suddias competitive system (age of sigmar)

Welcome to the Suddias Competitive System. This packet is designed to implement some basic rules for competitive players while attempting to not stray from the original rules-set for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Just like the standard rules, this has four pages of rules… That’s it. We then give four army examples to show how the composition elements work. In this pack, you will find some basic limitations on army selection to encourage armylist building, additional rules, and rules for using an Auxiliary this will be explained later in this rules pack. Also some additional rules to control how much influence some more overpowered elements in the game. These rules are intended to help competitive players host tournaments, and also to allow interesting elements such as list building back into the fray without imposing too many restrictions on what can, and cannot be brought to the game. Before you begin your battle. Agree on the Wounds total to be fought with for each player. Each game will last a MAXIMUM if 6 turns. These wound totals DO NOT have to match, but once a wounds maximum is agreed upon, it must be adhered to by all players in the game. A wounds total is the combined amount of wounds for your entire force as calculated by using the wounds characteristic on each warscroll. A good suggestion for basic composition and to get acclimated with the rules is 100 wounds. A player may choose to field less wounds than his or her opponent in a hope to force a sudden death objective as shown in the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar rules. This is achieved by simply only placing certain warscrolls, leaving the others in Auxiliaries. The minimum amount that can be chosen is 25 wounds. The base limitations will be explained later in this rule packet. Each player writes down his/her complete armylist. This is a FIXED amount for the battle or tournament, the armylist must include a model count for each warscroll, what equipment and upgrades each warscroll has, as well as a tally the warscroll wounds. Setting Up Your battlefield. When rolling for Scenery, For the purposes of targeting a model, All Buildings and Hills count as infinitely high. This means that if a model of any height is behind a hill or a building, it cannot be seen. However, if the model is on top of the hill it can be targeted normally. Movement up and own buildings and hills remains unchanged.

Upload: ash-suddaby

Post on 18-Aug-2015




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A simple comp system for Age of Sigmar using a basic wounds based system and also introduces a new mechanic AUXILIARIES! Have fun, feel free to use and abuse these fun additions. Feedback is welcome and this is Version 1.1 As it needs fine tuning, adjustments will be made using all your feedback.


Welcome to the Suddias Competitive System. This packet is designed to implement some basic rules for competitive players while attempting to not stray from the original rules-set for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Just like the standard rules, this has four pages of rules Thats it. We then give four army examples to show how the composition elements work. In this pack, you will find some basic limitations on army selection to encourage armylist building, additional rules, and rules for using an Auxiliary this will be explained later in this rules pack. Also some additional rules to control how much influence some more overpowered elements in the game. These rules are intended to help competitive players host tournaments, and also to allow interesting elements such as list building back into the fray without imposing too many restrictions on what can, and cannot be brought to the game. Before you begin your battle. Agree on the Wounds total to be fought with for each player. Each game will last a MAXIMUM if 6 turns. These wound totals DO NOT have to match, but once a wounds maximum is agreed upon, it must be adhered to by all players in the game. A wounds total is the combined amount of wounds for your entire force as calculated by using the wounds characteristic on each warscroll. A good suggestion for basic composition and to get acclimated with the rules is 100 wounds. A player may choose to field less wounds than his or her opponent in a hope to force a sudden death objective as shown in the Warhammer: Age of Sigmar rules. This is achieved by simply only placing certain warscrolls, leaving the others in Auxiliaries. The minimum amount that can be chosen is 25 wounds. The base limitations will be explained later in this rule packet. Each player writes down his/her complete armylist. This is a FIXED amount for the battle or tournament, the armylist must include a model count for each warscroll, what equipment and upgrades each warscroll has, as well as a tally the warscroll wounds. Setting Up Your battlefield. When rolling for Scenery, For the purposes of targeting a model, All Buildings and Hills count as infinitely high. This means that if a model of any height is behind a hill or a building, it cannot be seen. However, if the model is on top of the hill it can be targeted normally. Movement up and own buildings and hills remains unchanged. ArMYLISTS & LIMITATIONS The minimum amount of wounds that each player can play a game with is 25 total wounds. For each 25 wounds there is a minimum and maximum amount of model types that are allowed to be fielded. These limitations create an equal playing field for the players and thus a more competitive battle. The base limitations are as follows. 25 ARMY WOUNDS 0 -0 Named warscrolls (special characters) 1 - 4 Warscrolls0 - 0 Heroes (may not exceed 25% of total wounds, No Duplicate heroes) 0 - 0 Monsters (may not exceed 25% of total wounds) 0 - 1 Warmachine (may not exceed 25% of total wounds) 0 1 Flyers (may not exceed 25% of total wounds) Maximum 10 wounds per warscroll selected No duplicate warscrolls (Heroes/Summons may never be duplicated) For each 25 total wounds count in the army, add + 1 to THE MINIMUM warscrolls FIELDED, and + 4 to the MAXIMUM warscrolls allowed to be fielded, add + 1 hero maximum limit, + 1 warmachine maximum limit, + 1 Flyer maximum limit and + 1 monster maximum limit. Add +6 wounds to maximum warscroll limit. For Each 100 wounds, you may add 1 duplicate warscroll, except heroes which may never be duplicated. For each 200 wounds, you add + 1 to the Special Character maximum limit. In smaller games, it is basically a skirmish and it is very unlikely that mighty heroes would even attempt to enter the fray and would most likely send their lieutenants other scouting forces to lead the way. Conflicts of this size battle are no longer a mere skirmish and warrant the attention of a named character. 200 wounds or more is considered a large battle. This size battle will typically take around 4-5 hours to play, and even larger battles can take longer than that! This rule is for both fluff and balance reasons. We found that a LOT of named characters simply deleted units in smaller games but, it was felt that they ARE still needed in the game, they just needed to be kept in check. Warscroll Battalions count as a warscroll for the purposes of limits, so making an army based on a certain Warscroll battalion will cost a warscroll from your limits. Though this may sound like a hindrance, the battalion rules make forces have extra special rules which can potentially make them overpowered and unbalanced. Example: 100 Army wounds 0 0 Named Characters 4 16 Warscrolls 0 3 Heroes (may not exceed 25% of total wounds) 0 3 Monsters (may not exceed 25% of total wounds) 0 4 Warmachines (may not exceed 25% of total wounds) 0 4 Flyers (may not exceed 25% of total wounds) Maximum 28 wounds per warscroll selected May have 1 duplicate warscroll (Heroes/Summons may ever be duplicated) Additional rules. MEASURING All measurements for shooting, movement, and abilities are measured from the edge of the base of each model instead of the model itself. This is to ensure that all measurements are kept consistent and to promote fair play. SUDDEN DEATH For the sake of working out if a game has fallen into Sudden Death, each player uses WOUNDS, not models to work out when Sudden Death is activated. The Sudden Death Scenario will ALWAYS be either Blunt, Assassinate, or Seize Ground. shooting Shooting the enemy isnt hard dear boy, doing it without hitting your friends and allies, now thats a different storyNormal shooting rules apply for the most part with one exception Units may shoot into and out of an active combat per normal rules. However, to hit roll of 1 will instead of the intended target, hit a friendly model involved in the same combat or a friendly model within 3 of that combat (controllers choice if there are multiple friendly models.). MAGIC A Wizard may attempt to unbind a spell from the normal 18 specified by the basic rules, but the wizard attempting the unbind must have line of sight on the enemy wizard trying to cast the original spell. In addition, a wizard that is engaged in combat is only able to focus on the immediate area around him/her. For this reason, while a wizard is in combat, the wizard may only target units within 5 instead of the normal range of a spell and when attempting to unbind. Finally, if a Wizard rolls double 1s on 2D6 the casting wizard immediately takes a single mortal wound. If a Wizard rolls double 6s when Casting, the spell may not be unbound. SUMMONING Wizards wanting to summon other creatures must put their mind and spirit through great torment, the knowledge must be obtained sometimes through unholy and blasphemous acts. Warscrolls that are summoned must be from your existing warscrolls chosen at the beginning of the game, this does include your Auxiliaries choices, each warscroll may only be summoned once. While active, it cannot be re-summoned. There can only be one copy of a warscroll on the gaming surface at once. A wizard can only maintain THREE TIMES HIS OR HER WOUNDS WORTH OF WARSCROLLS. These additional models are counted towards your total wounds lost so it is possible to lose more wounds than you originally started the game with. Models that are Summoned may not charge, or move on the turn they arrive. Example: A Chaos wizard with 5 wounds can only ever summon and maintain a maximum of 15 wounds. If the wizard summoned a Daemon Prince that has 8 wounds for instance, he would then only be able to summon 7 more wounds worth of models until the Daemon Prince was no longer in play. On the other hand, if the wizard summoned 15 Daemonettes that would be a total of 15 wounds. Until this warscroll was wiped out, the wizard wouldnt be able to summon any more. O.K. so far the rules have been pretty basic, but heres where things get interesting. One of the beautiful aspects of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, is that you can normally field anything you want from your force and so far this rules pack hasnt really offered much in the way of choice, just limitations. Well, this is all about to change as we introduce AUXILAIRIES No commander worth his salt will fly into a battle with the same tactics over and over, he will deploy certain units to certain objectives and even sometimes keep troops in reserve for a surprise counter attack. The following rules aim to achieve some of this. This is also designed to encourage an age-old Warhammer tradition of list building. At the end of this package Ill share the list I use in our 100 total wounds games along with my Auxiliaries, as well as some examples of how to vary each time you play with the SAME TROOPS all thanks to these basic rules. There are 6 simple rules to remember when using Auxiliaries 1) Your Auxiliaries may only be a maximum additional 1/3 of your total army wounds (rounded down). So a 100 total wounds game would allow for 133 total wounds including Auxiliaries. 2) Heroes lead from the front. No Heroes may be placed in Auxiliaries. 3) Your Total Warscroll Limit still applies for the sake of army composition what this means is that your Auxiliaries are counted towards the Warscroll limit though not actually part of the army yet. So if youre playing a 100 total wounds game, your warscroll limit would still be 4 16, even though you have a wound pool of 133 wounds. 4) When deploying your warscrolls, remember that the Total Wound Limit still applies, so the warscrolls you place on the table may not exceed the agreed limit. So in a 100 wound game would still only be able to use 100 wounds of models, even though you have a pool of 133 wounds to choose from. 5) Warscrolls that can summon may only use Warscrolls that you control at the beginning of each game, but that DOES include your Auxiliaries. 6) Warscrolls that have abilities that can bring additional warscrolls into the game such as the Chaos Lord who can bring a unit on from a table edge on a D6 roll of 4+, use the additional Auxiliaries as the reserve forces being brought into the game. Once your Auxiliaries have all been placed on the board, the ability cannot be used anymore until another warscroll is wiped out. Let battle commence! When Placing Auxiliaries, you simply place the unit or model on the gaming surface as you would for any normal set up, but simply make a note of the warscroll its replacing. This will help you keep track of how many wounds are being used. This extra flexibility in games should add a great dynamic as well as help stop competitive games from becoming dull and predictable. Example of how the Auxiliaries works. Example 1) Ashs Slaanesh force. The Slaanesh Cohort of The White Serpent (100 wounds). Lucian The Seducer - The Steward of Slaanesh Slaanesh Lord on Daemonic Steed (7 wounds/Hero) Ashicus The Muse Chaos Sorcerer Mark of Slaanesh, Staff, Sword (5 wounds/Hero) Chorix The Betrayer Exalted Champion with Battle Standard Mark of Slaanesh (5 wounds/Hero) The Tormentors 12 Chaos Warriors Mark of Slaanesh, Full Command, Chaos Runeshields (24 wounds) The Ever Wanting 21 Chaos Marauders Mark of Slaanesh, Full Command, Damned Icon, Flails, Shieds (21 wounds) The Seducers Children 5 Chaos Knights Mark of Slaanesh, Full Command (15 wounds) The Lustful Charge 1 Chaos Chariot Mark of Slaanesh (7 wounds) The Last Blessed 5 Hellflayers Full Command, Icon of Excess (10 wounds) Auxilaries Slaaneshs Gift (33 wounds) Excessive Lust 3 Fiends of Slaanesh (12 wounds) Glorious Passion 15 Daemonettes of Slaanesh Full Command (15 wounds) Ravenous Pain 1 Hellflayer of Slaanesh (6 wounds) Ash: Ive been running my Pure Slaanesh Warband now in the hopes of bringing back the missing god My Chaos Lords back story is he is acting as steward to The Dark Princes throne to quell the civil war that broke out in Slaaneshs realm. I tend the standard force unless I find myself going against Skaven, or Sigmars dreaded forces, at which point I switch my Marauders for a unit of Daemonettes and a Hellflayer. this simple swap allows me to have some faster elements to close the gap faster and really pack on the pain. I then summon the Fiends to dish out a killing blow. I am a BIG fan of summoning and since my Sorcerer has five wounds, meaning that I can summon up to 15 wounds, thats why my largest Daemon unit has 15 wounds. Example 2) Jeffs Orruk Savage Orc horde. Gorfunk Bigsmashas Green tide (100 wounds). Gorfunk Bigsmasha Orc Warboss on Wyvern (10 wounds/Hero/Monster) Stick Wavah Untox - Savage Orc Shaman (5 wounds/Hero) Lugnix Spiduh Calluh Goblin Big Boss on Gigantic Spider (6 wounds/Hero) Da Madunz 20 Savage Orcs Full Command, Big Stabba, Stone Choppas (21 wounds) Da hoovz uv doom 10 Savage Orc Boar Boyz Full Command, Extra Hand Weapons (20 wounds) Da Spiduh Brawlaz 12 Goblin Spider Riders Full Command (24 wounds) Da Big Nasty! Arachnorok Spider Flinger, Forest Goblins (14 wounds/Monster) Auxiliaries Da Shooty Gitz (33 wounds). Da Bow Gitz 18 Goblins Full Command, Bows and Slashaz (18 wounds) Deff From Abuv! Goblin Rock Lobber (5 wounds) Da Kruncha Mangler Squigs (10 wounds/Monster) Jeff: Hi, Im loving my set up so far, I have my force set up that IF I need some shooty stuff,I can do just that I simply swap out Madunz for Da Bow Gitz, If I need yet more shooting, I swap out Lugnix for Deff From Abuv!... Its a simple case of making sure that your total wounds after set up dont go over 100 wounds. The added choice is fantastic and I know that Gorfunk will raise a mighty WAAAGH! Example 3) Andys Stormcast Eternals. The Righteous Host of Lord Orloff (100 wounds). Lord Orloff and his trusty steed Lord Celestant on Dracoth (7 wounds/Hero) Lord Gustave - Lord Castellant Halberd, Lamp (6 wounds/Hero) Preacher of the Word Lord-Relictor (5 wounds/Hero) Righteous Protection 10 Liberators Liberator Prime (20 wounds) Hangmans Judgement 5 Decimators Decimator Prime, Starsoul Mace (15 wounds) Rain of Faith 10 Judicators Judicator Prime, 2 Shockbolt Bows (20 Wounds) Sigmars Hammer 3 Retributors Retributor Prime (9 wounds) Avenging Wings 6 Prosecutors Prosecutor Prime (12 wounds) Gustaves Gaurdians 2 Gryph-hounds (6 wounds) Auxilairies: The Sacred Lands (0 wounds) Andy: With the SCs being a new force, sadly there is not that many models out for them yet, because of this, I actually, force sudden death by not fielding all my models, mainly focusing on more elite elements to really hit home with the troops I do have fielded. I simply place up to 33 wounds worth of models into my Auxiliaries, this gives me a chance to change objectives to something more favorable for me. Example 4) Warrens Undead Force. The Dried Sands of TAli-Maz (100 Wounds) King Abdulis atop Morfallix Royal Warsphinx (12 Wounds/Hero/Monster) Tectra-Ux Liche Priest (5 Wounds/Hero) Pyron-Haz The Keeper of Souls Casket of souls (8 Wounds/Hero) The Undying Legion 15 Tomb Guards ,Tomb Captain,Icon Bearer, Horn Blower, Brass Halberds, Shields (15 Wounds) The Scorpions Sting 16 Skeleton Warriors - Skeleton Champion, Icon Bearer, Horn Blower, Spears, Shields (16 Wounds) The Protectors of the sand 3 Ubshabti Ritual Blade-stave (12 Wounds) The Kings Guardian Khemrian Warsphinx (12 Wounds/Monster) The Asps Bite 15 Skeleton Archers Master of Arrows, Icon Bearer, Horn Blower (15 Wounds) The Skulls of the Enemy -Screaming Skull Catapult (5 Wounds) Auxiliaries: Those from beneath (30 Wounds) The Sand Stalkers 3 Sepulchral Stalkers (15 Wounds) The Entombed Crawlers 3 Tomb Scorpions (15 Wounds) Warren: I started playing Warhammer just as the End Times books were released and fell in love with the Tomb King lore. One of the things I loved about the Tomb Kings were all the opportunities to summon extra units and ambush from beneath as well as all the really super tough monsters. For this reason, I have not one, but TWO monsters, and THREE Characters. The Auxiliaries are designed to be switched out with either the Asps Bite, or the Undying Legion as they have the same wound count meaning no extra math. I then summon one of the units back in the Hero phase. The whole army is very thematic and is surprisingly tough due to being able to re-summon a unit if it has been wiped out. Written and play tested by Ash The Banner Guy Suddaby, Warren Gelonte, Andy Holland, andJeff Jordenson. No challenge is intended towards Games Workshop and all rules are merely suggestions to encourage further development and community for the game. All Warhammer names and logos are used without permission but in the spirit of fun. No profits will be collected from these rules by any of its creators. Thanks, Have fun, and MAY THE DICE BE WITH YOU!