6 augustus / august 2015 jr/yr no. 30

LYDENBURG - TEL: 013 235 4112 Cnr. Voortrekker & Rensburg Str, Lydenburg T&Cs apply. Served grilled or fried. While stocks last. Tableware not included. Coca-Cola, the Dynamic Ribbon Device and Coke are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company © 2015 *T&Cs apply. LYDENBURG - TEL: 013 235 4226 Cnr. Voortrekker & Rensburg Str, Lydenburg LYDENBURG - TEL: 013 235 4226 Cnr. Voortrekker & Rensburg Str, Lydenburg Braai-Fees 8 Augustus 2015 @15h00 R220 per persoon Braai-Fees 8 Augustus 2015 @15h00 R220 per persoon Bespreek nou by Fred Swanepoel Tel: 013 235 8910 Cell: 084 381 4552 Bespreek nou by Fred Swanepoel Tel: 013 235 8910 Cell: 084 381 4552 www.hopshollow.com Eet soveel soos wat jy kan, uitgesluit drank & koeldranke / geen wegneem etes nie Eet soveel soos wat jy kan, uitgesluit drank & koeldranke / geen wegneem etes nie Robbers still at large family was attacked by five alleged robbers earlier this week at gunpoint. At about 04:00 on Monday Amorning five robbers entered the family’s home in a quiet suburb of Lydenburg. According to the SAPS they were all wearing ski masks. They demanded entry to the safe. They stole an undisclosed amount of money, cell phones and a licenced firearm from the home owners. The family volunteered information which keys were for the gate and their car. When the robbers fled they bumped into a security firm that was already on the scene. They managed to escape but abandoned the blue Mercedes in Rivier Street, Lydenburg. The robbers are still at large. Please phone Sgt E. Magoa at 072 490 0723 if there is any information about this incident or the local police station at 013 235 2222. ~ Michelle Boshoff ROOT gedeeltes van Lydenburg (area rondom hospitaal), Sterkspruitplotte G en Mashishing het gebuk gegaan onder slegte waterdruk en / of geen water nie, die afgelope week. Donderdag is ’n waterinspekteur van Nelspruit ingeroep om die groot lek reg te maak. Weens swak sigbaarheid laat Donderdagmiddag en die baie modder is die herstel noodgedwonge uitgestel na Vrydag. Thaba Chweu het egter wel die hele week aan die probleem gewerk en probeer om die lek op te los. Raadslid Markus Mashego het Vrydag die toneel besoek en lank saam met ’n inwoner die probleem met die waterinspekteur bespreek. Hy het uit sy pad gegaan om hulp aan te bied. Water het reeds meer as ’n week gelede uitgestroom naby die Lydenburg Hospitaal. Die gebrek aan water is ’n gereelde gesig in Lydenburg. Mense word geforseer om bottels water te koop... diegene wat dit nie kan bekostig nie moet wag tot ’n watertrok ‘miskien’ naby hul huis is. Ook privaat fone van TCM amptenare het dag en nag gelui. Teen Dinsdag was daar steeds dele wat min / geen water gehad het nie! ~ Michelle Boshoff

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6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30


Page 1: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30

LYDENBURG - TEL: 013 235 4112Cnr. Voortrekker & Rensburg Str,


T&Cs apply. Served grilled or fried. While stocks last. Tableware not included. Coca-Cola, the Dynamic Ribbon

Device and Coke are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company © 2015*T&Cs apply.

LYDENBURG - TEL: 013 235 4226Cnr. Voortrekker & Rensburg Str, Lydenburg

LYDENBURG - TEL: 013 235 4226Cnr. Voortrekker & Rensburg Str, LydenburgBraai-Fees

8 Augustus 2015@15h00R220 per persoon

Braai-Fees 8 Augustus 2015@15h00R220 per persoon

Bespreek nou by Fred SwanepoelTel: 013 235 8910 Cell: 084 381 4552 Bespreek nou by Fred Swanepoel

Tel: 013 235 8910 Cell: 084 381 4552


Eet soveel soos wat jy kan,uitgesluit drank &

koeldranke / geen wegneemetes nie

Eet soveel soos wat jy kan,uitgesluit drank &

koeldranke / geen wegneemetes nie

Robbersstill atlarge

family was attacked by five alleged robbers earlier this week at gunpoint. At about 04:00 on Monday Amorning five robbers entered the family’s home in a

quiet suburb of Lydenburg. According to the SAPS they were all wearing ski masks. They demanded entry to the safe. They stole an undisclosed amount of money, cell phones and a licenced firearm from the home owners. The family volunteered information which keys were for the gate and their car. When the robbers fled they bumped into a security firm that was already on the scene. They managed to escape but abandoned the blue Mercedes in Rivier Street, Lydenburg. The robbers are still at large. Please phone Sgt E. Magoa at 072 490 0723 if there is any information about this incident or the local police station at 013 235 2222. ~ Michelle Boshoff

R O O T g e d e e l t e s v a n Lydenburg (area rondom hospitaal), Sterkspruitplotte G

en Mashishing het gebuk gegaan onder slegte waterdruk en / of geen water nie, die afgelope week. Donderdag is ’n waterinspekteur van Nelspruit ingeroep om die groot lek reg te maak. Weens swak sigbaarheid laat Donderdagmiddag en die baie modder is die herstel noodgedwonge uitgestel na Vrydag. Thaba Chweu het egter wel die hele week aan die probleem gewerk en probeer om die lek op te los. Raadslid Markus Mashego het Vrydag die toneel besoek en lank saam met ’n inwoner die probleem met die waterinspekteur bespreek. Hy het uit sy pad gegaan om hulp aan te bied. Water het reeds meer as ’n week gelede uitgestroom naby die Lydenburg Hospitaal. Die gebrek aan water is ’n gereelde gesig in Lydenburg. Mense word geforseer om bottels water te koop... diegene wat dit nie kan bekostig nie moet wag tot ’n watertrok ‘miskien’ naby hul huis is. Ook privaat fone van TCM amptenare het dag en nag gelui. Teen Dinsdag was daar steeds dele wat min / geen water gehad het nie! ~ Michelle Boshoff

Page 2: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30

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THE African National Congress (ANC) in Mpumalanga has axed four mayors and suspended a member of its provincial executive committee.Emalahleni mayor Salome Sithole, Lekwa mayor Caroline Morajane, Dr JS Moroka mayor Tiny Mthimunye and Thaba Chweu mayor Bafana Ncongwane had all been recalled, the ANC in Mpumalanga said on Tuesday.Emalahleni, Lekwa and Thaba Chweu were reportedly among municipalities to which Eskom had threatened to cut off services. The local councils were said to be poorly run and failing to deliver services.The party's provincial executive committee took the decision at a meeting on Monday.

As local elections loom, the party is stepping up its efforts to improve its image at local government level where it has been most vulnerable. The party has identified 23 problematic municipalities.The poor conduct of councillors and indecisiveness in dealing with corruption were identified as further problems.The axed mayors were replaced by Lindiwe Ntshalintshali in Emalahleni, Linda Dlamini in Lekwa, Rhoda Mathabe in Moroka and Selina Mashego in Thaba Chweu.The ANC also suspended provincial executive committee member Peter Nyonini, who organised a protest march against the party's Mpumalanga leadership.

Local councils were said to be poorly run and failing to deliver services

Thaba Chweu under new leadership

DOUGLAS Vosloo is 'n ou Lydenburger en het in 1984 matriek geskryf. Hy het sy opleiding in Kroonstad ontvang en is tans werksaam by Barberton Gevangenisdiens.In April 2013 het hy erge maagpyn ervaar en sy blindederm is verwyder. In Februarie 2015 het Douglas egter weer 'n onverklaarbare pyn in sy regtersy ervaar en dokter het besluit om verdere toetse te doen. Hy is met Kolonkanker fase 2 gediagnoseer wat beteken die kanker het versprei na sy lewer.Douglas is opgeneem in Medikliniek Nelspruit en 20cm van sy kolon is verwyder. Die onkoloog het ook vasgestel dat Douglas kolonkanker stadium 4 het en daar is besluit dat hy Erbitux samelopend met Folfiri as behandeling moet ontvang wat kan keer dat die kanker verder versprei. Douglas benodig 9 behandelings wat elk R26 000 beloop. Douglas het reeds 6 behandelings ontvang en die Erbitux het gewerk. Op die 20ste Julie het die uitslag van die scan gewys dat die kanker op sy lewer met 70% gekrimp het. Daar is egter 'n groot behoefte aan fondse aangesien die laaste 4 behandelings eers betaal moet word voor die Erbitux bestel kan word.Du Toit Smuts en Matthews Phosa Prokureurs

Staan saam vir kankerpasiëntstaan die familie by en het 'n rekening geopen waar fondse inbetaal word en rekeninge dan so betaal word. Leerlinge van Hoërskool Lydenburg wat kaartjies verkoop kom in aanmerking vir groot pryse met twee fondsinsamelings: 'n Sony Playstation 4; Zipline kaartjies vir 2 persone; Spandeer 'n uur en 'n half met 'n olifant deur hom te voer en met hom te gaan stap; 'n Naweek by Elephant-house vir 10 persone op Marlothpark ter waarde van R6 000; Kontantpryse ter waarde van R500, R300 en R150; Trekking vind plaas op Woensdag die 9de September 2015.Op Vrydag 11 September 2015 kom Juanita du rg

Plessis by Hoërskool Lydenburg optree en kaartjies sal vanaf 17de Augustus beskikbaar wees om te koop. Graag wil ons vir Gert Landsberg van LDR en Corjan Mulder van Redlum Rekenmeesters bedank vir hul borg vir Juanita se optrede.Ons kort egter nog een borg om hierdie aand 'n sukses te maak en as u kans sien om ons te help, kontak asb vir Marinda Vosloo op 084 587 3105.Hou dus 9 September en 11 September oop en ondersteun die familie in hul poging om te help betaal vir die behandelings.• Lees die Highlands Panorama Nuus vir meer inligting nader aan die datum. ~ RED

Page 3: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30


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The Executive Mayor of Thaba Chweu Local Municipality, Honourable Cllr S Mashego acceptance address:It is indeed a big privilege, honour and a very great responsibility to take this call, and I will do it with everything I have to the best of my ability for my party, my people, municipality and community at large.Let me take this opportunity to thank all capable comrades in the council and in the ANC for their equal strength for this responsibility and task. This does not make me bigger than anyone of you comrades, but your partner. We should all strive for one common goal which is political stability, working relationship with the administration above all service delivery should be our primary priority… read moreLet me make a commitment that I understand the big task that lies ahead of us to ensure that as the ruling party within the local government space, we realise the hopes and aspiration of our electorate, our people of Thaba Chweu who put us in government to work for them. I am here to try my

utmost best to achieve and restore the hopes of the people of Thaba Chweu.Madam Speaker this change today I understand is to accelerate the programme that the ANC has put in place to address the day to day services delivery issues of our people in Thaba Chweu e

Local Municipality, to improve our people's livelihood especially poor people and also old people, our vulnerable groups, young women and our disabled members of the communityThis change must be about the acceleration of the development agenda that will assist in addressing the pressing and urgent issues of triple challenge which is unemployment, poverty and inequality and bring better lives to our people.I thank the outgoing Executive Mayor for the guidance of your leadership. I take this baton with the application of what he have started and accomplished so far. There is still a lot of work to be done for our people.

Service delivery has become more urgent than before, batho ba rena ba nyaka ditirelo, ba nyaka mmereko, gape le mnotho. Madam Speaker our people want economic opportunities, economy in our towns, townships, rural areas and farm areas need better roads and better services.Our people of Thaba Chweu needs access to electricity and energy sources. And I know they want all these services now and today.I humbly now invite everyone, our community, business and all other stakeholders, our elected councillors to put hands together and work hard for our people of Thaba Chweu.This task is big, and it can not be postponed anymore and we must work very hard for our communities.As I conclude Madam Speaker, let us build a nation that remains forever mindful of its history, of those who have sacrificed so much, and those who have put their lives so that we can be here today. Working together we can build better communities.

“Service delivery has become more urgent than before, batho ba

rena ba nyaka ditirelo, ba nyaka mmereko, gape le


Tel. 013 235 2287

Bel gerus met nuusbrokkies

Honourable Cllr S Mashego

Former ExecutiveMayor Cllr.

B.M. Ncongwane

Thank you for your years of service - from the Highlands

Panorama News team

Page 4: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30

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DIE skiet van die leeu Cecil deur ’n Amerikaanse tandarts het ’n stortvloed van emosionele reaksie op gesigboek en in die media ontketen en sy lewe is geruineer deur die insident. Dat growwe foute begaan is, is seker. Dat die insident die jagbedryf geweldig skade berokken het is seker. Maar ’n analise van die kommentaar is meer ontstellend. Emosionele groenes wat jag wil verban en ’n pleistertjie op elke diertjie wil plak redeneer totaal sonder insig en ’n begrip van natuurbewaring. Ek praat die

insident nie goed nie. Sedert 1960 het natuurbewaring sekere beleid en regulasies in plek geplaas wat gemaak het dat wildbewaring hier suksesvoller is as op enige ander plek ter wêreld. Hoekom? Omdat natuurbewaarders die beginsel van eienaarskap, ekonomiese realiteite en behoorlike wetgewing verstaan. Mense pas net iets op wat waarde het en benut word. Die wildbedryf met sy gepaardgaande teelprogramme, jagpakette, benutting, habitatbeskerming en werkskepping is miljoene werd. Mak diere soos beeste sterf nie uit nie, omdat hulle waarde het en geëet word . Behoor l i ke regu le r i ng hou natuurbewaring min of meer op koers. Mens moet dus voordat jy jammergat kommentaar lewer, die hele saak as geheel beskou en die

bewyse van suksesvolle bewaringsbeginsels goed bestudeer. Dat die leeu geval ’n fout was is gewis, maar niemand praat oor duisende mense wat uitgemoor word nie. Hoe nou?Die geldmotief en gierigheid by wild kan baie maklik te ver gevoer word, maar dit is in alle misdaad die dryfveer. Dit is waarom daar wetgewing is. Elkeen kan nie maak soos hy wil nie, maar tensy ons die waarde van die bedryf erken en aanvaar, het ons nie ’n kat se kans op suksesvolle bewaring nie. Dit is soos die forelbedryf. Omdat dit uitheems is moet dit vernietig word. Wat ’n pot nonsens! Behoorlik gereguleer, het forelboere meer vir rivierbewaring gedoen as meeste ander pogings van bewaringsgroepe. Die renoster en olifant stropery sal voortgaan totdat mense die diere teel en wettig met hulle handel dryf. Wetgewing, permitstelsels en justisie moet die teenwigte verleen saam met handel. Ek weet, want ek ken die bedryf!

DIE musikante van Lydenburg en omgewing word uitgenooi om op Saterdag 15 Augustus om 10 uur by The MUSIC Shop in Lydenburg te kom optree.Registrasie is R10 en die musikant moet sy eie musiekinstrument bring, hy/sy of 'n 'band" mag hulle hoed op die vloer sit en as die toeskouers daarvan hou kan hulle 'n fooitjie in gooi. Ons sal die klank voorsien.Toeskouers is baie welkom, hulle kan 'n stoel saam bring en 'n fooitjie vir die musikant wat hulle hartsnare roer. Navrae: The Music Shop: Johan 013 235 0115.

Andre Pretorius skryf: Ons geliefde Munisipaliteit wat alles verkeerd kry, en ons goeie en goedgesinde inwoners wat maar vir hierdie dienste betaal en sorg dat die onopgeleide regstellende houers van al die posisies betaal word, stiptelik elke maand.'n Munisipaliteit wat gereelde betalers van dienste dreig om aan te hou betaal of hulle krag en water word afgesit.Wat in een maand twee rekeninge uitstuur wat mekaar weerspreek. Probeer bel of gaan in persoon om navraag te doen en niemand is beskikbaar nie, telefone word ook nie beantwoord nie.Dan is hulle so gaaf is om 'n veldtog te loods wat die wanbetaler tegemoet te kom en hom 50% afslag te gee as hy betaal. (Hulle is so gaaf, dit dryf my tot trane).Ontslaan die burgemeester en die volgende kandidaat vat dieselfde dag oor.Ons grondstrate word ontsier met stukke teer wat oral uitsteek.Ek moet elke nou en dan my kerse uitblaas of my “geni” afsit omdat die krag onverwags aankom vir 'n paar ure en alles ontwrig.Net sodra ek op pad is om water te gaan skep by die rivier of water te gaan koop, dan beneuk hulle alles en maak die water oop vir ’n uur of twee.Nou blok my dreins omdat die water toevoer nie genoeg is nie, en dan is daar nie 'n loodgieter of iemand op bystand om te help nie, want “It is inside your yard, it is not our jurisdiction” (ook net antwoord gekry omdat ek die persoon op sy persoonlike selfoon gebel het).Ons het 'n v ierbaan hoofst raat (Voortrekker, vanaf Mcgees tot Spaar o' Rama) maar slegs 2 bane is rybaar.Party motoriste ry soos hulle wil en oortree al wat verkeersreël is, waarom? Want die verkeersdepartement is disfunksioneel, soos die res van die spul. (Sien hulle nooit, behalwe so nou en dan by 'n spoedlokval, altyd op dieselfde plek).Vra hulle om 'n spoedhobbel te gooi voor my huis waar mense soos maniake jaag, dan word gesê, “we heaven got maanie, do it and pay by yourself” Wat van die wetlike implikasies as iemand oor die hobbel jaag en 'n ongeluk maak. “Because I paid for it by myself” Wat van sigbare polisiëring deur die “Onsigbare Ridders van die koeltebome”? Ons Munisipaliteit is totaal en al disfunksioneel, en ons aanvaar dit maar net, omdat en ’n disfunksionele regering gesê het ons moet, en omdat 'n disfunksionele meerderheid hul le ingestem het.

Musikante uitgenooi

Dié baie mooi mannetjieskat is by

Longtom Diere Kliniek beskikbaar vir

aanneming. Hy is jonk en baie vriendelik. As jy belangstel kontak

asseblief vir dr. Marietjie Malan by die kliniek 071 285 8122.

’n Ware dame, bekend vir haar azalias is op 25 Julie oorlede. Sy en haar man, mnr. Noel Jones het die pragtige azaliaplaas op die Badfonteinpad bedryf en mense het van heinde en verre dit besoek. Sy was bekend in die Laeveld vir die pragtige azalias wat sy gekweek het. Haar roudiens het vanuit die Anglican Church plaasgevind.Sy laat haar man na, kinders, k l e i n k i n d e r s e n agterkleinkinders na.

Psalm 133:(1) Hoe goed, hoe mooi is dit as broers eensgesind saam woon! ... (3) ... Waar broers so saam woon, skenk die Here sy seën: ’n lang, lang lewe.Vader gee dat ons soos ware broers eensgesind sal wees.

Vroue se lot en dit wat hulle bereik het staan kiertsregop in ons bewussyn hierdie maand. Dis 'n emosionele saak. Hier en daar kan vroue en dogters vandag name noem wat bekendheid verwerf het. Maar op die vooraand van Nasionale Vrouedag moet ons daardie name weer in aanskou neem. Daarom is 'Hoorhierso' hierdie week dalk meer formeel. Maar Die Uwe het uit verskeie bronne op die internet 'n rubriek saamgestel as geskiedkundige-lepel waarvan almal 'n happie kan vat.In die Bybel kan mens vroue soos Rut en Naomi, Hanna, Ester, Debora, Rispa en Abigajil uitsonder. Abigajil was die vrou van Nabal, 'n baie ryk man. Volgens die Bybel was hy 'n regte korrelkop en onbeskof, maar sy vrou het 'n goeie verstand gehad en sy was mooi... Deur die eeue het vroue groot rolle in verskeie lande gespeel. In Antjie Krog se gedig "Die leeu en die roos" in Otters in bronslaai) word daar gedig dat die trekkers eerder "kaalvoet oor die Drakensberge" sou trek as om onder die Britse juk te staan.

Otters in bronslaai, Antjie Krog:“met hulle is ek:

al die maaier-ma's di.-oggende by die babakliniekal die ma's op hul knieë voor die kinderbiblioteekrak

al die ma's wat sondae verkreukel uit die babakamer komal die ma's wat saans voor die noodapteek wag

al die ma's wat "gebak" skool toe moet stuural die ma's wat uitvind NIKS haal doekvlekke uit behalwe jik nie

al die ma's wat hul arms teen oonddeure brandal die ma's wat nie hul kinders sonder 'n bediende kan grootmaak

nieal die ma's wie se kinders hakkel of bednatmaak

al die ma's wat skoondogters en lamlendig isuit hierdie vrouens is nie eens kinders te maak nie

en godweet, ook nie poësie nie.In die Eerste Afrikaanse Taalbeweging het Di Patriot nie vroueskryfwerk verwelkom nie. Eers 'n jaar later, na die ontstaan van Ons Klyntji, is daar na vrouelesers van die blad verwys. Die groot rol wat vroue in die Anglo-Boereoorlog gespeel het, het wel erkenning ontvang. In kampdagboeke skryf vroue oor hul kamplewe. Enkele uitsonderinge was dinamiese vroue soos Marie Koopmans de Wet en ML Rompel-Koopman. Die vrou is egter primêr gesien as gesinsmoeder, opvoeder en volkshoeder, in diens van volk en vaderland. Die eerste feministiese boek: Vrou en feminist –deur Marie du Toit (dogter van SJ du Toit en suster van Totius) het in 1921 verskyn en MER het vroeg in die 20ste eeu feministiese idees geopper. Met die Taalkonferensie van 1911 was dit vrouestudente wat besluit het dat die brabbeltaal van Engels/Nederlands/Afrikaans wat die vrouestudente op Stellenbosch praat, voortaan vervang moet word met suiwer Afrikaans. Bekende studente soos Anna Neethling-Pohl in die twintigerjare, Ina Rousseau en Berta Smit in die veertigerjare, Rykie van Reenen en Elize Lindes (Botha) sou 'n baie belangrike rol speel.Tydskrifte soos Die Boerevrou (1919) en later Rooi Rose en Sarie Marais het baie daartoe bygedra om vroue "mondig" te maak, asook skrywers en joernaliste soos die invloedryke MER (Maria Elizabeth Rothmann) en Audrey Blignault (laasgenoemde het onder andere baie gedoen om 'n leeskultuur te vestig deur die oprigting van leeskringe aan te moedig).

Onselfsugtigheid teen wil en dank is dikwels vroue se lot. Bekende digter Totius het oor vroue se opoffering gedig:

Dit put maar en sy gee maar immerdit put maar en sy weier nimmer,

net soos 'n moeder, so opreg,gee sy haar laaste druppel weg!”

Vroue hou die toekoms van 'n nasie in hul boesem, en daarvoor kan almal respek toon.

~ Deur Michelle Boshoff. Ex Libris

Page 5: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30

Fanatic about fitness

Lydenburg se NG Moedergemeente het op hul historiese gronde behoorlik basaar gehou Saterdag. Die publiek het hulle volstoom ondersteun. Dit was volop kreatiewe stalletjies - duidelik het hierdie gemeente boonop baie entrepreneurskap. ~ Michelle Boshoff

Mnr. John Roos wil graag namens

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Mnr. Ryk Greeff het hierdie voëltjie in sy tuin te Sterkspruit-plotte afgeneem. Dit is ’n Goudwewer soos hy vermoed het.

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Page 6: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30


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RYNO Jonker says his Isuzu KB 250 bakkie, with more than 720 000km on its odometer, is still as reliable as when he bought it 20 years ago.The 1995 Isuzu KB was the talk of the Windy City recently when he entered a competition run by Algoa FM radio in which listeners were asked to submit an image of their vehicle’s odometer to see who had the highest.'GOOD SERVICE, IS ALL'The Port Elizabeth businessman’s Isuzu, in use every day to carry his workers and heavy loads of equipment, had a whopping 726 838km on its clock.Jonker said: “The kilometres might be high but a good service is all the bakkie needs to keep it running smoothly. I travelled to Johannesburg twice this year without any problems or worry that I could get there and back.“My bakkie is a reliable workhorse. At any given time it can handle a load of 900kg and covers between 1000 and 1300km a week.”Jonker also owns two other Isuzu bakkies that have logged 550 000 and 430 000km respectively.He’s confident that his bakkie will soon see a million kilometres without any hassle.SIX GENERATIONSThe Isuzu KB is assembled by General Motors in Port Elizabeth. The brand won a gold Ipsos award for sales in the light commercial vehicle segments and a gold award for servicing in the segment.

Isuzu has produced six generations of product over the last 36 years in South Africa.Wheels24.co.za

ED: My own 1997 Isuzu KB 260 4x4 D/C has now done 230 000 km without any problems whatsoever. Do you have a high-distance vehicle? Send us a pic and the story to [email protected].

WHEN BMW introduced its new turbodiesel engine in the X6 M50d and the X5 M50d in South Africa, the news that the powerplant came equipped with no fewer than three turbochargers travelled quite quickly.After all, we are used to twin-turbocharged engine configurations, but three blowers seemed a bit odd. However, with outputs of 280 kW and 740 N.m from their 3,0-litre straight-six engine, the M50d models delivered impressive performance. In a CAR road test, the X6 M50d reached 100 km/h from standstill in a brisk 5,38 seconds.But, now rumours have surfaced on the Internet that BMW is working on a quad-turbo diesel engine.Set to be revealed next year, the engine could eventually be installed in the all-wheel drive, upcoming 750d xDrive (unlikely to become available in South Africa), the X5

M50d, X6 M50d and also the upcoming X7.The engine will obviously develop more power and torque than the current flagship turbodiesel engine. Expect outputs to be at least 300 kW and 800 N.m…Carmag.co.za

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THE new Toyota Fortuner has finally made its much-anticipated global debut. It clearly favours a more overt, luxurious styling but in doing so Toyota says it hasn’t lost its strength and genuine all-terrain capability.What you need to know is the second-generation seven-seater SUV based off the Hilux bakkie has been totally redesigned, with a more premium interior and a range of new engines.According to Calvyn Hamman, SVP of Sales and Marketing for Toyota South Africa Motors, the brief was simple: ‘Design a Fortuner than can compete in terms of style and aesthetics while staying true to its authentic SUV characteristics and genuine 4WD performance.’ 18-inch wheels with 265/60 rubber (standard fitment in Thailand) fill the arches well, and the tall beltline kinks up towards the rear, with black C-pillars giving the all-new SUV a ‘floating roof’ look.Toyota says ample cabin space will be complemented by superb convenience features. Innovative touches (model dependent) include a tablet-like multi-media touchscreen that allows easy operation of functions, a Smart Entry & Start system and second-row seats with one-touch operation for ease of folding. There are no fewer than 15 storage areas in the new Fortuner.

On the ride and handling front, Toyota says the Fortuner’s all-new ladder-frame chassis is bolstered by tougher cross members, side rails and suspension towers. More importantly, however, is the fact that the suspension is made up of a redesigned double wishbone (front) and a four-link suspension (rear) combination with coil springs for optimised comfort.As with the new Hilux, there are newly developed 2.4-litre (112kW/400Nm) and 2.8-litre (132kW/450Nm) diesels, supplementing the petrol variants (possibly a 123kW/245Nm 2.7-litre but official details will be disclosed closer to launch). Low-down torque has been increased, as has improved fuel efficiency, cruising range and reduced engine noise.Propping up these efficient powerplants are the newly developed six-speed automatic transmissions with more steps and optimised gear ratios to maximise engine performance. As with new Hilux, stick-shift Fortuners are equipped with the Intelligent Manual Transmission system (i-MT) supporting smooth shifting with rev matching technology.The all-new Fortuner launches in South Africa during the second quarter of 2016. Full local range and specs will be disclosed closer to the launch.Topcar.co.za

The Fortuner will get a LandCruiser-inspired centre stack framing an integrated large centre display, unlike the protruding table-like arrangement of the Hilux. It does appear as though both vehicles will feature the same new steering-wheel design however, while the central TFT screen in dash looks like it was plucked from the Lexus parts bin.Perhaps most importantly to families, the Fortuner’s seating layout will include the two third-row seats as predicted.

Cnr. Voortrekker & Viljoen Streets • [email protected] | 013 235 2371


** Total amounts shown, excluding fees and interest, excluding deposit and vehicle optional extras, when financed through FFS. Subject to credit vetting and approval.FFS Finance South Africa (Pty) Ltd, trading as Ford Credit, is an Authorised Financial Services Provider (FSP 31946) and Registerd Credit Provider (NCRCP 72).

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R136 900



ENGINE CAPACITY1.6L Diesel Common rail injection (TDCi)

Maximum power: 70kW @3800rpmMaximum torque: 200Nm @ 1750rpm


FUEL ECONOMY:3.6l/100km* with CO2 emissions of 95g/km

*The declared fuel consumption and CO2 emission figures were achieved during

technical laboratory testing in accordance with the legislated technical specifications (SANS 20101: 2006 / ECE R101: 2005).

Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions figures are used to compare different vehicle types under

uniform conditions and are not necessarily indicative of real-life driving conditions. Note that the actual

fuel consumption and emissions levels will depend on many factors including your individual

driving habits, prevailing conditions andyour vehicle’s equipment, condition and use. Combined cycle quoted.


• Power windows• Power, heated mirrors• Radio/CD with 6speakers• Heated rear window

• Steering wheel mountedaudio controls• Rake & Reach AdjustableSteering• Capless refueling system

• SYNC® with Bluetooth®and Voice Control• Ford MyKey®• Air conditioning• USB/iPod®/Aux port

ENGINE CAPACITY1.4L Diesel Common rail injection (TDCi)

Maximum power: 51kW @4000rpmMaximum torque: 160Nm @ 2000rpm


FUEL ECONOMY:5.1l/100km* with CO2 emissions of 134g/km

*The declared fuel consumption and CO2 emission figures were achieved during

technical laboratory testing in accordance with the legislated technical specifications (SANS 20101: 2006 / ECE R101: 2005).

Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions figures are used to compare different vehicle types under

uniform conditions and are not necessarily indicative of real-life driving conditions. Note that the actual

fuel consumption and emissions levels will depend on many factors including your individual

driving habits, prevailing conditions andyour vehicle’s equipment, condition and use. Combined cycle quoted.


• Distance to Empty indication• Radio/CD with 2 speakers• Aux. port• Bluetooth®• Speed sensing volume• Tailgate release button on instrument panel

• Battery saver - automaticswitch off interior lighting• Radio Data System (RDS)• Heated rear window• Folding rear seatcushion – 100%

• Dual airbags• ABS with EBD• Drive away locking• Auto central unlock when ignition key is switched off• Air conditioner

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Page 8: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30

THE new Scirocco has arrived in SA with an exclusive new GTS model and more power from two new engines. The previous entry engine, 1.4 TSI 118kW has been replaced with the 2.0 TSI 132kW, while, the 2.0 TSI 155kW is now replaced with the new Golf GTI 2.0 TSI engine that delivers 162kW. The latter also gets the exclusive GTS interior and exterior trim.The 2.0 TSI with 132kW is available with a 6-speed manual transmission. Its maximum torque of 280Nm is delivered from 1 250rpm. The top speed is 227km/h and 0-100 km/h sprint is achieved in 7.4sec. Fuel consumption is 6.1l/100km.The 2.0 TSI Scirocco GTS with 162kW is mated to a 6-speed DSG transmission which accelerates it to 100kph in 6.9sec. It has a top speed of 246kph. The combined fuel consumption is still economical at 6.4l/100km.The Scirocco GTS comes equipped as standard with new 18-inch ‘Norwich’ wheels. It comes with the exterior elements of the R-Line package, R-style bumpers (at the front with integrated fog lamps and glossy black radiator and air inlet grilles), custom side sill extensions, a roof spoiler (also R-style) and a diffuser. The wing mirror caps are painted in stylish black.The interior of the Scirocco GTS is also customised with sporty black and red, and decorative inlays in the centre console, GTS badges on the sill panel mouldings, stainless steel pedals, seat covers with GTS logos on the backrest, and red stitching, and the legendary golf ball gear knob.Tech wise, the 5.8-inch Composition Media infotainment system, which is available for the first time in the Scirocco model range, is a standard feature in the Scirocco GTS. It offers functions such as Bluetooth connectivity for mobile phone and audio streaming, a proximity sensor, as well as a CD-player, USB port and MP3 functionality.Pricing: 2.0 TSI Scirocco Highline 132kW Manual R 369 9002.0 TSI Scirocco GTS 162kW DSG R 439 0002.0 TSI Scirocco R 188kW DSG R 494 200The Scirocco model range comes standard with a 5 year/90 000km Service Plan and 3 year/120 000km warranty.topcar.co.za

T’s & C’s Apply

Nissan NP200 1.5dCi now selling at

only R184 900Normal Price R203 900

Competition? What competition….?

Warranty 6yrs/150 000 km

Load capacity of 800kg

ABS Brakes

Rubberising standard

15” wheels with more ground


Lowest fuel consumption

T&C’s apply. Valid while stocks last.

Dual air bags

Serious pulling power with torque

of 200Nm @1900rpm

Biggest half-ton cabin space for tall people

Page 9: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30

LYDENBURG PORLYDENBURG R1 200 000 RENTALS3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom

apartments to rent:Starting from R4400 per


We have a wide variety of flats, townhouses and

houses for rent.

Contact: Office 013 235 2653

Anchen: 082 708 0105Bianca: 078 235 0999

Marietjie: 083 922 0675


• Flats• Townhouses• Houses• Office or Retail space

Anchen : 082 708 0105Bianca : 078 235 0999Marietjie : 083 922 0675


Well positioned 4 bedroom family home on main route.

Come and view this neat home offering open-plan kitchen with separate scullery and laundry. Added bonus is a

wendy house with water and electricity .

LYDENBURG R1 296 000 LYDENBURG R1 280 000


Be surprised at what this brand new property situated

in a upmarket area has to offer. Spacious open-plan

kitchen with scullery, leading to living area and patio with built in braai, 3bedrooms,

2bathrooms, double garage and a fair sized stand.

Contact: Office 013 235 2653

RE/MAX - 013 235 2653ANNA-MARIE: 083 960 4775

RE/MAX - 013 235 2653YVONNE: 079 290 4090

Exclusive MandateExclusive Mandate

Cases where litigation fatigue has set in: • Disputes and disagreements in family businesses.• The need to clarify, improve, evolve, restructure, end, or dissolve a business relationship.• Resolving interpersonal conflict between employees, executives or partners.• Inheritance related disputes.• Disputes affecting body corporates and home owners associations.• Disputes about wages.• Divorce disputes.Mediation has an 85% overall success rate. Unlike mediation, litigation has a winner / loser character. In mediation the parties to the dispute generate the solution and mediation has a win / win character. Add to this the fact that litigation has an uncertain outcome. In a court case the judge makes a ruling and the parties involved never know what is going to happen until the ruling is given. Mediation does not have this uncertain nature to it.Mediation settlements tend to have a higher rate of compliance than court judgements. The reason for this is:• The fact that the mediation settlement will often conclusively deal with the underlying issues and not merely the positions adopted by the parties. • Because of mediation's problem solving nature, mediation leaves parties with a sense that they have arrived at a fair outcome through a process that is conducive to the building rather than the destruction of relationships.The costs for mediation are as a rule shared on a 50 / 50 basis between the parties involved in the dispute.The fact that there are so much industrial unrest, municipal services strikes and unrest, bullying in schools, domestic violence and political unrest can be ascribed to the fact that our adjudicating system cannot cope with the demand to resolve disputes speedily.Albert Einstein once said: “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them”. At the moment most people think we can only resolve disputes through litigation or violence. Mediation is a new and innovative method that can help to lessen the burden that is put on the adjudicating system.For more information contact 013 755 3036

Massive tourism potential - can be developed into a conference venue for the mines in the region, and only a three hour drive from Johannesburg / Pretoria. A large income can be generated through hunting and cattle farming.The farm consists of the following.1 013 ha electric fenced with a further 4 x 25 ha and 1 x 50 ha electric fenced camps for Sable antelope. (Sable not included in selling price).500 ha mountain veld and 187 ha plains. 4 boreholes of which 2 are equipped with submersible pumps. Fountains on the farm.1 x 4 bedroom house, 1 x 2 bedroom house, 2 x 2 bedroom flats, big lapa and swimming pool, bar with braai area.Game on the farm: Blesbuck, Giraffe, Impala, Kudu, Waterbuck, Zebra, Nyala (not included in selling price).Price on request. Deo Volente, The Property Shop, Kerkstraat 50 Lydenburg tel 013 235 1102.

This farm is one in a million

The P p rt op ro e y Sh

Tel: (013) 235-1102, [email protected],

082 898 5272SoneVERHURINGS

www.deovolproperties.co.zaFacebook page : Deo Volente Properties

074 589 0204MariskaVERKOPE

Erich Venter : 082 904 8587Bcom Regte(UP) NQF 5

R950 0004 slkm huis met 3 badkmr, sitkamer,eetkamer, kombuis, 3 afdakke, 2 motorhuise, stoorkamer en groot erf in Lydenburg DorpR2 350 0004 slaapkmr 2 badkmr, Studeerkmr,1 sitkmr, 1 tv kmr, kombuis, opwas, ingeboude braai,onthaal area, swembad, dubbel motorh, 2 afdakke, en baie meer

R635 000 3 Slkm woonstel met 1 vol badkmr, kombuis, sitkmr, eetkmr, motorhuis,tuin in ‘n kompleks setraal geleë

* 1 Slk woonstel, 1 bdk, sitk, kombuis en m/afdak in veilige kompleks R2950 water ingesluit*2 Slk woonstel, 2 bdk, 1 m/h met klein erf R5400*3 Slk meenthuis, 2 bdk, 1 m/huis en erf R5500 *3 Slk meenthuis, 2 bdk, 1 m/h en erfie R7000*4 Slk huis met 2 bdk, tv kamer, eetkamer, kombuis, opwas, erf, Wendy huis, 3 m/huise en dubbel afdak. R8500*4 Slk huis, 1 bdk, 1 m/h en groot erf en buite geboue R7900

Page 10: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30

Dennis van Renen Building, Office 4, 48 Voortrekker St, LydenburgTel: 013-235-4575 | | www.qsrealty.co.za Like us on Facebook

• 1 Slp woonstel - R2900.00• 3 Slp woonstelle van R3800.00• 3 Slk meenthuis - R6500.00• 3 Slp meenthuis - R8800.00• 3 Slp huis in The Heads - R9500.00• 4 Slp huis in The Heads - R9500.00• Kantoorspasie vanaf R1368.00

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• 2 Slp woonstelle-• 3 Slp woonstelle-• 3 Slp huis-• Kantore vanaf • 120m² kantoor / winkel spasie-• Stoor spasie vanaf




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as one of the 3 BestEstate Agencies in Lydenburg

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Home for first time buyers in security estate. Three bedroom duplex with 2 two bathrooms,

lounge open plan kitchen with a lot of cupboards. There is a well-kept garden and double garage

plus water tank.

STEPHANIE072 155 0761


R1 200 000


R1 200 000

Available for rental- available immediately

per month. R9 000

FANIE 072 317 3959

4 spacious bedrooms all with build in cupboards, 3 baths – main and guest en-suite,

open-plan lounge, braai room and spacious family room, study area off family room, 5 auto

garages, easily would fit 10 cars and a large garden, divided into sections. Generator

switch over switch.

Substantial Family home on SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE FOR SALE

R2 650 000 This sunny spacious family home is tucked away in a well sought after area and offers generous accommodation for the extended family and offers the option to work from home. This warm north facing home is situated on a large 2855 m² plot with.

Tel/ Faks: 013 235 2622 / Eleen Nel: 082 896 3908 Dries: 082 462 7723 / Buhrmanstr 32, Lydenburg

TE HUUR:• 2 Slk woonstel - met erf• 3 Slk meenthuis, 2 badk, 2 mot, braaiarea - TE KOOP: • 3 Slk dupleks meenthuis, nuut en modern, palisade,goeie ligging - • 3 Slk woning met 2 badk, 2 mot, omhein oopplan sit/eetk/komb - • 4 Slk woning met 2 badk,ruim woonarea/komb, afdakke vir 4 mot. pragtige erf - • 5 Slk won, 3 badk, ruim sitk, oopplan eetk/kombuis/woonarea. 2 Mot met afdakke, buitekamers, braai .area, boomryke erf en baie goeie ligging -

R5 000R6 500


R1,3 milj

R2,7 milj.

Pieter Nel Attorneys: THIS is my 18th year of practising as an attorney. I am a litigating attorney. Most of my cases end up in court. In January 2015 I did the qualification course to become a mediator. Over the years practising law, I became aware that our court system cannot handle the demand that is put on the adjudicating system. Cases take too long to

become finalized, legal fees are escalating and clients are not happy about everything that is going on.After I qualified as a mediator I became aware of a process that can accommodate the needs of the clients much better than litigation can do. I found that a lot of time, stress and money could have been saved if the dispute could have been referred to

mediation much earlier, especially in the early stages of the conflict.Mediation is a decision making process in which a neutral third party, the Mediator, assists the consenting parties in a dispute to negotiate an agreed solution to their dispute. The process is confidential and without prejudice of rights. Mediation provides a safe space for the disputing parties, to arrive at a solution acceptable for both parties and the process is much more cost effective than litigation.The role of the MediatorThe Mediator helps the parties to identify areas of conflict and the issues that are important for each party involved. The mediator will assist the parties in bringing to the fore possible solutions for the effective resolution of the dispute. The Mediator assumes a neutral position viz the parties and their dispute and as such does not take sides with any of the parties involved in the process. The Mediator is neither a judge nor arbitrator in the matter and accordingly does not make binding decisions in respect of the dispute. The Mediator does not assume the role of legal advisor or representative of either of the parties. If a settlement is reached parties can seek independent legal advice before finalising any agreement reached by them.Mediation/LitigationIn studies that were done, it was found that parties to a dispute generally opt for mediation rather than litigation for the following reasons: They said that:

•They want to maintain their business association with each other; Mediation helps preserve relationships between litigants or potential litigants, which may become strained or destroyed by the adversarial nature of litigation.• They want resolutions as quickly as possible; Mediat ion faci l i tates an expeditious and cost effective resolution of disputes between litigants.• They want to prevent exorbitant legal fees. Given the current economic climate companies are increasingly considering mediation over litigation.Examples of where mediation can be effectively used to resolve disputes and differences between parties are:General commercial disputes with suppliers, customers, clients and partners. Continues on page 10

Verkope: / Verhurings - Lizelle: 060 970 9529

013 235 4890 / E-pos: [email protected]

Stephane: 072 583 1622 Leon: 060 967 1041


TE HUUR:• 3 slp/k, 2 bad/k, dubbelmotorhuis met ingeboude braai area in stil omgewing. • 3 slp/k, 2 bad/k, dubbelmotorhuis met ingeboude braai area in The Heads. Beskikbaar 1 September. • 3 slp/k, 1 bad/k, 3 motorhuise en 2 bediende kamers met burgererf. Dadelik beskikbaar.• Kantoor spasie met baie goeie ligging vanaf


• Industriele erf (3346m ) met veelsydige geboue. 2 Ingange met n huurinkomste van R25 000 p/m.

R8 500 p/m

R9 850 p/mR8 600 p/m

R2 500 p/m



Page 11: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30

6 Augustus / August 2015


G.A.PIENAAR & KIE Boekhouers en PASTEL agent. 013 235 4774

LAUNDRY/ WASSERY - A1 . 013 235 3976.

A 1 L O C K & K E Y. Centurion gate motors & remotes & security - 013 235 3976.

KWAGGA VERVOER. Vir enige vervoerwerk, 4 ton trok. Kontak Nico: 082 563 4592, Charlotte: 072 865 6424.

AK JEWELS 013 235 1075

NOODHULP? VURE? Slange? Opleiding word ook verskaf. 082 730 3047

M AT R I C FA R E W E L L photographer. Contact Lance 072 024 7923


HIGH PROTEIN diet & blood group. Lydenburg, Burgersfort, Steelpoort. 082 833 0323

CREATIVE NAIL DESIGN B Y C H R I S T E L L E - Training & Nails. 081 016 0469


S K O O N M A A K V A N MATTE, meubels, motors e n d r o o g s u i g v a n oorstroomde matte. Martie 082 951 7494

N o 1 C L E A N I N G SERVICES 072 610 5105


I.T.@Large - for all pc repairs & maintenance, updating hardware and software, virus removals, networks, call outs etc. Jacques 071 268 9211 / Pierre 079 881 1932


A T L A S P A N E E L - K L O P P E R S - Geakkrediteer. Kontak: 013 235 3423/ 082 454 8382

GS AUTO Electrical & Mechanical repairs. 013 235 3086/ 082 457 5727


I BUY VEHICLES for cash. 082 646 6735


LYDENBURG VEHICLE HIRE- car & van rentals. 013 235 1780



NODIG? Kontak LDR Pawn SHOP 074 897 9768 / 078 467 0954 / 076 483 1234 / 013 235 4843

GEELMIELIES R130/ 50kg. 076 139 7540

P A R K H O M E m e t extras.084 922 4444


PETS CORNER - 013 235 2658

DOGGY IN THE WINDOW Parlour - Rowena 083 326 0941


BRIDE TO BE Trourokke te koop of huur. Swembad Sentrum. Madelein 076 770 2954


POTCHEFSTROOM 2 s laapkamer woonste l ( M o n t S e r a t # 1 ) , grondvloer met grasperk & afdak. 1km vanaf naaste ingang na Universiteit - R620 000. Skakel 083 310 7527

PRIVAAT VERKOOP: WAT E RVA L S R I V I E R -VALLEI : Pragtig geleë klein 5.9ha plasie met 3 volledige huise, Grasdak Bachelor-rondawel, 1 x 3 Slaapkamer houthuis – word tans verhuur -1400 Nar t j iebome in vo l le p r o d u k s i e , V e r s k e i e m o t o r h u i s e e n b u i t e g e b o u e . G o e i e inkomste-potensiaal vir G a s t e h u i s o f h u u r -eiendomme. R3.6m ona. Lydenburg : Industriële e r f , n a b y G H H Mining/Obaro R460 000 ona. Lydenburg : Sentraal geleë dupleks-woonstel. O o p p l a n K o m b u i s , leefarea, 2 Slaapkamers, 2 B a d k a m e r s , Onderdakparkering. R550 000 ona. TEL : 082 294 0846 / 015 001 7006


KAMERS 079 494 4205

2 x NETJIESE, VEILIGE 1slk woonstel le. 6km buitekant Lydenburg op Dullstroompad. R3000 water, elektrisiteit asook tu ind ienste inges lu i t . R 3 0 0 0 d e p o s i t o . Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel Nico 082 072 7186

NETJIESE, VEILIGE 1slk bachelor woonstel. 6km buitekant Lydenburg op Dullstroompad. R2500 water, elektrisiteit asook tu ind ienste inges lu i t . R 2 5 0 0 d e p o s i t o . Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel Nico 082 072 7186

NETJIESE, VEILIGE 4 slk huis, 2 badk, oop-plan kombuis, sitkamer & enkel motorhuis – R7500 & elektrisieteit per meter. 6km buitekant Lydenburg op Dullstroompad. R7500 depos i to . Onmidde l ik beskikbaar. Skakel Nico

082 072 7186

1 X 3 SLK WOONSTEL met toesluit motorhuis R5000pm; 1 x 2 SLK woonstel R3500pm; 1 x 1 SLK woonstel met toesluit mo to rhu i s R2500pm. Water, ligte & veiligheids o m h e i n i n g i n g e s l u i t . S w e m b a d , l a p a & braaigeriewe 20km van L y d e n b u r g o p Ohrigstadpad. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. 082 253 4525

2 S L K W O O N S T E L Sentraal geleë. Afdak parkering. Goeie sekuriteit. R4400 p/m 082 406 7830

3 SLK , 2 leefareas, gasstoof in kombuis. ± 6km op Ohrigstadpad vanaf Lydenburg. 071 480 7138

FLATS TO RENT 1 bedroom, Lydenburg , R3200. Contact 082 460 3000

F L AT S TO R E N T 2 bedroom, including water, Lydenburg. R4400. Contact 082 460 3000

3 BEDROOM FLATS with 2 bathrooms in secure complex, Lydenburg from R4800 p/m. Contact 082 460 3000

3 B E D R O O M APARTMENTS with 2 bathrooms and garage in s e c u r e c o m p l e x , Lydenburg, R6000. Contact 082 460 3000

S H O P S T O L E T 8 Vo o r t r e k k e r s t r e e t , Lydenburg. from R5000 p /m inc lud ing water. Contact 082 460 3000

ENKEL WOONSTEL 5km op Dullstroompad. R3000, 50% deposito. 072 762 8562


DOMESTIC WORKER is looking for employment. C u r r e n t l y e m p l o y e r s leaving Lydenburg. 10 years service with this family. Has raised children and can cook for the family. Contact 071 087 0138



DAME BENODIG VIR 2de H a n d s e w i n k e l i n Lydenburg. Verk ies l ik vorige ondervinding, Graad 12 , rekenaarvaard ig . Volledige CV + bewys van kwalifikasies. Kontak 082 708 7080



Greater Tubatse Local M u n i c i p a l i t y f o r t h e amendment of the township application, Burgersfort Extension 33 and the total cancellation of the general plan of the township in terms of provisions of the To w n P l a n n i n g a n d Townships Ord inance 1986, read together with Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, 2013. The amendments to the township application m a i n l y c o n s t i t u t e a m e n d m e n t s t o t h e approved layout plan and township establishment conditions of Burgersfort Extension 33 to reflect the c u r r e n t d e v e l o p m e n t s i t u a t i o n w i t h i n t h e t o w n s h i p . T h e a f o r e m e n t i o n e d amendments necessitate the total cancellation of the general plan of Burgersfort Extension 33 in terms of Section 37 (2) of the Land Survey Act, 1997. The amended township will be known as Burgersfort Extension 91 and will consist of the following l a n d - u s e s / e r v e n ; 6 x “Residential 1”zoned erven; 6x “Residential 2” zoned erven; 3x “Business 1” z o n e d e r v e n ; 1 x “Institutional” zoned erf; 1x “Special” zoned erf for f u tu re access s t ree t purposes. Particulars of this application will lie for inspection during normal office hours at the office of the Manager, Economic Development and Land Development, 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort, for a period of 28 days from 7 August 2015. Objections to or representation in respect of the application must be lodged with or made in writing and in duplicate to the above-ment ioned address or to the applicant; Emendo Town & Regional Planners, P.O. Box 129, Polokwane, 0700. Tel: (015) 291 4331. Fax:(015) 295 2908. (not later than 17 September 2015)

KENNISGEWING VAN 'N A A N S O E K V I R D I E WYSIGING VAN DIE DORP BURGERSFORT UITBREIDING 33 EN DIE ALGEHELE ROJERING VAN DIE ALGEMENE PLAN VAN DIE DORP I N G E V O L G E D I E O R D O N N A N S I E O P DORPSBEPLANNING EN D O R P E , 1 9 8 6 (ORDONNANSIE NO 15 VAN 1986). Emendo Stads-en Streekbeplanners het 'n aansoek ingedien by G r e a t e r T u b a t s e Munisipal i te i t , v i r d ie w y s i g i n g v a n d i e dorpstigtingsaansoek vir Burgersfort Uitbreiding 33 en die totale rojering van die algemene plan van die dorp ingevolge die bepalings van d i e O r d o n a n s i e o p Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, 1986, gelees saam met die W e t o p R u i m t e l i k e B e p l a n n i n g e n Grondgebru ikbes tuu r, 2013. Die wysigings tot die do rps t i g t i ngsaansoek bestaan hoofsaalik uit w y s i g i n g s a a n d i e u i t l e g p l a n e n dorpstigtingsvoorwaardes van Burgersfort Uitbreiding 33 ten einde die huidige ontwikkelingsituasie van die dorp te reflekteer. Die voorgenoemde wysigings noodsaak die totale rojering van die algemene plan van Burgersfort Uitbreiding 33 ingevolge Artikel 37 van die Opmetingswet 1997. Die gewysigde dorp sal bekend

s taan as Burgers for t U i tb re id ing 91en sa l bestaan uit die volgende grondgebruike/erwe; 6x “Residensieel 1” soneerde erwe; 6x “Residensieel 2” s o n e e r d e e r w e ; 3 x “Besigheid 1” soneerde erwe; 1x “Institusioneel” soneerde erf; 1x “Spesiaal” s o n e e r d e e r f v i r toekomstige toegangstraat doeleindes. Besonderhede van die aansoek lê ter insae g e d u r e n d e g e w o n e kantoorure by die kantoor v a n d i e B e s t u u r d e r, Ekonomiese Ontwikkeling en Grondontwikkeling, 1 K a s t a n i a S t r a a t , Burgersfort, vir 28 dae vanaf 7 August 2015. Besware en/of vertoë ten opsigte van die aansoek moet ingedien word op skrif i n d u p l i k a a t b y d i e bovermelde adres of by die applikant; Emendo Stads-en Streekbeplanners , Posbus 129, Polokwaner, 0700. Tel:(015) 291 4331. Fax:015 295 2908 (nie later a s 1 7 S e p t e m b e r 2015.07.01


• A n g l i c a n C h u r c h Lydenburg. Sun. 08:30. Tel. 013 235 1919.• G e r e f o r m e e r d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Te l . 013 235 4391 . • H e r v o r m d e - k e r k Lydenburg. Son. 09:30 en 18:00. Tel. 013 235 3554 • M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h L y d e n b u r g : S u n d a y service 08:30, Sunday School 08:30 Tel. 013 235 2936 • NG Moeder-gemeente Lydenburg. Sondae 09:30. Tel. 013 235 3101. • NG-kerk Lydenburg Suid. Sondag 09:00. Tel. 013 235 3329. • Vol le Evangel ie-kerk. Sondae: Oggenddiens m e t k i n d e r s 1 0 : 0 0 , A a n d d i e n s 1 8 : 0 0 . W o e n s d a e 1 9 : 0 0 midweekdiens, Jeugdiens Saterdae 18:00. Tel. 013 235 2711/ 084 688 5007. Past. Andre Hanekom. • D i e G e m e e n t e v a n C h r i s t u s R e n s b u r g -s t r . 4 1 , L y d e n b u r g . W o e . 1 9 : 0 0 Biduur,Vry.19:00 jeug Sondagskool 10:00, diens Sondae 10:00 en 18:00. Pastoor Neels Barnardo 079 814 4845 • New Apostolic Church. Sun. 09:00 Wed. 19:30. Grant Roode 082 886 2934 • Rehobot Gemeente (AGS van SA). Sondae 09:30 ( k i n d e r k e r k ) , 1 8 : 0 0 (Engelse diens) Di. eugsel 19:00 Woens. sel 19:00, jeug by kerk 18:30. Vry. Jeug 18:30. Kerkkantoor: 013 235 4905. • Lewende W o o r d L y d e n b u r g .

S o n d a e 0 9 : 0 0 . Nuwekerkgebou langs Laske Nakke 013 235 2463. • Mooi Hawens Evangelisasie Sentrum ( P P K ) . W o . 1 0 : 0 0 vrouediens, biduur 19:00. Sondagskool 08:45, diens So. 10:00 en 18:00. Past. Wouter Deysel: 072 183 0004 en past. Jaco Deysel: 082 338 1570. • Lydenburg Baptist Church / Baptiste Kerk co / hv Simmond en De Souzastrate Pastor / Ds Kallie Fourie 082 9 2 8 5 0 7 5 [email protected] Sunday mornings 09:30 Sondag oggend 09:30. • Shalom Church C e n t r e . S e r v i c e s Coromandel . Sunday School 10:00, church service 11:00. Skhila Sunday School 10:00 and church service 11:00. P a s t o r J o h a n n e s Ramashala: 073 569 0635 or 073 420 7954. • A.G.S S t e e l p o o r t . Sondagoggend 09:00, aande 18:00, Woensdae selgroep 18:30. Past Beukes: 083 2918005/ kerkkantoor :087 808 5 6 0 4 . • S e w e d a g A d v e n t i s t e K e r k -S a t e r d a g o g g e n d e , M e t h o d i s t e K e r k , Burgerstraat Lydenburg. B y b e l s t u d i e 0 9 : 1 5 , erediens 11:00. Navrae 084 922 4444.• Volle E v a n g e l i e K e r k -

BEN 082 408 2798SOPHIA 076 677 7362







Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

• Tiles • Baths• Taps • Toilets

Lydenburg 087 802 7054

(Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Registered DebtCounsellor

Burgersfort 087 151 1034

082 924 9292

Venster GlasVeiligheidsglas

Aluminium RameSkuif & Stort Deure


Fanie Maritz: 082 490 9805Phillip Warricker: 082 499 5432

[email protected]

Lydenburg 013 235 1233Burgersfort 013 231 7329

• Blinds • Vinyl • Laminate • Carpets


Dr. Gustav Trümpelmann B.VScDr. Wilmar Trümpelmann B.Sc (Agric) B.VSc

Dr. Jannie Steyn B.VSc

Spreekure/ Consulting Hours:Ma-Vry / Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 17:00Sat: 09:00 - 12:00 Kantoorure: 08:00 - 17:00

De Beerstr 38, Tel: 013 235 3039 / 082 897 4966

Skakel vir afspraak/ Phone for appointment





Pallet Wendy’s3m x 3m=50003m x 4m=5500

For more info contact: Joe: 072 155 3949

We deliver [email protected]

Burgersfort . Diens Tye - 9:00 Sondae Oggende Aand Diens - Op Aanvraag Kontak - Pastoor Pieter Grundlingh 082 724 4499/ 076 533 7836 • Burgersfort AGS Gemeente, elke S o n d a g o m 0 9 : 0 0 , selgroep elke Woensdag om 18:00. Pastoor Leon Labuschagne 084 512 9046 Kerkkantoor 087 808 5604. • Lewende Waters P i n k s t e r B e d i e n i n g . Sondae, ou kerkie by

Wenakker, Kerkstraat Lydenburg.

Team member needed for Lodge in Steelpoort Area. Main Duties: Debtors – Reservations -

Reception• Must be an all-rounder with sound communication skills• Computer literate and able to learn new computer programs fast• Hospitality management will be an advantage

Email: CV and cover letter to – [email protected]

Page 12: 6 Augustus / August 2015 Jr/Yr No. 30

TEL: 013 235 1486TEL: 013 231 8008 E: [email protected]

• Minimum 3 years experience• Steelpoort/ Mpumalanga region

Email CV to [email protected] or

Fax to 086 535 1776

VACANCY - MANAGERA vacancy is available for a Manager

at a Liquor Store in Burgersfort.The ideal candidate will be a

hands-on person with the followingqualifications and attributes:

• Matric• Self motivated & hard working• Ability to function independently• Reliable, honest & responsible• Strong administrative skills• Managerial exposure will be an advantage• Knowledge of liquor industry will be an advantage• Organised approach & drive towards neatness• Good human relations• Willingness to follow set standards• Strong focus on loss control

If you meet the above requirements,e-mail your CV and a recent ID to: [email protected]

This special offert is available on a new C180, C200, C220 CDi and C250 Bluetec with optional extras. While stock lasts.Offer only available at De Wit Motors Ermelo. Agility Financing options available. Offer valid until 30 September 2015Agility Finance by Mercedes-Benz Financial Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd, an Authorised Financial Services Provider ( Licence No. 18 604) and Credit Provider (lICENCENo. NCRCP80) Vehicle specifications may vary for the South African Market. Standard with the new PremiumDrive Maintenance Plan.

Die aankondiging van Hoërskool Lydenburg se nuwe jeugraad het op Vrydag 31 Julie plaasgevind.Die ou jeugraad het op luisterryke wyse hulle verantwoordelikhede aan die nuwe jeugraad oorgedra. Elkeen van hulle het 'n "pluiskeil" gedra, wat hulle na die benoeming aan die nuwe jeugraad oorhandig het. Hulle moes dit die hele dag dra.Die dogters is Janie van Rooyen, Melandri van der Berg, Vicky-Leë Taljaard, Aleks du Plessis, Michelle Swanepoel, Amina Cassim, Etli van der Merwe, Natasha Vermeulen, Annemie Steyn, Anastasia Dube, Amanda, Mkonto, Blessing Letwaba, Anzer i Ferreira, Cherise Nicole De Klerk en Chanel Barnard.Die seuns is : Isak Beytell, Jacques Brits, Rikus Maliepaard, Schalk Grobler, Henco Erasmus, Smiley Koopedi, Alex van den Berg, Brady Theron, McLoud Mokwena, Alister Heydenrych, Gert Burger, Neo Dibakwane, Morné Combrink, Henyo Kruger en Zaahid Vaid.Hoërskool Lydenburg wil die nuwe span alle sterkte toewens met die taak wat voorlê.

LHS-gholfers presteer: Die A-liga spelers van die Hoërskool Lydenburg het die Laeveldliga gewen. Die

C-liga span het die Laeveld en Mpumalanga streek gewen. Hierdie gholfspan het die A-liga in die Laeveld

gewen. Van links na regs (agter): Agter : Schalk Grobler en Tiaan Brits; (voor): Henco Erasmus, mnr.

W. Du Preez (afrigter) Jacques Brits.

Gene-Marie Kleyn kwalifiseer as Puma -skeidsregter. Gene-Marie sê dat sy al in graad 9

en 10 kursusse bygewoon het om rugbywedstryde te blaas.

Sy is tans skeidsregter by wedstryde wat deur die Pumas

gespeel word. ’n Besondere prestasie vir ’n dogter, waar die

taak gewoonlik deur manlike skeidsregters oorheers is. Baie

geluk Gene-Marie.