. How do you take advantage of this freedom?

My daily devotional time with God is important. Most days, that time is early in the morning before I get busy. But I know others like to end their day with a devotional time. It doesn’t matter when we seek God. But it’s important to realize we do have the freedom for a personal relationship with God because Jesus died for us.

I love the song “Freely, Freely” (written by Carol Owens), and when I started working on this devotional I found myself singing the words. And I was reminded that because we are free we are expected to share His love with others.

God forgave my sin in Jesus' name. I've been born again in Jesus' name And in Jesus' name I come to you To share his love as he told me to.

He said “Freely, freely you have received; freely, freely give. Go in my name, and because you believe, others will know that I live.”

All power is given in Jesus' name in earth and heaven in Jesus name And in Jesus' name I come to you

To share his power as he told me to. He said “Freely, freely you have received, freely, freely give.

Go in my name, and because you believe, others will know that I live.”

I thank You Lord for sending Your son to set me free. He gave his life for me. May I live my life so others will know that Jesus loves everyone. Amen.

Pauline Lacey


Page 10: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


SUNDAY, APRIL 21 ~ Read John 20:1-18


Heaven is right here! As I remember the story, the very young grandson of a former pastor, Bob Grimes, ran out of his house and jumped on his dad’s motorcycle. He somehow got down the driveway and, of course, crashed the bike before his dad even knew he was outside. He was not seriously hurt because in the child’s words, “God was holding me.”

Astounded, his family asked, “Are you sure it was God? Not an angel?”

“No,” the child replied. “It was God, and I was in heaven!”

“And where is heaven?”

“It’s just right here.”

We know that heaven is just right here because we read in the Bible that heaven opened up right here on earth on that very first Easter. The followers of Jesus did not understand as that young child did. The stone which had sealed the tomb was “taken away.” (John 20:1) The tomb was empty except for the burial garments. In John’s account, Mary discovered the empty tomb and ran to tell the Peter and John. They went back with Mary to see, but did not understand what had happened and returned to their homes.

Mary did not leave the empty tomb. She looked in again and saw angels, but she still did not understand. Then she saw Jesus himself. Only after Jesus spoke her name did she recognize him. He told her to go back to the others and tell them.

“I have seen the Lord,” she announced upon returning to the disciples. (John 20:18)

“I have seen the Lord!” Heaven opened into earth and everything was new. We rejoice with Jesus, the disciples, Mary, and all the angels because we can believe that heaven is “just right here.”

Lord, may I remember that You are here always. In the holy name of Jesus, I pray that my eyes and ears may be open to You always. Amen.

Patsy Cruser

Page 11: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


MONDAY, APRIL 22 ~ Read John 20:1-18; John 10:2-4


Jesus said to her, “Mary.” (John 20:16)

Early on the first day of the week following the death of Jesus, all four Gospels tell of those seeking to find where Jesus had been buried. All four accounts are different and list different women and disciples who arrived at the tomb. Mary Magdalene was the only person who was mentioned in all the Gospels. Mark 16:9 says, “When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene.”

John 20 also mentions Mary Magdalene was first at the tomb and saw the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She found Simon Peter and John and told them the body of Jesus had been removed from the tomb. Upon finding the tomb empty they went back to their homes.

Mary stayed at the tomb and as she was crying a person asked her why she was crying. She did not know it was Jesus until he said her name – “Mary.” She recognized his voice! I wonder if I had been there, and he spoke my name if I would have recognized his voice.

Earlier in the Gospel of John, Jesus told the story of the Good Shepherd. John 10:3-4 tells us, “He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. His sheep follow him because they know his voice.”

If we want to know someone, we must spend time with them and listen to them. Mary had spent time with Jesus and recognized his voice. Today we cannot hear Jesus’ physical voice, but we can hear him speaking to us. When we pray, we must take time to be quiet and allow him to speak. When we read the Gospels, we need to read his word and listen for him to teach us what the words mean to us at that moment. We may read the same passage of scripture many times during our life, and his message to us will change as our life changes. His message will change as we age and grow spiritually. It is our choice to listen and hear what he is saying to us each and every moment.

Take time to listen, now. Do you hear Jesus calling your name?

Jesus, I’m listening for Your message. Speak to me and guide me now and always. Amen.

Pauline Lacey

Page 12: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

TUESDAY, APRIL 23 ~ Read Matthew 11:28-30


Since retiring three years ago, I have been fortunate to do some traveling. Each time I prepare for a trip, I assemble all the necessary items and stow them in my suitcase. I try to travel light and take only what is necessary, so that often means packing and repacking, maybe more than once. Do I need two sweaters? Should I take another pair of shoes? Do I really need a bathing suit (perish the thought)?

Even when I am not traveling away from home, I carry other baggage with me everywhere I go. What do I lug around every day?








Moral strength


I have choices to make: take only what is useful and good for my travels in life or wear myself out lugging around a lot of useless "stuff." Lent is a good time to take inventory to discover what we are carrying around every day. Then we can repack as required and carry with us only what will bring us closer to God.

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. (Matthew 11:28-30, The Message)

Lord, help us to learn to travel light, depending upon You to sustain and aid us in all our endeavors that honor You. Amen.

Sherry Moore


Page 13: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24 ~ Read John 20:19-31 The chief priests and the Pharisees and those whose authority had been threatened by Jesus were finally rid of him. He was dead and his followers were in hiding. End of story, in their thinking. It should have been the end, by worldly ways. Followers of Jesus were afraid, together in a shut up place. (see John 20:19)

Jesus appeared and changed everything. Peter, John, and Mary had told the others that Jesus was alive, but they didn’t seem able to wrap their heads around that pronouncement. Jesus appeared, brought them peace, and breathed the Holy Spirit into them.

Although the disciples were filled with the Spirit and the peace that Jesus had given them, not all were in accord. Thomas had been left out of the loop, and Thomas was not a happy camper. Thomas wanted to see for himself. Eight days later, again shut up in a locked room, the disciples were together, and this time Thomas was with them.

Jesus appeared again! Not only that, but Jesus specifically showed Thomas his pierced hands and side. And Thomas believed.

The followers of Jesus had watched him die. Now here he was among him, charging them to continue on the path that he had prepared for them. What a surprise for those who thought they had quelled this movement! No longer fearful, the disciples were filled with courage and peace which came from the Holy Spirit. Jesus is alive!

Lord, let me never falter in my belief in You and the power of Your Love. Fill me with Your Spirit, calm my fears, and give me peace. Amen.

Patsy Cruser


Page 14: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


THURSDAY, APRIL 25 ~ Revelation 21:1-7


This is the day which the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24, RSV)

The May 1, 2018, Upper Room meditation spoke forcefully to me. It was about a

little boy sitting on the stairs putting small pebbles in his mouth. His mother fished the rocks out, but he resisted going to the dining room where dessert awaited. Finally, when he saw a chocolate cake on the table, he stopped screaming and his eyes widened with joy! I wonder if I might be like this little boy.

I am 92 years old and have enjoyed a good life including 40 years as a United Methodist minister. My wife Jackie is 91, and we have been happily married almost 70 years. As we grow older, however, I am increasingly reluctant for our lives on Earth to end. Together we rejoice in each day that God gives us, but the days become more precious each year and we want to stay here as long as we can.

Easter assures us that eternal life awaits us in Heaven. Old Testament prophets and the Book of Revelation describe it glowingly. Those who have “been there” through “near death experiences” agree, but we are not homesick for Heaven yet. We want to continue enjoying each other, our children, grandchildren, friends, and the joys and beauties of Earth. But the little boy’s experience may be a good analogy for us. Maybe all the joys and beauties of Earth are like eating rocks compared to the “chocolate cake” that awaits us in Heaven.

Thank you, God, for the eternal life that awaits us, vouchsafed by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer Focus: Those who fear death. Thought for the day: The joys and beauties of Earth do not begin to compare to the Heavenly life that awaits us. Gus Browning

Page 15: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

FRIDAY, APRIL 26 ~ Luke 24:13-35


They got up right then and returned to Jerusalem. (Luke 24:33)

Dusk. The ink of night fast approaching. The end of a long, emotionally exhausting day.

So much confusion, uncertainty surrounding the day’s events. What has happened? What will happen next? July 28, 2016, the day my husband of over 45 years had his heart stopped for two hours while a surgeon extracted veins from his left leg to thread through Ron’s quiet heart in order to prolong his life. All the while, a by-pass pump kept his body alive. Modern medical science. Thank You God!

Walking into our quiet home that evening I collapsed momentarily onto the bed. I hadn’t slept in over 24 hours —but sleep eluded me. My mind was going 90 MPH. My life and Ron’s are completely intertwined. Where would I be without him?

Cleopas and another disciple walked a tortured path toward Emmaus, confused and dismayed by what they’d witnessed —the death of Jesus. And then what they’d heard; He was alive again. All their hopes rested in Jesus. Logic told them He was dead. Hadn’t hope died on the Skull Hill? As they walked and wondered, a Man joined them. He made them see God’s Word as never before. He radiated hope, so much that they felt as if their hearts were on fire. When the Man took a loaf of bread in His hands, blessed it, and broke it, their eyes were opened and they saw who He really was —the Jesus of their hope. The next part of this story burrowed into my heart when I read it, “They got up right then and returned to Jerusalem.” That was a walk of about seven miles —in the dark! The joy of knowing the truth about Jesus pushed out all the weariness, all the uncertainty, all the anxiety, and got them moving again.

The truth about Who Jesus still is today —the hope giver— pushed out the weariness and uncertainty and got me going again as well! I know, without a doubt, God has my husband and me, and you and your loved ones, in His hands and there’s no better place to be! Praise be to God!

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for lighting our paths when we begin to stumble in the dark. You conquered death so that we too can live forever with You. Calm our anxieties that dribble over from one day to the next. May we learn to abide in Your presence where we can always find light and joy. Amen.

Is there a life circumstance where you feel like you are sinking? Reach up your hand and call out to Jesus, “Lord save me!” He will. Gayle Kneupper


Page 16: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


SATURDAY, APRIL 27 ~ Read Job 33:4; John 20:19-23

The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. (Job 33:4)

I use videos at home to practice yoga. During each session, the instructor frequently says, "Remember to breathe slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth." I then realize that I have been holding my breath, something you are not supposed to do when exercising or almost at anytime unless perhaps you are having a chest x-ray.

If you are anxious, upset, or having difficulty falling asleep, one way to help relax is to breathe in slowly and deeply, exhale slowly, and then repeat. It works faster, is often more effective, and certainly a lot safer than taking medication. And Lent is the perfect time to remember to breathe in the Spirit to refresh and revive us.

Later on that day, the disciples had gathered together, but, fearful of the Jews, had locked all the doors in the house. Jesus entered, stood among them, and said, "Peace to you." Then he showed them his hands and side. The disciples, seeing the Master with their own eyes, were exuberant. Jesus repeated his greeting: "Peace to you. Just as the Father sent me, I send you." Then he took a deep breath and breathed into them. "Receive the Holy Spirit," he said. "If you forgive someone's sins, they're gone for good. If you don't forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?" John 20:19-23

Breathe on me, Breath of God, fill me with life anew, that I may love the way you love, and do what you would do. Breathe on me, Breath of God, until my heart is pure, until my will is one with yours, to do and to endure. Breathe on me, Breath of God, so shall I never die, but live with you the perfect life or all eternity. Edwin Hatch, Psalter Hymnal

Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit, that my thoughts may be all holy. Act in me, O Holy Spirit, that my work, too, may be holy. Draw my heart, O Holy Spirit, that I love but what is holy. Strengthen me, O Holy Spirit, to defend all that is holy. Guard me, then, O Holy Spirit, that I always may be holy. Amen. Prayer of St. Augustine, 354-430

Sherry Moore

Page 17: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


SUNDAY, APRIL 28 ~ Read Psalm 150

Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty firmament! Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his surpassing greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! Praise him with clanging cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! Let everything that breathes praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!

LORD, we worship You, we adore You, we praise You. Thank You for everything! Amen.

Patsy Cruser

Page 18: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

MONDAY, APRIL 29 ~ Read Hebrews 13:1-3

Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love. Be ready with a meal or a bed when it’s needed. Why, some have extended hospitality to angels

without ever knowing it! Regard prisoners as if you were in prison with them. Look on victims of abuse as if what happened to them had happened to you.

(Hebrews 13:1-3, The Message)

I ran into HEB for a prescription and a few things, hoping that I wouldn’t run into anyone I knew (with dirty hair, just off treadmill, old clothes, etc.). I didn’t run into anyone I knew, but then I saw a woman in the cereal aisle – beautiful, nice make-up, and wearing a sparkly headband on her totally bald head. I hesitated a bit but then said to her, “This may be a fashion statement for you, but if it’s not, I just wanted you to know that I had that same hairdo five years ago, and now I’m fine. There were a lot of crappy days, but it got better, and then better still. You’re going to get through this.” She looked startled and then gave me a big hug and said that this was a really bad day for her.

We get so caught up in our “to-do” list (or what we are going through, or what our loved ones are going through, or horrible things happening in the world, or…), that sometimes we forget that everyone is going through SOMETHING. Maybe they are in a prison of some type. Or are victim of abuse. Or are fighting a battle for physical (or emotional or spiritual) health. Everyone. Even if we cannot see it. Sometimes especially when we cannot see it, because that often means they are hiding their pain. Wearing nice makeup and a sparkly headband (or a big fake smile) to convince themselves that they will be OK.

We tend to look just at the outside of people, how they present themselves and what they say. God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7), and God knows who needs an encouragement to keep going when it often feels easier just to give up and give in.

Everywhere you go today, ask Jesus, “Who needs a smile, a cheerful word, a compliment, or a blessing?” And then KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN to the opportunities God puts in front of you… and take them. Reflect Jesus’ love to others. Do not forget to entertain strangers (as the NIV puts that verse), to interact with others when God gives you that nudge.

I confess that I’d debated with God a few seconds about talking to the pretty woman at HEB, justifying it as not wanting to get too personal – but God won. I wish I could say that always happens, but sometimes I’m stubborn and miss the opportunity to “entertain a stranger” that God puts in front of me. If we are not here on earth for each other, then why are we here?

God, I pray for awareness of those around me, and for a willingness to prayerfully “be IN the prison” with them. Give me a willingness to step out of my comfort zone to reveal Your love to them. Because of Jesus. Amen.

Jill Saufferer


Page 19: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

TUESDAY, APRIL 30 ~ Read Psalm 139 My mother (Joyce Ferguson) collected Family Circus cartoons. She taped them in scrapbooks. At her death, we enjoyed remembering her delight in them and marveled at her saving so many.

It must be genetic. I have about seven journals (one for each decade?!?!) which hold my collection of spiritual inspirations, lessons, and admonishments. They hold prayers, prayer lists, pages from the Upper Room and Guidepost devotions, notes from sermons, notes from a marathon reading of C. S. Lewis after my Cursillo weekend, many prayers of confession from Bethany's worship bulletin, Scriptures from chapel at Bethany, a bucket list, a spiritual bucket list, and some poignant cards and notes.

Even before considering attempting to write a devotion, I had pulled this collection from a closed drawer and put them in a large plastic dish pan (my favorite storage container). There it sat, out in the open, in the workroom. I had the thought it was a good time of life to revisit this collection. It seems the Holy Spirit was at work for multiple purposes.

I am ashamed to say there is a common theme across all of the journals with which I still struggle. I am reminded of Paul who prayed over and over for the thorn to be removed from his side. It isn't a perfect fit for my battle, but I take comfort in the words that declare that God's grace IS sufficient and HIS strength comes into its own in my weakness.

Dear God, Thank You for forgiving me, for loving me, for hanging in there with me. Holy Spirit, transform me as You, Jesus, and God the Father so desire. Amen.

Hilary Ferguson


Page 20: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 ~ Read 1 Thessalonians 5:17

PRAYER TIME I get so overwhelmed by all these needs. So many people have been prayed for over and over again. I sometimes wonder if the answers will come. I often wonder when.

Lives are on hold as health issues prevail. Families just trying to get through each day, Never knowing what the future will hold, Hanging on to moments in their own special way.

Couples who at one time said, “I love you.” Now they are not sure of the reasons why. They look at each other with pain in their hearts Convinced that they no longer want to try.

Some of these people know the love of God. Some of them have turned away. They all are hurting so deeply inside That they are unable to hear what God has to say.

So, we come into His presence together each week, Getting down on our knees in their behalf. Seeking the Lord for all of their needs, just Asking for them to be able to live, to love, to laugh.

So many people-much more than on our list, Need the reality of God’s love in their life. We come lifting up our hands to You with faith. We trust that You will relieve their strife.

Nothing happens in this world that You don’t know. No one can run or hide from Your sight. You love us all so deeply, as if we were Your only child. You take all our sorrows and mistakes making them right.

Come now Holy Spirit upon this hurting world. Shine forth Your light into their darkest hour. Bring them from their fear and pain. Open their eyes and hearts to receive Your Power.

Send Your Love down deep inside their heart Where they cannot help but know, There is a God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords Who sees their tears and loves them so.

Teach us to live life with a heart in continual prayer. THANK YOU, GOD. Amen.

Debby Lesher

Page 21: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

THURSDAY, MAY 2 ~ Read Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:15


Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. (Matthew 4:17)

The Gospel of Mark begins the story of Jesus when he is baptized by John. Jesus is then sent into the desert where he is tempted by Satan for forty days. Then Jesus begins his ministry in the city of Galilee. The first public words of his ministry as recorded in Mark 1:15 were “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.”

As I’m writing this, Lent is just beginning. I’ve been thinking how and what I will do during the forty days of Lent to become one with God. I know repent is a big part of being a Christian. Repent means I must make changes and change the direction of my life.

Today I read something new to me regarding repenting and changing. I need to change the direction in which I am looking for happiness. Where am I looking for happiness? Where should I be looking for happiness?

If I’m having a bad day, I like to eat things I consider my comfort foods. Chocolate or popcorn top the list. Do either of them make me happy? Usually, yes. At least for a short period of time! However, I do remember overeating at a chocolate dessert buffet during a vacation and ending up being very sick!!

Over the years, I’ve sought happiness through my roles of being a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a teacher, a friend, a volunteer, and many others. While they all provided me moments of happiness, none provided it for all situations at all times. They all required someone else to be present.

The big question is: Where should I be looking for happiness? The answer: Spending more time with God. He is the one who is always with us! Being one with our Lord helps me remain calm, gives me strength to go through bad times, overcome my fears and find peace. This is where I find happiness; in the peace that comes after praying, reading scripture, listening to spiritual music, sitting quietly and enjoying God’s creation.

We can be one with the Lord by acknowledging his presence at all times. He is always with us. When we are alone and when we are with others. When we are quiet or busy. He seeks us during each role in our life. He is always with us.

Let me be one with You, Lord, in all that I do. May I seek my happiness through You at all times. Amen.

Pauline Lacey


Page 22: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


FRIDAY, MAY 3 ~ Read Psalm 126 A SONG OF ASCENTS When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy. then it was said among the nations, “The LORD has done great things for them.” The LORD has done great things for us, and we rejoiced. Restore our fortunes, O LORD, like the watercourses in the Negeb. May those who sow in tears reap with shouts of joy. Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves.

LORD, restore our joy. Amen.

Prayer added by Patsy Cruser

Page 23: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


SUNDAY, MAY 4 ~ Read Matthew 7:7, 8


Over the years of working out at the fitness center, I've become acquainted with several people I see there on a regular basis. While working out one morning recently, I said hello to Mary. We talked several seconds and then she said, "Have a great day," and added, "You deserve it." (Remember the MacDonald's trademarked slogan, "You Deserve a Break Today"?)

Is it true? Do we deserve to have a great day? I know God wants what is best for us. Every day. Always. Do we deserve the best? Is it arrogance to expect the best? I think not; it's God's promise to us:

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7, 8, KJV

I also think our attitude has a lot to do with what we get. Many times, we look at a situation as the cup being half empty rather than half full. We see only what we lack in life, so we have a lousy day. Did we then not deserve that lousy day?

I believe my friend at the gym was saying we should expect the best of every day because we deserve it as children of God. God wants us to know that we deserve His love, care, and protection. All day, every day. Let us, then, live each day with an attitude worthy of the very best that God extends to us.

Have a great day. You do deserve it.

Father, help us to rely upon You to bring us all that we need to have a great day, every day. Help us to adopt an attitude of dependence upon You because You can provide the strength we may lack and You will meet our every need. Amen.

Sherry Moore

Page 24: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


SUNDAY, MAY 5 ~ Read Psalm 112


Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the Lord is gracious and compassionate and righteous.

(Psalm 112:4) Many children are afraid of the dark. When my daughter was young, the bedtime routine

consisted of checking under the bed and in the closet, night light, and Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” on the cassette player. My grandchildren just have night lights and sound machines. But the most important part is that little bit of light.

Would that the darkness in our world today could be chased away by a night light! My study Bible says that in Hebrew poetry darkness often refers to calamity and light to well-being. I cannot fathom the darkness that Jesus’ disciples felt when he was crucified. Calamity would not begin to describe what they thought was happening. Everything collapsed that day, and there was literal darkness when Jesus died (Luke 23:44-46).

But God is gracious and compassionate and willing to go to extraordinary lengths to bring us into relationship. Jesus was resurrected, thereby overcoming the darkness of the world and demonstrating that he is the light of the world, and that darkness will never overcome the light. Praise be to God!

Gracious and compassionate God, help us to share the light that dwells within us so that others may see Your love and experience the dawning of light for themselves. Amen.

Betty Milburn

Page 25: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


MONDAY, MAY 6 ~ Read Proverbs 8:17; 1 Chronicles 16:11; Lamentations 3:25


I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me. (Proverbs 8:17)

Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!

(1 Chronicles 16:11)

The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. (Lamentations 3:25)

When I am taking a long air flight, I like to include a "word-find" puzzle in my carry-on baggage to help pass the time. You have probably worked these puzzles, the kind where there is a grid with what seem to be random letters. You have to look vertically, horizontally, and diagonally to find the words that are embedded in the grid.

This type of puzzle seems to be a good analogy of life. At times, it seems we need to diligently, consciously, and with focused intent search for God amid all of life that is going on around us. Sometimes it is hard to hear Him speaking to us; it is hard to sense how we should spend our time, our resources, and our energy. Like these word-find puzzles, sometimes the answers are right in front of us, and we find them easily; other times, we must search again and again and continue praying (and seeking) to determine how God would have us live our lives.

Gracious help us to learn to find Your guidance for our lives, to discern Your will for us among all of that which competes for our attention and, at times, confuses us. Amen.

Sherry Moore

Page 26: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


TUESDAY, MAY 7 ~ Read Matthew 28:1-8


The angel said, “Come see the place where he lay.” (Matthew 28:6, RSV)

Every Easter I think about three tombs: first, the tomb of Russia’s Vladimir Lenin in Moscow which I saw in 1968, then of Mao Tse Tung in Beijing which I saw in 1987, and third, Jesus’ tomb in Jerusalem which I visited in 1992.

In both Lenin’s and Mao’s tombs, their bodies were displayed in a clear coffin where faithful followers could see them as they paid their respects. They both looked very waxy to me, as if they might be like figures in Madame Tussaud’s museums in various cities. Even if they were real, as I exited each of these tombs, the thought came to me, “Where could Jesus’ followers go to see his body today?” The answer, of course, is nowhere!

In Jerusalem, I actually visited two tombs, one in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher which is built around the traditional site of Jesus’ tomb. I personally liked better the one called Gordon’s Garden Tomb which looked more like the tomb I have always imagined Jesus’ tomb to look like. Dug into rock, there was a large round stone in a groove to permit rolling it to seal the entry, but it was open so I went in. I saw where a body would have been laid, but no body was there. On the first Easter morning, an angel said to the women who came to tomb, “He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.” (Matthew 28:6)

No major religion except Christianity claims its founder rose from the dead. If this claim by Jesus’ followers had not been true, all the authorities would have had to do was point to his dead body. Some tried to say his disciples stole it, but would those who hid on Easter evening “for fear of the Jews” (John 20:19) have later sacrificed their lives if they knew the Resurrection was a lie?

Three leaders, three tombs, only one leader alive today!

Thank you, God, for Jesus, our risen Savior, and for the power of Your Holy Spirit to help us follow him. In his name, Amen.

Gus Browning

Page 27: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 ~ Read Colossians 1:14 Micah 6:8 One of my favorite authors is Louise Penny. She writes the Chief Inspector Gamache novels. Her books are almost as complex as are God's precious people. I have read THE NATURE OF THE BEAST twice, (I rarely reread a book.) The second time I read it, I highlighted the passage below (and I rarely highlight in fiction): She would do a portrait of the person who had hurt her once, beyond repair. With one bold stroke after another she painted. Capturing the rage, the sorrow, the doubt, the fear, the guilt, the joy, the love, and finally, the forgiveness. It would be her most intimate, most difficult painting yet. It would be a self-portrait. The painter, Clara, was blocked. Her friend, a poet named Ruth, empathized with the block and confessed that her own block broke when she realized she was blaming the wrong person for it. Clara pondered and the bolt of lightning/insight hit. Again, from Penny's novel: She was trying to do the wrong painting. Trying to make amends by turning painting into penance. I am not sure I comprehend all this the way Penny intended, but to me this speaks of how hard it is to learn to love and forgive oneself. And, with Jesus, no penance is required. "Hear the good news!" I then turned to Bible Gateway in my search for understanding. I searched love, forgiveness, self. I was stunned to read this in relation to Penny's passage: God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He's set us up in the kingdom of the Son he loves so much, the Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating. Colossians 1:14, The Message Richard Rohr writes, "The simplest spiritual discipline is some degree of solitude and silence. But it's the hardest, because none of us wants to be with someone we don't love." OUCH. Jesus taught us to love our neighbor AS OURSELVES.

Oh, dear LORD, thank You for love and the healing miracle it is. Amen. Hilary Ferguson

Page 28: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


THURSDAY, MAY 9 ~ Read John 15:9


As my Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. (John 15:9)

Probably everyone knows the song “Jesus Loves Me”. It is one of the first songs we teach our children. And as adults, we still know the words. When I was teaching kindergarten Sunday School, it was the most requested song. As I read the Gospel of John, I feel like his theme song should be, “Jesus Loves Me”.

In the Gospel of John, I believe that John was referring to himself each time he mentioned the disciple whom Jesus loved. The first recording was during the Last Supper in John 13:23: “One of them, the disciple who Jesus loved, was reclining next to him.” Each of the references were during the time of Jesus’ last days and after his resurrection, so we know that they had already spent much time together.

My question is: did Jesus have a favorite disciple? None of the other Gospels suggest John was the beloved or favorite disciple. We do know that Jesus called his disciples friends. (John 15:15) And Matthew tells us that Jesus referred to his disciples as his brothers. (Matthew 48-50)

There are some events that might suggest to John that he was special. Matthew 17:1-2 tells of Jesus leading three of his disciples (Peter, James and John) up a high mountain where Jesus was transfigured before them. In John 19:25-28, Jesus speaks from the cross to his Mother and also the disciple whom he loved. He asks the disciple to be her son and care for her. And John was sitting next to Jesus during the last supper.

To feel loved means we have received love and have acknowledged it. Scripture tells of Jesus’ love for his chosen disciples. When John referred to himself as the “beloved disciple”, he is letting us know that he received and accepted Jesus’ love.

Each of us, too, is the one whom Jesus loves! We only need to accept his love and tell ourselves “Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.”

I thank you, Jesus for all the love You give me. Help me to recognize Your acts of love and acknowledge that I am a beloved, chosen child of God. And may I remember to love others as You love me. Amen.

Pauline Lacey

Page 29: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


THURSDAY, MAY 10 ~ Read Psalm 23


The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. He leads me in right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff--they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD my whole life long. Psalm 23, NRSV

This is my prayer. Amen.

Page 30: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


SATURDAY, MAY 11 ~ Read Matthew 22:34-40


Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is

the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.

(Matthew 22:34-40) Some of you may know that I ride a tricycle anywhere, any time I can. I ride it to the fitness center, to the grocery store, and even to church. It's great exercise and a lot of fun (as long as it's not raining).

I was hit once by a car while riding my trike. The driver ran a stop sign, and I became her hood ornament. Fortunately, I was uninjured; unfortunately my trike was not. The axle and one rear wheel was bent a bit out of shape. I replaced the axle and took the wheel to the bike shop for truing so it doesn't wobble as I ride down the street.

true /tro͞o/ verb gerund or present participle: truing bring (an object, wheel, or other construction) into the exact shape, alignment, or position required. For me, Lent is a good time to examine the other wheels in my life to see if one or more of them needs to be trued. After Easter, the examination may continue.

How is my prayer life?

How do I treat others?

How kind (or not) am I to people who are not like me?

Am I prejudice, biased, or bigoted?

Do I allow my patience to wear thin?

How do I respond to criticism?

How patient am I when behind the wheel of my car?

How generous am I with my time and my financial resources?

Do I read and reflect on the Scriptures daily?

I don't know about you, but my spiritual wheel needs to be trued on a regular basis or I begin to wobble in my daily life.

Dear Lord, we thank You for this season of reflection on what Your Son has done for us. May we more closely follow in His footsteps and truly reflect the love You so abundantly give us. Amen.

Sherry Moore

Page 31: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


SUNDAY, MAY 12 ~ Read Matthew 22:34-40


For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.

(John 3:16)

While organizing my side of the closet a while back, I came across an extremely inexpensive, adjustable ring, its little purple and clear stones still hanging in there after 25 years. I smiled as I fingered it gently, and my mind went back to a second grader, my youngest son, handing me a wrapped box on Mother’s day with that very ring inside. He beamed as I opened it and exclaimed its beauty. I remembered how he leaned in close and told me, “Mom, I’m pretty sure those are real diamonds.” It took all I had not to burst out laughing that day, but I held it together and hugged that sweet little boy. He’d spent all his money on that ring at a school event and had kept it hidden in his room for weeks. I cherish it. It cost someone I love all he had. It was bought with real sacrifice with no other aim than to please me.

God’s beloved Son, Jesus Christ, came to us here on earth and gave all that He had. He chose to sacrifice His life for our redemption. As the Father watched, His love for His Son must have deepened. And how does God feel about those He purchased through His only Son’s death on a cross? God loves us even more because of what Jesus did for us. After all, that’s what gives us worth.

Whatever this day looks like from your perspective; whatever season of happiness or sorrow you are in today--celebrate His gift of your life as you thank Jesus for dying a painful death to buy you back from death. God has done great things for you and me! Let’s never forget.

From age to age You have loved us. Holy is Your Name. You gave us Your precious Son, the living bread who came down from heaven. Let us be takers and feed on the words of Jesus, our Redeemer and Savior of the world. Amen.

Gayle Kneupper

Page 32: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

MONDAY, MAY 13 ~ Read Romans 8:12-17 As I was sorting through Hanford's "stuff", I came across this poem he had written for a contest at Bethany. He tried, but did not win THAT prize. He has gone on to the greatest prize, salvation in Jesus. In celebration of that victory...


There comes a time when our lives may be broken, Quiet time for prayer to hear God's word spoken. As we faithfully listen for kind expressions of love, We hear gracious words that change us, from above. We probably will feel unworthy, sad, and rejected, Yet, with faith, we know that everyone is protected. We live with hope, seeking truth, and information, We learn in worship there can be a new creation. That's when we become safe, secure, and informed, Knowing, that with God, we have been transformed. Now, we are awake to peace and joy, without a nod, Aware that we have a lasting relationship with God. Hanford Ferguson

Dearest Heavenly Father, Thank You for your miracles, including those of transforming us toward perfection in YOU. Amen.

Hilary Ferguson


Page 33: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


TUESDAY, MAY 14 ~ Read 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 The following is from a blog by Joni Miller:* I’ve been through some stuff in my life: harder than some people, easier than many others. I was raised being told I shouldn’t “feel sorry for myself”, that other people had it worse so I just needed to suck up my emotions, be grateful for what I have, and move on. When hard things happened, I usually pretended everything was fine. And everything was fine … if your definition of “fine” is chronic depression and anxiety.

I now have higher standards for “fine.”…I’m not always “fine.” When I’m not “fine”, there are a myriad of emotions existing within me simultaneously. I can experience joy and sadness, faith and doubt, or hope and despair at the same time. And I can be grateful even in the midst of whatever is going on, not using gratitude to suppress the “bad” emotions but refocusing on the good to lessen the sting of the bad.

For example, you can be sad and angry you were fired at the same time as being grateful for the solid support system in your life. You can be grateful your tumor was discovered while it was still treatable and still be terrified about your health and future. You can deeply grieve someone you lost and find moments where memories warm your heart.

I’m not using gratitude as a way to not feel those hard feelings – I still know they’re there. Yet finding something for which I am grateful lets me experience the psychological and physiological benefits of gratitude... Gratitude either (a) feels good or (b) makes hard emotions feel less bad when you’re going through a difficult time. The most important point is this: Gratitude research doesn’t say you have to be grateful for everything in your life, just that you find something for which to be grateful. Even searching for things for which to be grateful (and not finding any) has some benefit.

A few weeks ago, I decided to write letters of gratitude to 40 people in my life to coincide with the 40 days of Lent. As I wrote my list of people (putting a whole bunch on a list for next year), I realized many of the people I wanted to thank had been with me through very difficult parts of my life. They provided support, love, guidance, friendship, or distraction. Even though I was in a dark place, they shone with the light of friendship and compassion so some light could get to me…

Just creating the list warmed my heart as I remembered each person and how each impacted my life. I’m going to be blogging about my experience, sharing some stories from my life and the joy I feel as I express appreciation.

What about you? Who do you want to thank? *Edited from Joni Miller’s blog (Jill Saufferer’s sister) and used with permission: www.spiritualgeography.net/2019/02/27/40-days-of-gratitude/

God, May we rejoice in You always, pray continually, and in everything give thanks! In Jesus’ name, AMEN (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Submitted by Jill Saufferer

Page 34: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 ~ Read Psalm 96; Psalm 33


Sing to the LORD a new song; Sing to the Lord, all the earth. (Psalm 96:1)

Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy

(Psalm 33:3) Recently, while I was in the Grimes Chapel, I scanned through a hymn book called The Faith We Sing. The Introduction states "The Faith We Sing has been compiled primarily as a supplement of The United Methodist Hymnal. Nothing here duplicates what is already in that hymnal. But The Faith We Sing is an ecumenical rather than a denominational book." It contains 283 hymns, which, unless you have seen this book, you may never have heard of (or read) before. What a find!

What I always enjoy when I am reading a hymnal is to turn the pages and link the titles of the two or more hymns. Below are some examples linking titles from The Faith We Sing. (Each phrase is a different hymn.)

I Will Call upon the Lord...Praise You Praise Ye the Lord...We Sing of Your Glory Let Us with a Joyful Mind...Bless the Lord Praise the Lord with the Sound of Trumpet...What a Mighty God We Serve Great Is the Lord...How Majestic Is Your Name Halle, Halle, Hallelujah...Now Praise the Hidden God of Love...Clap Your Hands My Life Is in You, Lord...Glory to God Blessed Be the Name of the Lord...Praise, Praise, Praise the Lord I Sing Praises to Your Name...Father, I Adore You Awesome God...Thou Art Worthy Nothing Can Trouble...You Are My Hiding Place All Hail King Jesus...He is Exalted...Jesus, Name above All Names Rise Up, Shepherd, and Follow...One Holy Night in Bethlehem Spirit, Spirit of Gentleness...O Holy Spirit, Root of Life Give Me a Clean Heart...Forgive Us, Lord Since Jesus Came into My Heart...There's a Song And the last one I will quote, Two Fishermen...Swiftly Pass the Clouds of Glory (somebody had a sense of humor) Well, I guess you get my drift. It's interesting to me how some of the titles are virtually prayers when linked together. I hope the next time you pick up a hymnal, you find some suggestions for prayer and spiritual thoughts just by reading the titles of the hymns.

Lord, help us to find Your glory in all that is around us; in the words we hear, in the songs we sing. Amen.

Sherry Moore

Page 35: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION


THURSDAY, MAY 16 ~ Read Colossians 4:2-4


I look upon this earth and see Earthquakes, floods. and so much more. I wonder how Your Hand could be Upon each one of us. We’re told by Scripture to beware, These things are coming in the end, So, do we sit and watch them come, Or Your love to those in need we send? It is so sad to keep hearing Of all the tragedy in the world. Forgive us, Lord, for all our sins, Let grace and mercy and compassion unfurl. Bring us to our knees before You, That we may repent and praise Your name. We need to be Your people and You our God, With that we will never be the same. Praise You, praise You, You are my Lord! We lift our hands in praise to You! Worthy, worthy, You are God! Because of this all our love is due!

Lord, hear us as we pray. Open our eyes and hearts to You. Amen. Debby Lesher

Page 36: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

FRIDAY, MAY 17 ~ Read Isaiah 58:6-7; Luke 4:18-19


The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and

recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.

(Luke 4:18-19)

Seven years ago my dad passed from this life to his eternal home with God. I remember feeling dead inside, as if my soul were in some very dark place, separated from light and joy by a thick, dark curtain. Creativity fled, but the worst was that I felt so far away from God. That year I despaired that I would be unable to experience the joy of resurrection on Easter Sunday and to revel in God’s unrelenting love.

The grief I felt so poignantly after my dad’s passing has abated, but this year I am again experiencing grief – grief about destructive events that seem rampant in our world. So many people are marginalized, disenfranchised, excluded, enslaved, vulnerable, abused, struggling to survive – all receiving the message that they are somehow unworthy, less than, undesirable, and unloved.

Yet we are told that God loved the world so much that Jesus was sent to save the world and to reveal God to us (John 3:16-17). Luke 4:18-19 tells the good news that Jesus brought. It is a message of hope for all but especially for those who are viewed as “other.”

So I find myself in a place of grief but also of hope as I reflect on what I believe and the good news Jesus brought. Music has always been a comfort for me as well as a path into the presence of God. The prayer below consists of phrases of songs that remind me of God’s lavish grace and love.

What wondrous love is this? O love that will not let me go. Lead me to the cross where Your blood poured out. My heart will sing no other name, Jesus. Worthy is the Lamb. Jesus, healer of brokenness. Your grace is enough. Alleluia. Amen.

Betty Milburn


Page 37: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

SATURDAY, MAY 18 ~ Read Psalm 30

PSALM 30 A Psalm. A song at the dedication of the temple. Of David. I will extol you, O LORD, for you have drawn me up, and did not let my foes rejoice over me. O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me. O LORD, you brought up my soul from Sheol, restored me to life from among those gone down to the Pit. Sing praises to the LORD, O you his faithful ones, and give thanks to his holy name. For his anger is but for a moment; his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning. As for me, I said in my prosperity, “I shall never be moved.” By your favor, O LORD, you had established me as a strong mountain; you hid your face; I was dismayed. To you, O LORD, I cried, and to the LORD made supplication: “What profit is there in my death, if I go down to the Pit? Will the dust praise you? Will it tell of your faithfulness? Hear, O LORD, and be gracious to me! O LORD, be my helper!” You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, so that my soul may praise you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever.

This is our prayer. Amen.


Page 38: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

SUNDAY, MAY 19 ~ Read Matthew 28:5-7 Would you believe it? I tend to hang on to written things that touch my heart. As we prepare for Easter, I found an old Bethany Bulletin of the Seventh Sunday of Easter, May 28, 2006. I had saved the entire first page of the worship service. With so much going on in the world, church, and our lives, I want to share it with you. CALL TO WORSHIP: We are together today because Christ has claimed us.


We are not here just for ourselves and our own needs.


We have been called by Christ for a mission.



The prayer of confession really spoke to my heart, and I changed all of the “we” to “I” and the “our” to “my”. See what a difference it makes as you read through it.

PRAYER OF CONFESSION: Gracious God, I know that I have been called together into the church to live the resurrection faith, to embody Easter and touch lives as Jesus did. I confess that I have not done this well. My vision has been narrow and limited. My witness has been timid and self-protective. I listen to the wrong advisors and complain when things do not go my way. Forgive my low commitment and expectations that deny the Body of Christ as the strong force for good that I am meant to be. Help me rediscover the delight and joy of full commitment. Amen.

I am going to reinsert the Bulletin page with my stack of “special” papers. It is worth keeping. I hope you found it worth reading. Gayle R. Calmes


Page 39: April 14 May 20,…April 14 – May 20, 2019 Bethany United Methodist Church 10010 Anderson Mill Rd., Aus n, TX ‐umc.org 512‐258‐6017 SUNDAY, APRIL 14 ~ Read Luke 19:28-40 PALM/PASSION

MONDAY, MAY 20 ~ Read Acts 2:1-21 Note: Pentecost will be on June 9 this year. I love Pentecost!

At my church in Michigan the children processed into the Sanctuary with red balloons on dowel sticks. Picture that in your mind's eye. I am not sure it was the most reverent, let alone safe way, to celebrate the rushing in of the Holy Spirit, but it surely was memorable. And, it was filled with spirit and joy.

When Alpha spent a weekend away (and if I was on team), I spent Saturday afternoons in the chapel at Summers Mill reading the Book of Acts, praying for the talks on the Holy Spirit, and (quite frankly) sometimes dozing peacefully in that thin space. I loved reading about those days of the early church, how the believers lived, what they learned from the Helper, just everything about the birth of Christ's church on earth. It seems it too was filled with spirit and joy in the Lord.

Dear Lord, Renew the spirit in each of us, our homes, our churches, our country, our world. May all be filled with the Holy Spirit. Let all see joy in the LORD. Amen.

Hilary Ferguson Note: PENTECOST IS COMING!