ssm prospectus 2015


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Find out more about a degree in Sport Science and Management at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Page 1: SSM Prospectus 2015


Page 2: SSM Prospectus 2015
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05 Head’s Message

06 An Introduction To Sport Science and Management

07 FacultyMembers

08 CurriculumStructure

10 SSMCourses

13 StudentLife

14 Scholarships

16 GlobalExposure

18 AdmissionsCriteria

19 DirectEntry&AdvancedStanding

Page 4: SSM Prospectus 2015

L i ve.B r e a the.

P l ay.Spo r t .

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With Singapore’s burgeoning sport industry, there is a critical need for qualified sport

professionals who possess the right expertise coupled with the necessary soft skills and

competencies to meet the needs of the sport industry.

The SSM programme is the sole degree programme offered by a national university in

Singapore that offers undergraduates academic and professional pathways to sport-

related careers. The four-year direct honours programme imbues knowledge in areas

such as physiology, biomechanics, skill acquisition, psychology, sport management and

coaching, to help develop pertinent skills for engagement in the sport industry.

The SSM programme has state-of-the-art sport science laboratories as well as other

facilities at NIE and NTU, and is taught by well-qualified academic staff and part-time

lecturers who will motivate and add value to the learning experiences of our students

while they enjoy the journey of educating the youths of the future. SSM provides a holistic

and unparalleled learning experience that equips students academically with the relevant

knowledge as well as inculcating sound moral values. In addition, the SSM students are

provided with relevant research and industry experience via the academic project

and the internship programme as part of the requirement of the programme.

We are confident that this programme will establish the abilities and

potential of our youths and we look forward to you joining the SSM

programme in Nanyang Technological University.

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With Singapore poised to become a centre for sport

development and innovation within the region, there is an

increasing need for qualified sport professionals who are well

equipped in the study of sport management and possess the

necessary soft skills to help develop human resources in the

area of exercise and sport science.

“We need a steady supply of manpower with the right

skill sets and competencies to address the needs of the

sports industry. We have identified sport science and sport

management as critical areas where we need to expand

our capabilities in human capital. Thus, NTU’s launch

of the sport degree with specialisation in these fields is

well-aligned with the advancement in Singapore sports.”

- Mr Oon Jin Teik, CEO of the Singapore Sports Council, 2009

The Sport Science and Management (SSM) programme is

the sole degree programme offered by a national university

in Singapore that offers undergraduates academic and

professional pathways to sport-related careers. The four-year

direct honours programme imbues knowledge in areas such as

physiology, biomechanics, skill acquisition, psychology, sport

management and coaching, to help develop pertinent skills for

engagement in the sport industry.

Specifically conceptualised with the objective to train qualified

sports professionals, SSM undergraduates are provided with

relevant research and appropriate industry experience via

the academic project and the internship programme during

their studies. They will also benefit from a rich undergraduate

experience with an academic broadening component chosen

from amongst arts, humanities & social sciences, science,

technology and society, business and management and

liberal studies.

Outstanding undergraduates have opportunities to spend

up to six months at overseas universities as part of an

exchange experience. Overseas expedition stints organised

in collaboration with industry partners also allow

undergraduates opportunities for personal growth, team and

leadership development.

With state-of-the-art sport science laboratories as well as other

facilities at NTU, and taught by well-qualified academic staff,

SSM provides a holistic and unparalleled learning experience

that prepares students for exciting careers in the sport industry.

“The Sport Science and Management Degree is distinctive

and different since there are apparently only a few that are

equivalent in substance and language in the Asia Pacific

Region. The degree is multidisciplinary, broad-based and

‘Asianised’ in context and leverages on the unique strengths

and character of expertise that is available in Physical

Education and Sports Science.” - Professor John Lyle, Visiting

Professor, Professor in Coach Education at Leeds Metropolitan

University, UK



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SSM students can look forward to career paths ranging from sports administrators, event managers, writers and marketers, to sport scientists, trainers and coaches, all of which are in increasing demand because of the burgeoning sport and leisure industry, as well as Singapore’s increasing importance in the capacity of sport hostmanship in the region.

Career Prospects

“Journeying through the Sport Science & Management programme was the zenith of my student experience. It was a heartfelt privilege earning honour as Valedictorian for my class and receiving the Sport Science & Management Gold Medal. The program is unparalleled for its coverage of broad biophysical and sociocultural sub-disciplines in exercise science, physical education and notably, for its close-knit student populace and student-centred teaching faculty; such close interaction between students and faculty is unprecedented in other courses. I owe this memorable undergraduate journey to my genuine neighbourly contemporaries and seniors, as well as to the mentor-worthy professors in the programme.”

M o k Z h e n Yo n g A l e xa n d e rR e s e a r c h S c h o l a rA * S TA R - S i n g a p o r e I n s t i t u t e f o r C l i n i ca l S c i e n ce s

“My four-year experience in NTU has been truly inspirational and positively influential in shaping my future. I was provided with access beyond excellent academic infrastructures but also had opportunities to explore my own interests through various student activities, to experience other cultures through an exchange programme, and to develop interpersonal skills when living on campus. The SSM programme has imparted in me key knowledge and skills through its nurturing and well-respected academics, state-of-the-art facilities and resources to learn both locally and overseas. I could not feel more ready to be part of the blooming sport industry.”

D y l a n M a h H o n S e nM a r ke t i n g A s s i s t a n tWo m e n’s Te n n i s A s s o c i a t i o n

“I am thankful for the opportunity to pursue my interest in Sport Science at NTU in the Sport Science and Management (SSM) programme as an award recipient of the College Scholarship. The programme greatly nurtured my interest in the various sport sciences such as Sports Physiology and Sports Biomechanics. With the guidance of caring faculty professors, my interest in sport science research grew especially during my participation in the Undergraduate Research Experience on Campus (URECA) programme and my internship stint at Defence Medical & Environmental Research Institute. These valuable knowledge and practical experiences have prepared me for the workforce as I use the theory and principles of Sports Physiology to assist the physiologists in testing and improving the performances of Singapore’s elite athletes. I would like thank my course mates and faculty staff for making my journey in SSM an enriching one.

Fo o Q i z h e n P h i l d i aP h y s i o l o g y L a b o ra t o r y O f f i ce rS p o r t S i n g a p o r eS i n g a p o r e S p o r t s I n s t i t u t e


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FacultyMembersHighly experienced and established faculty members (local and international) teach in the

SSM programme. The diverse academic, cultural and sport backgrounds of the faculty offers

students in the SSM programme many opportunities to value-add to their own undergraduate

experience. Drawn from a well-qualified academic body within the Academic Group of Physical

Education and Sports Science in National Institute of Education, Singapore, the SSM faculty is a

collective of sport science and sport management researchers as well as practitioners possessing

extensive experience in their areas of expertise.

“The launch of our new Sport Science and Management degree is exciting and I am thrilled to share my experience with the upcoming young talents. I believe this new programme will open up opportunities and bring hope to the sports community including athletes, coaches, sports scientists, exercise enthusiasts and the fitness industry.”

A s s i s t a n t Pr o f e s s o r, Ve n i K o n g

“It is fantastic for me to share knowledge about sport science to the SSM students to help prepare them for an exciting career in the growing sport industry. I see a lot of relevance in the experience that they will acquire here in NTU with the expectations that industry partners may have of our students.”

A s s o c i a t e Pr o f e s s o r, C h o w J i a Yi


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In general, students are awarded 3 Academic Units (AUs) upon completion of each module (unless otherwise stated). Students must complete a minimum of 127 AUs and fulfill all programme requirements for the award of the degree.

Sport Science & Management Curriculum Overview

SSM CORE(14 courses)



ELECTIVES(9 courses)





(22 WEEKS)

Description of AbbreviationPE – Prescr ibed E lec t ives

STS – Sc ience, Technology & Societ yBM – Business & Management

LA – L iberal Ar tsUE – Unrestr ic ted E lec t ives

The general structure of the degree is in accordance to sport science based or sport management based degrees – core components, general education components, a final year project and an internship component.


Year of Study

Number of Academic Units (AUs)

Major RequirementsGeneral Education Requirements (GER)

TotalGER Core

GER Prescribed ElectivesUE

Core Major PE STS BM LA Any Category (STS, BM, LA)

1 18 6 7 3 34

2 21 3 1 3 3 3 34

3 3 15 4 3 3 3 6 37

4 16 3 3 22

Total 58 27 12 15 15 127


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Core Components: The first and second year of the degree is common in that all

students enrol for the same academic courses. Students will

learn the fundamentals of the science of sport including but

not limited to: Human Anatomy, Exercise Physiology, Sport

Psychology, Sport Management and the Sociology of Sport.

Specialisation begins in the third year and continues throughout

the fourth year where students elect to undertake courses with

a concentration or focus in sport science or sport management.

Students will also have the opportunity to engage in games and

sport electives like Strength Training, Tennis and Soccer as part of

the curriculum’s core component.

General Education Requirements: Students are also required to undertake General Education

Requirement modules offered by the various schools in the

university, which will nurture them to become well-rounded

professionals with skills that can be deployed in a wide spectrum

of careers.

The courses are offered to the student with an allocated

distribution from amongst Communication, Singapore Studies

and Environmental Sustainability under the GER-Core segment

as well as a varied distribution of the student’s choice from

amongst Art, Humanities & Social Sciences (AHSS), Business &

Management (BM), Science, Technology & Society (STS) and

Liberal Studies (LS).

The Unrestricted Electives (UE) component allows students to

select any subjects of their own interest. They can also fulfil this

component by taking up academic minors in other schools in

the university like Business, Communication Studies, Psychology,

Pharmaceutical Engineering, Chinese Herbal Medicine and etc.

Internship: The SSM provides an opportunity to acquire valuable working

experience through an internship programme during the course of

study. Potential internship attachment partners include but are not

limited to Sport Singapore, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry

of Community, Youth and Sports, Singapore Sports School, private

sport/fitness organizations and various national sport associations.

Overseas internship opportunities are also available in

multinational sport organizations through the Work and Study

Global Immersion Programme in NTU.

Final Year Project: The completion of an academic project

in the final year of the study aims

to assist students in acquiring a

sound grounding for possible

research/practical work

in the sport industry.


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There are 2 semesters in each academic year and students typically take 5 to 6 courses per semester.

SSM Courses

Sport Science Specialisation:

Foundation:Year 1 Semester 1Core Courses (3 courses X 3 AUs = 9 AUs):

SS1001 Structural & Functional Anatomy

SS1002 Sociology of Sport I - Cultural Foundations of Sport

SS1003 Introduction to Sport Management

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives(1 course X 1 AU + 1 course X 2 AUs + 1 course X 3 AUs = 6 AUs)

Year 2 Semester 1Core Courses (4 courses X 3 AUs = 12 AUs):

SS2002 Motor Learning & Control I – Skill Acquisition

SS2003 Sport Biomechanics I – Concepts and Principles of Human Movement

SS2004 Coaching & Learning I - Foundations

SS2005 Physical Activity & Leisure for Special Populations

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives(2 courses X 3 AUs = 6 AUs)

Year 2 Semester 2Core Courses (3 courses X 3 AUs = 9 AUs):

SS2001 Exercise & Sport Psychology I – Social and Psycho-logical Aspects of Sport and Exercise

SS2006 Research Methods & Design in Physical Activity & Sport

SS2007 Sport Injuries I - Introduction to Sports Injuries

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives(1 course X 1 AU + 2 courses X 3 AUs = 7 AUs)

Year 1 Semester 2Core Courses (4 courses X 3 AUs = 12 AUs):

SS1004 Introduction to Growth and Motor Development

SS1005 Heath & wellness I - Personal and Community Health

SS1006 Exercise & Sport Physiology I - Foundational Exercise Physiology

SS0101 Singapore Sport in the 21st Century

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives(1 course X 1 AU + 2 courses X 3 AUs = 7 AUs)

Year 3 Semester 1Core Courses (1 course X 3 AUs = 3 AUs):

SS3001 Statistics, Measurement & Evaluation

Specialisation Courses (select 3 courses X 3 AUs = 9 AUs):

SS3101 Exercise & Sport Physiology II – Advanced Exercise Physiology

SS3103 Sport Injuries II – Prevention and Management

SS3201 Sport Biomechanics II – Quantitative Biomechanics

SS3301 Exercise & Sport Psychology II – Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

SS3303 Coaching & Learning II – Theory and Practice (Team and Individual)

SS3401 Motor Learning & Control II – Motor Control in Human Performance

SS3501 Sociology of Sport II – Sport in Society

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives(1 course X 1 AU + 2 courses X 3 AUs = 7 AUs)

Year 3 Semester 2Specialisation Courses (select 2 courses X 3 AUs = 6 AUs):

SS3102 Exercise & Sport Physiology III - Applied Exercise Physiology

SS3104 Health & Wellness II - Current Trends in Health & Wellness

SS3202 Sport Biomechanics III - Analytical Biomechanics

SS3302 Exercise & Sport Psychology III - Sport Psychology in Theory, Practice & Research

SS3304 Coaching & Learning III - Concepts, Models, Recent Developments

SS3402 Motor Learning & Control III - Neuromuscular Basis of Human Movement

SS3403 Adapted Physical Activity & Recreation

SS3502 Sociology of Sport III - Social History in Sport

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives(1 course X 1 AU + 1 course X 2 AUs + 3 courses X 3 AUs = 12 AUs)

Students are required to fulfil at least 6 courses from their chosen specialisation through third and fourth year in their preferred choice combinations. However, the following progression is recommended.


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Year 4 Semester 1Core Courses (1 course X 10 AUs = 10 AUs):

SS4001 Internship

Year 4 Semester 2Core Courses (1 course X 6 AUs = 6 AUs):

SS4002 Academic/ Final Year Project

Specialisation Courses (choose 1 course X 3 AUs = 3 AUs):

SS4104 Health & wellness III - Nexus between Nutrition, Exercise and Fitness

SS4401 Lifespan Motor Development

SS4402 Leadership & Instruction in Physical Activity & Sport

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives (1 course X 3 AUs = 3 AUs)

Sport Management Specialisation:

Year 3 Semester 1Core Courses (1 course X 3 AUs = 3 AUs)

SS3001 Statistics, Measurement & Evaluation

Specialisation Courses (select 3 courses X 3 AUs = 9 AUs):

SS3301 Exercise & Sport Psychology II – Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity

SS3303 Coaching & Learning II – Theory and Practice(Team and Individual)

SS3501 Sociology of Sport II – Sport in Society

SS3601 Sport Marketing & Sponsorship

SS3602 Event & Facilities Management

SS3603 Human Resource Management in Sport

SS3604 Legal Aspects in Sport

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives(1 course X 1 AU + 2 courses X 3 AUs = 7 AUs)

Year 4 Semester 1Core Courses (1 course X 10 AUs = 10 AUs):

SS4001 Internship

Year 3 Semester 2Specialisation Courses (select 2 courses X 3 AUs = 6 AUs):

SS3104 Health & Wellness II - Current Trends in Health& Wellness

SS3302 Exercise & Sport Psychology III - Sport Psychology in Theory, Practice & Research

SS3304 Coaching & Learning III - Concepts, Models, Recent Developments

SS3403 Adapted Physical Activity & Recreation

SS3502 Sociology of Sport III - Social History in Sport

SS3605 Management of Sport Organisations

SS3606 Finance & Business in Sport

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives(1 course X 1 AU + 1 course X 2 AUs + 3 courses X 3 AUs = 12 AUs)

Year 4 Semester 2Core Courses (1 course X 6 AUs = 6 AUs):

SS4002 Final Year Project

Specialisation Courses (select 1 course X 3 AUs = 3 AUs):

SS4104 Health & Wellness III – Nexus between Nutrition, Exercise and Fitness

SS4402 Leadership & Instruction in Physical Activity& Sport

SS4601 Leisure & Recreation Management

SS4602 Quality Management in Sport

General Education Requirements/Unrestricted Electives/SSM Major-Prescribed Electives (1 course X 3 AUs = 3 AUs)

Students are required to fulfil at least 6 courses from their chosen specialisation through third and fourth year in their preferred choice combinations. However, the following progression is recommended.


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Housed in the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science at National institute of Education, the SSM is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratory based equipment optimally used for sport research purposes.


• Psychomotor Lab

• Exercise Physiology Lab

• Biomechanics Lab

• Biochemistry Lab

• Human Anatomy Lab

• Computer Lab

• Motivational Lab

Outdoor tennis and basketball courts, a 25m teaching pool, an Olympic-sized hockey pitch as well as an air-conditioned indoor sports hall and gymnasium amongst others encourages student engagement in campus life.


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In recognition of academic excellence and leadership potential, NTU offers a variety of scholarships to new and existing students pursuing their full-time undergraduate studies in NTU. Scholarships are generally awarded to students based on academic merit and good co-curricular records.

Scholarships specially administered for SSM students include:

Find out more about scholarships offered by NTU at: cholarships.aspx


EW Barker Scholarship The EW Barker Scholarship is a flagship award specially administered for SSM students. It aims to nurture talented and committed individuals in the pursuit of undergraduate study in the area of sport management and sport and exercise science. This scholarship provides S$8,000 per annum to each successful scholar to support the cost of undertaking the SSM degree programme.

“I think the biggest difference in the SSM programme from other courses is the burning passion in sports that brings everyone together. This fostered a close relationship between lecturers and students which facilitated learning greatly. I am very grateful to the SSM for providing me with opportunities to participate in international immersion programmes and conferences which has given me a global perspective of the sport industry.”

L i m M i n g H a n , E W B a r ke r S c h o l a r


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Get exposed to different learning environments and widen your horizons through the International Student Exchange Programme (INSTEP) with reputed overseas universities. Overseas stints allow students the opportunity for personal growth, team and leadership development. These experiences also inculcate global perspectives in their area of specialty.

Crystal Wee (pictured left) spent six months at the University of Hull in the United Kingdom.

Hull is a quiet city in the eastern part of UK. The lifestyle is laid-back compared to an urban city like Singapore and hence I had some difficulty adjusting to the short working and opening hours of most facilities there. Culturally, it was a very good experience as I had the opportunity to travel around often and meet many different people.

I was very motivated to read up on my modules during my free time whilst in Hull. I studied while travelling, especially on long train rides and it made me realise that I actually have plenty of time to do the same in Singapore, if I put my mind to it. Hence, I will attempt to apply this new, important skill upon returning to NTU.

The exchange also gave me time to reflect on why I am studying Sport Science and Management and I think this is important as everyone needs to appreciate the reasons why they are doing something. I am glad that I went for this exchange programme.

Elaine Teo (pictured below) spent six months at the San Diego State University in the United States.

It is really easy to adapt to the lifestyle in San Diego. The weather is really good, as it does not go to extremes. The people are really welcoming and accepting.

I managed to take modules in sport as well as modules outside of my faculty, one of which includes learning the Hebrew language. A particularly great experience for me was hopping on a mission trip to Tijuana, Mexico with a local community from All Peoples Church (APC), many of which I still keep in contact with through Skype and Facebook.

The pace of life in San Diego is a lot slower, and you have time to take in all that is around you. For me personally, it helped me become a lot more positive and realise that there is much more to life than academics and achievements.


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Prospective students need to meet certain requirements for a successful application into the SSM programme.

Admissions Criteria

Lo c al GCE ‘A’ level Holders:• H1levelpassinMathematicsor• GCE‘O’levelorequivalentpassinAdditionalMathematics.

Lo c al Polytechnic D iploma Holders:• A polytechnic diploma (regardless of specialization) from Nanyang Polytechnic, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic, Republic Polytechnic and Temasek Polytechnic.

• GCEO-LevelinAdditionalMathematics preferred. Those who do not meet the Maths requirement but can show potential may be called up for interviews and considered on a case-by-case basis.

Singap ore Sp or ts S cho ol & Auck land Universit y of Technolo gy (NZ) D iploma Holders:• AdiplomainSportsManagement&ExerciseScience.

I nternational B acc alaureate D iploma Holders: • MathematicsatStandardLevel.

NUS H igh S cho ol D iploma Holders: • MajorCAPof2.0inMathematics.

I nternational Q ualif ic ations:• Completedatleast12yearsofgeneraleducation.

• Additional Mathematics at Junior High School level/Mathematics at IB Standard level.

Admissions interviews are conducted on a selective basis and non academic achievements will also be considered. After completing the general NTU online application, applicants are encouraged to send in any supporting documents of their sports background or involvement in community and humanitarian projects to:

O ffice of Admissions & Financial Aid

Nanyang Technolo gic al Universit y

Student S er vices Centre, Level 2

42 Nanyang Avenue

Singap ore 639815

Find out more about NTU undergraduate admiss ions and fees at


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DirectEntry&AdvancedStandingStudents with a relevant diploma in Sports, Health & Leisure from Republic Polytechnic, Singapore may be considered for direct entry into second year of the SSM programme. Students must have graduated with merit and will be considered for direct entry on a case-by-case basis upon application for admissions into the SSM programme.

Students who do not qualify for direct entry but hold relevant diplomas in sport-related fields may be considered for advanced standing. Course exemptions of up to 12 AUs (4 courses) will be granted upon passing respective qualifying tests, assessed by relevant SSM faculty. Students must have previously embarked on a similarcourseandhaveobtainedaminimumgradeof‘C’to be eligible to undertake the qualifying test.

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Sport Science and Management

Physical Education & Sports Science

National Institute of Education

Nanyang Technological University

1 Nanyang Walk, Singapore 637616

Tel: (65) 6790 3719

Fax: (65) 6896 9260

Email: [email protected]

For more information, contact: