wnatco'15 booklet for delegates


Upload: viktoria

Post on 07-Apr-2016




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Hey guys, so this is delegate's booklet for Winter National Conference 2015 (AIESEC B&H). Hope you're gonna like it and if you have any questions about the conference feel free to contact us! APPLY and be a unique part of this amazing event!


Hello beautiful AIESEC people!

Winter National Conference is one of three national conferences that AIESEC Bosnia and Herzegovina organizes every year. It’s an event where you learn more about AIESEC, what and why we do what we do. But why should you come to WNatCo’15? Why should you reserve the date just for the conference? Well, are you sure you want miss four days of great fun, practical knowledge, new things, lifetime friendships, big surprises and new opportunities? Conference team is working really hard to make this conference the best one yet! So pack your bags because we have something really special planned for you. Show us how you enjoy participation. Hope to see you soon !

With love,

Your conference team

Topic od this year's Bosnia and Herzegovina Youth to Business Forum is: „After finishing our University, how competent are we at labor market?“.During Panel Discussion we will talk about classes in Universities and try to define the necessary amount of practice during education cycle at institutions of higher education. Guests will be from many areas: students, media, company representative, professor.Workshops have aim to prepare you better for new things after finishing your University, such as interview for your first job.

Hello everyone!It is that time of year again, the time of the year where once again we will spend four awesome days together developing ourself through meaningful sessions and speeches! WNatCo kept its tradition and is once again being held in the southern parts of our

country, away from the cold. Through an intense agenda aimed to complement your current knowledge and to plan the next period, we surely believe that after it you will be ready more then ever to make the fruit peak happen!

Sincerely,Your CM

Dear delegates!It is my pleasure to introduce you to our lovely agenda. The main purpose of the agenda is to evaluate the previous period and gain new knowledge and empowerment to continue with our work! Also, we will work on improvement of our current processes and strategies.This time we have 4 amazing tracks: Front Office, Back Office, Exchange Participants and Executive Board.Front office track is for our exchangers, Back Office track is for BD/CR, TM/HR, Com/PR and F&LA. Exchange participants have their own track, with workshops for improvement of their personal skills and purpose to get to know reality of Bosnia and Herzegovina better, since they will work here for 6 weeks! When it comes to members of Executive Boards, we have special treats for you: evaluation of Fish Peak and replanning for Fruit Peak. Isn't that amazing?FACI team is working hard and I can promise you quality sessions, with a lot of enthusiasm and energy. Save the date, because AIESEC in Bosnia and Herzegovina is on its way!

See you very soon,Hana

Dear delegates,It’s my great pleasure and honor to welcome you to

the WNatCo’15! I’m more than happy to say that whole conference team is really excited about the conference. My beautiful and hard-working team is ready to make this NatCo unforgettable! And when I say unforgettable I mean on 4 days of great atmosphere, life changing experiences and remarkable moments. I really hope that you will feel the energy of the OC team which is here for you. I can’t wait to see you all! Don’t miss out!

With love,Your OCP

HOTEL KAKTUS - Čitluk was open in 1989 as the first private hotel in the country. From the beginning the hotel has nourished its recognizable style of services, and widely famous gastronomic delicacies have launched Hotel Kaktus into the very peak of the gastronomic offer of Herzegovina and its surroundings of that time. Hotel Kaktus presents the best choice regarding luxury accommodation in the vicinity of Čitluk and Međugorje. Hotel is located in a city called Čitluk and it's near Mostar (approximately 20 minutes of driving by bus/car).

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OCP Viktoria

Hey AIESEC, my name is Viktoria Družijanić and I'm 19 years old. I'm really creative, positive and sometimes too hyperactive. I love sleeping, gummy bears, sunny days, late night talks, mountains, sunsets, unplanned trips, pranks, youtube and DIY projects. Also, I love burek. To everyone who is reading this: ''Don't limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.'' See you soon, my friend.

Hey AIESEC, my name is Veronika Vlašić and I'm 18 years old. I am a person who enjoys being surrounded by fun and interesting people. I love spontaneous trips, capturing unforgettable moments with my camera, garden parties and tasting new cuisine. I can't wait to see all of you together, enjoying and learning from the things we prepared for you. It will be one of those picture worthy moments, I am sure. OC Veronika

OC Nela

Hey AIESEC, my name is Nela Radagast Miličević, I am 20 years old. I love books, cake, music, movies, Roronoa Zoro, new places, chocolate cake, sunny winter days, hats, and you my friend, if you come to WNatCo of course. My message to you is: "Be kind to one another." See you soon.

OC Antonija

My name is Antonija Batinić and I'm 23 years old. Life is a game and I live it through playing, laughing, learning, singing... and one day I hope will travel all around the world. My vision is clear; Do what you love, do what your heart feels, even if you take some risk. Apply to WNatCo'15 and walk into your best living memories. Hope to see you soon.

OC Emira

Hi AIESEC! My name is Emira. I like humor and I like to be surrounded by relaxed people . I enjoy hiking and playing volleyball. family is my biggest inspiration and I love to spend time with them. Take every chance that you got to improve you life!

Chair OLAF

To attend these awesome theme parties all you need is to be dressed as it is written here. Please, respect that, we will not look for you, we will not pursue you. But if you don't, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will kill you. Just kidding, no dinner for ya ;)Note; every night our secret jury will search for the best costume of the party. The best Note; every night our secret jury will search for the best costume of the party. The best ones will be rewarded! ones will be rewarded!

ARABIAN NIGHTARABIAN NIGHTLet’s enjoy in the luxury life of Arabian people at least for just one night.


The Alumni fee includes one half-board (one night). All other expenses are to be covered by the delegate himself.

Banja Luka, Bijeljina and Tuzla 110,00 KM

Sarajevo 115,00 KMMostar 120,00 KMAlumni 50,00 KM

EP/International 80,00 €Cancellation 30,00 KM/20,00 €Cancellation after 25.01. 60,00 KM/40,00 €

The fee includes two full-boards and one half-board (three nights) , as well as transportation Mostar-Čitluk-Mostar. All other expenses are to be covered by the delegate himself.

Contact:Anel Zukić (CM): [email protected] Hana Hasković (AM): [email protected] Viktoria Družijanić (OCP): [email protected]