report ‘booster ‘booster ‘booster –––– 2014’ 2014’ 2014’

Healthline pISSN 2239-337X Repo Repo Repo Repo 3 Be hum Be hum Be hum Be human n n n - E Organized by: Dept of Preven The 3 rd Annual IAPSM- was organized by the team of from Dept. of PSM, Med Baroda, Vadodara on 5th and 6 2013. After spreading the topi on ‘Booster Facebook pag suggestions from PGs across theme for this learning event w “Gender Equality - Be Considerate to women”. App PG students from all medica Gujarat took part in this eve included academic sessions f experts in Gender Equality and curricular activities. Different activities: Day 1 (05 Inauguration: With a Prayer and lam event was inaugurated by Dr Dean Medical College Baroda Honor. He praised the initiation the student - By the student’ organized yearly by residents across Gujarat. Inauguration become special by the presenc Superintendent Dr Rajiv Professor and Head PSM Dr V IAPSM GC President Dr K IAPSM GC Secretary Dr A GMC observer for the event Dr X337X/eISSN 2320-1525 Volume 5 Issue 2 July December 2 ort ort ort ort ‘Booster ‘Booster ‘Booster ‘Booster – 2014’ 2014’ 2014’ 2014’ 3 rd IAPSM-GC PG Meet “Gend “Gend “Gend “Gender r r r Equali quali quali quality” y” y” y” n, Be Con n, Be Con n, Be Con n, Be Consider ider ider iderate te te te To To To To Women men men men Equal Right, Equal Might ntive & Social Medicine, Medical College, Barod Background -GC PG meet f all Residents dical College 6th September, ic news online ge’ to take the state, the was decided as Human, Be proximate 150 al colleges of ent. The meet from eminent d also some co 5/09/2014) mp lighting the r A T Leuva, a, the Guest of n of such ‘For event that is s of PSM all n event had ce of Medical Daveshvar, V S Mazumdar, K N Sonaliya, M Kadri and r J R Damor. 2014 Page69 da, 390001,

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Page 1: Report ‘Booster ‘Booster ‘Booster –––– 2014’ 2014’ 2014’

Healthline pISSN 2239-337X337X/eISSN 2320



Be humBe humBe humBe humaaaan, Be Conn, Be Conn, Be Conn, Be Con- Equal Right, Equal Might

Organized by: Dept of Preventi

The 3rd

Annual IAPSM-

was organized by the team of all Residents

from Dept. of PSM, Medical College

Baroda, Vadodara on 5th and 6th September,

2013. After spreading the topic news online

on ‘Booster Facebook page’ to take

suggestions from PGs across the state, the

theme for this learning event w

“Gender Equality - Be Human, Be

Considerate to women”. Approximate 150

PG students from all medical colleges of

Gujarat took part in this event. The meet

included academic sessions from eminent

experts in Gender Equality and also some co

curricular activities.

Different activities: Day 1 (05/09/2014)


With a Prayer and lamp lighting the

event was inaugurated by Dr A T Leuva,

Dean Medical College Baroda, the Guest of

Honor. He praised the initiation of such ‘

the student - By the student’

organized yearly by residents of PSM all

across Gujarat. Inauguration event had

become special by the presence of Medical

Superintendent Dr Rajiv Daveshvar,

Professor and Head PSM Dr V S Mazumdar,

IAPSM GC President Dr K N Sona

IAPSM GC Secretary Dr A M Kadri and

GMC observer for the event Dr J R Damor.

337X337X/eISSN 2320-1525 Volume 5 Issue 2 July December 2014

ReportReportReportReport ‘Booster ‘Booster ‘Booster ‘Booster –––– 2014’ 2014’ 2014’ 2014’



“Gend“Gend“Gend“Gendeeeer r r r EEEEqualiqualiqualiqualitttty”y”y”y” n, Be Conn, Be Conn, Be Conn, Be Conssssiderideriderideraaaatetetete ToToToTo WWWWoooomenmenmenmen Equal Right, Equal Might

ntive & Social Medicine, Medical College, Baroda, 390001,


-GC PG meet

e team of all Residents

from Dept. of PSM, Medical College

Baroda, Vadodara on 5th and 6th September,

2013. After spreading the topic news online

on ‘Booster Facebook page’ to take

suggestions from PGs across the state, the

theme for this learning event was decided as

Be Human, Be

Considerate to women”. Approximate 150

PG students from all medical colleges of

Gujarat took part in this event. The meet

included academic sessions from eminent

experts in Gender Equality and also some co

Day 1 (05/09/2014)

With a Prayer and lamp lighting the

event was inaugurated by Dr A T Leuva,

Dean Medical College Baroda, the Guest of

Honor. He praised the initiation of such ‘For

event that is

organized yearly by residents of PSM all

across Gujarat. Inauguration event had

become special by the presence of Medical

Superintendent Dr Rajiv Daveshvar,

Professor and Head PSM Dr V S Mazumdar,

IAPSM GC President Dr K N Sonaliya,

IAPSM GC Secretary Dr A M Kadri and

GMC observer for the event Dr J R Damor.

July December 2014




roda, 390001,

Page 2: Report ‘Booster ‘Booster ‘Booster –––– 2014’ 2014’ 2014’

Healthline pISSN 2239-337X337X/eISSN 2320


First session of first day was kick

started by our faculty Dr Shobha Misra,

Associate Professor, MCB. She had not

only explained importance on gender

equality but also discussed an excellent tool

for gender analysis in research. As an

invited guest speaker Dr Dinesh Kapadia

(Director, Gender resource centre,

Ahmedabad) talked on “Gender Inequality

– Sensitization and Awareness on Legal

Provision”. Both these lectures were very

helpful to students in understanding the

actual burden, current scenario and

available and future solutions in the field of

gender equality and also the legal side of it.

During post lunch period guest speaker Dr

Arthur Mackwan (SMO, Vado

on ‘Work Experience And Challenges

What Field Requires From A PSM Post

Graduate?’ Special discussion time was

allocated after each session and participants

took part actively in discussions. All the

queries and doubts were nicely replied by

speakers. Thematic cultural events like

Poster making, Rangoli, Mahendi and Card making were organized in the evening at the end

of scientific session. Students from all colleges took part with great enthusiasm and tried

their best to display their creative

with their colleagues from different colleges.

Day 2 (06/09/2014)


Enthusiasm similar to day one was also evident on the faces of participants on the

next day too. Topic “Gender inequ

Bhavna Mehta, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work, MS Uni. After that Dr Bhavesh

Modi, Associate Professor, Dept of PSM, GMERS, Gandhinagar presented his views with

graphs and pictures on “Tobacco control policies

was yet to come!” were proven true by Dr V S Mazumdar when he gave his views on the

topic “Presenting Papers at Conference

interesting and learned the art of presentation.

beautiful extempore was given by Mr.Jay Vasavada, an eminent name in Gujarati literature,

on “ �ી: પત�ંગયા ની પાખં અને

emotional speech touched many hearts. Scientific session was followed by thematic cultural

events like Dumb Charades, ad making and drama

Felicitation of Winners & Vote of Thanks:

Felicitation of the winners of thematic and non thematic was done wi

certificates and prizes to boost PG’s motivation. After felicitation of winners, the PG Meet

was concluded with vote of thanks from Dr R K Baxi, Professor. The PG meet was very

337X337X/eISSN 2320-1525 Volume 5 Issue 2 July December 2014

First session of first day was kick

started by our faculty Dr Shobha Misra,

Associate Professor, MCB. She had not

only explained importance on gender

but also discussed an excellent tool

for gender analysis in research. As an

invited guest speaker Dr Dinesh Kapadia

(Director, Gender resource centre,

Ahmedabad) talked on “Gender Inequality

Sensitization and Awareness on Legal

ectures were very

helpful to students in understanding the

actual burden, current scenario and

available and future solutions in the field of

gender equality and also the legal side of it.

During post lunch period guest speaker Dr

Arthur Mackwan (SMO, Vadodara) spoke

on ‘Work Experience And Challenges -

What Field Requires From A PSM Post

Graduate?’ Special discussion time was

allocated after each session and participants

took part actively in discussions. All the

queries and doubts were nicely replied by

peakers. Thematic cultural events like

Poster making, Rangoli, Mahendi and Card making were organized in the evening at the end

of scientific session. Students from all colleges took part with great enthusiasm and tried

their best to display their creative talents. During these sessions PGs enjoyed interacting

with their colleagues from different colleges.

Enthusiasm similar to day one was also evident on the faces of participants on the

next day too. Topic “Gender inequality: Psychosocial aspects” was explained in depth by Dr

Bhavna Mehta, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work, MS Uni. After that Dr Bhavesh

Modi, Associate Professor, Dept of PSM, GMERS, Gandhinagar presented his views with

obacco control policies – advocacy & challenges”. Words “Best

was yet to come!” were proven true by Dr V S Mazumdar when he gave his views on the

topic “Presenting Papers at Conference- Common Errors”. Students found the lecture very

d the art of presentation. After all the academic/scientific sessions a

beautiful extempore was given by Mr.Jay Vasavada, an eminent name in Gujarati literature,

અન ેઅજગર ની �ખ”. His humorous and at the same ti

emotional speech touched many hearts. Scientific session was followed by thematic cultural

events like Dumb Charades, ad making and drama

Felicitation of Winners & Vote of Thanks:

Felicitation of the winners of thematic and non thematic was done wi

certificates and prizes to boost PG’s motivation. After felicitation of winners, the PG Meet

was concluded with vote of thanks from Dr R K Baxi, Professor. The PG meet was very

July December 2014




Poster making, Rangoli, Mahendi and Card making were organized in the evening at the end

of scientific session. Students from all colleges took part with great enthusiasm and tried

talents. During these sessions PGs enjoyed interacting

Enthusiasm similar to day one was also evident on the faces of participants on the

ality: Psychosocial aspects” was explained in depth by Dr

Bhavna Mehta, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Work, MS Uni. After that Dr Bhavesh

Modi, Associate Professor, Dept of PSM, GMERS, Gandhinagar presented his views with

advocacy & challenges”. Words “Best

was yet to come!” were proven true by Dr V S Mazumdar when he gave his views on the

Common Errors”. Students found the lecture very

After all the academic/scientific sessions a

beautiful extempore was given by Mr.Jay Vasavada, an eminent name in Gujarati literature,

. His humorous and at the same time an

emotional speech touched many hearts. Scientific session was followed by thematic cultural

Felicitation of the winners of thematic and non thematic was done with

certificates and prizes to boost PG’s motivation. After felicitation of winners, the PG Meet

was concluded with vote of thanks from Dr R K Baxi, Professor. The PG meet was very

Page 3: Report ‘Booster ‘Booster ‘Booster –––– 2014’ 2014’ 2014’

Healthline pISSN 2239-337X337X/eISSN 2320

well appreciated by all the delegates, experts as well as senior teachers

medical colleges.

Feedback from the Participants

This meet acted as a platform for the PG students to explore and share their ideas and

network with each other for future advancement. Booster in real sense is an unique

opportunity to sensitize young turks of public health towards a particular issue and may help

in overall development of the state.

The Booster 2014 Team is grateful to College Dean Dr A T Leuva and Additional Director,

Medical Education & Research, Commissio

337X337X/eISSN 2320-1525 Volume 5 Issue 2 July December 2014

well appreciated by all the delegates, experts as well as senior teachers from different

Feedback from the Participants

This meet acted as a platform for the PG students to explore and share their ideas and

network with each other for future advancement. Booster in real sense is an unique

tize young turks of public health towards a particular issue and may help

in overall development of the state.


The Booster 2014 Team is grateful to College Dean Dr A T Leuva and Additional Director,

Medical Education & Research, Commissionerate of Health at Gandhinagar for the

financial support.

July December 2014




from different

This meet acted as a platform for the PG students to explore and share their ideas and

network with each other for future advancement. Booster in real sense is an unique

tize young turks of public health towards a particular issue and may help

The Booster 2014 Team is grateful to College Dean Dr A T Leuva and Additional Director,

nerate of Health at Gandhinagar for the