everyday digital transformation

Everyday Digital Transformation

Upload: paul-boag

Post on 23-Jan-2018




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Everyday Digital Transformation

Lots of buzz around digital

Digital strategy, chief digital officers, digital teams, digital first, digital strategy, digital

innovation, digital governance…

Risks and opportunities for disruption

But… what exactly is digital?

A set of technologies?

Or something more?

It has changed consumer behaviour

Have higher expectations

Expect better customer service

@Acme. I have a question.

Can you help? Posted 10 minutes ago

Why haven’t theyreplied yet?

They have a voice to complain

Don’t fly British Airways, there customer service is


They have more choice

Ultimately digital is about people and not technology. It is about better serving the connected consumer.

Brian Solis

Not just an IT or Marketing issue

The entire organisation needs to adapt

Not doing so has led to some big failures

Birmingham Council £2.5 million (£2m over budget)

Department of Trade and Industry £11.78 per visit

Healthcare.gov $319 million. Set to rise to $677 million.

Bureaucracies are honed by the past and almost never can they deal effectively with the future.

Leroy Hood

Digital needs to be as ubiquitous as electricity

But how do we adapt to the new digital reality?

Transformation is a culture not a project. It doesn’t just finish one day.

Strategy, Structure and Culture

Creating a digital strategy

Understand your challenges and opportunities

Define and prioritise your goals

1 2 3 4 5

Understand your usersTheir needs, questions, situation, journey.

Picture the final user experience

Create some guiding principles

Establish some next steps

Building a digital structure

Centralise, consolidate and coordinate

Establish strong leadership

Form a digital innovation team

Have a clear mandate

Start with a pilot. Produce minimum viable products. Test and Iterate.

Educate and decentralise

Nurturing a digital culture

Break down silos

Have clear operating procedures

Embed user centric thinking

Encourage digital by default

Incentivise around user experience








Encourage a mantra of ‘always be making new mistakes’.

Next Steps

1. Find your digital champion

2. Commission your strategy

3. Start a pilot project.
