newsletter wk 40 ·...

Trevithick YR St Piran Y1 Penhaligon Y2 Boscawen Y3 Trengrouse Y4 Trelawny Y5 Davy Y6 96.9 % 92.8 % 95.9 % 93.1 % 96.9 % 98.7 % 96.6 % Thank You! I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to the community that makes up Perranporth Primary School. This includes the children, the parents, the teachers, the teaching assistants, the office staff, the parent helpers, FOPS, the governing body, the site supervisor, the cleaning staff and the kitchen staff. My third year as Headteacher of Perranporth has been another hugely rewarding and enjoyable one with many, many successes for us all to feel very proud of. As part of my role, I frequently visit other schools that essen,ally do the same job as we do but in a variety of different ways. Lots of the schools I see mirror Perranporth in many ways. They may be similar in size and have similar grounds but something that I know makes Perranporth stand out from other schools is our strong feeling of community, of togetherness – and that our children feel part of one big family. This is what I love about Perran- porth and what I think our great strength is. And that doesn’t just happen. It comes as a result of a lot of hard work and effort from a very dedicated and proud staff. It comes from a suppor,ve community of parents who are interested and involved and who commend the staff and school when things are done well and approach us with helpful, construc,ve cri,cism if things aren’t quite right. It comes from a group of governors who are fiercely protec,ve about their school and who will take on anyone to get what’s best for it. It comes from our FOPS group who put a phenomenal amount of effort in to raise funds to make things even be3er for the pupils and to create a strong social side to this school community. But most of all it comes from a wonderful collec,on of children who look out for each other, who treat each other fairly, and with kindness and considera,on. Children who try their best and enjoy what they do. They are why we are here and each of them, in their own individual way, do us proud. Perranporth as a community con,nues to be incredibly suppor,ve and has a great enthusiasm for all that the school tries to do. We all work extremely hard and extremely well together to strive towards our common goal of doing our best for the children. It’s been another challenging, but a wonderful year and I’m very much looking forward to the next. Thank you one and all – I sincerely hope you have a sunny and safe summer holiday. And for all but the Year 6 . . . see you in September! Good Luck & Farewell As I’m sure you already know by now, after more years of devoted service to Perranporth than either would like to be reminded of, both Mrs Ballinger and Mr Paterson are taking well earned and de- served retirement. During their time here, countless children have benefitted from Mr P’s teaching and Mrs Ballinger’s support whilst also enjoying their education immensely. In their own way both of these fine members of the Perranporth Team have worked tirelessly and brought so much to our school. We are all exceptionally grateful for everything they have done and will miss them terribly. That said, we wish them both the best of luck for the future and would be very pleased if they pop back in from time to time to let us know how they’re getting on. Thank you and good luck! Also leaving us this summer is Mrs Keast from the School Office. Mrs Keast has been an integral part of the ‘front of house operation’ and will be greatly missed from our Perranporth family. Good luck Mrs Keast! And finally we must say goodbye and good luck to our Year 6’s. They have been a fabulous year group who have achieved a great many things during their time with us. They are moving onto to the next stage in their education and the many exciting challenges and opportunities that await them. We thank them for all of the effort and hard work they’ve given to Perranporth and for simply being fantastic children who we are all very proud of. Good luck Year 6, work hard and aim high! If you would like to see the Year 6 Leaver’s Video, please go to the link on the school website or the link below:

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Page 1: Newsletter Wk 40 · 2016-07-19 · supervisor, the cleaning staff and the kitchen staff. My third year as Headteacher


YR St Piran

Y1 Penhaligon

Y2 Boscawen

Y3 Trengrouse

Y4 Trelawny

Y5 Davy


96.9 % 92.8 % 95.9 % 93.1 % 96.9 % 98.7 % 96.6 %

Thank You!

I would like to take this opportunity to say THANK YOU to the community that makes up Perranporth Primary School. This includes

the children, the parents, the teachers, the teaching assistants, the office staff, the parent helpers, FOPS, the governing body, the site

supervisor, the cleaning staff and the kitchen staff. My third year as Headteacher of Perranporth has been another hugely rewarding

and enjoyable one with many, many successes for us all to feel very proud of. As part of my role, I frequently visit other schools that

essen,ally do the same job as we do but in a variety of different ways. Lots of the schools I see mirror Perranporth in many ways.

They may be similar in size and have similar grounds but something that I know makes Perranporth stand out from other schools is

our strong feeling of community, of togetherness – and that our children feel part of one big family. This is what I love about Perran-

porth and what I think our great strength is. And that doesn’t just happen. It comes as a result of a lot of hard work and effort from a

very dedicated and proud staff. It comes from a suppor,ve community of parents who are interested and involved and who commend

the staff and school when things are done well and approach us with helpful, construc,ve cri,cism if things aren’t quite right. It

comes from a group of governors who are fiercely protec,ve about their school and who will take on anyone to get what’s best for it.

It comes from our FOPS group who put a phenomenal amount of effort in to raise funds to make things even be3er for the pupils and

to create a strong social side to this school community. But most of all it comes from a wonderful collec,on of children who look out

for each other, who treat each other fairly, and with kindness and considera,on. Children who try their best and enjoy what they do.

They are why we are here and each of them, in their own individual way, do us proud. Perranporth as a community con,nues to be

incredibly suppor,ve and has a great enthusiasm for all that the school tries to do. We all work extremely hard and extremely well

together to strive towards our common goal of doing our best for the children. It’s been another challenging, but a wonderful year

and I’m very much looking forward to the next.

Thank you one and all – I sincerely hope you have a sunny and safe summer holiday.

And for all but the Year 6 . . . see you in September!

Good Luck & Farewell

As I’m sure you already know by now, after more years of devoted service to Perranporth than either

would like to be reminded of, both Mrs Ballinger and Mr Paterson are taking well earned and de-

served retirement. During their time here, countless children have benefitted from Mr P’s teaching

and Mrs Ballinger’s support whilst also enjoying their education immensely. In their own way both of

these fine members of the Perranporth Team have worked tirelessly and brought so much to our school. We are all

exceptionally grateful for everything they have done and will miss them terribly. That said, we wish them both the

best of luck for the future and would be very pleased if they pop back in from time to time to let us know how they’re

getting on. Thank you and good luck!

Also leaving us this summer is Mrs Keast from the School Office. Mrs Keast has been an integral part of the ‘front of

house operation’ and will be greatly missed from our Perranporth family. Good luck Mrs Keast!

And finally we must say goodbye and good luck to our Year 6’s. They have been a fabulous year group who have

achieved a great many things during their time with us. They are moving onto to the next stage in their education

and the many exciting challenges and opportunities that await them. We thank them for all of the effort and hard

work they’ve given to Perranporth and for simply being fantastic children who we are all very proud of. Good luck

Year 6, work hard and aim high!

If you would like to see the Year 6 Leaver’s Video, please go to the link on the school website or the link below:

Page 2: Newsletter Wk 40 · 2016-07-19 · supervisor, the cleaning staff and the kitchen staff. My third year as Headteacher

Help Required!

On the 21st August FOPS are hosting the Miracle Theatre Company’s production of ‘Life’s a Dream’ on the school field. They desper-

ately need volunteers to help with refreshments and marshalling. If you are willing and available please let the School Office know.

Thank you.

Wee Kickers Football Sessions

‘Wee Kickers’ - Free Fun Football Sessions for 4 – 6 year olds, affiliated with Goonhavern AFC. Saturday’s 10am –

11am during the holidays and throughout the year. Find us on Goonhavern Football Club’s Training Pitch opposite

Perranporth Airfield. (The first left after the AC Electrical Sign). Please bring a drink and stay to watch/join in with your

child! Please call/text Michelle on 07791405855 to let us know you would like to attend and we will add you to our

Facebook Group.

Annie Lee’s Isles of Scilly Swim Challenge!

In order to raise money for the bereavement charity Penhaligon’s Friends, Annie Lee (Sam and Meg’s mum) has

entered into the Isles of Scilly Swim Challenge, on 10th September. She will have to swim a total of 15km and walk

10km, to and over the islands in one day- weather depending! This will be her first ever challenge of this kind, and

something she has been training very hard for over the last 6 months, so far! She has chosen to support Penhali-

gon’s Friends due to their fantastic help with close family friends, links with her work, and of course the fantastic

support they provided for our school when Esmee Polmear sadly passed last year. Their presence, support and help

in dealing with bereavement has been amazing. They are a completely volunteer led service and based locally in Corn-

wall. Annie would love to raise as much as she can for the charity and if people would like to donate, the link is below. Lets

all hope for a nice, sunny, flat sea day for Annie! You can help Annie Lee raise money for this great cause by donating

directly to her Just Giving fundraising page -

Next Year...

We come back to school in the new academic year on Tuesday 6th September. I’m sure parents have got a good understanding of the teaching arrangements for next year, but in case you’ve missed anything, they are as follows:

Trevithick (Rec): Mrs Lampier, Mrs Sutton (PPA teacher), Mrs White, Mrs Hendra, Mr Barnes (Trainee Teacher)

St Piran (Y1): Mrs Laity, Mrs Green, Mrs Davies (PPA teacher)

Penhaligon (Y2): Mr Howes, Mrs Kelly, Mrs Davies (PPA teacher)

Boscawen (Y3): Mrs Smitheram & Mrs Burns, Mrs Follett, Mr Thomas, Mrs Barbery, Mrs Davies (PPA teacher), Mr Lara (Trainee Teacher)

Trengrouse (Y4): Mr Harris, Mrs Harding, Mrs Burns (PPA teacher)

Trelawny (Y5): Mr Houghton, Mrs Morris, Mrs Davies (PPA teacher)

Davy (Y6): Mr McGowan Mrs Palfreyman, Mr Johnson (PPA teacher)

Have a wonderful summer break - see you on Tuesday 6th September!

(PPA: release time for teach-

er’s planning, preparation

and assessment)

FOPS Summer Fair

Last Friday we held the FOPS Summer Fair. This was a wonderful afternoon with lots of exciting stalls, food, activities and prizes to be

won; there was even an opportunity for the children to have a go at the ultimate wipeout! It really was a fantastic afternoon. Many

thanks to FOPS and all who helped out with organising and running stalls, donating goodies, spending money and clearing up after-

wards, your support is hugely appreciated. What’s more, the fair raised over £700!

Perran Tennis

Perran Tennis is offering both summer coaching sessions and junior match afternoons. For dates and prices on

these sessions please go to or telephone Steve Luck on: 07860446209

Football Winners!

On Tuesday this week, Perranporth played the return fixture of the Perranporth v Goonhavern Ashes Football matches. The children

played fantastically well with the boys team winning 6 - 1 and the girls team drawing 1 –1. This means that Perranporth now has the

Ashes Trophy for the next year! A huge well done to the teams.