discussion of controversial socio-scientific issues

A line of research and intervention The Dicussion of Controversial Socio-Scientific Issues Research Centre on Education Faculty of Sciences Lisbon University School of Education Polythecnic Institute of Santarém Institute of Education London University Science Education SIG Pedro Reis

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The discussion of controversial socio-scientific issues: a line of research and intervention


Page 1: Discussion of controversial socio-scientific issues

A line of research and intervention

The Dicussion of Controversial

Socio-Scientific Issues

Research Centre on Education

Faculty of Sciences

Lisbon University

School of Education

Polythecnic Institute of Santarém

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Pedro Reis

Page 2: Discussion of controversial socio-scientific issues

• A family history marked by a great diversity of people, cultures and political orientations.

• A family culture strongly influenced by freemasons’ ideals favouring knowledge, discussion and argumentation.

• A concern with the values of democracy, respect and tolerance.

• A strong believe that discussion is the foundation of democracy and citizenship.

Discussion is an essential element of popular sovereignty, mobilizing citizens around common problems or objectives and allowing overcoming differences through non-violent decisions. It promotes respect for different opinions, scepticism towards authoritarianism and the confidence necessary to the involvement of citizens in decision making processes they consider relevant.

The Roots: Why Discussion?

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Page 3: Discussion of controversial socio-scientific issues

• Contemporary society is marked by controversial scientific and technological


• Almost every day the media bring up controversial socio-scientific issues. The way

science is depicted in the media has an impact on students’ conceptions about


• In a democratic society, the public evaluation of science depends on individuals

able to recognize what is at stake in a socio-scientific controversy, to achieve an

informed opinion and to participate in discussions and decision-making processes.

• Recent Portuguese science curricula call for the discussion of controversial SSI as

a way of preparing students for an active and informed participation in society.

The Roots: Why Socio-Scientific Controversies?

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Page 4: Discussion of controversial socio-scientific issues

Social Constructivist Epistemology (Doise, Mugny and Perret-Clermont,

1975; Resnick, 1991; Vygotsky, 1978).

It is assumed that:

• People create meaning through their interactions with each other and with the environment they live in.

• Learning is a social process. It occurs when people are engaged in social activities.

Philosophical Perspectives about the Nature of Knowledge and Learning

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

This line of research and intervention resources to discussion as a way of increasing the level of knowledge and understanding through the contact with the interpretations and the life experiences of others.

Through discussion, individuals have the opportunity to formulate ideas, learn from each other, be aware of alternative perspectives, interiorize theory, criticize ideas, involve themselves in collaborative thinking about real problems they face and increase their knowledge in an attempt to overcome these problems.

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This line of research and intervention:

• Conceives scientific knowledge as tentative, subjective, resulting from human

creativity, influenced by the socio-cultural context and based mainly in observation

of the natural world, on experimental evidence, arguments and rational scepticism.

• Presents science as an enterprise, with deep and complex interactions with

technology and society, which attempts to explain natural phenomena through a

variety of methods.

Philosophical Perspectives about the Nature of Science and Scientific Knowledge

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Page 6: Discussion of controversial socio-scientific issues

The studies are mainly qualitative, generally based in case studies.


Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Information is gathered through:

• Semi-structured interviews;

• Classroom observation;

• Open-ended questionnaires;

• Analysis of classroom plans and materials made by teachers;

• Narrative analysis;

• Analysis of materials written by students.

All data is submitted to a process of content analysis, followed by triangulation.

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A Line of Research and Intervention

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Designing discussion activities about controversial SSI

Evaluating the educational potentialities of classroom discussion about controversial SSI

Studying how students perceive the classroom discussion of controversial SSI

1995 2008

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A Line of Research and Intervention

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Designing discussion activities about controversial SSI

Evaluating the educational potentialities of classroom discussion about controversial SSI

Promoting discussion on controversial SSI through Internet

Studying how students perceive the classroom discussion of controversial SSI

1995 2008

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A Line of Research and Intervention

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Studying how science teachers tackle and include controversial SSI in their lessons

Designing discussion activities about controversial SSI

Evaluating the educational potentialities of classroom discussion about controversial SSI

Promoting discussion on controversial SSI through Internet

Studying how students perceive the classroom discussion of controversial SSI

1995 2008

Studying the factors that help or hinder the discussion of these issues in science classes

Studying professional development approaches most effective in providing teachers with the confidence and

knowledge required to use classroom discussion on SSI

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Designing Discussion Activities about Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Discussion of a controversial issue

• According to Cowie and Rudduck (1990), the discussion activities held at the school fall into three broad categories:

• Discussion of controversial issues,

• Problem solving, and

• Role-playing.

The most effective discussion activities combine those three elements

That involves some sort of problem solving and decision making

Through role-playing

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Educational Potentialities of Classroom Discussion about Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

• Building an image of science and technology as activities influenced by

hierarchies of values, financial matters and social pressures;

• Reinforcing the idea that science and technology represent a source of both

progress and concern at the same time, and should be ruled by ethical principles;

• Acknowledging how important it is that citizens and the State participate in

controlling scientific and technological progress and its implications.

• Many students said it was the first time teachers asked them about their own


Classroom Observation; Questionnaires; Interviews; Documents’ Analysis

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Educational Potentialities of Classroom Discussion about Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Controversial nature of the issueClassroom environment

Stimulating thought

Improving students’ involvement in

science classes

Promoting students’ moral development

Developing knowledge

Stimulating social interaction

Inter and intrapersonal conflicts of ideas (socio-cognitive conflicts)

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Educational Potentialities of Classroom Discussion about Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Discussion of ethical aspects of controversial SSI

Assessment and reformulation of opinions

and beliefs

Modification of the original reasoning

Detection of logical inconsistencies

Doubts’ clarificationInformation exchange

Collaborative analysis of opinions

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Educational Potentialities of Classroom Discussion about Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

The willingness to think

People’s behaviour

Interest raised by controversial SSI

Express individual opinions / thoughts


Discussion methodology

seemed to be a result of

encouraging students to

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Studying How Students Perceive the Classroom Discussion of Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

• Almost all students (94%) were able to express their opinions about one controversial issue, at least. However, the presented arguments were superficial;

• According to several students, the controversy surrounding these issues results from (1) its innovative and complex nature, (2) the lack of information and (3) the disparity of opinions regarding possible negative side-effects;

• Several students (16%) acknowledge difficulty in giving an opinion about certain socio-scientific issues due to a lack of information;

• High number of students (76%) claims to never have addressed or discussed any SSI in their classes;

• When it occurred, the discussion of controversial SSI in school was sporadic, very time limited and teacher centred.

Questionnaires; Interviews; Narrative Analysis (n = 84)

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Studying How Students Perceive the Classroom Discussion of Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

• For many students school is not a source of information and clarification regarding

controversial SSI;

• Some students call for a more active role of school in discussing these issues;

• Television is identified as the main source of information on controversial SSI.

Television 45 54%

Teachers 37 44%

Family 36 43%

Newspapers, books and magazines 22 26%

Internet 20 24%

Media (in general) 14 17%

Friends and colleagues 12 14%

Scientists and specialists 9 11%

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Studying Students’ Conceptions about Science and Recent Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

The plots of the science fiction stories are believed to reflect a combination of:

• Students’ ideas about science;

• Images deriving from the media and science fiction films and books; and

• The set of elements that students identify as part of a good science fiction story.

• The science fiction story was assigned as an individual homework task.

• Students were told to refer explicitly to the work of a group of scientists so we could gather information about the relations within the scientific community.

• These stories represented another way of gaining access to subjects’ possible conceptions about controversial SSI.

Questionnaires; Discussion of Science Fiction Stories Written by Students; Interviews

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Studying Students’ Conceptions about Science and Recent Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

• The plots were inspired by science fiction films, books and television series.

• However, the interviews allowed to understand that these scenarios reflect

students’ genuine concerns about scientific and technological research in general.

• About one-third of the stories included negative ideas about science: catastrophic

scenarios triggered by ‘mad’, greedy or unscrupulous scientists.

• Some stories admitted the possibility of the State financing rather controversial

and unethical investigations, kept secret.

• Most of the students expressed apprehension regarding possible negative

consequences of scientific and technological innovations, particularly in the field of

genetics, stressing the need for society to reflect deeply upon the potentialities

and risks of such innovations.

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Studying Students’ Conceptions about Science and Recent Controversial SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

• Several of the interviewees feel impotent regarding scientists’ options and they consider that control of their activity should be secured by the most qualified people for such a task: the scientists themselves.

• Others acknowledge the importance of informing citizens about scientific and technological issues so they can participate in decisions that concern everyone or forbid the improper use of research results.

• However, students have a positive opinion of scientists in general. Usually they describe scientists as people who are devoted to the evolution of knowledge and to the improvement of Humankind’s living conditions.

• Despite the aforementioned concerns, most students feel quite optimistic as regards future scientific and technological developments, which they believe will solve many of the world’s current problems.

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Promoting Discussion on Controversial SSI through Internet

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Using Internet to stimulate discussion about controversial SSI

related with biotechnology and genetics

On-line ForumsAsynchronous Discussions

ChatsSynchronous Discussions

“GENET” Project (gene + net)

Analysis of Chats’ and Forums’ Content; Interviews


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Promoting Discussion on Controversial SSI through Internet

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Positive aspects

• Students’ involvement• Information exchange• Knowledge construction• Deeper analysis of SSI• It allowed access to participants’

conceptions regarding genetic engineering, genetic testing and cloning


Negative aspects• Confusion• Celerity• Superficial analysis of SSI

Positive aspects

• Students’ involvement

• Discussion of diferent ideas/opinions regarding SSI

Negative aspects• Despite the interest it aroused,

participation was less than expected:

• All the dificulties with SSI discussion+

• Difficulties integrating ICT in the classroom

Discussion Forum

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Promoting Discussion on Controversial SSI through Internet

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

On-line Discussion Activities(similar with WebQuests)

“BIOQUEST” Project

Analysis of Students’ Papers; Classroom Observation; Interviews

To promote:• Reflection and discussion on STS-E interactions; • Understanding of the different dimensions of current controversial SSI;• Skills for citizens’ involvement in decision making processes on SSI; • Reduction of the gap between the ”school science" and the “science of news".


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Promoting Discussion on Controversial SSI through Internet

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

On-line Activities (similar with WebQuests)

Positive results

• Promoting the discussion and understanding of: STS-E interaccions; the different dimensions of current

controversial SSI and SEI.• Developing scientific and technological

knowledge. • Promoting argumentative skills.

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Studying How Science Teachers Tackle and Include Controversial SSI in their Lessons

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Some teachers:

• Avoid controversy and discussion for fear of losing control;

• Do not have the management skills necessary to implement discussions;

• Do not have the necessary knowledge to hold a discussion of socio-scientific issues, namely with regard to the nature of science and the sociological, political, ethical and economic aspects of the topics in question;

• Do not know how to assess the discussion activities on controversial SSI;

• Feel restricted by the excessive content of the science curricula;

• Feel restricted by the national assessment systems that do not value this topics.

When socio-scientific issues are introduced into the science classroom, they are treated as an initial starting point and presented briefly with little analysis or criticism.

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Studying the Factors that Help or Hinder the Discussion of Controversial SSI in Science Classes

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

The implementation of classroom discussions about controversial SSI depends on:

• Teachers’ convictions about the educational relevance of these activities;

• Teachers’ conceptions about curriculum;

• The desire to carry out discussions in the lessons, i.e. to change their practice;

• The knowledge needed for their design, management and assessment;

• The existence of suitable teaching material with examples of activities.

Our studies suggest the pertinence of an investment in the lasting and contextualised

support for teachers during the conception and implementation of this kind of activity in

their lessons.

Classroom Observation; Interviews; Narrative Analysis

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Studying Professional Development Approaches Most Effective in Providing Teachers with the Confidence and Knowledge required to Use Classroom Discussion on SSI

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Teachers should be supervised by professional developers who are willing to attend the lessons, stimulate teachers’ reflection on their own practices and support them in overcoming difficulties and problems.

Professional development initiatives must provide:

• Reflection on the educational potentialities of classroom discussion of controversial SSI;

• Substantive, procedural and epistemological knowledge of science;

• Didactical knowledge about how to conduct and assess discussion activities;

• A support structure in the classroom context that contributes to the promotion of a reflective attitude towards individual performance and helps to overcome the difficulties and obstacles inherent to the experimentation of this methodology.

Workshops; Classroom Observation; Interviews; Narrative Analysis

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• To study how the discussion of controversial SSI is being used after the implementation of new science curricula (right now we have school programs that suggest slightly the discussion of SSI - 10th and 11th grade; and other program strongly centred on the discussion of SSI - 12th grade).

• To study students' opinions about classroom discussions of controversial SSI:• How students interpret this activity - potentialities and difficulties they notice; • Issues they have discussed at school;• How they have discussed those issues;• Their opinions about those issues...

• To study (through narrative analysis) how different people perceive certain Socio-

Environmental Controversies (related with water management) that affect their

lives (Rio Madeira and Alqueva dams).

• To develop classroom discussion activities that integrate those narratives.

Future Research Possibilities

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

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[email protected]

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Page 29: Discussion of controversial socio-scientific issues

• Discussion is a particular form of group interaction in which members come together to address an issue of common interest, something they need to understand, assess and decide (James T. Dillon, 1994).

• It differs from conversation, debate, bull sessions and recitation (James T. Dillon, 1994).

The Roots: Why Discussion?

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG

Page 30: Discussion of controversial socio-scientific issues

An issue is defined as controversial:

• If people are divided about it and if it involves an element of value judgment which

prevents the issue being settle by evidence and experiment alone (Wellington, 1986).

• If it is considered important by a large number of people (Gardner, 1983).

The Roots: Why Socio-Scientific Controversies?

Institute of EducationLondon University

Science Education SIG