21st bomber command tactical mission report 232etc

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    : i.

    A~H . N . B R A N D O N . ,. I

    M IS S IO N N O . 232-238-24SF L O W N 2 6 - 2 9 J U N E 6 2 J U L Y '4 5

    C O p y N O . 7 5


    APO 214

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    F O.R E " ii OR D

    This. re.port covers the first ;3missions of the ]15th Bonlbardmant i1ing t{XXI Bomber ~d Mi.Bsiona No. 232,. .",....Missions N.uober 2.3], 239, md 244\7ere Mining l/ii.s siona and will be thesubjeot of a Tactioal Missi.onReportwhioh received,. oo,ly limited distribution.

    Missions .i'fumber 234 and 237 will. becovered inane Tactical Mission Report ..as will MissiollS Humber 240 through 243 .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc



    Field Order No e.. 90, 92 and 94 Missions No. 232,238 and 245Targets l. U ts ub e Riv er Oil Refinery (90020-1684), Nippon Oil

    Company {90.32-672)o and the Maruzen Oil Company,Shimotsu (90025-1764)026, 29 June and 2 July 1945Table of Contents Page N o . .

    oeD 0 0 Q o ~ G 1actical Narrative III Annex A - Operations 0 0 .. " e o. 9Part I - Navigation Track Charto ., 0 0 .." " " " 1 0Part II - Flight Engineering Chart " I 0 e 0 0 11Part III - Ra d a r and Radar Photos" 0 ~ a I .,.." e 12Part IV - Gunner,y" e 0 0 " 0 " 17Part V - Air-Sea Rescue Chart. " 0 ..0 ..1 81A n n e x B - Weather. .. " 0 .." 0 " " " " " 21Part I - Weather Summary . .. . .. .. .. . 0 ..00 22Annex C - COllllllunications .. 8 .. " .. " .. 23Part I - Radar Counter Measures. .. eo. " ....24Bart II - Radio. " " " I I .. I .. " .. Q 24Annex D - Intelligenoe " .. .. " " ....0 " " 0 26Part I-En em y .A ir O pp os it io n. . e " e I 0 0 027Part II-E n e m w Antiaircraft" " ..0027Part III - Damage Assessment 0 0 .... a 28Annex E - Consolidated Statistical Summary .. ..0 " .. 30Annex F . , " " 47XI Bomber Command Field Order o A n n e x G - Distribution Q 0 o e _ 0 'II 0 o ,,57

    Prepared B y :,\-2 SeotionXXI Bomber Command

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    : %::::::::::::::::::: ISECRETIBy Auth. or the C.Go:

    , .00 Bomber Command I: 2 Jul 45: Date Initials:::::::;: :::::::::::


    liFO 234 2 July 194.5SUBJEcr: Report of Initial Operations, 315th Bombardment.1ing, 26June, 29 June, and 2 July 1945.TO CommandingGeneral, 'lVrentieth Air Force, ,!aahington 25, D.C"

    1. SPECI;IL M H . . r J Y 1 1 E N T OF31Sth BCMBltRDMENT 'JING,~CR.:iJ!T:a. Originally, it was planned to assign targets to the 315thBombardment'.Vingn the same basis as those assigned to the other 4\7ings (S8th, 73rd, 313th, ani 314th) of this Comnand.. HDwever,afterthorough consideration of the 315th :Hngs' operational capabilitiesand limitations, this arrangement was found to be unsatisfactorY8b s. The aircraft of the 315th Wingh ad been stripped of alldefensive armament but the tail turret on the theory that a B-29 flying

    at an altitude of 35,000 feet or higher cloud not be successfullyattacked by fighters except from the rear. The other importantoperational difference of this ~ling from the other 4 - Wingswas theinstallat ion of .:.FQ-7 airborne radar in this 17ing'B aircraft insteadof the APQ,-13which is carried by aircraft of the other :1ings. The\.PQ,-7was designed primarily'for bombing, having excellent definitionbut only 60 degrees of sweep, whereas the .U?Q.-13was designed primarilyas a navigational atd, having 360 degrees of Bueep but relativelypoor definition.co' The 315th ITingcould, and was trained to bombfromextremely high' aIti tudes in dayliGht. However, when this :hng arrivedin the theatre, a study of the experiences of the other ;7ings revealedthe advisability of operating at night from mediuma ltitudes ratherthan during daylight hours from higher alti tudes., This plan wasexpected to result in greater operational ef.ficiency of the aircraftin addition to the carrying of bomb loads greater than those carriedby the other 4 ',yings0 Furthermore, it was decided that in order toacquire an estimate of the capabilities of the APQ-7,which was beingused for the first time in B':29 combat, the 315th l7ing should beassigned i t.s owntargets 0d. Coincident with this decision, intelligence indicatedthat the importance of oil refini.ng and oil storage targets wasincreasing. These targets were all relatively large, increasing theirradar~vi sibili ty, - and ",ere located on or near the coast, a condi tionwhich had been found to be almost essential for attack by ..PQ-7equipped aircraft because of the limited. capal'lili ty of this set forinland navi gatLon, . It was decided, therefore, that the first seriesof attacks of the 315th ~hng would be confined to strikes against oilrefineries and oil storage installationso

    2., IDENl'IFIC.I.TION OF MISSIONS:a. Field Orders Number90, 92, and 94, Headquarters XXIBomber Command,dated 25 June. 28 June, and 2 July respectively,directed the 315th Bombardment\'1ing to participate in nedium altitudenight attacks against 3 Oil refineries on Honshu in XXIBomberCormnandMissions Number232. 238, and 2 4 5 . .


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    aircraft 'Q'ereto be loaded with 500-pound general-purpose bombsfuzed.025-second delay nose and non-delay tail. The 500-pound bomb.::asselected since these installations are of both refinery and atoraBstype and are well dispersed ~7ihin the areas of the targets. The largernumber of bombhits W'hichwould be inflictGd by the use of this size bombWas ozpecbed to result in IIk'UCimumamage to both manufacturing- and storaeefacilities. Since the .Ol-second delay fuze uas not available, the .025-second delay fuze \7813 solected as an alternate nose fuzing.. It wsbelioved that this delay would give bombburst just above floor leveland should be very effective against the refinery and shop installa.tions.The non-delay tail fuzo uas selected in order that Br0und-loyel burst'Q'ouldbe given to near miss bombs by which maximumblast and fragmen-tation effect W'ouldbe obtained against the refinery installations whichconstituted the major facilities in each tart1;et. Since the majority ofstora[,"S tanks in each tarGet area were small, it was believed that imp3.ctini tiation of the non-delay fuze rrou Id result in sufficient force todestroy the tanks receiving direct hits. For this reason, delay fuzing,~hich i10uld allo'Q' penotration, v7asconsidered unnoceasarys2 , 0 For u s e aeainst the Kudamatsu P l a n t of theNippon Oil Company(Mission 238). all aircraft ilcre to be Loaded 'With500-pound Boneral-purpose bombs fuzed .1-second delay nose and .01-second delay tail. This bombwas selected for use on this target forthe same r-eason as that given for tho other 2 tarBets. The .Ol-second'delay tail fuze was selected as it nould al10'17penetration of the bomb,

    beneath the tank tbps, to a aufi'i oi ent depth to assure det onat ion belo1i1the contents level, resulting in maximumdamage to the installation~The .I-second delay nose fuze V T a s selocted as an assurance fuze onlyo(b) BombingData: Bombingaltitudes, axes of attack,initial points, anticipated drift, and other pertinent bombing dat~ forthose 3 missi ons 'Q'ere to be as f0110\7SMiSSion ~32 lV'.d.ssion238 Mission 211'i

    Bombing.\1ti tude 15.000 feet (15,000 to 16.000 feet).u.:is of .\ttack 320 degrees 35 degrees 4 2 degreesInitial Point 343430N-l371000E 3334N-13126E 335000N-1344430EDrift 10 degrees right 6 degrees right 6 degrees rightTime of Run 6 oinutes 7 minutes 6 minutosLength of Run 24 miles 31i miles 28 miles

    (2) Navigation: The followinE routes 17ere to be employedon these missionslMission 232:

    Reasons for SelectionBase to Iwa Jimato343430N-1370100E(Ini t ial Point)toTargettoIuo .rima to Base

    Tactical Doctrine!rako S

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    (b) Mi ss io n 2 98:Rea s on s fo r Se le ct io n

    Ba se t o Iu o Jim at o3255 N- l 3 2 0 5Et o3334 N- l 3 1 2 6 B( In it ia l P oi nt )t oT a r g e tt o3 3 0 1 3 0 N - l 3 3 0 6 0 0 Et oIu o Jim a t o Ba se

    Ta cti ca l Do ct rin e.'In ea.s il y id en ti fi ed l an df al l po in t o n th ee as te rn c oa st of KYu sh u..\. oi nt ju st l ef t of U sa.. Ea si ly id en ti fi edfo r th e b es t r -a d ar -a pp no ac h t o th e t ar ge t.Kud a ma ts u P la n t of th e Ni p po n Oi l Co mp an y.T o av oi d f la k ar ea s.T ac ti ca l D oc tr in e.

    (c) M is si on . 2 45 ;Rea so ns fo r S e le ct io n

    Ba se t o Iu o Jimato3322N-l340JE

    T ac ti ca l D oc tr in eL a n d f a l l a t l of t o f M ur ot o Po in t m a k i n g as tr ai gh t ap pr o ac h to th e t arGet t hr ou ght h e in it ia l p oi nt.T he ju tt in g p oi nt o f l a nd at th o en t ra nc e t oOsa ka Ba y ma ki ng t he b es t ap pr oa ch t o th et a r B e t.M ar uz en Oi l Ref in er y, S h im ot su.

    to335000~1344430E( In it ia l Po in t)t oTargett o33 35 R -1 35 57 Et oBa se to Iu o Jim a

    Lands end.Ta ct ic al D oct ri ne .

    (3) F li gh t E ng in ee ri ng :(a) Exc ep t fo r t he bo mb in e r un and c om pr es si on o f the

    f or ce. al l ai rc r af t o n t he se mi ss io ns u er e t o fly a t sp ee ds and a l t i t u d e snht.ch 'I1 ou ld al lo w m ax im um ra n ge a nd s af et y. S pe ed s >l er e t o be apprcx-im at el y 5 mi le s per h ou r hi g he r th an th o se re co li in en de d by th e XXI Bonher-Co m ma nd T ac ti ca l Do ct ri ne. No as se m bl ie s l'Ie reto b e ef fe ct e d.

    (b) It'l i ases ti ma te d th at a ir cr af t an t h es e m is si on suo ul d r equi re a fu el l oa d 'o f fu ll wing an d c en te r r ri ng tanks.e T he b om bload rras e st im a te d at 18 , 00 0 po un ds.

    (a ) M is si o n 232: T he U ts ub e Ri ve r Oil Re f in er y i slo ca te d o n t he c oa st of Na go ya B ay on a pr om on to ry so ut h of Yo kk ai ch i.T hi s ar ea ua s co ns id er ed a n ex ce ll en t o ne fo r r ad ar na vi cr a ti on andt ar go t i de nt if ic at io n be ca us e of th e p ro mi ne nc e of th e b ay rr it h it so ut st an di ng c o as ta l f ea tu re s an d th e ra da r r et ur n of ~g oy af t Or ig in a ll y,it >la s b el ie ve d t ha t a l o n g d O i ll l l 7i n da x i s l 70 ul d b e b e st b ut du e t o t he'd ef en .s es o f Osaka a nd t he l ac k o f good ra da r i n i t i el p oi nt s to the 'I1Elstan ax is to th e s ou th ea st w as ch os en. T hi s ap pr o ac h to t he t ar ge t i s f ro nw at er t o la nd a n d s ho ul d a 1 10 \7 fo r a n e xc el le nt r ad ar r et ur n" ,

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    (b) Mission 238: Itwas believed that radar naviGationwould be very good on this mission because of the excellent coastlinechockpoints of %ushu and Shikoku. Lan::lfall would bo made at a distinc-tive pOint on the southwestern tip of Shikoku. Since tho terrain at Inn::lfall point is rather rugged, all operators should have no difficulty inidentifying it in t~ to mako tho initial wind run.(c) Mission 2ll~: On this mission an approach wasplanned which would allow the bast employmentof the APQ.-7adar equip-

    mont.. The requ:i.rerhents set up for the optimumuse of this equipment nero;a 10\7 drift factor, a good llmdfall point for'the initial wind run. adofinite radar initial paint, and if possible, a small tUrn at the initialpoint. Based on these requir~aents. a route was chosen uhich approximateda straight line from landfall through the ini tialpoint to the target. Itnaa expected that landfall point uould be easily identified in time toa110u for an initial \"/'indrun. The initial podrrt , a distincti ve Penin-sula 4 5 miles from landfall, was expected to be \7ithin easy ranee aftermaking the turn at landfall. The target i t aolf (~.JJaruzenOil Refinery) ison the coast with a river runnq along ita northorn side and flasexpected to shov up on the ;1l!Q,.7 radar scope as an excellent return.(5) B m d : Because the 3l5th rling rras not eql+ippeduith ReMequipw.ent. search and jamning could not be conducted on these missions .It -,7asplanned that rope be carriGd in each aircraft to be dispensed.(6) -Ur-Sea Rgscuq: (Seo .il.l1Ilex At Part V, for Air~SeaRescue Chart). The Navy \"/'88 fUrni shed with det ails of the missi ona andprovided tho follo\"/'iilg air-s0a rescue facilities: For Missi6n 232, 2submarines, 4 . Dumbos and 3 surface vessels; for IvIission238, 3submarines t 4 . Dumbs~ am 3 surface vessels; for Mission 245: 4submarines. 5 Dumbos.and 3 surface vessels.. In ad.dition to thosefacilities the Navy assi&med crash boats in the vicinity of the Co~nandbases for take-offs and landings .(7) Fighter Escort: Since those mission were to be flOi7Dat night, no fiGhter escort was planncdo

    d. Details of Planninn:--Intelliaence I(1) EnergyFin:hter Reaction:

    (a) ho1.ission23::?, ItHas estimated that 25 to 35 enCl!lfighters could oppose this striko. offering negligible to weakopposition.(b) Nlission 238t cUthough an estilnated 30 to 40 enemyfihhters crere locatod in this area, it uas believed that only 15 te 20of these aircraft (not more than 5 of \7hich would be night. fighters)cloud oppose this strike.(c) Mission 2 L L 5 : It \19.6 estimated that 20 to 25 enemyfighters miGht intorcept on this mission, offering negligible to wealcopposition.

    (2). EnergYll1tiaircraft :(a) Mision 232: It was estir:w.ted that there were only2 heavy guns in the Yolcll:aicliiarea. .it the planned al ti tude of D.ttack(15,000 feet). only very mea.::;erand inaccurate fire ...as expected. .l.D.tiwaircraft opposition presented no problem in planning with the exceptionof specifying a route to and from the target to avoid other flak areas 0

    . - 5 -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    (b) Mission 2381 The defenses at Kudamatsu consistedof 15 heavy guns and 3 search1iahts. This ~as considerod a very m e a c e rdefense aBB-inst nieht attack at the planned altitude of attack (15.000 to16,000 feet). The route ,to tho tarGet uould bring tho aircraft barelyi1ithin range of the Oita defenses (19 heavy l),'UDs).but only DoaGer andinaccurato flak was expected there. It was planned that the approachbe from the'southi1ost in order to avoid the defenses at Tokuyam (33heavy GUns), iD:medi ately nortlm9st of Kudame.au. .\ breakouay to thesoutheast avoiding the Shikoku defenses ua.s planned .(c) Mission 2451 In the past, ooaGer and inaccuratefire had been enounteroo in the :iakily'am9.rea. H:mcver. since there wereno adequate photographs of the area, those reports could not be confirmed.It uas considered that flak would 'be of minor importance at the plannedaltitude of attack of : lSOOO to 16.000 feet. The route lias planned toavoid all knoun defenses.

    4. E XE CU I'IO N O F T HE M ISSIO N S:a. Take-off I Tako-off for each lni.saion vaa accomplished asfo11o\7s:

    MissioQ .l.ircrai't .i.irbOrnc First Take-off LaS] Take-off2,32 35 260700Z 260734Z238 36 290730Z 2908llZ245 40 020730Z 020833Z

    b. Route Out: On Mission 232, 3 aircraft deviated from thebriefed route to the taraet becauso of naviGational error. O n e of these3 airoraft failed to bomb the primary target due to a combination ofnavigation error and I:maine trouble. OnMissiOns 238 00d 245. allairoraft 10\1 the briefed route vi thout incident.c. Over Target:

    (1) Primary Taraets I For all' miss ions, tar get areanaVigation, \1ind determination. ani bombng , vere accomplished byradar. "i total of 104 aircraft bombed the primary tarGets IIith 500-pound general-purpose bombs as ollous:

    .urcraft Tonnage Time of ReleaseM;j,ssi0liJ.Bombing Drol2l2c!l,Earliest Latest Bombins .Iltitude232 33 222.8 261335Z 261505Z 15,000 to 16.000 feet238 32 208.5 291506Z 29l537Z 15.400 to 16.875 feet245 39 296.7 0215082 021607Z 15.000 to 16,000 feet

    (2) Targets of Opportuni ty I Tuo aircraft bombedtaraetsof opportunity. OnMission 232, 1 B-29 'dropped 6.7 tons of 500-p6undgenoral-purpose bombs on KaSilta from 15.400 feet. On Mission 245. 1B-29 dropped 8 tons of 500-pound gonera1-purposo bombs on Saldnohamafrom 9000 feet.

    (3) Remaindor of Forge: Thera \'tere 5 non-effectivo air-craft on these missions.

    - 6 ~I"

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    d. Route Back' Roturn to base on all missions fla8 tloon asbrieted, Threo aircraft landed at Iuo Jima (Ion Mission 232 and 2 onMission 245).

    o. kandirllu Aircraft landed at bemabases as tollows IMission Firat LardiM Last landing

    23 2236245

    262048Z29204 5Z


    f. !Pasesl N o aircraft wore lost on these missions.g. Operational Smon::

    (1) Nayigation: (See Annex i., Part I, tor detnils).Navigat1ontor all miaaiollB mB oonsidered excellent. ;1eather condi tionaflere considered exceptionally tavora.ble and much colastial 'fTorkuasaccomplished. .\PN-9 loran uas extensively u.sed.(2) Bombings N o serious difficulty UaB encountered on a.ny

    ot those missions. One aircraft on Massion 2 4 5 reported a bo~b bay doormalf'unction.Tasnot availablo at the time of tho i1I'i tin.:; of this roport and -;rill beincluded in a later report.(c) Mission 245' Ilamage to tho Maruzcn Oil Refinery

    as a result of this miss.ion amounts to 54.225 square foot or 10.35per cent of tho total roof area.

    ..J 'r;/~./O~.., c 11/,,:/C U R T I S E . L a M A Y .Major General. U.S.A,


    - 8 -SEORET---;1__

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc



    P a r t I - N a v i g a t i o n T r a c k C h a r tPart II - Flight Enginoer1ng ChartaPart III ... lada.r and lla.c1a.r P h o t o sP a r t I V . .GunneryP e r t V ...~r ..S e a R o s o u e C h a r t

    26/29 June and 2 JulyL945

    .. 9 ..'~QR!!

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc




    -.!r;'-- - - -- -- -- --3KEY---- Mission 232-------- Mission 238--- - Mission 245

    ~CHICHI JIMA~ .IW O J1MA1st.Mission 232-261028ZMission 238- 291105lMission 245-021121l:



    1st. Lost 1st. LaslMission 232- 2607001260734l 262048l262130ZMission 238- 290730Z290811l 292045129230Missinn245- 020730Z 0209332 0220JOZ 022230TR,.CK CHART XXI BOMBER COMMAND SECRET 8- 53-1Co1 REPRODUCED 35th-I?

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc



    J30PII l6J7P()8j)

    f O D

    600 !~:. .i> 'I 'IT t? ~ : : : E!. .- - T 7 J 1 ? ~ ~ s r ': :;YO 0jUtl-/-OIlP(9~~)


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    a. Nlrn.bo'r ot sets opera.t1ve on t,ake-off; 106.b. O f ~VC bombing - numbor of sets opora.tivo over target: 100.c. N..u~or of sots QPcra:tive on landing: 102.d. .J.verBao maximum I'allGe of radar boaconroccption.1 80 NM.at15. 000 it. altitude.

    109 NMat 5000 ... 10. 000 ft. alti tud.os79 NMat 10,000 - 15,000 ft. altitudes

    f. .~verago r.wximum range of Japancae coast: 53 N M .g. Equipoont failure,s: 5.

    a. .'lntennas are all fixed. lIL'1Ximuoange:Ground. '7avos I 570m:Sl\y "avosl 1500NM

    b. S e t inoporative: 6I F F , S C R - 6 9 5 Ia. There nas 1 equipmOllt failure.b. EqUipment turned on, checked, turned off as S.O,p,R0!!latks:a. Thero were 88 individual radar direct s yn ch ro no us r el ea se smade.b. Tl'to aircraft nmde visual roloases.C. 1' .70 aircraft made radar diro'ct fi:x:od angle releasos.d. Ono aircraft made a D/R rG:lease.e. Landt'all and initial points 'Wereall easily identified.f, In all cases identifioation of aimio,g paints was Bead.

    - 12 -

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc



    \M ISS ION 2"~ i8TARGE------~72

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    f D R T IY- G U N N E R YI, No, of vc Firi.ng I 02. Averc.gEI tail turret. lOIl.dl 1425,3, No, of rounds fired in COlIIbatl None,4.. No, of rounds used for test firing I 7695, J..verage perganl 23,5. Guns LQcuhdi Gold.6. M"o,lfunctionBI

    D.. C.F.,O, I Dynamotor out~ defective back out circuit,al evo.tion limi t $ 1 1 " 1 tch out o.nd .s 8 .iPG-IS mo.lfunc tions.b, C:tL. ,5 0 lL G. " Bolt SIf, rave rsed,

    7. Equipment operat.1on (Toto.l pc.rcentllge operative) ID ., .9 . .1 . . . .Q.: 99.. 6%b. C 4L . 2 0 M,G,I 99.87%

    8, Rema.rks:0.. ;.l'G-15 equipment mc.1funct1onsatfJ oxtremely high,

    . -- . -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc






    TO 261815l

    " ,


    S~ri=- a . surfo~eslels -- -- --were to remain on station orthe entire mi58ion. Iboots on station ~ic.lit~mand bases for tokl-olflanding.


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    APRIL 1945 SECR


    ' q > - I----\-0 I I

    1II I

    .~ I If) I ~ I~CHICHI JIMA II " , II: ---+-:: ----T-c JIMA II II IIJ




  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    APRIL 1945



    ---+--JIMA I\II



    IIII\---"-' T-'III

    1I.30l TO 021800i!:r return, of~strike. AI C

    ,'CHICHIJIMA0211301 TO 0216002

    e- SUSMARINE0- SURFACE VEA - NAVY DUMBO~ubmOrln9S were to rem~h8 ~ire mission.'j

    IIIIc rash boots on, sla t ion wei.I,'"Command bases for 1oke-Clffond londing., I


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    26/29 JUllG and 2 July 1945

    ." :Zl ... ; .o ": g . 9 ' J ' ! 1'1R Il! I1. I t

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    1. MiSSion N o - 2321a. . Base fl.t Take....tf I Fi va-tentns to 6/10 10'1'clouds. base1800 foot; scattered light showers.b. Bout e 9.ltgoing I

    (1) To?Q ..poRreea North: Four.tcnths to 6/10 161"' clouds,base 2000 foot; top 4000 to 8000 feot; 2/10 hiGh clouds at 25.000 foct;seatte:ted light ahoI7o:t'S.

    ' < 3 ) From 33 Dep.rees North t6 Tar('et I Three-tenths 10*o loude , top 5000 foet; 7/10 middlo clouds, base 20,000 feet, top 22,000feet.c. Tatget: Tcr6-tonths'low clouds, top 5000 foet; 10/10 middleclouds, base 20,000 feet. top 22, 000 fOGtJv!sUiUi ty 5 to 10 ni:iles i111

    light haze;, winds at 20,000 fee~ were 265 degrees at 45 knots.d. Routg Returnl Same as routo outGOiIlG.e. Easas on Return: Four-tonth lou clouds, base 2000 feet;2/10 hiGh clouds at 30.000 fact.

    2', Mission No.. 238:a. Base at Takq-off: Broken low clouds, scattered low clOUdsb, Route': There were broken 10\1and scattered r.rl.ddle cloud.swith occasional tOYl"OringumuIus and scattered ahoncr s to 24 den:roesnorth. From 24 dagrees north to l":lnd.fall scattered 10tT clouds to clearbeoomins scattered to broken low ~.ixlscattorod high cloudS at north endof the zone. From landfall to tar,;et cloudin.ess incroased to broken

    low middle and hiah clouds,c, Tarr;et I Eicht-tenths to 10/10 stratocunulus. tops 5000feet i 9/10 at tostratus. base 10,OOp feet. top 16.000 feet i 8/10 cirrus.'"linds at 15,000 feet 17ero 275 degt"tDssat 40 knots',d. Base on Roturnl, Brok

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    aetll ..._Pan lit ..~UQ.

    2~/~9 'luna aM 2 lulY 1945\

    ', .

    -2,3 ..


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    P .iR T I - RCM1 . P u r po s e"

    a. To c on f us e a no m y gu n - la y in g an d s e ar c h li g ht r a da r s byth o us e of r op e.2,., M:lt h o d.:

    a. Fif t y b u nd l es of ro p e w er e ca r ri e d b y e ac h a i r cr a ft.b. Th e r o pe was d i sp e n se d at t h e r at e o f 3'b u nd l es pa r 10sEt oon de u hon pr ot ec tio n w as ne ede d f rau se ar ch lig hts .

    3. Ro su l ts l,8. B e c a u s e of t he c lo u d c o ve r aGe in t h o ta r ge t a re a s. e ne m yse arc hl ig hts w ore n ot e ffo cti ve .b. O n e c ra u r e po r te d su c c es s fu l d i ve r s io n of s ea r ch l iGh t s b yt he us e of r o p o~

    4. Re m a r k s:a. S ea r ch a n d jam m i ng w a s n ot c on d uc t e d o n t he s e mi s s io n ss i n ce t he 3 1 5t h g i ng ua s n ot equ i pp e d u it h t he n e c es s ar y ReM g e a r.. . . . ' " . .

    P.iRT II - R..DIO1 . S t ri k e Re po r.s: The 3l 5 th uing gr ou nd st at io n r ec ei ved 1 4S tr i ke Rep o r ts d ur i n g t he s e t hr e e u i ss i on s.2 . Fo x T r an s mi s s io n s: ".1 ea t h ora nd T i m e S i gn a l s w er e t h e on l y Fot ra ns mi ss io ns U se d. "3. Fr equ en c ie s: For t he i r fi r s t 3 o is .9 io ns , t he 3 15 th 1 7i ng r ep on o e vi d e nc e o n i nt e nt i on a l ja m mi n g. H o rr e v er , t he i r 3 an d 6 m e e a c y c l efr equ e n ci e s w er o b l oc k e d i nt e r mi t te n tl y on Mi s si o n 2 4 5 b y w h at is t ho uto b e a Ja p an e so s telti o n o n t he s am e f reque n oy. a r ve r y c l os e. Fol l owi s a p e ro e nt a s e br e ak d ow n o f tr a ff i c p er f r equ e no y: 2 3 pe r ce n t on 3m eg a cy c lo s 3 1 p e r c e nt o n 6 m eg a cy c le s a n d 4 6 p or ce n t o n 1 0 r::lcg a cy4. N a v iF( 8.t i.o n.a ll i d sI Ra l1 Be s. h ome rs a nd b ro adc ast s tat ion s

    \7Qr9 us e d ef fGc t i ve l y. N o HFJDF or VHF/DF b ea r in g s fa c i li t ie s VTe r eu se d .5 . N e t D is c ip l i ne an d S e cu r it y: Ex ce l le n t n et d is c i pl i ne a n ds ec ur i t y l 'T er e ai nt ai ne d d u ri nl 3 t he se mi s s i on s. On e ai r cr a ft us e d a no u td a t ed c al l si 6 1 1 an d a fe~ i n s ta n ce s o f d is t re s s t ra f f ic i n t ho cl ew e re th e o n ly vi o l at i on s of se o ur i t y l o gg e d o n t h o st r ik e f reque n c ie s.T he I'/inc r e po r t s th a t d ur i ng M i ss i o n 2 3 2. an u n kn o w n a ir c r af t ga v e t i mo ve r ta r i 5o t. t a r ge t. a l ti t ud e an d c o ur s e on. C ha n n el n - c " VHF.6. EnnY T ra n sm i s si o ns: Th e f o l lo~in g i nc i de n ts of jam m in g ,en e my tr a n sm i ss iOn s a n d in t e rf e re n ce , w e re r e co r de d d u r in g t h is m is s io n

    (1) C T r 7t;r a n s m i s s i o n s b , e t w e e n 0910l J , 0e:t o091710Z w e r e'i n e f f e c t i v e.

    - 2 4 -~Qg~!

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    (2 ) I n t er m i tt e n t tr a n sm i s s io n s by ~ w er e in e f f ec t i ve.( 3) I n t e r m i t t e n t OW s ig na ls r ec ei ve d t hr ou gh ou t m is si ontr o m w h at i s b e l i ev e d to b e a Ja p a ne s e s t at i o n we r e i ne f f e ct i v e.

    'b., 6640 Xes:(1) T he l et te rs "BO s en t b et we em 021130Z t o 021800Zw e r e etteoti;'o.(2 ) I nt er mi tt en t e ne nz y-O W s ig na ls w er e p ar ti al ly e .t :f eo ti

    . e. 10965 Ko s: Ne g li g i b le.7. D i s t r e s s I Onl y a f e w n o rm a l tr o u b le m e s a ag e a w er e r e ce i v edd ur i n g t h e se m i ss i o ns. T h e se i n cl u d e d a i ro r a f t w i th on e en g i n e ou t an dr o ut i n e c h e ck s 6 na v i g at i o~ Th e r e we r e no u r g en t b e a ri n g s r eque s t e d,n or t r a ns m i t te d " f r o m t h e W in g g ro u n d s t a ti o n.8 . Equ i pm e n t M a lf u n c ti o n s: 'SGR- 52 2, 1 r e se t b u t t on i n op e r a ti v e ,1 tr a n a mi tt er i no pe rs .t i ve ; B O- 348, 1 dy n a mo t o r bu r n e d o u t

    . - 25 -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    Part IB n o m ; y .\.1r OppositionPart; nZ n o n v .:.ntia1rorllt'tPart III - ~ ~.e.smeJlt

    26/29 June and 2 July 1945

    "'26'., .

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    lLQB!IPARI ' 1..E~ FIGH l'ER R EAe'll O N, '., I I ~

    1. Btl!m!lH'l, MiastoD 2321 j 26 June 194.5.' ; .' ia . . .FiGhter reaction to this., the f'irst m1"aioll fl~ 'by the

    315th Wing.,:was nil.. A total of 1.3enellzy"at reraft were sighted but!l,0 at.tacks w e r e - . made:.,

    a _ , One eneD\Yaircratt was identified as a single-engine"1 aSI a twill ...engine a1r:plan~ and 11 were unidentified.

    c... The contributing fa,otors to the lack of interoe,ptionwer~ the fa.Qt that this was a night missiom and the presenoe or a10/10 overcast and underc.as_ along the route over tls Empire.. ,

    2.. .wmnary , Mission 238. 29 June 19458. An : estimated to\al. of 19 enemy aircraft were sighted on

    this mission .. 'There were no littao!:a. Six fighters' were identifiedas tWin-ehgine ..1isted as a Tony. 2as si ngle-engine airoraft. .. ,and 10 were unidentified. 'b. Observations loeiuded the usual blinking of landing

    lds:hta ?thile' B,ODlen'eDzy'tghters flioked oabin lights off and on. One fighter closed to 50 yards but did not Ollen fire. This wasa night mission and oloud coverage was 8/10 to 10/10.. "

    e. This also was a night mission. A . total of 11 enemyairorai"t were sighted with no Attacks repa ted. Three fighterswere idef.ttified as twin-engine" 3 were identifieii as single-engineaircraft, and 5 interceptOrs Were unidentified.b. Tw o crews reported 2 enell\Yaircraft maneuvering be-tween the B-29s and the moon. The majority of at.tempted a,pproaches?tere from. 6 0 clock. One enellzy"aircraft seemed to be equipped wi thDadar since it trailed a :8-29 from. landfall until bcmbs away.

    *......PART II - EN EM Y A Nl'LURCR4F'6, .

    1.. MiSSi0111.m. Utsube 01. Refinery" Yokkaich1a. The primary target was borllbed bY'.33 aircraft of the315th Wingbetween 1335Z-1505Zfrom 15..000-16,000 feet. Weatherwas reported as 10/10 undercast with o co as io na l ho 1e s. Axis ofesttack varied from 2900-3300.b. NOflak was reported en. route to the targetoo. Over the target.. flak '1I'8S described as meager. inacc-urate, heavy 'and oontinuously pointed. Duration of tdrt:l was 1...3minutes.:, M marxr as 23 S/L beams were re,ported in, the target area,.

    but no aircraf~. were coned due to cl?ud coverod.. OnI'l11thd-rawal meager and inaccurate. heavy flak WaSreported. from, t,he Nagoya. area. Thirty s/L beams v;eres:eSIll at.TaketoyO (3 4 52, N' ~ 136 55 E). "'. .e., N o airaraft were los,t to tlak om this missiol1l. ani

    - 27 ...lQE!I

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    ro t . 3 4 .iraraft bomb:l.ng(aU targets),. 1 or 2 . 9 5 % , sustained flakdamage.

    ,'2'. Miasio!;.~ .... lJpoon',2ll. Qompany~.K\ldamatsu nm,1fl. The ~illl!U'Y ,target was bolftbed by' 32 aircraft of the

    31Sth ':Ting be tweel I l.3 .S06z. -1537Z f rOl!1J15,400 ..16,,875 :feet. Aleis of~ttack v a r i e d ' : f r ~ , J 6 9 - 5 ~ 9 ~ Weather reported as 9/10-10/10 u n d e r -cas~ ,.b. Flak was nil for entire m1ssio~.Ct. Searehlight locations were reported as tabulated.belOed by 39 Ale d' the 315th

    Wing between 1508Z .. 1607Z fran 15,000-16,000 teet.. ~is ofattuclt varied. from. 260"500 :7eather 'iJ8S reported as 8/10-10/10.h. Flak was nil for tho entire mission except fer 1ene~ encounter of meager inaocurat~~ heavy flak at landfall(3 3 25 N - 1 34 00 E),.c. One searchlight was sighted at Tomioke (33 55 N

    1,34 41 E) and 2 in the target area {'34 06 N - 1,35 07 E~."" . " ' ' ' ' 1 1 0 0 p: ;0 " , " " 1: 1 " ' " ' ~ d dt J qj ~ if0 6 ! Q1- 1 ' " H ~ III III . . . .~. ~ 0 ~. ~ ~~p.".,.;.~ - 4 f r o r o IiI1I

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    ~~ 18 . . . . . ..::t V"): $ e ; ~8 Zt:1


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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


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    . . . . . .'r

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    M ISS IO NS 232 &238DATES 26 &29 June 1945


    . .

    .3'HON N U M B E R #232 #238'-,,"'1,1315TH WING 315'l 'H WIID.._~; ~~P Jl.F'l' CONS IDERED 33 3 2

    :.i~AGE FLY ING TIMEI 14:00 14:45~~"ZjCONSUMED :

    Average 5421 5601Max imum 5679 5837Minimum 5105 5207

    ZS REMAINING:~'''!)''''lige 1320 1181I;:':i',lum 1705 1578~ ' 1 _ 4 :'.\~!'1m 1091 948

    ;-;~u"':~- l . : 'WNS US W PE R HOUR )87.2 . 3797_"~~E_"__.. _..

    ~;l: 1 rre; USE;!) O N A IR BO R N E A lc 184141 192444----. . . . . . . . . . ,~.

    I ' ,

    WE IG HT D AT il.'--I ! . / ! B E R A IRCRAFT P . _ r R B O . R N E 35 )6; ! 'J f" l!"T J iGE B ll.S IC W EIGHT O F A IR CRAFT 71612 71599II AVEhAG :E :. US EFUL LOAD 60397 60225IIAVW. :AGE NUMBER OF BO MBS L OADE D 27-M64 (Comp B) 16 A lc 27-M64 (Comp B ) 18 A l e

    27-M64 (TNI') 1 9 A l c 27-M64 (TNI') 18 A / c1 ,VEPJ,GE , lE IG H'l' O F B OM BS L O /tD ED 14631 146471 ).VERAGE; FUEL LOADED 6785 6785


    B om b W ei gh ts : AN-M 64 - TNT - 53 5 lbs.AN-M 64 - Conp B - 550 L bs ,


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    ~InNs .-I ~ N~ 0 l}'~Z 0"1.-Iii

    UJ 1 M ' - ~8z0 04- .-IS~ A t , m e. . t 0: . .. .I.IJ ~ . '-$.I .~0.. '2a 0 :~ I-;)6'!II )I~ ." " Q) H

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  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    h~~ IE -t :1~~I~ I-c!_0~~tilt!)~~ 0"'1

    ~~~~ 1""1p ; a H lt.:I

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    0 1 01""1::t: 0.:; S Fi C\I~~ . . . . .~ .;E -t ~; 3 C\I" "1""1

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    ~f ; - < ~t1,-4 C\Id


    :c1 gUI~f~ -;: ,../0 f: : ..-Io l ! : l 0

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    ~0\.-I~ ~N

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    e . . .t I1 '1 ::c , ' J / .0H t>~ I ... I. : : : . . . .o + >:z : 0et .. IIJ . . o < . >: z : ~ ,f : 1


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


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    ~ 0"l toJ: l~ ~I P J -~C f . l . .E-ICilCl (j)~ s : :0E -

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc



    -~ I

    ~~In IIII .-i4I v i1Il'~S i ! ~!I< ! . . .J g~sil!~i. . P o ii~ .s

    ~~ S~ e!i-~ 0A InE -I !i!~

    Otll. 1 % 1PO "~ 5 ; l o e ~-o l t!

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    . .

    ~ im ~ t< I I IH5~~a HIHf: i Iim m ~ ~3 C\Ja"1

    ~~I. I~;I s I E ' ~-I l ~~m

    r I.~ !!i~ . _-t5 a II' J ~~u A t ! j: c -~ 5~S .. ;/ : 1 ~~ ,


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    mBP _em ,rm ,p BIB

    Minipzj', *2;32 ' 2;38 " 2'-5. . .


    - 47 ~

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    m e a , : COMGEN BOM COM1TO : CW GENBOMYlG 58

    cwmO Ml!T G 73COMGENB(} 'wG31 3OOMGENBOMl lG 31 4C O M G l lN B O M l lr G 31 5


    '!Q.!!!!B y Auth of C G X X I B C

    "-/ -(I - b !! ' . : . ' " ("\! ~'/f""' 'r . . . .( ; " ' ~ I n - ! i ~ t " ' ! " ' i a 1 B - : - " " ' - Da:te,I X X I B O M B E R C O M M A N DG U A M1000 29 JUNE 1945


    FIELD ORD~ NUMBER 90laps for Plotting: Japan Aviation Chart 1:218,8801. Fighter escort will be furnished for this mission, two groups coveringthe Nagoya area and one sroup covering the Osaka Area.2 . The" XXI B 6m C om 'a tt ac ks t ar ge ts 1833 , 27JA, 38 2, 1729, 1547, 196 , 197,2 40 . 2 Q4Q. 1684, employing four !\I'0ups of tm 5 8t h, 7 3r d, 314th Wings)three ~roup5 of the 313th Wing and 2 groups of the .3 1 5th W ~ .3 . a., 58th Wil}g:

    (1) Target: Pri;mry Vista1 and Radar -,90.25, - 26 .3A - SumitomoLi gh t Me ta l I nd us tr y.(a) M P I

    039082F C R C Z

    2 Groups(b) Reference: L~I BomC o~ Li tho -M os aic Osa ka Area 90.25Urban.(c) Route: BaseIw o Jima

    Reassembly Area (33 .30N - l.3 51 5E )3 .353N - 1 3503E ( De pa rt ur e P oi nt )34l6N - 1350415 4IP )Target3455N - 1 3526E3455N - 1 3538EIwo Ji.maBase

    (d) Al titud e of attack: 18,000 feet.(e) Bomb load: 4,000 lb LC fused instnntaneous nose andnon-delay tail.(f) Time Control: Pass departure point' at D Hour plus 50min.

    (2) Target: Prinery Visual - 90.20 - 1833(a) MPI F O R C E

    0890690740M 1 Group1 r O I . 1 P(b) Reference: XXI Bom Com L it ho M os ai c Kagam2~ihara Area,KP , wa s a ki A i r cr a f t I'/arks 90.20 - 240.(0) Primary Rader and Seconi8.ry Visual Target: City of Tsu,using 3439N - 1 371 .3E as IP.(d) Route: Base11'10Ji.ma

    Reassembly l..rea(33 .30N - 1 3575 E )345'i:1N - 13:55 ' 5E (Depl!ll-t.w;e Poilll..).351 6]ON - l3601E (IP)

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc



    Target3520N - 1371011:3437N - 13717EIw o JimaBase(e) Alti~udo of attack: 1 5 , 0 0 0 fOG~.(:r) Bomb load: 500 1b GP's fused instantaneoUB nose andnon-def.ay tail.(g) Time Control: Pass departure point at D Hour plUB 24

    min.() lutitude enroute: 2 , 0 0 0 - 2 , 8 0 0 and 6 fOOO - 6,800 f e e t.0..) Method of attack: Column of squadrons.

    b. 73rd W i n g:(1) Target:' Primary Visual and Radar- - 90.25 - 3 132 - Osaka ll.I'm::;

    Arsenal.(a) M P I FORCE

    1 2 1 1 0 6 :3 Gr9upe118112 1 Group:'(b) Reference: X XI B orn C om Litho-Mosaic 90.25 Urban.(0) Rbute: Base

    1wo JimaReassembly Area (3315N - 13425E)3357N-- 13443E (Departure Point)3416N - 13504E (rr)Target3441N - 13545EIw o Jir.JaB

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    (a) M P I033063


    c :: li' f' 1 = 1 '. - :; : " ,SECR-ET------FIEL D O ODER N UM BER 90 CON 'I'IN UID

    (d) Altitude o f attack: 15,000 feet.(e) BomblOlld~ 4,000 lb leis fused instantaneous nose and

    non-delay tai 1.(f) Time Control: Pass departure point at D Hour plus 30

    min.(2) Target: Primary Visual and Radar Terget 90.20 - 1729.

    2 G r o u p s(b) Referenc e: XXI Born ComLitho-Mosaic 90.20 - 194(c) Route: BaseI'wo JiIDaReassembly Area (3320N - 13605E)345BN - 13555E (Departure Point)

    3509N - 13606E ( I P )Tl!rr,etRight Turn3438N - 13717EIwo JimaBaso

    Cd ) Altitude of attack: 1S,000 feet.(8) Bomb"oad: 2,000 Ib G p l s fused 1/100 nose end non--delay

    tail.(f) Time Control: Pass departure point at DHour plus 12

    min.(3) Altitu:l.e enroute: 4,000 - 4,800 and 8,000 - 8,900 feet.(4) Mothod of attack: Column of equadrons ,

    d. 314th -'ling:(1) Target I Pr:iJm,ry Visual Target No. 90.20 - 240.

    (a) WI F O R C E080078 1 G r o u p

    (b) Reference: XXIBOI;). Coo Litli.o }r.osnic "Kagamagihara Area,Kawasaki Aircraft 1'1orl

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    FIELD ORD.m NUMB:ER90 CONTINUED(2) Tar~et: Primnry Visual Target 90.25 - 197 - 241 t.tsutaF11ct6ry Na~y

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    (a) MrI060019


    '!Q.fi~:r.Fli!:I..D O RD ER N UM BE a 90 CO NT IN UE D

    (c) Route: BaselYlo JimaRcnssembly Area (3358N - 13616E):3 45BN - 13555E (Dep.U'tUl'9 Point):3509N - 13606E ( IF )TargetRight Turn343SN - 13717EIwo JimaBase

    (d) AUitu:l.e of attack: 19,000 feet.(e) Bomb"load: 500 1b GP's fused 1/40 nose and non-delay

    tail . .(f) ' N . . r n a Control: I'assee Departure. point at D Hour plus

    8 m i n.(5) A1titwG enroute: 5,000 - 5,800 and 9~OOO- 9,800 feet.(6) Method of attack: Column of squadrons.

    e. 315th tlTing:l'ri.ma.ry Visunl

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc



    a. (1) XXIBomComSOl and SOP for striko.roports, contact reportsa n d IFF procedures.(2) Each flight squadron will be equipped to barr-age ja.nm theregion 190-210 megllcycle a,(3) Observntions of the extent and relinbility of tho barrage

    will be made whilo over the target,(4) Spot jammine will bo conducted over the frequency ranges180-190 and 210-2.20 Jregc:cyc1es, as desired by the winEfRCMofficer ~nd as governed by the c~~.bility of each w i n g.(5) Jammer-a will be kept in operation ... nil t Imes when closerthan 50 miles to Honshu, and will be turned off at allother times, except for preflieht nnd postflight frequencychecks which are to be made on the Braund v.hile the jammers

    are installed in the airplnnes.a ~ 1 / ~ ~. o J j '~N1OOMERYI ~/OPNS

    DISTRIBUTION: 2 J: a Wing


  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc




    Amendment Number 1, Field Orders Number 90.Change target 273A in paragraph 2 to read~ 263A.Change target number in paragraph 3d (2) to read:

    SEl lREI 'Auth: co XXI~Init1als:/t:7. c . . . :D a t e : 2 9 J u n e 1 9 4 5X X I B C f f i E R C OM M A N DG U A M29 J u n e 1945 - llOOK

    (2) Frimary visual target: 90.20 - 197/241, ATSUTA FACTORY,N A G O Y A ARSENAL,N IP P O N V E H I C L E CO.BY COMMANDF MAJORGll i: !! :RAL LeMAY:

    A V I K IS SNER :Brigadier General, USAChief of Staff

    OFFICIAL:/' 'F" ...:....... R. ( .. ////"1/',JOHNB M O N T G O J l 6 < R Y /Colonel, G , S . C .D C/S, Operations

    o ISTRIBUTION:2 - CG, 58th Bomb Wing2 ... CG, 73rd Bonb Wing2 - CG, 31.3th Bomb Wing2 - eG; 314th BombWine2 - CG, 315th Bonb I"iing1-CG, VII Fighter Comd (CTG 93.4)1 - CO, 3rd Photo Recon Sq(;, - A-3 Tactics, XXI BC1-Historian, XXI BC2 - 33rd SCUJ XXI Be1 - C o m m u n i c a t i o n s J X X I Be1 DAS; XXI BC2 OIU, XXI Be1 A-2 Reportinc, XXI BC4 A-2, XXI BC 486/1

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc



    COMGENBOlfrG 73COMGENBO],f.' iG 313CQMGENBOM"lG 314 Date

    . . B : ! 1 :By Auth of CG XXI BC


    FIEID ORDERUMBER 921. Qnitted.2, The XXI Bomber Commandattacks target 90.32 - 672 employing 36 air-craft of the 3l5th BombVling,3. a. Qnitted.

    b. Omitted.c. Omitted.

    e. 3l5th W i n g ;(1) Primary Target: 90.32 - 672, Kudomatso Plant of NipponOil Co,

    d. Omitted.

    (a) MPI Force Required048016 36 A/e (315th Wing)

    (b) Reference: XXIBomComLitho-Mosaic Tokuyama.Approach.(2) Route:

    BaseIwo J:ina3255N - l3205E3334N - 13126E (IP)Target330l30N - 13306EIwo Jim:tBase

    (3) Altitude of Attack: 15,000 feet to 16,000 feet,(4) BombLoad: 500 Ib GP1s fused 1/10 nose, 1/100 tall.,(5) Altitudes Ehroute to Target: 5;000 feet to 5;800 i,'eet.

    7,000 fect to 7,800 feet.(6) Methcd of Attack: By individual aircraft employing directsynchronous radar bombiilg. Strike will be compressed into

    shortest t i m e practical.(7) D-Day"nd Zero Hour: 29173DK.


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    I ~ ' L . . ' .


    x. Omitted.4. a. No change.

    b'. Tactical Mission Number 238.5. a. XXIBomComSOl and SOPfor strike reports, contact reports, andIFF procedure.

    ,~"'i , .' -r:r-. j , . , . . . . ' r: '''''. .' . !.,_.j(:; . I'"L/i: t-/ , I . J 'fPMONTGOlr. y .D / O P N SDISTRIBUTION: 2 ea wg .

    SECRET. _ - _ .. _

    K I S f . W 1 ! RC O MG mB QM C (}.{ 21

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    FROM: C O M G E : t . . T J 3 0 M C O M 21 ~~!!1B y Auth of C G X X I B CW/~~,L/ Y J -~~XU BOMBER COMM {INDGUAM1200K 2 July 1945

    TO: C O M G E N B O M W G 3 1 5CCMGENBoMVm 5 8COMGE.~01.mG 7 3COHGENB01{l !1lG 31.3COHGENBOUG 314C03RD PHOTO


    FIE ID O RD ER N UM 3F.R 9.4.. .1. Omitted.2. The XXI Born Com attacks target number 90.25-1764.1 the Maruzen Oil Refin-ery ~ employine; a minimum of 36 aircrAft of the 315th DOlJbIlTing.3 . a.).)b.).) Qnitted.c.).)d. )e. The .315th\ 'f il "l (; :

    (1) Primary TarGet: Number 90.25 ~!aruzen Oil Refinery.FORCE REQU IR ED

    126093 36 Aircl'aft (~{ini.mum)(b) Reference: XXI BornCom Litho Mosaic Wakayama Area, MaruzenOil Refinery 90.25-1764.

    (2) Route: BaseIwo Jima3322N - 13403E3350N - l344430E (IF)'I'arget3 3 3 5 N - 13557EIwo JimaBase

    (3) Altitude of Attack: 15,000 to 16,000 feet.(4 ) BOIID Load: 500 Lb GP's fused 1/40 nose an d non delay tail withminimum intervalometer setting.(5) Altitude Enroute: 5000-5BOO.and 7000-78000 feet.(6) Method of Attack: By individual aircraft anploying direct syn-chronous radar bornb:inc.(7) D-Day and Zero-Ho.ur: 021730K.

    x, Omitted.4. a. No chal1Ge.

    b. Tactical Mission Number 245.,5. XXI Born Com SOl and SOP for strike reports, contact reports and IFFprocedure.J A Mn~)y ; j~M. -MONTG(]rlERY, D/OPNBD IST R IBU T IO N : 2 aa Wing .

    K I S S NERC ( 1fG ENBOMCO l{ 2 1

    4 5 9 / 1

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    5 7 . .1\I.~.a.19t.i~

  • 8/6/2019 21st Bomber Command Tactical Mission Report 232etc


    Copy No.1234 ...6~9101112131 41 51 61 71 81920212223 242 526 272 8 -29 - 33343536373 8 - 6 168 - 6 970

    7 172737 47 576777879 - 80


    CommandingGeneral ~ A r n w Air ForoesCommandingGeneral; U.S. Army Strategic Air Foroes (Rear'CommandingGeneral. U.S. A r t r z y - Strategic Air Forces (GuaDl)Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Strategic 'Air Foroes (GuaDl.)CommandingGeneral; Twentieth Air ForceCommandingGeneral; Eighth Air Force'(Okinawa)COllllllanderin Chief. U.S. Army forces. PacificChief of Naval Opetations. O P - 1 6 - VCommanderin Chief; Pacifi cFleet (.Adv Hq)Commanderin Chief,' Pacific Fleet CRear Hq)Commander'Air Force. Pacific FleetComnanier ~ Thil'd FleetCommander; Fifth FleetCommander; First Ca,J:'rier Task ForceCommander. MarianasCommandingGeneral,; U.S:. Army Forces, 'Middle PacificConunandingGenel'al' Allied ,Air FOrC61? SWPACommanding General; .Far East Air ForcesCommmding General; U.S., Strategic Air Forces in EuropeCommandingGeneral~ Mediterranean Allied Air ForcesCommandingGeneral; Fifteenth Air ForceComnarding General; Seven.th Air ForceCommardng General; VII Bomber CommandCommanHngGeneral~ VII Fighter CommamCommanding General; Eleventh Air ForceCommanding'General, 30Ist Fig~ter WingCommandHq, Allied Air Forces. S~A'

    A T T N : Senior Intelligence articer, 'R.A.A.F.Commander in Chief. UoS., Army Forces, PacificXf'11N: G-2' (For Sect ion 22. ROM )Offi cer in Charge. Joint Intelligence CenterPacific Ocean AreasCommandingGeneral, ~ny Air ForcesATTN: A C / . 1 l . . S IntelligenceConmandil.g General, Army Air ForcesATTN:A\;/..IS, Intelligence. Collection DivisionCommandi"g General, U.S. Army Strategic Air Forces (Guam)ATTN: InteIIigeDceConmroding General, U.S,. Army Strategic Air Forces (Guam)~~N: CommunicationsFOR: Counter Measures Air Analysis CenterCommanding Officer, TV7entieth A ir Force L e a d Crew SchoolBrigadier General, H.S... Hansell, Jr.Chief of Staf'f. Twentieth Air ForceDeputy ejs. Opus. Twentieth Air ForceACof S, ,,1-2, 'I\7entieth Air ForceChemical Warfare' Officer, T>orentieth .Air ForcE'Ordnance Offi.cer, TWentieth Air ForceDirector of Tactics, A-3. T1.ventieth Air For~bHistorical Officer. Twentieth Air Force

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    8182838485868788899091S {29394959 69798991001$11021031041051061071081091101 1 11 1 21 1 31 1 4 -1 1 5116117 - 130

    Commanding General; 58th Blilmbarment WingC~ding General; 73rd Bombardment wingComma.nd.ng Genera,l; 313t h B0l!Ibardment WingCommanding General; 314th Bombardment 'lingCommanding General; 3l5th Bombardment l1ingCotmnandng Officer; 3rd Photo Reconnaissance SqCommanding Officer; 41st ~ioto Reconnaissance SqCommaniing Officer, 55th Recoanaresanee Sq, long RaI\$e:'leatherComm~nding Officer, TWentieth Air Force Combat stagingCenter (Provisional)Commanding Officer; 33rd Statistical Control UnitCommanding Officer~ 6th Bomb Gxoup (VB)Commanding Officer; 9th Bomb Group (VB)Cornmanding Officer; 16th Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer~ 19th Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer; 29th Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer; 39th .Bomb Group (VH)Commanding ()fficer~ 40th Bomb Group (VB)C~nmanding Officer; 330th BombGroup (VH)Commanding otficer; 331st BombGroup (VH)Commanding Officer; 444th Bomb Group (VH)Gormnanding Officer; 462nd Bomb Group (VE)Commanding Qfficer~ 468th Bomb Group (Va)Commanding Officer; 497th Bomb Group (VIi)Commanding Officer; 498th Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer; 499th Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer', 500th Bomb Grouj) (VH)Commanding Officer; 501st BombGroup (VH)Commanding Officer; 502nd Bomb Group (\lH)Commanding Officer; 504-~h Bomb Group (VH)Commanding Officer; 505th Bomb Group (VB)Commanding Drficer ~ 509th Composite GroupCommandi.ng Officer~ 15th Fighter Group ('Vrn)Commahd.i:ngOfficer; 21st Fighter Group (VIR)Commanding Officer; 44th Fighter (h~oup (VLR)Commanding Officer, '5061;h Fighter Group (VLR)Reporting Uqit; A-2; Twentieth Air Force (File Copy)Reporting Unit, A - 2 , Tvle~tieth Air Force