irs secret cid handbook part 3 book

Handbook for Special Agents page 9781-213 (1-18-80) Exhibit 300-14 Cont. (3) Form 2039-8 NOTICE TO THIRD-PARTY RECIPIENT OF IRS SUMMONS As a third-party recipient or a summons, you may be entitled to receive paymem lor cena·,!) co:::;\s direclly incurred which am reasonabiy necessary 10 search for , reproduce or transport re co rds in 01 der to comply with a Summons. ThiS payment is mo de only at the rates estdbli shed by th e Internal Revenue Service to certain persons sefved with a summons to prOdUCE:: records or informc;lion In which the doe s not ha ve an ownership interest. The taxpayer to whos e liability the sumnlOllS relates and the taxpayer 's oHi ce r, employee, agent. accountant, or attorney are not entitled to this payment. No payment will be made for any co sts which you have charged or billed to other persons . rate for search costs is $5 an hour or fraction of an hour and is l im ited 10 the total amount of person- nel time spent in locating and retrieving documents, or information requested by the summons. Specific s al- aries of such persons may not be included in search costs. In addition , search costs do not include salaries, fees , or simi far cost s for analYSis of material or for managerial or legal advice, expertise, research, or time spent for any of these activities . If itemized sepa- rately, search costs may include the actual cost of ex- tracting information stored by computer in the format in which it is normally produced, based on computer time and necessary suppl ies ; however, personnel time for computer search may be paid for only at the Internal Revenue Service rate specified above . The rate for reproduction costs for making copies or dupl icates of summoned documents, transcripts, .. and other similar material is 10 cents for each page . Photographs, films, and other materials are reimbursed at cost The rate for transportation cost s is the same as \ne a C\ l. al coat necessar'j to tranSpoft personnel to locaie and retrieve sumrll011€d records or informal ion, Or costs incurred solely by the need to transport the sumrTloned material io the place of examination. In addition to payment for search, reproduction, and transpo dation cosl :;, per50"s who appear before an tn \e rna\ Rev GnuG Se r vice o ffi ce r in response to summonS may request payment for authorized witness fees and mileage fees. You may make this request by contacting the Internal Revbllue Service officer or by ctaiming these cost3 separatety on the itemized bill or invoice as explained bel ow . Instructions For Requesting Payment ANer the summons is served, you should keep an accurate record of personnel search time, computer costs, number of reproductions made, and transporta- tion costs . When you are notified that the summons has been satisfactorily compl ied with, you may submit an itemized bill or invoice to the Internal Revenue Service oHicer' before whom you were summoned to appear, either," person or by mail to the address furniShed by the tnternal Revenue Service officer. Please write on the itemized bill or invoice the "ame of the taxpayer to whose liability the summons relates . If you have any questions about the payment, plaase contact the Internal Revenue Service officer belore whom you were summoned to appear. Anyone submitting false claims for payment Is subject to possible criminal prosecution. Part B - To be given 10 person summoned Form 2039-B (Rev. 11-78) MT 9781-1 IR Manual (

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Handbook forSpecialAgentspage 9781-213 (1-18-80)Exhibit 300-14Cont.(3) Form2039-8 NOTICETOTHIRD-PARTYRECIPIENT OFIRSSUMMONS Asathird-party recipientor asummons,youmay beentitledtoreceivepaymemlorcena,!)co:::;\s direcllyincurredwhichamreasonabiynec essary10 searchfor ,reproduceortransportrecordsin01 derto complywithaSummons. ThiSpaymentismodeonlyattherates estdbli shedbytheInternalRevenueServicetocertain persons sefved with asummons to prOdUCE::records or informc;lionInwhichthedoesno thavean ownershipinterest. Thetaxpayer to whoseliability the sumnlOllSrelates and thetaxpayer 's oHi cer , employee,,orattorneyare notentitledtothis payment. No paymentwi llbe madefor anycostswhich youhavechargedorbilledtootherpersons. rate for search costs is $5 an hour or fraction of anhour andislimited10thetotalamountof personneltimespentinlocatingandretrievingdocuments, or informationrequestedbythesummons.Specificsalariesofsuchpersonsmaynotbeincludedinsearch costs. Inaddition, search costs do not include salaries, fees,orsi mi farcost sforanalYSisofmaterialorfor managerialorlegaladvice,expertise,research,or timespentforanyof theseactivities. Ifitemized separately, search costs mayinclude theactual cost of extracting information stored by computer inthe format in which it is normally produced, based on computer time andnecessarysuppl ies;however,personneltimefor computersearchmaybepaidforonlyattheInternal RevenueServiceratespecifiedabove. Theratefor reproduction costs for making copies ordupl icatesofsummoneddocuments,transcripts, .. andothersimilarmaterialis10centsforeachpage. Photographs,films, andother materials arereimbursed atcost Theratefortransportationcost sisthesameas \neaC\ l. alcoatnecessar'jtotranSpoftpersonnelto locaie andretrievesumrll011 drecordsorinformal i on, Orcostsincurredsolelybytheneedtotransportthe sumrTlonedmaterialiotheplaceof examination. Inadditiontopaymentforsearch,reproduction, andtranspodationcosl :;,per50"swhoappearbefore antn\e rna\RevGnuGServiceoffi cerinresponsetoa summonSmayrequestpaymentfor authorized witness feesandmileagefees.Youmaymakethisrequestby contactingtheInternalRevbllueServiceofficerorby ctaimingthesecost3separatetyontheitemized bill or invoiceasexplainedbelow. Instructions For RequestingPayment ANerthesummonsis served, youshould keep an accuraterecordofpersonnelsearchtime ,computer costs,numberof reproductionsmade, andtransportation costs. Whenyouare notified thatthesummons has beensatisfactorilycompl iedwith,youmaysubmitan itemizedbill or invoice to the Internal Revenue Service oHicer' beforewhomyouweresummonedtoappear, either," person or by mailtotheaddressfurniShedby thetnternalRevenueServiceofficer.Please writeon theitemized billor invoice the"ame of thetaxpayer to whoseliabilitythesummonsrelates . Ifyouhaveanyquestionsaboutthepayment, plaasecontacttheInternalRevenueServiceofficer belorewhomyouweresummonedtoappear. AnyonesubmittingfalseclaimsforpaymentIs subjecttopossiblecriminalprosecution. Part B- To be given 10 person summonedForm 2039-B (Rev.11-78) MT9781-1IRManual( Handbook forSpecialAgentspage 9781-215 (1-18-80)Exhibit300-14Cont.(5) Form2039-0 Sec. 7809.Special procedure. lor thlrd"9arty .ummon.... (a)Nolice.1')InGeneraL--U(A)anysummon.3describedinsubsectionIe)isservedon anypersonwhois IIhirdpartyrecor::JC f' I

Departmentof the Treuury In_Ao....._ IRSand JudicialDistrictBoundaries mt;" w I\) 0' !: c iii'..-('r-!D 0 c: :::JQ. ..III iii' 1/1Jude;.' Dllln''''Quuid.UNITEDSTATES

JUDI C'A.L DlIl1llCTlAND ClACtKn:AIUe."el ZD_ a.(.tatem, ....w" or Middle DhtncL ....,."n06e.Il......"-"> ....-'" ..Vi...." ......... Legend _RegionalBoundary - JudicislDistrictBoundary IRSDi stric1Boundary qeCommissionef,Wash.,O.C * RegionalCommissioner oNational Computer Cenler ServiceCenterQirector Dlslrlct Director ..... D'-"="-=.1 ::r:rn Ol>C::l a.:J" 0' c= 0 ::. '" 0 (,J Q o(fJ

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:Ju; ;g III 1\)'"II CDN I\)N Co) I III ::I a. cr 0 0 "" ::IJ ct>CDCD::I C'l i: III "'C 0-:Ii en III :::JQ. c.. c: Q. HandbookforSpecialAgentspage 9781-224 (3-12-82)Exhibit300-20 MemorandumFormatforRequestofInformationFromSocialSecurity Administration HandbookReference:text 333.2:(2)(d) To:SocialSecurityAdministration DivisionofAdjustmentOperations ReceiptandDispatchUnit 4-N-7SouthBlock MetroWestBuilding 300NorthGreeneStreet Date: Baltimore.Marv1and21201 IRS-CRITICALCASE PleasefurnishanitemizationbyEmployernameandaddress ofthequarterly wagesearnedfortheilld icatedperiod (s)for: --Numc) (SocialSecurityNumber)(Year( s)) ThisinformationISnecessaryforadmini strationofemploymentandincome taxlaws. SincerelyYours, DistrictDirector InternalRevenueServiceDistrictOriginatingRequest: Address: Code: IAManualMT9781-31o Handbook forSpecialAgentspage 9781-225 (4-15-82)Exhibit300-21 List of Payment Centers of the SocialSecurity Administration Handbook Reference:text 333.2:(2)(h)o Firat Three Digit. Qf Social Security Account Number 001-134 135-222 232-236 577-584 2 2 ~ 2 3 1 237-267 400- (0 .i j m ::Ju; j i ! I 11I 1 ! t @ ! -a III 10 CD-"CD, ..... -"CID I;COW ..... HandbookforSpecialAgents page9781-238 (1-18-80)Exhibit300-26(1) DescriptionofForm4303 Description ofForm 4303-Computer Transcripts (I)OncmOdul arrccordisprintedpertranscriptpage.If amodulerequir.. morethanonepage,additionalpages arcprintedwithidentifyinginformationfrom ,theheading repeated . (2)Tran,Jct ionsareprintedintheirorderofposting to theMasterFile. (3)Whenatransactionrefl ectsasecondaryamount (suchasWi lhholdingTaxOnanIncomeTaxReturn) theseconda ryamountisshownasa separatetransaction. TheDLNfortbesecondary amountisnOtsbown . Tbererare.JtransactionlackingaDLNcanberecognizedas bei ngpa noftheprcceding primarytransac tion. ExplanationofContentsofTranscriptofAccount, Form4303 CDDate :CorrespondingtoNCCcycl einwhichthe transcriptisproduced. o NameandAddress:Taxpayersnameandcur rent address--onIMFmodulesthen,mcshownisthen,me asgivenonthetaxmodulc,NOTtheentitymodule.For example,ifAliceWill sfileshe rreturnfor1966and changeshernamctoAliceHaysin1969tbeent ityname isAliceH, ys,but,then'meshownonthe1966transcriptisAliceWi lls. ,EIN / SSN :(I)AnastcriskfollowinganSSNindicatesaninvalidnumber. (2)InvalidSSNrel ease-I MFonly - Rprintedifconditionispresent. (3)ScrambledSSN-IMFonly-S printedifconditi onispresent. o PeriodEnding:Yea randmonthinwhichtheperiod coveredbyeachmodule ended. G TypeofTo>:Income,WT-FICA,Excise,RR-Ret., FUTA or blank . G FormFiled:1040A,1040,941.1120,720,CT-Io r 940. " NONE"ifnoreturnfiledonIMF. NameControl : Of theEmit ymodule . ,SpouseorRRBNo. :OnIMFmOdules,spouse's SSNifpresent.OnBMFmodules,RailroadBoardNumber ofpresent. and@FreezeCodes:Alphabeticcodesindicating uptothreefreezeorstatusconditionspresentiDamodule.For example :( TC 914) ,Intell igencecor>lrol. @PriorNameControl:PreseOlonlyif differeD(from currentnameCOntrol. @TranscriptType:Transcripttitle .Forexample, "SPECIFIC.""COMPLETE,"ETC. @SortDLN:Onrequestedtranscripts,istheDLNof transcriptrequest;o ngenera-tedlransc ripts,istbeDLN specifiedbycxtractioncriteria . @ControlDLN: Taxmodule controlDLN. @Loca tIonCodes(current) :SbownasR(Region), DD(District)andAA (Area office). ILoca tionCodes(TDA):PresentifdiffereDtfrom CurrentlocationcodesPrimedinthesamcformatas currentlocationcodc . @>Adju, tmentControlNumber . @Transac tionExplanation :Abbreviati ons(oreach transactionfollowedbytheactualtransactioncode.For example,PAYTWRET- 610.RefertoADPHandbook370-725foreomplCleexplanationofcaehtransaction . @TransactionDatc-Receiveddaleofreturns.credi!!:, andcreditreversals;transferdateforaccounttransfer inorQUI:transactionriatcfortransactionswithout moneyficlds;specialinterestcomputatioDdateforTC 294 ,298,304and308and23Cdateformachine-genera!edIransaetions . 23CDate :AssessmeDtdatefortr ansact ions, usuallyaFriday. @TransactionAmount-Amountofeacbtransaction: Crcditsareindi catedbyaminus(-) sign . @CyclePostcd:Cycleofthepostedtr ansact ion printedintheform",YY-WW . @TransactionDLN:DLNofthetransact ion.Not printedfor"SecondaryAmount"Tra nsac tions.Replaced byTUS(Trea.urerU.S.)numberifpresentonFTD paymen,ts .TUSnumbersareprintedinthefonnat XXX97-XXXXXXXX-XX. @Conditiononly:prilllcdncxt10rcturnifpresent-I, 2,3 andA-Z. @StatusExplanation:Abbreviationsformodulestatus -foll owedbystalUscode.Forexample,1stNotice-21. StatusDate:Pertaining10modul esta tusexplanation(25)above. @ModuleBalance:Taxmodulebalanceafterposting.includingtax,penaltyandunpaidassessedinterest. @Accruedinterest:Amountofunassessedinterest forthcmodule. @!AccruedInterestDate:D3te10wbichaccruedinteresl iscomputcd. @FilingRequiremenlS-BMFonly:Tbepresenceof afilingrequirementwillbeindicatedby"I."Nofiling requirementwillbeshownas"0. "Theformatofthese printlineswillbeasfollows: ExampleF I RWCERF II101 W-94 IFilingRequirement C-1120FilingRequirement E-720FilingRequirement R--CT-IFilingRequirement F-940 FilingRequirement IntheexampleaboveafilingrequiremeOiexistsfor"W" ( Fonn941),"C"(Fonn1120) ,"E"(Form720 )and " F"(Form 940) . IRManualMT9781-1 Handbook forSpecialAgentspage 9781-239 (1-18--80)Exhibit300-26Cant. ,(2) DescriptionofForm4303 @ESlablisbmentPeri od-BMFonly: month mtityestablishedonMasterFile, @FiscalMonlh-BMFonly :Monthin payer'syear ends, Year which and tax@AbstractAmount-BMFonly :Printedonlyfor Form710taxmodulesfollowingpostedtransac tions . ABSTRACT-NNisprintedexplanationincolumnfol lowed byabstracl amOunt. MT9781-1 IRManual0 'Ii f i. !:: -4 < III c._. :l ::J' 0C-0 O _. -Col) Q oen IQ. -...I:r:IC