gods story in my life

Gods story in my life “Pray for me” Reuben demanded. Yes sir”, I replied and started to bow my head. Suddenly Reuben yells “WAIT! I wanna tell you something! I’m the kinda of person, that if somebody wants you dead, I come into your house and BOOM BOOM, you’re dead! Do you understand what I am saying to you?” Reuben asks me, as he points his gun shaped finger and thumb in my face. It’s hard to believe that 2 days ago I stood right in front of my Belizean church and told the congregation, “I’m not afraid to die in Belize. I know I’m going to heaven, and I’m not afraid to die.” And now here I was with Reuben a known gangster who had killed before. “I understand sir.” I said. And I said these words out loud to Reuben, in my head God asked me, “Linda will you stand for me today?” “Yes, God, I will stand for you today” I promised. Immediately a peace that passes all understanding filled my entire being. I really was not afraid to die. I was not afraid of what would happen to me as I stood and prepared to pray with Reuben. “Ok then pray for me.” He demanded. I began to pray over Reuben, and as I did, he began to scream “I don’t wanna kill anymore! I don’t wanna kill anymore!” over and over again he screamed. He dropped to his knees, crying and screaming. The louder he screamed, the louder I prayed for his deliverance and his salvation. Finally, when the screaming stopped, I stopped praying. Reuben looked at me and asked me to find Psalm 27 in the Bible. “Shall I read it to you, Reuben?” I asked. And to my amazement he said “I already know it” and then he began to quote it to me “The Lord is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life--- of whom shall I be afraid……..” At one time Reuben had learned scripture. At one time he had known hope. And then the streets of Belize, the hopelessness, the poverty, the gangs and the drugs took over his life. They pushed aside all that was right and true. Now he stands before me, a gang member, a criminal and a killer, lost and desperate. This is where God put me, in Belize, Central America, to take the hope of Jesus to the lost and the hopeless, to minister to the “Reubens”. I praise God every day for this chance, especially since I had no idea that I ever wanted to be a missionary. You see, God knows us even better then we know ourselves. In July of 2010 I went on what I thought was a one week, one time mission trip to the country of Belize with my church. During that week I felt something very strange going on in my heart. I was very emotional and I couldn’t stop crying. God was softening my heart and He was about to rock my world. The 4 th day I was in Belize, I was sitting outside on the steps of the mission campus praying with a young man about his Grandma. When suddenly in my head, very loud and very

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Gods story in my life

“Pray for me” Reuben demanded. Yes sir”, I replied and started to bow my head. Suddenly Reuben yells “WAIT! I wanna tell you something! I’m the kinda of person, that if somebody wants you dead, I come into your house and BOOM BOOM, you’re dead! Do you understand what I am saying to you?” Reuben asks me, as he points his gun shaped finger and thumb in my face.

It’s hard to believe that 2 days ago I stood right in front of my Belizean church and told the congregation, “I’m not afraid to die in Belize. I know I’m going to heaven, and I’m not afraid to die.” And now here I was with Reuben a known gangster who had killed before.

“I understand sir.” I said. And I said these words out loud to Reuben, in my head God asked me, “Linda will you stand for me today?” “Yes, God, I will stand for you today” I promised. Immediately a peace that passes all understanding filled my entire being. I really was not afraid to die. I was not afraid of what would happen to me as I stood and prepared to pray with Reuben.

“Ok then pray for me.” He demanded. I began to pray over Reuben, and as I did, he began to scream “I don’t wanna kill anymore! I don’t wanna kill anymore!” over and over again he screamed. He dropped to his knees, crying and screaming. The louder he screamed, the louder I prayed for his deliverance and his salvation. Finally, when the screaming stopped, I stopped praying. Reuben looked at me and asked me to find Psalm 27 in the Bible. “Shall I read it to you, Reuben?” I asked. And to my amazement he said “I already know it” and then he began to quote it to me “The Lord is my light and my salvation- whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life--- of whom shall I be afraid……..”

At one time Reuben had learned scripture. At one time he had known hope. And then the streets of Belize, the hopelessness, the poverty, the gangs and the drugs took over his life. They pushed aside all that was right and true. Now he stands before me, a gang member, a criminal and a killer, lost and desperate. This is where God put me, in Belize, Central America, to take the hope of Jesus to the lost and the hopeless, to minister to the “Reubens”. I praise God every day for this chance, especially since I had no idea that I ever wanted to be a missionary.

You see, God knows us even better then we know ourselves. In July of 2010 I went on what I thought was a one week, one time mission trip to the country of Belize with my church. During that week I felt something very strange going on in my heart. I was very emotional and I couldn’t stop crying. God was softening my heart and He was about to rock my world. The 4th day I was in Belize, I was sitting outside on the steps of the mission campus praying with a young man about his Grandma. When suddenly in my head, very loud and very clear, I heard God say “Linda, THIS is where I want you to be!” “Whaaaaaat????” I was stunned! “Was that you, God?”

Indeed, it was God! Over the next 2 ½ years I stood in awe of my Lord and Savior as he opened each door for me to become a missionary to Belize! I didn’t have the money….but God did. I didn’t have the time off work…..but God took care of that. I didn’t know why He wanted me to go to Belize….but God knew. I didn’t know how I would get there…but God did!! I NEVER knew that God wanted me to be a missionary, but GOD knew. God knows us better then we know ourselves. He will make the way for us to walk in His will! All we need to do is say YES!

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more then all we could ask or imagine thru His power that is at work within us. Ephesians 3:29

Linda Evans,

Missionary to Belize, Central America

[email protected]

U.S. 515-681-4006 Belize 011-501-605-7152