m~r lpoinft lrtuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · opl.nmg of school in...

~V=0=1=4-==N=0=2=9====<O"""'='"""'====================G=I'=O=So..S=S=J=P=O=J=r,=T=L=\=JJ=C=I-J=J=(J=A"'ij=, =r=H=LJ=R=e,=l)=A=Y=J=L=,=j=19=j=9=30=======================B=y=M=a=.l=$2=OO=pe=r =y=ea==r Ir I I I I I $2 00 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL ., m~r~ro~~r lPoinft lRtuitm $2.00 A YEAR WIL'L BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL se11l0r hIgh school and .supt."tTVlsor tIt the jUlllOr high school at Lawrence Kansas and four years as prmclpal of the sel1lOT hIgh school and supervIsor ll1 the JU11l0r 111ghschool at Lawrence He has also taught at the summer ses- s on of the Umverslty of Kansas Mr Barnes has syeclahzed In sei:. ondary e-ducatlOn hIS doctor s disser- tatIon bemg In the field of the voca. tlonal offerings In the curncula O'f the smalleT hIgh schools He was a member of the h1gh school dIVISIon of the staff makllg the Holyoke Mass, school survey whIch a.ttr;lct,ed natIonal attentIon Mr Barnes Will come to Gros'Se Pomte 111 August to prepare faT the opl.nmg of school In Se.ptember Mr Burtt who reSigned to become prmclpal of the High School of Com mer'Ce Sprmgfie1d Mass, WIll take up ha work there when school reQOena. .. Vernier Directs the :to Circulation of Two 'io "Protest" Petitions 'io GROSSE POINTE SOCIETY JOHN R. BARNES, KANSAS "U" GRAD, IS NAMED HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL hner column of the ReVIEW Adverhse that vacant flat In the Judge John V Brennan of Record- ers Court WIll speak at commencement exerCises of the Grosse POInte High school Thursday ntght June 19 at 8 30 o clock 111 the <;cho 1 dud tonum HIS subject Will be There 1S 10 road back to youth Dr S M BrO'Wnell supenntendent of schools WIll pre ent dIplomas to the fifty members of t'1e graduatmg class The member'> of \he committee WhIlCh was succe"sful In havmg the petItion granted at W'l~hmgton for the Police (Contm II C 1 P1ge Two) wlll be given by the mo'St outstand The summer flower show of the Bloomfield Htlts and Dlstnct Hortlcul tural SocIety w1l1 be held In the CranQ}rook pavlllOn on the George C Booth estate Saturday ]u Ie 21 It was announced early thiS week Entr1e'S are bemg receIved 111 32 olas"es of general eAh1blts and 111 10 classes of e ...... hIblts 111 the Home Gar deners group A "lIver tr.ophy Vf.aurJce Haven for mg exh~bIt Ernest Wolff vVI1ham Cnchto 1 and Tom Pearson alI of Grosse POll1te have been selected as judges John R Barnes Will be the princIpal ~~~~@Jill ~ of the Gros.se POl11te High School to rear (.If the TownshIp hall on Maumee V'II "N'" R II' t S 1V I suC'Ceed Jerome Burtt reSigned ac aven"e near Roosevelt place W>1h.m 1 age Ine a les a ca p apor cordmg to an annOUllcement by Dr ~lt~:: ~:t~o~e m charge of tbe 'rans- Stove,. Prepares for Sunda y's Battle ;cho~, Brownell super lltendent 01 M Barnes who IS 36 years old IS EquJ,pment of police cars WIth raJdtO r:J~Jil!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBIi!J~ d fh U fK 'l!i! By JOHN E ALLARD l!: a gra uate 0 te l1lverslty 0 ans-as recelvmg sets IS now bemg carned on and holds the deg.ee of master of arts ap.ace 111 all the Grosse POinte Vdlages The Grosse Po nte Vt.fl.age Baseball Roche l left fielder for the Stove came to the plate standmg was forced from the same IIlstltutlOn He IS now accordmg to reports The Park 1S ex- Club annexed theIr annual game of Company dupl cated hs feat In the IUsmg to swtng hIS bat, as the runner takmg advanced work at Teachers Col pected to have the first cars eqUipped the season from the DetrOIt Vapor fifth 1l1n1l1g WIth hI., tr pIe and none to bunt to prevent a casualty fouled lege Columlbla Ul1lVefSlty where he The other Villages are expected to fol Stove Co by tak1l1g adviWtage of S1X out Miles Immediately took the Situ hiS thIrd strike then there was nothmg WIll receIve the Ph D degree at the low SUIt tmmedlately untImely errors which happened par atlOn 111 hand by stnkmg out Barn more for UmpIre Crandall to do but end of the summer sessIOn ApprOXImately $10000 IS to be ap- tlcu1arly WIth VIllagers I posltlon to house and forcll1g Samuel James to hit call the batter out MIt' Barnes IS a member of PhI Beta pr.opnated out of Township funds for score FIguratively speakmg the two weekly aId h lel t\ ~tnkes on MIlls Next Sunday the Village nme WIll Kappa scholar.shlp socIety and of Phl the pohce radto statIon accordmg to clubs diVided the hlttmg honors evenly Miles who has a habIt of g0111g play the Pennmgton A C Club of De Delta Kappa natlOnal honorary educa Vermes" Pobce Chief James C Drys. However Van Baesler dehvered a very through a contor OnI~t act pre para trOlt at the Neighborhood Club grounds tlon fraternity dale of Grosse Pmnte Park ISchamuan handy three bagger 111 the second to tory to dehver10g hiS plt.ch found the at 3 p m Everybody come and get He has twelve years of teachmg eXM of the Grosse pomte Police RadIO .com- reScue two OJfhiS mates who were walt. fleet Mr Roche well on hIS way home your baseball penence four years as a class room mtsslon 111 charge of the operatIOn of mg from whence he regIstered one one before he could unravel hImself but Firat Innln, teacher fouT years as p1'1ll1clpalof the the statIOn of HlenIe (Manush) Kaatz s three fortunatel) 115 d~1ver\ was a per Vapor Stove-MIlls struck out MIles juntor high school 10 Lawrence Kan (Contmued on Page Two) handy wallops fect strike and 11I1ls the batter, re~ (Continued on Page 1 hree) sas, and four years as prinCIpal of the Gros<;e Pomte Soclety witl be well Icpresc'1ted I. llong the boxholders at the tl ree evenl1g and two afternoon ccncerts of t1 e thlrt} seventh NatlOnal ~ lengerfest of the North Amertcan Sae 1gerbund ~taged at the Olympia ]t.11le 18 to 20 Th s <;ong fe~t val part of the tn (Cont ued on Page T\\o) Saenger fest at The Olympia Attracting Interest of 'Pointers' Jewela in Watehea Jewels used in watch mo\ementf'l are tbere to make the bearings \H~'H proof watches of 17 or more Jewell' are considered hlgh gradf:. Grosse Pomte's pollee radiO statton Will be tn operation by a.bout July 1 Edmund C Vernter TownshIp Super visor and member of the cormmttee of pottce and Village offiCials which was argamzed to obtain a license from the Federal RadiO 'ComrnlsslOn, stated early thIS week The commIttee was effective In havmg Its petition granted at a hearing 10 Waslungton and now awaIts the comm1ss1on'S formal approv.al The operation of the statIOn how- ever wtll not be delayed pendmg the arrIval of the offiCial sanctton Vermer saId, but WIll be pressed mto service at the earl1est 'Poss~ble date which IS ex. pected to be atbout July 1 The transmlt't111g station from WhICh the pollee re.ports Will be broadcast to pohce scout cars on the s1:ree-ts has been completed It IS located at the POLICE RADIO STATION HERE TO BE OPERATING JiJL Y 1: VERNIER The HIgh School teachers fare~ well banquet tn honor of Mr and Mrs Jerome Burtt was held las'!: Thursday evening 10 the Egyopban room of the Tuller Hotel The ban .. quet was attended by about sixty teachers and theIr guests As a parting remembrance the teaohmg staff presented M1"s Burtt wttlh a pewter water pitcher an'tl Mr Burtt WIth a traveltng kit Wllham M rrench rnjltde the presentatIon for the teachers Mrs Helen McIntyre and MISS Anne SIma were 111 charge of the banquet The place cards for the bfl,nquet wefe made 111the art room by Mrs Lola Dettling, Carol TIe mann, and Wlhrta Tlmm students \ ------------------- ---- I/o I/o :(0 I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o :(0 :(0 I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o :(0 I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o :(0 I/o I/o I/o :(0 J'" I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o " I/o :(0 :(0 I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o I/o >{o :(0 I/o >{o 'fo 'fo 'to 'fo Oarska Speeds Aid for Meyer,-LanstraFamilies - I/o 'I' I/o >{o :(0 I/o I/o ~ffi!IilJii!JOlli!JiYIi;JJ~~~~_.Ji!f~_ill_iWI!lfOlli!lf_j 'fo Park President Lea d s r------ 4 ~ 'fo Quest for Funds; Sum I/o Neighborhood Club I/o ~ In Township's Fight A::,gainstState Highway @ 'fo in 'Widow's Fund' Same I/o 1/01 Commission to Prevent Mack Avenue Widening ~ I/o ACHILLES DIANA <t @l Have you turned In your entry for DO YOU KNOW @ T 11 111 C \ (rn er superVL~or of Alfred Garrska 1)reSIdent of GW'iSe the Gtrls Smgles and Mixed Doubles ~ By DOROTHY DEE (r l P 11. 10\\ ns.hlp today wa., POll1te Park Pollce Coolmlssnoner WIl tenm$ tournaments to be held the L~ MIss Florence F DIegel IS stdl bemg 11 1 I ~ I ~ te \\ n.,1 p fo -res 11 h1S a'Ctn I..- ham Shoemaker and other members of finst tIWOweeks m July at the NeIgh 1st-That the estImated total cost of thIS Improve~ent IS FIve MIllIOn N111e Hundred lort) Sl'{ m:! feted with shov,t>rs prlOr to her Iur 1..,1 t 1M 11 q tl e ",tat H gh",a\ C011 the Park council conbnued thiS week borhood Club? If not do so by calling Thousand ($5946000) Dollars? ~ nage to Mr Arthur Jay Iouwt>r:. Gn I to 1 lve 1t thr \\Jden n~ of to direct their eftorts to speed the pay NIagara 0771 or come In and reg1ster 2nd~rhat 7 85 mIles of the rO'ld are 111'\lacomp County and 401 mile» are 111\\ 1.) ne Count) ? ~~FJ1 June 25 I hu "day MS A.hc lue I \11 I 1Vl..11e \ [1 In the to\\nSlllp ment of the legal comrpensatlOn due to at once 3d f 1 Wed d1 f 1 40 f d h Dant7er and M" Kathly 1 kid lly W 1J I It'> \ r11 ~u < ., \\tre being com the lamllte' 01 Patrolmen I:rhardt r -rhat all 0 the ro" tn 'yoe otInty 1, nOW pave to a WI t 1 0 at east eet an i at Ii" only 113 nll1e~ of the road 111 l\1'lcomb Coun,J..y lS paved and only to a \\ Ic1th of 18 feet? tdJ be Jowt ho<:,tesse::.at a spmster d It er pl It 11\ \ Lfl11er f r the clrruJatlOl1 of "I eyer and Claude Lanstra the trvro Th M D ~__ II ~ d@lattheDtf L 'I,C11[tStll"ht1() e UlllC epa~LnPJut WI IIYe& 4th-That Wayne County at large \\Illhd.ve top 49'1/0 of the total cost and thdt vIacomb [~ e 01'1 laCl U) as a \\ 1<1')., 1 e )V.l~llP leIS Gros-se Pointe Park pohcemen kllled al h N hb h d CI b F i>l da M Ch d CdI f C Id f I' II f tl d reed at t 0 etg or 00 u rJ- County at larg-e WIll only have to pay 97o/CI f the total cost? ~I ur y rs an on 0 e 0 ru er nr re~ (J ~ 11H 1.XJ \) ere; 0 Ie s 1ll action by gansters bullets recent!} da J 20" t 8 'I kA '" A en t I 'a II I I I II 11 f II f yevenlng, une =u, a oeoc 5th-That \Vayne Count} and the [O\\no:.,I1111 of ;to sse Pomte \\ill l1'lve to p1) 5790/0 of the I v ue e er alreu t a 1Il1~c.eal1l0US 1(' an l' lef r 1(' OWlel" 0 The compensatlOn whIch the Park most Interesting and valled program total t "LXand M'lcomh County and the 1 o\Vn~hlps of Lake and Cltnton \\ 111onh h"Lve to In) shower and bndge "upper r <:'1 t fro 11 19 01 \fack avenlle offiCIals arc asslstlllg 10 the collectIOn has been prepared and the pubhe 11 238m f h ] ? f :l. t ('1.dLI'\. load aIel \\ltll of IS to come from two sources In d /0 0 t e tot'1 tax \i i \f s J 1 \f tag I \f j I corcL.al1ymvttedtoattend Noa nua. 6th-1hat 111 ac1<btlOl1 therto the 1l1cl1vHlu'll pl0pe~t) O\\l1ere; on hath "Idee; of the ro'vl \\111 h'1ve r 01 1 111 r 1 \\U\ { ('0111\ '1.11 Ir pe-rtj M\lf'f surance funds and the Workmen s ••on w,ll be charged. 2 9'" f J I? id "'<agel nt C;t (la r a\ H trL jOI It 1 \\ a 1e count> '"It l'1.rge to pay 1 ;0" t Ie tot, ta" 0 CompensatlOrt fund as provtVed by 7th-fhat the 10\\ nslup of (11os"e P0111te '1t 1arjlj~e wIll have to p1.\ 86% of the total cost of thls j o~te,,'Jcs at 1 )r Ig(. 11 (' e 1 for 1( J tl I L 1010; 1. e '1 be pre~ente { State law TheIr Inve'ltgatlOn IS no\\ FolloWI"g are the result, of the g'le~h l. t the 1) t' 1" I II I, I I L( ( J-j J U 'U load and that the annual amount thereof fo the ne"\.t ten (10) )ears \\<111he 5070 g-reater l , tIt.., 1 (" g \\1.\ C01 n s~ on a<; roncerned With the exten.t each patrol games played on June 11th by the than the '1U1Olmt 1alsen e'lch year for the elu e to'.\ nship tT\. ? I Tt1e~d'l\ JI e 17 "1 f 1111 1 prolest a~a I t the w del ng- man was contnbut1l1g to the support of Playground Ball League '" ~ >I< I 1 f t t 1 the respe.ctIve families and WIth thIS 8th-That approxImately thirteen milltons of do "~WS111a'Ssessed V'11uatlOn \\111 be stncken from lr"l With theIr t,art'nt" \Jr '"I1d \rr" ! r)! 0 1) t'C t1 e (I J no )elU~ Ttgers IS Llm'lts 8 the iownshlJ) ta"\: roll» thIS year because of thank merRel s? fl I" ec( f\ i Hi beC"l1'>e of thl allt"ge 1 P 01l1t ascert1.Ined III each case to facll N A C 14 Racqueteero; 6 i H )ward I S111th of Provencal road 1 I f of h ffi I 9th-That ever) taXp'lyei of Groe;se P0111te to\\ nS~lP WIll have hI" personal to\\ n~hIp ta\.es prac G P (1 1 u"t ce a1 11 jl OJ 1r 10 1atene~<; D Itate by rea5Dn t elr 0 'CIa posItlOn Kerchevals 12, 5t Clare 7 hcally tIlpled for the next ten (10) years anJ 111 &"dclttlOn thereto wlll have to pay hl~ pIC @t rosse omte \1 5S "Lily ..Iene and he ta'\. J.~ e S11e1t<;.nece""'ary to pay the amount then found to be due to Frogs I, GaTdeners 0 \ (' ? [?! MISS Helene FI se Snllth who have f01 tl {. mpr-ovement The burden at each fal111ly Stanwnrs portlonate share of the l11cIeasecl Vayne °i tnty tax i been studymg at D .1>.bs ferry thIS the ta\. a'i<;<"~Sl1lL It::. I" to 1)e borne by In the caSe of Patrolman Meyer It Ker.chevals 3 0 1000 SAMPLE 0ETITIONS Iseason WIlt spend August at the H F (rosse pomte taxpa)ers It 'VIas pOlUted IS defimte1y known that hlS WIdow 1<; Gardeners 2 1 6671 r[~t 1"2 Bar ranch near Buffalo Wyommg out by \ en er Without any means of suPPtrt .and full St dare 2 1 667 r MISs Mary Gene has returned from Ho \ ard Coth) attorney for th p compenSiatlOn IS expected to be gamed N A C 2 1 667 HOl\J'ORABLr GROVrR C DJI LMAN tIO~ORABLE GROVER C DIT LMAN school but MISS Helen rltse IS remal11 to\\ I ~hlp a 10 \\ 110 s ass1stmg Vern er there but 1)1 the maJtter OIf Patrohna11 Frogs 1 2 333 STA1E HIGHWAY CO\JMISSIONER 1 A.TE HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER mg m the east vlsltmg school friends 1 hIS fight With the. HJghway com111~ h LANSING MICHIGAN I ""SING MICHIGAN I [amtra there bemg no WIdow and 'S RalCqueteers 1 2 333 DEAR SIR I)EJ\R SIR until July 2 101 5cl1mmanzes the wldel1ll1g 'Propo mother and father havmg means .QiL TIgers 1 2 333 \Itlon and Its effect on taxes lrl Gro<:;<;,e \ ......... ,Jp.PJ)g.tl,.,1>x r~S~Jl..JJ WtO q"tlz~.r.,Jtdult ~Llm1t~ -><: "-~ ,.,.>.¥ ....,,:. J!.;1 000 The un-der-slgned bemg re<;ldents and/or taxpayers The under'&~gn~d bemg owners of property frontl11g Mr and: Mr. EdWin Hewttt Bro"W'n [Jomte .... s follows. a a I u 1t t necessa to ""ot ~~!le--' Po1Ote lowm,ll'l,-p JJe:ttoy lJdHlCJIl i(h L \,. ... r~t~ (}\,,'erlue- 'N1:,u 0& Cadle.JX !Ro:a.d,. 'lfitL'Vi.lthlh "'NtH &dtert~tn ~t dlt..,;' .. ~t' "'1 dlE\r-bow,'o:< t sons 11 a (a g er 1 IS ry followmg reItef 10 con 1ectlOn "'lth the proposed wIltr 1,.\ 'tV le County and/or owners of p.rO'pertv 111 "VaYlle r l1e ,'ldenll1g' and .... p1vmg ot Mad \ know to what extent Lanstra was con The Mu.te: Departm$t of the Netgh.. f 1 d III d h dId t 11\ Grosse POinte or out-of-town gue.tI \Vlllue or,g Ilated througll ti,e fil",g mil 0 \1a'C i: Avenue un er a~sessment e1stnct roa( lllty an ll1 t e pr-opose slflecta assessn1ent IStflC' tnbutlllf, to their support before 1m Itorhood Club announce .. a tummer sel" No 489 r t e w1flenmg and pa\ mg of Mack Avenue hereby Saturday, June 21, for the weddmg of l petit () "b property Q\.\ners Ie c.eath alon for beginner. or adyanced pupila 1( 1t1on for the followmg relief their daughter l ('~11g the ",tate II gJhV\lay Co 11m ~ d I 1 That the propmed w denl1g of Yfack Avenu{ I r: ••• There IS 110 need of worry on the Pravate leslona In plano an "0 JJ1- 1J 1 ted to a wldth of 120 throughout mstead (I. That the proposed \\ldelllng of Yfack Avenue he r::> Mr and Mrs Harry W.lham Cr ifl h 0 er tide 1 '1.11dpave the sl,reet part of Parl re~ld<"lt~ as to the future $180 per hour For apPoulbnent, call ce tral lortlO thereof he g a Ie 204 11 \\ dtl 1 to a WIdth of PO thrOl ghol1t l~tead of I. ,. cl t COy rt .1"ct II (. 1eti j <:; I I I h f I I 2 )4 1 I i and their daughter, MISS Nancy Bu.a meal s of support of the 'feycr ant Nlall'ar& 8771 110\v plan ed and 1a lout portlOn t ereo )e 1 g 11 ae l 1 \\le t a~ I 11 1 t1 I." \ e'"lr 1)27 1 1 II d t Griffith, entertamed a number of theIr Lanstra dependents saId Presldent 2 That the spec al assess lent cl str ct ext en 1 '1. \\ annee am a ou .1" t 1t-, \\a<; htll n rdn mr D f h V V V G \ - Id h 1 f uk' I Th t th I tdt t t I friends mformally at tea on Sunday Gari>ka as Park OffiC1dls In thIS 11 ont orget t e Ir.;> i equa Jstalce en eae see 0 Viac -..velue ra f>r a e ",pecla a <;e<;"men IS rc e"{ ClC an I)?) c I..,outh Jake High School stance as they have 111 past and as they Moonhght on the Steamer Put t n Bay than further 1Oto the Grosse POlllte v llages thai Ole( tlJ.l d1stance on each s de of Yfack A venue rather afternoon 10 thetl home on Lakeland t 1 t tmf" the determmatlDll d J 1 17 h B "I the oPPosIte <; de of \'hck as no v planned ha 1 further lIto the Grosse POI'1te villages than 011 avenue to meet MISS Gnffith's fiance WIll cont1l1ue to do so 10 future 10 on Thurs ay uy t oa\ eaves h 1 1 I I fM k I I '1.<; a k h\ he ",tate HIghway De 4S T k t 3 That because te WlC e Img am pavmg s at t 1e (pp.otSlte SICe 0 ac as lOW p annee Robert Thomas B PIerce, who arrlved stan.ces have pledged themselves to do fo.ot of Flrtst Street at 8 1,c es nece sary at thIS tlllle 11 \\ ay Ie County and henu<;e 3 That because the WIden ng and pavmg 1S lOt I. t t 1t t I 1a1e tl e I11[XO\ement b h d f II I ,A m h W (Co tll ued 01 P'"Ige Tour) ev{.rythmg n the r -power to prOVide may e pure a~t€ rom a c U1lJ me -II the ["reater portIOn of the cost s to be borne by the cce~~ary at t IS time m ayne .county and because Iller tl e (ov(.rt A.<..t Tl e mprove fOi the familIes of partrolmen and fire bers t'l'<payers of Wayne Cou lty al cl Grosse Po 1te I 1 t e greater portlO 1 of the cost "to be horne by the S f P I Belt ., I lack h the '-ltate 1nd the en men kIlled 111 serV1ce "hIp that the entire project 11sofar as It affects 'VI. J 11." 1'\payers of Wayne County and Gro~se Po !lte TOV\lIl a ety atro oys rl q a<;\CSSl1 af{al1'>'t the to\ n~hlp~ f h h CeL< y 11Cue l ng +he 'Co111'" n 01 of the as"ess e lt "j.-,) that the 1.'1 tIre lW0]ect <;nhr a.c; t 'lff('rt<; Wavnl." at Caa':ellx Awarded (ContInued on Pag e Four) The Pre School ela .. 0 t e Ne'Jg .. C 1I h fi f h ~ A_ 1l I I t e-. 11rongl 'VI h ch Ihe road loll be aha Idoned or If lOt ahando led held 11 abey ountv 11Ct1( 11g t e con rmat on 0 t e as<;essmellt ------- borhood Club closed Wednesday, June ance until tl e present bU:,111ess depreSSion IS pMsed roll be l1Ibandoned or f not a..bandoned held 111 abey Honor Cup for Work 111" a 1d agamst the pnvate propel'h BURTT FETED 11th A party waa held and twenty. al ce u lotIl the 1re~C'nt Ibusmess depresslO 1 lS 'Passed e 1( ftt cl hy the r\:la 1 11 t11'> case the ,_, Th ua1 Name ReSIdence Date of SIgning mght chtldren atteD~ e us Location of Date of The rro<;~(' Io eI \ c:,akh pa l..l (. 1 (I t r 11 1<; 1repareu bj te program waa aet aaide and an outdoor Nafne Property Involved Slgnmg Petition trol<; UHler he d rlU o~ P1trol1 a 1 ~ at< J hgl \\ a\ Co I 11 ~SIOler e"tl candy kiSS hunt on the playground waa Arcl e Ca7ab hIve )eU1 III te 'l.ctlve 'Ltc<;tl e cost of the 1 lprovement at held A dory-book wal awarded to of late $:;, )4( noo a ld 1<;paId for 11 the fol the child haVing the greatest number. J ast Till r<;<l'lj the j)1tr 1~ \\ erl n I g proportion'> Gam •• were then pll'yed and several .... guests of the D<..trOlt !\utol1obde UuJ Wayne County 493 Pletures taken after which the children aId rrank '\av I I re~Hle 1t 01 t1e De Grosse Pomte Twp 80 enJoyed refrelhments conaiebng of Ice tro t TIgers 'It a ball g-alle at \a\ 1 Macomb County 97 cream and cake Each chIld al:~d re.. ~~~ ~ field Lake Township 39 cmved a candy favor The c I ren =========~=:::::==:::::==:::::::: 01 \fonda} \fr TIr ~to.l of the De Clinton 62 we .... very .urpn.ed I'nd mueh tbnUed 3 from Grosse Pointe Judge John Brennan Grosse Pointe Polo Irolt Atlle! c clt b presenled d s her all ,lte .,,,"nTent I str cl aftewng over the oeca .. on. to Judge Flower Show Addresses Graduates; Team Defeated 10-4 C II' and In 1) er 10 II, C,d "" sch ,I pr vale prope ty 2J 9 Tim make< , "afet) pat 01 for effic e lCY and faIthful tot11 (f 103 ('i( It 1a" lot been e'\. 50 Receive Diplomas nes" In hne of duty I hl\ ~ the S(C ph \led wI y the figures gl\ en e,ceen In a fast polo game Il1 whIch their and co 1i>ecutn e ) ear that the Cadieux lOO!f, opponents led all the way the Grosse Sichool has hee 1 a\varde 1 the c \p and TIH' estImated co"t 'VIas or gmal1y Pomte Hunt Club was defeated 10 to hUller I. d 1<;. one )f on1 t,\O ~chool<, $4 (98000 as expres.,ed at a meetlllg 4 by the Toledo Carano1' Polo Club n the "t"1te to be ~o honored I e1 t 1 J ehrllary 1929 On Apr 14th last Saturday at Toledo The game A~1. 1 on h~t \fon la' llOV 19 n c of tlm ) ear 193D t was estImated a~ maTked the opening of the polo season tl re~ of the <;ever 11 safetv patrol~ all $, SOO000 1 he ~pe'Clal assessment dlS for the Toledo team bus deputIes \\el e "he t In the Pu 'L11 tr ct as affect ng the pnvate property vV 111alHs and Algel'S of the Grmse 3.11 I ]ld,r ~e\\!:> cal era man 11 d 11 t''\.te U,> a great deal further Il1to the Pomte team were the stars of the be "ho\\n at an early date at thc P 11 h ("ro ~e Pomte v Hage,> than It does game which was IUTllted to Slx chllckers anrl Judy theater n,,1 er ro'll 111 h( r Ito tl e C ty )f DettOit because of the condlt1on of the Grosse cheval aven 1f' (lrosse P011tf' 1 '1.rm~ (Contll1ued on Page ~Four) Pomte mounts accordmg to press dIS patches from that cIty I \ \ 1 I

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Page 1: m~r lPoinft lRtuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · opl.nmg of school In Se.ptember Mr Burtt who reSigned to become prmclpal of the High School of Com mer'Ce

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m~r~ro~~rlPoinft lRtuitm



se11l0r hIgh school and .supt."tTVlsor tItthe jUlllOr high school at LawrenceKansas and four years as prmclpal ofthe sel1lOT hIgh school and supervIsorll1 the JU11l0r 111ghschool at LawrenceHe has also taught at the summer ses-s on of the Umverslty of Kansas

Mr Barnes has syeclahzed In sei:.ondary e-ducatlOn hIS doctor s disser-tatIon bemg In the field of the voca.tlonal offerings In the curncula O'fthe smalleT hIgh schools He was amember of the h1gh school dIVISIon ofthe staff makllg the Holyoke Mass,school survey whIch a.ttr;lct,ed natIonalattentIon

Mr Barnes Will come to Gros'SePomte 111 August to prepare faT theopl.nmg of school In Se.ptember

Mr Burtt who reSigned to becomeprmclpal of the High School of Commer'Ce Sprmgfie1d Mass, WIll take upha work there when school reQOena.

.. Vernier Directs the

:to Circulation of Two

'io "Protest" Petitions'io





Adverhse that vacant flat In the

Judge John V Brennan of Record-ers Court WIll speak at commencementexerCises of the Grosse POInte Highschool Thursday ntght June 19 at 8 30o clock 111 the <;cho 1 dud tonum HISsubject Will be There 1S 10 road backto youth

Dr S M BrO'Wnell supenntendentof schools WIll pre ent dIplomas to thefifty members of t'1e graduatmg class

The member'> of \he committee WhIlChwas succe"sful In havmg the petItiongranted at W'l~hmgton for the Police

(Contm II C 1 P1ge Two)

wlll be given bythe mo'St outstand

The summer flower show of theBloomfield Htlts and Dlstnct Hortlcultural SocIety w1l1 be held In theCranQ}rook pavlllOn on the George CBooth estate Saturday ]u Ie 21 Itwas announced early thiS week

Entr1e'S are bemg receIved 111 32olas"es of general eAh1blts and 111 10classes of e......hIblts 111 the Home Gardeners group

A "lIver tr.ophyVf.aurJce Haven formg exh~bIt

Ernest Wolff vVI1ham Cnchto 1 andTom Pearson alI of Grosse POll1tehave been selected as judges

John R Barnes Will be the princIpal~~~~@Jill ~ of the Gros.se POl11te High School to

rear (.If the TownshIp hall on Maumee V'II "N'" R II' t S 1 V IsuC'Ceed Jerome Burtt reSigned acaven"e near Roosevelt place W>1h.m 1 age Ine a les a ca p apor cordmg to an annOUllcement by Dr

~lt~:: ~:t~o~e m charge of tbe 'rans- Stove,. Prepares for Sunda y's Ba ttle ;cho~, Brownell super lltendent 01M Barnes who IS 36 years old IS

EquJ,pment of police cars WIth raJdtO r:J~Jil!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBli!JNm!IiMBIi!J~ d f h U f K'l!i! By JOHN E ALLARD l!: a gra uate 0 t e l1lverslty 0 ans-asrecelvmg sets IS now bemg carned on and holds the deg.ee of master of artsap.ace 111 all the Grosse POinte Vdlages The Grosse Po nte Vt.fl.age Baseball Rochel left fielder for the Stove came to the plate standmg was forced from the same IIlstltutlOn He IS nowaccordmg to reports The Park 1S ex- Club annexed theIr annual game of Company dupl cated hs feat In the IUsmg to swtng hIS bat, as the runner takmg advanced work at Teachers Colpected to have the first cars eqUipped the season from the DetrOIt Vapor fifth 1l1n1l1g WIth hI., tr pIe and none to bunt to prevent a casualty fouled lege Columlbla Ul1lVefSlty where heThe other Villages are expected to fol Stove Co by tak1l1g adviWtage of S1X out Miles Immediately took the Situ hiS thIrd strike then there was nothmg WIll receIve the Ph D degree at thelow SUIt tmmedlately untImely errors which happened par atlOn 111 hand by stnkmg out Barn more for UmpIre Crandall to do but end of the summer sessIOn

ApprOXImately $10000 IS to be ap- tlcu1arly WIth VIllagers I posltlon to house and forcll1g Samuel James to hit call the batter out MIt' Barnes IS a member of PhI Betapr.opnated out of Township funds for score FIguratively speakmg the two weekly aId h lel t \ ~tnkes on MIlls Next Sunday the Village nme WIll Kappa scholar.shlp socIety and of Phlthe pohce radto statIon accordmg to clubs diVided the hlttmg honors evenly Miles who has a habIt of g0111g play the Pennmgton A C Club of De Delta Kappa natlOnal honorary educaVermes" Pobce Chief James C Drys. However Van Baesler dehvered a very through a contor OnI~t act pre para trOlt at the Neighborhood Club grounds tlon fraternitydale of Grosse Pmnte Park ISchamuan handy three bagger 111 the second to tory to dehver10g hiS plt.ch found the at 3 p m Everybody come and get He has twelve years of teachmg eXM

of the Grosse pomte Police RadIO .com- reScue two OJfhiS mates who were walt. fleet Mr Roche well on hIS way home your baseball penence four years as a class roommtsslon 111 charge of the operatIOn of mg from whence he regIstered one one before he could unravel hImself but Firat Innln, teacher fouT years as p1'1ll1clpalof thethe statIOn of HlenIe (Manush) Kaatz s three fortunatel) 115 d~1ver\ was a per Vapor Stove-MIlls struck out MIles juntor high school 10 Lawrence Kan

(Contmued on Page Two) handy wallops fect strike and 11I1ls the batter, re~ (Continued on Page 1 hree) sas, and four years as prinCIpal of the

Gros<;e Pomte Soclety witl be wellI cpresc'1ted I. llong the boxholders atthe tl ree evenl1g and two afternoonccncerts of t1 e thlrt} seventh NatlOnal~ lengerfest of the North AmertcanSae 1gerbund ~taged at the Olympia]t.11le 18 to 20

Th s <;ong fe~t val part of the tn(Cont ued on Page T\\o)

Saenger fest at The

Olympia Attracting

Interest of 'Pointers'

Jewela in WateheaJewels used in watch mo\ementf'l

are tbere to make the bearings \H~'Hproof watches of 17 or more Jewell'are considered hlgh gradf:.

Grosse Pomte's pollee radiO stattonWill be tn operation by a.bout July 1Edmund C Vernter TownshIp Supervisor and member of the cormmtteeof pottce and Village offiCials which wasargamzed to obtain a license from theFederal RadiO 'ComrnlsslOn, stated earlythIS week The commIttee was effectiveIn havmg Its petition granted at ahearing 10 Waslungton and now awaItsthe comm1ss1on'S formal approv.al

The operation of the statIOn how-ever wtll not be delayed pendmg thearrIval of the offiCial sanctton VermersaId, but WIll be pressed mto service atthe earl1est 'Poss~ble date which IS ex.pected to be atbout July 1

The transmlt't111g station from WhIChthe pollee re.ports Will be broadcast topohce scout cars on the s1:ree-ts hasbeen completed It IS located at the



The HIgh School teachers fare~well banquet tn honor of Mr andMrs Jerome Burtt was held las'!:Thursday evening 10 the Egyopbanroom of the Tuller Hotel The ban ..quet was attended by about sixtyteachers and theIr guests

As a parting remembrance theteaohmg staff presented M1"s Burttwttlh a pewter water pitcher an'tl MrBurtt WIth a traveltng kit WllhamM rrench rnjltde the presentatIonfor the teachers

Mrs Helen McIntyre and MISSAnne SIma were 111 charge of thebanquet The place cards for thebfl,nquet wefe made 111the art roomby Mrs Lola Dettling, Carol TIemann, and Wlhrta Tlmm students


------------------- ----

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Oarska Speeds Aid for Meyer,-LanstraFamilies- I/o 'I' I/o >{o :(0 I/o I/o ~ffi!IilJii!JOlli!JiYIi;JJ~~~~_.Ji!f~_ill_iWI!lfOlli!lf_j 'fo

Park President Lea d s r------ 4 ~ 'foQuest for Funds; Sum I/o Neighborhood Club I/o ~ In Township's Fight A::,gainstState Highway @ 'fo

in 'Widow's Fund' Same I/o 1/01 Commission to Prevent Mack Avenue Widening ~ I/oACHILLES DIANA <t @l

Have you turned In your entry for DO YOU KNOW @ T 11 111 C \ (rn er superVL~or ofAlfred Garrska 1)reSIdent of GW'iSe the Gtrls Smgles and Mixed Doubles ~ By DOROTHY DEE (r l P 11. 10\\ ns.hlp today wa.,

POll1te Park Pollce Coolmlssnoner WIl tenm$ tournaments to be held the L~ MIss Florence F DIegel IS stdl bemg 11 1 I ~ I ~ te \\ n.,1 p fo -res 11 h1S a'Ctn I..-

ham Shoemaker and other members of finst tIWOweeks m July at the NeIgh 1st-That the estImated total cost of thIS Improve~ent IS FIve MIllIOn N111e Hundred lort) Sl'{ m:! feted with shov,t>rs prlOr to her Iur 1..,1 t 1M 11 q tl e ",tat H gh",a\ C011the Park council conbnued thiS week borhood Club? If not do so by calling Thousand ($5946000) Dollars? ~ nage to Mr Arthur Jay Iouwt>r:. Gn I to 1 lve 1t thr \\Jden n~ ofto direct their eftorts to speed the pay NIagara 0771 or come In and reg1ster 2nd~rhat 7 85 mIles of the rO'ld are 111'\lacomp County and 401 mile» are 111 \\ 1.) ne Count) ? ~~FJ1 June 25 I hu "day M S A.hc lue I \11 I 1Vl..11e \ [1 In the to\\nSlllpment of the legal comrpensatlOn due to at once 3 d f 1 Wed d 1 f 1 40 f d h Dant7er and M" Kathly 1 kid lly W 1J I It'> \ r11 ~u < ., \\tre being comthe lamllte' 01 Patrolmen I:rhardt r -rhat all 0 the ro" tn 'yoe otInty 1, nOW pave to a WI t 1 0 at east eet an i at Ii"

• • • only 113 nll1e~ of the road 111 l\1'lcomb Coun,J..y lS paved and only to a \\ Ic1th of 18 feet? tdJ be Jowt ho<:,tesse::.at a spmster d It er pl It 11 \ \ Lfl11er f r the clrruJatlOl1 of"I eyer and Claude Lanstra the trvro Th M • D ~__ II ~ d@lattheDtfL'I,C11[tStll"ht1()e UlllC epa~LnPJut WI IIYe& 4th-That Wayne County at large \\Illhd.ve top 49'1/0 of the total cost and thdt vIacomb [~ e 01'1 laCl U) as a \\ 1<1')., 1 e )V.l~llP leISGros-se Pointe Park pohcemen kllled al h N hb h d CI b F i>l da M Ch d C d I f C Id f I' I I f tl dreed at t 0 etg or 00 u rJ- County at larg-e WIll only have to pay 97o/CI f the total cost? ~I ur y rs an on 0 e 0 ru er nr re~ (J ~ 11H 1.XJ \) ere; 0 Ie s1ll action by gansters bullets recent!} da J 20" t 8 'I k A '" A en t I ' a II I I I II 11 f II fyevenlng, une =u, a oeoc 5th-That \Vayne Count} and the [O\\no:.,I1111 of ;to sse Pomte \\ill l1'lve to p1) 5790/0 of the I v ue e er alreu t a 1Il1~c.eal1l0US 1(' an l' lef r 1(' OWlel" 0

The compensatlOn whIch the Park most Interesting and valled program total t "LXand M'lcomh County and the 1 o\Vn~hlps of Lake and Cltnton \\ 111onh h"Lve to In) shower and bndge "upper r <:'1t fro 11 19 01 \fack avenlleoffiCIals arc asslstlllg 10 the collectIOn has been prepared and the pubhe 11 238m f h ] ? f • • • :l. t ('1.dLI'\. load aIel \\ltllof IS to come from two sources In d /0 0 t e tot'1 tax \i i \f s J 1 \f tag I \f j IcorcL.al1ymvttedtoattend Noa nua. 6th-1hat 111 ac1<btlOl1 therto the 1l1cl1vHlu'll pl0pe~t) O\\l1ere; on hath "Idee; of the ro'vl \\111 h'1ve r 01 1 111 r 1 \\U\ { ('0111\ '1.11 Ir pe-rtj M\lf'fsurance funds and the Workmen s ••on w,ll be charged. 2 9'" f J I? id "'<agel nt C;t (la r a\ H trL jOI It 1 \\ a 1e count> '"It l'1.rgeto pay 1 ;0" t Ie tot, ta" • 0

CompensatlOrt fund as provtVed by • • • 7th-fhat the 10\\ nslup of (11os"e P0111te '1t 1arjlj~e wIll have to p1.\ 86% of the total cost of thls j o~te,,'Jcs at 1 )r Ig(. 11 (' e 1 for 1( J tl I L 1010; 1. e '1 be pre~ente {State law TheIr Inve'ltgatlOn IS no\\ FolloWI"g are the result, of the g'le~h l.t the 1) t' 1" I II I, I I L( ( J-j J

U 'U load and that the annual amount thereof fo the ne"\.t ten (10) )ears \\<111he 5070 g-reater l , tIt.., 1 (" g \\1.\ C01 n s~ on a<;roncerned With the exten.t each patrol games played on June 11th by the than the '1U1Olmt 1alsen e'lch year for the elu e to'.\ nship tT\. ? ITt1e~d'l\ JI e 17 "1 f 1111 1 prolest a~a I t the w del ng-man was contnbut1l1g to the support of Playground Ball League '" ~ >I< I 1 f t t 1the respe.ctIve families and WIth thIS 8th-That approxImately thirteen milltons of do "~WS111a'Ssessed V'11uatlOn \\111 be stncken from lr"l With theIr t,art'nt" \Jr '"I1d \rr" ! r)! 0 1) t'C t1 e (I J no )elU~

Ttgers IS Llm'lts 8 the iownshlJ) ta"\: roll» thIS year because of thank merRel s? fl I" ec( f\ i Hi beC"l1'>e of thl allt"ge 1P01l1t ascert1.Ined III each case to facll N A C 14 Racqueteero; 6 i H )ward I S111th of Provencal road 1 I f

of h ffi I9th-That ever) taXp'lyei of Groe;se P0111te to\\ nS~lP WIll have hI" personal to\\ n~hIp ta\.es prac G P (11u"t ce a 1 11 jl OJ 1r 10 1atene~<; D

Itate by rea5Dn t elr 0 'CIa posItlOn Kerchevals 12, 5t Clare 7 hcally tIlpled for the next ten (10) years anJ 111&"dclttlOn thereto wlll have to pay hl~ pIC @t rosse omte \1 5S "Lily ..Iene and he ta'\. J.~ e S11e1t<;.nece""'ary to paythe amount then found to be due to Frogs I, GaTdeners 0 \ (' ? [?! MISS Helene FI se Snllth who have f01 tl {. mpr-ovement The burden ateach fal111ly Stanwnrs portlonate share of the l11cIeasecl Vayne °itnty tax ibeen studymg at D .1>.bs ferry thIS the ta\. a'i<;<"~Sl1lLIt::. I" to 1)e borne by

In the caSe of Patrolman Meyer It Ker.chevals 3 0 1000 SAMPLE 0ETITIONS Iseason WIlt spend August at the H F (rosse pomte taxpa)ers It 'VIas pOlUtedIS defimte1y known that hlS WIdow 1<; Gardeners 2 1 6671 r[~t 1"2 Bar ranch near Buffalo Wyommg out by \ en erWithout any means of suPPtrt .and full St dare 2 1 667 r MISs Mary Gene has returned from Ho \ ard Coth) attorney for thp

compenSiatlOn IS expected to be gamed N A C 2 1 667 HOl\J'ORABLr GROVrR C DJI LMAN tIO~ORABLE GROVER C DIT LMAN school but MISS Helen rltse IS remal11 to\\ I ~hlp a 10 \\ 110 s ass1stmg Vern erthere but 1)1 the maJtter OIf Patrohna11 Frogs 1 2 333 STA1E HIGHWAY CO\JMISSIONER 1 A.TE HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER mg m the east vlsltmg school friends 1 hIS fight With the. HJghway com111~

h LANSING MICHIGAN I ""SING MICHIGANI [amtra there bemg no WIdow and 'S RalCqueteers 1 2 333 DEAR SIR I)EJ\R SIR until July 2 101 5cl1mmanzes the wldel1ll1g 'Propomother and father havmg means .QiL TIgers 1 2 333 • • • \Itlon and Its effect on taxes lrl Gro<:;<;,e

\ .........,Jp.PJ)g.tl,.,1>x r~S~Jl..JJ WtO q"tlz~.r.,Jtdult ~Llm1t~ -><: "-~ ,.,.>.¥ ....,,:. J!.;1 000 The un-der-slgned bemg re<;ldents and/or taxpayers The under'&~gn~d bemg owners of property frontl11g Mr and: Mr. EdWin Hewttt Bro"W'n [Jomte ....s follows.a a I u 1t t necessa to • • • ""ot ~~!le--' Po1Ote lowm,ll'l,-p JJe:ttoy lJdHlCJIl i(h L \,. ...r~t~ (}\,,'erlue- 'N1:,u 0& Cadle.JX !Ro:a.d,. 'lfitL'Vi.lthlh "'NtH &dtert~tn ~t dlt..,;'..~t' "'1 dlE\r-bow,'o:< t

sons 11 a (a g er 1 IS ry followmg reItef 10 con 1ectlOn "'lth the proposed wIltr 1,.\ 'tV le County and/or owners of p.rO'pertv 111 "VaYlle r l1e ,'ldenll1g' and ....p1vmg ot Mad\ know to what extent Lanstra was con The Mu.te: Departm$t of the Netgh.. f 1 d III d h dId t 11\ Grosse POinte or out-of-town gue.tI \Vlllue or,g Ilated througll ti,e fil",gmil 0 \1a'C i: Avenue un er a~sessment e1stnct roa( lllty an ll1 t e pr-opose slflecta assessn1ent IStflC'

tnbutlllf, to their support before 1m Itorhood Club announce .. a tummer sel" No 489 r t e w1flenmg and pa\ mg of Mack Avenue hereby Saturday, June 21, for the weddmg of l petit () "b property Q\.\ners Iec.eath alon for beginner. or adyanced pupila 1 ( 1t1on for the followmg relief their daughter l ('~11g the ",tate II gJhV\lay Co 11m ~

d I 1 That the propmed w denl1g of Yfack Avenu{ I r: •••There IS 110 need of worry on the Pravate leslona In plano an "0 JJ1- 1J 1 ted to a wldth of 120 throughout mstead (I. That the proposed \\ldelllng of Yfack Avenue he r::> Mr and Mrs Harry W.lham Cr ifl h 0 er tide 1 '1.11dpave the sl,reet

part of Parl re~ld<"lt~ as to the future $180 per hour For apPoulbnent, call ce tral lortlO thereof he g a Ie 204 11 \\ dtl 1 to a WIdth of PO thrOl ghol1t l~tead of I. ,. cl t COy rt .1"ct II (. 1 eti j <:;

I I I h f I I 2 )4 1 I i and their daughter, MISS Nancy Bu.ameal s of support of the 'feycr ant Nlall'ar& 8771 110\v plan ed and 1a lout portlOn t ereo )e 1 g 11 ae l 1 \\le t a~ I 11 1 t1 I." \ e'"lr 1)27• • • 1 1 I I d t Griffith, entertamed a number of theIrLanstra dependents saId Presldent 2 That the spec al assess lent cl str ct ext en 1 '1. \\ annee am a ou .1" t 1t-, \\a<; htll n rdn mr

D f h V V V G \- I d h 1 f uk' I Th t th I t d t t t I friends mformally at tea on SundayGari>ka as Park OffiC1dls In thIS 11 ont orget t e Ir.;>iequa Jstalce en eae see 0 Viac -..velue ra f>r a e ",pecla a <;e<;"men IS rc e"{ ClC an I)?) c I..,outh Jake High Schoolstance as they have 111 past and as they Moonhght on the Steamer Put t n Bay than further 1Oto the Grosse POlllte v llages thai Ole( tlJ.l d1stance on each s de of Yfack Avenue rather afternoon 10 thetl home on Lakeland t 1 t tmf" the determmatlDll

d J 1 17 h B "I the oPPosIte <; de of \'hck as no v planned ha 1 further lIto the Grosse POI'1te villages than 011 avenue to meet MISS Gnffith's fianceWIll cont1l1ue to do so 10 future 10 on Thurs ay u y t oa\ eaves h 1 1 I I f M k I I '1.<; a k h\ he ",tate HIghway De

4S T k t 3 That because t e WlC e Img am pavmg s at t 1e (pp.otSlte SICe 0 ac as lOW p annee Robert Thomas B PIerce, who arrlvedstan.ces have pledged themselves to do fo.ot of Flrtst Street at 8 1,c e s nece sary at thIS tlllle 11 \\ ay Ie County and henu<;e 3 That because the WIden ng and pavmg 1S lOt I. t t 1t t I 1a1e tl e I 11[XO\ement

b h d f II I,A m h W (Co tll ued 01 P'"Ige Tour)ev{.rythmg n the r -power to prOVide may e pure a~t€ rom a c U1lJ me -II the ["reater portIOn of the cost s to be borne by the cce~~ary at t IS time m ayne .county and because Iller tl e (ov(.rt A.<..t Tl e mprovefOi the familIes of partrolmen and fire bers t'l'<payers of Wayne Cou lty al cl Grosse Po 1te I 1 t e greater portlO 1 of the cost "to be horne by the S f P I Belt ., I lack h the '-ltate 1nd the enmen kIlled 111 serV1ce • • • "hIp that the entire project 11sofar as It affects 'VI. J 11." 1'\payers of Wayne County and Gro~se Po !lte TOV\lIl a ety atro oys rl q a<;\CSSl1 af{al1'>'t the to\ n~hlp~

f h h CeL< y 11Cuel ng +he 'Co111'" n 01 of the as"ess e lt "j.-,) that the 1.'1 tIre lW0]ect <;nhr a.c; t 'lff('rt<; Wavnl." at Caa':ellx Awarded(ContInued on Page Four) The Pre School ela .. 0 t e Ne'Jg .. C 1 I h fi f h ~ A _ 1 l I I t e-. 11rongl 'VIh ch Ihe roadloll be aha Idoned or If lOt ahando led held 11 abey ountv 11Ct1( 11g t e con rmat on 0 t e as<;essmellt

------- borhood Club closed Wednesday, June ance until tl e present bU:,111essdepreSSion IS pMsed roll be l1Ibandoned or f not a..bandoned held 111 abey Honor Cup for Work 111" a 1d agamst the pnvate propel'h

BURTT FETED11th A party waa held and twenty. al ce u lotIl the 1re~C'nt Ibusmess depresslO 1 lS 'Passed e 1( ftt cl hy the r\:la 1 11 t11'> case the

,_, Th ua1 Name ReSIdence Date of SIgningmght chtldren atteD~ e us Location of Date of The rro<;~(' Io e I \ c:,akh pa l..l (. 1 (I t r 11 1<; 1repareu bj t eprogram waa aet aaide and an outdoor Nafne Property Involved Slgnmg Petition trol<; UHler he d rlU o~ P1trol1 a 1 ~ at< J hgl \\ a\ Co I 11 ~SIOler e"tlcandy kiSS hunt on the playground waa Arcl e Ca7ab hIve )eU1 III te 'l.ctlve 'Ltc<; tl e cost of the 1 lprovement atheld A dory-book wal awarded to of late $:;, )4( noo a ld 1<;paId for 11 the folthe child haVing the greatest number. J ast Till r<;<l'lj the j)1tr 1~ \\ erl n I g proportion'>Gam•• were then pll'yed and several.... guests of the D<..trOlt !\utol1obde UuJ Wayne County 493Pletures taken after which the children aId rrank '\av I I re~Hle 1t 01 t1 e De Grosse Pomte Twp 80enJoyed refrelhments conaiebng of Ice tro t TIgers 'It a ball g-alle at \a\ 1 Macomb County 97cream and cake Each chIld al:~dre.. ~~~ ~ field Lake Township 39cmved a candy favor The c I ren =========~=:::::==:::::==:::::::: 01 \fonda} \fr TIr ~to.l of the De Clinton 62we .... very .urpn.ed I'nd mueh tbnUed 3 from Grosse Pointe Judge John Brennan Grosse Pointe Polo Irolt Atlle! c clt b presenled d s her all ,lte .,,,"nTent I str cl aftewngover the oeca .. on. to Judge Flower Show Addresses Graduates; Team Defeated 10-4 C II' and In 1) er 10 II, C,d "" sch ,I pr vale prope ty 2J 9 Tim make< ,

"afet) pat 01 for effic e lCY and faIthful tot11 (f 103 ('i( It 1a" lot been e'\.50 Receive Diplomas nes" In hne of duty I hl\ ~ the S(C ph \led wI y the figures gl\ en e,ceenIn a fast polo game Il1 whIch their and co 1i>ecutn e ) ear that the Cadieux lOO!f,

opponents led all the way the Grosse Sichool has hee 1 a\varde 1 the c \p and TIH' estImated co"t 'VIas or gmal1yPomte Hunt Club was defeated 10 to hUller I. d 1<;.one )f on1 t,\O ~chool<, $4 (98000 as expres.,ed at a meetlllg4 by the Toledo Carano1' Polo Club n the "t"1te to be ~o honored I e1 t 1 J ehrllary 1929 On Apr 14thlast Saturday at Toledo The game A~1. 1 on h~t \fon la' llOV 19 n c of tlm ) ear 193D t was estImated a~maTked the opening of the polo season tl re~ of the <;ever 11 safetv patrol~ all $, SOO000 1 he ~pe'Clal assessment dlSfor the Toledo team bus deputIes \\el e "he t In the Pu 'L11 tr ct as affect ng the pnvate property

vV 111alHs and Algel'S of the Grmse 3.11 I ]ld,r ~e\\!:> cal era man 11 d 11 t''\.te U,> a great deal further Il1to thePomte team were the stars of the be "ho\\n at an early date at thc P 11 h ("ro ~e Pomte v Hage,> than It doesgame which was IUTllted to Slx chllckers anrl Judy theater n,,1 er ro'll 111 h( r Ito tl e C ty )f DettOitbecause of the condlt1on of the Grosse cheval aven 1f' (lrosse P011tf' 1 '1.rm~ (Contll1ued on Page ~Four)Pomte mounts accordmg to press dISpatches from that cIty


Page 2: m~r lPoinft lRtuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · opl.nmg of school In Se.ptember Mr Burtt who reSigned to become prmclpal of the High School of Com mer'Ce


C P. F&r8Io


We AIm to Please You

Phone NI•• ara 2424

Daniel G. Allor andSons Ice & Coal Co.

71 Kerby Road

Lowell Sherman who plays an 1mportant role 111 La.<ltes of LeIsurethe Colun h a all talkmg drama oflIght Me <;cberluIed to play at thePu lch and Judy theater on TuesdayWe.dnesday a HI Thursdav June 2+25 an t 26 s one of the hlghe"t s<.l.1anedfeatured actors on the screen todayHe has apPc'lred 11 11111U1 erable prodUCtlO11Sa ld IS a fall1lhar figure toeve y mov nr- p cture patron

C;lcrm<tn!> caretr \\ a<: destl11ed forhim a<; sOO1 as he made hiS appearancc In th s WOrld Gencrd.t a lS of~herman s anCE.stOl'> achieved stagefame All through hI'> chIldhood he\'I a!>-tra m.d a ld ~roo ned for a theatflcal C1reer I\t last he was ready He11aie h s "tage debut at the old l<lfthAve lUe lleater He scored hIS fir<:trCdl hIt as the lead lU The Cl8mmutere; whIch \\ as followed by man)'Broad\\ a) stage uccesses

Ladles of I e sure was adapted byJo Swerhng from a Dav1d Belascostage success by "!VIlhan HerbertGro~er It has been !brought 'to the!>cree1 as a lavlsh s'Pectacle-ela.borately staged and superbly presentedBdrbara Stanv,yck Lowell Shermanand Ra1)ph Grdves play the leadll1groles and are supported b;, a dbtmgu "hed cast which mcludes Ma<fle Prevost George I av,cett Nance 0 "'Jet!Joh 1111e vvalkcr and Jul ette Camplon rra lk C1pra of Suhmare and

lIght fame d reded

Lowell Sherman Filmat Punch and Judy


Chop Suey Restaurant

-discuss your business witl> your banker?HI' .s experienced in commercial affai~s, Hewil1listen to your story and give you valu-able counsel and aSl!llstance

C1ealll1g D)emg Pressl1~ al d Repalflng I<: Done byE:>..perts III Our Own Dr} Cleamng PlantRug<; Car)ets Dral)er es CUl't::l.<msComfortE'f'''o Ftc

at Reasonable Pr ces

MEN'S SUITSCleaned and Pressed

(Regular prIce $150)

We Serve Dehcious Chinese and American Dishes

The Eastern Cafe

\V,- Clean

All our Dry


All minor repairs looked after and done free

Police Radio to beOperating July 1


(Contll1ued from Page One)e l11ml co we ltlO 1 of the ~a( lrgel bundha" brought to DetrOIt tl e 5000 llale~ 19f'lr<;of the BUlet fron 41 c t es (Detrait I11clnded) n 11 states the '1\,,01thAl encan organ zat 01 be111g the oldestand lalge<.;t among kmdred orgamzahons 111the country

1\<, de from tl e mass dw.rus the S1Zf"

of 'vh ch IS the largest ever heard atan Ame.ncan song fe"tlval tpree worlrlrenowned solOIsts and the DetrOItSymphony Orchestra wIt h VIctorKolar conductl11g are on the program"of the concerts The snlOlsts are \1meJ uhette Llppe dramat c: sopra 10 Otto1 am nt tenor and \!farcel SaIL.ngerbaritone a11 of the German operat c~tage The ma,,<: chOlr wlll fealu:refoIl songs 111wh1ch the German nat onIS l1n11tabte

"\,Tetproceeds of the concert<: w 11goto the Detro t orphanage'! m'l.kll flthereby the h gge"t 111m cal event 11the h <:iOly of thIS P'1rt of the cou ltrya c v I.. affaIr of outsl 11dl11gmag Iltude

Saengerfest at theOlympia AttractingInterest of 'Pointers'

(ContInued from Page One)radiO statIOn here m ..ldd t )n to MrVertlIe.r are Police ChIef James CDrysdale Townsh~ clel k Damel GAllor Jushce Walter Schwe kart WIlham A Neft Pohce CommlslSlonerWlhlam P Shoemaker and Charles HMarden

I '1==:110='101






WeSpecialize in

, Weddmg Pictures

One Large Hand-PaintedPicture in Frame

EIQ.1uent InscriptiO.[n Turner, MaIne [8 a Bible wltb 8

llyleaf that bears this InscriptIOnMary L Be(.kley mented and re-

cehed this B ble tor commltUng tomemory 5 ~(l5 verses In the BIble tromAprIl 18;)9 to AprH 1800 May thE:!truth she leJ.rned t.om,fort and sustaInher in this life and she hear the-SavIor say in the better land Welldone good and faithful sennnt' M:H Sargent hbrurlUn Sabbath sc1:1001librarj Lo<...ton M 1<;:'" April ~ 1860

S~r3nge Ml...talceWhile {,ooking for work Brother

Charley liud a strange experIence Hewas In a pool room for three haursbefore discovering it \\ asn t aD employment agency -DetrOit News.

FIrefly In CommerceFire:lhes de<:'troJ larulC and inqeets

\\hICh fire theIr nutmal food In addrtlaD to tliS th0Y 11men' alul:' deador nlh e In ('hill'! and Japan "herethe) are used in the manufacture ofurugs poultice" and pill'S peculiar tothe practice of Clme"e medIcine rItefly greabe (hotaru no abura) is used by'\ ood\\ orkers for the purpose of 1mpartmg rIgidity to objects made ofbent bamboo In Chin'! and Jap1n thecatchmg and sellmg of fireflies dUlmgthe summer months [8 of quch e'\.tentas to be considei ed an Industr~ Thech1ef center of the industl Y IS in theregion about Is]uyama near the lakeof Omi ""here a number of mercl antsship the fireflies to Osaka and h.yotoDach house emt!io~ s 1'rom 60 ta "'0 ~ycatchers and experts are known tocatch as many as 3000 in a smglemght

Fn~t Leavened Bread?The dlf>(.o\elY of the art of leinen

Inb bre'ld IS attrlbuted to PgyptlJDSIt needs no stretch of the imng[natJOD to suppose that some attendantml''{e(] up a batter of whedt and \Vator as was tl e custom in anCIenttimes and instead of immedIately PiOceeding to dl,} or bahe out this mateflJ] had allowed it to stand overmght1l1e next mOlnlllg the attendant wasU'ndoubted1y !li'l1med to n ')te l.lhat the~J.tter WJ.S actively feimenting hudincreaseu in sile WilS full of bubblesand had a different taste and aromaHow<..ver prohably dctlng under thelmpul.:"e of tI.}lu". to CO\eI up his negIe t he \\ ent ahead and bdhe I witht e fUJnl?'l1t(> 1 buttel Since leavel eddough IIOUU('{>"a mu(.h mOl f' pdl1tabh blt>uu tl~t( n shmeut and deh".htmust hn e gl eeted thiS dlscovelY

Grosse Pointe Sa vingsBankJefferson at Rivard Blvd. R

,=:9' , 'q,J;:;IO@f( :io=rQcH~~I Kent~;:::=::~~'.Dyers__ 14711 Charlevoix near Manistique

IDe-al Direct and Save Money

Size of Snowflakes C h d CProf \\llson A He. ley pioneer as an arry

photoJrapher of snow et,stals say. Save 75c on Each Suitthat the average snowf!al{e 1s one_tenth of an Inch In ~ ameter ~ RETAIL DRY CLEANING"'li!lJiJfiilli'~iilIO!Iiill1ill~_JOlI1iII ~ AT WHOLESALE PRICESaJ , m1rID


Plan to Honor Michigan \been aSSIgned to h1m He was the• \: C C son of Edward G Rust Sagmawneroes at amp uster Ml<hlganPnva1e Joseph \V Guyton was

Four \11chlgan heroes who d ed 111 awarded the J:<rench Oro s de Guerreact 01 111 the World Vvar \'\Ill! be hon \'vlth slIver star with the following (;1

ored at Camp Custer this year These tat on KIlled hy a mach1l1e gu 1 hulletmen ""ere all cited for bravery 111 acilon wille on guard 11 the front 1 Ie V\ asaIel were kdled vl'h Ie hero cally dl ne; the frst solchet of t1 e 121d A 1 encalthe r dub. 111 1 enlol <; as'> gnment<; D VIS 01 to fall fight 19 f r 1.1c came

fhe OtI7C 1 s \f,htary Trall II g Ca np of .rWht aId 1 herty 01 the j7r und ofat Camp Custer tllS :)ear will be I Alsace by the ';] Ie of IllS I rt-lch C) nlamed (1,11 [) George vf Hall ster a ld rades He was the son of \tflS Agnestlree streets \111 he naned GU}t01 'vV 1011. GUytOl Evart vI cllganV~bbert D.ld rust r euten'1 t Holl stel 'Ie, ed fro 11 \-lard 22 1916 to\pr I 23 1917 w th the T'rench AT 11\

01 tl t verrclul1 frolt and latel 'l,\ th trefit ell '\r we d Or e 1t on the \fa edOl a frO! t vVlth the entra lce of thetl ted State'> 111 the 'l,\ ar he l01l1ed theA 1 cnC1n fa ces and \\ as killed 11 aetlO 1 October 12 19lb neal CuneIFra ce He sa"" act on m tl e A.nou1dector C;all t D e sector and 11 the ("t

Mlh el offens ve He was decot'ated1,\ lth the (T01S de GuerrC' by the rrenchgave 1111ent before h s death He wast 1e <.;on of Clay H HDlhster GrandRapIds banke'f and -ehalrman of theKent County C \1 T C comn tHee

Lleute lant Wl1ham H Rust wasawarded the rt ench CrOIx d(. GuerreW th Silver star The only re nal111gofficer of 111S company the cltat onread" he led 1t to the attack w thbravery and Ienldrkab1e energy Wask llcd near the obJecttve whlC'h had

Ask for $30,000, Get $7on Charges of Slander

HarrIsburg ~.a-Damages totaling$7 were awarded by a civil court jnr~here to Eerman A Carl, George MCari and Charles M Carl brothers10 their slander suits against WilHamA Lontz o-f West Hano'er townshIpThey alleged th~t LOl:).tz had publiclYcalled them <.hicken 1:hle,es Injuringtheir reputation The defense "asthat the suits grew out of countrystore gossip

Awards of $1 eacn were made toCharles and Rertnan George M Carlwas awarded $~ Each had claimed$10000

Get srg SurprIseWashmgton -Many WJ.shmgton res

idents were SUrI>tlsed to learn thatthe SIte of the 'United States Capitol"as once called H.ome and the nearbyAnacostla r[ver, the TIber 'lhese Lat111names accordlng to It'lllan ~lllb!lssador NobBe 01 acomo de l\Iartmowere besto\\ ed by an IJnglIshmanFrancis Pope whu owned the land ip1633

"Sins of \the: Fathe:n"Many a small hoy Is kept in after

school because hm father worked ilisarithmetic ,\ rong ~e" 0us:tle News

Town Being; Torn DownSo Coal Can Be Mined

Breslau -The vihage of Buchwaldenear Hoyersd~ ivith a population o~about 500 must dl:mppear to permitthe working 0:( f'ol;l.l veins underlymgIt Thirty one of the Yillage s 43houses have alrpady been torn do",nand the remaining 12 are now be[ngwrecked The cqal deposits were discovered more than 20 ~ears ago butare only now befng opened up Mostof the inhabitants of Buchwalde havegone to the ne~ghbormg village orWelUlDg!lo:l'f where they are employed III coal btlckett factorles

WOi,lienin MOl)tana WearEveniI\~ Gowns of Paper

Corvalbs ~10nt -What If It hadrained or If tb,ere had been a wmdstorm? Or Iw1at if somebody hadflipped a ligl\te<\ match in the wlOngplace?

But none of these occurred and thein~entous worn "0 of Con allIs hiumphed

Just before u Jlbri1ry benefit thechOlal leader l'llled that evening gownsmust be "orn 'Jhorus members \\ eredisturbed I'hey \\ ere just farm women and few, if any boasted evenmgdresses

Came the night of the benefit and10 and lJeholut the chorus tmned outresplendently attiled In stylIsh blackevenIDg gowns that rustled audibly asthe women walked to"ards the stage

The secret was too good to keepAll thiS: sartorial elegance, all thiSmetropolttan splendor was made ofnothmg more nor less than plain blackcrepe Vaper

Memphis 'lenn - Pat Theresa Bar.-nett twenty one, pretty and romantIC~outh side gIrl, is tIed ",tth DeWolfHopper who has been marrIed s[:::t:times and IS one up on Peggy Joycewho has had a string ot only fiyemates

111e artful I Pat' Barnett who 4i"forced her tlfth husband a few monthsag() and sought solace in suicide bypOlson upon reco'\termg from the attempted self destruction has just beenmarrled agam--her sIxth appearanceat the altar

I Pat s' philosophy IS• b IDd hapPllless through marliage'• I don t know Whether she 11 stay

With this one or not says Mrs GeorgeL Barnett 418 Gaston place, the grayhaired mother

But I do hope so It's hIgh time,Pat' got settled

Not L.lke Mothe-r"Pat s search for happIlless Is not

the road {If h~ mother who with agentle swlIe sl~ in her garden nurSIngdreams of her engmeer husband, whoinjured in a ra\lroad acCIdent at Coldwater, Miss in 1909 d[ed from thosemjurles 12 years later

I found one good man and stuck tohim says Pat s' mother

It was just two months ago thatI Pat' emerged from a divorce courtrid ot No 5 Michael ~lh erman whomshe sued on grounds of nonsupportAnd theb she pined away for a timeswallowed a poison potion was rushedto a hospital and when she had fullyrecovered her equU1bhum and equanimlty said

I Why I was in love again There sno use living with a man If you don tlove him

'I m glad I didn t die when I tookpolson because 1 ve found the onlyone this tIme"

One \Mate KilledOne of 'Pat's" husbands was killed

tn an automobile accident Just twodays after the weddmg The otherfour-?

• Oh I got ria of them in divorcecourt' sa[d f'Pat"

She keeps ttack of them "just tosee how they rr gettlpg along" Twoare In Memph~s on,e is in New 01leans and the 9ther is In Los AngelesShe said

"lhe one I got now is a perfecttype" I

I Well, let s jhqpe he s permanent,"said her WldOld mother

, Pat.' who as taken a few beautyprIzes dl~n t t t" finish high schoolShe got the atrimonial fad a feww~eks. before he was to receive herdlplom~ --~-----

Tennessee \YIaid Is NearingWorld's Record.


"hIe of Escape" NowOn at Adams Theater

11.ldden dange-s lU the dense Jungles:.f the :,outh Sea hlands are graphIcally shown 111 Isle of Escape the projuctlOn whlch 1<;commg to the Adamstheater next Thursday June 20th Theactual condItions whIch Will prove arevelatIOn to those who pursue the rIn es 111the secUt ty of a clvlhLeu- conntry

A whIte man fleemg from sa, a\Sehead hunters (a ld there are shll headhuntmg tribes 111eXIstence) IS struckby a pOIsonous snake and almost 111,tantly h..I11ed A Malay servant 111aar oe With several whIte men who are

lttempt1l1g to force theIr way to acanmbal Village on 1.n errand of re'ScueIS pricked by a dart from the blowp pe:.f a savage concealed III the fore&tand rather than endure the agony ofthe last hour of lIfe rema111111gto hunonslgns hImself to the slImy waters of

the sluggrs.h stream A man llladvertently steps near a crocodIle and narrowly escapes bemg setzed by Its snappmg Jaws A second Malay and awhite man leap 111tothe strcam to as~ISt the boat over a shallow spot andare drawn beneath the surface by the'ioraclOUS qUtcksands

The leadmg roles are played 'by\>Ionte Blue Betty Compson who dresupported by Noah Meery Myrna Loyand tnany other noted stars

On th stage Pubhx presents Its secand blg week of vaudeVIlle WIth Souchstars as Bordl and Robmsan famousmUtcal comedy comedians The SharonDevries Revue wlth beauttful girls andsnappy hoofers !he F our Ha.asBrothers C.hrlstle and McDonald andlast but not least those Iworld famou-sskater!> Rexola Bras

Don t mIss ihlS famous PUlb!lX Comedy \Show 1t s tbe best and biggestshow m town

J aoek Oakie well known as the \VIsecracker of the sereen IS at the MIchlgan theater thIS week m hiS first starrmg 'PIcture The SOCial LIOn ThefHm 'based on Octavus Roy Cohen sstory, Marco HLnlSelf IS a hl1artouscomedy and Oakte IS surrounded bypronl1nent screen stars mcludmg hISfun makmg partner Ske-ets Gallagher pretty Mary Brtan and allUrIngOhve Borden

fhl: SOllal I 1 11 P cture.. Jat..kOakw I I tht... I (Ie of d young gal agem(.chan1c wnd would be puglllst whogets a place on a IltLY country club sPOlo Team because he IS the town sh10st profi'Clcnt mallet welder havmglearned !polo when he was servmg anenlistment 1ll t le ar oy But 111Sho'bnobbmg- With the 400 of the towngIVes 111m hlghhat Ideas and he tnesto 'Crash tUto the mner Circle bymeans of the entree he has gamedthrough hIS polo 'PlaYlUg ThIS prOVides1 number of very amuslUg sltuatlOnsand nb rockIng dIalog

Cynical PhilosophyPleasure has Its tIme so too has

wisdom Make lo'e in thy youth andIn old age attend to thy sahatlOn-Voltahe

Ll$ht GOQd for ThemColun hlne"l ttnht> best in light well

(}I aliPd rei tile sandy soil tn a sheltered (.lOSltiOllthat is not deprl\ed enttrelv of "unllght says I\atme MagUlne Colurobin~s do ~eU massed IIIdumps In e\.posed bordel s as well asat the edge 0" wooded areas and inthe shade of trees

D.ad Lanlaa ..The old Prusslan language was

spokeJ'l In East Prussia until a Uttieover 200 years ago It had no connection with Germany but belonged likemodern Lettish and Lithuanian to theBaltlc languages A glossary ot thebeginning ot the rlfteenth centurvand three catechisms including Luther s smaller catec.blsm of 1561 arehowever the only llterttry remaInS ofthis andent sperh -Fxdlfl.nge

f'EetaHlshment of PO'rt"The naval observatory says hIgh ws.

ter occurs W m[nutes lat~r each day00 all average Hlgh water foUowr.the transit of the moon across themerIdian of any place by a certain Interval "hleb IS known as the establtshment ot the Dort 'IbIs intervalIs apploxltnately tne same throl.1ghoutthe year for anyone plac.B but differswIdely tor dlfl'erent places

S.ele-ehve MeJ;1dacltyMeD of science say It is best to He

o~ the right side ';~Ience Is wrongIt s safer not to lie at all -South BendTrIbune

DI.pute Over "FlYing Flllh"Flying 6sh ha ve 10nb wiuglike fins

and are capable of leavlng the waterand movtng some distllnce through theair It iR chiefly by the motlOn of thetan before they entIrely leave thewater that the momentum for theseflights is i!:cquired Whether it is tncreased by the vibrations of the peetoral fins Is a matter of dls.pute

Largest of Vulture SpeciesThe CallforniJ. condor, "eighing from

45 to 60 pounds llnd havlng a wingspread of eIght and one half to nineand one-half feet is the largest of thevultures and the lllrgest bIrd that flIesDespUli! Its great sIze the speed ofthe condor Is esthnated at 60 rUllesan b9ur an<l the soar[ng range at 3000t. 4,000 feet

June 18Gardeners vs RacqueteersLImits vs Frog))Ker<:hevals vs St ClaIrJolly Pals I vs TIger ..N A C vs Jolly Pals II

June 25Gardeners V'S LImItsR&cqueteers vs TIgersKerchevals vs Jolly Pals IIJolly Pals 1 vs N A CSt Clair vS frogs

July ZGardeners vs Tigersf,(acqlleteers vs L1mItsKE'rchevals vs rrogsJolly Pal, I y, Jolly Pals IISt C" r vs N A C

July 9Gardeners vs KerchevalsRdcqueteers v~ J oily Pals ILLmlts vs N A CTIgers vs Jolly Pals IISt Clalr vs Frogs

July ISGardeners vs Jolly Pals IRacqueteers vs Kercheval"Ll11l1ts vs FrogsTIgers vs N A CJolly Pals II vs St Clair

July Z3Gal dener<: v'S Jolly Pals IIRacq'lle1:eers vc; St ClairLmllts vs Joll) Pals ITigers v!> frogsKerchevab vs N A C

July 30Gardeners vs St ClaIr'R.acqueteeers vs Jolly Pals IILUUlb vs Kerchevalsflgers vs Jolly Pals IN A C v.s Frogs

August 6Gardeners vs FrogsRacquete<. rs vs N A CLmllts vs Jolly Pah IIT gers vs St ClalrKelchevals vs Jolly Pq.ts I

August 13Gardeners vs N A CRacquetee'fS vs FrogsLlml)ts vs St ClairTIgers vs Kerchevals

S. CIa" v, Jolly Pals II

Neighborhood ClubPlayground Ball

Schedule for 1930

Grosse PointePublic Library Jack Oakie in "Social__ Lion" at Michigan

Recent addihons to the GrossePomlte L1brary

Bortsels Adventure'S of MarlaChnshe M)'lSiter1ous Mr QumGre<el1 The Selby"Hqworth C3.~.fl€rns <3-1...sullsetKelly Spamsh Hohd~yJvl:rcFee North of SuezManrun Children of the EarthMann BuddenlbrooksMann Magl-t MountalUPound Johmon of the Mohawk!>R cc A Voyage to PUrillaRichardson The Way HomeSouza Blue RumWodehouse Damsel m DistressW.ren Mammon

Faith Lutheran Church

Southeas-t corner of Lakewood and(ercheval avenues A H A Loeber)astor 1434 La}<:ewood avenue Tele)hone Lenox 2121

1 he serVices of next <;untlay theIOOth anntversary of the readmg ofhe Augsburg ConfeSSion will be O'berved It was- on June 25 1530 thathe Lutherans were permitted to readIe Augsburg ConfeSSIOn art the Diet)! AUgl.s.burg ThIS IS the finst d~sJIlctlvely PrDtestant Church Conies10n Servlces next Sunday wilt be held

as follows German at 9 a m Engllsh at 11 15 a m Sunday School atto 15 a m

The Young People is Society wInmeet neXl't Tuesday at 8 p m


The members and frIends of FaIthhurch will have an opportumty to hea.r)tudent Noble LIVingston preach next~unday morn1l1g Mr uvmgston who;:. a son of one of the members ofalth Church graduated from the

rheologIcal semmary of Cap~tal Umerslty Columbus OhIO on May the5th He IS now a candIdate fa:r theIlnlstry and WIll reSIde m DetrOIt un hifter h::, ot'dmat on whlch WIll follow1S re<cephon of a call fhe mOflnll1gervlce WIll 'beg 11 at the usual tImeo 45 a 111 Strangers and vLSlt6rs arevelcome to thiS hour of Vvorshlp

The '3unday &chool w 11 have Itsnnual pICniC to Bob La ne>..t Saturdayur e 21 All the Sunday School chItren WIll receIve free tlckets to thl!>utlng [he Men s Club of FaIthhurch are s-ponsor ng thl<; event andave ananged a fine prog'fam of gamesnd event's WIth beautiful pnles andwards for the wlllner-s The comlunlty IS mVlted to Jam III wlth I tilthhur'Ch on thhS piemc day The meetmg Ila'Ce IS DIamond No 2 on the 1sland

rIckets may be purchased at thehurch office \Sunday School Will be held at the

sllal bme next Sunday whIch IS 9 15 Ihc~sc 001 WIll hold Its sessions an dur19 thf s.ummel months WIth the exephon of June 29 which IS the dateor thL great celebration of the Augsurg ConfeSSIon at the DetrOit Creamry Grove


Messiah Lutheran



Jefferson AvenueMethodist Church

Re\ r C Stedman glfted nl1U1~teof the Vfethodlst Chu ch wJ11 be thEpreacher both 11ort1mg and evenlllgnext Sunday The musIc WIll be asfolk", s 111 tl e n ort1mg the anthemMy Soul Longeth 'VI11lbe sung hy

the quartette the solo Save Me 0God Will be sung' by \11'1" DlX Inthe evenmg AbIde \Vlth Me WIll besung by the quartette ~nd the soloDoes Jesus C1re Will be sung by

Mr May The Church a ld SundaySchool e}"CUI'SilonWIll be held SaturdayJune 21st to Bob Lo All the membersand fnends of the church are Ulvltedto JOIn thiS fine event


The B~ble School of tne CovenantPresbytrelan Church 'l,\ III contll1ue Irse ..Sion throughout the summer monthThIS <'chool meets each Sunday mornmg at 9 30 fhe value of SundaSchools to the commul11ty IS shown 11

:l letter of JL.st!ce Le'\\l" L F-a'\cettof the Supreme Court of the State 0\few York addressed to Dr GeorgEWtlham Carter "ecretan of the NeVIYork BIble SOCIety PermIt me t(state that my expertence dunng 2years on the bench 111 WhlOh ttme ovel4000 boys under the age of 21 yearwere conVIcted of crrme before me 01whom but three V\.ere members of 2

Sunday School has satlsfied me of thevalue of Sunda) School to the commUlllty 111 helpmg safeguard It to thEe:~tent to ""hIch Sunday Schools exts-tfrom the grov,th of cnmmals My expenence also iSabsfies me of their valueto the ndIVldual In 1902 cases of <:uspended crll1ll11al sentences III each ofwhIch a ml11ster pr est or railYbl bccame ll1tere",tcd at my request only62 of the boy" ,\\c e brought back fovlOlatlOn of the can t tons of paroleI beheve the reform 111 the rell "dl1tne.

crases (over 1 noo) \\ a prompt a 1 permanet III I gard our SundaSchools ll1clud ng tho<:e of all faIthas the 0 1} el echve means to stemthe r1JSl11gtide of Vlce and cnme a.mongour youth Soc ety carnes the heav)btJIHlen of cnml11al ty chiefly hE'caus(of the lack ,Of rehglOt1s tra1Ulllg of theyouth

The Rev Alfred S h Ickle,sspreach at 10 45 Sermon themeMaster s Three Lold Te<:t

I:vemng wor<;hlp at 7 45 C;ermontheme Those V\ ham God Delights trHear

it i:lphJ servIce- or \ orshlp w th amessage PaJrtlcularly sOlted to theneeds OI Chnsttan people 1S the program of the morl1l11g at the JeffersonAvenue BaptIst Church The Chnshan Vocation IS the theme to WhiChRev Allen 'WIll weak Come and sharethlS hour "\Vilth us The time lS 11o clock '1

An l11formal gospel serVIce lastnlgone hOUIf IS the order for the eveU1n~ThIS IS always a happy tIme plann.edfor the upbmldmg of Chnstmns 1.ndthe Wlllnl11g of others 'to ChrJst Theevemng s-erllUon topJC IS Countll1g theCost The service starts prnmptly at8 a clock 'V\ Ith an organ reCItal precedmg a'" 7 45

Presbyterian Churchof the Covenant

Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

Judge John BrennanAddresses Graduates:

50 Receive Diplomas(Contmued from Page One)

In plat..e of the seal formerly used orthe dlploma,s a picture of the RIg!'School w111be use-d accordl1g to DrS M Brownell supermtendent 0schools

Students graduatmg m June arePhyllis Albyn Weldon Backer RutrBlenrnan Helen Brooks Jean Chamberlalll Blanche Clark Jack ClarkeAlbert Caaper Fredenck CntchfieldAnnie Dearnley Walter Denne Donal<lDouglas Norman F1nger VIrg1111<.FIsch Beth Gottrfned Jack GuermManon Hakley Carda HerrmannLOUIse HIllenbrand Wade HoffmanEdward Koester Fred Kn~ppel1JbergRose Krause GIlben Kullen PearhLahmer Vlrgmla Lobdell WIlham Lyons Eleanor McMann ""'Helen MasonMargaret Merntt Jean MUir

Clarence Pdyne Barnet QUIgleyDaVid Rem Jane Renaud Ruth '!lobtn'son Eleanor Sch'1elder I eW1SSmartBetty Spoor Mary Jane Swmk PaulTaube Wl1n a Tlmm Edith TmdallNorvell Trv bley, VIVian Vi rstadtPaul Vandegtn~te Fhzabeth VmcentHelen W-olf Gertrude Wylie and JackYount

Honor cups will be presented agau'to the most outstandmg girl and boy111scohahsttc standll1.g and traits 111thegraduatmg class Wilham Burau andMargaret Balfour received the honorm January

Muslcal offermgs Will be presentedhy both boys and gIrls glee clubs underthe dnectlon of John L fmch dlrec1;orof mUSIC

E.,tecl, p.blllhed )lnll d,.trl!Matd .. ciaweelc by


Detrolt, Mtchtgaa

Page T-n

neGrosse Pointe Rene".





Page 3: m~r lPoinft lRtuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · opl.nmg of school In Se.ptember Mr Burtt who reSigned to become prmclpal of the High School of Com mer'Ce

Grosse P01nte Vll1ageAB RHO A F


Col<' s~t{grfCrandall 1b[0 \Hr:. 1£

HI cv 1'"1 Bae~l('r 2b3crrmger 3Dt{ at/ cf\1 les p

50 10 10 26*13 IDetrOit Vapor Stove

AB R H o A E\1 11, rfcf 4 0 I 0 0 I\1cA 11ffe Ib 4 0 0 6 0 0'31l1e\ 1b 4 0 0 1 I I

:::> 11 d 2!Q 4 0 0 3 0 0rreder cks 2'1> 2 2 I 1 2 0Jame~ G rI 0 0 0 0 0 0, n 's 4 3 3 2 I IR che 1£ 4 0 2 2 0 2P1rn 10 Ise c 4 1 2 9 0 0James S p 4 I I 0 2 I

t311 g the .;core Bal11hot::.e struck out\ lcs hrevl' out S James holdlllgRoelle 1 th I d Roche had home soC 111etLl} stoIc 1 \\! en \flles pitcheda pe fect tl rd stn1-.e \f1l1s was forcedto 1 I1t 1-.c('p fro 11 lutt 19 the runnerII fa lu1 llas:::t c 1 cque lce v.asd clare 1 0 TVIC ru IS t\\o h ts nocr ( I~

\ llabe-Col<. \V'ls sarc at f t'>t when~ur} :. thrr\\ pull d \lcAul ffl. off thebag k... I g; '" a::. cred tcd WIth a tr pIe

1 I 1 <. 1 1 Ir \ <. hadh~c n g Cole lra lua11 bu lted sdfelyI fro 1t of tllt pIa c 'l d 10 play was1 'lel for hI 1 Cr'lndall 'itole I ouwerstrulk t t Slit v..dIked filhng the')q{ Va lBdes1<.r fot cd to Balley

Bur nger str lCl... out One r ms twoh SOle error

Sixth Innmg

\ 1f or Stove-Van Bae<;llr thre\\ outfeAt ffe Ba s1e3 !l1lssed the thIrdtr h by tnree feet l\.aatz took SIlls'

f.J.} af er a lard rUll ~o runs no hIts10 errors

\ llage-Kaatz tripled to fight andcored when "fl1l~ tl rew badly to theI fie d Mile flIed to 5111 Cole wasa 1Li out on stnkes Bailey fumbled

r\. 19'i grou der and the runner wasafe J<unes threw out Crandall OneU lore h t tv,o cnors

Seventh InmngV1.10r St vc-l reder cks slOgled to

e ltl Sur\ ,\D.S out \1l1es to CranI 11 Ire lencks g ng to second Rochetr lck ut B'11 hot se drot)ped a Texase1f,U ngle 1 ce Her sconng Fredr c1-." S J111es tr )led to -center scorn r Bar lhol1se 1IlI!s S'cratcher a hit1 au h th rd and C; James scored\f c -\ II ffe ,a called out on stnkes1 ree runs fot r h ts one error

\ 11age-Lou, ers nllssed the th rdhIke out so d d the Gas ~tove reever and Louwers was safe at first

::1l11th and \ an B1esler both fl cd to)11 Bt rrll gt-t l11t to 5ury who steppedn second forc ng LouVvers No runs

10 hits no errorsEighth Innmg

Vapor Stove-Berr'lger took Ealey s to\\crlng foul 111 the left fieldro\, d 5111s fl e 1 to Louwers rredr cks walked on four succeSSIVe balls

)11t \\ a'i out by filteen feet trymg toteal 5nl1th to Van Baesler No runs10 h 'ts no errors

Vtll"ge-Kaatz s ngled to left andtole Fredericks finger was cut ree VlOg Barnhouse s throw and waso ced to leave the game Sill went toecond "fills moved over to center

1nd Geo James ""ent to nght Ml1estruck out but reached first wlth theame preCISIOn as \\ould a smgle when

B lrnhousp let the ball roll to th.e back.top Cole hit to St James who threwate to Batle} for a force at thIrd and'ill runners were safe and fillmg the'Jases Kmg fhed to Roche and Kaatzcored after the catch Roche r~layedhe ball to second Wildly and M les alsocored on the error while Cole tookecond Crandall scratched a hit toe box Cole taktng third Roche

lroPl cd Iou ers fly and Cole scoredLou\\Crs reachlng second Smlth hito S Jdmes who threw tne ball 1Otor htht field( CrandaH and, Lou'\\ersconng and Smlth made s.econd onhe error Van Baesler popped to Sury

:w tth stole th rd BerrlOger heard theh rd stnke called Five runs, two htts,hree errors

NInth Inningvapor Sto, e-Sury tnpled to center

Roche smgledto left scorlOg Suty andoak second on the throw home Barn-10u:.e fl t.d to K.lOg S James poppedo \f les Roche wa'i trapped betweenecond and third and out SmIth tl!}

\7'1n Baesler One run tv,o hltS norrors

Score by lnlllngs34 7 10 24 6 6


R HE) 1 \ 11 ,( I OJ) 11'0 101- 7 10 6

Gr Pte VI lage 030 011 05*-10 10 I*M l1s out Duntll1g 3rd stnkeSummaryThree ba~c hl~'i-Roche S James

Su) "an Baesler KlOg KaatzT\\ 0 bast. h1tS-Lou", ersStolen base-Crandall Kaatz, SmIth


Sar-nfi'Ce f1y-KlllgLeft on base:.-Vll1age 9 Vapor

Stove 2Stn ck out-By \flIes 9 S James 9Ba!>c on balls-Off \llles 2 S James,

2Double play-Bernngcr to Van Baes ..

ler to CrandallPassed balls-Srl11th 1 Barnhouse 2Umplre-r Crandall McMahonTIme 205

h h 1 Ih 1 II I 1 ,1 Ir I 0 1 age o [ tl c 1 1 1 t , ehI(. a I tH t 1C tl 11 I e(' I Ie b \Ill help s Ire the 'tCet nef 1 , ('<.11 t

J a , I In t I e , II1 ( be l, I I ( ,Ie I I II

, I I (I II e fl e I

13 I I II I " ,I. tn UOJ11 C <.t r , 11 hot e ) e I

e I e [l ( c( (I cl e I hr e t II J I III 0' , C1

tl It tl <. \ b c , I CO 1 1<11

1e or I <. b<.C' I 111c t I t IC1 1 , I e (I " I , 1

at 1 I 1C the c 11 11nlk 1

The figure of a SWlmmer 10 goldmounted on a marble base wa:. thetrophy presented by the Grosse 1-'OlnteHlgh School AquatiC Club to Helen\-11.son Judged the best all around g r1SViIn1mer of the year It \\ 111be awardedevery year to the best ",,11l.round glr.,WlllIme,r and the names of the W10

ners are to be engraved OIl the plateThe trophy ",as bought from th

proceeds of th'" Water Wed hnggIVen by the Aquat c Clu'b

The club also c1o'1ated fifteen dolhr~to the Honor barquet The remam nf!funds v,.. 1I be used to buy rubber antmals for the pool

Thmkmg 01 DreammgA silent m 10 ::,'lH'\ Hi 1-10 the

snr;e of Cl n'ltcmn m lJ ften att'l p '1. "1 11t Jl' for 11 III ng\\ hen lle IS only d com n." -\\ ashmgton t,t'lr

"Dveil's Holiday"at Publix.Rivierll

\ew roles for 011 ~a c\ Carrollpet te and charm g Ir sh co11ec1 ",hecapt vated old al d y lUng w th helco 1 edlc 11e parts 111 Sweetle a 1(.HOnl} IS seen al cl 1card 1"1 an en

tlrely new t}pe of ereen portrayal IrDe' [<; Hobday playlng week 0

Junc 21st at Publ x R;,. era theaterIn th s p cturc of modern life If

An enca 'i wheat belt ,-ancy Carroll 1

the gold Cbggl19 mal cur st who wor {hal d n hand '\lth plottllg salesl Jen ojfarm 1Opleme 1 5 n puttll g over thendeals wlth unsuSJpeetlng farmer prospeds

\Iuch of the actIOn tal...es place 1I1 <>

blg hotel the rendezvous for wealth3farmers and trlcky CIty folks \11SCarroll tnes her bunco on PhtlhpHolmes so~ of the ",heat k ng of tharegIOn and later regrets her shamefultnckery when she dlscovers that h~loves her

LIghtest of Meta).I iU mm Is s'1id to be the H.,htesl

of Bit tals hnvmg a speCIfic gra\lty 01059 Tllere are eIght metals betweelthis and alummuUl \\ Iuch has a specific br'l'\lt) of 20 'lberefore alum!num 'Un) be S'l d to i'Unh tenth

(ContlOucd from Page One)

Village "Nine" Ralliesto Scalp Vapor Stove

Helen Mason is JudgedBest Girl Swimmer

Families Missed inSchool Census, Call

BQard of Education

threw out \fcAuhffe Bailey strudout No runs no hits no errors

Vlllage-Fredench.s threw out ColeKmg struck out Freder lks threw ouCrandall \0 ru 1S no h b no errors

Second InningVapor Stove-BerrlOger threw ou

Sl11 \1 les threw out rreder cks Sur)s oglcd to nght and stole and ,\ el t tcth rd ,,,hen Sm to threw \\ ldly to s('cond Sury scored on a pdssed ballBernnger n acle a marvelous p ck upand threw out Roche One run onEhit or e error

V111age-I OlWe;rs doubled to leftSmltl v. alked VanBaesler tr pled overRoche s hf'ad scar ng I au\'. ers ane'Smlth JJ.l11es thew out Bcrrlllgerhold ng Van Baesler on th rd Kaat1smg1ed to nght <;cormg van BaeslerM 1('5 qngled 0 left Kaatz go ng tctlurd \ide:, to ~eco ld on the throw tcthlrd to get haatz C,)lc was calledout on stn1-.es Klllg fl ed to Rochefhree rU'l<; four h ts no errors

Third InnIngVapor Stove-Barnhouse dropped 2-

Tu.as I eaf,ue 'illgle n center SJames hIt lOto a do Ible jlay Berr ngerto V \"1 Bac'{!er to Crandall \tIJ1e~tl rc'l,v out \11 c " 0 runs one Ii t noerrors

VJ1lagc---<Crandal1 '\\ent 01t \:fcAultffe unassisted Iouwers struck outSmith scratched a h t to the box \ anBaeslrr forced SOllth Batley to Frederlcks ~o ru lS OJ'" h t no errors

Fourth Inning'Vapor St H-\fcAuhffl popped to

\111es Calc threw out Balley S IIflied to K ng No runs no hits noerrors

VlIlage-Sury threw out BernngerKaatz struck out \f les struck outNo runs no hits no errors

Fifth InningI Vapor Stove - Fredertcks walked


Sury smgled to center Fredencksstoppmg at center Roche tripled toflght scormg rredencks and Sury and

Ohio Woman Gets AmpleCash With Her Decree

Reno -l\Irs Helen WelDor C'ltC'lIngs of Columbus Ohio granted a dl\oree on grounds of cruelty recenes usettlement of ~1 000 000 an annuit, of~100000 and an addItional $50 000 [l

\ e'lr fOl the children.

V.,'1 Old Stllll!Most of the sin on exhIbition Is any.

thing but orlgmal-ChlcagO News.

1 ;.{ j

Walking Economic League4of Nations Is Homo.

"m:,l mgton -" h'1t "lll the well.dtf>'l'-etl bU'-lness n m ',e'u tIns sum.r (>1?

Ion lon and ,ew 1011 h1beulflshelfJ1 '1\ e tI011 0 \ n '1nl:>\'er to th'1t quest on geograpl v I Ie 11CtShe \, ill "earthe ploducts of 20 fOlOlgn countues,nlOle 01 1<..<,s

If 1J 101 t n'1t anal lnbels "'etepa::.te 1 on the rlece~ of ma'4culme,,;eflllng apP'Hel "holly or l)'11Uv offCIelgn OrJglll the ,\e11 (lles::.ed bustne"lS man ,\ auld look llhe a tlnnltjust retmnc<! flom a ,\011(1 tom oftl e I e::,t llOtels' ~'1's 'l bullet n ofthe ,atlOnal GE'og '1.1111C'Wcletv flomits hen llum telS m ,\ as1111gton D (

I rom top to the toe tl is ~mellcan attlred for the "ltllet IS a \\alkIng econonuc J eagup of ,ailon,;

He roa\ clechre that Ins h It C'lmefrom Danbm' eOl n hiS slm t andcollar flOm 110\ , Y 11s neckttefrom Pate son 1"1 J Ius coat 'ludtrouselS flom a laC'll tsulor hlS fauntn n r en from Cillcago hiS rnone3from a Lllltpd ~t'ltes mmt and hisshoes from 'Iassachusetts but th'lt1sn t half of It

The Matter of HatsTal (' 1b hat for E'\:ample It may

ha, e bpen rna(]e in Hah rCll'1dol orthe PIllUpmnes If It "as rn'11e inthe 'tnited St'ltes the str9.'I' probn.'bhcame flOm n'blofHl flom S\\Ittelland!tah Chm'1 or Japan In one Iecent,ear the LOlted "'lates impolted 'iGO000 n1l1es of lHaided '3traw fOI hats

lhe IpuOwr sweatband plohat 11came from a ,ell 7ealand sheep 1h0film\ gnu..:e of coHon net under tl eclo,,,n flom :england

Ills collar a turn gleamlllg collarthat re<::l"ts wIItlllr plobublv {mesmuch of ltS stalHl tv to long staplf'cotton tlOm Bg,pt r\.tla fine sl1Jtsalso 1a\e in thC1r nea\es long 'ltaplecotton po«slblv gro" n In ArIzona oramong' the lo,\l'lncls of the C<uolmasGeorgIa and FloncIa or in the BlitJsh\\ t"st IndIes but more probably inFg\ pt

Ihe slll~ of the necktie comes flomTapan of cO'lllse but if it Is one ofthe cheap variet~ sort of shff thekmd tl1'lt 1001s fine thp first tlme itIS tied bad the second terllble thethh d Own it I~ probably loaded WIthtin from S ngapol E'

Even H IS Coat'IllS cont his lIght summer cont

of mol atr Is '1HI key s and India sanrl rCU'ldOl '3 gift to Amellca 1\10haIr from Turkish goats Jute (burlap) cloth lmmg from the Gangesdelta to mal e tbe coat hold its shapeand tagua buttons ilom Ecuador orColomblU

:the entanglmg allianc:es of thisAmellcan s feet are indeed wonderfuLto contemplate Four contmentsl atthe ".ery least a'nfluall~ sa e rom 011$of United States cltl..:ens from pattermg around barefoot

'ow fOl a loak in the busines~man s pocket :th'lt fountain pen\\lth a brIght caSe of casem-whe1et1l 1 It come flom" rlom a CO,\ not'1n \mel c in CO" In all Inoba) 1 tvlJ It 111 Algel t ne CO" l)cc 11l<::ein<\.rgentlO'l thele 1'3 a slllall("l df>lUllndfor mIlk fOr food than in the UnltedStates Casem for p('ns and SImIlarobjects is solidlfied milk l'Ile gold otthe pen pomt may bfl Amf>lICan-ortt may be South AfrlClln :the yerypomt of the pen the palt he writeswith is not gold but lrmum most1kel~ 1'''om the platll1 ...fl1 Fines: of80\ let RUSSia sUral rnountallls

'1'he jellow penCIL m the coatpocket hns a lead of AmerICan all\Iexlcan graphite and pamt coloredD,) RhodeslUn cllrome "ello" boundb) American or ArgentlllIan hnseed011 and pro'lded '" ltIl a durable surface by lac from IndIa pel hap;:, ortung 011 from far up th.e Y1ngtze illChllla or kauri gum from Ne\\ Zealand bogs

Some InCIdentalsPaper of IllS pocket memo pad

maj be all \.mencan more plobabl\It IS CanadHl.ll C1garettes are doubtle"!s of <\mencan tobacco "lth fi

pinch of Tml io;h tob1cco flom ('reel'\Iacedonla too It ma, be m 1wl9.pped 111 c1gal ette paper flom['I ance And the good \mellcanmane) in hIS wallet and hlS pockean AIl'eucan product surel,) Butno the green of the gleenbac] 1~chrome green made from Hhouf's a 01M07flmblque chrome He mar shuna Canadian dIm€' but ne\ er II Can adian nicl e1 for ne'1rly all 0111n che!bare Canadian 'lhe ('ltef USAcontribution"! to a mcl el art tl e Indlan and the buffalo

Man Has Right to KnowWhere Wif.e Is Evenings

Oklahoma Clt) Okla -hf>CU1he 10lice Judge 0 P Fste"! bel e, e 1 a n '111has the right to kno'lv "het ellis "Iff'spends her eYenmg<;l I e t1t::.uu::,se1charges of assault and batterv anddl'lordelly conduct filed ag'lIll'3t Alfled G Picot PICOt teS''l1fted IllS "lre,Its rlumah Picot lcfused to tC'11where sl e Vl;:,lted clullng thl. eH~nll1b'iShe also lefused to tell tl e court ,\ he 1she songl t to pIO"lecute her husban 1,fOl allegedly stnkll1g her Dstes dlsmissed the chmges




desert IS

* *

* *



AVOld~ Women"J (In '0 I hear t! f' ndnlf.' rll H~

\1'lcI)onl1ld , u uncon «ClOllS1,) tllllJ...t f tl e pI 1"P 1hotog '11llel of men'II HDor ] 1 11 " 1cen 1 phOtOgl HI)I(>1"

of I {1 t01 10 'jell'l and not once 111tl It tllW I s he n1'11e II \, am 'In s 1 1

t 'llt l:., \.ty tl ous1n(] men June po<.clfOl Jim in tl dt time

\IQll "ho n \l~e pictures of \\omenmil e €'m'1scul'1ted pictures of m€'n,8'1'S \hcDol1ald and he \ylll ll'1\e110tllll,.., of it At ('Ill stmas tIme J e\\ 111te1 '1 portrait of IllS d 1Ughtel '1.111I e pall another photograpJ er $180 todo tll(> job

"omen \!acDonald chums \\ (''11'llmfollils \\ J llf' tl e men dre"!s dl"tmcth ell I T'1ke the Rltz baHro011he goe;:, on Out of 100 "omen cl)\\ear go" 11Scut to the nunute -Chell'hurlS done the same and the) po,,-dC'r and p1mt by <leclee

And the stlange pint of it is that\lacDonald thn tr 'Yem s '1nd more ago"on foul' successh e annual pll7es forthe best photographs of women

* • ,Th~n and NoW'

I-IJnter college ), e" York s colleO'ofor glrls has advanced WIth the rest01 the countly since it "as foundenbv 'lhomas Hunter In 1870 PlesldentHunter ruled his walds "ith a stemhand and one of hIs most stllCtl, enforced rule'l 'H~S that only ptuents orguardlans of the guls mIght meetthem near the college "hen on amorn ng stlOll do\, n Park m enurPres dent Huptel met a girl III compan) ,\ itll t1, gentl-O\l1lan the gnl inval iabh "auld o;m hut S11 Ie i'l01,) brothel Pres dent Hunter finally bamshed brothel S HIS \, ar 19couldn t eat candy nor <tQuld the,} 101tel on the side\' alk And now let 8look at them "oontime lomes andthe, flock to orug stores ff]1 goOe) nutsundae;:, then the,} stand III l~not"l atsheet comelS and SUb\\ll,} entumreschnttmg '\lth ~ouths ..md def) mg theHuntel ghost

A MistakeArchitects ~\horn I admire chIefly

because the,} ha' e the knack of figur~lng out III adHll1ce Just wbele the hot\\uter pipe '1111 go m e\ery one of 200apartments in a bUIlding do makemistakes sometimes I" ent ba('hstageat one of the ne\\er and better theaters the other mght to speal~ solemn\\ ords \~ith a tOmedllln and found hunIII a funny little coop of a dressmgroom I I\ot muoh fOl a star is It'J'he said '" hen the) bmlt the theater they d dn t ligUlE' on dressillgrooms and had to put them III later'

«(C) 1S30 Bell 'l:ytldlcate )

Hit by Conscience1\ew 'lolk- Someone ",Ith a irou-

bled. conSCience sent apploJl..lmatf!ly~198 in b,o cent Slamps to the con. I«CWllCCfund CIt,} of 1\e", lork depm tment of finance

Yale tundDvery once in a while pel sonal ad

"ertismg columns in the New YorlrDe",<::papelS callY an inquIry a to thewhereabouts of anyone named Leu\en"orth A man named Le:nem,orthhas left a. fund to plo\iue '1 jern atYale for an) one hm.ing the samename Onl,} one IRa, em" orth a ~earmu,} attend and If thele are se\eralapplicants a competitl..' e eJl..ammutlOUis held \'

* * *He1i:nng tl"e Pobr

One of the older W1USpl,'ovlded asfollows I f.!'we 7J pait ot trouser;:,Thl'Y ale to be ~old t(} the poor, andthe proceeds gh en to tne POOl Thegallucnts sha~l nba- be meddled "'ith,and only one pair shaH be sold: to anyone person 1he ~~le \\fts lleld IJ.hepUlclJase1 s when the\ tool~ the p.ants!lame found a ~1 000 Inll ln e'1th P'lll

* ,SOCIety Chattel'"

Tl (' '\U\ l( 11 (I 111S found tllsItem of sac ttv cl'lt 10 the IondonDUlh L\.IHCSS An oug l\lr$. r'leld€'n 9guests '\ere S1r Jock and I'1dyBroughton Major .and ?tItS Jack Coatsand S1r Anthony Weldon and for S l'

AnthonJ at loast t4e sojourn amongthe quiet \ules of Yorkshire mustha\e pro'YJded welcolile recuperatIOn.,F01 he had Just undergone a smgulallv tr,}mg dome~tlc cu«is due tothe llle'{pelJence of a housemmd new-ly imported ftom ueland

The mmd stepped inad, ertently ona trapdooL commm:;dcat1ng "lth a fiatbelo,~ and \\ as pre.clpltated to thehor10r of e, en one conceuled not onlymto the batluoom, but a.ctually intothe bath in '\"\hich a marqlps "as engaged m the performan<:e of his abluHans Sir Anthony see111~d "hen Ilast "!aw 11m! as much distres«ed bythlS lrCldent as am.one '

,Big T~ee Cut

~tockholm --\. g ant spruce morethan 2'-'5 ,}ears old and measullng 123feet in heiglIt has )ust been cut do", n111Gasbolll p"tllsh III Vellll1anc1


"Richest Man" NowI

on State Screen

T} e P liar Temole team promIsedtl e show g01l1g pubhe a real treat 10he pre<;entatlon of the J erguson Bros

and their Assoclated Player,,; \fay24th Tl e show was such a SUl'prtseto the patrons that they inSIsted uponthe rerguson Bras commg back andag:lIn preSeI1JtlOg the Only Road onJune 6th and aga111 the Fergusonsscore-d a big hlt

'1 he Ferguson BrOfJ CO IS a companyof real seaJsoned actors and actressesof sterling worth and gave a performance that would do credIt to any of thedowntown theatet1S

A C Ferguson as I uther the oldsexton gave a character lmpersQnatlOnthat kept the audIence m roars oflaughter from start to fiOish

E A rerguson as Rev trank Curt sgave a strong and masterful peTformance of the part that stamped hIm ana...t1st of rane ability

MISS Gerltrude W cod as Conne Blairwon heT audlel1ce from her finst eotranee and car1'led them With herthrough to the end

MlSS June Nelson as Gussle ChandleT was sweet and ca'Ptlvatmg andadded greatly to the pleasmg entertaulment

Harry Nelson as N1ck rput a rtealklCk mto the part and furntshed a lotof tre co cdy

We only Wish we had the space toglV'e each and every member of the castthe speCial mentIOn they deserve

The Pillar Temple Team say thaJtthey are gOll1g to have the FergusonBros AssocIated Players back wlthUs agam, here s hoping for lobs of uslike to see the spoken drama 10 theflesh agalO


35c, 50c, 75c



compamon play to"ABlE'S IRISH ROSE"

Ferguson Bros,Associated Players

14529 Kercheval at Phihp

Thur .•Fri. June 19.20


"Barney'sJewish Tulip"

"Courage" Comesto Fisher Theater

~ ..-U_W_N_

Though mother plays have beenThe R chest \'fan 11 the World

11'lnj! but a few 11l1ger In the m 1 c1 With a cast which ll1eludes the veteranStella Dallas and \fothe \fael ree stage act(r LoUIs Mam I:1llott '\urL t\\O of the unforgdtable 01C:' and bUlt R) b crt \1ontb mer) LelIa1 ]nt1 of these Belle Bellnett por Hyams }<rancls X Bush"nan Jr Mary

tlayec! the lllothel She 1'> the mother Doran He~lry Armetta Jea le WoodLee Kor.lmar and Robert McvVade no,\\Courage the \\ arner Bros pro at the State

duct 01 10\\ on the n her screLn }.,uge t agallJ dl<;pla) s h s vef'>at lit)A "pc ldthr ft happy go lucky hu 111 lot only play ng a featured role but

1 arous te der 'battl W 110tl er 1:> MISS 11 hav n;; wntte 1 the story 111 collat>Be leU <;"fary Colbrool...-a \\oma 1 a<; oratlOn mth hiS father J C Nugent"he([!ht-sforhersevll \ sthela1gh Samlcl Orltz author of The Yankee

Pas<;l0 al dId the adaptatIOn and Samter all ears of the audience-mostly V. ood d rectedtie'"'1<'11ghter for the mother 111 Com: The !>tory IS a saga of family hfeag<' 1<;lOt of the weepy type trac10g the career of an old German

10m Barry" stage play of whlch barber and IllS w fe who come toCour1.ge IS a talking p cture vel slOn !\ 1enca to make their fortune and be

had a long Broadway run and a sue come sadly d !>lllustlooed In the processces'>f111road run It s so <iJhsolutely 1 hc chJ1dren grow up and seek thelrdlfrerent-so heart warnllng-so val O'AO <:aleer" One becomes an emant- that lts appeal IS to everybody bezzler and narrowly escapes pnson

On the rlsher stage Dd and HIS another graduates from medical s'ChoolB11 d and that old DetrOlt favonte and becomes too good for h s famIlyJohnny Perklls acknowledged one of one daughter marnes and the youngestthe funnlest fat me 1 a 1 the stage to gets Into dlfficultles With a ser eus loveaay head the all comedy show Plr affaIr The whole chromcle IS a slmpleales 01 Melody Others lU the cast story of every day hfe whose protoaf tIll .. We "fddt Pubhx show mclude tynt.s mOVies audIences wlll reiCog111zeChevalier Brothel'i Pa 1Cy the famous I m the r fr ends and In the mmates oftwo man horse the rlsher BaJlet and a theIr own homesho.;t of "tar entertamers _

S1muel Benave conduct1Og the F PIFIsher symphony w 11present a spec a1 erguson ayersproductlOll that mternatlonally famous t P'll T Iovertt re In a ('lock Shop Short alar emp ecomedles sound and talk1l1g news redsand talkmg screen noveltIes completethe glgantls FIsher program

~ ,~~


~~~ '~~& ~

~ '4~l1t:,~':fi~A ~i

FOR THE BRIDE- ~riJ~ " 1"'"CHARM romance beauty ~~~

.... b1azmg glory m the sparkle _of a diamond No wonder theIr appealhas held sway for centuries No won~ • ,J

I der today sees them as favored as ever ...... II~~

No wonder they make the finest mvest-I ment In permanence and lovelmess A II remarkable array of damty offermgs ~

Ifor you here at prices that Insure sta j~ 6 Reins Choke Farmerb,hty of ,eve,tm.et as Bolt Hifs Horse

TEI".MS IF DESIRED Strathloy On -Or\lUe Wad-

I A J FORSTER I ;~~I~e~~\~~Shl~f~a~e~h;~etd:oI t death" hile plo,ung when af.. bolt of llghtmng lnlled one of

i (J='7ELER) ~~~u~~~~esa~~~~au~~:t::c~el~:I I g tighten and strangle hUIlI Opt,,- ",ri.: and Manufacturing Optician I oo<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>~I NEW LOCATION ------

j 14400Charlevoix, cor. Chalmers V•• t Walt.i 1 The flrel or the Sahara

-- __ Il. "~.,.... !_"--M __ ~ ~ o~r 3,500,000 squale mIles,- -


pamtmg orreason<lible


NIagara 2047

Fitzroy 2088_ 11;' Niagara 2863

Slnger portable50 Oak ~treet

Can LAfayette 5437

Star O~Penn

Shop 705 Field AveRes 685 Fisher Rd

WILL DO YOUR houseany other \vO'rk very

HIckory 8954 W

FOR SALE-Electncand Upnght Plano

Grosse POinte rarms

I ARGE Chicago M~nufacttJ.rer has anUpnght P1Q10 and a Player Plano

near Grosse POlnte WhlC~ are slIghtlyused and partly paId {or We IVY1llsellthese to responsible parties wtlhng to~omplete small monthly payment~for full particulars address T HGreene AudItor POBox 172 Clncage III

Carpenter RepairingPlaster & Mason Work

Wilford B. StrittmatterAuthol'J2:ed White Star Dealer

Kercheval and BeaconsfieldWhite Star Ethyl 5tarohne

For Sale



Grosse Pointe HouseCleaning Co.

Complete H,ousee1eamng ServiceOUR SFRVICE GUARANTEEDWe Are Located In Grosse Pomte

Lenox 31641373 Beaconsfield W P Warner, Mgr


Review Liners

Funeral DIrectorsEdw Teppert, See and Treas

Price IS a matter of your own dean••14lHl Kercheval Ave neal" Alter Road

Lenox 4281

TO RENTBEACONSI'll< I D 1429-1 room, and

both furnl~l cd '11t 1 [)r vate homebetv.cen 'fuel< an 1 Charltvo A

lOR RI l\, 1-1 If ~l-jeI or 1 If r '" edbungalow for re It vety reasonable I

50 Odk street Glosse P01l1te ['arms I

EXPERIENCED Gar~ener wan t ,work by day or hour 1375 Lake

pOl11te Hickory 9507 R

For Rent-Flats

Funeral DirectorsGeist & Company

WAYBURN 1272-Lorl.\Cr n four faml1y on corner five roo lIS bath gar

.ge $4500 lelOx 1735

4 ROOM FLA18 for rent-$30 and$3t; nq_llfe 1275 Wayburn Avf'

HIckory 6833 J

Work Wanted


ConVlnt:lng DemomtratlOn of MU!I~Teachers who have DiagnOSIng andPrescnblOg Ablhty and who mllSt on:Relaxatton Rhythm TIme ExpreJllon

and Memorlzmg SelecttonsAll Branches Tausht

11870 East Jefferson cor ContmentalPhone Lenox 6831

Branch110 South PhIlip Avenue

HIckory 2151 WEast Grand CIrcus Park

118 WItherellSame location 1912 1928Gro... Poude BraJlcht

l .. sa East Jelferso1l at Barnncte. RdPlio•• Hlcko~ hGt.J

,Business Directory

WHITe GIRT "\\l<;hes work part orfull tIme NI 4981

"VHlTE WO\IA'J wa Its clay "vorkLenox 7077 Call evel11l1gs

MIDDLF ACiD \i\ O\fA ~ 'V,antswork-Holl e\' rk n e (\J 19 or tak

mg can' of chtldrf 1 b) da) 01 hourCall Lllcoln 970') \1

RELIABLE white woman wants daywork every day but Tue<;day Lenox

7077GFRMAN vVonl1n wants wash ng and

Iromng e'{1"-!ertenced Call evenmgsLIncoln 7542 JMAN WITH Gardener houseman

chauffeur expenence WIshes full orpart hme employment rates reason ..able references furmshed Send postalcard to Box W care Grosse POInteReView 14935 Kercheval Ave DetrOitfor mtervlew

Leib Conservatoryof Music

Country Store Night Saturcla.y atthe Aloma Theater, CharleVOIX andWayburn $1700 llll, ca.h and :u :rdceryprize. Fjl:EE

--;i:~r~e~~f~~;-I'Expert Barbers. Courteous Ser-

Ivice. Modern Sanitary Method. IGEORGE L CICOTTE. Jr. Prop

Kercheval at Maryland

....--~------ _.- .....



Page 4: m~r lPoinft lRtuitmdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · opl.nmg of school In Se.ptember Mr Burtt who reSigned to become prmclpal of the High School of Com mer'Ce

hIghest tokens of esteem and arppreClatloll that could be expressed by theconstItuent'S 01£two who !pald the Supre me SacI'l fice

Regardless of how much compensatlOn M'all come from the InsuranceFund and Workmen s CompensatIOnfund to each of the two faml11es bereaved and sorrr'owmg from the unt~melydeath of the Grosse Pomte Park patrolmen It 1S felt In some quartersthat <the-fund should contll1ue and gro~the donatlOl1s being g1Ven as an expl esSlon of the commumty s regard for thedevotion and herOIc self sacnfice ofthe two patrolmen Erhardt \1eyer a HiClaude I at stra

COl1tnbutlOl1s should be dtrected tothe] efferson Savmgs BanI... Last] efferson and Beaconsfield avenues

Relentless prosecution of the gang~ster now 10 custody of polIce andcharged Wlth the mUf1der of the twopatrolmen 1S !be1Og followed A hear10g~s to be held next Monday before JUiS~tl'Ce olf the Peace Walter Schwelkart,ha'VIng been pootponl;id from laslt rweekJustIce Schwelkart IS to determmewheJther the ganster m custody 15 to beremanded for tr~al by the Wayne CIr..CUJt -court

Vernier Directs theCirculation of Two

"Protest" Petitions-(Contmued from Page One)'Oil Thursday J \,1ne 12 1930 the

Stflte Ihghway CommISSIon pre"enteuthe as&essment roll for reve'\v at theschool near the corner of 9 Mile h.oadand Mack Avenue Mr R A MIlesconnected !WIth the Sta'te HIghwayDepartment and who had charge ofthe reVIew rrefused to grant to theTownshIp of Grosse Pomte and ItsCitizens and adjournment of the meetlIlg so as to give them an opportunIty ofexamm1l1g the roll the rd1l bemg some645 pages In SIze An l1lJunctton wasobtamed at the last moment fro n theWayne Orrcmt Court restraml11g MrMIles from aff1f>mll1g the roll until theTownsh]p of Grosse Pomte was g1Vena reasonable opportuh+rty of exam111111gIt On rnday June 13 1930 the to'W\1.1g,hJ1poffiCials several CitIzens and myself went to Lansmg a11d talked 1:0the CommtSSlOner and the Comm1sSlOnCr agreed to gIve the TownshIp ofGrosse Pomte, and ItS cltrzens twoweek'S WlIthm which to exan me theroU and make any abJeculOns they hadto It

A tl1eebmg WIll be held arot nd thelatter part of June to comrplete thereVlew of the assessment roll SamplecopIes of the two petl!1ons and a bncfstatement &1 the salIent bets of theTownshIp is fight '" 111be found In ad~jommg columns of thLS week s Rev1eiW


MRS. A, WILLIAMSthe famous Seeress and confidential adViser to some of the outstanchngfigures In the finanCial and pohtlcal world, wIll ahsolve your problems

ABSOLUTELY FREECrystal, Cards and Tea Leaf Readmg In connection Wlth


Rose Maiden CantataGiven by Glee Clubs

14931CHARLEVOIXBet Alter Rd and Wayburn Telephone Lenox 0293

Open 12 10 P M Sundays and Hobdays by appol1ltment onlyWe shall be glad to arrange your Bndge and Afternoon Tea Partlcs

by ap'p"Ol11tment

Park President Lea d sQuest for Furtds; Sumin 'Widow's Fund' Same

(Contlllued from Page One)we \\c11 recogllze the duty that IS

upon Us and we have set 11 motlon themach nery necessary to fulfill that dutyand each of us has taken upon hlmselfa personal responslJ:nhty to see thatcomplete satlsfactlon and r>rotedlOD IS

gIVen 111 Iboth casesI <hSSU1'ethe reSidents of the Park

that neIther of these fanllhes shall be111 want nor shall they become publiccharges

A W Idorws ['und was started lastweek for the Meyer and Lanstra famIhCJs !by Fred Sutter preSident of theGrosse POlllte Board of EducatlOn asan expres<;lOn on the part of the res.1dents of the aJpprecIatlOn and esteemWIth which they regarded the herOICself sl2crtfice of Patrolmen Lanstra andMeyer Suttel s donatIOn ",as $10 andthe fund was Immediately raAsed to $40'V'Y1th<;11mar donat:JlQns of ~10 ,eachfrom three of h1S fnends The rund1S to be ra sed by popdar contnbutlOnsfrom the reSidents of the severalGros<;e Pmnte V111ages

In commentmg on the vVldow'Slund James C Drysdiale Chlef ofpolice of the Park sald

It IS a Slgnal gesture of generoSItyand appre,clatlon on the part of GrossePOll1te reSIdents for whom two stalwartupholders 0'£ Law and Order sacnficedtheIr hves

It benefits two of my men and anythlllg that benefits my men I am for

Everry pllllanthropist In the commun ty and .others who are of a mindand means to aid the cause WIll I amsure do so recog11lZl111gIt as a worthyone

I know that 1£ I '" ere under 'S'lX

feet of earth and put t1.ere the waythese two men have been put there Iwould certainly appreciate such a fundbe1ng ralsed for my WIfe and threekIddIes 11 addlt on to the regular com~pensatlOn they would recelVe upon mydeath

}..O matter how large Dr small anamount IS-raIsed 1t would be one of the

I The Rose Malden a cantata byFredenck H Cowen, was successfullypresented by the boys and girls gleeclubs under the dIrectIon of Mr JohnFmch m the HIgh School audItoriumlast Fnday evenmg

Leads were taken by Wilham PrItch ..Mid tenor Martha ShIpman, soprano,Pearl LatImer, contralto, and DonSchroeder, ba.ntone


LEnox 1162


14935 Kercheval Ave.

l21~TI~(7Ur= Tti~

Grosse Pointe PrintingCompany

Juniors Will HonorSeniors at Banquet

It IS !WIth satIsfactIon that the PlllarTemple announces the return of theFerguson Bros ASSOCIated Playel'lsThLs tlme they will be 111 somethmg dlf~ferent

Thursday and Friday, June 19th and20th they WIll present brand newNew York s-ucceSis You have hea.rd ofor seen Able s Lnsh Rose • Potashand Perlmutter ~Cohens and Kellys I,

but now comes Barneys Jewish Tullp;It IS a oomjpanton play to Able s II"JshRos't': but press and pUbhc alike pro'ClaIm Barney s J €/WIsh Tulip' betterfrom the stand pomt of thnlls heartthrobs and laughs In truth It rs alaugh a mmute show

If past iPerfocmances are mdlcatIonsto be believed you had better be atPIllar Temple earrly for the FergusonBros are not only drawmg from theneighborhood but from eVeifY sectionof \the city We were pleased to notenot only Grosse P01l1te Ibut HIghlandPark Dearborn, Centerline, RoseVIlle,and Royal Oak well represent'Cd June6th They ~ald they would not filSSS'ee1l1g the next play the Fe.rgusonspresented

The true lover orf the spoken 111 theflesh -drama welcomes th PIllar Templeas a haven preservlllg the legltlmatestage plays

Underworld Film atMadison Theater

AmId the rat tat tat of ma<:hmeguns the screammg of pollce suensand the screech111g of patrolmen swhli&tles th Umversal all talkmg pro~duetIon of the Czar of Broadway atthe MadIson theater

It IS a fast mov111g story of the un~derworld de-plctIng the plots and coun~teflplots of the underworld pohttclans10 a thnllmg manner The story a'P.preaches the sufbje'Ct of the underworldfrom an entlrely new angle

John Wray who plays the pnncIpalrole of Mort Bradley gives a mamfi~cent performance He IS a new per.sonahty to picture fans He has asplendId relputatlOn f.OT crook partson the New York stage Betty Compson who has appeared m numerouscrook plays dunng her career givesher best performance to date as ConmeColton In Czar of Broadway KmgBaggot makes hIS re1:urn to the screen10 thiS Umvenal pIcture and gives anexcellent charactenzatlon as DaneHarper Others In the cast mdudeJohn Harorn WtlbuT Mack, Claude Alhster and Edmund Breese

The Junior Sentor banquet of theGrosse POInte High School was heldTuesday at 6 30 0 clock tn the cafe.tena A speclal program IS bemgplanned by a commltee

The member'S of the committee arechairman. Roger Bacon, Audrey Mahl~meister, Helen Smlff, and WIlhamMonrtle The banquet IS g1Ven for thepurpose of hononng the June gradu~atmg class

Ferguson Bros. Showa Real Success



That's How Burglar's Refor-mation Worked.

Dagger Pierced HeartIs Grim Gi(i to Actress

Anconal Italy -A ;bleedmg heal t,pIerced by: a small gOld dagger witha diamond stUdded handle and placedin an elaborately prepaled box waspresented to Nanda Primavera, one ofthe most popular stars on the ItahanvaudeVIlle stage

The box adOl:ned w1th flowers waspresented to the actress at the end ofthe second act of a musIcal comedysh& was playmg here

When Nanda opened the box shethought at firstfthat the heart was achocolate confei!tiqn or a sIlk: kmckknack filled with candles or perhaps atoy interpreted, as a symbolic gifttrom some unkqqwn s)-lent lover butupon liftmg the )1e~rt out of the boxshe discovered It was indeed realflesh and terror stricken dropped It011the stage a~~ fled1to the dressmgroom WIth the ehorustgirl!

The pollee took P9~s'€ssion of thestrange gift an? declded it was theheart of an anImal

Lilwuy BJk Out 50\ Yea~ on Loan, Back

Kingston, O'l,t-Ofljriais of theKingston pubhd ltbrary did not bother to compute tpe amount due in(overtlme fines when lit P Robl11sonleturned 'Beaut1es of Dnghsh Histm y , whIc;h had been, "out on loanfor more thaI:\ J5Q y.ears

The book, edlted by J I'rost II Dand pUblIshed in 1840 ):,y Harper andBrothers New~ 'fork, p~me into RobInson s possession a J-ear ago Recentiy he discovered the book: had beenbono" ed flom the Midland chstflCtdrculatmg librflry, a forerunner ofj h(lo prese-nt hbrltry

MeXICO City -Chapultepec zoo Isser\1Ug not only as the residence ofunotrendmg beasts, whose only mlssion IS to entertain the crowds, butalso as a prIson for a monkey arrested by capltai pollce as the confederateat. a notOTIOUS burgial

Bemto Hemandez, renowned as asecond stOl y '" orker last year con~vinced police authorities here that hehad reformed A SU$pICIOUSero" dthe detectives who had many tImescaught 111m ledhanded at his illicit'Walk contInued fo'r months to ,,,atchhIm carefull) JI'helf most sagacIOUSagents howevel\ were unable to observe the least outward Slgn in Her~nandez acthlties

z.,ow police eharge, \t has been re-vealed that the reformed burglar s perlod of good behavior was de' oted te>trtIinlllg a monkey of. unusual intel1i~gence WhICh In ;reeent weeks has beenperfolmlDg crll:tles as neatly as hismaster used to db Authorities behevea long series of robberies in the TacubaJa distrIct were sohed "hen MrsMal,"ia Barrientos: ~J.s-covered the monkm the act of f9'6bfng her home ThepoUceman she <;aJled eJ..penenced thegreatest dIfficulty in folIo'" lllg theagile culput OHH.~the roof tops to theneal by home of Hernandez

In the latters looms ",ere founddozens of articles Te<!tmtly stolen inthe neIghborhood I:I~andez pleadedhe was not responsible for his pet sacquislth e habI.ts, and that he hadbeen unable to return ,the articles because their o\Vner,s ,vere unhno"n tohim He Is held in jaIl

iLightnlll' temove. Shoe.

Schene(.tady Z\ Y -Lightning recently struck ftve-.year old EleanOl Michalskl of Cranes Hollow, and toreher shoes from her feet They werefound lying sev'i-ral feet from thechild, who suffered burns about thebody,

58-Year-Old B\\Qk NoteEncounter:ed by Teller

Turnips Falls, Mass -The averageUfe of a bank note is supposed to besomething like a year So It wasWIth a good deRt ot surprIse that ateller at Crocker NatIOnal bank recently encountered A $5 bill dated November 5, 1812 The blll was In goodcondItion

**************************ffi Two Boys Find Nine i:I: Wolves; Gilt $225 *= Robmson, Ill,-Two Jocal boys ==: earned $225 in abou~ ten mm ** utes When they were return =:1:1 Ing from a flshlng, trip they ** came across a den which con :

$*tained nine wolves less than a ~

week old The hays, Marshall *Weger and Knowlton Ha"klns ** brought the wolves to this city ;j;=: and received a bounty of $2,) ** each from County C1erk Buren =* 0 Mllls :I:

i************************~Many Bird 'falkets "'l\.....~

Parrots are JIOt the,/lllly birds that'Peak, ravens, magpies and crows canaU be taught this acc~mp!lsh~1l't.





TUES, - WED, - THVRS,JUNE 24.25.26


"Ladies of Leisure"

Cj de of ThoughtJust as '" e find a mathematical rule

at the bottom of many bodIly movements just so thought may be supposed to have Its regular cycles Ergosuch a thought comes around pE'riodlcnlly, in Its turn -Oliver WendellHolmes

Trophy Won in AnnArbor on Exhibition

The sJlver cup won by the boys gleelub of the Grosse Pomte HIgh Schooln the MIchigan State MUSIC Contestndd I'll Ann Arbor May 2 IS now on"'xhIDIt1on 111 the show case OppOSItethe book store

The cup IS set on a black metal basemth a sllvu front heanng an oldfashIOned harp On the cup IS en~"{raved the name of the event and thatJof the wmner

Letters and medal" were awarded tog'1r1Sfor basketball baseball and tennIS1y MISS Dorns Tefft at the last as:>em'bly at the Grosse Pomte HIghSchool Rose KraU'se was awarded the1I"St gIrlS three bar letter In the hIS~ory of the s>chool

The Semor HIgh School gIrlS tenmsournaments have been completed WithJ.race Rl'Chmg receIVing a letter for')emg the wmner A11lta Stuart andSsther Kaplan were runners up re~ceIvmg medals

MISS Adele Schwartz awarded lettersmd medals for sWImmmg Helen\!ason Betty Hanna and HettIe Gro"an have had theIr names added to thehst10cttve group known as sharksJnly nmc gIrls have attamed thIS -chsmctton SInce the school opene-c1

First 3-Bar LetterWon by Rose Krause

"Lord Byron of Broad.way" at Punch and Judy

Lord B} ron of Broad\\ ay MetroGoMiVIyn Ma} er all talkll1g comedyWith musIc and Techm -colar adaptedtrom the novel by Nell Vfartlll '\\111J1}el1 at the Punch and Judy theaterSunday and Monday June 22 and 23

1 he pIcture 1'1 dlstmgmshed by bIg1Iames of both stage and screen theast belllg headed by Charles Kaley ofEarl Carroll s Va1l1ttes Ethell11c1

Te.rry of RIO RIta and KId BootsChff Edwards of Ukulele Ike fameand Manon Shllhng last seen 111 the,.creen farce \Vlse GirlS Supportng roles are played by Gwen LeeBenny Rubm Drew DemoreSit RItaflynn Hazel Craven and others

InCbsmuch as the story centefls aJbout1 song wnter who later becomes avaudevllle matlnee Idol the mUSIcalnumbers play an nnportant part 111 thepJroductlOn That the songs are of ah1t -calbller lS mdllcatec1 by the fact thathey were v.ntten by Nac 0 Rerlb

Brown a 1d Arthur I reed composers')f the popular 51llgmg 11 the Ra1l1Wedd1l1g of the Pa1l1ted Doll and

other first rate melodIesThe story Qlf Lord Byron concerns

a handsome young song writer IV" hoseattractlOl1 for women contH1Ually getshllll Illto hot ''vater It IS saId the pICture brims 'WIth hIlarIOUS sltuabons butleads up to an emotlOnal cbmax


"Lord Byron ofBroadway"

WIthEtbelll1d Terry Charles Kaley,Chff I:dwards, Manon Shlllll1g

The Bishop Murder Case:ft, ~ WJ.th 'll\ J- t I" '-

BaSIl Rathbone LeIla Hyams,Roland Young Alec B lranelsGeorge Manon and Zelda Sear,

Matinees and Ev...unglMain Floor: Adults see

Children 25cAJ::::lQ.l


Warner Baxter popular master oJwestern talkie roliCs comes back tothe Hollywood Theater screen startIngSunday 1U The ArI~ona Kid a glamorous tale of a romantiC bandIt and hI<

love affaIrs both laId and filmed 1n

southweste-rn Utah It IS a p.cturebrimful of realism actton of sU&pensl{and romance and those who epjoyeoBaxte.r m the first western all talkieIn Old ArIzona WIll find a Similar

atmog,phere III the current offenng ThtsplendId supportmg cast mcludes MonaMans Carol Lombard Arthu-r StoneTheodore Von Eltz and Hank MannbeS'ldes hundred.s of extras

Another sterlmg array of vaudeVIlleacts has been secured to furmsh apeppy stage show The HollywoodMerrymakers have $lome bnght new.dan'Ce arrangements and solo offenngan<l headl1n1nJg I1:he new acts WIll bethat popular performer Bntt W-oodwhose act The Boob and hIS HarmOlllca IS one of the most novel of 1t~kmd on the stage Wood 1S a bornhumOrist and mUSIOlan and he keep-the audIence 111 an uproar the full tllllfhe IS on the plaHorm A s.plendld bIlof supportmg acts also IS offered Theshort subject bill lOcludes a two reecomedy a cartoon and the CxraharrMcNamee Universal news reel

As utSuaJ the HollY\Vood theater wilgIve away free two new 1930 Fore'coupes or tudors one Frtday and oneSaturday at S 45

(Contmued from Page One)Saturday from hiS home In BostonMass Summer garden flowers wereused about the rOOml$ and on the teatable

Mr. Stanley Timberlake, of indIan.apohs, Ind, will Come On Monday tospend several days aa the guelt of MraGrIffith.

• • •Slbley Worth Hoobler son of Dr

and Mrs B Raymond HoO'bler ofThree MIle dnve Grosse POl11te whcIS a student at Prlllceton u livers tyhas returned to hiS home for the summer

• • •Mr. John W. Staley, of Harvard

road, Groase Pomte, IS In Farmington,Conn, to attend the graduation of herdaughter from MISS Porter'. school. . . "

Mr and Mrs Wilham E Moss havereturned to thetr home on Lakelandavenue Grosse Pomte after a shortmotor trip m OhIO

• • •On Tuesday, Mr. Albert Dwyer wa.

hostess at luncheon and bndge In herhome on Bishop road, Grosse POintePark, hononng MISS Mary Dohany,whose marnage to Mr Raymond Pet~ers was an event of Saturday, June 14-

• • •Mrs Norman MegmnIty entertamed

mformally at luncheon at the GrossePomte Yacht club on FrIday for MISSMarJOrIe Ha~ght of Alameda, Calwho 1S the house guest of MISS Edithand MISS WIntfred Wight at theIr res!dence on L<likeland avenue, GrossePo1Ote Mrs MIlby Lloyd was also 1n

the party OJ::lO 0= French Senate Searches• • • for: Practical JokerMr. Donald Spnnger, of Calcutta,

Incha, was the guest for a few days Punch & Judy in:~~~;-~~ect~~~n:k~e~~t~a~~i~~O~nlast week of Mr. and Mrs. Henry L taste as to att~Pt to dupe lhat auCaulkins, of LeWiston road, Grolse Theatre gust body fJome da~s ago a blil camePOinte Up for debate, the m~bers became

• • • heated ig, thEUr argllt,r¥!nts At theMrs J"hn S Newberry has Issued Kerche ..al and Fisher Rea. height of general m Mel1ngone who

mVltatIOns far a garden party at her had not jomed In the~ diSCUSSIOnIahome Lake Terrace Wednesday for Gre ... Pointe Farm. conically remarked that the bIli inthe pleasure of those who aSSIsted In T-'ephone Nlal'ara 389. question not only had already been

.. voted, but that the Journal Offielelmakmg Symphony Week sponsored bYI'_~'. •__ ' ••'~'••~.'~__ ._II.__I__.•_~.~.1had only that m6rnIDgl?romulgated itthe women s comrmttee of the DetrOIt as a lawSymphOllyOrchestra a success Mats. Saturday and Sunday

• • •A frequent and attractive Visitor in at 3 p. In.

lown " M". Belly Remhardt, of EVENINGS 7 :30 and 9:30Spokane, Wash, who IS the houseguest of MISs Ehnor Becker, daughterof Dr. and Mrs. Sigurd Becker, ofDevonahlre road, Grosse POinte MislEhnor and MISS Betty were roommate"at the Bennett School, Milbrook, N YMISS Becker honored her guest at acbnner party In her home the otherevenmg A centerpiece of spring flow.era, flanked by green tapers tn SlIverholders, graced the table and aboutZOmembers of the younger set wore In

attendance.• • •

An announcement of Illterest to DetrOlt SOCIety was that made Sundayevenlllg at the Grosse POInte YachtClub when Mr and Mrs WalterThompson of Cloverly road GrossePomte were hosts at a dl11ner It wasat that tIme that the marriage April26 of MISS Margaret Truxell daughter of Mr and Mrs Clyde WaldoTruxell, of VIrgInia Park and JohnHmsdale Thompson, son of Mr andMrs Thompson was announced Onlythe Immediate famIlies attended thebeauhfully appOInted {hnner

• • •Ml' and Mrs Forman Johnston re~tumed home during the pan week from I , ,__ •

their honeymoon to Bermuda Theyare now domICiled In 5t Clair avenue,Groue Po-lnte. Mr. Johnston Will beremembered as the daughter of M....Agnes Hed.nck oE Seyburn avenue, andMr Johnston II a brother of George 0John.ton.



15.. 1 Charlevoix A....Com ... of WayburIl


E<!l\IPllIellth. r. thatWIll WlU the heart of thegoHer at a silngle glanceClubs that were madeto save strokes - ballsthat fly 'Crisply true andfar-aIds 'that make forgolfIng fun WIth econ~-y




MASTER RADIO SERVICE1440. E, Jeff_on Lenox IN'

Pare Four

"The B ish 0 p' Murder Warner Baxter StarsCase" at Punch and Judy in "The Arizona Kid"

on Hollywood ScreenIn selectmg The BIshop "M:urderCase" as ltS next mystery film to beshown at the Punch and Judv the-aterFriday and Saturday J u le 20 'tnd 21Metro Goldwyn vIa,yer IS sald to havetaken Iuto consIderatIon the t\',lO mostU11lportant factors I1nvolved 111 enter~taltlrtl1ent of thIs type namely the character 0'£ the scnpt and the plot

There are no tnte sltuatlOns lU theplot of thIS new all talking thrIller andIt IS happIly devoId of forced comCldences and of murders suddenly 1ntroduced In the last reel whIle the pooraudIence has been deluded 111tObehevmg It had Its chOlce from the groupof players It had been IWatchllgthroughout the major portIon of thepicture Ongma.hty 111 mystery filmsdraws audll.ences qUlte as qUlckly a~syrup gathel s the p\fOVel"lbIal flies afact of whIch Metro Goldwyn Mayerwas apparently fully a.wlalre

Tn selectll1 the cast the producersmade sure that there would be no IneXlpert hand among the players to destray the carefully bUllt up 111uslOnsofthe mywery film Bas11 Rathbon.e of• The Last of \irs Cheyl1i;y bme waschosen for the role of Philo Vance det~.ct1ve Others gIVen promlllent partswere LeIla Hyams whose !preVIOUSmystery work was 111 The ThIrteenthChaIt, Roland Young of UI~holyNIght, Alec B rranc ~ George¥wnon, Zdda Sear" and a numberof other capaO)!e players

Adverbse your wants In the linercolumns of the GroJse POinte ReView

Alomar-t ,I


---.. ...,.. ....


"Second Wife"------- ""- ,


"Laughing Lady"



"Medicine Man"WIth BETTY BRONSON

Added Attracbon_Country Store Nlght--$17 00 in cash,

..1.0 24 GrQcery PrJze. FREE

SVNDAY, MONDAY, June 22.23-


"Putting on the Ritz"W'th AILEEN PRINGLE


"Girl Said No"


