listening and assertiveness

LISTENING Pakistan Institute of Management

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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LISTENINGPakistan Institute of Management "We were given two ears but only one mouth, because listening is twice as hard as talking." Pakistan Institute of Management The average individual has only25% efciency rate or listening Pakistan Institute of Management !"#$%&'The (rocess through which auditory inormation rom the environment ) conte*t is received and registered by the human ear.Pakistan Institute of Management +%,T"&%&'The total (hysical and (sychological (rocess o receiving inormational in(uts rom othersPakistan Institute of Management Pakistan Institute of Management WEAVER MODEL OF LISTENINGStimulusStimulusStimulusStimulusStimulusSelectionProcessSearch of the Memory BankUnderstandingorRecognitionResponseorStorage-#.T/$, %&-+0"&.%&'# $"."%1"$2, +%,T"&%&' #3%+%T4 #uditory 5 visual ability.oncentration ability!istory o inter(ersonal communication relationshi(.6erceived degree o difculty o message6erceived utility o message.Pakistan Institute of Management "+"7"&T, /- +%,T"&%&'+istening is a (rocess that consists o 8veelements9!earing#ttending0nderstanding$es(onding$ememberingPakistan Institute of Management Hearingisthe(hysiologicaldimensiono listeningthatoccurswhensoundwavesstrike theearatacertainre:uencyandloudnessand is in;uenced by background noise. Attendingisthe(rocesso8lteringoutsome messages and ocusing on others. Understanding occurs when we make sense o a message. Respondingconsistsogivingobservable eedback to the s(eaker such as eye contact and a((ro(riate acial e*(ressions. Rememberingistheabilitytorecall inormation. +istening isn2t