2012 men's lacrosse yearbook


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Post on 12-Mar-2016




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The 2012 Detroit Titans Men's Lacrosse Yearbook.


  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team2220202202022202020202020202020202002020202020202002220220220202020200202020202022020202020202020202020202020020202022020020202020202020200202202220020200022202020202022000202200220002222000020002020000002200000222002000020000020200000202220222000000001212121212111211121221212121212222212221212121212122212122121212121112111112222121221111212122212211122222122212212121212212222212121222212121221221222222212121122222121222221212121212211111112222212121212222121221111112121212212122222221211111222122211121212222222121211221212122111212212122221112212212111221122221211222222222122222222 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDeteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteteeeeeeeeeeeeeeetetetetetetetetteteteteteteteeeteeetetetetetettetetettteteteeetetettetteteteeeeeetetetetttttttettteeeteettttetetteteteteeetttetetttteettteeeettteeeettteeeettttteetetteteettttetettttetetttttteeettttteeetttteeeeeeeeeeetttttteeeeeeeeetttttrorrrorrororororrrorrororororoororororororrorrrrorororrrorrorororoorororororororooroorrrororororororrororororoororororrororororoorororrrorrororoororrrrroorrrorrrrorrrrrrrorrrrrrrrrrrrororrrrrrorrorooororrrr itittttitititititititittitititiittititttittititttiiiiiiittitittittitiiitititititittittitititititittititititiitittititiitititiiittititiitttiititiiiititiiiiiiiiiittit TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTT T TTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTititititititititiitittitttitittittiitititiitittitittititittttitititititititiitititititititititititttititititiititittttttititititiitititititititititittttttitttitititittttitttttittttittttiiititiiiitttanaanaananaanananananananananananannanananannnnnnanananannanaanananaaaanannnnnannananananaaaaanananannnnnnnnnnnnananannanaananaaannnnnanananananaaaanaannananaanananaaanannnnnanananaannnnnnnnanananaannanaanannnnnannnanannnnnanaannnnannnanaannaaanananananannaaanaaannaanaaananaaanannaannnnnannnnssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss LLLaLLLaLaLaLaLaLaLLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLLaLaLaLaLLLaLLaLaLLaLaLaLaLLaLaLaLaLaLaLLaLaLaLaLaLaLLaLaLaLaLaLLaLaLaLLLaLaLLLLaLLaLaLLLLLLaLLLaLLLLaLaLaLLLLaLaLaLaLaLLLLLLLaLaaLaaaLaLaLaaLLLLaLaLaaLaLaLLLLLLLaaaaLaaLaLLaaLaLaLaaaaLLLLaLaLaLLLLLaaaaLLLLaaLaLaLLLLLaaLaLaLaaaLaLaLaLaLaLaaLLaLLaaaLaaaaLLaaLLaaLLLLL crcrcrcrcrcrcrcrccrcrcrrcrcrrcrcrrcrcrcrrcrcrcrcrccrccccccccccrrrrcrrcrcrcrrcrccrccccrrrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrcrccrccrrrrrcrrcrcrcccrcrccrrrrrcrcrccrcccrcrrrrcrcrcrcrcrccrcrcrrcrcrcrcrcrccrcrcrrrcrrcrcrcrrrcrccrcrrrrrrcrrcrrccrrcrrcrrrrrcrcrccccrcrrcrcrcrcrcrrrrrcrrcrcrrrc ososososooososossososososososososossoosoosoososoosssosossossososossoooossssososooossososossososoosososoossososoosossossosoooosososososossossoosooosssososossososssososssssssoossosooossssssooosssssesesesesesesesesesesesesesesesseeseeeseeeesesesesesessesesesesseeeeeseseseeeesesesessssssseeeeeeeeseeseessesesessssseeeeeeeseeseseeeeeeeesesesssseeeseeeeeseseseseseseeeseesesesesesesesesesesesesseseesesesseseeseseeesssseeeeseeeeeeesesesseeessesss 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 D DDD D DDDDD D DDDD D D D D Deeeeeteeetetette rororrororooroor ititititititssssss C C CCCCCCCCCColololllolollllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeggggggggggggggggegeegeeeegeeeggggggggggggegegeggggggggggeeggggggggggggggeegggggegegggggggggeggggggggeegggggggggggegggggggggggegggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggeegggggggggggggggggggggg T T T TT TTeeaeaae mmmmm

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team32020202222222220202002020200202020202020202222022020200200200002022202022202020200202202022020220220222000202202202020222022220202020020200202022020202020220202000202022000002020202020200202222202020202022020222202020020200020222020222000220020000020202020022220022022002202222222220200020002222222222222000022222200222222202222 1121211122212222221212212222222211212111121212122222222222222222222111121221222222222222222222221121112122222222222222222211121222222222211122222222221111112222222222222222111112222222222222221211222222222222122122222221212121222111111221112122222222222222222211222222222222222222222222222222222111212222222221212112222222222211222222222121212212211222212222222222 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  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team4

    Table Of Contents

    Teamm Pictuurrer /Tabbblell Of CCContenntts: ............................. 44QuQ ickk k Facts:s:: ............. .................................................... 522012 RRRoso ter:: ................................................................... 620202 12 SSchchc edullee:e ............................................................... 7TTiitan FFiiele d: .................................................................... 8Innddoor FFFaca ilityy:: ............. ............................................ 101MAMAAAC: ........................................................................ 122Seaassono Prreeview:: ................ ............................................ 14Headadd C oacchh Mattt t Holtz: ............... .............................. 18Assiststtana t CoCooach ChChhris Kololl n: ......... ............................. 21Assisttanana t Cooaach Billllll T ully:................ ........................ 23Assistanannt Coaacch h Karlrll Z immeeermrr an: ................... ......... 252522012 Tittanana s:....... .............. ...................................... ...... 27772011 Yearr InI Revevviei w: .................... ........................... ...1102011 Stats:: ..................................................... .............. 114Titan Historryy:y ..................................................... ..........11111 9Lacrosse Timmelele ine: ................................ .............. .......122000All-TimeRosterer:: . .......................................................124Records: .......................... ... .......................................127All-Time Awards & & & Accoolalal des: ...............................13131344All-Time Results: ...... ... .......................... ............... .....13777

    Serieses History:: .........................................................138 8This IIs s Detroit: ......................................... ... .............139Center F For Sportts s Performannce: ..............................144Academmici s & Compmpliance: ......................................146NNotable AAlumni: ....................................................14414777Tiitat n Hall-O-Of-Fame: ..............................................148Assosociate Vicece Presidentt & & Athletic Diirerector: .......150Titan n Athletic SStaff: ............................................ .....151Titan HHead Coachches: ..............................................151522PPoints OOf f Pride: ................................. .....................153

    Front Row, From L-R: Tim Lehto, Scott Harris, Brad Janer, Ty Maruyama, Jason McDonald, Jon Bemben, John Nowicki, Adam Parrottino, Danny Preston...Second Row, From L-R: Jordan Houtby, A.J. Levell, Brandon Davenport, Nick Sches-nuk, John Dwyer, Jamie Hebden, Chris Nemes, Andrew Khalil, Wes Steen, Tim Robertson, Joel Matthews...Third Row, From L-R: Tom Masterson, Tom Sible, Nick Garippa, Brian Smith, Drew Schupbach, Troy Dennus, Joe MacClean, Kevin DiSalle, Shayne Adams, Alex Wilson, Scott Drummond...Third Row, From L-R: Tyler Corcoran, Mike Wenderski, Mike Birney, Joe Giff ord, Chris Mandell, Tyler Schroer, Chris Kelly, Damien Hicks, Damie Dansaglio, Tyler Harper, Brandon Beau-regard...Top Row, From L-R: Chris Shevins, Asst. Strength and Conditioning Coach Nick Wilson, Asst. Coach Chris Kolon, Head Coach Matt Holtz, Asst. Coach Bill Tully, Asst. Coach Karl Zimmerman, Athletix Trainer Kyle Bowen, Alex Maini

    Yearbook CreditsThe 2012 Detroit Titans Mens Lacrosse Yearbook is a production of the Detroit Sports Information Offi ce. The guide was written, designed and edited by Assistant SID P.J. Gradowski. Editorial assistance provided by the UDM Sports Information offi ce and head coach Matt Holtz. Photos by Tim Busch, Jim Davenport, Grant halverson, Jim Kelly, Christopher Permar, MAAC and UDM Sports Info.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team5

    ATHLETIC DEPARTMMENTT NFORMATIONATHLETIC DEPARTMTMENNE TT INI FORMATIONAthletic Director/Associatate V.V P.P :Athletic Director/Associatate e V.V P.P :Associate AD for Internal Affaa rrs//SWSWA:Associate AD for Internal Affaairirs//s SWSWA:Associate AD for External Affa rss:Associate AD for External Affairs:s:Dir. of Development for Athletics & Dir. of Development for Athletics & Student Facilities:Student Facilities:AsA stst. BuBusiness and Ticket Manager:AsA stst. BuBusiness and Ticket Manager:Athlh etet cic E quuippment Manager:Athlleteticic EE Eququipipment Manager:Equipment t RoRoomm G rad. Assistant:Equipment t RoRoomm G rad. Assistant:Athletic Administrtratt oon Intern:Athletic Adminisstrtrattioion Intern:University Minister foorr AtAthlh eticsUniversity Minister foorr AtAthlh eticsS.S.J.S.S.J.Faculty Athletic Representntatt vives:Faculty Athletic Representntatta ivives: ................................................................Cheer Team Coach:Cheer Team Coach:Pep Band Director:Pep Band Director:Dance Team Coach:Dance Team Coach:Offi ce Phone:Offi ce Phone: 3313-993-17003313-993-1700Fax:Fax: 313 3-993-24493113 3-3 993-2449MaMailing Address:MaMailing Address: 4001 W. MMcNichols Rd4001 W. MMccNiN chols Rd .........................................................Detrooit, M I 48221Detroioit, M I 48221Websitte:eWebsitte:e DetroitTtT ttans.comDetroitTtTittans.comSocial Meedia:Social Meedia: Detroit Titans Twitter, Tommmy y Titan & Detroit Titans Twitter, Tommmyy Titan & ............................................................ Titann YoYouTubeTitann YoYouTube

    COMPLIANCCE & ACADEMICSCOMPLIANCCE & ACADEMICSAssistant AD ffor NCAA Compliance:Assistant AD ffor NCAA Compliance: Stevee CCorderStevee CCorderAsst. Dir. of Coompliance/Acad. Coord:Asst. Dir. of Coompliance/Acad. Coord: Amyy GGasahlAmyy GGasahlGrad. Asst. for Academic Services:Grad. Asst. forr Academic Services: Andreaa MMosher Andreaa MMosher

    FACILITIESFACILITIESAssistant ADD for Facilities:Assistant ADD for Facilities: ....................Jefff LatinenJefff LLatinenDir. of Concceessions & MerchandisingDir. of Concceessions & Merchandising:: Jordaan SamesJordaan SamesFacility Opperations Grad. AssistantFacility Opperations Grad. Assistant Jessicca Liebner Jessicca a Liebner Facilitieses Intern:Facilitieses Intern: CChad PitkinCChhad Pitkin

    MAMARKETINGMAMARKETINGDir. of Marketing & Promotions:Dir. of Marketing & Promotions: Brandoonn LongmeierBrandodonn Longmeier

    TICKETS & FAN EXPERIENCETICKETS & FAN EXPERIENCEDir.of Ticket Sales & Fan ExperiencceDir.of Ticket Sales & Fan Experiencce:::: ..Greg HaapalaGreg Haapala

    SPORTS INFORMATIONSPORTS INFORMATIONSports Information Directoor:Sports Information Directoorr: .............Mitch WignessMitch WignessSr. Asst. SID (MLAX Contntacctt):Sr. Asst. SID (MLAX Contntacactt): P.J. GradowskP.J. GradowskiEmail:Email: [email protected]@udmercy.eduuOffi ce Phone:Offi ce Phone: 313-993-1774466313-993-174466Cell Phone:Cell Phone: 313-585-0909822313-585-09098282Sportss I fnforormamation Assistant:Sportsts I Infnforrmamation Assistant: Joel WWa rathJoel WWallrrathSSpporortsts I fnfo. Offi ce Phone:SSporortsts I Infnfo. Offi ce Phone: 313-99993-3-1745313-99993-3-1745SSports Info. Offi ce Fax:SSports Info. Offi ce Fax: ......................313-3-99993-17653133-99993-1765


    Asst. AtAthletetic Dir. for Sports MMedde icineAsst. AtAthlh etetic Dir. for Sports MMedde icine::... Mike MillerMike Miller

    ...................Dr. Miikee Hanna,Dr. MiMikee Hanna, .... ............................................................ Dr. Boob b TongcoDr. Boob Tongco


    Strenngth & Conditioning AAsssistant:Strennggtht & Conditioning AAsssistant:Grad. AsAsst. Strength & Condditioning:Grad. Assst. Strength & Condditiioning:

    MMENS LACROOOSSE SSSTAT FFHHead Cooach: ........... MMMatt Hoolltz (Micchc igan S tate 96)Reecord aat UDMM:: ....................... 9-3333 ( Fourtthh Seaasson)Caareer HHead Coooachinggg Recooord: ...................... saaameEmmail: ................................... hhoh [email protected] t Coachhh: ...............Chhrris Kollon (Ruuttgers 999)Emmail: ................................. [email protected] Coachh: ................ Bill Tully (Gettysssburg 004)Emmail: ......................................... [email protected] Coachh: .. Karl ZZimmerrrman (OOhO io Weessleyan 09)Meens Laacrosse Offi ce:: .......................313--5578-004414

    TEEAM INNFORMAAATION20011 Reccord: ...................6-100 (4-2 MMAM AC, TT-Seccoond)AAll-Timee Recorrdd (Firststt Seassoon): ...........99--33 (220009)SStartersrs Returrnnning/Looost: .......................................... 9/1LLetterwwinnerss Returnnning/LoLoost:....... ...................... 29/6Goaliees Retuurrrning/LLoLost: ......................................... 1/22Newccomers:: ...............................................................111Redsdshirts RReReturninnng: .................................................. 777

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team6

    2201122 DDeettrroittt Tiitttaansss RRRosttteeerrNo. Name YYeear PPos. HHHt. WWtWt. Homommeetown/Hiighghgh S School (Lasassttt SScSchool)00 Nick Garirippa SSo. M 6-0 205 RRRoochester HHHilillsls, MI/Notreree DD Dame Prep 1 Adam NNolan Sr. D 6-2 190 Ann Arbbooror, MI/Pioneeererer ( (Western Michigigigananan))) 2 Scott HHarris Sr. M/A A A 6-33 3 19555 Salinene,, MMI/Saline e 3 Alex x Wilsonn Rf.f. AAA//M/ 55-5-11 181885 Bococcaa Raton, FFFLL/L/Saint Andrrewewewss 4 Joeell Matthhews SSo. AAA 6-3 2210 StStSt. Catharininnees, ON/Hollyy y CCCross 5 Tylyler Corrcoran Jr. M 5-10 180 SSouth LyLyyooon, MI/Souuththth L Lyon 7 AA.J. Levvell Jr. G 5-1000 210 0 Colummmbbbus, OH/DuDuubbblin Scioto 8 JJohn NNowicki Sr. M 6-0-00 18811 1 Clintnttooon Twp., MMMII/I/De La Saalllleee 9 Shaynne Adamms Sooo. A 555-9 11775 St.t.. C Catharineeess, ON/Deniniisss Morris 10 Ty MaMaruyamma SSrr.r MMM 55-7 1150 LaLaLakewoodd,, CCO/Greenenn M Mountain11 Mikee Birneyey FFFr. MM 6-1 205 PPlymouththh, MI/Cathohoollic Central 122 Braad Janeer SSSr. M 6-0 193 Novi, MMMII/Detroit CCaCatholic Cenntrtrralal 133 Joee MacLLean So. M 6-1 1922 Bloommfimfi eld Hillslss, MI/Detroitt C CCoountry Day 114 Daamie DDansegglio Fr. G 5-99 170700 Sayvyvville, NY/C/CConnetquot t 115 AAdam PParrottinno Sr. M 6--00 17775 Trooyoy, MI/De e LLa Salle16 JJon Bemmben Sr. M 66--3 220200 Haaartland, MMMI/Hartlandd17 DDanny Prestoon Sr. MM 666-3 2230 HHHempsteaeaad, NY/Heemmmpstead 18 JJamie Hebdeen Jr.. DD 55-11 200 FFFarmingtgtton Hills, MMIMI/Brother RRRice 19 Branddon Beaeauregaaard Frrr.. AA A 5-9 155 Clarkstooon, MI/Nottrere Dame PPrPrep20 Tyler HHarpeer Frrr. MMM 5-7 171 Baldwinnn, NY/Balddwwin21 Drew Schuppbach SSoo. LLSM 6-1 200 Clarksstton, MI/Stt. Marys22 Tyler Schrooer FFFr. AA 5-11 190 Lakewwwood Ranccchh, FL/Lakkkewood Ranncch23 Troy Denniss SSSo. M 6-0 205 Baldwwwin, NY/Baalldwin24 Damiien Hiccks FFFr. M 5-9 175 Copiaaague, NY//CCopiaguee25 Jordaan Houutby JJJr. LSM 6-3 175 St. Caaatharines,, ON/Holyy Cross26 Nick Schessnuk SSSo. M 5-11 200 Chesstterfi eld, MMII/De La SSSalle 27 Andreew Khalil SSSo. LSM/DD 5-10 181 Macoommb, MI/Deee La Sallee e28 Joe GGifford FFFr. DD 6-0 210 Rocheeester Hillss, MI/Notree e Dame Prepp p 29 Tim RRobertsson SSSo. MM 6-1 181 Waterfrfford, MI/NNootre Dameee Prep.30 Chris Sheviins FFrr. DDD 6-1 220 Merrickk,k NY/Mepphham31 John DDwyerr Jrrr.. DDD 6-4 204 Novi, MMMI/I Detroit CCaCatholic Ceenentral32 Wes SSteen S ooo. AAA 6-6 0 195 CoC lumbbuusu , OH/Oleeentn angy Libibbere ty33 JJason McDonnald Sr. D D 66-3 215 BBBayport, NYN /Baypoortrtr -Blue Poinnint t34 BBrandoon Davvene porttt Jr. M 55-5-10 1161 0 GGGror sse Pooointe Woodsdss, , MI/GP NoNoortr h 353 MMike WWeendersski Jr. M 66-4-4 224044 Livvvono ia, MII/D/D/ etroit Jessuiuiu t (St. Vinceceentn )336 Thoh mas s Sible Rf. M 6-0-00 19995 5 Graandn Rapiddds,ss MI/Foreststt H Hills Centralalal337 Keevin DiSSalle So. LSMM 5-8 8 1 5222 Ponttiaiaiac, MI/OrOrrchcc ard Lakee SS St.t Marys388 Steephen MMastracacci So. M 6-3 1 91 Auburnrnn Hills, MIMII/A/A/ vondale399 Alexx Maini i SoSS . A A 6-0 200 Lynbroook,kk NY/Lynbnbbrook40 Scotttt Drummmmond SoSoS . AA/A M 6-0 170 BBBirminghaaam,m MI/Seahahaholm43 Tyler Staruchch Soo.o AAA 66-6 4 222414 BrBrrigighton, MIMII/B/B/ righton 44 CChris NNemes Jr. M 6-6-4 4 195959 Noviviv , , MI/Detroooititi Catholic CeCeCentral45 CChris MMandell Fr. M 5-10100 150 0 S terlinning gg Heights,s M M I/De La SaSaalllll e e49 Toom Masstersonn So. A/M 6-0 175 Londonn, ONO /St. Thohoomam s Aquinas s77 Timm Lehtoo SSr. M 6-0 180 FaFaF rmingtononn, , MI/Northh FF Faraa mington (WWooooostststerere ) )88 Chrisis Kellyy FFr.r GGG 6-66 3 222202 VaValrlrl ici o, FL/SaSaSaini t Andrews s99 Briann S mithh So.o. D 6-6-0 0 1909090 Riveerhrhr eae d, NY/Y/RiRiR vev rhead

    Head Coachh: Matt HoH ltz - F Fourth SeS asonnn ( ( (Michigaanan State 999999) Assistant Coaach: Chhris Koloon - Foururth Seasosos n (Ruttgegegers 99)Assistant Coacch: Bill TuT lly - FiFirst Seasason (GeGeettttt ysburg 0400 ) Assistant Coachh: Karl ZZimmermman - Fiirsrst Seasononon (Ohio WW Wesleyan 000999)))Assistant Strengthth and CConditiononing CoCoach: Niiickckck Wilson (W(W(Wisconsinn-E-E-Eaua Claire 001))1)Athletic Trainer: Kylyle e Boween n (Centrtrala Michihigagan 09)

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team7

    22000111222 Detttrrroittt TTitttaaanss SccheeddulleDay DDDaaatttee Oppoonneeennt Looccationn TimeFebbbrruuuaaarrryyySaturday 444 a t Delaawawaw re NNewarkk, DE 11:00 p.m. Thursday 9 at Ohio SStaatatetet (at Woooodydy Hayess A A thletic CoCC mplexx)x) Coolumbuss, OH 7:000 p.m. SUSUNDNDNDAYAYA 12 MIMIM CHC IGAN ((ATATA ULTIMMATATA E SOCCCCCCER ARERERENAS) PONNTIAC, M I 1:000 0 P.M. Saturday 18 at NNNororo th Carolinna aa Chapepel Hill, NC NoN on Saturday 22555 at Mercececer Maconn, , GA 1:00 pp.m.

    MMaarrrccchhSaturday 3 at GeGeGeorgetownnn Waaashingtoon, DCC 1::000 p.mm. Saturday 1110 0 at Quiuiinnnn ipiac Hammmden, CCT 1:000 p.m.. SaSaturday 17 7 at Canissiuiui s * Buffaaalo, NYY TBA A SAATUTUTURDRR AY 24 MARIST *** DETRRROIT, MMI NNOON Saturdayy 3 1 atat Manhattanann * Riverddalaa e, NYY 1:00 p.m.


    MayMAAC Tournnaament Fri.-Sun. 4-6 MMMAAC Chhaampionshhiip (hosteeed by Maaarist) Pouugghkeepppsie, NNY TBAA

    Followers of the Titans nearly saw the team bring home a MAAC championship in Buff alo, NY, in just the programs third year of varsity play.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team8


    Thee UDM athletiic depaara tmentt t proudlyy unveeilled its nnnew, on--ccampuss facility in OOctober oofof 2007. Thee nnew facilitty is onn the ssite of ttthe old nnaturall--grass TTitan Fiieeld, andd includeess an A-Tuurfrf fi eld, alooong with a ssiixix-lanepolyuurethanne tracck and areas ffor the steepleecchase aand fi elddd eventss.. The fi eldd is utilizeddd by the menenns and wommens laacrosse, trackk and fifi field andd socceer progrraams.

    Thee menss lacroosse teeam plaayyed itss fi rst hoomme gammme on thhe e fi eld oonn April 11, 2009, faallling to Wheeeeling Jesuit, 14-77. The ggame wwas more abooout the historyy oof the eeevent raatther thannn the scorree as it waass believed ttoto be the fi rst-ever menss colleggiate laaacrosseee game playedd iin the MMMotor Ciitty. With 7703 spectctaators on hhhand for the e event on Easteer weeekend, it was also bebeelievedd to be oonne of thhhe biggeesst crowddds to watcchh a game aa t Titan Fielld.dd

    It wwas greaat to reeally geeet all thhhese fannns out hheere for ouo r fi rst t gag me, sssaid headd cc oach Matatatt t Holtz after thththegamee. The suppoort and atmospphp ere wwwas greaeaat.

    Titan juj nior PPat OSShea nnnetted tttheh fi elddds fi rst llaacrossee e goal neaeaarly seveeen n minutes s ininto the connntetest, with ssophommore MMatt Greregson feedinggg him thhehe pass s fofor the aaassist.

    Titan Field FirstsGame - Apr. 11, 2009 - Wheeling Jesuit 14, UDM 7Goal - UDM Pat OShea (8:13, from Matt Gregson)(on the extra-man)Face-Off - UDM Danny Preston, WJU Luke Janssen (W)First Shot - WJU John DunbarFirst Shot On Goal - WJU John DunbarFirst Save - UDM Vince DianaFirst Caused Turnover - UDM Vince DianaGround Ball - WJU Luke JanssenPenalty - WJU Kip Stoffel (8:46 - Slashing)

    Titan Field RecordsPoints - Team (Detroit 25 vs. Wagner, May 1, 2010), Individual - (Brett Schmidt 7, Mount St Marys, 7 April 10, 2010)Goals - Team (Detroit 16 vs. Presbyterian, Mar. 22, 2010, Individual (Cody Lehrer 6, Mount St. Marys, April 10, 2010)Assists - Team (9, done 3x)Individual (Brett Schmidt 6, Mount St Marys, 7 April 10, 2010)Shots - Team (Detroit 46 vs. VMI, Mar. 19, 2011), Individual (Tim Lehto, 12 vs. Robert Morris, Mar. 13, 2011)Saves - Team (VMI 9, Mar. 19, 2011), Individual (Charles Ruppert 18, Robert Morris)Caused Turnovers - Team (Wagner 18, May 1, 2010), Individual (Jordan Houtby 6, April 16, 2011)Ground Balls - Team (Lehigh 48, Mar. 6, 2011), Individual (Stephen Robarge 14, VMI, Mar. 19, 2011)Penalties - Team (Detroit 11, 2x, last vs. WMI, Mar. 19, 2011), Individual (4, done 3x)

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team9

    Detroit is 6-6 allll-tt-timimimee in games plplplayayayede on campus, butt wawawas s 3-2last year,r ii incncnclulul did ng a perfectct 33 3-0-0 against MAAC oopppppponono ents. UDM Mhahas actually won four ininin a a a row athomee aa agagagaininst MAAC foes.

    Titan Field is also thhthee e sis te for lalll ofofof DD Detete roits summer anannd d d fall

    individual aandndnd t t rar vel camps. WW With concessions locaateteted d right next ttto ootht e fi eld inside at Caliilihahahan Hall, anandd thththee UnU iversitys Clockckk T T ower bursting ooveeverr tht e campus, itt gg gives all recruits, famiimililil ese and friendsss t t he fefeele of home once thhtheye arrive.

    Improvemmmenene ts to the faacicic lility have already been cccomoo pleted. Inn t the summeeer r of 2011,1,, Titan Fieei ld adddeede a newww piecee aa s a neeew multti-sporrt t scoreeboard was installed, whihiichcc will beneeefi fi t all the prrrogo rams wwwho call itit homee.

    The inininsts allation of thhee e A-Turf andndn track waasas just thee e fi rst paartr of thee Titan FFiield upggrg ades... Phasee 2, whhencompleteed dd in the futuree, will includudde stadiumm m seating g for 2,5000-0 3,0000 fans, ccoconcessssion staaands, reestroomms, a ppress box, lights aana d a buildinggg with spaacce for offi cceces, lockekeer roomsss and sttoorage.

    The construuctc ion of our nnew synththhetic fi eld aand tracckk is anotttheh r bigg sstep foorrward ffoor the TTTitan Atthleticss Program. I amm excited thaatt our studdeent-athleteees and ccooaches,, who wwoork so hhhard daayy in anddd day oout, willl have theon-campus facccilities they nnneed to trraain and coommpete, Titans AAAssociaatte Vice Presideeent & AAthletic Directoor Keri Gaither said. TTThe Universsitys subssttantial commmmitmennnt for theee new faaccilities is a crittiical commmponent of oour sport expansion plaanns.

    Future plans for Titan fi eld include stadium seating, locker rooms and lights as Detroit continues to look at expanding its athletic programs and facilities.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team10


    Durring thee winteer, the Titans ppracticcee indooorrs at thhee Ultimaaate Socccecer Arenass, located iin Pontiac, aaa facility thathousses threee staate of thhhe art fifi fields, eeequippeedd with AAAstro-Tuurrf GameeeDay grassss XPE wititthTurfAide bbbuilt-in, in-laid striping andd the latest innn infi ll ttoo the eennvy of aaany spoort.

    Thhee entirree facilittty has been bbbuilt to tthe fi nesst standdards annd energyy effi cienccy with R--330 insulatioonn rating in all areaaas. Air cconditioning,, heat aaand indirect lighhting arre designned for thhe highestt quality oof f play.

    Ammeenitiesss includdde: resttat uranttt, pro shhoh p, staatet -of-thhe-art Spports Perfformance & Trainingg Center, teaamm party roommms, coaaaches rroooom, rreefereeess roomm, locker rooms,, multiplee restroomm facilitiess, HD TV && wiw reless accccesess, Eurooppean cccoffee sshs op, ppplenty ooof seatinnng througughout aand a seecond fl ooor mezzannini e viewing g ded ck for all fifi e eldlds.

    Ultimmaate Soooccer AAArenas iis the hhoh me too o the Micchigan BBucks Sooccer Teamm and All-A-American LaLaacrc osse.

    TThe TTittans mmmake thhhe ee quickk k drive upu I-75 5 every daay and prp actice aat the faciililities main aarena fi eld. WiWiththt t the cocoonditioonns ideeaala to geeet tt readyy y for thhee e seasoonon, the Tiitat ns praractice abbouo t fi ve timmese a week ththere and then ggetetet

    baackc to hit ththe weights s ata the Larry B Bleach Center in Caliihah n Hall.

    Ultimaatete Soccer ArA enas not oonlnly y serves as a pracactiticece sisitet , but a a home vennueu for select gagamem s the Titans hostst in the fafacility. The mam in arena holdsds c close to 2,200 0 faf ns andd w with all the acaction indoors, the e sisighghts and soununds are jusust another adaddeded bonus to the prprp ogram.

    Thiss yy years matcch-h up in Ultiimamate Soccer Arenasfeaturess aa an in-state rrivivara ly as Detrtroioitt host the UnUnUniversity oofff MiM chigan on n FeFeb. 12, the fi rstst-e-evev r game for thththe e Wolverininnesese as a Divisionon I I p program.

    Ultimate Soccer Arenas RecordsGoals - 7, Shayne Adams vs. MercerPoints - 7, Shayne Adams vs. MercerAssists - 2, 5xShots - 11, Shayne Adams vs. MercerShots On Goal - 8, Shayne Adams vs. MercerSaves - 18, Justin Bateman, MercerCaused Turnovers - 6, Jordan Houtby vs. MercerGround Balls - 11, Jordan Houtby vs. MercerFace-Offs - 11-of-17, Andrew Bulgarelli, BellarminePenalties - 2, Jason McDonald vs. Bellarmine2, Luke Rutledge, Mercer

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team11

    In 2010, the inaugugurural TiTitatann hohomem game in the indoor facililitityy saw 1,565 lacrosse fans jjam m ththee bub ilding to see the only NCAAAA DiD visionI program in the statete ofof M Michigan at the time.

    Detroit took a 5-4 lead aaftfterer the fi rst period thankks s tot three goals by Joeoel MaMaM tttthews in his fi rst colleggiaiatetet g game, before Belllalarmrminerallied to win tthehehe g game,1212-8.

    In 201011,11 D etroits annual gamma e was a reecococ rd-settingg performana ce as ththe Titanss rackeed up a pprogrammm-bestt 19 goaaals in aaa 19-3 victory overer MMercer. Jusst t like in 20010, a Titaan freshmmana shineed as SShayne AAAdams sset a ssschool recordd with seven goals s aand his Cannaadian friennd and teaammate JJordan HHoutbyy posted a pair ooof teammm recorrrds withhh six caused turnooveev rs and 11 gground baalls.

    Eleven Titanss scored in thhe game -- with nine fi nding the backk of thee net - aas Detroooit marrcched ooon for thhhe winn.

    Detroit is looking for another great crowd at Ultimate Soccer Arenas as the Titans look to take down the Wolverines of the University of Michigan.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team12

    Metrroo AAttlaanttiic AAAttthhllleetiiccc CCConnfffeeerrenceeWith 10 instituuttiions

    strongly bounndd by thhee sound princicipples ooff qquality y yand integrritittyy in accaademiccscs and exceelllleence iinn athletettiics, the Metrroo Atlannttiic Athleleetic Conferreenence iss iin its 33311st year ooff f compppeetition dduring the 2020011-200112 acaadademic yearr.

    ThThhe MAAAAAC waass foundddedinn 11980 bbby six cccharter mmeembeerrss: thee UU.S.MMMilitaryy AAcadeeemy, Faaairfi eld UUniverrssity, Fooordhamm mUUniveerrssity, Iooona Collllege,Manhhaattan CCCollegeee and Saintt Peterrs Colleege e.Commppetitioonn followwwed onneeyearr later iinn the faaall of 19981 wiitth memmmbers coompetinng in the sports off mens croross countrryy and menss ssooccer.On JJanuarryry 2, 199982, Arrmmy traavveled tooo Iona foor the fi first MAAAC mens basketbaall game anndnd the MAAACC C story had begguun.

    Cuurrrent CCConfereene ce mmmembeerrs incluudde: Cannisius CCollege, Fairfi eld Universityy, Iona Coollege, Loyoolaa University Maryyland,, Manhaattan CCCollegeee, Marisst Collegge, Niaggara University, RRider Univversity, Saaiint Peters CCollege, and Sienna Colllege. Inn n addittiion, asssociateee membeers incclude thee University of Detrroit Mercyy, Jacksonviillee Universityandd Virginnia Militaaary Inssstitute inni menss lacrossse. Stt. Franciss (N.Y.) CCollege, VVillanova UUnniversity, VVMMI andWaggner CCoollege aare alll assocciiate meeembers oof the MMAAC WWomens WWater Poolo Leaguee. Drake Unnivversity,Robbeert Moorris Unnniversittyy and SSSacred d Heart UUniverssity comppete in woomens roowing, whillee the Univererssity at AAlbaanny, Boosts on UUniverssiity andd the Unnniversity of Hartrtford beggan comppetition in womens gogog lf in the sppriringn of 20100. Thee MAACCC will suuupport 224 spoorrts and cchamppioi nshipss d uring thhe 2011-22010 2 academemmic year. Thehe MMAAC has aaautomaaatic quaala ifi catiioon to 114 4 NCAAAA Chammpionshhips incluuding wommens golf fof r the fi rstt titime in 20122. Inn20133, the MMAMAAC wwwill beccoome eliil gible fofoor its 15tth NCAAA Chammpip onship wwhen MAAAC Womennsss R owing will ffululfi fifillllqqualiffyyiy ng reeqquiremmments.

    TThe MMAMAAC BBBasketbbball Chhama pionnnships mmom ve to SpS ringfi fi elds MaassMutual C Center forr t the 2012-20014414cchhampiioonshipps,s whichchch will bbbe co-hhoosted bbbyy y the Naaismith BBasketbaall Hall of FaFame. By hahaving an excellllennentt wowoorking g rrelatioonnship wwwith varirir ous faaacic lities, tht e MAAAC has bbeen ablee to attract t a a number off NCN AAChhaampioonnship eeevents. Mostt rrecentltlly,yy the MMMAAA C and d Rider r co-hosteed d the 2011 NNCAA Divisionon I WrestlingChhaama pionnnshs ips ata the WWWells FFFara go CCeene ter inn PP hiladelplphia. Thehe MAAC, C Canisius CoCollege and Niagagara a Univveersityy ss uccesssssfully hhhosted tttheh 20110 0 NCAAAA D ivision n I Mens s Basketbaball Championsnship First and SeSecocondRounndsd at thht e HSSBBCB Arennan in BuBuuffalo, NNNew Yorrrk.k All threree partiees hosted ttheh event in 2020040 and 2007. Thhe eMAACCC and RRRidi er UUnin versittty yy co-hoososted thhee e 2009 NNNCAA Divivision I WWomens BBasasketball Chammpipionship Regional at the SSSovo ereeiigng Bannnk Arena aa in Treeentn on, NN.N.J., afteer rr recording g the thirrd d highest atattetendance fi gure e fofor the womens s s chammpip onshhhipip with thtt e Firssst t t and SeSeSecond RRRoouo nds in 22000 6. Thhe e MAAC andnd R ider will work ttogogetetheh r toco-host ththhe e 201122 NCAAAA A Rowingngng Chammpmpionshihiipspp at Meeercr er Lake e ini West WiW ndsor, Neww J Jersey.

    MAAC AAsssssociiaaatte SpppoortsIn June of 199999 5, thehee M AAC C C continueueued to ddeevevelop oopppppportunitiieseses for studentnt-athletes asas t the conference

    announced the e foformatatioioi n of thhehe MAAC CC Mens anana d Wommemens Lacrrososo se Leagueses. . The mens s leleagague begancompetition in thehee s pring g ofo 19996,6,6 while ttthehh wommenee s leaguguue e commenenncec d in the sprprining of 1997. TThehe m mens league consists off ff fouo r MAMAAACA schhhoooo ls -- CaCaCanisius, MaMM nhattaan,n,n, Marist, aandndnd Siena - andd t thrhree associate Dettroioitt, Jacksonville and Virrgigig nia MiMililil tat ry Inssstitit tute. Thhhe ee womennns s leaguee cc cono sists off MM MAAA C institutionss C Cana isius, Fairfi eld, Iona, Manhaattttt ana , MaMaririst, Niagaggara a and dd SiSS ena.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team13

    In 2002, the MAAAACC ada ded the MAAACACAC Womenss W W Water Polololo o Leagueueue. The leeagaga ue is s cucuc rrentltly y y made up of three MAMAACAC s schools - Iona, MMararist and Siena a - - as well asass f f our assosoocic ate memeembers, SS St. Frannccis (N.Y.YY ),) Villanova, VMIand Wagnerr.

    SaSacrc ed Heart started parartiticipating in n MAM AC Womommens Rowwwini g in thehehe spring g g of 20008.8.8 Drakekee U niveersrsity joined the leagueue f foror the 2010 MAACAC C hampioonsn hip, whilelee R obert MMoM rris begegegan commmpetitiononn in the e sps ringg oo f 2011.

    In the summer of 200009,9, the MAAC C ada ded threree associatatate e membbbere s - Allbabb ny, BoBoBoston UUninn versitity y y and HHaH rtford - toto w womomens golf, with the e prp ograms statarting compm etition agagagainst MMAMAAC mmeeme bersss F airfi eeldldl , Niagggara a annd d Siena in 2009-2001010..

    Academics andd AAthleticsThe MAMAAC prides itselff o on the accompmplishmentnts s of its sstudent-aaatht letes inini the cclalal ssrooomo , as wwwell ass oo n thee fi eld. Mary BeBeth Riley, a 1999191 graduate ofo Canisiuus,s was ttheh fi rst rreece ipientt oo f the NNCN AA WWWomannn o f thee YeY ar Award. In the faallll o of 1998, Erinn W halen, a mmember ofo the Ioona womemeens rowwwing teaaam,m wasss awarddded onnee of ththe nations 32 Rhododes Scholarshships for acada emic achc ievemment andd c ivic leaeaadershhiip.p Jossse ee Vargaaas, a LLooyola sttuddudenene t,t, was also awararded d a Rhoddes Scholararship in 191999.

    First-class faafacic lities are thehe rule with MMAAC schhools, as teams regularllyy y play iinn n top-nnootch arrrenas, ssus ch aass Madison Squareree G Garden, thee MassMuttuau l Centerer, the IZOOD Cennter, Firsstst Niagaarar Cennntet r, HSSSBC Arreena, TTimimes UnUnioi n Center, the e WeW bster Baankn Arena, and the SSun Natioonal Baank Centttere . Theee otherr M AACCC chammpip onshhipi s booasastt tht eir share off oo utstandingg locales aas well, suuch as thhe e Reveerend Haaarold RiRidld ey, SSS.J., Athlhh etic CCCompleexx atLoyolaa, , whw ere the woommens socccer champpionship wwill be coontn estedd in the fffall of 22010 1, annd Joeee Brunoo S tadiiuum in Troy, NNewew York, hommme e of the 20012 MAACC Basebaall Champpionshipi . This yyear, thhhe MAAAAC will t ake ittss mennss soccer chaammpm ionship too Orlando, FlF orida, wwhere it wiwill decidee its NCCAA bidd a t the EESPN WWide WWWorld ooof Spoorrts Complex. TThhe e 2012-15 MMAAC Meens and WWomens GGolf Chaampionnships wwwill be hheeld at DDisneyyys MagggnoliaGolf Course assa part of a nnew agreeement withh Disney.

    In the past seevveral yearss,, a numbeer of the MMAAC schhools haave also enjoyeeed succccess inn NCAAAA Championshippss. MAAC sscchools havve made a total of 77 NIT aappearrances aaand 47 NCAAA appeaaarancesss.

    In addition,, IoIona and RRidder particiipated in tthe ColleggeInsideer.com Postseaaason Tooournamment, wwwith the Gaelss advancing toto t the champpioonship gaame. The MManhattaan womeen particcipated in the WWWomennns Basssketballll Invitationalal, , reaching thhee semifi nalal round of f the tournnament. TThe MAAAC cuurrrently ppossesssses 144 4 autommmatic bbids to NCAA A CChampionshhiipips in menss and wommens bassketball, basebbaall, softbbball, meeens anndd wommmens soooccer, volleyeybbaballl, mens and d wwomens ggolf, menss and wommens tennnis, mmens anddd womeeens lacccrosse,, , and wwowomennss wawatteterr polo. In 2007,7,7, t the Marist wwomens bbasketballl team adadvanceed to thee e Sweett t 16 befeffore faaalllling too the eeventual Nationaall CChampion, , tthe Univerrsity of Tennnessee.e. In the e fall of 220009, thhee No. 1111 Ionaa a menss s crosss country team fifin nnisished tied foor eighth pllaace at thee NCAA CChampiioonship rraace, exxttendedd d the GaGaGaels sttrtreak totoo eight straigighththt T Top 10 nationonal fi nishess.

    ThThThee MMAAC has also o bbeen a leadeder in the fororefront of f technoollogy, exxpppandingg g the nooottoriety y y of the llleeaguee intocyberspace. In 2000077, the leaguee reached anan agreemment witthh JumpTVTVTV, Inc., nnow NeeeuLion,,, Inc., tooo desiggnn andd host the MAAC C wweb page. MAMAACSports.c.com has bbeen a ggreat succcccess, pprrorovidinggg fans wwwith up-p--tto-datteee contteeestresults, livvee and on-demanndd video and aan online mmerchanndise stoorre. The MMMAAC,C, in conjnjnjunctionnn with NNNeuLioonn,laaununchched an iPhone apppp in Februaryy 2 2011. Thee l league iis lookingngg to expapaand its ooofferinggsg with AAAndroidd d and iiPPod apps, scheduled forr rrelease duringng t the 2011-112 acadeemic yearrr.

    In Sepptetembmber 2011, the connfeference annonounced ththe launchhh o of MAACACC.TV, thhehe leaguuues fi rsstt t broaddbband nneetwork. SiSixx schools -- Canisius,, IIoona, Manhattttaan, Maristst, Rider, aanndnd Saintt P PPeterss --- will bbbee e a partrtt of the e nnetwororrkk during the fi rst year.

    The MAMAACAC President for tthehe 2011-201212 academiicc c yyear is ReReRev. Jeffrfrreeey von AAArx, S.J.., the PrPreesidenntt t of FFairfi eld University. The e VVice-Presidedent is Dr. Euuugggene J. CoCoCornacchiaiaa, Ph.D.., the Prereessidentt ooff Sainntt t Peters College. Jim Paqaqueuetttte, Director r ofof Athletics aatt t LLoyola UUnniniversity y MMMarylanddd, will chahaair the CCCoommiitttteee on Athletic AAdmdmininistration, andd T Thheresa Berg,g,g, AA Associatee A A Athletic DDiDirector/SSSenior WoWoWoman AdAddministstrarator at Niagara UnUniiversity will serve asas V Vice Chair.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team14

    SSeaasooonnn PrrreeevieeewwwATTTTATACK

    The Titans sshhohould bebee an exxxccciting teaeaeam to wwaatatch as itititss aggresssisisive defensee w will push thehe ball to an extremely ytalented attaacckk unitt tthhat feaatatures a p p pair of AAAlll-Confefeerrence playayayers. Back k fofor Detroit arare 2011 MAAC RoRookokiieof the Year r aand fi rsrsstt teamm mmembeeerr r in soppphhhomoree S S Shayne AAdAdams alonongg with 2010100 second team m peperformer sophomorree Joel M MMatthewewws and aa a bevyy oooff youngg g talent too o round ouutt tthe groupp.

    Adamss wwas sisimmply eeellelectric laaast yeaarr r as thee TTitans OfOfOfffensive PlPlayer of ththe Year leaadiding the team in ggoaoalsls ( (35) and pooiinnts (4141)). He wwwas secococond in tththe MAAAAAC in goooaaals and leedd all Divivission I freshhmmen and fi nisheded t tiied for 13th in the ccountrryy in gooaaals. He sscs oredd a goal iinin 14 off D DDetroits 115 gameess and postteded fi ve hat triccksks on the year,includddiing a sschool rrecord sses ven mmmarkerrsss againsssttt Mercer.. HHe is alalsso back anndd ready to ggo o aafter a knee injury y inn the fi fi nnal miminnute ooff f play inn n the MAMAAAC seeemifi nalss s win forcceed him ttoo miss thee championshihip game.

    AAddamss iiss a guuuyy who isisis in thheee right ppplace attt t the rightt time annd he is a a great fi nishheer, said Holttz.z. He gets a lotoff ggarbaagge goaaals, becccause hhhe is allwwways arroround loooking too score. HeHe is going toto be that guyuy t to put the ball inthhee net aand weee are looooking ffoor him ttto pick uup wheree he lefftt of last yeyear.

    MMatthheews reeteturns aaafffter sittttting ouutt last seeeason. PrPrior to oone of hiss best friennds Adamss arriving on ccaamampus,MMattheeewws exxpxploded d d on theee sceneee as a roroookie eaarning TTeam MVVPP honors aafter notchhiing 37 goalss aannd 48 points.HHe accttually lleed all DDiD visioonn I fresshhmen ininn goals iin 20100, while eending thee year 14thh in the counnttrtryy with 2.47 goalss per gaaame. HeHeHe posteteed sevveen hat tttricks thaat seasson with aa season--high fi ve aat Ohio Staatetee.

    Thhee biggeeest thinnng that hhavinggg Joel bbaack will do is oopen thinngs up forr every elssee, said Hoololttz. Teams aarere goingto keeyy on hhhim. Hee e is goiinng to ggget his gggoals, buut moree importaantly, it alllows anotther threat t aat attack anndd ththatmeaanns othheer guysss will nnot be ssseeing tthe top ddefensseeman onn them.

    Deettroit haaas a feww w sophhhomoreees backk from laast seasson in Allex Maini,, Tom Maasterson annndd Wes Steeeen. Maini tiedfor sseconddd on theee squaad with 19 goaaals, was secondd with eiight assissts and third tallyingg 27 points.. HHe playedin aall 16 gaames wwith fouuur starttts and hhhas somme greaat accuraacy with hhis shot as 33 of hiss 43 shots wwwere on goal (76.77%).

    Maasstersooon playeeed in nnine gaammes witti h a pairr of staarts and wwas fi ndinng his offfensive groooovo e towardrdss the endoof last seasa on. Hee t allied thhree goals aand two assssisists in the reegular seeason fi naale at Marrist and thheene scored a a gogoal andtieed his seeason-highgh with fouur ground bbaballs in the MMAAAC touurnamennt semifi nala s victory y over the RRRede Foxes. SSSteteenhadd nine pooints on foour goals ana d fi ve asssssists, includinng g fi nisshing in tthe back oof the net iin the MAACACC s emifi nals.

    Aleex x is a gamamer and hhe is taking g that next ststepepe and playinglike a ssophomoore rather tht an a freshshman, saidd HH Hololtz. He will be in that rootat tion out tthere at attatack. Tom realllyly pp picicked uup his pplal y as thehe season wwent on and d WeW s is a guy wwhohoho w wili l reeala ly helelp p with ourur man-up.

    Ovvere all, thihis s unit possses sses size,e, s peed, skill anand dexperirience aandn with a nun mber of didiffffere ent athletes aandnd skillsets to o choosee f from, the TTitans shouldd b be one of the topoffensivee teams inin the MAAAC.C

    MIDFIEIELDThhe e e Titans bboao st a talalene ted midfi eldld fi eld group that adddsds

    a scororrini g punch h ana d playyss some excepptitiono al defense. The offensivvve ee front is leded by seniiorors Scott Harrisis, TiT m Lehto, Ty MaMM ruyamamaa a nd John n NoN wicki, aalolong with junior CChrhrisis Nemesannnd dd sophommmoro e Troy DDenennis.

    The dededefensive sisisidedd is headlinened d by 2011 MAMAACAC LSM of ththt e Yearr jj junuu ior Jordddananan Houtby and d sesenior Brad Janeerr anand sooophphp omoresess N ick Garirippppppa a and Joe MaacLcLeae n.Shayne Adams was the MAAC Rookie

    of the Year in 2011

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team15

    We have a lot off didifffferent guys whohoho c can gegett ththe e joj b done, said heheada coach Matattttt Holtz. WeW m mayay not be the fafaststest team, bubuutt twe have speed anndd sts rength andnd f for the fi rstt time since we started ththe e prp ogram, wwe are not relylyiningg on freshmen outt ththere.

    Houtby has been a a fifi xtx ure among ththe nanatitiono s leaders in causeded t urnovers ssinince he arriveded i in n the Motor City aandn is primeded for another big yeyear. He was sececono d in the country with 3.2255 caused turnoovev rs peerr gagame in 2011 and 111t1 h in ground d bab lls picking upp 6 6.0. 6 per game eeara ning seconond team All-MAAACC. H e tied his oownw school record with six causused TOs in aa g ame agagaiaia nsnst Mercer and aalslso tallied foouru goals and twwoo asasa sists on the sseae son Nonee of his goals was bibibiggggg er than the gag me winnener against Maristst ii in n the MAAC ssemifi nals s as hihis marker to starartt the fourth qquarter hhis sesecooc ndn of the conttesese t - broke anan 8-all gammeand gagaveve UDM a 9-88 vv ictory.

    He is a ggamame changeer r at that poosition, saaid Holtz. I think iti is rarre to fi nddd LSMsss who cccan do that ovvver thee course of a gagag me. Teammss have to ggame plaan n for him..

    Janer is onee oof the Titann captains aand is a ssteady, atthletic deefensivve midfi eeelder. HHee has pplayeddd in all 4442 gammmes in the programms history aannd is comiing off a ccareer-higgh 23 grround bballs anddd eight ccauseddd turnoovo er caammpaiggnn.

    Garippa is a sstrong midfifi eelder with speed too go with his strenngth. HHis awarreeness ooon the fifi eld immmproveedd in every game llasst year andd was as ggood a deffensive pplayer as there wwas frommm his ppoositionn at yeaaars enddd. He ended up witithh 16 groundd balls and six causeed turnovvers with h his beest effortt in the TTitans overtimme winnn over Canisius, wwhheere he posstteed six GBs and thrreee causeed TOs.

    MacLeaeaann fi lled a varrieieety of roles s serving aas a face--ooff speciialist allong withhh his mmiidfi eld pplay. HHHe pickkeeed up 114 grouundndd b balls and hadadd f four causeed turnoveers.

    TThe guys we hhaavave for that ddeefensive-mmid positioon are prroobablyy in the tooop 10 inn n athletticicism oono our ttteeam, ssaid Holtz. A lot off t tteeams want ttoo primarily y attack thaat positionon and iiff you doonnt haveee someeoeone to o o stand uup theerre and make aa p pplalay or stop a a pplay from hhappening,g, then thaat is a ddangerouuus placeee to be.e..

    OfOffefeensnsiively, this grouupp can be couunted on too score annd creatte goals.. Harris,, Lehto,, Nemeeess and NNNowickki i havee alalll notched at least 2200 goals in theheir careerss, with Hararris comming off aaa seasonnn in whihiicch he hhhad a ccacareer--hhigh inn points (39), goalsls ( (19) and assisists (20).

    To haaveve someone with ScScotts size, atathleticism m and skilill is greatatt, said HHHoltz. HHHe is cooonsistennntly thee bbestmimidfidfi elder we have. WeWe can put himm b behind the e net and d he can aaattack agaggainst sshshort stticicicks. WiWiitth himm, , it hellppsps us create some favoraablble match-ups s fofor us.

    A quicck k anandd athletic player,r, L Lehto had hhisis best seseason lasstt t yyear wititthhh 12 goaoaoals, fi veee assiststss and aa ccareeer-r-best 2121 g ground balls. Nowickiki w was solid witthh seven gogoals and fofofour assisisstts, whilleee the taaallller andd stronggeer Nemmmes hadhis second-straight 1010-goal seasonn a as a sophphoomore.

    Maruyayamama i is a captain for ththe second-s-sttraight seasasason and hhhiis hard wwwork is hhhis bigggeeest streenngth. HHee has tatalllliied 11 goals and a ppaiairr of assists iinn his careererr,, iincluding g g aa careererer-high sisisixxx goals llalast seaaasson.

    Dennis is a a yoyouung player whoho, like a lot of f thththe freshmmmeeen on thee e tteam, jujujust kept imimimprovininngg throouugughout the seseasasonon, ending with eighghtt ggoals and 100 p ppooints. He wwawas prettytyy a accuratttee e with hisss shot fi finninishing g wwith a 56.1% shots on goal percenentatage, and had gogogoaals in the TTTitititan victooriririees againnnssst VMI, CCaCanisiuss,, Manhhaatattan and Marist.He also poststeded a a season-high twowowo i in the roadd w w win at Sienenena.

    Scott Harris moves to midfi eld after tallying 19 goals and 20 assists last year at attack.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team16

    Ty and Dennis aree ttwo of f tththe hardddeest workkkiniing playyerererss on this s teteteam and ttheheheyy fi nd ways to g getet i itt done, Holtz said.

    This unit givesess us a nnuumberr o oof differenenent threatatatss with thehehe personnnneelel we have, s saaid Holtz. WeWe a are happy where we aree wwith ouur r speed d d and I thhhiiink bothhh offensivevevely and ddefefefensively, ththisis is going g toto b be a strong group for us.

    DEFEEENNNSEThe Titaannn defeennsnse retuuurrns almomomost eveeerryone frfrroom a groroouup that heelplped Dettroroit lead the nanatition in caused

    turnoverrss a yeeaarar ago aaatt 11.63 3 3 per gaammme. Thisiss unit inclclcludes fourr upperclaasssmen and aan All-MAAC perforrmemerr.

    We aarare an aaggresssssive deeefefefense aanand thatt iis whatt w wwe want ttoo be, saiaid head coaoach Matt Holtz.z. WWe have somee eextremmmely talalleented oofo fensivvvee playeerers and wwwe want toto get thee ball in theeirir hands and II f feel our aggressive defeennse alloloows uss s to get mmmore ppopossessisisions for r ttthose guuyys, whicchh also cuttss back on the e ttime that our opppoonentss have ttthhe ball.l.l.

    DDeetroitss s defennsnse wass s a big rreasonn tthe Titaanans won ssix gamemes and addvanced to o ththe MAAC CChahampionship gaaamme laasst seassson, hooolllding oopopponennnts undeeer 10 goaals in fi vve of their r wins, whillee holding Ohhioio State to four ggooals oonn the rroooad.

    SSenioorrs Jassoon McDDoD naldd and AAdddam Nooolan alonng with j juniors JJaamie Hebbdden and Joohhn Dwyer leaeaadd the eexperrieencedd defenddders onnn the TTiititan rosstter.

    Wee are sttiill lookinining at sssome ddidifferentt t combinnations out theree, but thiss upperclasass group wiwillll be the playererss s we leeaean onn.. We arrer a ruunn and gggun teaaam and ththat staarts with tthis defennse and thhaat style of f plplay really fi tsts tthehe playyeers wee have, addeddd Holtzzz.

    MccDDonalddd has ssstartedd 42-strraaight gaaames foor Detrooit actuually everryy game inn the histoorryy of the Tittaann program. Onee of theee captains on the teaaam, he fifi nishedd third oon the sqquad withh 21 causseed turnoveveers in 2011 good for 48thh in Divvvision I with 11.31 caauused tuuurnoverss per gaame - whhile pickinng up 22 ground baallls. In his ccaareer, he has talliieed 46 ccausedd d TOs aand 5888 GBs.

    Jaasson iss one offf our mmmain plaaayers wwwho has been hhere righht from thee start. HHe is our leeaader and tteeaam captain andd his leaaadership is his s biggeest assseet, saidd Holtz..

    HeH bden took homme secondd team All-MM- AAC hononorsrs a year aggo after a a great soophomoree campaigngnn. He was thhee T itan Deefensive Player off the Yearr i n 2011 fi nnisishing fi fth iin n ththenaatit on in caaused turnnovers peer game (2.55.5) ) and 52nd wwitith h3.7575 groundd balls perr contest. IIn the MAAACC semifi nals victoory, Hebdden forcedd a career-r-high fi ve tuurnrnr overs as the Titanns limitedd M arist too eight goalsls just one weweeeke after the Red FFoxes sccoro ed 14 onn Detroit in n the regular-seeseasa on fi nale.

    Jamiee is our momost talenteed d defenderr,, said Holtz. HeHe l l eaeads byby exampmple and wworks extreemem ly hard onon a nd off the fi eldd. HeHeHeis ssmart aandn he knoows how to p play.

    Dwyeyer had a a solid sophphomore seasason and it woululdd have been eeven betttter if not fofor a nagging anankle injury. He plalayeyed din 14 gaamem s for r tht e Titans a and had 11 caausu ed turnovers and 1211 ground d balls, wwhih le cominng g up with somee b bigig defensive plpllayaa s in thee w ins ovvere Manhattanan and at Siena. NoNolan is an expepeperienced plplayer whoho has been aa pap rt of the Titans ssinincece their r inini augural ses ason in n 202 09 and hasas p played in 28 games with 1222 cac used tururnovers aandnd 26 ground bbalalls.

    JJJohn is vverere y y similar toto J ason in ththata he very vocal onn ththee fi elld dd ana d playys ss really the ssama e style, sasaid Holtz. Adamplayededd r eally weeellllll i n the fall aandnd is continuiingng t that so far in prp acticee. HeH knowsss t t thih s is his lasstt ses ason and hhe e isis d doing a a fefef w thingsgsgs m ore thanann w w e are askingg h him to do and realllly ybeinning g g aggresssisis vev out theererere f for us.Senior captain Jason McDonald is back

    to help anchor the defense.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team17

    FAFACEC -OFFSThThee TiT tans will look to inincrc ease their ffacacace-e

    off wins thihiss seseason as the poposis tion returnsss a a a few key players, iincncluluding a paiir r ofo juniors in Brandon Davenport andd TyTyler Corcororana .

    Detroit was sisixtxth in the MAAC C lalast seasoon nin face offs winningg a at t a 41.2% clipip, , but a lot of that was because e ththe Titans batattlt ed six plplayayerers who fi nished in ththe top 25 in n tht e nation in thhatat c cata egory in 20111.

    Davenport took mosstt of the face-ofoffsf last seassonon e ending with 1233 w wins in 279 aattt empts (44.1%). HeHe p posted seven n gag mes withh double-digit vicctotories and wass a lso third on the squad with h 5353 ground baalll s. He had dsoosomeme ggreat games foror D etroit in 202011 taking 12-off-242424 w with some keyy w wins down t the stretch in t theheh v ictory at Siiene a and ann 1 1-of-20-effort withh aa a w win to start ththe fourth qquarter and set up the ggamama e-winning g goal in thhe esees mim fi nals triumphh oo ver Maristt.

    In hiss t twowo years at DDeetroit, Daveenport aa MAAC AAll-Acadeemic seelection aaas a soopphp omoorore haaas tallieeed 2355 wins andd aa 4 6.7 winninng g percentaage.

    Brandon wwoorks extremmeely hard anand he is vvery conssistent foor us, ssaid heaaad coacchh Mattt Holtz. He doooes noott jump as often n ana d is parrt t of a solid 1-2 approoach we hhave. Hee had aa good fffaall and I look ffor himmm to be betterr as a junior.

    Corcoran is bbaack for his tthird year and he mmight be oone of thhe mostt improvvved Titaans as tthe seaaason bbeegins.. He saw actionn iin six gammees last yeaar winningg eight face-offs aand thaat was aaffter winnnning 3344 as aaa freshmmman.With Corcoraans continueedd improveement andd Davenpports expperiencce, the TTTitans hhaave twwo stronngn faceee-off candidates ttoo jjump startt ttheir offensse.

    Tyler is aa bbit quicker tthhan Brandoon, but hiss biggest problemm was juumping tthe gunnn, saiddd Holtzzz. He hhaas fi guuured that parrt t ouout. He was pprpretty dominnant in thee fall and has lookked greeat so faar here iin praccttice.

    GOALILIEThThe Detroit Titansnss can feel coomfortable e about theeir situatioion betwween theee pipes s as secccond teeeam All---

    Conference selleececttion A.J. Leevvell returnsns. The Titaans will aalso havve a pairrr of taleennnted frereeshmeeen backkiing himmm up and pushing g fofoforr immediate e pplaying timme in Damiiee Dansegeglio andd Chris KKKelly.

    Its s grgrgreaeat to have an AAlll-Conferencnce goalie, bbut he is ggetting g pushed eevery dddaay in pprpracticeee, said HHoltz.. He ccocontntiinues to work haardrd in practicee and that ccompetitivveness inin the grorooup will l hhelp mmmaake evvveryoneee a betttteer player.

    Levell, a a jujunior, is coming g ooff a sensattioional seassoon that ssaw him pppick up p hhhis gammme and help leeaad thee TTitanss tto the e MAMAAAC Championshihipp game. He pposted 179 9 saves oon the yeaeaear whhicicich was s secondndnd in thee leagueuee - whihilee also fi nishing seconndd iin the MAAC C wwith a .521 1 saves ppercentaggege. Throouuugh his s fififi rst twwwoo o yearss,s, Levelell l has mmmade over 300 saves fforor UDM.

    HHee imimproved in the clearirinng game anndd just hiss o overall conononsistencycycy was bbeeetter thaaan his ffrrereshmaann yearr,, said Holtz. As long as he kekeeps working g hhard andd i improvinggg especciaiaially in tthhehe clearrriini g gammeme wee kknoww hhow good A.J. can be fforor us.

    DaDansnsegegllio and Kelly are bobotth battling g toto position thththemselveseses for plaaayyying timmmeee in theeirirr rookiee yyear, ggigiving the Titans some great deptpthh at the possititioion. Danseeglglgliio is a smmmaaller gooaalalie at 5---999, but hhisisis quickknness iss eevident in the pipes, while Kellyly s sttands at 6-33 a and uses his s ssisize to his s s aadvantagagage. Both h h hhave pplalaayed weweellll in prraacactice as they continuee t too adadjust to the coolllleegiate game..

    I feel as thougughh ththere are days wwhehehen Damie isiss tt thhe best t ggogoalie andndnd then ChChhris is thehee best ggogoalie, but day in and day y ououtt, A A.J. is our most cocoonnsnsistent goaalililieee and thatatt c comes fffroror m matuuririritty and e eexxperieenncnce, added Holtz.

    A.J. Levell earned second team All-MAAC honors as a sophomore last season.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team18

    Head CoachHead CoachMatt HoltzMatt Holtz

    Fourth YearFourth Year

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team19

    Matt Holltztztz w w ill begin hih s fourth seaasososon as the hehead mens ccoaoao ch at the UUniniversity of DeD troit Mercrcy y and he has s ququickly putt tht e Titans oon n the righhtt path to succccess at thehe DiDivision I levelel.

    Using hih s coachingng ties inn t the statee aa s well aaas dipppinini g intooo t he Canannadiann tat lentt pp ool, Holtz is bbuiuilding the prp ogram m from thee gg round d upu . Hee hh as takkken thee TT itans s frf om 000-1- 1

    in thehe t teaeams inaugural seseason in 200909 to withinn o one vicctot ry of wiwiinnn ing a a shs are ofofo the 2220100 1 MAAAACA regeggular season titlee a as s well as a tripp t to the MAACAC champioonship gagame lasst tt seasonnn.

    Detroit ended lastt sseae son at 6-1-10, and tied d for secoondn with h a 4-2 reeccoc rd in ththt e MAAAACAA . Thhhe 20111 y ear bbrb oughht tsoomeeme g ggrer at moments tthah t includedd t he Titans s fi rst-everer postseae son viictcc ory inn tt he MAAAAC Tooournamemeent seemmifi nalalss and the TiTiTitatat ns ending Siieenas 13-gamame home wwinning sstreak - a numbbbeer that aata the ttimi e waaas the sssecondd longest in thehe n nation - as wwele l as the SSaints 20-ggame MAAAC wiinnn ing sttrrer ak whhehen thee red, wwwhite annnd bluee defeated them, 11 13-3 11. As a tteae m, UDMM a lso led tht e nationn in causu ed turrnnovers aat 11.6663 3 per gggame.

    FoFourru T Titans were nnaama ed All-Coonference e includinng the MAMAAC LLono g Sticcck Midfifi eeelder oof f the YYYear in JJoJ rdann Houtbyby aa ndn the Rookkiie e of the Yeaear in Shayyne Adamms. In addid tion, 10 Titannss earneeed theirirr way ooon the AAAcadeemmic All-MAACAC TTeam and thhee MAAC 22010 0-11 Hoonor Roll.. The 10 0 selecttioi ns weerre the sssecondd most in the conferencee bby any instititutu ion, and j just one aaway fromm the topp spot.

    The Titan offfeef nse once aagain saww a newcomer step up as frreshmaan Shayynne Adaamms ledd the teeae m anndd wass second in thee MMAAC withh 35 goals aand was fourth in tthe MAAAC withh 41 poinnts.

    In 2010, in juusst his seconnd season at the heelm, he leed the redd, white and bblue to itts fi rst tthree vvvictorieess, an All-Conferenccee selection aand a defeense that ranked inn the topp 10 in the natiioon in ccaaused tturnovvvers. Deeetroitfi nished the sseeason at 3--112, 2-6 in tthe Metroo Atlantic AAthletic Conferrence, ittss fi rst ssseasonn as a mmem mbeer of thhee league.

    The bigggggeest win in hisiss career caamme in Maarrch as thee Titans bbeat Prresbyterrriian,16---12, onn Titan FFField fooor theproggraramms fi rst-ever vivictcttororyy. Just fi ve dayayyss lalater, Detroit adddeeded their second win witithh h an 11-8triumph ovvererrVVMI for their fi rst MAMAAACAC tally.

    Under his directioonn, UDM receivedd i itsts fi rst conferencece h honor as JoJoelel M Matthews wasnamed to the All-MAAAAC second team inn 2 20010 after endidingng the season 1414thth in the nation with 2.47 goals and 36th h totaling 3.2 ppoiointnts per gamee.. SiSixx TTitans werealso tabbed All-MAACAcademic and to o ththee MAAC AAcacadedemic Honor RoRollll.

    Coach Holtz Year-By-Year

    2011 - 6-10, 4-2 MAAC (T-Second), (MAAC Tournament, 1-1)2010 - 3-12, 2-6 MAAC (Sixth)2009 - 0-11, IndependantCareer - 9-33, 6-8 MAAC, (MAAC Tournament 1-1)

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team20

    As a team, the Titanann defense fi nished tthhihird in the nation withh 110.477 caused turnoveersrs per game, trailingg oonlyMaryland (111.38) aanndnd Syracuse ((11010.67)).

    Holtz wawaas hireedd in Septemmbber off 22007 totoo transfoorrm ann iiddea innnttto a dreamm m as hee e had totoo put togeetthher thehee only DDDivisionnn I prroogogram m inin the SSState off fMicchchigann aat the ttime frooomsccraratch. NNo laccrrosse teeeamexexxisted aat UDMMM, not eeeven aa club sssqquad,, but Hoooltz ttoook thhee challllenge hhhead oon andndd quickkkly wennntt t on tthe reeccruitinngg trail aaand markkeeted thhhe new Titan proggraram. EEvven thoouo gh Detrrooit wasss winlessss in ittss fi rst ccampaaaign, thhe seeddds wereee planteeed for a quick ggrowth inn the sporrt and thee Titans weerere invited to o jojoin the Mettrro Atlaanntic Athhhletic CCConfereeence (MMMAAC).

    Hoolltz cammme to DDeD troit ffrom MMMichigannn State, wheree he was the mens lacrossse club heeaad coach frroom 2005-07. UUnderr his reign, theee Sparrttans poosted a 222-10 rrecord annd had thheir higheest nationaal ranking oof 17th in200066. In thhhat sammem seaason, MMMSU waaas a Cenntral Coollegiate Lacrossee Associaation (CCLLAA) fi nalist aannd, in 2007, Holtzz earnned CCCCLA Cooaach off the Yeaar honorrs. In hhis two seeasons aat MSU, HHoltz coacchhed fi ve All--AAmericans, incluuding tthhree AcAcAcademmmic All-AAAmericaaans. He was alsl o succcessful in raising exxtra moneeyy y for the cluubb team in two aannuaall fundraaaising ccampaaaigns.

    Priooor to beeecominng gg the hhhead ccoooach off f MSUs club teeam, Holltzt served d as offenssive coordinninator from 19199797-2005. In thiss role, Holtz dded signneed anddd taught tt offensivve straatet gies, aas well as assisting in off-fi eld d mmam nagementnt ww witith traveel arrannggeg mentntnts, reccrruiting,, s coutinnng and bbudgetini g.

    WWhile a studenennt t at State,Holttz z played clubb lalal crc osse all fourur y ears and serervevev d das team cac ptain his last t twoowo seasons. In n ada dition, Holtz wwas a memberr o of the Motor Cityty L acrosse Clubub f fror m1997-2-2000 0. Holtz is alsoo a a local prodducuct as he graduatedfrom Detroit CCatatholic Central inin 1 992.

    Holtz grradaduated from MSU in 1996 with a babachchelors degree inn e electrical and compmpututere engineneere ing. He and his wife,Dr. Bree HHololtztz, , currently reesiside in Canton.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team21

    Assistant CoachAssistant CoachChris KolonChris KolonFourth YearFourth Year

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team22

    EEnEnteringgg h hhis fourttth h h seasonnn aas a Tittaaan assistatatant coachchch,Chris s KKKolon ovvveeersees all asasaspects ofofof the Tittaaans deeeffefense annnd d serveeses as UUUDMs reeecruitingngg coordinnnaaator.

    Kolooonnns defefeensive mmimind and aaggressssssivenessssss can beee seen ririigght ammooong the naaations llleeaderss as Detrroooiteeended tththe 2011111 seasoonnn

    topppiinng thee countrtrryy in cauuused tuuurrnoverrsss at 11.66363 per gammeme, whhiillee endidiinng 15thh h in grooouund baaalllls (32.99494). Thhrreee of hhhis deffeeensive ppplayersrss rankeeddd in thee ttop 50 inn caauused ttuurnoveeers in Jooordan HHHoutby y ((2nd - 333.25), JammieHHeebdenn ((5th - 22.5) anndnd Jasooon McDDDoonald (4(448th - 1.331).

    HHoutbbyby wouulld go ononon to eaaarn the MMAAC LLongSStick MMMidfi elddder of thththe Yeaaar and sssecond d tteam Alll-CConfeerrencee.. Hebdeene wasss also aaa seconndd team hhonoreeee as wwaaas sopphhomoreee goaliiee A.J. LLLevell.

    In 220010 inn just thhhe Titannns seccoond seaeaason as a varssity proggrram, DDDetroit wwwas thhiird in tthhe natiooon in cauused turnnoovers aat 10.4447 per gggame. TThat nuuumber trrailed oonly Maryryland (11.38) and SSyracuse ((10.67). A ppaiair of rookie longg sticksss were amonggg the nnaations bbest as well ass Houtbyy was sixtth in the ccountry in ccaused turnrnoovers at 2.1333 turnoovvers peeer gammme, a nuumber tthat alsoo led thhe Metroo Athletic AAtlantic CConferenccee. Hebdenss name could be sseen juuust under Houuutbys aaas he wwwas 25thh in the NCAA wwith 1.6 ccaused turrnovers peeer game.

    Noo stranggger to laaca rosssse in thhee Metrooo Detroitt area, Kolon hhas long bbeen dediicated to tthhe growth oof f lacrosse in Micchhigan. He begggan hisss coachhhing caarreer withh Coacch Holtz at Michiggan State (2000-2000010 ). Kolon tthehen spent the nnext feewew yearrrs as aa high ssschool cccoach att Detroit Countryr Day (202003-20044) and Birmmmingham Seeaaholm (200066-200077), servviv ng asss an assssistantt coach aand deffensive ccoordinatoor at all thhree stops,s, wwhile maintntaiaining a colleeggiate llaacrosseee offi ciciata ing ssscheduleel .

    Koloonn, a 19999 9 Ruuutgers UUnU iversssity graaddud ate, leettered for four yyears as aa defensememan for thee SS carlet Knighhtsts. HHe is a locaall grgrg aduate of Seeaholm, wheereere h e quickly pickkede up the gaamemem a s a sophomomore and parlrlayyayededhis love oof the game into a collegiatee s scholarship,eaearning him thhee distinction of ttheh fi rst player inin S Seaholm history y tot play and earn aa scholarshihip p at the NCAA Division I levelel.

    Kololon n earned his MBA ffroomm Detroit inin 2 2009. He is also on the Advisory B Boaoard of All-AmAmerican Lacrosse LeLeagagues.

    Kolon, andnd h his wife ElElizizabeth, are thehe p proroud parentntss ofo three-year old twins, John anand d Thomas.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team23

    Assistant CoachAssistant CoachBill TullyBill TullyFirst YearFirst Year

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team24

    Thhee Detrrooit mennns laccrroosse tteeam wwwill havee e aneeww asssisstant cccoach ooon thhee sideelilines innn 2012 aaas hheead ccoooach MMMatt Holltltzaaannouunnced thhhat Bill TTuT lly wwill joioinn the ppprogramm m as thhee squaadads offeenensive cooordinatator.

    Bill l hhas a wwealth of exppperienccee coachchhing offeenses, said Hoolltz. He is s the perfecect man to kkeeeeep the prograamm m growwiing.

    Tulllyy arrivvves at DDDetroit aafter sseerving aas an asssistantnt coach ffor Whittieer Collegee for the ppaast two seaassoons. With the PPoets,, he wass a vitaaal part iin all prractice aand gamme prepparation, rrecruiting and fundrraaising. His ssppecifi c dutiiees werrre with the offffeense aaas he guuided thhe Poetts attackk that aveeraged 9.11 goals peerr game in hhiss two years, incluuding 111.6 in 2010.

    Beeffore arrriving aata Whiitttier, TTuully speeent a yeaar as aa volunteeer coach at Drexeel Universiityy, where hhe helped the CCAA pprogramm m in praaactice aand gamme planning. SSpecifi caally, he cooached the scout teeaam offensee aand scoutteammm extraaa-man oooffenseee to immpplemennnt the weeekly ddefensivee game pllan. That Dragons teteam went onon to a CAA Tournan mennt semifiii nals aappeaarrance inn 2009.

    Priooor to hiiss colleggge coaachc ing ddud ties, TTully speent threee yearss (2005, 22007-08) aas an assissttana t head coaoaachc and offennssive coooordinaaator witthth the LLLyons TTToownshipp High SSchool (L(La Grangege, IL) varssity lacrossesee t eam, helpipinggng t the progrraam to aa stateee fi nals apa peaarrance iinn n 2005. He alsoo servedd as head ccoach in 22007 of the e WeW stern Springngs ss

    LLacrosse Sumummmer All-Star Prrogo ram (Wesstetet rnr Springs,IL) anand of St. Rittaass s High Schoolol ( Chicago, IL)L) tt teaeae m in2006.

    HeH has also bebeen a coach ata nunumber of lacrosssese camps througghoh ut his coaching career, annd d was the Director of the Midwestst L Lacrosse CaCamp (DeKalb, ILL)) inin 2 2006.

    Tully pllayayede lacrosse at Villanova Univiverersis ty before trtranansferring to Getttysysbuburgrg Collegge.e. He graduated from Gettysburgg C Colo lege with a BaBachc elor of Arts i inn PoPolitical Scienccee in 2004.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team25

    Assistant CoachAssistant CoachKarl Zimmerman Karl Zimmerman

    First YearFirst Year

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team26

    AA A ffour-yyeeaear letterwiwiw nner in n lalalacrosse aaattt Ohio Wesssleleleyyan, Karl Zimmmerermman is in his fi rstyyear as s aan assissstatatant coaacchch for thee D DDetroit Titanananss. At UDM, Zimimmmerman will assistst t thehe offensssiivive coaccchhih ng staaffffff, help in n n sscout prepepepaaration and vividedeo breakdowwnn asas well as run tththe box oono gamee e ddays.

    ZZZimmerrrmmman haaasss spent thththe last twwowo years coaoaching at tthehe high school levvelel. HeHe was tthe offeeensive cococoordinaatototor for Foortrtrt Collins in n CColoradoo i in 2010 and assssisistted both the juniorrr varsityyy a and vararrsssity progrgrgraams at lococal powerr B Brother Rice e (B(Birmingham, MI) in201111.

    HHeH alsoo o has beeeeen an innnsstructor aatt a numbber of campmpss in the last twwoo yyears.

    Zimmmmermamaan earnnned fi rsttt team AAAll-Nortthhh Coast t AAthletic CConfereennce as a ffrereshman in 2200006 and honorablblee menntntion AAlll-Conffeeerence iiin 2009099. As aa ssenior hhehe tallied 2 26 goallss, 15 assiissts and 30 ggrround balls. He e hehelped the Bisshhops ttoo a NCCACAC connfn erenccce title iinn 2007 aand four r ttrips too t the NCAAA Division IIIII Tournament.t.

    ZZZimmeerrman gggraduateteted frommm Ohio o WWesleyeyyan Univeversity wwith a Bacchhelors deggree in Physysicical Education iinn 220009 aannd is ccuurrentlyyy pursuuiuing hisss Masteerrrs in Exeercise SScience frfrom Oaklaannd Universsitity.

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    The 2012 TitansThe 2012 Titans

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team28

    Jon BembenJon BembenSeniorSenior - #16 - #16

    Midfield - 6-3 - 200Midfield - 6-3 - 200Hartland, MI/HartlandHartland, MI/Hartland

    Career StatsCareer StatsYear GP G A Pts Shots Shot% SOG SOG% GW UP DN GB TO CT FO FO% Pen./Min Year GP G A Pts Shots Shot% SOG SOG% GW UP DN GB TO CT FO FO% Pen./Min 2009 11 0 0 0 0 .000 0 .000 0 0 0 6 0 3 0-0 .000 1-1.02009 11 0 0 0 0 .000 0 .000 0 0 0 6 0 3 0-0 .000 1-1.02010 14 1 0 1 4 .250 2 .500 0 0 0 10 4 5 0-0 .000 7-7.52010 14 1 0 1 4 .250 2 .500 0 0 0 10 4 5 0-0 .000 7-7.52011 Did not play2011 Did not playTOTAL 25 1 0 1 4 .250 2 .500 0 0 0 16 4 8 0-0 .000 8-8.5 TOTAL 25 1 0 1 4 .250 2 .500 0 0 0 16 4 8 0-0 .000 8-8.5

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team29

    2011: Did nnotot p play last seasosonEarnedd a spot onn t he Detetroit Athleleetic Direectc ors HHHonor RRRoll.

    202 10: Missed just oonen game on t the season,n, at CanissiusHHada a goaaal,l 10 grroouo nd bbaala ls anddd six caaaused tut rnrnovovoverersGot Detroiitt on the boaardrd with his fi first collegegiate gooal againnsnst VMI, h is onnlly y shottt o f the ggag meScoopedd upupu a career-bestst three GBBs s at Manhahattan...Fififth on ththe squaadd d with sseve en ppene altieese totalinni g 5.55 minutes.

    2020090 : Played in eevevev ry game inn the Titannss inaugurrala seasoonCoolll ected sssix grouundn ballssl with a careeere -highh two coomiimingng at Robert MMooro risForcede three tuurnovers oon the yeear, withth a seassos n-bessst two aaat Robeeert Morrrrir s...DDidd not geett ofoff f a shot on thht e yearAA m ember of the ADD Honor RRoll.

    Prior to DDette ror it: A threeee e year startrter in the midfi eld iin high sschoolEarneddd All-Sttaate honnnors asss a junioor andd senior and wwaas a three-rrimime All-Coonferencee h onoreeWas ttwwice nama ed thhhe Eagllees Offfeensiveee Playerr of theee Year, while taakking home teet am MVPP h onors aas a senioor, fi nishiing thee campaaiign withhh 27 goooals annnd 13 aasssistss.

    Personal: Soon of Lonna aand Dale BBembenThe midddle of thhree soons, withhh his oldddest brroother ppplayingg club lacrosse at Feerrris State UUnniversityMajoringg in Biologgy.

    Game Highs Points: 1 - vs. VMI (3/27/10) Goals: 1 - vs. VMI (3/27/10) Assists: n/a Ground Balls: 3 - at Manhattan (3/20/10) Face-Off Attempts: n/a Face-Off Wins: n/a Shots: 1 - 4x Shots on Goal: 1 - 2x Caused Turnovers: 2 - at Robert Morris (3/1/09)

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team30

    Scott Harris Scott Harris SeniorSenior - #2 - #2

    Midfield/Midfield/AttackAttack - 6-3 - 195 - 6-3 - 195Saline, MI/SalineSaline, MI/Saline

    Career StatsCareer StatsYear GP G A Pts Shots Shot% SOG SOG% GW UP DN GB TO CT FO FO% Pen./Min Year GP G A Pts Shots Shot% SOG SOG% GW UP DN GB TO CT FO FO% Pen./Min 2009 11 3 1 4 17 .176 10 .588 0 1 0 6 13 0 0-0 .000 2-1.5 2009 11 3 1 4 17 .176 10 .588 0 1 0 6 13 0 0-0 .000 2-1.5 2010 15 12 14 26 41 .293 25 .610 0 3 0 25 22 4 0-0 .000 6-4.5 2010 15 12 14 26 41 .293 25 .610 0 3 0 25 22 4 0-0 .000 6-4.5 2011 16 19 20 39 102 .186 56 .549 1 3 0 22 38 5 0-0 .000 6-4.0 2011 16 19 20 39 102 .186 56 .549 1 3 0 22 38 5 0-0 .000 6-4.0 TOTAL 42 34 35 69 160 .213 91 .569 1 7 0 53 73 9 0-0 .000 14-10.0 TOTAL 42 34 35 69 160 .213 91 .569 1 7 0 53 73 9 0-0 .000 14-10.0

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team31

    2011: One ooff only three Tittanans to start aalll 16 gameesHadd a tremeenendous ssseae son fi finishinnng secoondn in ppooints (39), leading the e tet am with 200 a assists andd t ied for sesecond nnotching 191 goalssls all cccareer hihh ghsLed thhee teammm byby taking 102 shots s ono the year, w with 56 on nen t for a .5. 48 shohots on gogooal perccecentageeeThreeee of hisiss goalslss w eree wiwithhth t t thehe man-up and hehe also had oone game wwinnerPPicked uup 22 groroound baaalll s andd d causeede fi ve ttuturnoveerersTwice tatabbbbbbede the MAAC C OfO fensive PPlayer of thhe e WeekHis fi rrsts was ooon n Mar. 114 afteeer r postinnng nineee p ointts s s on fi ve goals anddnd f four assists, a along with h causing ththree turnnovo ers aand pickkinini g up aaa pair oofof grounnnd ballsss in twowoo gamesHe statartrtr ede the week k with a carareer-best fifi ve pointst at MoMount St. Maryss, , whereee he tallllied a cccareerr-hihighgh four goals foor r hih s fi rst colllege iate hatt t rickHee then camame backc to hanndn out aaa careeeer-besttt three aaassistss aggaiainsnst t Robert Morrririr s s and playede some ggreat defeensn e too ini the TTitan commmebackk k effort ccausinngn two fffouo rth quarteer r tuturnovers thatatt t turned intoo Detroit ggoalsHee was theen tabbbed the CCCo-POWWW on AApApr. 18 followiinng his s second ccarra eee r hat trick kk and the gaame winnner in an oovertime victoryy againsstt Canissiui sTTootaled a careeeer-best six grorouund balls inn DD etroits fi rrst-ever rooad victorry at SiennaReecordeddd a careeeeer-highhh threeee causeeed TOss against the CoCoC lonials off RRMUStaarted the sseason wwith threee pointss on twooo helperrsr and aa markkker at NNNo. 177 DelawareHHaad four poinntst on a paair of assists s and ggoals, to go withh three ggground b alls, vversusss MerceeerAlssso had four pointtss with two ggoao ls in a wwinning eeffort overr ManhatttanRRecordeeed a point in eevvery MMAM AC cccontesst,, fi nishing with eiight goals aand sevenn assists in confereence playHadd three ppoints ooon twoo assisttts and aaa goall iinthe MAAC semmmifi nals winn oover MarisstAlso scored inn the chaampionnship gaamme agaaainst SienaAA memmmber off UDMs Athlettiicc Directorss HHonor Rooll.

    2010: The TTittans leadinnggg playmakeer fi nishinng with a tteam-besst 14 aassistsThird ooon the ssquad with 2666 totall points andd fifif fth notchinngg g 12 goalsThree ofof hhisis scores weweerre with thee man-upPPosostted at least ooonne point in n 12 of DeDettrtroioits 15 gamessStarted 133 contestss fifi ring 41 total shotottss with 25 onn goalAlso picked upupp 2255 ground baalls and hadad four causeedd ttuturnoversSttaarted the yeyear with twowoo g gooals, an assisstt and a seasason-hihighghgh f four GBs againstst BellarmineeHadthe fi rst of four gammes with two aassists at Robert MorrrisisCollected aa goal and an assist t agagainst Lehigh, MaManhattan, VMVMII aand Canisius.In tthhe Titans fi rsst-t-ever win against Preressbyterian, he hhad a goal and two hhelelppers, including g aassisting on the g go-o-ahahead score feedining Ty MaMaruyama just two minuutetes into the thihird quarter breaking a 77-7-7 tieFound tthhe back of the neett twtwice at Siena aandnd then recordrdeded h hiis highest point ttototal of theseason with four points s oon two marrkekers and two assists atat Y YaleDishedd o out two helplpererss aand tied his seaeasson high wiwithth four ground ballss a aggainst Mount SSSttt. MarysA memmbeber of the UDM AAththhleleletic Direectctororss H Honor Roll.

    Game Highs Points: 5 - at Mount St. Marys (3/9/11) Goals: 4 - at Mount St. Marys (3/9/11) Assists: 3 - vs. Robert Morris (3/13/11) Ground Balls: 5 - at Delaware (2/5/11) Face-Off Attempts: n/a Face-Off Wins: n/a Shots: 12 - at Mount St. Marys (3/9/11) Shots on Goal: 5 - 5x Caused Turnovers: 3 - vs. Robert Morris (3/13/11)

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team32

    2009: Saw action inn aall 11 ggagamesWWWill forever be rememmbbebered asass the Titittaaan who scored the fi rst DDeetroit gggooal at OOOhhio Stattteee, taking a pass frfroom senennioior teammmmate MMMiiichael Schumacher aaannd fi rininngg it inFinishededed the season with h ththree ggogoals annndd an assssssist for four total ppooiointsTToTook 177 7 shots wwiw th 10 ooongoal for aa ..5588 shshhots onn goal peeercentaaggegeAAlso corrrraalled ssixix grouunnd ballsss Scorrreeed a seasonn-h-high twtwwo markrkrkers at RRRobert t MMorrisGrabbebeed a cacaarreer bbeeest two ggrg ounddd balls ooonn two oocccasioonns at NNNoo. 3 Nooorth Cararroolina ananndat Brryyant.

    Prriioor to DDDetroittt:: A provvev n offefeensive ppplayer,Haaarrris taallllied ovvver 120 0 0 careererr goalss aand asassssists inn four r yyears aaas a mmeeember ooof the SSaaline HHigh HHoornetsAs aa j junior,r, Harris lleled tthhe teaamm withh h 47 goaoaoals anddd 42 asssssistsAAAt tthe enndd of thhee year,,, he waaas tabbbeed All-SSState, AAAll-Reeeggion aaand All-A-AAreaHe alssso enjoyyyed an exxttremeelyly succcecessful ssummmeer playiyinng with CChampppion Laaacrosseee, wherrre he ppooosted 18 ggooals annnd 24 aaassistss..

    Perrssonal:: Son offf Amy aand Jooohn HarrrrisHass three brotheeers, oneee of whhhich is BBBrad Harrrris whooo signeeed to play withhh the Tiittans in 201122Hisss fatherr playeed colleeegiate bbasketbaall at Sppringfi eldd CollegeeLists thhe opportuunity to play Division I lacrroosse aaas well as Dettroits aaacademmmic reputtation aas his reasons forr attendinng UDMAA Businesss mmajor.

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team33

    Brad Janer Brad Janer SeniorSenior - #12 - #12

    Midfield - 6-0 - 193Midfield - 6-0 - 193Novi, MI/Detroit Catholic CentralNovi, MI/Detroit Catholic Central

    Career StatsCareer StatsYear GP G A Pts Shots Shot% SOG SOG% GW UP DN GB TO CT FO FO% Pen./Min Year GP G A Pts Shots Shot% SOG SOG% GW UP DN GB TO CT FO FO% Pen./Min 2009 11 2 1 3 7 .286 6 .857 0 0 0 20 10 2 0-1 .000 2-2.0 2009 11 2 1 3 7 .286 6 .857 0 0 0 20 10 2 0-1 .000 2-2.0 2010 15 3 1 4 5 .600 4 .800 0 0 1 20 14 6 4-12 .333 4-3.0 2010 15 3 1 4 5 .600 4 .800 0 0 1 20 14 6 4-12 .333 4-3.0 2011 16 0 2 2 0 .000 0 .000 0 0 0 23 8 8 2-8 .250 7-4.5 2011 16 0 2 2 0 .000 0 .000 0 0 0 23 8 8 2-8 .250 7-4.5 TOTAL 42 5 4 9 12 .417 10 .833 0 0 1 63 32 16 6-21 .286 13-9.5 TOTAL 42 5 4 9 12 .417 10 .833 0 0 1 63 32 16 6-21 .286 13-9.5

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team34

    20111: Apppeeared iinn all 1666 gamesess as a ddedefensivvvee midfi eldder and t team captptaainDid noott attempt a shott o onn tthe yeaarr, but cccame uuup with tttwo poioiinnts onn ttwo assssiistsHiss helpersrs came inn back-to-bacackk games agaiainnst Lehigh anndd at MMoount SSttt. Maryyy sSixxtxth on tthhhe squaadad with a ccareer-h-high 23 ggrround ballssCaused eigighht turnovers onnn the sseeason aand waaas 2-off--8-8 in faaccce-offsHad a ccareer-bbest threee caused tururnovers in ththe win over VMIPPiicked uup a seseeason-bbbest thhrree GBBBs againnnst the MMountainn Hawks aand versusus Robert MoorrisTied for fofooururthth on tthhe Titaaans witthh sevennn penaaalltiesNNNamed d tto both tthe MAAAAC Acadedemic All-LeLeague andd t the 2010-11 HHHononor Roll aand wwaas alsooo on thee e Detroooit Athleeetic Direeectors HoHonor RoRoll.

    220100: Playeeed in evvvery gaaame staaarting thhhe fi rst twwo conttests of ththe seasonn against BBellarmine e aanand Ohio StateeScooored fouuur poinntts on thhhree goooaals and an asssistFouur of his fi vve shots oon the yearr wwere on goaallAAn aall-arouunnd playyyer, hee pickeddd up 200 ground balls, ccaused ssix turnovvers and wwon four faaccece-offsPut t iinn his fifi rrst carrreer gooao l at LLeehighFounddd the baacck of thhe net veersus Mouunt St. Maarys and aaddded an assssisist at MannhhattannnNotccched oonne of DDDetroitsss four maan-dowwn goalss on the yeear beatinng the Preessbyterian adadvvantage latee iin the game fffor hiss only ssccore off the dayy A mmember oof SAAC, the UDMM ADs andd the MAACCss Academic Honnoor Roll as weeell as thhe MAAAAAC All-A-AAcademmic Teamm.

    Game Highs Points: 2 - at Bellarmine (2/14/09) Goals: 1 - 5x, last vs. Mount Saint Marys (4/10/10) Assists: 2 - 2x, last at Manhattan (3/20/10) Ground Balls: 5 - at Bryant (5/20/09) Face-Off Attempts: 3 - vs. Bellarmine (3/6/10) Face-Off Wins: 1 - 4x, last vs. Presbyterian (3/22/10) Shots: 4 - at Ohio State (2/7/09) Shots on Goal: 3 - at Ohio State (2/7/09) Caused Turnovers: 3 - vs. VMI (3/19/11)

  • 2012 Detroit Titans Lacrosse Detroits College Team35

    2009: Played in alalll 111 games starttinningg g in UDMss fifi fi r r st-eveverer g gama e at Ohio StatateeFourth on ththhe ee tet am witthhh 2022 ground balllslsPPosted three popoints on two gogogoals andan assistTook sevevene shots on ththe season wwwititith h six cocomim ng on goal (.857)ScScored his fifir rsts goal and dd asaa sist at Bellarmrmininee Also had a mmara ker at Robobert MorrissScooped up a seaeasos n-high fi ve GBGBs at BryayantHadd four ground balls agaiainsnst Manhattann A memmbeb r of ththee ADAD Honor Roll.

    Prior to Detroitit:: P Played four yeaears of varsitity y lacrossse in high school, earnining g All-Area, Alll-l-Region andnd honoorarablb e mention All-StStata e accoladees s as a junioiorScored 60 0 gogoals in his careeeer,