forney independent school district 2012-2014 campus improvement plan nell rhea elementary school

ney Independent School Distr 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School Scott Fisher Principal Barbi Donehoo Assistant Principal Reviewed and Adopted by Forney ISD Board of Trustees not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, or age in its programs and

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Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School. Scott Fisher Principal Barbi Donehoo Assistant Principal Reviewed and Adopted by Forney ISD Board of Trustees - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney Independent School District2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan

Nell Rhea Elementary School

Scott FisherPrincipal

Barbi DonehooAssistant Principal

Reviewed and Adopted by Forney ISD Board of Trustees FISD does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, disability, or age in its programs and activities.

Page 2: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School







 The following FISD Board beliefs guide campus and district decisions:

• Truth and honesty are non-negotiable• Graduates should be equipped to pursue whatever path forward they desire (career, higher education,

technical)• We will provide the best opportunity for students to become productive contributors to society• Each child has a right to an education that will allow him/her to maximize his/her abilities• Schools should foster a secure and safe environment that instills a student’s desire for knowledge and a love

for learning• People are our best resources• Quality educators are the foundation for quality education• We should be fiscally responsible with taxpayer money• Students are our focal point and all decisions should be made in their best interest• A partnership between community and the district is essential for developing a quality educational system


Page 3: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Position Name Affiliation/Grade LevelPrincipal, ad hoc Scott Fisher Assistant Principal, ad hoc Barbi Donehoo Parent Sam Dimson Grade 3Parent Odette Ponce Grade 1Business Representative Tyler Moore Northwestern MutualBusiness Representative Jana Martinez Manpower Community Representative Faye Hornsby Community MemberCommunity Representative Todd Hardy Community MemberNon-Classroom Professional Staff Brianne DeAnda CounselorCentral Office Representative Debbie Kneggs FISD AdministrationClassroom Teacher Jaime Littlejohn Grade 6Classroom Teacher Kimberly Ragland Grade 5Classroom Teacher Leslie Camp Grade 4Classroom Teacher Shelley Houston Grade 3Classroom Teacher Amy Lemons Grade 2Classroom Teacher Carri Honeycutt Grade 1Classroom Teacher Raylene Myers Kindergarten

Campus Performance Objectives Council2013-2014

Page 4: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD District Goals  

Goal # 1 Accountability and Learning

We will effectively deliver a rigorous and relevant curriculum using technology, assessment data and other effective instructional strategies to engage all learners in meaningful learning experiences.

Goal # 2 Business/FinanceIn order to maximize taxpayer dollars, Forney ISD will work diligently to

ensure fiscal responsibility in all areas throughout the District.

Goal # 3 Operations

FISD will work to increase efficiency in district operations while ensuring a safe, orderly and healthy environment to support and promote student learning.

Goal # 4 Communications/ Community and Business Relations

Through open and timely communication, FISD will partner with parents, community and businesses to provide the best educational opportunities for our students.

Page 5: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Summary of FindingsData Sources Reviewed:    TAKS Data – 2009, 2010, 2011   STAAR Data – 2012, 2013   PEIMS – Demographic & Special Programs   PEIMS – Discipline Data   RTI Student Data   AWARE   Forethought   AEIS Reports   2012-2013 Campus Improvement Plan   FISD Strategic Plan   FISD Board Goals  

Area Reviewed Summary of StrengthsWhat were the identified strengths?

Summary of NeedsWhat were the identified needs?

PrioritiesWhat are the priorities for the campus,

including how federal and state program funds will be used?

Student Achievement 

*Exemplary Campus 2009 & 2010*Recognized Campus 2011

*Economically Disadvantaged Students in Math*Hispanic students in Reading & Math

*Full-time Title I Teacher*Tutoring by teachers*Staff STAAR Training

School Culture and     Climate

*Rachel’s Challenge*Eagle Rallies to celebrate success*Hoo-Rhea Coupons *Excellent Eagles Recognition

*Continue with reinforcing good character and kindness*Staff recognition activities to promote positive morale

*Bullying presentations/lessons*Counselor lessons on bullying/Cyber bullying

Staff Quality/ Professional Development

*All teachers are highly qualified.*Student-centered staff focused on learning

*STAAR Training*GT Training

*ELPS Training*Gifted Training (30 hrs.)*Forethought & AWARE Training*Literacy training

Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment

*Utilize Forney Focus to prepare lesson plans*CBA’s in Forethought*AIMSweb Screener (RTI)*AWARE (data management)

*Forethought Training*AWARE Training*Progress Monitor targeted students

*Forethought & AWARE Training*Walk-throughs*STAAR Training*Continue with SST Meetings*Disaggregate data / Rhea-dar Meetings*Funding Literacy Library*PreK-2 Framework

Page 6: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Area Reviewed Summary of StrengthsWhat were the identified strengths?

Summary of NeedsWhat were the identified needs? 

PrioritiesWhat are the priorities for the campus, including how federal and state program 

funds will be used? Family and Community Involvement

*Grade Level Programs*Fall Festival*Open House*School & Teacher Webpages*Facebook Page

*Continue seeking/exploring ways to involve parents and community.*Parent Conferences twice per year

*Establishing a Facebook Page*Improving Communication Venues*Continuous update of Rhea Website*Continuous update of Parent Portal*Utilization of School Messenger to inform parents of events and important information

School Context and Organization

*Master Schedule conducive to learning

*Continue improving PLC scheduling.


*5th & 6th graders 1:1 laptops*All rooms: projector/document camera*3 Neo Alpha Smarts on campus*Numerous Promethean Boards

*Complete putting Promethean Boards in all classrooms.*Fully incorporate technology into instruction through such resources as Brain Pop, United Streaming, and Promethean Planet.

*Continue attaining Promethean Boards as needed

Comprehensive Needs Assessment: Summary of Findings

Page 7: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School



Title I, Part A 

School-wide Components:

1. A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school(including taking into account the needs of migratory children as defined in section 1309(2)) that is based on information which includes the achievement of children in relation to the State academic content standards and the State student academic achievement standards described in section 1111(b)(1).

2. School-wide reform strategies that provide opportunities for all children to meet the State’s proficient and advanced levels of student academic achievement, use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research, and that include strategies to address the needs of all children in the school, but particularly the needs of low-achieving children and those at risk of not meeting the State student academic achievement standards who are members of the target population of any program that is included in the school-wide program.

3. Instruction by highly qualified teachers.

4. In accordance with section 1119 and subsection (a)(4), high-quality and ongoing professional development for teachers, principals, and paraprofessionals and, if appropriate, pupil services personnel, parents, and other staff to enable all children in the school to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards.

5. Strategies to attract high-quality teachers to high-need schools.

6. Strategies to increase parental involvement in accordance with section 1118, such as family literary services.

7. Plans for assisting preschool children in the transition from early childhood programs, such as Head Start, Even Start, Early Reading First, or a State-run preschool program, to local elementary school programs.

8. Measures to include teachers in the decisions regarding the use of academic assessments described in section 1111(b)(3) in order to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program.

9. Activities to ensure that students who experience difficulty mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement standards required by section 1111(b) (1) shall be provided with effective, timely additional assistance which shall include measures to ensure that student difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance.

10. Coordination and integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs, including programs supported under this Act, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start, adult education, vocational and technical education and job training.

Page 8: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School


Forney ISD has written polices and procedures for the following: District and Campus Parent Involvement Policies, Parent Compacts, and Identification of students for Title I supplemental services.

 Forney ISD students are identified and exited based on district established criteria found in the Title I Procedures Manual.


Part A funds allotted to the campus: $ 79,106

Total FTEs funded through Title I for the campus: 1 

Page 9: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

State Compensatory EducationForney ISD has written polices and procedures for the following:Forney ISD students are identified and exited based on the State of Texas Student Eligibility Criteria. Counselors identify students at risk in September/October of each school year based state criteria.

Total SCE funds allotted to the campus: $ 88,674

Total FTEs funded through SCE at the campus: 3

Page 10: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal 1

Accountability and Learning We will effectively deliver a rigorous and relevant

curriculum using technology, assessment data and other effective instructional strategies to engage all learners in

meaningful learning experiences.






Division of Accountability and Learning

Page 11: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal 1:  Accountability and Learning We will effectively deliver a rigorous and relevant curriculum using technology, assessment data and other effective instructional strategies to engage all learners in meaningful learning experiences.

Campus Goal:  Rhea Elementary School teachers and staff will plan and provide quality instruction based on the rigor of the district curriculum in order to advance the academic progress of all students and all student groups.

Objective 1 – 90% of K-2 students will reach grade level goals on fluency and comprehension. 

Objective 2 –  90% of 3-6 students will pass the STAAR assessment in all content areas.

Objective 3 - ELL students in grades 3-6 will meet system safeguard standard of 50% in Math.

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source

(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

1.1 Continue to provide interventions in the Learning Lab, Title I classroom and pullout settings

Administrators, Teachers, Paraprofessionals

Learning Lab and Title I software programs

8 6 Weeks Reports, AIMSweb Reports, DRA/EDL Levels Y

1.2 Analyze DRA/EDL data to determine student reading levels

Administrators/ Teachers

DRA/EDL Assessment materials

1, 2, 8 Student Reading Level Reports Y

1.3 Utilize AIMSweb data to identify at-risk students

Teachers/Counselor/ Administrators

AIMSweb 8 At-Risk ListsY

1.4 Transition to a school-wide Title I campus

Administrators/Title I Teacher

Title I Teachers - $48,746 3, 9, 10 Student rosters served in Title I program Y

2.1 Disaggregate data using AWARE Teachers/ Administrators

Eduphoria 8 AWARE reportsY

2.2 Engage teachers in ongoing STAAR training

Administrators Lead4ward materials 4 AgendasY

2.3 ELPS training utilized in instruction Administrators/ Teachers

ELPS teacher resources and materials

2, 4 Lesson Plans & WalkthroughsY

Page 12: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

2.4 Analyze DCE, CBA & STAAR results for all student groups to determine students who need interventions

Administrators/ Teachers

AWARE reports 1, 2, 8 ELT and After-school Tutoring plans Y

2.5 Provide enrichment activities for GATE and higher level learners

Administrators/GATE trained teacher

Lessons in Forethought/GATE coordinator

Lesson Plans, GATE Student Project Showcase Y

2.6 Purchase Scholastic Do the Math Program and provide as an intervention support for Tier III 3rd Math Students

District Administrators $3,820.00 2, 9 Student Usage and Progress Reports N/A

2.7 Purchase Math Reads and provide as an intervention support for Tier III 1st and 2nd Math Students

District Administrators $1,030.00 2, 9 Student Usage and Progress Reports N/A

Page 13: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

3.1 Academic Interventions:• Staffing Change – Additional

intervention aide hired to work with struggling students

• Refer students who are not currently receiving formal interventions to the Student Support Team (SST)

• Math teachers will meet with teachers from across the district will meet regularly to discuss math curriculum and instructional issues

• Dual Language teachers will meet regularly with the District Bilingual Coordinator to address the needs of ELL learners


AWARE Reports, Title 1 Funds, Learning Lab/SuccessMaker, SST

2, 8, 9 Unit Assessments, Title 1 Reports, Learning Lab Gains Reports, Student Performance on Formal Classroom Tests/Assignments


Page 14: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal 1:  Accountability and Learning We will effectively deliver a rigorous and relevant curriculum using technology, assessment data and other effective instructional strategies to engage all learners in meaningful learning experiences.

Campus Goal:  Rhea Elementary School will provide all applicable social services  to students and their families within the scope of the educational setting.

Objective 1 –  100% of individuals who meet the eligibility for homeless services will be contacted and provided with needed resources for their families.

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

1.1 Provide homeless families with educational services for which they are eligible

Nurse, Counselor, District Homeless Liaison

Supplies and services such as free/reduced meals, immunization information, vision/dental referrals and clothing.

10 Number of homeless referrals


1.2 Ensure that McKinney-Vento Act posters are displayed on campus in areas visible to the public.

Administrators Posters 10 Required postings checklistY

Page 15: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal 2

AccountingBusiness Operations Payroll Account Payable

Division of Business and Finance

Business/FinanceIn order to maximize taxpayer dollars, Forney ISD

will work diligently to ensure fiscal responsibility in all areas throughout the District.

Page 16: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal  2. Business and FinanceIn order to maximize taxpayer dollars, Forney ISD will work diligently to ensure fiscal responsibility in all areas throughout the District.

Campus Goal:  Rhea Elementary School will be fiscally responsible while providing a positive learning environment with necessary materials and resources.

Objective 1 – Increase the amount of  funding from outside sources than was  obtained in the previous school year. 

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

1.1 Encourage teachers to apply for local and other grants

Administrators FELF Grant applicationsY

1.2 Continue to closely monitor student attendance and follow the district protocol for attendance documentation

Administrators, PEIMS clerk

TEAMS Weekly attendance reports, attendance letters, truancy court dockets Y

1.3 Hold a Fall Festival to obtain additional funds for student activity account

Administrators, Teachers

Administrators, Teachers, PTO Volunteers, Fall Festival Committee

Festival profitY

1.4 Continue to communicate through electronic means in order to reduce printing and paper costs

Administrators, Teachers, Office Staff

School Fusion, Outlook, School Messenger

Observation of Campus and Teacher Websites, School Messenger log


1.5 Conduct needs analysis and relate all spending to campus, mission, vision and needs

Administrators, Teachers

Needs analysis activity, Campus budget, TxEIS

Purchasing/Spending ReportsY

Page 17: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal 3

Health ServicesAthletics Child

NutritionFine Arts

Division of Operations

OperationsFISD will work to increase efficiency in district operations while ensuring a safe, orderly and healthy environment to support and

promote student learning.

Human Resources

Maintenance and

Energy Mtg.

Safety and


Page 18: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal  3: OperationsFISD will work to increase efficiency in district operations while ensuring a safe, orderly and healthy environment to promote student learning.

Campus Goal:  Rhea Elementary School will provide a safe, secure, healthy and drug free environment conducive to student achievement and learning.

Objective 1 – 100% of students will participate in character education/personal safety lessons which address the following topics:  anti-bullying, tobacco and alcohol education, fire safety and drug awareness. 

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

1.1 Integrate the Core Essentials Character Program from Chick-Fil-A, Project Wisdom and Rachel’s Challenge activities into a school-wide character education program

Administrators, Teachers, Counselor

Core Essentials Curriculum 10 Teacher lesson plans, Guidance counseling plans


1.2 Maintain a safe, secure and orderly environment through Red Ribbon Week, Fire Safety Week, Tobacco education, and Anti-bullying activities

Administrators, Teachers, Counselor

Red Ribbon Week materials, Campus Budget

10 Teacher lesson plans, Guidance counseling plans


2.2 Implement activities such as birthday recognitions, positive bulletin boards and monthly events to improve staff morale.

Administrators Principal’s activity account Staff climate survey


Page 19: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal  3: OperationsFISD will work to increase efficiency in district operations while ensuring a safe, orderly and healthy environment to promote student learning.

Department  Goal: Health Services will promote wellness &safety with all staff & students to increase productivity and effective learning.

Objective 1 : Increase employee wellness and safety awareness. Objective 2 : Increase student awareness of a healthy lifestyle.

Objective 3 : Standardize operations within the Health Services Department to increase the quality and efficiency of the care being provided.

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

1.1 Motivate staff to adopt a healthy lifestyle with incentives provided by completing a wellness program

Nurse/ CATCH committee

CATCH materials, Wellness program, Campus budget

Increase in Wellness Program participation and decrease in employee absences due to illness


1.2 Educate staff on current safety concerns

Nurse/Administrators Safety newsletter Decrease in incident reports due to injuries (decrease in workers’ compensation)


2.1 Provide nursing assessments, care, and, if needed, medical referrals when requested by staff

Nurse Campus budget Increase in employee attendance (decrease in substitute use)


2.2 Perform accurate and timely Vision, Hearing, and Scoliosis Screenings while making referrals as needed

Nurse Screening forms and equipment

Increase in student performance with correction of sensory deficit


2.3 Ensure up to date vaccination records for all students

Nurse Vaccination records, TEAMS 100% compliance with state reporting Y

3.1 Provide age appropriate wellness teaching (growth and development, dental hygiene, hand washing)

Nurse Wellness materials, campus budget

10 Decrease in student absences Y

Page 20: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal  3: OperationsFISD will work to increase efficiency in district operations while ensuring a safe, orderly and healthy environment to promote student learning.

Department  Goal: Health Services will promote wellness &safety with all staff & students to increase productivity and effective learning.

Objective 1 : Increase employee wellness and safety awareness. Objective 2 : Increase student awareness of a healthy lifestyle.

Objective 3 : Standardize operations within the Health Services Department to increase the quality and efficiency of the care being provided.

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

3.2 Provide an up to date medical problems list for all teachers

Nurse Staff Emergency Information Form

Each teacher will possess a list in red emergency folders Y

3.3 Provide the cafeteria manager with an up to date list of student specific food allergies

Nurse Student Health Information Form

Decrease in allergic reactionsY

Page 21: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal  3: OperationsFISD will work to increase efficiency in district operations while ensuring a safe, orderly and healthy environment to promote student learning.

Campus Goal:  Rhea Elementary School will continue to provide exemplary instruction with highly qualified teachers and support staff.

Objective 1 – 100% of all staff members will meet the highly qualified standards Objective 2 – 100% of Intervention Teachers & Aides will receive training on programs to support struggling learners.

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

1.1 Maintain 100% HQ Status and Retention. Include HQ status in the criteria for screening prospective teacher employees

Principal Web Apps, interview materials, HR Staff

3 Certification statusY

1.2 Complete forms via "WebApps roster Application" so that proposed staffing changes can be reviewed by HR Department to ensure HQ standards are met.

Principal Web Apps, HR Staff 3 Updated employee roster


1.3 Submit personnel recommendations to the Human Resources Dept. prior to communicating offers of employment to insure HQ status is assessed.

Principal Web Apps, HR Staff 3 Certification status


1.4 Communicate campus level expectations and monitor the activity of any teachers who are hired prior to meeting HQ status in order to expedite standards being met.

Principal Web Apps, HR Staff 3 Certification status


1.5 Cooperate with central administration to plan and implement professional development activities to ensure teachers maintain HQ status.

Principal Staff and Time / Professional Development Coordinator

3 Number of highly qualified staff members


Page 22: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

2.1 The Title I Intervention teachers and aides will provided professional development in order to implement the Do the Math Tier III intervention program

District Administrators $133.16 2, 9 Training certificates and student usage reports and documentation N/A

2.2 The Title I Intervention teachers and aides will provided professional development in order to implement the Math Reads Tier III intervention program

District Administrators $133.16 2, 9 Training certificates and student usage reports and documentation N/A

2.3 Title I teachers will attend  Creative Mathematics (Kim Sutton) Conference to increase math awareness and strategies

District Administrators $211.35 2, 9 Conference CertificatesN/A

Page 23: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Goal 4:

Communications/Community and Business Relations

Communications/Community and Business Relations

Through open and timely communication, FISD will partner with parents, community and businesses to provide the best educational opportunities for our


Page 24: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

Forney ISD Division Goal  4: Communications/ Community and Business Relations Through open and timely communication, FISD will partner with parents, community and businesses to provide the best educational opportunities for our students.

Campus Goal:  Objective 1 – 100% of Rhea Elementary School parents will receive communication through a variety methods including:  campus website, electronic newsletters, phone calls, emails, text messages, Facebook and portable marquee. 

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

1.1 Teachers will utilize newsletters and class web site to communicate classroom and campus activities

Teachers School Fusion, Outlook Observation of School Fusion web site Y

1.2 Administrators will provide consistent communication with parents through monthly campus newsletters and reminders about special events

Administrators School Fusion, School Messenger

Electronic copies of newsletters, School Messenger log Y

1.3 Utilize Parent Portal to communicate with parents regarding grades and attendance

Administrators, Teachers

TEAMS, PEIMS Clerk Confirmation of posted gradesY

1.4 Partner with the Rhea PTO to increase parent and community involvement by providing volunteer opportunities throughout the school year

Administrators, PTO Volunteer coordinator

Volunteer Training 6 Parent Volunteer logs


1.5 Hold a PTO Membership drive to recruit additional volunteers

Administrators, PTO Volunteer Coordinators

PTO membership application

6 Completed PTO membership applications, Parent Volunteer logs


Page 25: Forney Independent School District 2012-2014 Campus Improvement Plan Nell Rhea Elementary School

No. Implementation StrategiesStaff

Responsible for Monitoring

Resources/ Funding Source(Human, Materials, Fiscal)

Title ITargeted 

Components(Code by #)

Evaluation that Demonstrates Success


12/13 13/14

1.6 The Home-School Connection Monthly newsletters will be purchased and distributed to support parents on fostering school success, improving parenting skills, strengthening family live, building positive character traits and strengthening the home/school partnership.

District Administrators $147.00 4, 6 Title I meeting attendance, Feedback from parents, Parent survey, Volunteer documentation


1.7 FISD will provide English or Spanish as a Second Language Training for our parents, as well as parenting and teaching tips to enable them to have meaningful opportunities to participate in their children’s education (i.e. parent conferences, homework help and volunteering).

District Administrators $2,203.33 4, 6 Training attendance documentation, Campus volunteer training attendance, Parent/Teacher conference documentation N/A