the pressure to expand imperialism. explain the meaning? “the sun never sets on the british...

The Pressure to Expand Imperialism

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Page 1: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

The Pressure to Expand


Page 2: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Explain the meaning?

“The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Page 3: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Brain Scan

• This toy was originally a weapon. What is it?– Yo Yo

• In Singapore it is illegal to do this?– Chew gum

• Taphephobia is the fear of what?– Being buried alive

Page 4: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”


• The idea of stronger nations attempt to create empires by dominating weaker nations

• As European imperialism reached new heights in the late 1800’s, the U.S. began to join the search for power abroad

Page 5: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Why Imperialism Grew Across the World

1. Economic Factors-Manufacturing nations need more natural resources and markets

2. Nationalist Factors-Nationalism drives countries to compete for new colonies (U.S. wanted to preserve the idea of Manifest Destiny)

3. Military Factor-Growing navies need new naval bases worldwide (U.S. “Great White Fleet”)

4. Humanitarian/Religious Factor-Westerners believed in spreading western ideas and Christianity

Page 6: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

U.S. takes Hawaii and Alaska1867

ALASKA•William Seward (Sec of State) arranges U.S. to buy Alaska from Russia for 7.2 million (2 cents an acre)


•A treaty allows Hawaiian sugar to be sold in the U.S. duty free


•American business leaders force the king to change Hawaii’s constitution, so that only wealthy land owners have voting rights•U.S. forces Hawaii to allow an American naval base at Pearl Harbor


•The McKinley Tariff eliminates the duty free status of Hawaiian sugar, forcing planters to ask U.S. to annex Hawaii


•Liliuokalani becomes Queen of Hawaii with agenda that stated “Hawaii for Hawaiians” (overthrown by planters=Standford Dole)


•McKinley becomes president and favors annexation


•Congress proclaims Hawaii an American territory

Page 7: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

U.S. Imperialism

Page 8: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Spanish American War 1898

“A Splendid Little War”

Page 9: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Crazy Facts

• The electric chair was invented by a dentist.• Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories

per hour. • Maine is the only state whose name is just one

syllable.• The citrus soda 7-UP was created in 1929; "7" was

selected because the original containers were 7 ounces. "UP" indicated the direction of the bubbles.

Page 10: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

South America 1895

• U.S. forces Britain to settle dispute with Venezuela (Monroe Doctrine)

Page 11: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Cuban Rebellion1868-1898

• Cubans revolt, destroying American owned sugar mills to gain support from the U.S.

• Spain put the island under military rule, sending any rebels to concentration camps

• U.S. supported Spain to protect U.S. business investments

Valeriano Weyler

Page 12: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Joseph Pulitzer and William Hearst 1890’s

• A writing war between journalists begins between the two men

• They begin writing sensational stories to increase public sympathy in Cuba

• This type of writing is called “yellow journalism”

Pulitzer “New York World”

Hearst “New York Journal”

Page 13: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

U.S.S. Maine 1898

• The U.S.S. Maine is sent to Havana as a show of solidarity

• Feb 15th the U.S.S. Maine explodes leaving more than 260 men dead

• U.S. public is outraged/War is declared

Page 14: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Philippine Islands 1898

• The U.S. starts the war when it attacks the Spanish colony in the Philippines

• Commodore George Dewey opens fire on Spanish Pacific fleet in the harbor of Manila, destroying every Spanish ship

Page 15: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

“A splendid little War”

• U.S. easily defeats Spanish army and its Atlantic fleet

• War only lasted only 16 weeks

• Teddy becomes famous with his “rough rider” brigade

• Their famous charge on San Juan Hill becomes legendary

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Fate of Cuba

• Cuban people wanted to be free but the United States annexes the island

Page 17: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Results of the Spanish American War

• Treaty of Paris is signed and passed in Congress

• Cuba, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines are now part of the U.S. empire

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Open Door Policy• Sec of State John Hay issues a series of policies

called the Open Door Notes• These were a series of notes giving each

imperialistic country (including the U.S.) equal access to trading rights in China

Sphere of Influence • Is an area outside a nation’s borders where it

exercises economic and political control

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Page 20: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”
Page 21: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Presidential Foreign Policy

Page 22: The Pressure to Expand Imperialism. Explain the meaning? “The sun never sets on the British Empire”

Teddy Roosevelt Roosevelt Corollary

• Making sure Latin America follows U.S. foreign policy, T.R. adds the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine

• This establishes the United States as an international police power (the use of financial/military power)

• Ex: Panama Canal-U.S. had to pay Columbia 25 million for using illegal means in obtaining Canal Zone

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William Taft

Dollar Diplomacy • Allowed the United

States to continue influence throughout the world by use of financial/military involvement

• Ex: Nicaragua (defaulted on European loans)

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Woodrow Wilson

Missionary Diplomacy • U.S. had a moral

responsibility to deny any recognition of an oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile government toward U.S.

• Ex: Mexico (Zapata/Villa)