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Digital Taiwan – Culture & Nature Project Director: Dr. Kwang-Tsao Shao ( 邵邵邵邵 邵邵 ) Project Co-Director: Dr. Cheng-Yun Liu ( 邵邵邵邵邵 邵) Project assistants: Kun-Chi Lai ( 邵邵邵 ) Lee-Sea Chen ( 邵邵西 ) Jun-He Gao ( 邵邵邵 ) Chih-Jen Ko ( 邵邵邵 ) Elie Chen ( 邵邵 邵)

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Digital Taiwan – Culture & Nature

Project Director:Dr. Kwang-Tsao Shao (邵廣昭研究員 )

Project Co-Director:Dr. Cheng-Yun Liu (劉錚雲研究員 )

Project assistants:Kun-Chi Lai (賴昆祺 )Lee-Sea Chen (陳麗西 )Jun-He Gao (高君和 )Chih-Jen Ko (柯智仁 )Elie Chen (陳岳智 )

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Website Architecture

Navigation menu: Collection Level Facets of Taiwan (珍藏特展 ) A Slice of Wonder (精品賞析 ) Special Feature Exhibition (展覽 ) Educational Resources Photo Gallery Multimedia

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culture.tedap.tw 快速瀏覽本站最新消息、計畫簡介、展示櫥窗,與個人化設定Selections of news, showcases, introductions to TELDAP programs, and visitor customization

精品賞析與珍藏特展“A Slice of Wonder” and “Facets of Taiwan” sections

宣傳影片Promotion video

精品賞析隨選Randomly chosen item from “A Slice of Wonder”

合作單位網址連結Links to collaborative institutions

以主題、機構、時間軸、字母排序方式查詢數典計畫網址與資料庫內容TELDAP-database search by subject, institution, time period or title

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Collection Level DescriptionExample: The Tan-Hsin Archives (1)





National Taiwan University

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Collection Level DescriptionExample: The Tan-Hsin Archives (2)

Collection Level Description

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Facets of Taiwan Example 1: Streets of Old

An oxcart is used to transport wood, photographed in 1955. It used to be a main transportation in Taiwan before the railroads were developed.

Photo by: GIO Photographer (1955-00-00)

Government Information Office

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Facets of Taiwan Example 2: Taiwan’s Offshore Islands

Located at Cimei, an island of the Penghu archipelago, these stone weirs were once built to catch fish in the winter and provided residents with a vital source of food. Photo by: Xing-Rang YeTourism Bureau

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Facets of Taiwan

Example 3: In Memory of an

Old Painter in Taiwan —

Shih-Chiao Lee

(1908 – 1995)

Shih-Chiao Lee Museum of Art

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Example 1: Boat Carved from an Olive Stone

Carved in such a small boat is a total of eight figures, each in minute detail and rendered with liveliness. On the bottom of the boat is engraved the “Latter Ode to the Red Cliff”by Su Tung-p'o. The more than 300 characters are dense and detailed.

A Slice of Wonder

National Palace Museum

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A Slice of Wonder Example 2: White Jade Bi Xie

Originally made from white and sapphire jade, this artifact is corroded and becomes dark brown. Shaped as the Bi Xie, an imaginary beast believed to be exorcising the evil spirits, this artifact depicts it raising its head and sitting on a podium. During the West Han Dynasty, Bi Xie is generally cast in bronze situated in the palace to invigorate the atmosphere. After East Han Dynasty, Bi Xie in jade carving starts to appear, generally as pendants or put in the entrance of the grave. In tradition, this form can dispel the evil and protect its owner.National Museum of History

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A Slice of Wonder Example 3: Tatala of Tao People

The maker finished the work in April 1999, taking more than two months. Ten pieces of wood were used to produce fifteen boards, which form the structure of the work. The original material of wood comes from breadfruit trees. After the project was finished, relatives and friends were invited to a ceremony which last for a day and a night.

National Museum of Natural Science

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3D Multimedia Special Feature

達悟族人拼板舟( The Tatala Boat) 皇帶魚( The Earthquake Fish)

鍬形蟲( The Shovel Bug)人面陶罐( The Earthenware)

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The Tatala Boat (1)

“Aliban ban! The flying fishes are here!” shouted the Tao people at Orchid Island off the southeast coast of Taiwan.

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The Tatala Boat (2)

The tatala boat, made of 21 or 27 pieces of wood and without using a single nail, is Tao people’s major tool for fishing and transportation.

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The Tatala Boat (3)

The mata-no-tarara (eye), red and black circle at the bow and stern, can expel evil spirits, guide Tao people to flying fishes and keep people safe.

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The Tatala Boat (4)

Each beautiful totem on the hull tells a different story.Let’s visit the National Museum of Natural Science to explore its abundant stories!

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