the 50s - post-war reconstruction

Post on 11-Mar-2016






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1956 1954 into exill' alld thl' monks (2~% of llll' !,O!,llblion)Ollt orthe1l10Ilast,'ri,'s. 1955 1951 1953 I kath of the Sovil't I'n'llIi"H' 'OS""), IlolIyw,'od'swriters,I'nldll(('rs,din',tors ;tI1d;KlorssufferedundnM,·(:arthyislll. 1950-4 llcight of the ;lllti-COllll11tJl1ist witch· S'Jlltlr I}/(i/ic /lell-lllIr SI;llin; Nikit~ KllrIlshtlH'v is ap!",inll'd TIll'IJSSllprl'llH'( :Otllt'" Ilia\\',Sl'grl'galiOIl Oil thl'hasisorskilllolollrillslates,hools. TIll' I JSSI~ la\II" Ill" SI'lllllik \






1950-4 llcight of the ;lllti-COllll11tJl1ist witch·

hllnts, inspired hy S"llator Jos"I,h

M, C~rthy. whirh ~imed to 'root 0111'

'·Ollllllllllists from all I)('rn'i\'ed areas of

in 11 lit' I1lI' of Aml'ri, all lif,' MallY of

IlolIyw,'od's writers, I'nldll(('rs, din', tors

;tI1d ;Klors suffered undn M,·( :arthyislll.

1951 The Chilll's,' Peol'lc'.s 1.i1)('ralion AnllY

illV;lclcs TilH'l, driving the I hLii l,all1a

into exill' alld thl' monks (2~% of llll'

!,O!,llblion) Ollt or the 1l10Ilast,'ri,'s.

1953 Ikath of the Sovil't I'n'llIi"H' 'OS""),

SI;llin; Nikit~ KllrIlshtlH'v is ap!",inll'd

First Sl'rrl'tary of till' COll1l1Hlnist I';In y

alld l'ffl'ltive 1";l(ln oil JSSH,

1954 'I'll(' h,'ginning of thl' Ibull' of Algins,

thl' most viokllt ;lI1d prolollgn! p('fiod of

fighting ill Alg('fia's strllggll' lor

indl'l'l'lld"IllT lrom hall'"

1954 TIll' I JS Sllprl'llH' ( :Otllt '" Ilia\\', Sl'grl'gal iOIl

Oil thl' hasis or skill lolollr ill slate s, hools.

1955 Th" Warsaw I';H I, Ih" Illilitary alli;lIH" III

th" IJSSH al"! F,;l'!"'" I':"rol'l'all

satl'lIit"s is !orllll'd, IWlly in n's!'IH),,' III

Ih" fllrlll;l! illn of NATC J.

TIll' Sill 'I. (Tisi,. /\ 11Iilit"ry ,"nlmllla! illn

inmlving I\rit"in, Fral)( I' ;lIllllsr;ll'l, Id!owillg

Ihl' ,,It''IlII'I,'d Il;lliona!i,"lillll I'" till' SlIl'l.

(:anal hy 1'''',i,I.'1I1 Na",'r ll( F~',Yl't.

SOl'id trll0l" ,n"h Ihl' 1IIIIlg:lI;;lIl

Nal illn;d "I'ri,ing.

TIll' I JSSI~ la\II" Ill" SI'lllllik illl"

/·:"rlh, lIrhi!, ukillg t II(' I,'ad ill t11(' IIS/\

S",il't 'SI';I(" Ib,,'




Winners of theBest Pidure Ostor/11/ /1!JOIlI Fill'

All AllleriulII ill Paris

'/'Ill' CrI'tlll'SI Show Oil hlrth

hmll Iler/' 10 J:temity

011 tl/(~ Waler/rllllt


/lrol/lllltht' World ill l:iKhty J)"ys

'I'he HridKt' OIl the Rill('r I<IIJtli



Box-Offite HitsC i IIdaf.flII

Quo Vadis 7

'Ihis is Cilleramt/

I'eter I'all

White Christmas

I.IIdy (/lid rhe 'lrtHllfi

'Ihe 'rim COIII/Ilt/IIJlllellls

'The IJridKf. 0/1 thl' Ri,ler K,wi

S'Jlltlr I}/(i/ic



tl,'·,,~,,\,,~ ~

"I h,' '''-i,lt', 011 fIll' Hitler Klllai (AII'l' (:lIilllH'SS)

, (lJ!lIIllhi:1 'li'iSt:1I (Cllllrtc.:.<:V Koh:d)



, j

Introduction31ld Background

ThC wil1l<'l" or Jl)51 il1itiated a I'eliod or PIolllllIHI ('hangl' in rll.~t-wal Britain, '1'1

C()nsen'ati\l'~, elnted hy a landslide ill 11)45, S\Vl'l't tll(' 1.:,IJOur gmTrIllll,'nt Ollt I

rOWI'1. 111 ""h,u:ny 11)52, Kil1g (;I'lllge V I dil'd al1d his tbughtn, the yllung I',illce

[Iizaheth, sU('<'t'('dl'd to thl' th,om' Thl' ri,st I'Vl'l1t hrought :lhout a ('h:lngl' III IlITil'i

gl1\"'JIlnll'nt attitllde towards tlw rillll indllstry; thl' ,snond J.-d to tll(' rist, 01 :t IH'

Il'chl1ologi"al I'hl'llllllH'IHlIl - tell'vision, Bllth I'VI'l1tS W('ll' to sh:ll)(' the British fillll illdustl

:lIld rillll IIlakillg dllril1g the 11)50s

'1'1)(' '1)(,IlI'It-'s war had ('1I':tll'd till' illlprl'ssiol1 Ill' :t l1atiol1al <'tlnsensus hut rCllpl,>'> f('

lin's did nllt rl'IJ.-t'l this Sl'nse Ill' l'qu:J!ity, TIH' IH'W Lahoul gO\'l'rIllllent's rrtlgll'ssivI' rolici,

Oil Ill'alth, nllll'atioll :lIld hOllsil1g pllllllisnl to rl'dll\'(' p,e-wa, so,'ial illl'qll:ditics hilt prngre:

was wry slow, hTI1 ahl'r the sl'ttil1g Ill' 01 the N:ltilln;J! I "'alth Snvil'l' ill I 94R and tlH' III a:

hllildil1g Ill' I!H'II' afTordahle 1<1l1lKiI hllllsil1g, Illilliolls still liv"d with general rationing an

shllrtag,'s, It SI'I'II11'd ill lIlallY ways that till' allstnity or the war y,'ars was cllntinlling, TI'

\'(1l11111l1nity spilit, which had helped tllendllll' till' wllrst asrects of till' war, hl'gan to hf(':'

clown in la\'IlIII or a grtlwing c1l'sirl' ror 1I10f(' individllal rrl'I'dllllIS, easier likstyles and 1ll0;

('llnSllllll-r gllods, TIH's,' dl',silTs p;lvnl till' way I'"" till' ll'tllJll or the Illllt'\' nwrkl,t-drivl'

CIlllSI'I'\'al in' gOI'<'I"nIIH'111 of 1')51

The Industryand Audiences

The nltlls IliadI' 111 this dn;HJ.- ha\'I' IWl'n widl'ly ,riti,ised r,lt, I",ing too tilllid :11

(,01TlI'LIlI'llt hoth in styJ.- and ,'ontenl. 'I'll,' higgn )'I"dlll'tioll I<lllll'allies dl"'idl'd

plny sal'" The I'arly I 'lS/)s \\'I'Il' dOlllillatl'c1 h v 1II1illll'II'ssil'\' lihlled ITIsilllls 01 ItOIl:

grllwl1 stolies, Slll'TSSfll1 \VI'sl 1':l1d stage slll1\"s, )'1l1'1I1:n "'1\Tls :lIld I1llst;J!gi,' ll'-cII'alions

W,'rl,1 War I1 "II'I1IS,

'I'h" 11I1/'(I/'/ill/ll' (1/ llt-illK h/I'III'sl (AI1t1WIlI' Asqllith, 11)"2) was "IH' III Ill:lll\' sne'

l'rlldll' li,,"s Ill' Ih,' ,'1'1'1' 1'0I'IILtI (),,':l1 \\'ild,' "Ltssi, .Iost'I,hilll' 'Il-\' , (',illll' Ihrill,'r, 'I

hlllllhisl' ,-I/ldi,. (1.:1\1'11'11'" Iltllltillgl"ll, IlJ;;;(}) ~I:I,,,'d tilt' :I,lolS 1)lIl-i,' (;':1\' :llId 1<.-li,l"

I),-"i",", tilt' hltlili:1I Ihitish Illiddl"-"Lt,, \IHlpll' AIIII:I N'';'lJ,' had h''l'1I:1 Iltlg"ly stl"'I',s~:1

hllll, 1IlIl"i":11 :llId sl:lgl' :lnist I'H' SIHIlt' lilll\' ,,111'11 )'LII'illg fI,ll's Idli\ h \\'I'It' tlI\' epil'Hlll'

Ill\' Blit ish tI\'I'I'1 IlIiddk-,'I:ISS \\','I1l;lIl tlI\' 'Fllglisll '''SI' SIlt' "'t\'III'd at 1',"tr;I\'ing I':ltri,'

\I ,'IIlt'1I 01 "'II1:1g" stI,h:ls Flon'Ill" Nightillgak,' Etlilh (':1\,,11 and ill Or/I'llI' (Ilerh,


Wi!Lnx, I ()SO) she played the war heroine, Odette Churchill in Ckcupierl Frann'. !\n'nrding

tn Sarah Street, author of Britislr Niltimltll Cil/I'I//(/, puhlished hI' I{outkdg(' (I q(7):

...Neagle'.~ role as a IIational emblem was also articulated by her portrayal of

strong, Britallllia-like womell, a role which was frequently associated with the idea of

ordillary women transformed ill to heroines by extraordillary wartime circu"r.~tances.


'I()\yards the middll' of tht' decade a group or individuals came togl'lher who wnc impatient

for change. Linds<IY !\ndnson, an independent Him maker and writl'r and nlllllllittl'dly kft­

wing, anticipated ,I time when the industry would prodllce films which rellnted thl' Ill'W

post-war condition of Britain. llis sJ)(,IThes, puhlications and bter films wnl' to he vny

inlluenti,d in the New Wavc cyclc 01' Films. In ;1 pokmical :Irtick cntitled 'CI'I 01/1 (///(1 I'I/slr'

in I~)S 7 Ill' wrote:

If) cowtlerbalallce the rather tepid ll11maltism oj'our ciltema, it must also be said that

it is snobf,ish, allti-intelligent, emotionally ilzhif,ited, wilfully blind to tire conditions and

problems of tire presellt, dedicated to alt out-ofdate, exlrausted Illltional ideal.

The pe'lk year for cinema audic'llles in 13ritain was 194(i when tlll're wef(' 1,(iJS million

admissions, an ;lYc'rage of OWl' 30 Illillion a weck. DlII'ing thl' Il)50s the numlwrs dc'rrl'asl'd

at an ander;lted r;ltl' until in I ()(iO th('r<' was ;1 w('('kly aver;lge 01' only 10 million Cilll'lll;1

'Idmissions. In I llS7 the gOVl'rIlnll'nt reluctantly ;ll'knowledgl'll a financial rrisis dl'l'pc'ning in

the linema indllstry and Iwgan to n-duu' the Entertainment I )uty which was <Iholislll'd

;lltogl'llll'r in I ()(iO. This did not significantly improve the sitllation and ;IS ,nldil'nl('S

continlled to drift away, cinema l'xhihitors raised till' prin' of admission to kn'P their 1ll';Hls

ahovc' watcT

The nisis continued as linemas dosed down in largl' nUllllwrs. Many o! the cin"lll;IS

on'upied prime high street locations ripe for post-war red('VC'lopl1lent as ollil'\' hlllcks or

sl1Ops. Retwcen 194(i ,1I1d 19fiO only J,OJ4 Ollt of 4,700 CilH'lllas surviVl'd ;1IHlthe I1Ilmlll'rs

halved <Igain Iwtween I ~)S7 and I (l(i]. M;lny cilll'm;IS were transformed into hingo h,dls, t1ll'n

a popular alternative to cin(,l1Ia. During this d('cade many othn nl'Wt'f kisurl' 1)(lI'suits

n'pbn'd cinema-going, including t('n-pin howling and motoring in ;1 Ill'wl\, a, quired ,;11';

rl'oJlll' were :Ittr<ll'tl'd to a more AIlll'ril':11l likstyl('


'Il'kvision 11t'l-:an hroadcasting in Britain in the l1\id I 'l.IOs hut was dosl'll down dllrinl-: tlH' w:lr

years as it was ctlnsidcrl'd a ('ostly distr;lltil1l1 fro 11 1 th(' war "'lor[ In 1')1\(; tl,.. Ill\(, till' ollly

telt-vision cll;III11<'1 ;Il till' tillll', r('sl I 111('(1 hro;llkaslinl-: Illlt ollly withill a III !llil,' radii" 01

!\Il'xandra I'ala,,· in north l.olldon. TIlt' l-:r<lIll11lhlTakinl-: {I,I,'vi,ioll I "''('Iag'' of tl,.. ()II""II'

Corollation in 1')5J g;ll'e tl,I"vision tilt' JloJllllar illlfH'tlls it Ilt'('d,·d to 1'(·1:111/1< h il.St,1I 10 ilL'"

;lIldil'n('es. Lirt'nces wcr(' issll('d at ,In astonishing ratl', ilH r('asing 11'011\ I ..'i !llillio!1 in I')'i? III

IO.S million hy Il)(iO.

(17 )

''J"I Ill' ( IlIPJl:1IJIl1l IlqC):~l Lli/.dwtll 11 (\V'· ... tlll;l1"tl·1

II"IIywo"d, als" "'l'lillg thrl'at"lll'd hy tl'ln'isi"Il, tri"'l

light ha,k with till' I'"llhlltioll "I :1 1l11111lwr ul filJl1s \

'gilllJl1icky' illll'H':ltiolls like lD :llld wid,'slT'TII illl:lgl'S,

('S:llllrk, Cilll'Jl1:ISCOpl' :lIld Vist:IVisi"ll. TIll's,' illll"V;lti'''IS ,

s,'rvl'd III IlIrllll'r Irllstr:ltl' Ilritish lilll'lll;1 OWlllTS who did

h:I\'(' till' 1l10lll'V to illvl'st ill till' l\l'll'SS:lry (\l'\\' tl'dlllolog\

SlTl'('n th,'s,' types of lihll,


J)lIril/~ 1/11' 19S0s IllI'r\' wen'

,1I0fe "H'II Oil sen'!'1I Ilrall

It'Olllel/, lIIore 111,,1.> "clors

10/111' "ill/'lIIa,

S:u,d, ~~lll'l·t. ",;lls11 NIIf/l/III1I {'i,/,-",,,,('~'l\likth:,· l'Iq;!

IdentityFilm S1yles, Themes and Genres


During tl\l' I l)<lOs, 11'0111('11 had IWl'1I tl\l' flI:lillstay (llthl' (illl'Jl1:1 illdllStry (st'l' 194

I" "nll-tillll' "llIrlOYII\l'lIl :lIld illlT":lst'd ,hildclI" rt'sronsihilitil's <T('atl'd hy till' P

11':11' hahy hOOll1 Il'dtll"l'll WOIll"Il'.s kistln' tiJl1l' l"ullsickrahly, 'll'ln'isioll \wg;1I

provick :l1ll':lsil'r, I""lll'-hasl'll ;dlerllativ\' lur 11'(1111('11.

IIlI\(\V:lti,lIIS slll"h ;IS wideslT('('1l iJl1agl's h;HI :lllother ;"lnTsl' l'ITl'lt Oil British I

prodlldiol1, Durillg thl' war :llld iJl1Jl1l'lli:lt" pust-war ye;1rs WOlIll'1l h:\(lll'l,-kl'd to sce IIri

histuril";11 nlslllll,,' dralllas with IIritish stars slll"h :IS tvbrg;\rl't I,orkwood :llld J:lflIl'S M:!'

Ilow,'\'('I", Ilollvwoud pnlll\(\tl'll till' widl's(J"""1I ('1:1 with a Iltlllllwr ul \'l'ry stln l'~

«.Sllllll(' dr;II11;1.s stll"h;1s 'J},c HO/I(' (I kmy Kost,'r, l'lSll. TlIf' '/i'lI COIIIIl'"It1I1l/'I/IS (Cl'l

IkMill", I ~l:;fi) ;1lld ill'l/·lllIr (Willi;lI11 Wyln, 1~lSl)) :111 "I whit h Wl'n' well 11l')'olld

1'i1l;llll i;d ;1l1d It'l"hlli'':d SCOpl' ul :IIIY I\ritish stlldi", British I'rudlll'l'rs W('n' ill d"SI':lir.

I )llIillg the \I'ar \I'Ollll'll h:ld g:lil1l'd ;1 11ll':lSlIIT ul illdl'l"'lIdl'Ill'l' The :lhs"llu' uf

opelll'd lip f'ussihilitil's I"r l"'lIl'r ('Jl1pl"yll\l'llt :llld Illl""(' Sl'SII:11 I'n'('doJl1, I 'l')O, so('it'l)'

11Iall)' oftl\(' 1'iI,1Is l1I:ll'" dll!'ing this I'l'riod \I'('H' kt'l'll t" ITstorl' Ih(' Ir:lllitilHI:" \'~rllIl'S"

it. \\I"11Il'11 \l'IIl' inlll':lsingl)' \I'"rk('d ""hid,'

1I<1I11l' W<'l',' lonsid('r,'d:l thn':lt to till' sl:lhilil\'"

LII 11 ilv, :IS th,'\' \I'l'H,tll<'"ghtt"lH' II<'g"'llillg I"l'

1,,-d:1\' l :I!'l' :1I1l1 dl'l'I'!t'I"II<'llt ofll1('ir "hiltln'll, I

sl'l'il'lIs 1l'S\':II',h I'rt,jl',h :lIld ""Llb "t' till' tin

1\'(,11 :IS :"t il I"s in till' 1'''I'''':lr !,rl'ss II'('IT l's!'rt

k~lI's :"'lllll 1""Il~lg" ,klinqlll'lll'l' :Ill" till' hrt':,k­

th,' LlIllilv, \\I""1('1l \1','1'" "Ill'Hlr:lg('d t" gill' "l'

1':lid 1\'lHk :111<1 n'llIrll t" tll'nll'sti('it\' t" IlIlIil

\I'~lshillg 11I:Il,hiIWS ;llld \';1'"\1111 dl';llll'rS

IILlI'kt'll'd :IS It,,,ls 10 1'('r1"rl1l this \'it:rI!',,'"

Ahl'r thl' war, till' British pllhli, 1ll'ld l'llllllidill/\ vi,'ws Illl h"", Ilritish S'l< idy ,Iwllld

dl'v"lop, On thl' onl' h:lnd m:HlY wantl'd to /\\'t hark to till' "':Iy lhillgs 11'('1'<',10 r\'-,'st;lhlish

th\' sl"lIrity of lik as it IIsl'd to 1)(' On till' othn kind, till' sanifi'Ts IH;Hlc hy Illillions

dllrin/\ thl' war - thl' I"" of lovl'd OIWS, family and IWlIll' . '-"'1l1ir",! S""H' fmm "I'

rOl11lH'ns;ltioll and illlproVI'I11l'llls to II(' m:HI.- ill till' sOl'ial r"hri,' ill "rdl'l 1'01' thl' 11';11' tll

haw II('\,n, in SOIll\' way, jllstili",1. I'niods lik,' this, pniods 01 instahility ;lIHI dLln/\l', ortl'1l

/\ivl' riS(' to nI'\\' ()J'ohiL-ms whidl in tllrn dl'llland a sollllion. SlIrh II':IS lhl' dilll"tl' in I1ritaill

fr"m till' l11iddll' Yl':IrS or till' dl'ladl'

'I'll(' sll-,,:diL-d 'SIKi:d prohiL-m' film aillll'd tll p"rtr:IY llllltl'mp"r:lry sorial

<"lllll'\TIlS and also to ,0ntrihllll' 10 lhl' dl'hatl' "hollt tlH' Sllllltillll to till'S('

prohll'ms, l"lIl'S slI,h as jllwllil" 1It,lilHIII"Ill')' .,.he B/III' /.IIIII/, (Basil

l)l'ardl'll, IlJ4 1)), rarl' :lI1d illlllli/\ration SIII'I,hil'c (Basil Ikal'<kll, 1'15')),

!wnwsl'xII:dity (/ioilll (Ihsil I)\,a.-.1\'Il, I'lfil) and prostitlltion 'I'hl' 1-'1I',lh is

WI'III, (I)on Charky, IllS?) 1\'('1(' ")(l'lol'<'d in tlll',St' films, The I'rodlllti"n

te:lln of Ibsil 1)1':Jr(kll (dirl'rlor) :Ind MiLh:ll'1 1{\'lph ((>rodlll,'r) nl:llk /illlls

whi,'h ;Hldn'''l'd a widl' sp",t nllll of sOlial prohl\'llIs durillg t his nit ir:d

pl'dod or social lhan/\l' Thl'Y wanted to Illak\' film a I'('hick for airill/\

rOlltrovl'rsial iSSlll'S in onkr to mak\' ;1 posilin' lonlrihlllion to till'

improvl'llI"1I1 of s",idy, As Mi,hal'1 Iklph him,St,1I said:

",becal/se tire L'illema l/'as'l{c,,,tillelya mass mediI/m', so it ml/st

display 'social and eell/catil'l' res!1Onsi!Jilitics as ",ell as artistic lilies'.

• /)0 yOIlIIRI'i'I' I(lilh Mi.-lllll'l H/'II,h?

• /JOI'S 11 fillll III 11 I:/' I' hllll{' socill! I't'SIJt>llsi/'il;/;I';\? <:'/11 "OIl/hili'" 01

allY filllls /oh;('h Iw/h 1'lIler/aill 1II1I11wr/ I'UV nJII/I'III/,O/'tIl'V iUIII',I'?


'1'111' 11IOSt p"plllar /\\,nl'('s in lhi,s derad,' 11"'1'1' IV:lr, horl'llr :llId I ""ll'cly I'ibm,

1~)50s 1I':1r IHms /\\'Ill'r;llIy rl'lklt"d a ,han/\,' ill "Ill(lhasis 110111 tllllS" 11l:IlI" dlllill/\ till' \\,;11'

itSl'lr (SIT 11)40s) with nolahk I'XI"ptiollS, hlms lik,' nit' C:,.,wISI'«( l( 'h:lr!,'s !-r""d, 1<)')2) :11,,1

nit' IlridKI'/JII/11I' Hi,,{!/' KllJfli (I)avid I.""", I')S?) J"('pJ"('S('ntl'd l"i\'ilt-g"d Illiddl,,-, b,s v:lII",s ;11111

I'l'ass\'rlecl dllty ;11,,1 c1l'i,'J"('IK" I" I':lnk :1I1c1lbss, Th"I'l' II':lS 11" 1""g,'I' all itl""I"!',i, :111H','d I" sill Ill'

till' (lrt II ''ss 01' :Il'''il'vill/\ "\lls('IISIl'S :lIld till' ':lIII'"IIillg l",~, '111l'r' sl,i, il "I I1 Il' 11':11 y' ':lI'S, ( JI'" 1Il'I "hi"

,'x, "Ill i"n to this t 1'1'11 cl IV:I.S nit' /)1/1/1 IlIIs/en (M i,h:,," Alld, '!S"II, 1<)')·1) ;1 111"((' l,i"gr:l"III<:d

l'I'l'.si"lI of till' 'f<lIIl:III1I" ;wcI ':ld\'''1I11Il'l' "I' till' 11':11' II'hi. hill" :11111':1 l"(llll'x "flil" hit.

Th" lIl:ljlll' Briti,h SI:lr, "I till' "':II' l'iIlIl' ,11 this pl'li"d i'llllId"c1 K"II 11l't1 , Mon', 1:1, ~

11:1",~in', ),,1111 Mill" AI,'(' (,lIill'll'SS :llId I Jirk l\"g:IId" Till' rol,', 111l')' ,,!:tITcI ,",,\\· ... 1

,t"i,'iSlIl, I'ollr:lgl' :Ind "I"llIr:lnl'l' c1",,,il" IIIl'i I' "lwi"IIS p:lill :1I"II"ss: n,:1! 11I"II/III'I""'s \\1,,,

t'lllrlcl n"t acllllit to 1\'C';lklH'SS. Tlll'irs II':lS th" n"rll"" "llll:lSllllillily :llIcllll'l"i, ,1"":,, 1<'1 '/ hI'

/lridKI' Oil ,hr' Hil'I'r !<IIYli, c1in"t"c1 hI' i):II'icl 1"':111 in 1'157 :11,,1 lI'illlll'l' "I SI'I"" A<:"I"IIII

AII';mls, is:1 lilrll l"'lith c1"II'OI1S1r:ltt" tllI"t,Ill'I"i, (1"'1':1' 1"li'li,', I"'ll,', III

119 ;

W;II rillll'; "Illlis l"'Ii"d h"lh ,\'khl:lll'd llll' l'Iid,' "I till' Allil'd "ill"Iy '"1£1 "xpl"il,'d

;lllllil'1I1 ,'s' d,',;in' I" I"liv(' th"il ('XI"'Iil'lIn's "r 1I':lItillll' and n,," t" I"';lldillll' As ';11

l1ll'y l'I"I'"d UTI' IHII'III;II dllling th" 1'Ic;(js,

;\II11'Ii":I ;111,11,,'1' "':lj"I I':llnll""lll ,illil''; '111.1 till' S"lil'l (I,d,," (whil'il "I1ll'Ig"d ;l!llT

S"tllt,,! \V",ld 'vV:lI) pHlI'id,'d till' h;ll'kdHII' I" :I 1111111111'1 "r lillllS, Th"y wn" st,,,"gl,, ;It

nltlllllllllist will, Illil:lin lilllJ!\' Oil till' ,sid,' "I 1111' (1Ililt'd Stat"s, l:ihllS sl1,h :IS '/'/,,, )111

/.""I'IS (Anll"'llv AS'lllith, 1'lC;'~J ,",,1 '1'111'1'1'11/11 Belll"'I'1I l( :11,,1 I~,'nl, 1')'11) :lI'l' 1)('",il11i~

:lhtHll :Ill ;iltnll:lliu' t" thi,s ill, H'"sinl_~lv p"I;lIi,snl ,-i"II' "r IIll' 1I'"rld,


;\IIWli,':l1l ';1ll'1I1\' li.-li,," rillllS al Ilw tillll' (:Ill h" I"'HI "s :I II-"';"I)IHlli"J! ,',;pl'll:lli,," llr I

1(':lI~ "r till' ( "Id \V"I 11'111'1" till' ',J!i"ll "I 1I1"",st,,r' r"prt's"llts till' 'I~"d M,,";ln"

'''llllllllllisl tlll"'''1. Ilrilish hOlr"I rillllS 11'1'1'" I'"ntl'rnl'l! with :I dili'l-rt'nl sd "t r"ars, Il"ta l

11l(' .1,,( lill(' "I th" Illitish 1:,llIl'iH' :llld IIll' 1"lsl-II'al nisis ill 1ll""'lilillity (111('11 H,(lt-tilling tll

1'1:1,,' ill so, it'l \' l

I 1;II1111H" Sllldi"s pr"dlll ,'.I a llllllllll'r "r s, i"1\(\, lit tioll lillllS ",hi, h p"Ilrav th(' :lli,'n

a thH'at I" 1111' 'Hldl' ;lIld a dislil~llIillg I"rn' nil' ()/11I1('I'IIIIISS (,,/'('r;III1'II' (I 'lC;SJ a

()IIII/ITIIII/ ,'S 11 ( 1'1'17), h"lll di 1'(', \( 'd hI' VJ! ( ; III 'sI, \llIkash Illlk 1l(\\1'Il I~)f"'('s whi,11 {'I'('l1tll;1

('llIllI'd 11"'IIls"lv,'s illtoth" IHllllall LI' t' tr;lI\sr"nllillg it illto a r\lllg\lS, <'ritil's h;I\'" arglll'd 1,1

1111's,' rillll,'; "I" illl''I'I'sl illg vi"w('d ill 11ll' ''"It('sl "I (,mlt'lIl/Hlrary pr"t,'sts against

disl'i,~lltillg Ilt'WI'1 or '1IIt,II':l1 W""IHIIl.s, "I\(I p"rtit-Ilhrl\, rl'l,'I"llll givl'n Ihl' rOllnding or

:lIIII,,,igll 1'111- NIIt'II'ar I lis:tr1I1:III"'lll in I'ISH,

/ 1:111111\('1 i.s IIltlsl r"III1'llll"'lnl I'lll ils "I\("'1l1"lIsly .s11l'«(',t1lltlIT'l/ lillllS \\'hi,'h h"II' 11

'1t'llIirnl:l \l'''lldll'id,' ',,' ,statlls, TII\'H' ,,1',' 111:'"\' H'aSIl/lS r",- tll\'il IH'I,"hlily in"III"

tll\' H,II' or IIll' /llili.s11 ,','IlS"1 (Ilrili,,;h Il"ald or I:illll ( ,'II~"IS - 1\1\1'<, 1;11"1' to h" kllllllT

,-Lls.sili,alioll) 1I'''i, h ,,11""'t,d tl", riltll III"kl'IS 11101'1' li"''''I' \" sllt)II' .sI'" "lid I'iol"ll'" 'lIld

IIlli'lIlI' Slvl.- "Ill", ,H':llil'(' It""l1 and I Ill' ,,,nlt'1I11)01;",\, s'Hi,iI '1Illl!)"lili"d ,olll,'sl,

(C)II p:lg,' 7H AI'I"'I\(li, 11 Tihll ( "lIs"rshil' in IlriLlill' has inr"rtllali"n d'lll'S, '111('sli,

L1Sks, ;111.1 H'.s,':II'I'" lasks, 1kLlils or hOllks "llll ,0IlL" l.s "" p'lgl' HO,)

'I'll\' X ('\\"'1' If;) ''('1'1 iI i""tl' lI'as illlr"dllll'll ill 1'lC;1 ",hil-h alloll-"" I'illll nlakl'l's

!i",'n,'(' tll 1'111.111"" nlll"h II11HI' glal,hit- d""idi"lI "I' horrol ;11\(1 "'X th"ll "\l'I' 1",1011' 11;11111

SllIdi"s 1I.s,'d this lll'llll/lllllilv to all,,,d " "ollngl'l' 'lIldi"IIt't' h," k illlll Ill\' ,ilH'lIla "Ilt! a

rl"'1I 1"I,'visi"IL '1'111' 11'('"til,(, t"'III' "l' -1l'rt'lll'(' I'isll\'l (diHTt"l) alllllll\';\( lllrs, 1\,t"1 ells I

a,,,1 ('llIiS!<ll,h"II_I'I', h"I;II"I' S"nOIl\'IIIIIIlS lIilh I 1:1 11I IIll'" h'l/l'Illl'rodlll ti"ns lI'il" Sill 1. f

a.slh,' ( 'Ill ,,' ,,/ i'lrlll/,'I'IIS,,'ill ( I'l:; 7). 1)/«(( 1111/ ( I'lc;:-;). 'Ih,. //,,/1/,,[ ,,/ If"~, Iltls/,"TI'il/1'\' ( I (

'111.1 nil' ,\(11111111\' (I'l:;'l) '1111' tTisis ill Illast IIlillil\- (H'krrl'd \11 ail,,\(') is at lh" IIl'a,

I "'"II1H'1 iJ"IIIIII'III,iJltti,,"s ",II\'H' Ih"I'rl,k,,,illll,iI "'1"'11 is ,,,111'.1 ill I" H'sl"n' lllll.-r I

till' ,ILltl.' 'H'al,'d I", Ill\' 1l/1';lkdllll'll ill 1"llli,,,t1,,,1 ;llIliJ"lit\', (<-;"" I'l/I)s .s"'lil\(1 Illr,

11'''1 k "11 I L\(IIII\(', St\ldi"~,1


( ""l('dy W:lS Ihl' 111:li1lSLly "I I'lS()s, i'l('lll:l, L:llillg ""Il('di,'s k:l\lllnlth,' ,.,Inlggk "lt1l(' lilll,'

''''11lllllllily :lg;lillSt thl' Ul'l'l'illg h11rt';IIIU;Ky "I' 1:IITI('ss illstillllitlllS, This, ;11l,1":lr'" I", S",'1l ill

l'iI,1lS likl' Whi.\l~v C%rl' (Aln:IIHln tvl:ll'kl'lldril k, I ').I'l) , n/ssl'o", /" /'illl!i({) (I "'my

(:"rll('lills, I ').I'l) :llld '1'111' l,ol'('IIi/(,1' lfill ,V/"I, ( :h:lrl,'s (:ri,lll"", I 'le; I) 11"\I'('ITr, nil'1,'/l/v!<illers (i\I,'x:1I1dl'r M:lckl'lldri,k, I'lS)) t""k 01 lI11\1" 'Ylli,:d vi"II' 1I1l' ''''llIllllllilv ill

qlll'sti"ll is lTilllill:l1 :llld "V"lltll:dly ,'V(TV 1l11'I11hn "I' till' g:lllg is kill('(1 ,,11 nit' 1,'Ii/vl~i11I'1'S W:lS

11I:1I1l' illlhl' S:IIlH' Vl':lr th:1\ 1'::dillgs\"pl'l'd "r"dll' ti"ll :llld Ih,' stlldi",s w,'rt' s"ld "Ilt" Ih,' IIB(',

I:llllllh('(\ III tll" I'lS()s which pnllTd "lHhlrillglv

1'''1'1I la 1'; '), '/i'i"i,," '-'. 1Il(' I )o(/or liI,llS :1I1d IIIl'

CII/\' 011 st'li,'s, hpl"itillg IIIl' British Lis, ill;lti"ll

with s, h",,1 01 Ill'\\' sni,'s of fil,1lS "llll'rgl'd which

IVlT" 0111 1"":11('(1 :It 1Il(' sh:dlhy alld :l11;lrl hiLIII" 1'1111

,<,;/ '/iilli,m's '),!lool/,,}' (;id, (Sl'(, I '}(;()s) Tlws(' I'ihlls

illtr"dll"l'd till' :1,,1,,1' C;"llIg,' ( "I" :IS I:hsh I 1:11'1 V

:llld "':llll1'l'd ""'lll'dy 1:II'llll1'il('S slllh :IS i\list:lir Silll,

.lily'" Cn'ld"'l :llld M:lIg:IlTI RlIllll'r1<ll'lI,

TIll' Dol'/o), snil's s\;IlI'('(1 1111' .,hy ;11111 ,h:lIll1ill~~

HUR8Y:"WI!1H I COULD 5UFffR A HE.AVY LOSS'" "ill-Ill' I)il'k B"g:Hd,' :llld W:IS "ISI' n\n'IIl('ly'. \'.1'1.- 1"hl',lId

111"11"",1,;",,, 1""," ,":"Iv '" 1':1'" 1'111'111:11' Mllst IH'I'"hr "I :Ill, hllwl'vl'r, \I':lS tll(' (:ol'r" ()II s"ri,'s, 'I'll(' lirst ill 1Il(' slTi,'s (."1111'.1, ,,,,'\ri):hl hlll\ln....

()II ')1'1');1'1111/ (Cl'I;dd Thlllll:IS, I ')SN) fl':ltllrl'd tll(', hy 1l0\\', LlI11ili:lr "lls"flll,I" ':lsl 01 V"I Y

British (TCl'lllri,' "h:lr:llt'T IYIlt'S - lhl' hlllly, tll(' 111:111'''11, lh,' ,I"sl'! g:ly, till' st'SY y"lIllg W'\lIl:IIl,

Ill(' y"lIllg lI:1il'" :llld s" 1111, This Sill ,,'ssllll 'llI11i" 1'''l'I1l1lh, hdl "I I'l'rh:ll g:lllll'S :1I11lj':1I11'"11illll'

,h:lr:ll'tlTS, d"s"ly n'sl'lllhks d:lssi" Ilritish ,\(';Isid,' I'"stc:lrd hlllllllllr wit h its '1Ildl' ):"IIt11'1'

.stl'II'otypillg :lIld sl'~"I,,1 illlllll'ndo,

( .11r 1 \' ( )1/ \('1"R/'ll1lf

11'( .11I;111)11I..,Cl Ik Htlll,lld (,r:1ll1 Ar( !lin'l


"CARRY ON, SERGEANT",.,... ,~ , .-..~._ .. ,., .. , ~ .. ~ ,'~, ,. ,.,

,1 ~

~~~:~';~~~~fi"i~'~~ ,-, ~ , \


till' ;l\,-r;l~" 'Iiltl,' l'l'rslln' Th,'y 'l',,"hr;II";l1l all;ll,hic ;llld ~1l"d'";ltlll"\'d disl"\'~;lr(1 Illr 1111lS"

;1I1111l1rit\, ;111.1 Illr ll;ltillll;,1 in"ihilillns 1V11ilsI still n'Il"linill~~"'linlt'SS"llli;lllyI\rilish - ll'sal/},

a llil or/i", , TIll' (:,lIrv ()/I lillllS IVcrl' III IS' 'ssI'd lVilh s"\II;d inl\lll'IHIIl; IIll'ir sl;lrs w"n','''1I

;I,lllr~ IVllrkill~ tllgl'llll'r;ls '1'1l~'·llIh!,·' l,b\'I'r~, Thl'Y \I'I'I't· 'Try 111111 h :lhlllll 'liS' ;llld 'Ih,'nl'

'l'll/'ir illl//(t!i/l',l/'SS KlII'e Ill/' lif' III Ihl.' 1I0lhlll Ihal 10 I,l.' B"i/ish IIII'alll l!ral yOI( 1('1

middle·class, relicl'/1I (lIId lI'ell'/I/(lI/llered",

TIll' (""l\' ()// s,'ri,'s Ils,·d "lllli, sU'Il:lri"s :IIHI sll'rl'"lyl"'S 10 I'okt' IIlIl at lhl' Brit

",t;d,li,IIIIl"llt ;llld ils ;llslitllliIlIlS: tlIIIS" ,·I"1l1l'1l1s oll\rilish liI" IVhi,h inhihit IIH' hl'h:l\:illI 1r



\1'/" 11

()// liI/I/I /11\1 1/lI'il" il///"'I//' i/l

• !i//" 11//1 ,,,h,, Ihl" '( :",., \'

.,~.. ,

• :),4t'iI


(,/1//",/\, /i/III,' ,,/ ///"'-" 1",', I'll! TEENAGER\'(',/1 1 7 //0/1' '/11 Ih(,\, ('/1///"/1('

11 'hili ,/0 \'11// 1/1 i///" i 1 / /"'i I"

"Il"'Il;lgl'r' IV;I' ;I 11<'11' wllrd illlrudllu'd ill till' ";Idy l'l')(), III ,,,"snil,,, ;1 IH'IV ";lll'gory ,,11'''''

l'I'IlI'I" \lllll, with;1 grulVin~ disl'''\;I''''' ill'"lll", IV,'I\' 1;,rtlling;1 1ll'1V alld \"I>;II'at" clIltllra! idl'nt


Irlllll Ih"it 1';II"'IIIS, TIll'Y Iwl tlll'ir IlIVIl sl"I"s "I I'"l',d;lr 1ll11.,i, , dn's\ alld Iwh:IVilllll' M,

ill11'1llLIIltlv IIll'\' d"IIJ;lIld,·d in"'l':lsingly "rt','r "'~I'n'"i,,"s "ISI'xlI:llily, Thl'Y !WC:lllll' the I:lrgl'l

,"lllSIIIIII-r ~,,,,,ls,,,,II:ls H', Old" ;11111 hsllillll :II'l'ssllril's ;llld largl'\ :1Il(li"1llTS fllr cllllllral prudll'

lik,· lillIl ;llld lI'I"I'isi,,'\. '1'l\v:lHls till' I'lld III I Ill' d'·';ld,·lillll\ IWIT I'rudll ...·d Ilwl IVl'I\'llIll,h 1111

SI"III:"lv "\I,li, it with 11ll' inl,'nti"n"I:lllr:lllillg yllllllg 1"'''1'''" h:I' k illt" 111<' ,'ilH'Il"t :lIld away In

1\'1,"'isi, III ",g, 'I !II' I-l,',h is \thl!: (I )( 1I1 ( :11:111, 'V, l'l') 7) ;llld n(SS/'Orl 10 S/lIll1/1' (A kill H;I kllll, Il)')~


TIJ<' 11)';Il" S;I\\, 1111' gl'\l\\'tll 01 I'ldl ('lIll'ln)'llll'llt :IIII! illl rt':"illg l" Ollnlllil AI1III'IIt'(' III Il)')lJ I

( '"1S''1V;lli\'l' l'rillll' Milli"ln, II;unld M;II'lIlill;lIl, assl'I'lt'd t"alll'I""I' "l'I'l'rlratl it sOKolld;l

I',"' 111:111)' t"is \\';lS 1t'lJ<' M:I,'lllil"'lI ;lr~\l(·d t"at till' nld ,1:I's di,isi'"ls \1"'1"\' Ill'gillnin~

diS:'1)I)";1I ;IS ;1 f~l"\lI\'ill~ 1'l'r"·lllag,· ,,r thl' 1'"I'"I:!lillll h,'g;11I In I'll i"" 1111' Illlils III :1 I"'"l 11




TIll' nlfi, i;d 11I1I''''l'lnyllll'1l1 li~lIn's 1"'1 \\'1','11 l'l';' ;11111 Iq,;,) r;II'l·I" nISI' ;dl(l\'l' :2 1"'\ "

;llId rt'~lI"'r \\'llrk IlII':lnl ~rn\\'ill~ 1'1')SI"'lity, Th" IUlllllll'r Ill' IlLIIllI;d \\',"k"I's kll :1,\ I""'"

1ll'lll'I' 1';li,1 \\'hil"-' III "'I' j"hs I'\l\(' T"l'r" \\';IS;I shirt Il)\I';1I'l1.s skill"d '" ,'III1;llillll--: \\'hi,ll n'll1'1'

Ih,' illlT";ISI'd 1,·\1'1', (II' lil''1:11y ll1'llllghl ahlllll hI' 1'(1,,1-11';11 ,h;lllg,'S ill "dll' ;lli'"I;11 l'r"I'i,illl'

('Illh,,,!i,'d ill tI", 11),1,' Ldll,:llilln All [s,',' Iq,llls) This hl(lllg"l ;lh'llll till' "lid "I Illitilltl 1

;111.1 II\(' ,ai~ill,l~ Ill' till' S,'III\(IIIt-;II'ill~ :I~" 'rill'S" 1\\" Lll I"rs ;11'1\[';11",1 I" h,' 1,':"lill~ tll;l ,1~r;,,1

inlT";ls,' illl''1";dit\ "I'I'I)I','rtllnit\, ;11111 Illlli~lll'r lilillg ,'I a11.1;111 Is IIlI \l'll,killg" LIss !',lIllili,''\

\Vhil.'l it i, II'll" th;ll 1"1SI-\\;lr \I'lllk"IS \1"1" ",Llti\'(,1I- Ill""" prll'I"" 1l1lS ,(lIlII';!ITt'

Illl'I'" '\I';lr \'(';lIS Illth,' d"I''''ssi'lll, till' S;1Il11' im'<jll;dili,'s ,tilll"'1siSl"'1. HI till Illid l'le

,10 l'l'I' ""111 "I' tI", ,"il,I"'1I "I l'I,,,,'s,i"II:d"lll;lIla,I~"li;ll "Illlili,', \\,''''' ,till ill IIIII-li

1'11111 "ti"1I ;I', "1'1''''''.1 1" '\ I','r "1'11111(1111 "'1I1i ,kill.-d 11l;1I111,,1 h;l,k,I~I"llI\(l, \lllh "

l'l,,,,"·,\i~ql :1 .... IIH'l'\' llt'lll'llll .... l)Jl till' \\1I1\\'11H' pI Ldk" ;Illd j\IIl"I'"'l ti\"l' :-.l,ikl'''';. ( 1l1l'\t'L1llt'

l'II'1,I"",,, ,11" 1I1l 11,'li"-'h I" IlLlk,' ""Ill ",,,i"'I' I" kl'l'l' th,' ill,llIslri:d 1"';1'" Till' IlJ')lls

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