the solemnity of the most holy trinity may 30, 2021

May 30, 2021 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

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May 30, 2021The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

2 May 30, 2021

Th e Finance Council of Holy Family meets quarterly and its current members are:

Tim FrenchPatrick Geegan Randy OlechRon Sobon

Holy Family Catholic Community2515 Palatine Rd.Inverness, IL 60067847-359-0042 (ph)847-359-0639 (fax)holyfamilyparish.orgFr. Terry Keehan PastorDeacon Dennis Brown Pastoral AssociateFr. Medard Laz Pastor Emeritus

Vision StatementHoly Family Catholic Community invites all to new life in Christ. Our response to God’s call is evident through full, conscious and active participation in our community.

Mission StatementTo empower all to experience New Life In Christ through sacramental living, transformative wor-ship, lifelong spiritual growth and communi-ty in service to others.

Core ValuesAnimated by our faith in God to evangelize, we live the following core values:• Integrity• Excellence• Unity• Service• Justice

About Us

Elia Ponce-Tokarz Jim Vande LogtChet Zara - Chair

Follow Us on Social Media

Pastoral Council

Finance Council

Welcome to Holy Family

Holy Family Catholic community invites all to new life in Christ. Are you new to Holy Family? Are you considering becoming a registered parishioner? We welcome you to become part of our holy family in carrying out our mission. Go to the website or contact Sue at [email protected] or 847-907-3443 to register. Saint Paul says, “We are the Body of Christ.” We look forward to experiencing that reality with you. Fr. Terry Keehan, Pastor

ReconciliationMondays 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.


Registration is necessary to attend any of the following at

Mass Schedule

Wednesday 9:00 a.m.

Saturday 5:00 p.m.

Sunday 9:00 a.m. (interpreter for hearing impaired is available)

11:00 a.m. (Weekly beginning June 6)

Eucharistic Adoration

Monday 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Anointing of the SickPlease know that recent hospital privacy laws have signifi cantly limited our knowledge of parishioners who are hospitalized. If you have a loved one who is ill, please contact contact Mary Whiteside in our Pastoral Care offi ce at 847-907-3450 or [email protected] to request the Anointing of the Sick. Th e ideal time for anointing is when family is present and not necessarily in the fi nal hours of life.

Fr. Charles BolserFr. Kurt Boras

Friar Johnpaul Cafi eroFr. Denis CarneiroFr. John Hoff man

Fr. Bill Zavaski

Visiting Presiders

Mike Myers Chair – Community BuildingBill Leece Adult Spiritual GrowthPete Barber StewardshipLuis Gutierrez Charity, Justice & Pastoral Care WorshipGreg Flanagan Knights of Columbus Sacramental Th eology & PracticeFr. Terry Keehan Pastor (Staff )Sue Geegan Staff

Non-Voting Community RepresentativesChad Archer Deanery RepMike Pazur Academy Parents RepJoan Sloan Teen Faith (Adult Rep)Vince Perrone Teen Faith (Teen Rep) Teen Faith (Teen Rep)

Council meets the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 6:30. All meetings are open to visitors unless otherwise indicated. Meeting Minutes are available in About Us on the website.

e-mail: [email protected] 3

military Nicholson says, “Every day, you rest beneath the banner of freedom that I provide…I think the appropriate response is ‘Thank You.’Thank you in our memory for the heroic men and women who have given their very lives to provide the banner of freedom that we rest beneath every day.

25 places have claimed to have originated the holiday. The debate falls under a North and South divide. The South claims it was fi rst cel-ebrated in Warrenton, Virginia 1861. The North claims it began in Gettysburg Pennsylvania 1863.

The Body and Blood of ChristThere is nothing like sharing and appreciating another person’s presence—their real pres-ence, whether that be elated, anxious, sad, confi dent, enthused. Jesus knew that we all have an innate ability to recognize and feel another’s absence of presence, physically or emotionally. The Body and Blood of Christ draws us into Christ’s real, authentic presence every time we celebrate the Eucharist. More will follow next week.

Fr. Bob HeinzBob is not only one of my best friends, he has served the Archdiocese of Chicago so well as a priest at St. Ailbe on the south side, St. Mary Star of the Sea, St. James in Arlington Hts., St. Al-

phonsus in Prospect Heights, St. Norbert and Our Lady of the Brook in Northbrook and most recently at St. Mary of the Woods in the Edge-brook neighborhood of Chicago with Fr. Rich. He also served on the Priest Placement Board. Bob has recently been appointed as the Administrator of our neighbor, St. Francis de Sales in Lake Zurich. His assignment there is temporary. He will be living here at Holy Fam-ily only temporarily as well. His full-time focus will be leading the administration of St. Francis de Sales so you won’t see him much, but if you happen to see him around, share a warm Holy Family welcome

Fr. Terry KeehanTrinity not only guides our belief in the very nature of God, but it is one of three elements, along with our memory and real, authentic presence, that mark the next two weekends. Trinity – three persons and three concepts. We celebrate Trinity Sunday this weekend, Memorial Day on Monday and the Body and Blood of Christ next weekend.

TrinityThis is a very signifi cant teaching, dogma and belief for us as Catholics, but not so for other denominations of Christianity. All Christians draw such signifi cance in the New Testament. As Catholics we also ground so much of our belief in God from the Old Testament as well. As we are guided by scripture to refl ect on the three-fold nature of God, may I call your at-tention to the fi rst reading from Deuteronomy (4:38-40) during Mass this weekend:

“The Lord is God in the heavens above and the earth below and there is no other…that you may have ... a long life on the land which the Lord your God is giving you forever.”

This quote supports our belief in the fi rst per-son of the Trinity, the one true God and the ongoing nature of our God referred to as the Holy Spirit, the part of our God that reaches and moves across time. The Gospel from Mat-thew (28:18) emphasizes that Jesus is not only our Savior, Messiah and the Son of God - He is the human manifestation of God - the second person of the Trinity. In it we hear Jesus telling us, “All power in heaven and earth has been given to me.” Mt 28:18

The fi rst person of the Trinity gives ALL power to the second and the third perpetuates that power in our lives.

Memorial DayThis Monday we celebrate a federal holiday honoring and mourning heroes who have died performing their military duties. As I often quote Jack Nicholson portraying Col. Nathan Jessup in the 1992 Columbia Pictures fi lm, A Few Good Men. In extolling the valor of our

4 May 30, 2021

Gene GarciaDirector ofLiturgical [email protected]

The Liturgical ArtsCommunity...creates a vibrant prayerand worship experienceso that all may participate in a fullyconscious and activeway in the liturgy. Th is includes diff erent forms of prayer and worship experiences, for all attending Holy Family.

Liturgical Arts

Preparing for Next Week...We invite you to read the scripture readings for June 6, The Solemnity of the Most

Holy Body & Blood of Christ, and then refl ect on these questions:

1. Today we sprinkle with water instead of blood. What does the sprinkling of water represent that is the same or diff erent than the time of Moses?

2. We are blessed with the inheritance we have received as a result of Jesus’ death and resurrection. What more can we do to prepare for our eternal inheritance while still here on earth?

3. During the consecration of the Holy Gifts at Mass, what moves you the most and why?

4. How can we keep the signifi cance of the Eucharist alive when it could so easily become routine? Does your experience vary from week to week, or is it essentially the same?

5. Are there things you would recommend to enhance the Eucharistic experience at Holy Family?

SOCIAL JUSTICE QUESTIONWhat must you shed to be a more committed disciple of Christ? Do you give to those in need from your supply or your surplus?

Sunday 11:00am MassOur Sunday 11:00 am Mass will resume

every week beginning on June 6.Please remember that you will still need to register

to attend (via our website) until further notice.

Volunteer OpportunitiesWe have an urgent need for Ushers and Greeters for Baptisms, Weddings and Fu-nerals! Weddings are on Friday evenings and Saturdays and are always scheduled in advance. Funerals are mid-morning and, obviously, not planned far in advance. Baptisms are scheduled in advance twice a month at 11:00 am on Sunday morn-ings during April and May and beginning in June the time will change to 1:00 pm.

You can sign up to serve for one ministry or multiple ministries.For more information on this opportunity please visit the website. 5

Sunday, May 30 Deuteronomy 4:32-34, 39-40 Romans 8:14-17 Matthew 28:16-20Monday, May 31 Zephaniah 3:14-18a Luke 1:39-56Tuesday, June 1 Tobit 2:9-14 Mark 12:13-17Wednesday, June 2 Tobit 3:1-11a, 16-17a Mark 12:18-27

Weekly Readings

We Pray for Family Members in Service of Our Country

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them...

In a Special Way We RememberThose Who Are Ill...

“I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and

believes in me will never die. John 11:25Monday, May 31Vance Nwankwo (Nwankwo Family)

Tuesday, June 1Holy Family Faith Community

Wednesday, June 2Holy Family Faith Community

Thursday, June 3Holy Family Faith Community

Friday, June 4Holy Family Faith Community

Saturday, June 5Jerry Reid (Patty Reid)Christie Moore (Pat Vande Logt)Thomas Postema II (Postema Family)John Conrad (Ann Leahy)

Sunday, June 6Gary Dominic (The Glaser Family)Heather MacIntyre (Denise Smith)John Kieta (Stanley & Chris Komperda)Mark Bishop (Mike Gilbert)Darlene DeSimone (Len & Ann Thomas)Sandra Bianco (Rita Polizzi)Aurora Melo (Melo Family)

Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions are available by contacting the Parish Offi ce up to 2 weeks

prior to the Mass date.Thursday, June 3 Tobit 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a Mark 12:28-34Friday, June 4 Tobit 11:5-17 Mark 12:35-37Saturday, June 5 Tobit 12:1, 5-15, 20 Mark 12:38-44Sunday, June 6 Exodus 24:3-8 Hebrews 9:11-15 Mark 14:12-16, 22-26

Major Bill Dirkes, M.D. (Army), Lt. Michael J. Graft III (Air Force), Captain Peter Keiser (Army), Ensign Patrick J. Kennelly (Navy)Capt. Nick Lewis-Walls (Army)2nd Lt. Madeline Lopez (Army),

Lt. Colonel Brian Malloy (Army)Lt. Colonel Jade Patrick Miller (Army),Captain Joshua Michael Peck (Army)

SPC James Purvin (Army), PFC Jacob Riedl (Army)Pvt. Theodore Rogers (Army), Airman Zachary L. Schirmer (Navy)

Maj. Elizabeth Greenstein Simmons (Army),Maj. Joshua Simmons (Army)

Liturgical Arts

All weekday intentions are prayed for at our Wednesday Morning Mass and

Saturday and Sunday intentions are prayed for at every weekend Mass.

Wedding BannsJanette Reyes & Melvin D’Souza - III

Sheila Wilhelmi & Cole Connington - II

+ Louis Fricano+ Ed Lakowski

Segundo HerreraVivian Hood

Andrew MaffesoliElizabeth Roppel

Eric SerenaDean Zenger

6 May 30, 2021

Parish Support & Services

Ro GeislerParish [email protected]

The Parish Support & ServicesCommunity...oversees the parish business and infrastructure activities to ensure they operate effi ciently.

Weekly Attendance and Collection - Last 4 Weeks May 2 504 40,266$ 11 AM Mass

May 9 621 54,547$ 11 AM Mass May 16 502 29,340$ 12 AM Mass May 23 370 30,393$ No 11 AM Mass

Note: Collections vary week to week primarily based on the timing of electronic contributions

Delta to Last Year Delta to Actual Budget Budget Actual Last Year

Sunday & Electronic Collections 1,691,125$ 1,671,609$ 19,516$ 1,845,937$ (154,812)$ Christmas 199,577$ 185,000$ 14,577$ 205,106$ (5,529)$ Easter 117,372$ 120,000$ (2,628)$ 121,554$ (4,182)$

Major Collections Totals 2,008,074$ 1,976,609$ 31,465$ 2,172,597$ (164,523)$

Prior Report Totals 1,977,411$ 1,939,265$ 38,146$ 2,127,733$ (150,322)$ Note: Parish fiscal year is July 1 to June 30

Envelope Users: Please either mail your weekly collection envelopes to Holy Family at 2515 Palatine Road,

Consider making an electronic contribution at Inverness, IL 60067, or you can drop in the mail slot by Door 1.

Year to Date Collection SummaryThrough May 24, 2021 7

Mary [email protected]

The Adult Faith Community... supports the mission of lifelong learning by providing educational, spiritual, and formational activities for the parish and the community.

Adult Faith LifeSummer Scripture Conference


Th is conference is for any lover of Sacred Scripture and anyone committed to ministry in the Church.

Where: University of St. Mary of the Lake, Mundelein (or live-streamed in the comfort of your own home)

When: June 20-25, 2021

Th is is the premier continuing education program of the University of St. Mary of the Lake. It is a cooperative venture by the Institute for Pastoral Leadership and the Department of Biblical Exegesis and Proclamation of Mundelein Seminary.

Th e Conference was inspired by Vatican II and is anchored by the understanding of Scripture as the soul of theology.

Th e outstanding faculty of the program is drawn from the top biblical scholars and theologians in the United States including Fr. Robert Spitzer, Dr Stacy Transancos, Dr. Tina Wray, Dr. Craig Keener, Fr. John Kartje, Bro. Guy Consolmongo, SJ among others!

To register and view the pricing for in-person and livestream conference options, visit

Did you know that Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House in Barrington off ers many on-site retreats during the year for men,

for women and for everyone? Visit their website to see if there is a retreat off ering that speaks to

your current spiritual needs.

Spiritual Direction Information NightWednesday, August 11, 2021 @7:00 pm

Location to be determined (either at Holy Family or on Zoom) Join us for a relaxed evening to learn more about what spiritual direction is all about. Meet our Spiritual Directors and bring your questions. We will share a little bit about the process of becoming a Spiritual Director, and what you can expect if you decide to begin meeting with a Spiritual Director. Th ere is no obligation attached to attendance at the Information Night.

If you plan to join us, please RSVP to Mary Whiteside at [email protected] by August 8.

8 May 30, 2021

Human ConcernsHoly Family to Host Drive-Thru Summer Meals Program

May through September Holy Family will host a drive-through Summer Meals Program the 4th Mon-day of each month through September from 6:30-7:30pm for anyone in need of a meal. Many volunteers are needed to donate food as we have committed to serve about 120 people. Sign up to bring food items listed on Carecalendar by visiting; ID 134413 Password 9236. Fully-prepared food needs to be dropped off at Holy Family (door 20) between 5:00-5:30pm. Contact Dawn with questions at [email protected]. If you would like to be part of a small group that assembles and distributes these monthly evening meals at the parish in a socially-distanced manner, please contact Sue at 847-907-3443 or [email protected]. You must regis-ter with Sue to volunteer and no walk- ins will be allowed.

Dates: Mondays: June 28, July 26, August 23 and September 27

Catholic Relief Services I would like to invite you to be a part of an exciting initiative that Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is launching in its eff ort to end global poverty. CRS carries out the commitment of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to assist our broth-ers and sisters who experience poverty around the world. CRS’ work is motivated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Catholic social teaching to uphold the sacred-ness and dignity of all human life and to foster charity and justice in the communities where CRS serves. CRS wants to engage and empower thousands of people across the United States who desire to end global poverty, because they believe that, together, we can create transformative change around the world. To do this, CRS is building chapters across the country that will amplify our voice for global justice and empower us to take meaningful action (through advocacy work and community fundraising) that makes a big impact. Chapter members will not only be instrumental in advancing CRS’ work to help those most in need around the world, but will also have unique op-portunities to learn more about CRS’ work, build community with others committed to the same mission, and hone their leadership skills through webinars and trainings. If being part of a CRS chapter interests you, or if you would like to learn more, I invite you to join us on June 3rd, 2021 from 6-8 pm, for a virtual workshop, where you can learn more about CRS Chapters, meet others who are interested and dis-cern whether joining a CRS chapter is the right fi t for you. If you are interested or for more information, contact Sue at 847-907-3443 or [email protected].

Habitat for Humanity is back! We need volunteers.

Habitat’s next project will be a new build in South Elgin and we'd like to begin construction this summer. If the CDC guidelines don't change between now and then, construction teams will be limited to only 10 people. Obviously, we will loosen those restrictions if and when the CDC does. If you’d like to volunteer, email Larry Buettner at [email protected] and let him know with a short note your preference--Wednesday construction, Saturday construction or Saturday lunches. Also, let him know you are affi liated with Holy Family. Any questions, feel free to email Larry at the email address shown above.

Sue [email protected]

The Human Concerns ers assistance with life’s basic needs, spiritual and emotional support as well as additional resources with partners in our community while promoting mercy and justice by putting our faith into action. 9

Sacramental Moments

Congratulations to our newly baptized and welcome into the Body of Christ and Holy Family!

Jayce Eric DziabacinskiChild of Jeff and Ande

Olise Katherine SchwarzChild of Andrew and Kristin

Aidan Brian SzklennikChild of Brian and Mindy

Lucas Patrick DunavanChild of Brian and Kayla

Raegan Ann BolanosChild of David and Brooke

Emma Elizabeth VarjuChild of Laszlo and Christine

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