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Periódico estudiantil del Colegio Bilingüe New Horizons



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

Directora ejecutiva: Priscilla Garrido • Editora en jefe: Jean Erickson • Editora de Contenido: Eva LoraCoordinadora: Patricia Polanco • Diseño y diagramación: Jimmy González • Colaboradores: Estudiantes electiva “Journalism”

It with great pleasure that I send you this message in a renewed version of our New Horizons school newspaper, in which we celebrate the achievements of our students and graduates not only in math, science, and literature but also in sports and artistic presentations. Our students and graduates perform in the National Theater and on international television and our teams in soccer, basketball and volleyball make us all proud not only of the way they play but also of their sportsman-ship. Manythingshavechangedsincethefirstdayofclass-es in New Horizons in 1977 when the phones sat on desks, letters were written on typewriters and copies were made on a mimeograph machine. Most of you have no idea what those last two machines are, because all your typing is on a PC or I-Pad or Smart Phone which obviously is quite portable. However, there is one tool that we still all use for teaching and learning – our brain power. Even with all the in-formationatourfingertips,westillneedtouseourintellectualcapabilities to organize the data, evaluate its validity and use it to solve problems and improve our lives. Teachers may use laptops and projectors to give classes, but they still must pre-pare lesson plans and utilize effective strategies to actively involveallofthestudentsinthelearningprocess.Tofinalizethe procedure, students must prove that they have grasped the meaning of material presented when assessed on their comprehension of the lessons taught. Every step of learning involves using our minds to think, so it is everyone’s duty to protect that intellectual tool and keep it functioning at maximum capacity. A person who is sleep-deprived, in poor physical condition from lack of ex-ercise and a deficient diet, or has consumedproducts thatare harmful is risking damaging the most important tool they posses. A healthy mind in a healthy body is not just a slogan, but a hard reality, which I think most New Horizons students have grasped. Otherwise, they would not be producing such spectacular results!

Priscilla Garrido - Directora Académica CBNH


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

One island, two countries. Thousands of years as a geographical unity. Then history created two nations who fought against each other: wars, occupations, rebellions, mas-sacres, and rivalry between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Just before Christmas, approximately two thousands Hai-tians working in the Dominican Republic crossed the border to spend the holidays with their relatives. When they had to come back in the Dominican Republic to work, the Dominican immigrationofficialshadclosedthebordertoalltheHaitianswith no visas. This immediately created protests from the Hai-tian workers who were infuriated by the fact that they could not return to work or could not reunite with relatives living in the DR. Thousands of protesters occupied the market place of the Haitian border town of Ounaminthe, where twice a week a “bi-national” market is held in the Dominican border town of Dajabon, preventing the regular development of the market.

These protests generated irritation among many Do-minican merchants who could not sell or trade their products in the market. A Jesuit priest named Regino Martinez, who has for decades helped Haitian immigrants with legal and bureaucratic issues, spoke in support of the Haitian workers, outraged by the decision the government made, provoking a violent local response and controversy between various non-governmental and governmental organizations. During the last decades, the Dominican Republic has gone through substantial economic growth, tourism being its main income. Unlike the Dominican Republic, Haiti has had serious economic difficulties, becoming one of the world’spoorest countries, with around 80% of the country’s population living in poverty. Thus, thousands of Haitians have decided to look for better work opportunities and life conditions in their neighbourcountry.Unfortunatelytheydonotalwaysfindafairenvironment. Rather, many end up underpaid, exploited and mistreated,andtheyfacethedifficultiesofbeingdiverse. Many Haitian immigrants who cross the border and work in the DR have an illegal status although they contribute to local economic growth. Their number is still not certain, but many reports state that could be around one million. During the last few years, there have been controversy between human rights organizations and the Dominican government about possible human right violations committed by some members of the Dominican army at the border, who have been accused of corruption, violence and intimidation, taking advantage of the vulnerable situation of many Haitians and of the confusing immigration agreements. In this context, what happened on Christmas could happen at any moment until the Dominican and Haitian au-thorities do not establish a legal framework and press border officialstocomplywiththelaw.TodatetheDirecciónGeneraldeMigración,alongwith theHaitianembassy,hasdecidedto give 300 special work permits to Haitians so that they can re-enter the Dominican Republic, and also the Haitian govern-ment guaranteed to provide legal documents to their citizens.

But is this the end of the problem?

by: Maurizio Schiaparelli



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1

Dominican history is known for being full of enough important historicaleventstofillthestoryofmanyothercountries.Oneofthe periods that marked the Dominican history was the period known as Trujillo’s Era. Trujillo, or Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, is known for being the worst tyrant that has set foot in the Dominican Republic. He ruled this country from 1931 until 1961, when he was assas-sinated by the members of a group called Movimiento Revo-lucionario 14 de Junio (or commonly known as 1J4). These brave people, along with the Dominican population, had to endure for 30 years Trujillo’s mistreatment and cruelty, and we are glad to have met one of them during our school trip to the Museo Memorial de la Resistencia Dominicana. Visiting this museum was an unforgettable and re-markable experience. It is an institution with the purpose of commemorating those killed in the fight for democracy, butmore than anything is an institution that is dedicated to raise the awareness of new generations about the value of life and the fundamental human right of freedom: the right to act and express our ideas without fear of losing our families or lives. Along with videos, descriptions and scene/character personifications of that period we were able to understandclearly the story behind Dominican Republic and of those who fought for the democracy of it.

by: Jose Ernesto González & Roque Rodríguez



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

All of us have dreams. We may confuse dreams with necessities, and you may be more concerned with what’s seems best for you than what you really want to achieve in life. That’s why I want to introduce you this story, a story that was told to me by a friend of mine that I met in the summer 2012 at the Ultimate Life Summit. This is a story of a young man called Harry. Harry wanted to become an actor when he was in high school. He moved to Hollywood with the same dreams of many young people who move to Hollywood. He was fortunate to get a job that paid $150 a week so he could be an extra in

movies. He believed this would help become a full-time ac-tor, but unfortunately life is expensive, especially in Hollywood. He stayed for three years and was having a hard time. Harry was so broke that he needed another job. He was very good with carpentry in school, so he started to build cabinets and outdoor decks. He was making more money doing this than he was being an extra in movies, but he always knew what he really wanted and what was his goal. Harry eventually found that he could use carpentry to work in the entertainment business. He was hired to remodel theofficeofFrancisFordCoppola,a famousdirector.Whiledoing the work of remodeling, Steven Spielberg came to visit Coppola and though Harry had the right look for a movie he was making. He said it was too bad he wasn’t an actor and just a simple carpenter. Harry explained later that he really was an actor and that he was trying to pay his bills through carpentry while he managed his acting career. Harry went in for an audi-tion and got the role of Indiana Jones. Yes, Harry is Harrison Ford! So was Harry on the right track when he picked up a hammer to help pay his bills? When we keep our dreams in mind, we are always on the right track. We’re 100% account-able tofigureoutwhy thepathweareon is the right track.That’s easier said than done, of course. My suggestion is to trust the path you are on knowing that at any time, you have the power to change directions. Put your life in the best hands – your own.

by: Ana Lia Arredondo



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


Enconmemoraciónaldíadeindependenciahaitiana(1ero. de enero) y el In commemoration of Haitian Indepen-dence day (January 1) and the third tercer aniversario del ter-remotodeHaitíunactodebanderasespecialfuepresentadopor el grupo de 10mo grado el lunes 14 de enero. La cer-emoniatambiénincluyóunacomisióndedelegadosdelCon-sulado Haitiano de Santiago quienes fueron nuestros invitados especiales.Unapequeñadramatizaciónfuepresentadaporalgunos miembros de la clase, actuando como los padres fun-dadoresdelanaciónhaitiana.Además,fuepresentadaunapartedelaculturadeHaitíincluyendosuarte,músicaygas-tronomía. Los estudiantes concluyeron su presentación conun poema original escrito por las estudiantes Raquel Abreu y KatherineLirianosobreeldíadelterremotoytodoloquefuetrágicamenteperdidoenestedía.Unminutodesilencioquefueofrecidoenhonoralasvíctimasdelterremotodel12deenero 2012. La bandera haitiana fue izada y el himno nacional La Dessalinienne, fue entonado por nuestros estudiantes hai-tianos,asícomodocentesydelegadosconsulares. Esta ocasión, fueuna verdadera representacióndesolidaridad entre las dos naciones de la isla y un ejemplo para nuestrosalumnossobreelverdaderosignificadodeunidadyun vistazo a lo que puede ser el futuro.

VISITA ESPECIALFritz-HubertHyacinthe:AgentedeAlianza,SecciónMigrante•JeanMarieCharles:AgenteConsular,SecciónPasaporteCar-donneFevril:AgenteConsular,SecciónVisa•DelinxPierreLouis:ViceConsul,EncargadodeSecciónMigranteKarlStRemy:ViceConsul,EncargadoSecciónCultural•PascalSterlin:AgenteConsular,SecciónCultural

Anniversary of the Haiti earthquake, a special flagassembly was presented by the tenth grade class on Mon-day, January 14. The ceremony also included a commission of delegates from the Consulate of Haiti in Santiago who were invited as guests for this special day. A short play was performed by several members of the class, acting as the founding fathers of the nation of Haiti. A glance at Haitian culture was presented as well, including information on art, music and food. The students concluded their presentation with an original poem, written by tenth grad-ers Raquel Abreu and Katherine Liriano, focusing on the day of the earthquake and all that was so tragically lost. One min-ute of silence was offered in honor of the earthquake victims of January12,2010.TheHaitianflagwasraisedandthenationalanthem, La Dessalinienne, was sang by both Haitian students and staff as well as consular delegates. This occasion was a true representation of solidarity between the two island nations and an example for our stu-dents of the true meaning of unity and a glimpse as to what the future could be.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1


Esta es una competencia que se realiza anualmente, donde los estudiantes tienen la oportunidad de resolver prob-lemasendiferentesnivelesdedificultad,desarrollandotemasque incluyen la probabilidad, estimación, porcentajes, lasaplicacionescotidianasy la lecturae interpretacióndegrá-ficos. En esta ocasión, participaron 150,000 estudiantesdemásde2,200escuelasanivelmundial. La familia New Horizons se siente sumamente orgul-losa de contar con talentosos alumnos con capacidades ex-traordinarias y de ser parte del desarrollo de ellos. En esta ocasión,nuestrosganadoresson:

SchoolWinne:PedroAntonioBretón •Gold:GabrielBretónyMaríaJoséPeña•Silver:GordonWilson,MiguelNoboayRobinson Abreu • Bronze: Sergio Rodríguez Bojos, RachelFleitesyGabrielRochel

This is an annually competition where students have theopportunity tosolveproblemswithdifferentdifficulty lev-els, developing topics such as probability, estimation, per-centages, everyday applications and reading and interpreting graphs. This time, 150,000 students participated from more than 2,200 schools worldwide. NewHorizonsFamilyisextremelyproudtohavetal-ented students with extraordinary abilities and be part of their development. This time, our winners are:

SchoolWinne:PedroAntonioBretón •Gold:GabrielBretónyMaríaJoséPeña•Silver:GordonWilson,MiguelNoboayRobinson Abreu • Bronze: Sergio Rodríguez Bojos, RachelFleitesyGabrielRochel

GANADORES COMPETENCIA DISTRITAL DE MATEMÁTICASGabriel Bretón. 1er lugar en la Categoría A Pedro Bretón. 3er lugar en la Categoría B Brahim Khoury. 1er lugar en la Categoría D

GANADORES COMPETENCIA DISTRITAL DE ORTOGRAFÍAEmily Collado. Categoría BAdrian León. Categoría C Emanuel Azcona. Categoría D

Brahim Khoury Gabriel Bretón Pedro Bretón Adrian León Emily Collado Emanuel Azcona


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1

Los alumnos y alumnas del Colegio Bilingüe New Horizons (CBNH) celebraron durante todo el mes de enero el bicentenario de Juan Pablo Duarte, con actos de ban-dera donde cantaron el himno al Patricio y leyeron su ideario; además de diferentes actividades en honor y memoria denuestroprócer,dramatizaciones,poemas,comicsypresen-taciones de aspectos relevantes de su vida, incluyendo sus frases célebres. En este mes de la Patria, el Colegio New Horizons realizódiversasactividadespararecordarlagestadelaInde-pendenciaNacionalyreafirmarlosvaloresdelanacionalidaddominicana. El destacado historiador Juan Daniel Balcácerofrecióunacharlasobre laVidayObradeJuanPabloDu-arte,elcorojuvenildelColegiointerpretóCantoalaPatriadeJuan LuisGuerra y las doce estrofas completas delHimnoNacional Dominicano y varios grupos de alumnos realizaron dramatizacionesydeclamaronpoesías,relativasalheroísmodel grupo independentista.

Asimismo el pasado martes 26 se llevó a cabo latradicional FeriaDominicana,donde toda la comunidades-colardisfrutódepresentacionesdegruposdelechones,robalagallina, comida típica,exhibicióndeartesanía ybisuteríacriolla, y un concurso de baile de merengue y bachata, como actividades principales. Losmáspequeñostambiéntuvieronsuespacio,conlacelebracióndelCarnavalDominicano,larepresentacióndelosPadresdelaPatriayladeclamacióndeunapoesíadelaautoríade losalumnosdePrimergrado, titulada“Quevivanuestra nacionalidad”. Todas estas actividades forman parte de la labor del Colegio Bilingüe New Horizons de fomentar el respeto a nuestroshéroesdelaPatria,susideales,lossímbolospatriosynuestraculturapopular,ademásdeinculcarensusalumnosel amor y respeto por su nacionalidad.



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

Las delegaciones del Colegio Bilingüe New Horizons resultaronganadorasde6premiosenlaterceraedicióndelModelo Dominicano del Sistema Interamericano (MODOSI 2013),queorganizaLaAsociaciónDominicanadelasNacio-nesUnidas (ANURD) y laFundaciónGlobalDemocracia yDesarrollo(FUNGLODE),conelapoyoinstitucionaldelaSec-retariaGeneraldelaOrganizacióndelosEstadosAmericanos(OEA). De losmásde200estudiantesqueparticiparonenMODOSI 2013, los alumnos Víctor Gómez y José ErnestoGonzález,delNewHorizons,resultaronganadoresdelospre-miosalaMejordelegaciónyMejorOratoria,representandoalaRepúblicadeHondurasenlaAsambleaGeneraldelaOEA. Asimismo los estudiantes Alain Eduardo Perdomo y ManuelSabater,queparticiparonenlaAsambleadeGober-nadoresBID,obtuvieronlospremiosaMejorDelegaciónyMe-jorCapacidaddeNegociación,representandoladelegacióndelaRepúblicadeCorea. Porotraparte,recibieronmenciónhonoríficalosalum-nosSócratesÁlvarezyDanielaMaríaBorrell,deladelegacióndeItaliayAllisonSuárez,deladelegacióndeNoruega.PriscillaComerdeGarrido,directoradelainstitucióneduca-

tiva,expresósusatisfacciónporel resultadoalcanzadoporsus estudiantes. “Felicitamos a los delegados participantes en MO-DOSI 2013, quienes cumplieron con las expectativas de cada comisión, compartiendo y defendiendo sus puntos de vistasobrelostópicostratadosconlasdemásdelegaciones,de-jando en alto el nombre del colegio Bilingue New Horizons”, externóComer. Durante tres días los estudiantes realizaron simula-cionesdelConsejoPermanenteydelaAsambleaGeneraldela OEA, de la Cumbre de las Américas y del Banco Interameri-canodeDesarrollo.Luegodeunaextensajornadadeanáli-sis, debates y negociaciones, los estudiantes aprobaron tres resolucionesyunadeclaración,paralocualtambiéncontaronconlaasesoríadeexpertosdelaOEAendichostemas. La participación de laOEAenModelos nacionalesse realiza a través del Programa del Modelo de la Asamblea GeneraldelaOEA(MOEA),delaOficinadelSecretarioGen-eral Adjunto de la OEA. El MOEA busca promover los valores democráticosyladifusióndeltrabajodelaOEAentrelaju-ventuddelHemisferiomediantelarealizacióndeejerciciosdesimulacióndeloscuerpospolíticosdelaOEA.



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” — Joel E. Barker I had a dream. It wasn’t Martin Luther King Jr.’s kind of dream, although they did have a whole awful lot of things in common. Both of our dreams seemed impossible, yet they are both within the possibility range. They were simple in a way, but circumstance makes them complicated to convert into reality.TheonlywayIcanthinktodefinemydreamisthatit’sbasedon the idea of a creation—or the distortion—of a society, into one in which people read, and where people appreciate litera-ture. It seemed unrealistic for one person to do accomplish, butitjustfeltasifitwasmyresponsibilitytoatleasttry,tofightfor change, and so I did. With the help and support of admin-istrationandpeopleunaffiliatedwiththeschool,Iwasabletocreate a Book Club ruled by students, in which they can get together after school and discuss a book of their choice in a very thoughtful, yet still exciting manner. With the creation of this Book Club, I tried to change my class-mates’ prejudice towards reading. We all know that the Do-minican culture has never been known for their appreciation of literature, but it doesn’t have to remain that way. It’s fascinating how much you can extract from books. Reading enriches our minds, hearts and souls, as well as helps us grow as people. The creation and maintenance of the Book Club has been very challenging for the members and me. I hope these challenges

will develop our character and prepare us for the future. I have to continue to work on my Leadership skills, which include pa-tience, discipline, oration, competence, tolerance, and team-work, with Ms. Hemm’s divine help, and a lot of hard work of my own.So far we’ve read two books that we have collectively chosen. TheywereLookingforAlaskaandTheFaultinourStars,bothwrittenbyAmericanauthorJohnGreen.EveryoneintheBookClub has enjoyed these novels, in their own way and they all highly recommend them both. The next books we’re planning toreadare:ThePerksofBeingaWallflowerbyStephenCh-bosky, The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, and The Curi-ous Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. If you’d like to join us, you can show up any Thursday in DR 16. Or, if you’d like to create your own Book Club, I totally encour-age you to do so!

by: Sarah OgandoBOOK CLUB


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1

Vianca Rodríguez, 10th gradeA book that changed my life was Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley. Theevents in it are really common in real life. It makes you think of what it’s actually like to be a student who is invisible to society and feel re-jection.Eventhoughtthemaincharacterhadahardtimetryingtofitinsociety and died trying, she still found friends in a “different” society. What it makes me realize is that everyone belongs to some place, only we must look for it. It also emphasizes that even with different likes and status, it’s possible to make friends because being lonely is worse than being dead.

Mario Lebron Espinola, 12th gradeA book that has changed my life would be James Patterson’s The Big BadWolf.Itwasthefirstbookthataffectedmedeeplyafterreadingitthoroughly.Ifreadsuperficially,itmayseemlike“justanotherpolicestory,” yet it’s complexity and profoundness are limitless. It portrays the lives of two totally opposite men: a single father crime scene in-vestigatorwhohasahardtimefindingabalancebetweenhisfamilyandworklife,andanobsessiveserialkillerwhopersonifiesinsanityyet seems very methodical and thoughtful when executing his crimes. The best part about the book is that it seems really realistic. It deals with daily societal issues such as gender roles, sexuality, and peer pressure: topics any of us can feel in touch with. All in all, it is a book that excels, and a book I certainly would encourage people to read andreflecton.

Vanessa Rodríguez, 12th gradeAbook that changedmy lifewas TheLord of the FliesbyWilliamGolding.WhenIreadthisbook,Isawhowrawourinstinctsreallyare.It gives different representations of society in a way that makes the reader want to keep reading. This book gives us a new perspective on society and how we would act without it. The end can leave you wanting more, but it also gives a good closing to the book’s allegory. Society is much more important than we think; we can love it or hate it, but this book shows us that society is what makes us who we are.

Ms. Hemm, English TeacherA book that changed my life was Cereus Blooms at Night by Shani Mootoo. The book illuminated the complexities of Caribbean coloni-zation, culture, race, sex and gender. It opened my eyes to a vibrant world and made me realize that being whole is acting in tune with nature.

Each month, we’ll be interviewing New Horizons students and employees about books that have impacted them deeply. Which books have changed your life?



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

This month is all about that passionate feeling that turnseveryoneheadoverheels:thefeelingoflove.Februaryis the month where all we see is hearts and roses, and what betterwaytoupholdthesignificanceofthisveryromanticsea-son than with a woman that embodies romance and elegance: oneofthemostinfluentialwomeninthefashionworldduringthe 20th century who has left a legacy that endures today? Coco Chanel is known for her contributions to fashion for cre-ating the “little black dress,” classy and unique female suits, and the inimitable perfume known worldwide, Chanel No. 5. But, beyond her bob hairstyle and designer creations, what really gave this outrageous woman her uniqueness was her courage and her revolutionary thinking. She pioneered the idea that women can dress both classy and casual. Gabrielle Chanel was born in poverty in 1883 in labellecityofSaumur,France.Shespentheryoungeryearsinan orphanage. Before turning into an icon,Gabriellewas asinger in clubs in Vichy and Moulins, where she got the nick-name “Coco” due to the songs she used to sing. She also stat-ed that this named was a shorter version of “cocotte,” which means“keptwomen”inFrench. In 1910, she opened her first store on Paris’s Rue

Cambon, where she started selling hats for the divas of that time. By 1920, she was already expanding her empire by launching her first fragrance, Chanel No. 5, whichwas justthefirstperfume tobenamedafter thedesigner.Soon, thisentrepreneurhadbecomeaninternationalfigureandpartofthe “high society” of that time.

by: Karla Bobadilla



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1

“Perfume is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate acces-sory of fashion that heralds your arrival and prolongs your


Her clothing is known for its elegance and beauty, but what really makes her garments unique is how their simplicity can portray the beauty of the female silhouette. She replaced stiff corsets with casual and more practical clothing that more closely resembled men’s fashion. She also pioneered the use of the color black in designer clothing, which later on became her trademark.

“Fashion fades, only style remains the same.”

The women that once sewed her own clothing and inspire her designs on menswear marked a tendency in today’s women wear. Today, the Chanel brand is one of the most prominent in the business, debuting collections on runaways in Paris, Italy and London each year. Even after her death in 1970, Chanel’s legacy is still growing. Her design ideas endure.

INTERESTING FACTS-The scent Chanel No.5 is the best-selling in the world.-Since 1983, Chanel has been designed by Karl Lagerfeld.-There’safilmthatportraysChanel’slifenamed“CocobeforeChanel”.-ThebuildingwhereshelivedinPariswasboughtbyChanelin1920,andstillhousestheground-floorshop,the haute couture workrooms, and an attic which is Karl Lagerfeld’s study.-Coco Chanel never married.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

by: Miss Bustillo


Are you curious about art? Are you frequently sketching and doodling? Would you like the chance to experiment with new tech-niques and media? Starting this semester, New Horizons is proud to offer a new elective to 11th and 12th grade students! AP Studio Art is designed to provide high school students with the chance to explore their artistic potential and develop their own per-sonal style through the creation of a semester-long portfolio. This class isidealforanystudentinterestedinacareerinthearts(e.g.finearts,crafts, design, fashion, or architecture). Moreover, advanced students may have the opportunity to submit their portfolios to the College Board in order to be evaluated for AP credit. Whether your interest in art is professional or strictly “for fun,” consider joining us in class next year!


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


Untitled Eduardo Tavarez

Which would you like to control, time or space?Controlling space…imagine all I getBut doing all I want is just an ace.I’ll tell you that “time” was the one I met.

Oh time you are so beautiful when stopped,You could not imagine all I have doneBelieving in all that would be messed upYou will put yourself down under the gun

You’ll be gorgeous if you fall in reverseChanging my mistakes is all I can sayThis matter would not affect in my nerves

You are the same as wind; follow your wayIgnoring everyone without a breathOur fate is something we can’t escape: death.

Sonnet IAnonymous

“You must get married with the one who’s rich,You must get married with the one of us”My dear mother has always said these words,But as I’ve grown, my heart has always itched.In my cold bed I lay as my clock ticks,A confused love paints a mixture of shades.I wonder, is this my eternal fate?Or is it just another mental trick?But if I could have the right of choosing,The purest happiness would be my love.In the nights you’d be the one I’m missing,As my soft heart by you would be stolen.I will be eternally your Juliet,And you will be my gentle Romeo.


You bring me hope when I am regretful,Yet, heavens know I have no real cure.Don’t think twice when I tell you to forget allThe precious times we enjoyed for sure.Regard my word as a big illusion,Formytruewishisyoursoleattraction.Your skill to feel my thoughts is a fusionOf your love and passion for our relation.Your voice is one that brings tranquilityIn the times of pure madness and outrage.If I don’t see you for eternity,Might as well be trapped in the smallest cage.So, my dear love, leave me not alone,Foryouaremyall,myspinalbone.

Sonnet MCMXCVIMario Lebron-Espinola

The soften skin of the caressing breezeThe golden visage: a bright restless gemThe harmonic voice of a dreamy femmeWhat makes you “you,” is what makes my heart freezeThose two blue deceits my heartbeats make ceaseThat smile of white pearls has my fate condemnedWho would ever say this lad, poor and premWould ever be able to earn such a piece?In spite of the veins those bullets have burstIn spite of the walls you’re side has builtIn spite of them says to make this love cursedI’m here! I’m here! And from you I won’t quit.Let’s make magic work, Against every odd,My wand I have got, and our trick may prevail.

TheAPLiteraturestudentsspendthefirstmarkingperiodstudyingandanalyzingPetrarchanandShakespear-ean sonnets. Then they composed their own! Sonnets are deceptively simple; they only contain 14 lines, yet theyalsomustfollowspecificrhymeschemesandmetricalpatterns.Enjoythebrillianceoftheseniorclass!


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

Words are rustingBy Katherine Michel

Will words stop transcending generations?Are some of them already overspent?Are some not evoking fascination?Are the others already on their way?

Thought I strive to decrypt what my mind tracesWords do not come out quite as oftenAnd what as a master plan the frame picturesA cacophony of sounds disrupted

Have we refrained ourselves from daring?Weretheytoofleshytogiveaway?Looking for words that are not caring Forwefretwhentherightoneisnotsaid

Their biased value chains them to emberBut oh! If you name you remember.

By the sunsetSamahara Hernandez

I’vetriedtobelieveinloveatfirstsight-But I’ve found myself continuously drowned-Deep in this Earth, I had not found the light-No pair of arms, eyes, lips; tenderly crawled.If love be rain, lovers will be falling,If roses be knives, dead will all them be,Petrified,inanillusiondyingI found myself searching, waiting for thee.There is no pure love, nor either purenessBy now I’ve forgot if you’re even trueYet I’ve found the truth, it’s no more than lessI was just another card of your game.

Then I’ll be crying with nothing to share,By the sunset again, I will be there.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1

Poem about Things Fall ApartAlina Barsamayan

Bythelooksonyourfaceswecantellthatyouareflustered,But all will be explained in a second,

Please trust us.

We are about to decipher a culture that very few know,This is why we are here today,To help our knowledge grow.

We have been there,And seen many sights.

With a clear view,Fromunimaginableheights.

As we sat in our huts on a bright working day,Thelightbreezeflewbyandletthetreessway.

We watched as most parents farmed and grew food,And imagined that this was a lifestyle quite crude.

We saw their clothing, culture and traditions,And were dumbfounded by their living conditions.

These traditions were quite profound,And left us in thought,

Of how while they work all day,We buy and live on yachts.

There are a great many ceremonies that these people adore,Let us take this time to explain one or more.

The feast of the New Yam is similar to our New Year,When many powerful wrestlers come together for a premier.

They give thanks to the goddess Ani and the source of all fertility,And make foods such as foo-foo to the best of their ability.

The people make sure that no one is left hungry on the most festive of nights,Andthemightiestwrestlersputonthemostintriguingoffights.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

On to the wedding ceremony we go,This is a tradition that everyone should know,

Personally, I like this ceremony the best,Because it is when the bride is really put to the test.

A wedding in the Igbo culture is a wonderful way,To learn many traditions and not leave them halfway.

Just like the bride price ritual the marriage takes place in the bride’s compound,Where the bride goes selling boiled eggs to the guests around.

By doing this she shows that she can easily open up a shop,This carries on for a while but then it must stop.

Thebride’sfatherpassesheracupnamedIko,whichisfilledwithpalmwhine,This is when she must use her perceptive skills to shine.

The groom hides himself between his family and friends,And must stay hidden there until this custom ends.

Thebrideissupposedtofindhimandafterhedrinksfromthecup,They are married traditionally and then they rise up,

Forthedancingthatawaitsthepair,Where people wish them prosperity and throw money in the air.

This peace in the Igbo culture of Nigeria did not last long,And when the Christians invaded,The natives tried to stay strong.

They tried to accept the new faith,But were left with despair,

As the hundred-year culture,Disappeared like dust in the air.

The new faith took over the beliefs of man, woman and child,People who did not accept it went wild.

Many were converted,Others committed suicide,

And that’s a short story of how the culture died.

We saw many people with false hope in their hearts,And stood watching as things fell apart.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

Carlos Otero, el profesor de educación física y del equipo de futbol soccer masculino y femenino, nos dará una entrevista de su posición frente al equipo masculino de fútbol soccer. Una persona decente, inteligente, honrada entre otras, ha

sido la guía para que estos equipos de no conocerlos a tener un lugar respetado en la liga metropolitana de futbol 5.

Nombre: Carlos OteroNacionalidad: UruguayoEquipo preferido: PeñarolJugador favorito: Lionel Messi

¿Como usted ve y encuentra al equipo de futbol masculino?-Loveomuybien,estamosenunaetapadepreparaciónenrelaciónalaligametropolitanadefutbol5.Nospreparamospara competir en la copa Loyola, copa Coca-Cola, entre otras.

¿Cómo usted encuentra al equipo de fútbol respecto a los riva-les? Del 1 al 10 cuanto usted le da?Enestemismomomentoledaríamasbiende7-8yaqueesta-mosenunaetapadecrecimientoypreparación.

¿Cuál ha sido su mejor logro con el equipo?Campeónindiscutibledelacopaamistad.

¿Cuál es su jugador preferido del equipo?No tengo jugador preferido, tengo la fe en que con el trabajo en equipo se puede lograr todo.

¿Cuál es el capitán del equipo de futbol?MarcosHernández,debidoasuenergíaquecontagiayani-ma a los del equipo

¿Qué es lo que usted espera de la categoría sub 16 que par-ticipara en la liga metropolitana de futbol 5? ¿Cuál es su meta con esta liga?Participar para que adquieran experiencia los jugadores, y con el objetivo mayor que es competir y hacer un buen torneo en la copa Loyola.

por: César Amaro

Carlos Otero



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


This year, for the second consecutive year, we begin the long-awaited intercollegiate women’s soccer tournament calledCopaClaro Futsal Femenino 2013.While the tourna-ment started as a sporting event for male players only, it has expanded to include women as well. Saint George School,Ashton School, Notre Dame School, and Lux Mundi, among others, are at the highest competitive level right now. Our school, New Horizons, performed extremely well last year, earning 3rd place and winning a RD$25,000 prize along with recognitionfor“FairPlay”forbeingtheschoolwiththeclean-est game out of all schools throughout the entire tournament. Everyone has anticipated this Cup with such emotion and now itisfinallyhere.OnbehalfoftheNewHorizon’sBulldogs,wewant to invite all of the New Horizon’s families every Saturday afternoon to thePabellón II at theCentroOlímpico tocomesupport our team and help us grow as players. Hope to see you all there!


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

Every month, I will introduce you to another one of our greatNewHorizonsathletes.Thismonth’sstudentisFranciscoJavier Torres. Franciscostartedplayingsoccer2yearsagowiththeCBNH Bulldogs with the wish to become a player as great as his grandpa, who played for the Spanish Zarazoga club’s sub-18divisionasamidfielder.Itseemshegothistalentfromsomeone… Apart from his grandpa, his idol is Lionel Messi, who justwonhisFourthBallond’oro. FrancisconowplaysintheBdivisionofCBNHBull-dogs as central defense. His wish for the team this year is to win the Coca-Cola Cup, the country’s biggest inter-school 11 Vs. 11 tournament, to which everybody should come and sup-port us at the Olympic stadium!

Teammate’s opinion: “Francisco is a serious player. He is a secure defense thatdoesn’t let anybody through!!!!!”

Coach’s Feedback: “Franciscoisaplayerwithattitude,dedicationtoworklacks.”

by: Constantijn van Wamdelen


Francisco Javier Torres


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1

Prior to the game the Bulldogs’ JV team had on Wednesday, I sat for a moment with the head coach of the Bulldogs Rodi-son Acosta, who has had a celebrated career here at New Horizons, including winning 4 Copa Amistades. Last year,

the varsity team reached 3rd place in the country in the Copa Claro and won 1st in Copa Kola Real. Here is the Q&A.

Q: What are your goals for the next big tournament Claro Tournament? A:Givethebestoutofus;doalittlebitofshowtimeandtobeatopfiveteaminthecountry.

Q: The Claro tournament is a Varsity tournament. What about the JV team?A: We got the Loyola and ABC school tournament, and Evan-gelico Central coming up.

Q: What about two players considered to the best players in the team, Ian and Jacinto?A: Very good talents, they have developed in an incredible fashion.

Q: Final question, what about next year? Any goals?A: I hope the team can keep growing and stay together, hop-ing the JV can replace the Varsity team that is right now con-sisted my many seniors. After this short interview the varsity team went to lose against a high caliber team after a showing of great heart by their part.



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

Del 22 y 25 de enero se celebraron nuestros tradicionales Juegos Intramuros de los estudiantes de 3ro. a 12vo en las categorías de soccer, basketball, volleyball y gimnasia y

atletismo. Felicidades a todos nuestros estudiantes por su espíritu deportivo y esfuerzo durante las competencias!

Juegos Intramuros3ro. a 12vo


CURSO POSICIÓNSexto 1er. LugarCuarto 2do. LugarQuinto 3er. Lugar-EmpateSéptimo II 3er. Lugar-EmpateSéptimo I 4to. LugarTercero 5to. Lugar


Juegos Intramuros3ero. a12mo.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


por: Gabriel Ortíz Perdomo




The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

El4deJuliodel2012seanuncióqueelBosondeHi-ggshabíasidodescubierto.Laúnicapiezafaltanteparaqueel hombre comprendiera toda la materia. El Boson de Higgs comúnmentellamadoPartículadeDiosleatribuyelamasaalamateria.Ahorabien,cadapartículatieneunapropiedad:masa. La masa es la resistencia de la materia al movimiento.En1954,12paíseseuropeosconsagraroneliniciodelaMecadelaFísica.ElGranColisionadordeHadrones(LHC).Millo-nes de millones de millones de colisiones captadas, depu-radas,computadas,amplificadasalmacenadasyanalizadasculminanenéxito.Despuesdeunamódicainversiónde600millonesdedolaressoloobtenemoslapartículamaspeque-ña. Peter Higgs lo hizo todo posible. En los años 60’ Higgs se planteóporquelamateriatienemasa.DeacuerdoaHiggslamasa es la resistencia de la materia a moverse. AsífuecomolaComisiónEuropeaparalaInvestiga-ciónNuclear le construyó a Peter Higgs el laboratoriomásgrande del mundo.¿Quéutilidadtieneconstruiralgoasí?Desdelaproduccióndeenergía limpia,deteccióndebombas,purificacióndeagua,reconstruccióndetejidosdañados,diagnósticodeenferme-dades,eliminaciónderesiduosnucleares,envasadodecar-neseinclusodevelarlaexistenciadelaPartículadeDios.Desdesus inicioselGranColisionadordeHadrones fueunproyecto grande. 27km. Los colisionadores circulares constan deunanillo,imanescuádruplosydetectores. Un haz de protones (+) y de anti-protones (-) en se aceleran al 99.9999991% de la velocidad de la luz para co-lisionarlas.DeallíselenombraColisionador.¡Elcontactodeprotones y anti protones libera cantidades inimaginables de energía! Unos breves nano segundos despues de la coli-siónun jugosoyexquisitocócteldepartículasextrañassoncreadas.Esaspartículastanvolátilesfueronlasprimeraspar-tículasdeluniversodespuesdelBigBang.La física teóricaconsideraquesiseestudianycomprendenlosmásgrandessecretosdeluniversoserándevelados. SegúnHiggssetratadealgomuysimple. Imagine-mosunsalóndeclasescon60personas.Elsalónesllamadocampo de Higgs. Este campo representa todo el espacio del universo.Cadapersonacorrespondeaunapartículademate-ria. Supongamos que una persona se traslada de una esquina

delsalónaotra.Elgradodedificultadparaalcanzarelotroextremoleotorgalamasaaesapartícula.Claroquenotodaslaspartículastienelamismamasa. LamaneramássencilladeentenderloesconJustinBieber, que también representa una partícula. ImaginemosqueJustiningresaalsalón.Repentinamenteelrestodeper-sonaslorodean.EnesemomentoJustintienemuchadificul-tadparamoverse.Entoncesseleatribuyemásmasaquelaprimerapartícula.ElBosondeHiggseselgrupodepersonasqueimpidenaJustinoacualquierpartículamoversedeextre-mo a extremo. Por lo tanto es este Boson responsable de otorgar masa a la materia. Porque se resiste al movimiento de cada partícula.Entoncesvienelagranpregunta,¿eldescubrimien-todelBosondeHiggsdemuestra,apoyaoinsinúalaexisten-ciadeDios?Larespuestapodrásercontestadadeacuerdoallector.Sinembargounapreguntaaúnmayoresgenerada.FísicamentelafuerzadelBosondeHiggsqueactúasobreeluniversoesmenorquelafuerzadelvacío.Porlotantoelta-mañodeluniversoquedareducidoaltamañodeunbalóndefútbol.¿Quépartículassedescubriránycómoexplicaránlosfísicosteóricosquetodoeluniversoesasídepequeño?


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1


Conelcrecientebuenusodelatecnologíaporpartedeniños,jóvenesyadultos,soncadavezmáslasinstitucioneseducati-vasalrededordelmundoqueutilizaninnovacionestecnológi-cas, como apoyo en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En el país, el Colegio Bilingue New Horizons con-tinuamente desarrolla y adquiere recursos, herramientas y mecanismosparalograrunusocompetitivodelatecnologíapor parte de todos los miembros del Centro, desarrollar en los estudiantes destrezas en el uso apropiado de la misma y mantenerunaactualizaciónconstantedelaInstitución,cum-pliendoconlosmásaltosestándaresinternacionales. Por esto, el ColegioNewHorizons realizó reciente-mente una inversión en tecnología de más de US$400 mildólares,montoquesehadestinadoparadesarrollardistintosproyectosdentrodeláreadeSistemasyTecnologías. Como parte de este proyecto, el personal de ciencias (matemática,físicayquímica),estánutilizandolaplataformamásavanzadaparalaenseñanza,actualmenteutilizadaporlosgrandescentrosdeinvestigación,universidadesyempre-sasdeBiotecnología,AstrofísicayCERN,WólframMatemáti-ca. Ademásunode losprincipales recursosqueutilizael New Horizons es la herramienta Moddle, que es una plata-formainformáticaqueintegralatecnologíacomoinstrumentode enseñanza en los diferentes niveles de escolaridad. Los docentes y alumnos usan este moderno recurso para la re-alizacióndetareas,pruebasyprácticason-line,ademásdetener acceso a informaciones y contenido de las clases de las diferentes materias, utilizando dicha plataforma en sus lap-tops o tabletas, desde sus hogares o en el recinto escolar, a travésdelservicioWiFidelColegio. Como complemento, el plantel escolar cuenta con cincolaboratoriosdeinformática,dosdeloscualesrenovaroncompletamente sus equipos para el presente año escolar, las aulasdeToddlers(1año)aTercergradodeBásicatienenuncentroinformáticoenelmismosalóndeclasesyactualmentetodos los salones de clases fueron equipados con proyector. ElCentroEducativotambién,atravésdesupáginade Internetofreceserviciosexclusivosen líneapara lospa-drescomosonpublicacióndenotas,consultasdepréstamosde libros de biblioteca, E-Bulletins, cámaras web para losnivelesdeToddlers(1año)aPrimerGradodeBásica,con-sulta de las visitas al dispensario médico y pago de facturas, entre otros. Como apoyo a los servicios web, el departamento de tecnología del NewHorizons, desarrolló una aplicación,denominada iQ Pro, para dispositivos móviles con sistemaoperativo Android o iOS, que permite a los padres acceder a informaciones y servicios relativos a su(s) hijo(s), desde su móvilotableta.AtravésdeliQPro,lospadrespuedenautori-zar salidas a paseos educativos, tener acceso a las webcams

de las aulas de Toddlers primer grado, consultar evaluaciones ycalificaciones,comprar lameriendaoalmuerzodesushi-jos,verificarelcalendariodeactividades,revisarsubalanceyefectuar pagos. Para un mejor soporte de toda esta plataforma, reci-entementeelNewHorizonsactualizósusistemadecámarasyreemplazólosequiposdelcentrodecómputos,porunes-quemadealtadisponibilidad,queincluyelacreacióndeunclúster(equiposredundantes),loscualespermitenconcentrarquince(15)servidoresfísicosensólodosservidoresdealtadisponibilidad,contandoademásconunalmacenamientodeúltimageneración.Paralelamente,seactualizólainfraestruc-turaderedconelfindeadaptarlaa lasúltimastecnologíasde comunicaciones, aumentando además la capacidad, yhaciendomás eficiente el esquemade seguridad interna yexterna. Los alumnos del New Horizons reciben un completo programadeinformáticaqueabarcadesdeloscomponentesyfuncionesbásicasdelacomputadora,enelcasodelosni-ños de 2 años, hasta algoritmos, sistemas operativos, diseño gráficoylenguajesdeprogramaciónenlosgradosdeBásicay Media. El Colegio Bilingüe New Horizons es el primer colegio deRepúblicaDominicanaacreditadoporNewEnglandAs-sociationofSchoolandCollegesyelúnicoColegioenelpaísenofrecerBachilleratoTécnicoenInformáticaBilingüe.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

by: Nicole Mireles

CHINESE NEW YEAR FAIR Thepast11thofFebruary,wehadtheopportunitytocelebratethe Chinese New Year with the school’s Chinese community. Thisholiday,alsoknownastheSpringFestivalorLunarNewYear, is one of the most important dates in the Chinese culture. 2013 is the year of the Snake, which means good fortune. The 11th graders prepared the event, and students of all ages en-joyed Chinese food, video games, hairstyles, makeup, and an entertaining show of dragons.

Happy Chinese New Year!


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


El pasado 11 de febrero, el Colegio Bilingüe New Ho-rizons(CBNH),realizósutradicionalFeriaChina,celebrandoel inicio del nuevo año chino, organizada por los alumnos de 11no grado. Enestacelebraciónlosalumnosdisfrutaronderepre-sentaciones populares de la cultura china, toma de fotos con personajes emblemáticos, vestimenta tradicional,maquillajeypeinadotradicionalchino,traduccionesalmandarínyventade comida, entre otras atracciones. Ademáslaatracciónprincipaldelaferiafueladanzade los leones, llevada a cabo por un grupo de invitados de la promociónde11nogrado,quienesdeleitaronatodosconunbelloespectáculorealizadoenlasinstalacionesdeportivasdelainstitución. EstacelebracióncontóconladistinguidapresenciadelseñorGaoShoujian,Representantede laRepúblicaPo-pular China y su esposa, y Leping Peng y Xu Yuansheng, Representantes Adjuntos. Elcalendariochinodifieredelcalendariooccidentalyelcomienzodeuncambiodeañonuevochinovaríacadaaño, en fechas que van entre finales de enero y finales de

febrero.Elzodiacochinodeanimalesesuncicloderotaciónde 12 años, con cada año representado por un animal. Este año le toca a la serpiente, también llamada dra-gónjovenporelpueblochino,eselsextosignodelzodíacochino,animaldelasuertequeevocaprotección. LaComunidadNewHorizonsestáintegradaporunacomunidadmulticulturalconmásde45nacionalidades,don-deserespetanlasdiferenciasétnicas,sociales,religiosas,fí-sicas, culturales y de habilidades, promoviendo el desarrollo de valores y destrezas del pensamiento, que se trabajan de formaintegralentodaslasáreasdelsaber.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1


NuestroColegioofrecióapadres,maestrosyrelacio-nadosdelainstitución,lainteresantecharla“Mihijotambiénse estresa” dictada por Raquelina Luna Calvo, MD. La Lic. SabineMary,quienpronunció laspalabrasdebienvenidaalosasistentes,resaltandoenestaselinterésdelainstituciónde ofrecer a padres y educadores, orientaciones importantes yútilesenelprocesodeeducacióndesushijosyalumnos. Lacharla resultóamena,educativa,motivadora, in-teractivaycondemostracionesprácticasyorientaciónparaelapoyo tanto en la casa como en el aula. Para despedir, Ligia Cerda,GerenteAdministrativa,ofreciólaspalabrasdegrati-tudalospresentesporaceptarlainvitaciónalavezqueinvitóal brindis programado como cierre de la actividad.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

by: Haley Hemm

THINGS FALL APART In order to fully appreciate the novel, Things FallApart, written by Nigerian author, Chinua Achebe, 9th graders learned about the Igbo, a tribe in Nigeria, through their tradi-tions,languageandsong.DuringflagceremonyonFebruary15th, they shared the culture they had immersed themselves inwiththerestoftheschool.BecauseThingsFallApartillumi-nated the devastating effects of colonization, students learned the importance of respecting other cultures and having toler-ance for all people. They performed a traditional Igbo call to worship,andanIgboceremonialchant,whichbothreflectedhow deeply the Igbo people value community.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


Iniciando con un acto de bandera especial, a cargo delaprofesoraEmeraudeFievre,losalumnosde10mo.Gradorealizaronunapresentacióndondeatravésdegestos,ysinnecesidad de usar las palabras, se resaltaba la importancia del amor y de cultivar la amistad. Otras actividades estuvieron acargodelapromociónde7mo.Grado,quienesorganizaronun ameno programa para que toda la comunidad escolar pudieradisfrutardeestahermosaocasión. Losestudiantesdisfrutarondeundíadecolores,enelquepodíanvenirconpolos rojo, rosado o morado; durante todo el recreo se real-izaron venta de dulces, pizza, presentes alusivos a la oca-sión;sepreparóunsistemadesonidoenelcualserealizabandedicatorias de canciones para sus amigos y compañeros; y finalmentelaentregademensajesparaexpresarelcariñoasus compañeros.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1


ÁngelA.GonzálezGarcía,egresado2009denuestroColegio New Horizons, inició sus estudios universitarios enDerecho en la Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) en ese añoyhoyendíaeselPresidentedelGrupodeEstudiantesdeDerechodelaUniversidadIberoamericana(GRED-UNIBE),representando a todos los estudiantes de derecho de esta uni-versidad en las diferentes conferencias, competencias y activi-dades que participan. Recientemente,tuvoelhonoryladistinciónderepre-sentar a esa universidad en una de las competencias mundia-

lesdeDerechomásprestigiosasdelmundo,laPhilipC.JessupLaw Moot Court Competition, luego de ganar las eliminatorias nacionalesparapoderrepresentaralpaís. EstacompetenciaconsisteenunasimulacióndeunadisputaficticiaentrelospaísesantelaCorteInternacionaldeJusticia (CIJ). A continuación carta enviada por nuestro queridoegresadoÁngelGonzálezsobresuexperienciaenestaimpor-tante competencia:


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


Les escribo en seguimiento al mensaje que fueremitidoamíporlapáginadeFacebookEgresa-dos New Horizons, para que les contara sobre mi ex-periencia en la Competencia Philip C. Jessup. Bueno, pues les cuento: La Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition es la competencia de derecho internacional público más grande y prestigiosa delmundo.Másde100paísessedancitaenlaciudadde de Washington, D.C. durante una semana para competir por el primer premio de esta competencia, la cual viene celebrando 54 ediciones. En ese mismo sentido, solamente le es per-mitido asistir a las Rondas Internacionales de la com-petenciaunoodosequiposporpaíses(dependiendodelaextensióndemográficadelmismo),por loqueencadapaísoregióndelmundosedebencelebrar“RondasNacionales”ointernasparadeterminarcuáleselequipoolauniversidadquerepresentaráalpaísen dicha competencia. En mi caso, representando a UNIBE tuve la oportunidad de ganar las Rondas Nacionales y rep-resentar al país en el 2012. Y ahora, nueva vez enel 2013, ganamos las Rondas Nacionales contra la

PUCMM (un equipo combinado de Santo Domingo y Santiago),para representarnuevavezalpaís.Paranosotrosesungran logro,puesUNIBEteníadesdeel 2003 que no ganaba las Rondas Nacionales de la Jessup y ahora lo ha hecho en dos ocasiones con-secutivas. Les comento por igual que este triunfo no fue solamentemío,sinoquetambiéneljovenCarlosSal-cedo Astacio (egresado 2010), estuvo trabajando conmigoenestaedicióndelaño2013.Nosdanunacopa por ganar las Rondas Nacionales y el derecho arepresentaralpaísenWashington. De verdad que ha sido una experiencia bastantegratificante,puesserequieredemuchísimoesfuerzo para participar (tuvimos más de 6 mesesestudiandopara lacompetencia).Aquí lesenvíoal-gunas fotos sobre la actividad, la cual fue celebrada el pasado 23 de febrero de los corrientes, en la Sala deAudienciasdelaCámaraCivilyComercialdelaCortedeApelacióndelDistritoNacional. Un abrazo, y muchos saludos para todos den-tro del Colegio,Angel.

 Angel González a la izquierda junto a grupo de Estudiantes de Derecho de la Universidad Iberoamericana (GRED-UNIBE)

Grupo de Estudiantes de Derecho de la Universidad Iberoameri-cana (GRED-UNIBE)


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


by: Nicole Liranzo and Lia Chaddy



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

Each month, we’ll be bringing you examples of inspirational students here at New Horizons. Ourfirststudent,VieraCarolinaLópezLasunova,isnowinherjunioryear,andhasdoneeverythingyoucouldthinkof.We had the chance to speak with her, and she listed the activities she is currently doing, and how she manages her activities to


How do you manage having such a full schedule? Being the Model UN president represents a big responsibility, being a junior in high school is annoyingly painful, and attend-ing French School after school might make you hallucinatewith Satan bathed in blood. It takes a lot of perseverance and patience. Since I am very clear about where I want to go in life, I schedule my days carefully.

What activities do you do aside from the ones we already know of, like French School, and Model UN?I am a writer, I represent a company, and I adopt homeless animals.

What company do you represent? I represent an international network company.

Whats’s the company called, what is your duty, and how did you get there?I am part of Amway Corporation. Amway is a multilevel com-pany of massive growth internationally. I got there by a busi-nessman looking for young leaders.

What do you write about?I am a free writer; one of my goals is to study journalism.

What is “free writing”?FreewritingisanexpressionIuse,whichsimplymeansthatIwrite about my feelings and my art.

What advice can you give to people who want to pursue journalism?Start writing at young age and discover yourself. Do not ever let the words choose the writer. The writer chooses the words.

What does it take for someone to become the president of model UN?Courage, commitment, and passion for not sleeping and work.

How do you feel about all those things you do? And how do you see yourself in 10-15 years?I don’t like the idea of imagining myself in 10 years; I want life to surprise me. I know I have the strength for whatever’s com-ing.

We should take Viera as an example of all that we can ac-complish! Thanks, Viera!



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

by: Jean EricksonCOLLEGE CORNER

Asacollegeadmissionsofficerforatop-20UnitedStatesUniversity,Ivisiteddozensofhighschoolsandreadoverathousand applications for admission each year. The following are my tips for getting the most out of high school visits.

Is demonstrating interest important?YES! Demonstrated interest – the process of showing a school that you’ve taken the time to get to know their offerings – is often an important factor in an admissions decision, and can mean the difference between getting in and getting waitlisted. There are lots of ways to show interest: you can call, email, or request information, but the best ways to prove you really care about a school are to visit the campus or participate in a high school visit.

Okay, okay, I’m going! So can I just show up and sit like a bump on a log?Actually, you could do that. You could just sit down, keep qui-et, and absorb whatever the representative has to say. When you’re starting your college process, this can actually be help-ful, because it can introduce you to the important topics that you should be considering as you narrow your college op-tions. You might get a gut feeling about whether the school truly interests you or not…

I’m sensing a but……BUT it’s always better to show up with questions in mind! Think about what you want in a college. What majors inter-est you? Do you want to play sports? Do you want to watch sports? Do you want to live in the city? The country? Do you care if your classes have 10 students or 100 students? What clubs might you want to join? What are the requirements to get in? If you have some ideas about what you want, you can targetyourquestionstothoseareasandfindoutifaschoolisreallyagoodfitforyou.

Anything else?Relax! Have fun! Learn! And be polite. Admission Counselors will regularly take note of exemplary students and add nice comments to their application folders. The same is also true of students who are rude. So get the information you need and make a strong positive impression. Whether you love the school or not, you’ll be a step closer to your permanent col-lege home!

Stay tuned for more college-related information and applica-tion tips in future issues!

So, wait, what’s a high school visit?I’m glad you asked! In case you aren’t familiar with the college admissions process, a high school visit refers to any time that a college or university representative makes an appointment to meet with students at a high school. The main goal of the representative is usually to build interest in his/her school and answer student questions.

Why should I go? Can’t the Internet answer all my ques-tions?The Internet does, of course, have a wealth of information, but it doesn’t have the same capacity to engage with you about your college selection process, whereas a human can provide you with thoughtful, nuanced answers to your questions! A representative can tell you about majors, requirements, extra-curriculars, housing, student life, etc. in under a minute without skipping a beat. Moreover, attending a high school visit is a great way to demonstrate interest in a school you like!


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1


“Optimism is a strategy for making a better future. Because unless you believe that the future can be better you are un-likely to step up and take responsibility for making it so. If you assume there is an instinct for freedom, there are opportuni-ties to change things, there’s a chance you may contribute to making a better world. The choice is yours.” - Noam ChomskyOptimism is having strong expectations and knowing that things will go well despite the setbacks and frustrations. An optimistic person knows how to seek help as an alternative to reach their goals or objectives. Optimistic people are made of values such as excitement, happiness and most importantly, hope. Always remember that you will never become an optimistic person when negative people surround you. Whoever is opti-mistic, hardly is conformist. Make your friends think positively by making them notice the bright side of their problems.The most important characteristic of an optimistic person is never giving up and always formulating solutions to every problem in their way, in other words, to persevere. Agoodexampleofanoptimisticperson is thatoneofFelixSanchez, our 2-time 400 meter hurdles Olympic champion. Af-ter becoming Olympic champion in 2004, he kept competing and never gave up. In 2012, he won his second olympic gold medal against all odds. He was not among the favorites to win the gold medal but he had a great performance and won the race.Whenindoubt,rememberFelix!


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

by: Melanie De LimaSURVEY

Which class is hardest for you in school?This survey was asked for kids in 9-12th grade.

Out of all of the classes these were the top four:Calculo/Math: 15Fisica/Physics:12Biologia/Biology:6Quimica/Chemistry:8

With the top hardest class being Math.

With the results of the survey, we could conclude that students might like even more help with these subjects, specificallymathematics. Therefore, this problem should be addressed. What students need is more help and not just help in the class but also in study hall. Some students feel pressured in class to really express their doubts and communicate with their teach-ers. The peer pressure some times worsens the problem.

So, could more study hall hours or the creation of a tutoring program help? Classes will keep getting tougher, so we should look for solutions now!


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1



The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

by: Carla Chez


The world’s largest mining company dedicated to gold’sextraction–BarrickGoldCorporation—started toworkthe land of Pueblo Viejo, Dominican Republic, during August 2012. Before, throughout and after signing the contract with this company, Dominicans, both nationally and internationally, have protested against the agreement. Nonetheless, it is expected that the company will ben-efit thecountry’seconomybypayingUS$190milliondollarseach year to the government from the total earnings. Undoubt-edly, that’s a large sum of money that the Dominican Republic needs, but is this unstoppable machine taking advantage of our weak, unstable nation? Those who protest believe that this international cor-poration is destroying our natural resources to accomplish their main goals. On the contrary, those who support the deal con-sider this an opportunity to introduce the Dominican Republic

to new mining affairs. The truth is that the property where the gold, silver, and bronze were found was already damaged be-foreBarrickGoldcontrolledit,andperhaps25yearsfromnow,would almost certainly have a meaningless, unfertile piece of territory. You’re maybe asking yourself what this has to do with you, your family or your surroundings… Well, taking a quick look at the country’s current economic status: there’s lack of money everywhere. There are high rates of unemployment, il-literacy, and hunger. The Dominican Republic is considered one of the poorest countries in the American Continent and withmarginslikethisthegovernmenthastofindawaytosolvethecommonissueswithafast,efficient,andorganizedhand.Until now, the techniques the president has used have only af-fected country’s middle class. Why? Because the lower class can’t get any worse, and the upper class isn’t going to be high-ly affected. So those who manage their own companies and deal with their own businesses, have to lower their costs taking ariskofdiminishingtheirworkefficiency. Withthefiscalreform–theinnovativesystemoftaxingthat the president suggested for covering the general debts— thefinancialsituationwillnotimproveforseveralmoreyears;thisiswhyBarrickGolddealdoesnotseemliketheworstofideas, because in the end, the employment rate and the com-mon wealth are increasing near Pueblo Viejo. If this company keeps its promise as signed in the contract, in terms of the whole population, the money that the government will gain an-nually–$190milliondollars—,canbewiselyusedtobenefitandfulfilltheneedsofthesociety,whichmayincludeyou,yourrelatives, and your friends. By having all this settled, indepen-dentcompanies,firms,andcorporationswon’tbesoaffectedsince more people will have the chance to consume goods and services. So, after profoundly analyzing the situation from all sides: is this just an organization that has its damaging, as well asitsfavorableside?OrdoyouseetheBarrickGoldCorpora-tion as the enormous, terrible monster it is depicted as?


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

by: Nicole Mireles


“Welcome to the world of pressure!” Sorry. I mean, “Welcome to High School.” High school is full of unforgettable memories, but as fun as it can be, it also can be miserable; we feel all kinds of pressure from our family, school and most often from our friends.

The society in which we are living is full of expectations. Often, we agree with them, disturbing our idea of beautiful. We want to look handsome like Hollister male models or have the per-fect body like Victoria’s Secret girls. These images and expec-tations are making us doubt what we want to see in ourselves and in what we want to see in the people around us. Both girls and boys are suffering under the pressure to be a certain way. Girlswanttobeskinnyandhaveperfectbodies,longhair, and acne-free faces. Most wish to be like the people in the magazines they read or TV shows they watch. They are dreaming of a time when everyone notices them, their clothes, their looks, and most importantly who they are. The desire to be someone like this makes them destroy themselves by for-getting how they really are by instead focusing on what every-one else wants. You walk through the hallways of your school and you can’t possibly imagine how many girls are suffering from this pressure. Without judging or assuming, notice the details of everygirl yousee.Girlsarechanging theirhairstyles,usingmakeup, and trying to lose weight just to please society: to be what society says is beautiful now. You can ask any girls in high school if they could change themselves into something their friends and classmate could appreciate, and most of them would likely answer, “yes.” Is this when starving yourself becomes as an answer? Is this when the low self-esteem, de-pression, eating disorders, and self-harm come around? Un-fortunately, not only girls are being affected by this. Boys are, too. Many boys, though some may argue otherwise, want to be what every girl dreams of. Just like girls, you guys are being pressured by these images of society where going to thegymmakeseveryguyattractive.Guysfeelpressuredbyathletes for how they look. The athletes have the muscles, the moneyandthegirl,sowhycan’twefindsomeonelikethatinour high school? The gym and school sports activities are your mo-ments to shine, but they aren’t enough. As you trying to be ev-ery girl’s dream, you start trying different proteins shakes and supplements to get that amazing body like some athletes. You also decided to change your eating habits for better body re-sults. You try to be cool, but most importantly you try to get the girls and be considered a girl magnet amongst your friends; seems like you are not different from the girls. We are different and unique. How we look sometimes may not be society’s ideal, but it doesn’t mean we are ugly or we aren’t perfect. These days, our appearances have become so important and crucial in our lives that we start to lose our personality, and it’s sad. Can we ever be perfect just like a Bar-bie? With several surgeries, sure! But with all those surgeries, we still couldn’t be perfect. One student told us: “When I was on a diet, there were


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1

days I stop eating too.” This shows how a girl can evolve from trying to be healthy to getting sick. Another students told us: “I couldn’t do my homework because I spent the whole after-noon working out.” This also shows how boys are willing to give up everything else just to get a muscular body. People are trying so hard to be what society wants that they don’t care abouthurtingtheirownself-confidenceortheirownbody. The role of Barbie sounds nice to have, but people shouldn’t change who they are just to be like her. We are high school students, and we need to start feeling more comfort-able with our appearances and be our own kind of Barbie. Just like we are different from everyone else, we also are per-fect in our unique way.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

por: Fauntly Garrido

¿Soñó Duarte con la República de Jefferson y Locke o con la de nuestros gobernantes actuales?

Elsábado26deenerodeesteaño2013celebramoselBicentenariodelPatricio,porlotantodebemosreflexionarsobre lo que hemos logrado como consecuencia de su ide-arioysusacrificio. DuarteconocióelempujelibertariodeLocke,lacon-cepcióndelaseparacióndefinitivaentrelaIglesiayelEstado. Lapercepcióndeque lossereshumanosnacemosconelegoísmodequienquiereprotegerloquetiene,sues-pacio,sutierra,supaís.Delqueseforjasuscreenciasyac-titudes a la luz de las experiencias sensoriales que va mane-jando a lo largo de su vida. DuarteconocióeléxitodelaRevoluciónFrancesaylaRevoluciónNorteamericana.ElideariodeJeffersondequetodos los hombres nacen con derechos inalienables como lo sonelderechoalavida,lalibertadylabúsquedadelafelici-dad. DequeelEstadosólopuedeexistirsiesparagaran-tizarasusconciudadanosestosderechosfundamentales,asícomo proporcionar los medios para que todos puedan tener igualoportunidaddeprosperarsindistincióndeetnia,religióno raza. SobretodoDuarteconocióycreíaenlapercepciónde estos pensadores libertarios de que las revoluciones no

sonsólounderechodelospueblos,sinoenlamayoríadeloscasos, una necesidad. ¿Qué pensaría Duarte al ver que nuestro Estadosiguesiendounnidodemalandrinesdondesóloelpoderdelas relaciones y el dinero le garantizan al ciudadano el acceso a los bienes y servicios de la colectividad? Donde nuestra Justicia es tan débil que al igual que en los tiempos de la Colonia requiere la presencia de alguien de la “realeza” de esta partidocracia que se ha enquistado en nuestro suelo para su funcionamiento. Cómo explicarle que su aspiración de una nación“justa”quegarantizaselafelicidaddesusintegrantessólosepuedeconstruira travésde institucionespúblicas funciona-les,empáticasyordenadas. Loquetenemoshoyendíaesunaconstruccióndeun Estado dilapidador de nuestras riquezas, excluyente y pro-motordelaenajenaciónylaapatíahaciaelsacrificiocolec-tivo. ElserDominicanonaciódeDuarteyeshoyendíaunarealidadirrefutable.NosquedaaúnlaconstruccióndeunEstadocomoelqueélsoñóySantanalearrebató.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1

por: María Francis


Enmenosdeloquetehatomadoleerestalíneahamuertounniñoporhambreydesnutrición.Tristementecada3segundosmuereinjustamenteunniñoporestarazón,acausade la inequidad social que existe en nuestro mundo. Esta in-justicia social trae con ella mucha pobreza, que es el mayor problemaqueaquejanosoloalaRepúblicaDominicanasinoa Latinoamérica completa. Como sociedad hemos aprendido avivirconlapobreza,averladíaadíasinimportarnos,ha-ciéndonos de la vista gorda. ¿O es qué tal vez hemos cauteri-zado nuestra sensibilidad y humanismo? Porque es algo que no notamos y por ende no hacemos nada para cambiarlo. La gran brecha entre las clases sociales nos ha lle-vadoaunpuntodeinflexión,enelcuallaclasemáspoderosase llega a creer superior que la que se encuentra abajo. Existe unaseparaciónnosolofísicasinotambiénmental,llegandoapensarqueelserpobreesunaenfermedadounacondiciónde inferioridad que no deja que te mezcles con los que por su poder adquisitivo tienen cierta superioridad. Lamentablemen-te nos hemos criado en una sociedad donde solo nos importa hacernosmásricoseignoramoseldolorajeno.Ynoesnues-traculpa,esculpadelsistema;nuestrosistemaeconómicosebasaenlaexplotacióndelhombreporelhombre.Somosvictimas de ese sistema nefasto que nos pone ciegos ante todo lo que es considerado socialmente bajo. Vivimos dentro de una burbuja, que nos protege del medioexteriorynonosdejapercibirnadadeloqueestáfue-ra de ella. Esa burbuja separa a esos dos grandes mundos: nuestro mundo lleno de privilegios y oportunidades , y el mun-dodelseñordelaesquinaquevendeperiódicosparapoderalimentar a su familia. Pero YA ES HORA: es hora de explo-tar esa burbuja, es hora de empezar a hacer un cambio en


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

nuestra sociedad, es hora de decir basta y levantarnos contra todas estas injusticias. No nos podemos quedar con los brazos cruzados mientras miles de millones de personas vivan con menos de 1 dólaraldía,cuandohaypersonasquevivenenunniveldeha-cinamiento extremo, mientras haya personas que no tengan un techo donde cobijarse, mientras cada 3 segundos se mue-raunniñoporhambreydesnutrición,mientrasseexplotenalos trabajadores de nuestro pueblo, mientras un empresario sehacemásricoacostasdeelexterminiodenuestrosrecur-sos naturales. Nosotros, los jóvenes no solo somos el futuro, sinotambién el presente, con acciones muy simples también tu puedes aportar tu granito de arena para tener una sociedad mejor, no solo para nosotros sino también para nuestras ge-neraciones futuras.Empieza túaserelcambioquequieresverenelmundo.Tal vezparezcaalgoutópicoel sueñodeuna sociedad sin injusticia y pobreza, pero como dijo el Che Guevara:“Seamosrealistasyhagamosloimposible”.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1

por: Karla Bobadilla

Reflexión sobre el retiro

Hace un mes la promoción de duodécimo tuvo laoportunidad de participar en un retiro espiritual, al inicio esta ideadelretironomeconvenciómuchoyaquenonuncahabíaasistidoaunoynosabíaqueesperarperolaverdadesquequedé asombrada sobre todo lo que uno puede aprender y de las cosas buenas que uno puede sacar de esta experien-cia.Enelretiropudimosescucharlamúsicadeungrupodejóvenesque tienenunabanda llamadaMiSostenido.Estosjóvenesfueronunaespeciedeguíadurantetodoelretiro.Pu-dimos escuchar las historias de cada uno y como ellos se en-contraronconDios.Estosvalientesjóvenesnoscontaronso-bre sus experiencias y como ellos cambiaron como persona. Personalmente,alescucharlashistoriasdeestosjóvenesmepude relacionar en algunas cosas con ellos y me di cuenta de quepormásdiferentesqueseamostodossomosigualesdealguna forma u otra y hay cosas por las que todos pasamos especialmente durante la etapa de la adolescencia. En el retiro también realizamos varios juegos y activi-dadesengrupoquenospermitiócompartirmásyrelaciona-rnosconnuestroscompañerosdelapromoción,yaquemu-chas veces no tenemos la oportunidad de hacerlo. Creo que unodelosvaloresmásreflejadosduranteelretirofueelvalordelahonestidad,yaquecadaquienmostrósuverdaderoseryexpresósuspensamientosyemociones.Lapartequemásmegustódetodoelretirofuecuandoalgunaspersonaslespi-dieronperdónasusamigosporsituacionesquehabíanocur-rido.Creoqueesto fue lomás impactantey fueunaacciónmuy valiente para aquellos que lo hicieron. Considero que ir al retiro espiritual fue una experiencia enriquecedora ya que me permitióencontrarmeconmigomismayreflexionarsobremivida.Tambiénesteexperienciamepermitióllegaraconocerunpocomásamiscompañerosyaempezaravalorarlosyaapreciarlosmáscomopersonas.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I #1

por: Gabriel Lachapelle


Enlosúltimosveinteaños,hemostenidolosmismoslíderespolíticos.Lascostumbrespolíticasnohancambiado.La forma de atraer a las personas a los partidos no han cam-biado. La “campaña” es la misma todos los años. Las formas de gobernar siguen siendo las mismas. Se necesita personas con mentes frescas e ideas que hagan un cambio radical a la políticaqueviveelpaís. Desdeelprincipiodelarepública,lapolíticahasidocomounaherencia.Loslíderespolíticoseligenasussuceso-res,yestosa lospróximos.Siemprevemoscomosalendelmismo seno. Tienen las mismas ideas y siempre siguen las acciones del predecesor. Por eso es que el curso de nuestro paísnohacambiadoenlosúltimos30años.Tenemosdistin-toslíderesperotodospartendelamismabaseovienendelugares con el mismo pensamiento. Siempre nos quejamos de cómonuestroslíderesseparecenysontodoslomismo,peronunca hacemos algo para cambiarlo.

Unapolíticaconunnuevorumbopuedesalvarnues-tropaís:unapolíticadistinta,jovenyquenosigalasideasycaminosyaforjadosporantiguoslíderespolíticos.Unapolíti-caquehabrácaminosenvezdecerrarlos;unapolíticaquenosolobusque la solucióna losproblemasnacionalmente,sinoglobalmente.Somosunpaíspequeño,perocomoquierasomos afectados por lo que ocurre alrededor del mundo. No solo es que exista la idea, sino que pueda ser implementada: que el candidato que la tenga, gane. También hay que cambiar la forma de pensar en el momento. No es soloelquenoesteoelquemenoscorrupcióntuvo,sinoelque presente una idea sana. Se necesita que se cambie a las personasquetienenunpoderpolíticoexagerado.Loscandi-datos lleganconunas ideasquepodríancambiarel rumbodelpaís,peroestegrupopoderoso,reservado,ypequeñonolas deja cumplir. Elcaminoalapolíticaestábastantecerrado.Solounpequeñocírculolacontrolaytieneelpoderparadecidir losfuturoslíderes.Esotienequecambiar.Existenmilesdejóve-nes que viajan al exterior con ideas excelentes que no pueden desarrollaraquí.Sonjóvenesquehansidoforjadosconunaeducaciónquenoseiguala:jóvenesquenosólovenloquepasaensupaíssinoquevenloquepasaalrededordelmun-do. Ellos son capaces de analizar las circunstancias y sacar mejorprovechoaloqueselesestedando.Necesitamosjóve-nesconideasnuevasyrevolucionariasennuestrapolítica.


The New Horizons - Voices / Año I # 1