unit 13 (lo4) – be able to pitch ideas on proposed print-based products to an editor, client or...

Candidate Name: Megan del Mar Candidate Number: 4028

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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Candidate Name: Megan del MarCandidate Number: 4028

Proposal – Tune iN

Here is my proposal for my Tune iN idea. This proposal contains the format, working title, genre, content, style or approach, audience, length, frequency, the reason why and how much the magazine cost.

Proposal – Beat

Here is my proposal for my Beat idea. This proposal contains the format, working title, genre, content, style or approach, audience, length, frequency, the reason why and how much the magazine cost.

Connotations behind the title for BOTH ideas

Tune iN – The denotation behind ‘Tune iN’ to be part of one of my ideas to be my masthead because I want my target audience to have that feeling where they feel nostalgic of the good ol’ days such as featuring the legend of music, for example, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Whitney Houston etc. I want them to also feel that those legends will never be forgotten nor overlooked. The strapline will support this as the strapline will be ‘Tune in & rewind’ which what the magazine is all about.

Beat – The denotation behind ‘Beat’ is that I want my target audience to have a steady pulse of a certain song; also to have that rhythmic movement, or the speed which a piece music is played so for example if they go to the gym they want a new song to listen to and ‘Beat’ magazine will be the best option to find the upbeat type of music as ‘Beat’ magazine offers ‘The newest and realist’ (strapline) music.

Budget Summary for Beat and Tune iN

Job roles Salaries

Finance team £25,000

Editorial team £15,000

Journalists £15,000

Reporters £24,170

Advertising team £25,000

Production manager £35,000

Social media executive £22,000

Total £161,000

Start up costs: £140,000Start up expenses to fund – £80,000Start up assets to fund – £60,000 Total: £140,000

Marketing costs:Adverts: £795 per dayFestivals: £25 per thousand leafletsFacebook: 0.15p per click


Printing/publishing costs:Magazines: 10,000 / 2 = 5,000Pages: 24 / 2 = 12 x 4 = 48Cost: 1,149 / 2 = 574.5 x 4 = £2,298

Distribution costs:(£45 per thousand)45 x 5 = £225

Promotion at music festivals:Leaflets

Income: AdvertisingSubscriptions Profit from sales

Beat – Target AudienceAge: 15 - 24

Gender: Male and Female

Reason for reading magazine: Entertainment and Education

Psychographic (Explorers): Seeks discovery. Energy, individualism and experience. Values difference and adventure.

Occupation: in relation to media industry and also use an educational study

Demographics: B (teachers, creative and media) and E (students)

Socio Economic NeedsThe denotation of the socio-economic needs of the magazine readership will mainly be male audience in the C2DE which are the Skilled Working Class, Working Class and lastly, those at Lowest Level of Subsistence. This connote that they will likely purchase my magazine as it is cheap and convenient price of a magazine.

PsychographicsPsychographic segmentation divides the market into groups based on social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics. It is based on the assumption that the types of products and brands an individual purchases will reflect that persons characteristics and pattern of living.

Within the psychographics I will be targeting both of my ideas to the ‘explorers’ and ‘reformers’.

• Explorers: Seeks discovery. Energy, individualism and experience. Values difference and adventure.

• Reformers: seeks enlightenment. Freedom of restriction and personal growth. Social awareness and independent judgement. Anti-materialistic but aware good taste.

Lifestyle and Spending Power of a reader of Tune iN and BeatIn relation to the lifestyle of my target audience, I will be targeting to ‘explorers’ and ‘reformers’ (Psychographics) where ‘explorers’ seeks discovery, energy, individualism and experience. Values difference and adventure; ‘reformers’ seeks enlightenment. Freedom of restriction and personal growth. Social awareness and independent judgement. Anti-materialistic but aware good taste. Furthermore, within the spending power. I have to make sure that my target audience and how much my magazine cost has to link to one another. For example, as my target audience is 25 year olds I have to make sure that unemployed and employed customers will be able to purchase Beat magazine such as setting the cost somewhere between £2 - £3. However, this will not be the permanent cost as it will increase depending on how popular the magazine will be in future.

Flat Plan (1)

Flat Plan (2)

Sample Materials – Magazine layout (Photoshop)

Magazine layout (Photoshop) – I have created a simple layout for the magazine before importing all the ideas that I have already have from my rough sketches to be able to make the process quicker and simpler for me edit. As you can also see I have used the ruler tool so everything is aligned to each other. Lastly, added important measurements to the pages by measuring out the bleed around the pages.

House Styles for Tune iNHouse Style – For the house style, I will be using a verity of fonts styles, logos and the tone of language. Firstly, with the type of font styles that I am going to, they are:

• Times New Roman – cover lines and skyline • Century Gothic – masthead, web address, title, brand identity and

other verbal codes surrounding the magazine. • Brush Script Std – strapline • Myriad Pro – text, stand first, key facts text, social media site of the

artist • Impact – quote relates• Arial – puff promotion• AIGDT – page number

The tone of language of my magazine will be a mix of informal/formal language as I want to keep originality from the artist.

Puff Promotion

Hand Drawn Draft – Tune iN


Main Image

Headline (Main story)

Cover lines



Cover lines

Cover lines


Hand Drawn Draft – Tune iN

Quote from the interview

Stand first

Drop Capital


Page Number

Main Image

Page Number

Quote Relates

House Styles for Beat

House style –The house style of Beat magazine will be red, black and yellow. The reason why I have chosen red is because it brings energy, desire and passion into the magazine which means a passionate belief in an issue or undertaking. Moreover, the colour black ‘signifies’ (De Saussure) hidden, secretive and unknown, and as a result it creates an air of mystery which I want for my Beat magazine. Lastly, with the colour yellow it defines the mind and the intellect. It is optimistic and cheerful. Furthermore, there will be a verity of font styles such as Century Gothic, Arial etc. and size of the font will be varies as well depending on what job they do in within the magazine, for example, the font size of the text for the double page will be size 11.

Hand Drawn Draft – Beat

Puff Promotion

Headline (Main story)

Cover lines

Main Image





Cover lines


Hand Drawn Draft – Beat


Main Image


Stand first

Drop Capital


Graphic LayoutsGraphic layout – here are the electronic version of my hand drawn drafts that I have created through Photoshop. The reason why I have done this so that when I start bring in the information into Photoshop it will be easier for me to detect what information goes in the boxes.

Barcode – bottom right – contains

the mini information

Cover lines – right – summarising what each information that are in

the magazine

Strapline – centre – the motto of the magazine

Masthead – centre – brand identity

Skyline – top centre – advertising the content of the magazine

Puff Promotion – top left – directly catch the audience’s attention

Headline (main

story) – left –

portraying cover star

Exclusive – bottom centre – important information

surrounding the magazine

Main image – centre – the main

focus of the magazine

Cover lines – left –

summarising what each

information that are in

the magazine

Stand first – left/top - an introductory

paragraph in an article

Text – centre – conveying what the artist is trying to put

across such as tours etc.

Image – right/centre – a photo of the artist that is

being interviewed.

Headline – top – summarising what the contain below is all about.

Caption – left/centre/top – illustrating the image that is


Drop Capital

Annotation (Sample Material)

Photoshop Trial Versions – Front Cover

Sample Materials – Draft Interview

Draft Interview – I have done a draft interview in a word document so it is easy for me to edit if the artist wants to add on into the interview or delete anything. Moreover, knowing how much space I need in the double page spread when the draft interview is ready to import into the text column.

Beat Facebook Page

Tune iN Facebook Page


Thank you for listening! Later on today I am going to email

everyone with a survey about my presentation.