«a^s^^^^^ -...

1 ^V*, '-v.. 1 .!---;';,,,' i 1 _ <f*Sn!d'jtisite . . f i M l oases «f jSfgato the publio mmmmtP smc^MM^mmto the puwio «*hWafe,£tliji* fafct i J t t M M ' f t r exceeding' « ... • - NoKflSMftsffl.Deo.31; 18o2, . l^teiE f a 3 r 4 8 i ^ l i M i v « t C onrseltfes'-dr a n . all* less".er^i^Xb^rtjt^M^USfof»wia'f"f*-&o^>ftG8«T..»tf»ra. . . ' . .Qiwftff tueviojin'HlinetVJinmlepr^ - -"** ; "-~ " fering irwjijgberal debility. or»fton» the Weakness jof a4pg^i»^IaftO^*5|b§^i&teaijUp6r!08i»e^t' n/tnS H'sfe,pj>3his.J,neqinp.arftble. renovator. To th^e.wl»o.tov^fei|8t^ia3ittoli ^b>,parolyais it will prom o>eoj—'-*-- kv - > -—«-»' *—!r__j,i_.,_. tlmfterljoljH' ( "to rnaya,.t«|n,tneas, 1 ().fter exefcise,.hrokenasleep nncl tewim^di^aiii^jniiWjlt^MreinaiiSiJn.one pjaceor ppsifigri^w^kneilj!! '«** tnejprbcfeativ&organB^sextnil in,cpttjn^ney,#«lan(%aly. monomania, fluor albus. sinking at the storoachjfeinnleirregulnrities, a chron- ic tffli86t}«J».^sra^»M r j^qiBtia»5fei* Wb&jufevito- .«.•«••• '0«&'^ l aH>,ba^nn'esr4^d*fe(«'-ip!(; precised' *iWnT jt5s,ri,>»n„ ^ijeijavsrfbeflrga&9;|ij>be i aeteil tipoh are" fret fron) payffl&atlpft~gristM0turat;diff&»6e»i«ia incited t MORSE'S JKnGOItATING EUXEB ce weakness yvHpstreng^hjinoap&citywitli: t , toetfpla^ity, witlj: Mpifonw md natural a?nvjWiaj!«!:'tIua;nbt:«nly<TVitlioiit Hazard ot T-eac^- kioB^ujfcjWttbit.ha^ |>atH>ny ^f.^Bearlnniind ttat.-all malailieS, wher. fie*er*thpjrTi^i!, finish with the newpiiasystt'nviuid , tha|;tna;B4rotiu!atitftk'oXtha.BBf»e8 nfmotion andaeni-:, !satia^§>physic4i4wW, BearimiAin^falso, tha«f<* ever'y-Knd of ner\oiis;dii;eq?e-th»BliicerCurdjalistho only .reHable/preparatton known, .' '„".,' .- tKts wreNsift^ertxpaiiid;ea.f'ai is the'Sase with opium t.aIcohpiioptepattttiah>/a«d*in»ther'iixcitant8. The •effect of tfieseis briefy andit may well be said-of |^fm;wJicfrfttke»thiemi ,l CT!S"tast state of that man is feMbiP'&fcord; extrB>r^ii5a#8&cee58>OfW^^^ terraittattoroWll$ii» Bnd;i^e8ppn9ib)le^«nptn venfr^!*l#a.VegB$*^ ad^%a%«»»l w ...,. , _,. withotiytMpa&e;0^ * It;fe»3&fa&$.&fcW4l^ be dh- ^.iW^iS^^Wi :, W'MMa^WSM§ : felrSiFa* 7 Staffs'' ^ g a M ,uifa»l.nB safe^BardJosalnst ^hTtmn^H and My .wo.. jn^^Ift&Ae «a^s^^^^^ •• l4« s ?^i*%^«tjf'i b i l J ,t ^%iei|tBtocauses, ana will tap|pftI^mftyfr|heUiso^B^3ftl)ut UmnwM0a^eWani'mi£Mmvi-MT\rWmStm- '"«£. iSSW^P 8 f^meoS-WMtfttfN- h dedtefcflS4lv%x(i^S»cti5E»» fl>a cerifttfehe ire jto^ffigetojfevtt) Wtf W-^ld-Te^ttrefa e^hn^eiiate>th^«alBd%'te«which thisprapatatioh Mfl^fio^v-#WpftdwtorJnaaybe enumerated, viz:* a i an , •VISeri^mrpi^oftoii.tte'heaH-spiuatotections, >>•-«"-.....»*.-«. *?.r.: ^ w ».,!w- ,,, - a'.t..vvi-«.-i, r ». .. tnweulaM:ebjpt|^f'B,m.fl)ij^5*rt _ 1. MQl|.aX. ! #iMee. y ftonijiJa^tQ^d lejaing^JPaJjh). Said mortgage with n wv^eApSWe.ti(we>i^on|pined was d n ^ r^qqrged4nvthe t Qlerli,"s*iofBbe«.f -thesfititinty of Oa^i«f>#We.*%ven$fcllllthJ«IW0f Orfabjp in K th,eyeaj*'I8S2,in hoob 33WT>»n,ori§ages, l|e ; a|rtft«nt claimed to-be due f pn„8a!d, Jnj^WSage at the;Mtte,of ibliimti&n of thfs Wtfce<oJ sale, (thateJijejng ' thirty, dollajs.ftptt the>hte«BtoD. «a«ie fr,)iili|thB:f|ate Stl&Wmmgagr h ap q*f5§iflth9s occjttrred i n t h i | p i i - di.tipjif^f.said-jno/rtjtage* by.Ae nqorpwrnent?g&tjie ...... „_ , —maia ,~ jyorae than the-firttf- fiuttfie EUMi'^a^an exhileWint .*itboti|aidjsR.wbaek-^fe! jh'.its 6per«Hrfn, perpetual ,1K. its happy infttience npi>n.the neWes,.1lj'eiaitid,aBd [theen|^f*fg®i^o»Mfct«H.ateoj^hjoye .d,ept*ss- 'iowe^citeiini^iitajrepdeney tot blush, steep^aipesB> jdisljke of/oeietyy Wc"apj«!i^.8)^ study of fiusinesa, confoslon, eiddine68, : ru3hof blood to the head, mel- anohoJy^iuSntSt' : .dab11j|;y., JiysW«ia>'w*t06edne8a, itttojig^of self^eatittfclin^fealrofiiHSftlJBy,.hypp. 1 cliondriaais.dyspdjjsia.'aoncfal prosttatidn, irri tabili- I ^^M^ffl|H^)C(«ffiA.tirJait4y»i n cahstj orisirtfr it r i'?. tfmelw-Mia^fBhanmojbe placed o» human test- . meippflJ«Ie*ejre"c,ftM^his|;lre.attei» aUiompIainmii^SWtto^niale?, rtiafk »'nlW^i» 61' 'th^Ujj^»p^?in^dicihe^.ipiou'8andi|j of i8HmuJ9J)t* ha?#ti|een:. ; irttepte(|-TfthopIand8. o'fiaviittjra'iitsi.cbn- cbotejfc-aU (.Mqioiting ^i. be ipeciSeiJinrlha Varies ; dijeptoftn(!-5lerahgeni(ent(? to *hie'Ii'iiiis •ilelicate f&K , rtafion,of'^oman.K^e' 1 SEP liableV;fiTh^r?suit'"has. heretoibmjAeen onifowtr,- These "nbafrulmrtiayteirtfl deed4.toeBbdia.pionjenMfy yf»aci(* <to 4fte>..fteCTc.uji> svsfenijSfensieat anil delusive vigbr to the muscles;; bptfthiS;fl^8nWrel?e"f baa been succeeded JjV.a deptejs- Monial»a»p.fq|tra0oti ; gjte'iteril^:hefordi!hnd'^^ l)as p$ oft4n1jfe?(Ktj.ttOTW to.pa'mlyiJe.thfijfeeBpetative'l . , .., __..... --„-„,—^'onj and finallytodestrpftth>Jffih4ppy'(ftjttent»' ;B)itin M9g8fl , SlSti!G0I^T#ft«fiJ£tB.£.. 5 is p/esehfetf as^jphe^iMenamflifeWatCTja -mediVa ? liitlWrb. imheo>a#^flrool8W!^hott^reaotiun. The herb tvhiefifqnhr.Jts tnSin^rigfijediWt, Hasbeen .droi^:hxal);4l»«ijteat> nie.djca!; a.nd.phtt:ttiilaoe^tt- al institutidns QJfEupm^'hofJn itiiSvteapfCfe»»« iwi- . . „ .. .-Vftff.lniUI** 'Ph'l!4ai^^Wna%aiWfi^p^a'iaitho.-' stlhe WouSeffnr«W«»"6fenaiSfohce,' th&ejthans^ ("aat !%a't)d 8aidlumbf Snon,pynoiyMe ^iereOii,jtlfeo. suitor propeeflin^s »{Iasf havirtg b.eefa fcatstpted. ti» ie;?over th&sajd debtsefiVWtt bxjstd. .iROrtgage or apsjpsrH thereof. tb**po.Wer to. sell the said prettiisjBS, harfj>e-' .ofsulom said mortgage contaihpd; aisd Qt*hfiBttote in such' case «ade;aMJVrOTided,tVJ# ce i8ta™M£S" en that^the said'ftiprtgajjed'pifeinises-tijitljie Bold otgs'oid ,t pf^blio otrctio'n,at the .pnwic Boujgltept "*ellir litetheiiiltap ot Mexico,'sbsssregv: cofinty. on"thesBVMh daiofOctobejfWextaftlfcto' clo,cKinSth^.forWgoji.oi fhat!d|iiy, ttotyMft. Bfli<|j$M>rt- We f tb'erehy^oreclQse4 /Dated Jbl^lS,-J8S* ;,.• sAMTJfit P. HOTTIKGTON.l8ori§agee. HIOGINS & PiiESCH, Att'y», Mexico, JJ. y.,' n ^ ; « o r square ^ £>M-rt ox 60a nw cor i» side Salmon river sW'oor ]s«pari ' |s end #!l3| 1J0 ,*0 ia 4' 90 oU 60 201 N O T I C E S hereby gnren tS«t cpGe#eWl?Ele(it«On .will- be-heTdhi'ttJe .eouii% <of Osweg«!f »«»*he .Tuesday* BHcceedip^' tHe first^pnday ip SbHember «eX«, a f which,wiitfe£sM^n'* h *HE>ffloer»WelBS^ned' in the notice of the Secre'tarv of State, acopy of which is heresubwitted, • Cg&O^Sf&L^'WSI.HSheriff. SlAWEfifNeW-'^OBB,,iSE.C«E«AttT 1 SOWlCE< > ' . 1 AX^ANt, Jlngu|t V), 1854., J .: 8r,Kl-T-|f&tice, iffhe'reM'' given; tb*i ~'J$!i$, General Election to'be Jjpla ia this^rf&te im the Triwlnj snci ceediog 'the?flrst'S^day,bf. .No'veinbetr'iiejtt,' thefol- IOWJ ng officers ofefebte elected^.tO' ^ i * t h JV QoyernoT.frtMi'^placebit^o^tiqSevmoinj.!,•.. AJtiie^utenaut-GbVernor, inffiiiplaerorSapfora^ 1 JJ Churchy , . ,' ; . „V . ,,v- , p^i 'v -.. ' hon _A CanalCommissioner. in the place of Henry. Fitz- ,,, hugb,aud ,'• .---*; . ; . ' ' An Iujpectof of Sto.te Msorisvm thejlaoe of Hen ry Stonibsi ] All wltcJe terms of office will .expire oa thpjastday^ S| '6fDe*cetribe*next. ! - '" ^ v - V ,*" J V^| A fep^eSgnjajtrftiri the Tbirtytfpurth CfiPgress,of | 6 thejCnrted. «fotesi'for- tpe^wpntysecond. Co.ngres- ,,,08[ ^nal'Bistrict, iipi^ptise^ offlie Counties- p Oswego 1 1 06\\' and Madison-, , k^ ... •'.'"- . V .'"'-K . • >-. ' j. 6^ I13|W j . i R^preseniattyejjO th^hirty-tjiird' Qenfiresa.ftu- "Ihfe 8an"iO;.l)i8rrj.ct« to fill 'tj)e,»icancy. caused/by tba it w cor s w cor [itt^'cor e^ 20a n w cor,' oblong, 'longest iropi e to w e« 43a n wcor& fila w, fa si.d.e>, < n e 40acfe 25a e'ly part of 80a «ay ' BjNHJir*!. 56OW«SBSIJ>, Triahgm b e cor on ife shr bd n by lands of Keuben i Bfiiwn^s by PhUoiStqifes survey'oOon l|it:?3 ft by OMWgoriv,'w by tin of lo^ J l>d *,& » bjf P'Simmoto and w by high wa"y [130 31 W 12 l 4 .''« WJSW ' '' l>y.He-ffry£a!tB artdabyl I Diiigmair >130 INLANDS. '-• • ' Island hi Oswego river Brbail street jBinT 1J 2d island above the Palls 8 YelveirtiinMan'a" ' 3 Souyneriy island ff-aide •-'• ' Oneida Late . -4 LVsamiER TOWNSHIP. ne-cor p ex states 100a *'«y cor (Bdri-. w &-»by highway,el jby l'doec/d-by J G Bur(fess| OSWEGO Cm. i' ne 4 28 1600' 45' tfeetedfqr >aid County Tw^M^hers ofaafehiyj A gheroifiy nth^ jjfeee'.ofJggp. ~W. Stilwell!. A Treasurer,?i"ti.th^j)lace^rSamuel H.jStojie; A Soperinteaotent, oigthepqorf in the niacll of i e w - J.isA. Cpfe.;' : " >:*'.. : ' " i;?ifp,J(ls^Bi li! t!J'SSi«Si | d^|,,ip t (the plboo' of fiira ^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U ^ of Coub^y *M» ron lliinai .•.S&retal les* vi^e a xTiibIipff?liiynHeArahier<'b'ddi-fees/Jn, ,--,.- ,-- , their.d%r.fe|in@i!n,agfsr is- at&ffiutaMeitopfrUSB. of ; A»lgf-*j5c tW8*itat?Kinc'lt»L I ." n ' ?™ V ••"•"- , « - - ••>:•.-, i An%^afis;»iadeto ' " T ? , '-v-' '".'.. " a ^fORTCAGE SAiiE^h^eas wIio«uffer»i*on7tleAhnegr,rfetanfte*»neni, ^rrownegB -* M ; v ~~<' -^"'•"*«"-"*^» **-* 86183|nj : O0&97 sab 1 98 , 10tt|2fi0. lis'- sal wj in WEST 'fjswsooi [42i60x«aft,e.eud 4J' 48| 12 i!i 2ii! 801 201 K/i"A:'/'*. Meiwor» f * pains inijHie .back, or"a!ny othet AUmt^w£, iiifcyear immi^h^^mXiMW^i whetherpecriliaptolielr^WjbreommOft inbotl»^eiS' > rfifty tlireH,eseciit<Si»^ttJ4evVeft1jffi es^toglyethSiinvigf'ratin^corMirir'tt'trial. . >lie town of^icMmicf i w n ^ A n d j k*i .«f8 ih alithpidisSaBes, \f.%W I ish SOsreWmj ^|bf«B|^af'- t$m. "\ ! ' >r others, wlir^^W^Mia^&We^Ttaye used , "ibisex^crrSinaTteftr^parafiob. And itislquallypiV'. tent Btthe rn^afseaSe'S for whicUifi^wiciimnletid.: pl.BSfidn, ,. r of* -. ty'pJMMitfid w n n f t A n l f s t o e .afore § afcaid yrdenturedf Mortgage hearing date the 8av and-jegn last Above n)fiitic^ed;ft'he^by,,iu;'$rujerto.sec'(ifc( «il' -pitymi-n(,<4 liViffenbdred : diJln*s^?6(J()) onftyeWlrohi thftda'teo s»itriii&rtj;ageV3Vitlifeterwt annually*utr par<S")^f Jim Bftit yjssipsri^fijflteeaatjif E'Ep^O'Sso^RA^E/COMflEXlOW*'- . .' . ,-• ... • ,, orjoonaampllyehBbfts'nrewsloied by4be.Useofa b,ofa t r.™ <1 as toll tie ortwtt,JoWopift«nfliyigor, cbanginpthe*Mnfrom ™.S?' ea W*.iy > s#jWfe„ y'ellow,sWv:coloi; r to :aljeautifttl,ilond(!om- a 5. B ' n "lEi-. : ~ > -. &7H^^«,^u:«"' Duniel ^ujitet'worth i»lg40(JPilt^. W|se8ide'0f oiu' 4 4 -«3SSSMPR^ffiK^^g^^ ^S?>s^l^l«^ loss of rnUscAafclHnv^ri'jialbitationoi IH ? ,I.™., WJV.I ,.- ,C !A"""" "»';«""; "IT ' ^l«?iSB? ,J ""' ".'•" ~'T ^ep%hi&&mi^ma«mmmemi-i6t thedig«»i. b ." e °?s^lUlNo. 1;..thejue^northed m- the erf-- all 1 trve'WnfctfoliS,g^Md'emlify, symtotnBftjPieonsuSip- »"«.«'«^ a '"'*»••-» <* *e place.W^uinlng. ei.n '•in,&er"-''^L '•>- •« teff - - v»« taimngsrxtyacr'esoT land^e^e^fngpfldescefttilv MemaUy^flTeiarMefel* on iheWiSUaVe'ttucbto »f " , '" ,i J ' J ""-~- "" *• - - J - - - " " lt "" - - ' ' ir iia at lot be dreaded..,* I^BS ^^metooiry^lconftsibri. Of ideal, depression SpirlM^^ «e.rsnii>'tSr MponveV. . . . ,. ,_ : ,sooiety..self.distrusfelovSbf « ft Utirde.:ttb>Jai*&c,, !wd v sfti«ate,.lylflg^Hdb<!inga purtof grgt fot »*r Ire some of th*ftvilgpr64uoedt «A11 thHSftieted.. - W,?»J? to 5' n at AJWob^jnsisting of altoillMiinsty t S « e -"^^aeoeiisary reqmsue^to^oihin^cntanpbrM H*t^^ •' - * - d o •' ' * - ' ' P^f%jqT, 1 b8t*eBfgatin.on: HdjSingl.. ,.,_„_ »Vide:'ge1%S'st ifo|iiu& n'side"Bifsifst#;, .»• .^.oV-'. • - •- 'i ;.*d8' '•"•iila ~ do do o»dpn4pjibyBerdsix83*168 pside^iwtstWJtlSB ' dtof „ 18b ^ -tfifiw*.**.-- • . sside SfellarJi.st 60x188. do ido do de« •,. .do do '4o • ' i do do .do do do do ' do do i}b up - do < rfdb' dp wslde-SeJliirktJCttCOdeep do •' k do do , d<> -do do ' .' do ' do- • d^o ' ntBidbiirst'St ""do do ... -do - tiu dp do . do .. Bldoli*. > aide Selkirk at CGxlCG I do.. ...;.&<! 'do n side Ola st : flfix88 , • do db do do do ° do ;. -Block 7. . jSaiJeRKitsf 00x103 Mo ••- do dp. , J8& do 4a „• -•i<t»>j,4-do . '>'do v." H'- H«lao " m»U l»o.tt. 11* Off 17 « tsjMp.Sixth at 134x165 I Block 23. IQ side Seventh stG7xl74 r*sfdeflftb8t 87*10* • '• sdo- - . - r BlOok 28-. aridia^th at 67»17* I. •«l do do do do 'do do do do do do do is ao |6 ->do 10 ,do . Block 31. lln side Sixth-st U7xt»4 .81 do do do do . do do . do do do do i .do ->--r .Ho ' ' Block 32. IfnKide Sixth 8t 07x174 ao do -pas as~ » do do . do do do do - Bloekae* n sldt Fifth 8t4S0x?6 •2| do " do 5 do-i^'i do JBtockS&v n aide Fifth it 99x100 7Sftw>.sid.e Block 39. n side Fifth at 07x174 .. -, do ' • do . d6 do ; -Ado '.(. do ...ido - d o ' do do - - do . Aa m do do '- BlockiO. jem'de.M<lfc7Q.xJ34 • ' . l«aide Eourtblit 67x1*4 •«fo -a ; doi 10ln«ide' North st 70x200 T? side B st 73x134 BJos1t43. W|. 111- lllb WCOT* Ji67Hfi»!i«w 'mi; •*. 185 uw«or '8 9 10 » is 14 15 13i 9y«ae.'&ft'«*100 io . . '*> ' do 1 15 do da 10 do do Block 44. 14 e sideThird slip 80x150 :,.>. k,iiock:4& I, e.Side J" st 130x110! 2 ** do ••'. do •4 '. 'So do 6 r . « do "do $„,,. rfo;,.. ido *7- rt . d o " '• do: T • »,»i Bide Fourth si 07x110 U" r ' '"'d«r'"• *» ' 10 do dp: 11 * side Eigblh si 90X140 v . . - f TBlock 48. r - 8 niSidB.^oifrth ft 07x174 \ ' . d R . . , d.p 6 • '" do - ' , ,do •lOsBideflirdiBtetxiys « .... :..-.'Bloc**?,' ' lie.BTdemll0xn8 : 3( " -*> " do Ao. • do. do ., , do ." froirt dn.BBa«e-;gt50xn8 7 '-. "Bfidg*elt7dx«()0' 1*8 :• do do 9 do do - 30; ''"• do/ do. 33 osideBst - - ddi i8. ; ;,C* do 14 : do do -*'• Slock 49. n side Fjourthiit 67x174 . flo.i. , do ' 4<* , 4° • ;doj • - .do , .'•.-:>-4ftw4 ' •*•> j . do. ,,,. do 9'jnside.Thjorst do 12lssid6Thftd,]|t, do,,„- ,,', WdbTt6l, Block 62 op,S- Point, , ?* f * Blocke6% .' "^»- ifesidtfadSlipgOxlSO" b - ., ,do .'• do- n s t d e P s t 80xlC •"- db 4p WiSlde 1st slip 80x115 , (Block Sfe n side Third st 50x150 Blt(ok67. lestdft.N.dtMxiT*-,- " > do ,"• J o » do^ do , Blootf.88. t~ aside Thirdflt67x174 " : &*,.*,• f do do dp -d«' 1 do do do db~ do 40 do do"•> ' U « ' •- Block 69. n side Third st 07x174 db do' do do do do do do do do do do do do ' s side Second It So do dp ' do do . do do 2 6 0 16 14' 1 ,2.1 6 -i 7 81 11 12! is] 1 fa 3 4 M 6 7 l'l i •.31 'rf ml. 1321 XfNtm..aide A S t i i to »|»rt t^ettif J, 186 *9^ 194 46j eend* Township & W«na.p»wilel.,wi*& Mesicbj road b'd efy by lnd formerly [owned by H Wilson ' lu faf'ijtttit*'"* '*•' - •»«nbV j . . north, part * [*"*ndr •." • laiw'paw ' .ijsr " • • . •• Ulmwcor- M9ex2SAi»ecor tet ejf47«v«e-t!'« ••'-." •123 mldmit WWltigtb'bde byl" f -;^ te5K|^<Jtt^te'PiW^py:Wiboi.. , nuentt ••••••• ' hM " ^IfcwnsMpiM? 6re»t Tmctli «,- 2\ "- • •Vtijp.part «;.'4 apart; -«*. 1 apart ' * « '• . ~ *• 8 part jreat Tract2, Rosevelt Tract. 5B {ittrt,- #part, • , B partofCSa west part s>fiar.t I 2 ."% -«S 3,7 39 461 m te 65 WJ 16 .. fffa«/ o part. V '*$a"rt -. Fi.-Vt, . • ^parfc- ' iifrpB* apart ' w"t>art ^WP '•• -• •m\ 73! 76 •76 '79 ,»»»rt» |S'p*rt tt/ part:. 81 '12*1 »» ..Wirt-part'' Township IfMtfaw StnVey, ber Se« at on\d»ctB. KuWl,%CK41* rt 8»8»» 8; Crftp^iTOt?g.^i'a.^KlK^ l p. > * f , M.m ^mmoWeAummw^mim>^mt' ty eiclit 4»r.*am|L«e»ity mre^ipM*hibh gem. -^3p^6aaa^»SSn^Wi^«sMb^ftJ l isH® pfed'WPet^ {onnty.ofpBiye fblfbf%p nyrtfeaee6earinil.date4lie'"i0th!day?b'^ rt jW t i p o n « e W f W||^«B>«»^|bdue. 19 2Q s*' m 30 32 37 asS»;,Tjr#(!t£ anaieighty »b<4w#W»^bn» ; in saidmortgage contaiWd/»'b*of t^^^^ such : 4tae^toad«iaijdkp TO *rdef| •aWEco#e3#««rf#al «e«a'iiilot;<« .fmf^MM %&wswM f#%# Begm«iin|f«p{»fiMM - Jamieson*s 3d landibnd* J. 10 andiroiWJltencgA^ ' g^ J theioraa^pf j&Wi ft, ^' «•• -Degratf.'-Ttfact S#" ! .' saide Pst67feMt ! fo » MnaMekt.K| «/.,ao" ••: -^#''! r. t •do do do t dp do doi,' ' * ' . . >"--$b- ••; >M do do '"jlfc.tfc'Bii'-lrtt*. i.v3Ia«(ap'*|||7*l|ft • • nmmmm 2 " 81 ' ?, ' , ' w ' ; ' v "•'•" 'blxOO- *100 . 100 ft deep n 120 •• >•«"» r. ' Binog 63, lib'ilde Second st 073(174 , do do ' dp do jit!' do do t fflnsidoNft do !0| do -\ - . "d» ; '4o" i ^ do -3» do «»|pft&^i0.e|iui«tenr Tract, NTcholaiirisli Tract. ;',,' -HendersonTn|ct [e»ndofg| " n •••:• Ne'ilBohsUff^tioti H port • <• i u * TbwnWlflS " ttWco'f' ft: ;'•• ' ' . ToWpslilp'lfe, ] |»* ftrwolfldt Townihip 17. n#*eo* '•" '- . •<• ^TOWIWWRW. 22j«r»Me< •- lOSb-eeid " ';tb^nsii|22,J^j ( 60- ,67,; 13* 80> it 10, 27 I Sm,th PAjkej; .64 60, i'lpleMtui'd'iJio'o (^7thWy 1 of»tBftttB)^8?4ir»pb^ :._^^JiiM , ««''«««t^^K«»-.rA.i^VJ.Xa.ttiSKb', fMn. ,suance JOI UIO >*'-4

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Post on 09-Mar-2019




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1 • ^V*, '-v..1.!---;';,,,'



_ <f*Sn!d'jtisite . . f i M l oases «f jSfgato the publio mmmmtP smc^MM^mmto the puwio

«*hWafe,£tliji* fafct i J t t M M ' f t r exceeding'

« . . . • - NoKflSMftsffl.Deo.31; 18o2, .

l ^ t e i E f a 3 r 4 8 i ^ l i M i v « t C onrseltfes'-dr an. all*

l e s s " . e r ^ i ^ X b ^ r t j t ^ M ^ U S f o f » w i a ' f " f * - & o ^ > f t G 8 « T . . » t f » r a . . . ' . .Qiwftff tueviojin'HlinetVJinmlepr^ - -"** ; "-~ " fering irwjijgberal debility. or»fton» the Weakness jof a4pg^i»^IaftO^*5|b§^i&teai jUp6r!08i»e^t '

n/tnS H'sfe,pj>3his.J,neqinp.arftble. renovator. To th^e.wl»o.tov^fei|8t^ia3ittoli ^b>,parolyais it will prom o>eoj—'-*--kv-> -—«-»' *—!r__j,i_.,_. tlmfterljoljH'

("to rnaya,.t«|n,tneas,1().fter exefcise,.hrokenasleep nncl tewim^di^aiii^jniiWjlt^MreinaiiSiJn.one pjaceor ppsifigri^w^kneilj!! '«** tnejprbcfeativ&organB^sextnil in,cpttjn^ney,#«lan(%aly. monomania, fluor albus. sinking at the storoachjfeinnleirregulnrities, a chron­ic tffli86t}«J».^sra^»Mrj^qiBtia»5fei* Wb&jufevito-

.«.•«••• '0«&'^laH>,ba^nn'esr4^d*fe(«'-ip!(; precised' *iWnT

jt5s,ri,>»n„ ^ijeijavsrfbeflrga&9;|ij>bei aeteil tipoh are" fret fron) payffl&atlpft~gristM0turat;diff&»6e»i«ia incited

t MORSE'S JKnGOItATING EUXEB ce weakness yvHpstreng^hjinoap&citywitli: t , toetfpla^ity, witlj: Mpifonw md natural

a?nvjWiaj!«!:'tIua;nbt:«nly<TVitlioiit Hazard ot T-eac -kioB^ujfcjWttbit.ha^ |>atH>ny ^f.^Bearlnniind ttat.-all malailieS, wher. fie*er*thpjrTi^i!, finish with the newpiiasystt'nviuid , tha|;tna;B4rotiu!atitftk'oXtha.BBf»e8 nfmotion andaeni-:, !satia^§>physic4i4wW, BearimiAin^falso, tha«f<* ever'y-Knd of ner\oiis;dii;eq?e-th»BliicerCurdjalistho only .reHable/preparatton known, . ' '„".,' .-

tKts wreNsift^ertxpaiiid;ea.f'ai is the'Sase with opium t.aIcohpiioptepattttiah>/a«d*in»ther'iixcitant8. The •effect of tfieseis briefy andit may well be said-of | fm;wJicfrfttke»thiemi,lCT!S"tast state of that man is


extrB>r ii5a#8&cee58>OfW^^^ terrai t ta t toroWll$i i» Bnd;i^e8ppn9ib)le^«nptn venfr^!*l#a.VegB$*^

a d ^ % a % « » » l w...,. , _ , . w i t h o t i y t M p a & e ; 0 ^ *

It;fe»3&fa&$.&fcW4l^ be dh-

^.iW^iS^^Wi:,W'MMa^WSM§:felrSiFa*7 Staffs''

^ g a M ,uifa»l.nB safe^BardJosalnst ^hTtmn^H and My .wo. . j n ^ ^ I f t & A e

«a^s^^^^^ •• l4« s?^i*%^«tjf 'ibi lJ , t^%iei|tBtocauses, ana will tap|pftI^mftyfr|heUiso^B^3ftl)ut UmnwM0a^eWani'mi£Mmvi-MT\rWmStm-

'"«£. i S S W ^ P 8 f^meoS-WMtfttfN- h dedtefcflS4lv%x(i^S»cti5E»» fl>a cerifttfehe

ire jto^ffigetojfevtt) Wtf W-^ld-Te^ttrefa e^hn^eiiate>th^«alBd%'te« which thisprapatatioh „ Mfl^fio^v-#WpftdwtorJnaaybe enumerated, viz:*aian,

•VISeri^mrpi^oftoii.tte'heaH-spiuatotections, >>•-«"-.....»*.-«. *?.r.: ^ w ».,!w- ,,,-a'.t..vvi-«.-i,r». . . tnweulaM:ebjpt| f'B,m.fl)ij^5*rt _

1 . M Q l | . a X . ! # i M e e .

y ftonijiJa^tQ^d lejaing^JPaJjh).

Said mortgage with n wv^eApSWe.ti(we>i^on|pined was d n ^ r qqrged4nvthetQlerli,"s*iofBbe«.f -thesfititinty of Oa^i«f>#We.*%ven$fcllllthJ«IW0f Orfabjp in

Kth,eyeaj*'I8S2,in hoob 33WT>»n,ori§ages, l|e;a|rtft«nt claimed to-be due fpn„8a!d, Jnj WSage at the;Mtte,of

ibliimti&n of thfs Wtfce<oJ sale, (thateJijejng

' • thirty, dollajs.ftptt the>hte«BtoD. «a«ie fr,)iili|thB:f|ate • Stl&Wmmgagrhap q*f5§iflth9s occjttrred inthi |pi i-di.tipjif^f.said-jno/rtjtage* by.Ae nqorpwrnent?g&tjie

...... „ _ , — —maia ,~ jyorae than the-firttf- fiuttfie EUMi' a^an exhileWint .*itboti|aidjsR.wbaek-^fe! jh'.its 6per«Hrfn, perpetual ,1K. its happy infttience npi>n.the neWes,.1lj'eiaitid,aBd

[theen|^f*fg®i^o»Mfct«H.ateoj^hjoye .d,ept*ss-'iowe^citeiini^iitajrepdeney tot blush, steep^aipesB> jdisljke of/oeietyy Wc"apj«!i .8)^ study of fiusinesa,

confoslon, eiddine68,:ru3hof blood to the head, mel-anohoJy^iuSntSt' :.dab11j|;y., JiysW«ia>'w*t06edne8a, itttojig^of self^eatittfclin^ fealrofiiHSftlJBy,. hypp.

1 cliondriaais.dyspdjjsia.'aoncfal prosttatidn, irri tabili-

I ^^M^ffl|H^)C(«ffiA.tirJait4y»in cahstj orisirtfr i t ri'?. tfmelw-Mia^fBhanmojbe placed o» human test-

. meippflJ«Ie*ejre"c,ftM^his|;lre.attei» aUiompIainmii^SWtto^niale?, rtiafk »'nlW^i» 61' 'th^Ujj^»p^?in^dicihe^.ipiou'8andi|j of i8HmuJ9J)t* ha?#ti|een:.;irttepte(|-TfthopIand8. o'fiaviittjra'iitsi.cbn-cbotejfc-aU (.Mqioiting i . be ipeciSeiJinrlha Varies ;

dijeptoftn(!-5lerahgeni(ent(? to *hie'Ii'iiiis •ilelicate f&K , rtafion,of'^oman.K^e'1 SEP liableV;fiTh^r?suit'"has. heretoibmjAeen onifowtr,- These "nbafrulmrtiayteirtfl deed4.toeBbdia.pionjenMfy yf»aci(* <to 4fte>..fteCTc.uji> svsfenijSfensieat anil delusive vigbr to the muscles;; bptfthiS;fl 8nWrel?e"f baa been succeeded JjV.a deptejs-Monial»a»p.fq|tra0oti;gjte'iteril^:hefordi!hnd'^^ l)as p$ oft4n1jfe?(Ktj.ttOTW to.pa'mlyiJe.thfijfeeBpetative'l

. , .., __..... --„-„,—^'onj and finally to destrpftth>Jffih4ppy'(ftjttent»' ;B)itin

• M9g8fl,SlSti!G0I^T#ft«fiJ£tB.£.. 5

is p/esehfetf as^jphe^iMenamflifeWatCTja -mediVa ? liitlWrb. imheo>a#^flrool8W!^hott^reaotiun.

The herb tvhiefifqnhr.Jts tnSin^rigfijediWt, Hasbeen .droi^:hxal);4l»«ijteat> nie.djca!; a.nd.phtt:ttiilaoe^tt-al institutidns QJfEupm^'hofJn itiiSvteapfCfe»»« iwi-

. . „ . . .-Vftff.lniUI** ' P h ' l ! 4 a i ^ ^ W n a % a i W f i ^ p ^ a ' i a i t h o . - '

stlhe • WouSeffnr«W«»"6fenaiSfohce,' th&ejthans^ ("aat


8a id lumbf Snon,pynoiyMe ^ iereOi i , j t l feo . s u i t o r propeeflin^s »{Iasf havirtg b.eefa fcatstpted. ti» ie;?over th&sajd debtsefiVWtt bxjstd. .iROrtgage or a p s j p s r H thereof. tb**po.Wer to. sell the said prettiisjBS, harfj>e-'

.o fsu lom said mortgage contaihpd; aisd Qt*hfiBttote in such' case «ade;aMJVrOTided,tVJ#cei8ta™M£S"en

that^the said'ftiprtgajjed'pifeinises-tijitljie Bold otgs'oid ,t pf^blio otrctio'n,at t he .pnwic Boujgltept "*ellir l i t e the i i i l t ap ot Mexico,'sbsssregv:

cofinty. on"thesBVMh daiofOctobejfWextaftlfcto' clo,cKinSth^.forWgoji.oi fhat!d|iiy, ttotyMft. Bfli<|j$M>rt-We f tb 'erehy^oreclQse4 /Dated Jb l^ lS , - J8S* ;,.•

sAMTJfit P . HOTTIKGTON.l8or i§agee . H I O G I N S & PiiESCH, Att'y», Mexico, JJ. y . , '

n ^ ; « o r square

^ £>M-rt

ox 60a n w cor i» side Salmon river sW'oor ]s«pari ' |s end

#! l3 |



i a 4'


oU 60


NO T I C E S hereby gnren tS« t cpGe#eWl?Ele(it«On .will- be-heTdhi'ttJe .eoui i% <of Osweg«!f »«»*he

.Tuesday* BHcceedip^' tHe first^pnday ip SbHember «eX«, a f which,wiitfe£sM^n'*h*HE>ffloer»WelBS^ned' in the notice of the Secre'tarv of Sta te , acopy of which is heresubwitted, • Cg&O^Sf&L^'WSI.HSheriff.

SlAWE fif NeW-'^OBB,,iSE.C«E«AttT1SOWlCE< > ' . 1 AX^ANt, Jlngu|t V), 1854., J

.: 8r,Kl-T-|f&tice, iffhe'reM'' given; tb*i ~'J$!i$, General Election to'be Jjpla ia this^rf&te im the Triwlnj snci ceediog 'the?flrst'S^day,bf. .No'veinbetr'iiejtt,' thefol-IOWJ ng officers ofefebte elected .tO' ^i* th • JV QoyernoT.frtMi'^placebit^o^tiqSevmoinj.!,•..

AJtiie^utenaut-GbVernor, inffiiiplaerorSapfora^1 J J Churchy , . „ ,' ; . „V . , ,v- , p^i 'v -.. ' hon _A CanalCommissioner. in the place of Henry. Fitz- ,,,

hugb,aud , ' • . - - - * ; . ; . ' ' An Iujpectof of Sto.te Msorisvm thejlaoe of Hen

ry Stonibsi ] All wltcJe terms of office will .expire oa thpjastday^ S |

'6fDe*cetribe*next. !- '" ^ v - V ,*" J V ^ | A fep^eSgnjajtrftiri the Tbirtytfpurth CfiPgress,of | 6

thejCnrted. «fotesi'for- tpe^wpntysecond. Co.ngres- ,,,08[ ^nal'Bistrict, iipi^ptise^ offlie Counties- p Oswego 1106\\' and Madison-, , k^ . . . •'.'"- • .V .'"'-K . • >-. ' j. 6^ I13|W j . i R^preseniattyejjO th^hirty-tjiird' Qenfiresa.ftu-

"Ihfe 8an"iO;.l)i8rrj.ct« to fill 'tj)e,»icancy. caused/by tba

it w cor

s w cor [itt^'cor

e^ 20a n w cor,' oblong, 'longest iropi e to w

e« 43a n wcor& fila • w, fa si.d.e>, < n e 40acfe 25a e'ly p a r t of

80a «ay ' BjNHJir*!. 56OW«SBSIJ>,

Triahgm b e cor on ife shr bd n by lands of Keuben i Bfiiwn^s by PhUoiStqifes survey'oOon l|it:?3 ft by OMWgo riv,' w by tin of lo J

l>d *,& » bjf P'Simmoto and w by high wa"y


31 W



.''« W J S W ' ' '

l>y.He-ffry£a!tB a r t d a b y l I Di i igmair >130

INLANDS. '-• • ' Island hi Oswego river

Brbail street jBinT 1J 2d island above the Palls 8 YelveirtiinMan'a" ' 3 Souyneriy island ff-aide •-'•

' Oneida Late . -4 LVsamiER TOWNSHIP.


ex states 100a *'«y cor

(Bdri-. w &-»by highway,el jby l'doec/d-by J G Bur(fess|


• i'

n e 4

28 1600'


tfeetedfqr >aid County Tw^M^hers o f a a f e h i y j A gheroifiy nth^ jjfeee'.ofJggp. ~W. Stilwell!. A Treasurer,?i"ti.th^j)lace^rSamuel H.jStojie;

• A Soperinteaotent, oigthepqorf in the niacll of i e w -J.isA. Cpfe.; ' : " > : * ' . . : ' "

i;?ifp,J(ls^Bili!t!J'SSi«Si|d^|,,ipt(the plboo' of fiira

^ ^ o ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ U ^ of Coub y

*M» ron

l l i i na i

.•.S&retal les* vi^eaxTiibIipff?liiynHeArahier<'b'ddi-fees/Jn, ,--,.- ,-- , their.d%r.fe|in@i!n,agfsr is- at&ffiutaMeitopfrUSB. of ; A»lgf-*j5c tW8*itat?Kinc'lt»L I ."n ' ?™ • V • ••"•"-, « - - ••>:•.-, i An%^afis;»iadeto ' " T ? , '-v-' '". ' . . " a ^ f O R T C A G E S A i i E ^ h ^ e a s wIio«uffer»i*on7tleAhnegr,rfetanfte*»neni, ^rrownegB -* M—; v~~<' -^" '•"*«"-"*^» **-*

86183|nj : O0&97 sab 1 98 , 10tt|2fi0. lis'- sal

w j

in W E S T 'fjswsooi

[42i60x«aft,e.eud 4J' 48| 12 i!i




K/ i "A: ' / ' * .

Meiwor»f* pains inijHie .back, or"a!ny othet AUmt^w£, iiifcyear immi^h^^mXiMW^i whetherpecriliaptolielr^WjbreommOft inbotl»^eiS'>rfifty tlireH,eseciit<Si» ttJ4evVeft1jffi es^toglyethSiinvigf'ratin^corMirir'tt'trial. . >lie town of icMmicf iwn^Andj

k*i .«f8 ih alithpidisSaBes, \f .%W I ish SOsreWmj ^ | b f « B | ^ a f ' -

t$m. " \

! • '

>r others, w l i r ^ ^ W ^ M i a ^ & W e ^ T t a y e used ,

"ibisex^crrSinaTteftr^parafiob. And itislquallypiV'. tent Btthe rn^afseaSe'S for whicUifi^wiciimnletid.:


, . r of* -. ty'pJMMitfid w n n f t A n l f s t o e .a fore § afcaid

yrdenturedf Mortgage hearing date the 8av a n d - j e g n last Above n)fiitic^ed;ft'he^by,,iu;'$rujerto.sec'(ifc( « i l ' -pitymi-n(,<4 liViffenbdred:diJln*s^?6(J()) onftyeWlrohi thftda'teo s»itriii&rtj;ageV3Vitlifeterwt annually*utr

par<S")^f Jim Bftit yjssipsri^fijflteeaatjif

E'Ep^O'Sso^RA^E/COMflEXlOW*'- . .' . ,-• . . . • ,, orjoonaampllyehBbfts'nrewsloied by4be.Useofa b,ofa tr.™<1 as toll tie ortwtt,JoWopift«nfliyigor, cbanginpthe*Mnfrom ™.S?'eaW*.iy > s#jWfe„ y'ellow,sWv:coloi;rto :aljeautifttl,ilond(!om- a 5 . B ' n " l E i - . : ~ > - . ; « & 7 H ^ ^ « , ^ u : « " '

Duniel ^ujitet'worth i»lg40(JPilt^. W|se8ide'0f oiu'

4 4

-«3SSSMPR^ffiK^^g^^ ^ S ? > s ^ l ^ l « ^

loss of rnUscAafclHnv^ri'jialbitationoi I H ? , I . ™ . , WJV.I ,.- ,C!A"""" " » ' ; « " " ; "IT ' l«?iSB?,J""' ".'•" ~'T ^ep%hi&&mi^ma«mmmemi-i6t thedig«»i. b."e ° ? s ^ l U l N o . 1;..thejue^northed m- the erf--all 1 trve'WnfctfoliS,g^Md'emlify, symtotnBftjPieonsuSip- »"«.«'«^a '" '*»••-» <* * e place.W^uinlng. ei.n '•in,&er"-''^L '•>- •« teff - - v » « taimngsrxtyacr'esoT land^e^e^fngpfldescefttilv

MemaUy^flTeiarMefel* on iheWiSUaVe'ttucbto » f " , ' " , i — J ' J " " - ~ - "" *• - - J - - - " " l t " " - - ' ' ir iia at lot

be dreaded..,* I^BS ^metooiry^lconftsibri. Of ideal, depression S p i r l M ^ ^ «e.rsnii>'tSr MponveV. . . . , . ,_

:,sooiety..self.distrusfelovSbf «ftUtirde.:ttb>Jai*&c,, !wdvsfti«ate,.lylflg^Hdb<!inga purtof grgt fot »*r I re some of th* ftvilg pr64uoedt «A11 thHSftieted.. - W,?»J? t o 5 ' n at AJWob^jnsisting of altoillMiinsty t S « e

-"^^aeoeiisary reqmsue^to^oihin^cntanpbrM H * t ^ ^

• ' - • • * - • • • • d o • ' ' * - ' '

P^f%jqT, 1b8t*eBfgat in.on: HdjSingl. . , . , _ „ _

»Vide:'ge1%S'st ifo|iiu& n'side"Bifsifst#;, .»• .^.oV-'. • - •-'i ;.*d8' '•"•iila ~ do do o»dpn4pjibyBerdsix83*168

pside^iwtstWJtlSB ' dtof „ 18b

^ • -tfifiw*.**.-- • . sside SfellarJi.st 60x188.

do ido do de« •,. .do do '4o • ' i do do .do do do do ' do do i}b • up - do d » • < rfdb' dp

wslde-SeJliirktJCttCOdeep do •' kdo do

, d<> -do do ' .' do ' do- • d o '

ntBidbiirst'St ""do do .. . -do - tiu dp do . do .. Bldoli*.

> aide Selkirk at CGxlCG I do. . ...;.&<! ' d o n side Ola st : flfix88 , •

do db do do do ° do

; . -Block 7. . jSaiJeRKitsf 00x103

Mo ••- do dp. , „ J8& do 4a „•

-•i<t»>j,4-do . '>'do v."

H'- H«lao " m»U l»o.tt.





tsjMp.Sixth at 134x165 I Block 2 3 . IQ s ide Seventh stG7xl74 r*sfdeflftb8t 87*10*

• '• sdo- - d» . - r BlOok 28-.

a r i d i a ^ t h at 67»17*

I. •«l

do do do do 'do do do do do do do

is ao |6 ->do 10 ,do .

Block 31. lln side Sixth-st U7xt»4 .81 do do

do do . do do . do do do do

i .do ->--r .Ho ' ' Block 32.

IfnKide Sixth 8t 07x174 ao do

-pas as~ » do do .

do do do do - Bloekae*

n sldt Fifth 8t4S0x?6 •2| do " do 5 • do-i^'i do

JBtockS&v n aide Fifth it 99x100

• 7Sftw>.sid.e Block 39.

n side Fifth at 07x174 .. -, do ' • do .

d6 do ; -Ado '.(. do

...ido - d o ' do do

- - do . Aam

do do '- BlockiO.

jem'de.M<lfc7Q.xJ34 • ' . l«aide Eourtblit 67x1*4

•«fo - a; doi 10ln«ide' North st 70x200

T? side B st 73x134 BJos1t43. W | .


lllb WCOT*

Ji67Hfi»!i«w • ' m i ; •*.

185 uw«or

' 8

9 10 »

is 14 15


9y«ae.'&ft'«*100 io . . ' *> ' do1

15 do da 10 do do

Block 44. 14 e sideThird slip 80x150

:,.>. k , i iock :4& I, e.Side J" st 130x110! 2 ** do ••'. do •4 '. 'So do 6r . « do " d o $ „ , , . rfo;,.. i d o *7- r t . d o " '• do: T • »,»i Bide Fourth si 07x110 U" r ' ' " 'd«r ' " • *» '

10 do dp: 1 1 * side Eigblh si 90X140

v . . - f TBlock 48. r -8 niSidB.^oifrth ft 07x174 \ ' . dR . . , d.p 6 • '" d o - ' , ,do

•lOsBideflirdiBtetxiys « . . . . : . .- . 'Bloc**?, ' ' lie.BTdemll0xn8 : 3( " -*> " do

Ao. • do. do ., , do . "

froirt dn.BBa«e-;gt50xn8 7 '-. "Bfidg*elt7dx«()0'

1*8 :• do do 9 do do -

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, (Block Sfe n side Third st 50x150

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, Blootf.88. t~ aside Third flt 67x174 ":

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186 *9^ 194


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faf'ijtttit*'"* ' * • ' -

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.ijsr " • • . •• Ulmwcor-M9ex2SAi»ecor

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,»»»rt» |S'p*rt tt/ part:.


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ber Se« a t o n \ d » c t B . KuWl,%CK41* r t8»8»»

8 ; C r f t p ^ i T O t ? g . ^ i ' a . ^ K l K ^ l p . > *f,

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19 2Q s*' m 30 32 37



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;in saidmortgage contaiWd/»'b*of t ^^^ such : 4tae^toad«iaijdkpTO*rdef| • a W E c o # e 3 # « « r f # a l «e«a'iiilot;<« .fmf^MM

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- Jamieson*s 3d landibnd* J. 10 andiroiWJltencgA^

' g^ J theioraa^pf j&Wi

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«•• -Degratf.'-Ttfact


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*100 . 100 ft deep n 120 ••

>•«"» r. ' Binog 63, lib'ilde Second st 073(174 ,

do do ' dp do

jit!' do do t fflnsidoNft do !0| do -\ - . "d» ;

'4o" i ^ do -3» do

«»|pft& i0.e|iui«tenr Tract,

NTcholaiirisli Tract.

; ' , , ' -HendersonTn|ct [e»ndofg | " n •••:•

Ne'ilBohsUff^tioti H port • <• i u * TbwnWlflS " ttWco'f' ft: ;'•• '

' . ToWpslilp'lfe, ] |»* ftrwolfldt

Townihip 17.

n#*eo* '•" '- . •<• ^TOWIWWRW.

22j«r»Me< •-lOSb-eeid "




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