sxsw interactive panelpicker 2015

SXSW Interacti ve PanelPicker 2015

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A selection of the best proposed panels in the Branding and Marketing Category for SXSW Interactive 2015


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InteractivePanelPicker 2015

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426panels proposed

in Branding and Marketing



Banana RepublicGeneral ElectricLive NationViacomMondelezBonoboWarner BrosPepsiCoDreamworks


The Wall Street JournalBuzzfeedFast CompayMashableCartoon NetworksEsquire

FCBSapientNitroDDBR/GAOgilvyColle+McVoyDeuschFallonJack MortonJWT

Leo BurnettDigitasLBiHavasWundermanMullenY&RVivakiBBDOMcGarryBowenPereira O’Dell

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Brands Win National Championships, Not Defenses

The University of Oregon will win more games in the next twenty years than any other school in college football, and there isn’t a single program in America equipped to stop them…yet. You might be surprised to hear that the reason for this impending success has less to do with coaching or recruiting, and has everything to do with marketing. In twenty years, the University of Oregon will be the premier program in college football because they’re building a brand in Eugene, Oregon, whereas other schools are building teams in four-year, unsustainable, increments. The days of your father’s college athletics are over. Dead. Gone. Not. Coming. Back. It’s not about x’s and o’s anymore; it’s about crazy uniforms and polarizing billboards in New York City. The book challenges that the most successful college athletic programs of the future will be those who build the strongest brand, not the strongest defense or the program with the best coach. Brands win championships.




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__DescriptionThe Death of Social Listening

Marketers crap out shitloads of content daily, but is it resonating with consumers? From focus groups to social media monitoring tools, it’s easy for organisations to collect data, but knowing how to make it actionable is crucial. Moderated by The Drum, this session will examine some of the new, innovative technologies that go beyond sentiment analysis, such as Relative Insight, which examines language as data to show brands and agencies how consumers actually relate to the brand. For example, BMW puts out messaging about speed and global engineering, but analysis of consumer reaction shows that they actually consider the family elements of the car to be more important. How should brands adapt their language to make sure they and their customers are on the same page? Fortune 500 companies like Dell and global agencies such as Ogilvy will highlight best practices on how to better position brands and differentiate themselves from competitors by applying consistent brand language.

__WhoRelative InsightDellOgilvy UKThe Drum


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Culture Clash: When Marketing and Product Converge

The rigid division between product and marketing departments is breaking down, driven by the need to constantly innovate. Marketing teams are becoming innovation groups, where radical new concepts are developed and tested on large audiences. Product departments are inviting marketing and a new breed of innovation agencies into product ideation. Smart brands are considering how products can link to digital marketing before they even go into production and pitches are being replaced with prototypes.In a discussion free of buzzwords and bullsh*t, we’ll dissect how to create a culture of innovation within your organization. Contribute to a straightforward conversation with Deeplocal: the innovation studio that created a mind-controlled bike and a World Cup ball with eyes, Hallmark: the greeting card company that is innovating in cards while developing new product categories that are emotionally and digitally connected, and Google: the search giant that is investing in “moonshots."

__WhoHallmarkDeeplocalGoogleContagious Magazine


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Is your word of mouth working for or against you?

Word of mouth marketing has always been a powerful force and every strategic marketer knows that customers are more influenced by fellow customers than they are by vendors. Now, in the social age, influencers have a louder and more powerful voice than ever before. With any luck, these influencers can be powerful allies for your brand, but what if you can take the luck out with strategic social marketing efforts? This session will cover how to find your key influencers (and detractors), how to strategically reach out, build relationships, ignite the passion of your fans, and identify key success points to measure your progress.




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__DescriptionTeaching New Technology Old Tricks

Is it just us, or is the gulf between what marketing aspires to be and what it actually is getting bigger? Our industry’s original innovators knew it was about aligning every discipline in a company so that it could be accurately mapped to the lives of real people. And yet the more nuanced and complex the media landscape has become, the more marketing has been reduced to an apologetic commodity through which brands barter for a share of customers’ attention and wallets, all while we dream of moonshots and silver bullets.Technology felt like it could, indeed should help address this gulf, but instead it’s distorted reality, creating a near-obsessive belief that shiny new stuff is the answer, when invariably all the shiny stuff really does is ask more questions of a company and its reason for existing in the world.In this seminar, Contagious will explore the theory that true innovation is actually something that marketing was born to do. It just forgot how.




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Activate online brands through offline ambassadors

Many online brands are craving the ability to activate their community offline. And many audiences have a desire to interact offline both with the brand and fellow brand-loyalists. Tapping into that fire in a meaningful and strategic way, connecting the online community through offline experiences, will activate the brand on a level not yet experienced. There’s a way to make this both scalable and affordable for any brand.Create a meaningful role for brand ambassadors. They will cultivate the most engaged and enthusiastic champions of your brand: the ones who will gather offline.To have a successful brand ambassador program you need to do four things really well: Vet, Train, Support and Reward. When you can do this well, you give your ambassadors unlimited reach to cultivate your brand’s most engaged users, your most loyal fans.If the untapped potential of your brand is an offline community, then an intentional ambassador program is for you.


Levo League


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Mastering Short Form Video with Smart Humor

With the proliferation of mobile technologies and new platforms for watching online videos, the numbers are growing for more effective short term ads. The evolution of communications and the visual web is allowing for a rapid increase in image and video sharing and there's an opportunity for brands to tap into it by mastering the short form video and sharing it with an engaged, on-the-go fan base that will spread the content via comments, likes, posts, tweets, etc.Smart, witty humor is also the fastest way to emotional engagement and consumers trust and like brands that communicate a sense of self awareness. The most successful advertising campaigns always involve a little bit of humor and a Nielsen’s Annual Global Survey of Trust in Advertising revealed that humorous ads resonated the highest among consumers. Hear from Tony Mennuto, Founder & CCO of Mister:-|Face as he discusses the future of the short form video and how to come up with creative comedic content for brands.


Mister Face


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__DescriptionMarketing Technologist Meetup

A new class of marketers are emerging that understand the future belongs to those who can merge marketing and technology into something new. Marketing technologists are those folks who know that every piece of a campaign can be measured, analyzed and improved upon. And that once that's done, they'll measure, analyze, and improve upon it again. Because as good as the last campaign was, there's always a better one right around the corner. As more marketing departments gain their own technology budgets, marketing technologists that can manage and wrangle different systems into one cohesive system that does everything you want are invaluable. Equal parts copywriter, developer, data scientist, and strategist, marketing technologists are tasked with merging the messaging with the machinery and using it all to move the needle. Come meet with others who share your challenges and share war stories, campaign ideas, big wins, and technology recommendations.


Jaxzen Marketing Strategies


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Brands Are Not Here to be Your Fucking Friend

If you’ve ever seen a reality show, you’ve heard the epic battle cry, “I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to win.” So when they’re looking to win, why do brands continue to worry about pleasing everyone – when everyone knows full well that it’s impossible? Is it better to never offend, or to take a stand and potentially piss a lot of people off? Are pissed off people the sign you’re actually doing it right? What’s more beneficial to a brand, a few loyal and devoted supporters, or a whole world of individuals who couldn’t care less. Can a brand act in an unpopular, but nonetheless memorable way, and still benefit from the attention that brings. And before you jump to conclusions, remember: Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift, and is still worth $120 million.


Momentum Worldwide


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Show and Sell: Next-Generation Visual Merchandisin

The online selling environment is tougher than ever, and keeping ahead of Amazon requires new tricks. Smart retailers are competing effectively by using visual media – video, shoppable video, 3D experiences, and more. That sells to the visual consumer by taking advantage of the fact that 90% of consumers learn best by seeing and hearing, not reading. But it's also hard: visual content is hard to create, hard to scale and manage, and hard to deliver without slowing down your site. Where do you start, and how do you manage it?




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How Data Can Help Brick & Mortar Businesses Thrive

Despite the hype that Amazon and other e-com sites receive, it is estimated that 94% of US retail sales still happen “In the Real World”. Yet precisely because brick & mortar businesses rely on their physical locations to drive sales, they often don’t have the same rich data sets available to online retailers. Worse, the data they do have is often siloed between different departments and in different databases. So they don’t connect the dots for potentially transformative insights into customer behavior, media vehicle effectiveness, cross-sell opportunities, or new approaches for dealing with competitors.

This panel will discuss strategies and challenges in combining media, social, and sales data to improve understanding across an increasing number of online and offline data sets. We will present real-world examples of how multi-unit retail business are connecting store sales, media impression, and local social engagement data to drive actionable insights and real-world results.


MorochPolygraph Media


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__DescriptionThe Future of Retail

This session will focus on the near-future technologies that will be invading retail stores. Drawing from experience with some of Canada’s most innovative retailers, The Brigade and the University of Calgary’s Human Interfaces Lab has developed a prototype for the store of the future.Current & emerging technologies such as digital point-of-sale signage, iBeacon, multi-screen interactions, RFID product tags, biometric & NFC payment, intelligent customer profiles, advanced loyalty programs, and 4D experiences will all be discussed in depth. As well as a look ahead to the retail landscape in 10 years.


The Brigade


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__DescriptionYour Mobile Marketing Crisis

The world has gone mobile - we all recognize this shift. Some have been yelling "the year of mobile!" since 2005, but it has truly arrived - there are more connected devices than people on the planet, mobile web traffic has surpassed desktop traffic, and the statistics go on and on. What does this new connected world mean for businesses? Most CMOs rank "mobile" as mission critical in the next 18 months, but few know what to do about it. All these new mobile touchpoints with customers - commuting, in your store, outside your restaurant, on-the-go, even on the toilet - have been impossible for businesses. There are too many, and the experience is infinitely fractured.Do we need a mobile site for different devices? Should our site be responsive? Do we need a native mobile app? How do we track users across devices? What does iBeacon technology mean for my business? Can we go back to QR codes and SMS blasts? Those were simple...This session will deep-dive into mobile marketing.




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__DescriptionAnatomy of a Cult Brand

This session picks up where last year's Future15 session, Decoding the Cult Brand Genome, left off. Contrary what most graphic designers will tell you, the world's most beloved and recognizable brands didn't begin with wonderful logos. Sure, you can start a fad brand by focusing on the skin-deep attributes. There's no secret recipe for here-today-gone-tomorrow. But there are some well kept secrets used by the world's most coveted brands to amplify advocacy, forge deep, unbreakable affinity and cement irrational customer loyalty. This session will expose those secrets. We’ve studied the world’s most coveted brands to unlock the genetic code that’s helped them dominate their markets and decimate their competitors for years. This session will reveal six elements that brands use to forge fanatical followings and win legions of loyal advocates. Now, you too can use this secret knowledge to build your own cult brand.


Cult Collective


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The Internet is Melting: Is Your Brand Ready?

The Internet is literally and rapidly melting – from pages to flows. How do you become a liquid publisher?Perhaps the most dramatic shift in publishing since the Gutenberg Press – the page as the common content unit in print and the Internet is dying. Screens have gotten small, “things" are becoming media and most media now flows in feeds – and quite quickly at that! Combine flows with a strong consumer demand for everything, everywhere, and what do you have? Liquid media—flowing across all screens.Be square and be there! Cards—or tiles, are the solution. We'll look at how Brands and Publishers can master the ultimate multi-platform native units—cards. We'll also examine early applications and results illuminating why cards may be the secret to the best web-economics ever!




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__DescriptionForget Loyalty, Build Habits

It's 7 am and your phone buzzes. You pick it up and, still sleepy, open one eye and then you... check Facebook. It's your morning habit.The world's most successful brands are habit forming. Habits – behaviors so prevalent and frequent that they feel natural – can be a powerful source of brand building. When products and services are so well loved that they create repeated usage, they ultimately become habitual, second nature, and very hard to replace. Habits are the ultimate form of brand loyalty.In the digital age, with persistent access to connected devices, sticky online experiences are uniquely poised to create a new wave of online habits. And this opportunity is open to digital and analog brands alike. In this session we will explore online habits from a marketing perspective, analyze how the best digital experiences – from entertainment to games to e-commerce – become part of users’ routines; and summarize what lessons brand builders can apply to create a user habit.


Julep Beauty


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__DescriptionF#@%ing with Facebook

It’s like a bad dating experience. You invest all the time and effort during the honeymoon phase and in the end they leave because you won’t pay for the fancy dinners anymore. So how does one keep the flame alive in this complicated love/hate relationship? Like any relationship, it’s all about balance…and a maybe a few white lies. This presentation will dissect the Facebook algorithm and discuss ways you can successfully work with it. When the Facebook algorithm makes you want to throw your laptop out the window, there needs to be a combination of beautifully executed design, some ad budget, and a keen sense of analytics. Together, we can overcome the Facebook algorithm.




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Cause marketing: Who’s really buying it?

It used to be about the product but these days, advertising is all about the higher purpose - clean water or vaccines for undeveloped nations, environment, world health, body image, sexism, even childhood obesity. No issue is left un-tackled in the quest for a toothpaste or laundry detergent sale.But is it working?Naturally, you’d assume brands dedicating corporate dollars to noble causes would be welcomed with open arms however we’re yet to see the proof. In fact, there’s even a backlash brewing from consumers who suspect they’re being manipulated. After all, if every brand supports a cause, are we buying the product or the cause?But don’t hang up your superhero cape just yet. There are plenty of ways brands can save the world and reap the benefits in a truly genuine way.Discover in just a few steps how any brand can go from piggybacking change to being the change consumers seek. It’s a case of asking not what the product can do for you but what you can do for your product




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__DescriptionBrands are the New Music Industry

A panel talk with members of the music industry, branding & agency worlds about how marketers are playing an enormous role in shaping & supporting the careers of artists today. From content creation, sponsorships, to new merchandising deals; brands are in many ways the determining factor in breaking an artist.From Beyonce's 50 million dollar mega deal with Pepsi, Lana Del Rey and Jaguar...brands are the revenue stream that funds the creation & collaborations that once came from the Major Labels.


Portugal the Man


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__DescriptionShould brands come out and be gay?

People are sharing everything on their social media profile from their gender to their sexual orientation. Some brands are using this data to create content that specifically targets people in the LGBTI community. But how far should a brand go to try and reach new audiences? Should brands market to people in the LGBTI community or are people's sexual orientations off limits for marketers? Hear from the interactive social media agency that turned a banks ATMs into GAYTMs and arranged the first same sex wedding for New Zealand tourism board. We will be sharing inspiring insights, the creative approach and business results behind the Cannes Lions Grand Prix winning work. As well as covering off the wider conversation around how far brands should go to make a connection with people and their personal data.


Digital Arts Network


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Lifestyle hacking: Being a useful brand

As the lines between products, services, marketing, technology and culture continue to blur, so our best creative effort needs to reach right into the heart of the business.With more open source, interoperable tech, we can create pretty much whatever we like. But, as Jeff Goldblum's character in Jurassic Park explains, just because we can, doesn't mean we should. And although no one will get eaten, it's pretty easy to spend a load of time and money on things that just don't work in real people's lives. Built from our brand participation thinking and our investments & partnerships with 20+ startups, these principles have helped us embrace talent from previously inaccessible sources to extend creativity into business and product concepts.


iris worldwide


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__DescriptionPorn, The Quiet Pioneer of Marketing

Porn has always led the way when it comes from marketing. Yes, it’s forbidden and dirty and demonized (until you’re alone) but think about it: Porn embraces every new medium, and storytelling technology, and every form of user experience, and adopts it early. They’re not afraid to take risks, and porn marketers face many of the challenges of a highly congested, commoditized category. So let’s learn from them, and the PornHub "Give America Wood Campaign,” and what makes porn content followable and shareable – something all marketers in the modern age strive for but few achieve. Porn’s marketing and tech advancements have arguably made the Internet what it is today. Amazon and e-bay wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Porn’s advancements in E-commerce – and family home movie night wouldn’t be possible if not for Porn’s video streaming technology. And they’ll soon be working to make virtual reality technologies the reality we always hoped they’d be. So, let’s talk about porn.

__WhoMomentum WorldwideHomegrown IndustriesHomegrown Video


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The Reality of the Book Industry in 2015

Some say that the brick-and-mortar bookstore will be obsolete in five years. If that's true, then the rumbles we've heard from book publishing are about to get a lot louder, and if you're an expert who might be interested in writing a book someday, a current author or a reader, you need to know what publishers, readers, and media will be looking for. How does new writing talent get discovered and published; how does one make a splash in the media; what’s the new (better) way to run a book tour; and how to leverage your book for further publishing and speaking deals. For example: Is publishing truly about who you know? Some new books are just bad. How did those get published? And do you have to have attended the right schools, or have the right literary connections, for agents/publishers to even consider you? Additionally, we’ll dispel some myths about social media, and tell you how to do it more effectively to launch a book or book concept.

__WhoFolio Literacy Management

Texas Book Festival


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Culture Trumps Advertising Every Time

Most brand stewards are spending an inappropriate amount of time and money on their advertising while largely ignoring their most important owned asset - their culture. From HR marketing that attracts the right talent, to appropriate training and retention programs, marketing leaders need to turn their creative firepower and media dollars inward to build an insanely passionate workforce. Brand leaders from the most iconic businesses on the planet do not delegate this responsibility to HR or Operations or other lower level managers. Learn how, and why, the best brands prioritize internal marketing and view their culture as a more powerful tool than their marketing communications.


Cult Collective Ltd


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Beyond War Rooms: Build a Killer Social Practice

It all started with Oreo’s dunk seen ‘round the world at Super Bowl 2013 and continued with Ellen’s selfie at the Oscars and Pharrell’s hat at the Grammys. Now, social media war rooms are a requirement for any brand looking to “win” big events. But, why stop there? In early 2014, Victor Pineiro’s team at Big Spaceship seemed to run a war room every weekend – a phenomenon he calls “social on steroids.” It forced him to step up his team’s game every day. In this session, he’ll outline lessons and processes he learned from war room hell to help make any social practice stronger on a daily basis, touching on setting the right goals, war room 101, evolving into a newsroom in less than 30 minutes a day, and building the right team. Most importantly, he’ll go into the art of avoiding l’espirit de l’escaliers – the predicament of thinking of the right retort too late.


Big Spaceship


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Rockstar Storytelling: What Games Can Teach Brands

In the first week of its release, GTA V by Rockstar Games outsold the entire global music industry. The game captivated the attention of players for 100 hours: an incredible accomplishment considering Hollywood on average can manage just 130 minutes, whilst advertisers struggle to gain attention for mere seconds. As well as this, we pay more and pirate less for the experience. In a world where interactive and narrative media blur, there are a number of things brands can learn from the gaming industry to tell immersive stories consumers want to be part of.

We will look at the different storytelling opportunities that gaming opens up due to the element of choice. How stories become more immersive and evoke more emotional connection through diegetic storytelling. How games inspire time and emotional investment through identity creation and relationship building, and how advertisers can tell a new breed of multi-dimensional stories consumers can discover rather than being told.




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Enthusiast Publishers: Fueling Social Video Flames

We’ve learned time and time again: viewers choose to consume organically integrated social video content—and when they like it, they share it in record numbers. By creating entertaining content, brands are getting their message in front of an audience that chooses to view the video content (as opposed to having it forced upon them as pre-roll). The best part? Users have control over what content they choose to consume, resulting in brand metrics that are off the chart in terms of engagement and affinity for the brand. Social video is causing brands to re-think advertising, putting content first and the advertising message a subtle second. This workshop will be two and a half hours long.


Evolve Media


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Transmedia Branding: Real Time Data + Storytelling

Digital and Social Technology has been outcast as “Big Brother” or shunned for taking the “Magic” out of creativity in advertising. However, these technologies are doing so much more. They’ve actually helped us find our way back to our most human element of connectedness… storytelling. Only better. These technologies allow us opportunities to tell the most appropriate stories to the most appropriate people at the most appropriate time through data. In this presentation, participants will get a hands-on working knowledge of how Data and Storytelling intersect through an illustrative story of the rebranding efforts for The Lincoln Motor Company. Building off immersive digital experiences like Beck’s Hello, Again, Aloe Blacc’s Love is the Answer, and the Lincoln MKC Dream Ride, the participant will see how main & tertiary storylines unfold for the user and how they get executed in today’s “Always On,” multi-channel environment.


Hudson Rouge


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Fan As Historian in the New Music Economy

Traditionally, much of the mythos surrounding iconic rock figures- especially those who died young- is arguably created, nurtured and evolved through the investment of fans in the ideas attributed to each of the legends, changing the dynamic of the traditional fan / artist relationship. By enabling fans to connect digitally on an unprecedented level, fan participation in the myth making process- vis-à-vis fan fiction, tribute bands and rock shrines - has become crucial in not only the maintenance but in the production of artist myth. It is fans in this new economy who are crucial for not only celebrating the artist, but for writing the pop history which proceeds them. While often maligned for the very mania illustrated by such dedication, fans have become equally, if not more important, in the sustainability of an artist- not only during their active career- but in keeping them relevant in the contemporary context of the ever-changing 2.0 marketplace long past their physical demise.

__WhoUniversity of East LondonRondo MediaFeed Media Incdredg


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How Your Alter Ego Can Help You Reinvent

Technology has accelerated the pace of change and how quickly we must adapt our careers and personal brands. Reinvention of self is not a once-in-a-lifetime journey anymore. It must be a skill we hone and master. Beyonce has Sasha Fierce. Bono has Mr. MacPhisto. Clark Kent has Superman.Artists have discovered the power of the Alter Ego. This approach has been used to overcome stage fright, take careers in creative directions and to explore realms unconstrained by celebrity status. Alter Egos of super heroes connects us all with our desires to be a stronger, smarter, faster version of ourselves.After 5 years of interviewing over 200 creative thinkers-and-doers -- musicians, artists, CEOs and entrepreneurs -- and exploring her own Alter Ego through the new media entity she co-founded, Stark Insider, Loni Stark has built a model for reinvention based on tapping into the power of the Alter Ego.


Adobe & Stark Insider


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Advention: The Best Ads Aren't Always Ads

In this session, Christine Outram will explore the role of rapid prototyping in the age of digital advertising and how it is transforming a "traditional creative process" into a lean, interactive, and multidisciplinary endeavor. Advertising is evolving; the best ads are not always ads; demo or die.


Deutsch LA


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Be One with Your Sponsor Without Losing Your Soul

Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum lorem ipsum

__WhoThe Story LabJeanKnowsCarsBryan Thomson DesignBunim Murray Productions


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__DescriptionLet's be evil! Malevolent marketing 101

Historians may look back at the convergence of technology and advertising and realize that it all began with a benevolent, prophetic slogan: Don't Be Evil.It's a mantra for a new generation of companies that spend a lot of effort explaining how and why their products and practices are beneficial to consumers, and why they would never, ever use them for harmful purposes. Cross their heart hope to die.But an enterprising marketer might ask: what if I *wanted* to be evil? How hard would it be, given the marketing platforms and tools at my disposal? What if I dismissed bothersome legal and privacy concerns and *just went for it?*Let's discuss the easiest way for marketers and brands to use technology, media and big data to get their evil on. It'll be a contrarian romp through a very serious subject: maintaining the trust (and privacy) of our consumers in a world where technology makes it increasingly easy to use data in creepy new ways.Check your ethics at the door, please.




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The Battle of the Future: Curation Versus Creation

In the evolving world of innovation, Microsoft is moving toward curation, while AOL is shifting toward creation. These adjustments in focus are a clear reflection of the changes our industry is experiencing. Even more telling: The synergy between the two models means that each company is primed for success yet dependent on the other. When coexistence is the key to survival, what does the future look like for marketers in this space? Join Anthony Reeves, Moxie's CCO, as he leads a panel discussion with these mega media giants and their digital leaders — Microsoft's Senior Brand Strategist, Johnathon Oliver, and AOL's Digital Prophet, David “Shingy” Shing — in what promises to be a controversial and dynamic 45 minutes.


