emailing smarter. digital communications trends 2016 and beyond, seminar, 28 january 2016

Post on 13-Apr-2017



Government & Nonprofit



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Emailing smarterdigital communication trends 2016


- Context


- 2016 predictions

- Tactics for charities in 2016

- Summary and tips for 2016

Context• We check email up to 15 times a day*

• We spend more time each morning checking emails and using

the internet (51 per cent) than eating breakfast (18 per cent)

or taking care of our appearance (32 per cent)

• 4.3bn email users, up from 3.9bn – that’s more than double

all Facebook and Twitter users, combined**

*DMA Email Tracking Report, Nov 2015

** Radicati, Email Statistics Report, 2015-2019


Email ROI has jumped 53% in a year, delivering £38

for every pound spent. Delivery rates, conversion

rates, open and click-through rates have all increased

77% of ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and

triggered campaigns

* DMA national client email survey and report 2014 and 2015


Econsultancy asked this question to email marketers:

“What do you think the single biggest change to email

marketing will be, when looking ahead 5 years?”

Think of email as a ‘digital passport’

Without an email address, the ability to build

a profile of a customer or ‘supporter’ is

incredibly difficult


Non-profits spend least time on email optimisation,

email strategy and email reporting

Almost 8 in 10 spend under 2 hours on strategy and

over 9 in 10 spend less than 2 hours on optimisation

Campaigns risk underperforming

Source DMA 2015 report


Segment and target

• Segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of all revenue.

• Just 14% of revenue was generated by emails with the same message for all


• 86% of revenue came from campaigns that used advanced tactics

• Automated emails, or emails triggered by customer behaviour, accounted for

£3 of every £10 in email marketing revenue, up from 19% in 2012.


Just 3% of marketers do not segment at all.

A charity programme for email also needs to include automated

segmentation (e.g. ability to send more segments to small micro

groups etc)


Send more email

• Just 19% of marketers send one or fewer

messages a month, compared to 26% last



Grow your list

Grow your list from online, permission based,


According to the National Client Email report 38%

of opt ins are encouraged by ‘brand trust’

TacticsMore than 50% of email opens

are using a smartphone*

Brands have so far been slow to

react and provide that seamless

multichannel experience.

*Communicator Benchmarking report,

Vol 1 2015

2016 predictions

- Real-time personalisation

- Bringing the email experience closer to a website or an app


- Email will take centre stage in 2016 - For every $1 spent on email

marketing, you get $44.25 back (DMA, 2015). That’s the highest

ROI of all digital channels.

- Data protection

Word on the street, email has got its sexy back in 2016!

My tips for 2016

- Grow your list


- Email coding is not needed

- Permission-based spam laws will become stricter

- A growing struggle for inbox attention

• Segment

• Automate - powerful for fundraising.

• Go multi channel

Thank you!

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28 January 2016



Digital communications

trends for 2016 and


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