vol. 17 no. 12 travel club goes to...

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DECEMBER 2019VOL. 17 NO. 12 Community web site: http://hggcc.com Community Channel: Channel 98 on TV

Travel Club Goes To Normandy on page 3

By Jim Gormley, Herons Glen On Oct. 23, 15 Herons Glen residents traveled to Europe for an eight-day visit to see the “Memorials of World War II” in London, Normandy and Paris. This is the 75th anniversary of the June 6, 1944 D-Day landings. We traveled by private coach to the Miami airport where we boarded a direct fl ight to London. Our fi rst

Travel Club Goes To Normandyvisit was to Windsor Castle, which Queen Elizabeth calls home. This very large assembly of structures dates back to 1070 when the original building was built by William the Conqueror. The state apartments were magnifi cently decorated and housed much of the royal art treasures. We also visited St. George’s Chapel where Prince Harry was wed.

The next day we toured London and visited Winston Churchill’s underground war rooms. These were the headquarters of the British war effort during World War II. During the afternoon many of us toured the Tower of London, which is another amazing group of buildings originally begun by William the Conqueror. A highlight of the tower is the treasure room where the royal state jewels, crowns, and symbols of state are housed. The next day we traveled by bullet train under the English Channel to Paris where we boarded a bus for the trip to Caen. While in Caen we visited Pegasus Bridge and the World War II museum. During the afternoon we visited the three British and Canadian landing beaches – Sword, Juno and Gold. On the way back to Caen we stopped in Bayeux and saw the world famous Bayeux tapestry, which tells the story of William the Conqueror’s conquest of England.

By Pam Scheid, Herons Glen Veterans Day celebrations began very early for several members of The Veterans of the Glen. Boarding their chartered bus at 7 a.m., 41 veterans and their spouses headed for JetBlue Park to attend the “pinning” ceremony sponsored by the Honor Flight organization. This year’s pins were awarded to Vietnam War veterans to commemorate the war’s 50th anniversary. Among the dignitaries who addressed the crowd were Gov. Ron DeSantis and special guest speaker Ret. Lt. Col. Alan West. Their remarks included expressions of gratitude for the veterans’ service and the acknowledgement that this recognition is long overdue. It was recommended by all the speakers that for Vietnam vets “thank you for your service” should include “welcome home.”

Recognizable in their VOG shirts and having explained to the curious what it meant to be a “Veteran of the Glen,” our retired soldiers and sailors joined the others as they fi led onto the fi eld when their names were read to receive their pins. Proudly wearing those pins, the VOG members returned home in time to get a little rest before the next event, the annual Veterans Day dinner dance. Nearly 300 people fi lled the ballroom in honor of this special day. Flags representing every branch of military service hung above the stage before an enormous American fl ag, photos of Herons Glen vets were displayed at the entrance, and patriotic center pieces adorned each table. A special place was set and reserved for “the Missing Man.” The ceremonial cutting of a cake commemorating the 244th

anniversary of the Marines followed the buffet dinner. Later a live band played familiar tunes for the dancers who crowded the floor. At intermission, a drawing was held for door prizes, and the winner of the 50/50 pot was announced. All in all, it was a busy and memorable time for all those who participated in the events on this day set aside to honor and remember our veterans.

A Special Veterans Day For The VOG

By Anita Sharninghouse, Herons Glen There are several important areas to keep in mind every day and specifi cally around the holidays. This short, informative article focuses specifi cally on contractors/vendors. Future articles will address other areas of interest. We live in a wonderful gated community. Our security team and gate gives a good fi rst line of safety. But there are things that we should all do to improve security in our community. As the winter season begins, many of us have repairs, roof replacements, and other improvements we’d like done to our homes. As we’re considering contracting for this work, please remember these items: Questionable contractors can show up at your door. Once inside our community some contractors ignore the no soliciting rule and visit other homes to drum up business. These contractors need to be reported immediately. If a contractor says your neighbor said to stop by, don’t believe them. It is a tactic to gain your trust. Some contractors say that the HOA has sent them to your home because you need a repair completed. The HOA never sends contractors, vendors, inspectors or engineers to your home or asks them to contact you. Be a good neighbor; do not send your vendor or contractor over to knock on the neighbor’s door to solicit work. Get an extra card from the company and pass it on to your neighbor. Your neighbor will contact the vendor/contractor if he/she is interested. Report solicitors (contractors/vendors/companies) to the HOA Offi ce, (239) 731-0322, or after hours to the guardhouse, (239) 543-4489. Please provide as much information as you can and if safe to do so, get a tag number of the vehicle they are driving. If a contractor does not leave when asked, then call the Lee County Sheriff’s Department at (239) 477-1000. Remember that honest contractors earn the majority of their business through referrals from satisfi ed customers. They don’t have to travel door-to-door to fi nd business. Always remember – If you did not invite the company/contractor to your home, don’t open the door.

Security Today And Always

Page 2, Herons Glen

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Editorial Staff VolunteersPhotos by Dick Muller

Pam Scheid - Editor

Karen Jessop - Editor

Linda Lynch - Editor

Anita SharninghouseNewspaper Coordinator

The HOA Communications Committee serves as the supervisory body for The Heron per Article IX of our by-laws.

Committee members are Peg Lindquist, Chet Suske, Tom DeLache, and Dennis Walling, Chairman.

Peter Overs is the committee liasion from the HOA Board of Directors.

The Heron Editorial Policy is on fi le in the HOA offi ce.Articles for The Heron may be dropped off or mailed to

The HOA Offi ce, 2250 Avenida Del Vera or emailed to hgnewspaper@gmail.com

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January 2020 Saturday, December 21February 2020 Sunday, January 19

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Coming SoonDec. 12 TAT 2 RestaurantDec. 12 Travel Club Party BallroomDec. 13 Art Group Dinner BallroomDec. 17 Socialites BallroomDec. 18 VOG Dinner/Dance BallroomDec. 19 Jay Smith RestaurantDec. 21 Candlelight Dinner RestaurantDec. 25 Merry ChristmasDec. 26 Sellouts RestaurantDec. 31 New Year’s Eve Dinner RestaurantDec. 31 New Year’s Eve Party BallroomJan. 1, 2020 Happy New YearJan. 2 Tim and Rosanne RestaurantJan. 4 Can Am Bocce CourtsJan. 6 Residents Events Meeting Card Room “A”Jan. 6 Ladies’ Night RestaurantJan. 9 Bocce Annual BallroomJan. 10 Concert No. 1 BallroomJan. 16 Showcase BallroomJan. 18 Shuffleboard BallroomJan. 19 Marbles BallroomJan. 21 Socialites RestaurantJan. 25 Concert No. 2 BallroomJan. 28 TAT 2 RestaurantJan. 30 C J and Dori Restaurant

WelcomeCynthia and Paul LoweMary MacklemKimberly RoerkBonnie and Mike StropesSheryl ThibaultMadeleine and Ronald White

In MemoriamDoris CoupEgils PurinsMichael Sear

HOA And HGRD Schedule Of Meetings The following is a listing of HOA and HGRD meetings known at the time of publication. As these dates are subject to change, please check the Herons Glen website calendar and the Community Channel for updates.Calendar Of HOA Meetings, Dec. 9 Through January 2020 All committee meetings are in HOA Conference Room unless noted otherwise. Dec. 10 Architectural Review, 9 a.m.Dec. 11 Annual Board Meeting, 3:30 p.m., BallroomDec. 12 Grounds Committee, 2 p.m. Dec. 17 Communications Committee, 10:30 a.m.Dec. 19 Activities Committee, 1 p.m.Dec. 26 Finance Committee, 2 p.m. Dec. 28 Security, Safety, and Emergency Preparedness, 8:30 a.m.Jan. 7 Board Workshop, 1 p.m.Jan. 9 Grounds Committee, 2 p.m. Jan. 14 Architectural Review, 9 a.m.Jan. 15 Board of Directors Meeting, 5 p.m.Jan. 16 Activities Committee, 1 p.m.Jan. 21 Communications Committee, 10:30 a.m.Jan. 23 Finance Committee, 2 p.m. Jan. 24 Security, Safety, and Emergency Preparedness, 8:30 a.m.Jan. 28 Architectural Review, 9 a.m.Calendar Of HGRD Meetings Dec. 9 Through January 2020 All meetings are in Card Room C unless noted otherwise. Dec. 9 Finance, 9:30 a.m. Dec. 9 Facilities and Amenities, 2:30 p.m.Jan. 20 Long-Range Planning, 9:30 a.m.Jan. 20 Facilities and Amenities, 2:30 p.m.Jan. 27 Board Workshop, 2 p.m.Jan. 29 Board of Supervisors Meeting, 2 p.m.

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Herons Glen, Page 3

Community Activities on page 4

Community InterestsFirewise Community Event Day 2020By Karen Wills, Herons Glen On Monday, Feb. 17, 2020 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., the HOA Security, Safety, Emergency Preparedness Committee (SSEP) will hold its annual Firewise Community Event Day in the Herons Glen Ballroom. Affordable Carts will have free golf cart inspections. Waste Connections will again host a barbecue. Ice cream sundaes, hot dogs, and hamburgers will also be available for purchase. All monies will be donated to the Fallen Firefi ghters of Florida. The Florida Forestry Service will have a display and information booth along with equipment. The North Fort Myers Fire Department will be attending along with the

Lee County Sheriff’s Offi ce, the Lee County Bloodmobile, Herons Glen newly formed CERT committee, and other emergency responders. The purpose of Firewise is to inform communities about wildfi res and about the risks and simple things they can do to prevent them. This knowledge can give residents peace of mind and a sense of community unity in this common cause. Herons Glen can be proud that we have achieved national recognition for our efforts to educate and prepare our community through Firewise. Last year, through the efforts of volunteers and donors, the SSEP was able to donate over $2,000 to the Fallen Firefi ghters of Florida. SSEP committee members are Craig Woolly, chairman; Karen Wills, secretary; Pamela Huffman; Jim Kara; Howard Nutt; Barbara Peet; Richard Scharf; and Shirley Spicer, HOA Board liaison.

Players Of The GlenBy Linda Dentel, Herons Glen The Players of the Glen had another great year. Last year’s production of The Best Laid Plans received great reviews from those who attended. As the word spread throughout the community, the number of tickets sold at the door increased for each performance. It was wonderful to see so many new faces on stage and in the audience. Everyone seemed to enjoy the show. The success of the production hinged on all the time and effort the fun-loving, dedicated volunteers put into making it a success. This year director Trish Perry and the Board decided to bring the award-winning comedy, Lovers and Other Strangers to our stage. This play by Renee Taylor and Joseph Bologna is a four-scene, two-act comedy set during the sexual revolution of the ’60s. Each scene is funny yet poignant as the characters search for a way to deal with the complications, deceptions, and commitment in each of their relationships. If you would like to be a part of this production join us on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020 from 2 to 4 p.m. in Activity Room B to sign up to volunteer. There are a wide variety of committees to choose from and plenty of fun-loving dedicated people to work with. Come on down and check out the many opportunities. Board members and committee chairpersons will be there to answer any questions. Now if you want to save a little money when it comes to purchasing tickets for the show each year, you can become a card-carrying lifetime member. As a lifelong card-carrying member, you get to attend the annual general meeting, can be elected to the Board, have input into the productions, and get one ticket to the show each season for half price for the rest of your life. The one-time cost is only $10. If you have any questions about becoming a volunteer or would like to become a lifetime member of the Players, call Rose Hansford, (239) 898-1101; Gloria Selander, (239) 995-1261; or any Board member. Hope to see you on Jan. 9.

Community ActivitiesThe Butterfl y Society Of The GlenBy Pam Scheid, Herons Glen Butterflies and their friends and advocates r e c e i v e d w e l c o m e news Oc t . 30 when their club was granted off ic ia l s ta tus as an HGRD activity. Already successful with their e f f o r t s t o p r o v i d e gardens around their own homes to attract monarchs and o the r species, the founding members of this new organization hope to encourage others to do the same. Ultimately, they hope to create a butterfly garden as a beautiful addition to the Glen all residents can enjoy. As a sanctioned organization of the HGRD, The Butterfly Society can reserve meeting places and have their meeting times and activities posted on official Herons Glen sites. They are also permitted to hold fundraisers to support their projects. The immediate plans for the society include establishing monthly meetings at which they will invite guest speakers and arrange fi eld trips to area butterfl y gardens to collect ideas for beautiful host and nectar plants. The hope is the society’s enthusiasm for and dedication to cultivating

an environment for the propagation of butterfl ies will inspire the entire community to join their efforts. To that end, packets with milkweed plant seeds are included in newcomers’ welcome gifts. In order to meet the goals of this new society, a leadership team of volunteers was formed. Cochairs of the society are Shirley Spicer and Beth Burnett. Committee chairs are Diana Miller, communications and information; Kim Basile, treasurer and fundraising task force; Patsy Bushdorf, plant education task force; Barb Peet and Debbie Tonetti, butterfly education task force; and Patty Panek, design task force. Butterflies are not only beautiful and a joy to watch but also beneficial as pollinators. All interested Herons Glen residents are invited to join. The Butterfly Society of the Glen hopes to make our landscaping more attractive to butterflies and to eventually create a community butterfly garden in Herons Glen.

Caroling In The GlenBy James Jacobs, Herons Glen After last year’s gathering of the voices, we saw promise for this year to be even better. We managed to visit many folks who could not get out for the holiday. This year, with much guidance from our “organized mind,” Joy Venker, we plan on visiting more residences. We welcome newcomers, which may allow for two groups and visiting even more homes. If you wish to join the gang, shoot me an email on the Herons Glen Google site, ny2fl 055@gmail or text me at (631) 678-3787. Stay tuned for updates!

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The following day was the highlight of the trip with the visits to Omaha and Utah beaches, Point Du Hoc, St. Mere-Eglise, and the American Cemetery. The weather was cold and rainy much of the day, but it was very moving to visit this hallowed ground. The next day we traveled to Reims where we visited the site of Gen. Eisenhower’s headquarters and the surrender of Germany. We then returned to Paris with a stop in Compiegne to visit the site of a German “deportation camp” where 40,000 people were rounded up and held before shipping then to the death camps in Poland and Germany. Also in the Compiegne area we made a brief stop at the site of both the German surrender in World War I and the French surrender to Germany in World War II. The next day in Paris we had a tour of the city and the afternoon off to visit some of the many attractions including the Louvre and the Arc de Triumph. That evening we had a farewell dinner on a Seine river boat. The fi nal day in France was a trip to the airport and the return fl ight to Miami. This was a very busy but very rewarding trip that was a once in a lifetime opportunity!

Travel Club Goes To Normandy from page 1

Page 4, Herons GlenPage 4

Ohio Club – 2020 By Rose Swisher, Herons Glen Please save these dates! Jan. 17, 2020 – Welcome Dinner, 6 p.m. Reservations and dinner selections will be required so watch for future emails. Feb. 9 – Bocce Fun, 1 to 3 p.m. March 22 – Ohio Club vs. Michigan Club Bocce Challenge, 1 to 4 p.m. For information about Ohio Club, contact Rose Swisher at rswisher@columbus.rr.com or call/text (614) 402-2690.

Socialites Enjoy A “Golden” MomentBy Pam Scheid, Herons Glen A f t e r P r e s i d e n t Karlyn Gies welcomed the 80 members and guests to the November meeting, Cheryl Dawes i n t r o d u c e d t h e n e w members. Nancy Lyons recognized those with November b i r thdays and led the group in singing Happy Birthday. She also expressed her a p p r e c i a t i o n t o t h e members for taking all the angel tags and for the gifts which were brought to the meeting. Marti Shea reminded members of the proper way to make meeting reservations for themselves and their guests. Bev Groft announced the individual contributions to the All Souls Food Bank totaled $333 and that the bake sale raised $858 for Hope Hospice. Taking center stage, however, at this meeting was Duke, a golden retriever. He brought with him his owner Reno Anselmi, a highly decorated former Marine, and Jan Napolitano, ambassador for Golden PAWS Assistance Dogs. This not-for-profit organization is located in Naples and trains golden retrievers to assist veterans with physical and emotional needs. They also provide dogs for special needs children. Even though their program is located exclusively in Naples, their clients and dogs come from a wider area. As a part of their training, the “goldens” do community service by visiting hospitals, nursing homes, and schools.

Community Activities from page 3

What Time Is It? on page 5

In her presentation, Napolitano described the training process for their dogs. In addition to the usual obedience training, golden puppies are taught to focus on their handlers and never to interact with other dogs or be distracted by their surroundings. Once placed with its recipient, the dog is trained to assist with that person’s needs. Anselmi explained that Duke is able to recognize when he is losing his balance either standing or walking and will push against his leg to steady him. Duke is also good at retrieving dropped objects and can act as a support if Anselmi needs help to stand. Duke demonstrated his sensitivity to emotional needs as Anselmi became slightly tearful when telling of the time Duke saved his life. Immediately, Duke nestled in close to comfort him until Anselmi assured him everything was fine. Napolitano explained golden retrievers are ideal to assist people with emotional issues, especially those with PTSD. This breed can serve two purposes. First of all, sufferers from this disorder are likely to isolate themselves from others. Owning a dog requires care and leaving the house. Secondly, because the dogs are so appealing, people are drawn to them and their owners, thus helping the owner to become more comfortable interacting with others. German shepherds, by contrast, are suitable as seeing eye dogs because they help clear a path for their owners since people tend to step away from a more intimidating looking dog. Napolitano emphasized that no matter what kind of assistance these special dogs provide, a dog wearing the “service dog” vest is always working and will only accept outsiders’ attentions when given permission. Not only that, but by law they are welcome anywhere their handlers are welcome. Napolitano responded graciously to the many questions about the dogs and the organization’s work, and the three stayed after the meeting to greet everyone who wanted an opportunity to get acquainted with a very friendly and receptive Duke. Besides a donation to their program, the Socialites presented Golden PAWS with the dog treats, food bowls, and toys, which served as the tables’ centerpieces provided by Rosie Swisher’s committee.

Muchas Gracias, Danke Schoen, Merci, And Thank YouBy Susan Oliver and Karen Wills, Herons Glen The sisters of Alpha Gamma Nu wish to thank the res idents o f H e r o n s G l e n fo r suppo r t i ng ou r charities. Once again, with the help of our generous neighbors who purchased tickets for the six gorgeous

gift baskets at the Herons Glen Craft Fair, we are able to donate hundreds of dollars to the Harry Chapin Food Bank and After the Rain, a Fort Myers home for women. Currently, we are shopping for Christmas gifts for their residents and will be hosting a Christmas party at the Fort Myers residence.

Alpha Gamma Nu is one of six chapters of Beta Sigma Phi in Herons Glen. We offer our members an opportunity to make friends, a way to help others, and an avenue to have fun. During this past year we have participated in numerous fundraising, cultural, fellowship, and volunteer activities. This is the 13th year of our existence, and six of our original members are still active. The annual Herons Glen Home Tour is our main fundraiser. Feb. 23, 2020 is the date for this year’s event. Through this endeavor we have been able to donate hundreds of dollars, often matched by corporate grants, to the Harry Chapin Food Bank. Many of our friends and neighbors are so creative and talented, and we thank them for sharing their unique, whimsical, and beautiful homes. Their generosity has helped establish a strong sense of community for this philanthropy. Many previous home tour participants have commented on how special it is to be part of this worthwhile event. Participants are invited to a homeowners appreciation luncheon in April at which they can meet representatives from Alpha Gamma Nu charities. If you would like to offer your home or to recommend one for the tour, contact Donna Paulsen. The continued success of this event is dependent upon the generosity of Herons Glen residents.

What Time Is It?By Pam Scheid, Herons Glen Among the items the Lilliputians discover in Gulliver’s pockets is a round, silver “machine” with numbers on its face. They conclude it must be a religious device because he consults it frequently before acting. Today we have a variety of “machines” we consult faithfully as we go about our daily lives. We are dependent upon our clocks,

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Herons Glen, Page 5

One Family’s Holiday Traditions on page 6

What Time Is It? from page 4

watches, and cell phones to know “what time it is.” But who determines “what time it is?” The simplest answer to that question is each nation’s government based on the internationally agreed upon system consistent with the Earth’s rotation. Of course, a standardized system had to start somewhere. Perhaps the earliest attempt to coordinate time around the globe was by an Englishman, who devised a grid system to help track ships at sea. This became the Act 5 George III-Longitude Act; which, in 1675, established 0 degrees longitude in Greenwich, England. As global communication and travel increased, it became important to synchronize “time” around the world. In 1884, the International Meridian Conference established the Greenwich Meridian as the “Prime” meridian and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) as the entire world’s time standard, leading to the formation of today’s time zones. Within the established global time zones, some countries created their own (China has only one) or

designed their internal zones by half hours or quarter hours. Eventually, it became apparent the world needed a Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) standard. Members of the military will recognize this as Zulu time, which is based on GMT. (Zulu is the radio transmission code word for “zero.”) Within any time zone, while civilians may rely on a 12-hour clock, U.S. military personnel tell local time using a 24-hour clock, eliminating the need for a.m. and p.m., but schedule mission operations around the globe based on Zulu time. Future interplanetary travelers probably will address the passage of time in a whole new way. However, for current astronauts, the time of day is the same as their launch location in order to match wake and sleep times with their ground crews. In 1918, the U.S. Congress tweaked the nation’s “time” by passing into law daylight saving time (DST). According to the Oct. 25, 2019, News-Press article by Catie Wegman of Treasure Coast Newspapers, USA Today Network Florida, the law was amended in 1966, allowing states to choose to remain on Standard Time all year. The

choice does not include allowing states to remain on DST all year, although there are four bills proposing this option introduced in Congress this year. So, what time is it? Obviously, for earthlings that depends on where we are and, perhaps, the time of year. In the United States, for instance, several states, including Florida, straddle two time zones. In Indiana, northwestern and southwestern cities differ from the rest of the state. Hawaii, most of Arizona, along with the Navajo reservation, remain on standard time all year. In states observing DST, we accept that the time in December is not the same as it was in October. So, “what time is it?” All things considered, all that really matters to us is that when we consult our “machines” we can be confident they agree with all the others in our area.

One Family’s Holiday TraditionsBy Anita Sharninghouse, Herons Glen As I grow older, I realize how important are the holiday memories we make. For years, I served as the official family gathering organizer. Family potluck dinners began at our home until the family grew so large that we had to rent a hall to accommodate everyone. Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners were often enjoyed by over 100 family members and guests. Food was always a big part of any family gathering. I loved making the primary dinner items of turkey, potatoes and gravy plus a few desserts to share. Whoever attended brought their favorite items, home cooked or purchased, it was all enjoyed. Even my father’s donation of a extra large can of peaches was eaten joyfully because of his rule that fruit must be eaten with every meal. There was never an assignment of who should bring what dish although some donations didn’t change. One of my favorite uncles always brought a big pot of bean soup to remind us of the family’s humble beginnings. My sister and father loved oysters so one of her duties was to prepare scalloped oysters. The rest of the cooks didn’t want to touch or smell an oyster. As my sister raised her family, a tradition began at her home of serving lasagna instead of turkey. Her lasagna was added to our big potluck tables. My sister-in-law, the one with the most seniority, was in charge of salads. Her seven-layer salad was delicious and so colorful. We all knew she had labored for hours making that wonderful dish. The remainder of the family brought whatever dish they wanted to bring, or none if it was an especially rough year. My children delight in the memories of those special times. Like the year the cap fell off the pepper as I was mashing potatoes and the first pot of 10 pounds of potatoes turned almost black. One of my younger brothers

November 21 - December 25

Dec. 29, 2019 - Feb. 8, 2020Based in Minnesota, the musical adaptation of the popular 1993 Warner Bros. fi lm tells the laugh-out-loud story of family, friendship, love and romance. Grumpy Old Men centers around neighbors, Max and John, two grumpy retirees whose verbal, and sometimes physical, altercations date back to their

high school days. The rivalry reaches its peak when the beautiful, eccentric, and charming Ariel moves into the neighborhood. Chaos and laughter ensue as deep-rooted feuds are reopened, but with the help of Ariel’s love and compassion, Max and John have a chance to be re-united in friendship.

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Page 6, Herons Glen

One Family’s Holiday Traditions from page 5

Golf Winners Week Of Oct. 23HGMGA – Stableford, Best Two Balls Of FourFirst Place: Foster, McCoy, Carver, MisenerSecond Place: Lorenz, Lyon, Peckham, TrentThird Place: Chipman, Agate, Lemere, HoathHGLGA 18 – Low Gross/Low NetFirst FlightFirst Place Gross: Colleen DoldFirst Place Net: Diane TrentSecond FlightFirst Place Gross: Kim BasileFirst Place Net: Nancy BrownThird FlightFirst Place Gross: Helen MisenerFirst Place Net: Sharon PedersonHGLGA 9 – Subtract The PuttsFirst Flight: Peg RabbSecond Flight: Joyce CrawfordHalloween Scramble 2019First FlightFirst Place: Bob and Diane Fowler, Paul and Tracy ChipmanSecond Place: Carl Olsen, Lester Blood, Dan Rabb, Jim PerkinsThird Place: Bob Weddleton, Don Kamsch, Bruce Johnson, Dick DavisSecond FlightFirst Place: Bill and Darcy Abbott, Terry and Val TreichelSecond Place: Chuck and Denise Walton, Bob Agate and Tim BrosnanThird Place: Steve and Michele Boulton, Bob and Cheryl SamuelThird FlightFirst Place: John and Joyce Haist, Archie and Barb MarshallSecond Place: Jack and Joanne Cotter, Jack and Maryann PeckhamThird Place: Bob and Chris Lemere, Bob and Kim BasileClosest To The PinNo. 4 Rod JonesNo. 14 Steve BoultonNo. 7 Tracy ChipmanNo. 11 Diane Fowler

Sports NewsCart Decoration Winners Bill Hebert and Donna Barber DunnWeek Of Oct. 30HGMGA – One, Two, Three WaltzFirst Flight: Spenceley, Prescott, Miller, HarbourSecond Flight: Popp, Desantis, Brandt, HigginsHGLGA 18 – Stableford PointsFirst Flight: Jackie StrattonSecond Flight: Nancy HarbourThird Flight: Jackie DuggerFourth Flight: Sharon PedersonHGLGA 9 – Three Blind MiceFirst Flight: Peg RabbSecond Flight: Joyce CrawfordWeek Of Nov. 5HGMGA – Low NetFirst Flight: Ron Lange and Steve BoultonSecond Flight: Keith Brown and David McDonaldThird Flight: Bob Agate and Dennis GroholskiHGLGA-18 – Texas ShambleFirst Place: Buesing, Gillman, Lemere, TrentSecond Place: Critchley, Donoghue, Rystedt, WaleThird Place: Dugger, Gruezke, Jensen, PascheHGLGA 9 – StablefordFirst Flight: Teddy Golen, Barbara DunganSecond Flight: Jo Potts, Denise JohnsonWeek Of Nov. 12HGMGA – Individual Gross First Flight: Denise WrightSecond Flight: Bill AbbottThird Flight: Rick Lindquist

Fourth Flight: Jack ClarkFifth Flight: Dennis GroholskiHGLGA 18 – First Best Ball Of TwoFirst Flight: Joanne Buesing, Melanie WestfallSecond Flight: Jackie Dugger, Miriam GillmanThird Flight: Michele Boulton, Cheryl BraunscheidelHGLGA 9 – Individual Low NetFirst Flight: Donna SpaideSecond Flight: Erna DreyerThird Flight: Ellen Halleran

Ladies’ Nine Hole Golf AssociationBy Becky Gignac, Herons Glen Our new season is under way! Are you new to the game or just want to play nine holes? No problem; our motto is half the holes, twice the fun! League dues are only $25 for the year. Please contact Becky Gignac at moore.florida@hotmail.com or (303) 257-1179. For more information, visit our website on the Herons Glen website, from the Other HG Websites menu select Golf – 9 Hole Ladies’. Note: You must have a Herons Glen golf membership to join.

came to the rescue and helped mix the remaining pots of potatoes so no one would notice. Or the year when no one had thought to bring anything to drink. We quickly bought out the local drive-thru beverage business of all Pepsi products and milk. When I was younger, we always went to my father’s stepmother’s house for the holidays. It seemed like a terribly long trip but was really only 40 miles away. There were dozens of cousins under the age of 12 to play with. All children were relegated to eat and play in the basement while the adults ate upstairs. The oldest would sneak up the staircase to see what the adults were talking about and report back. After dinner the women of the family would wash dishes, all except for my Aunt Pat. She always volunteered to stuff all the kids in her big station wagon for a drive around the countryside. She told us stories of her childhood and let us laugh and be as loud as we wanted.

My grandmother teased her about getting out of washing the dishes each holiday, but I know they appreciated the quiet when we left. At Thanksgiving, Aunt Pat would quiz all of us on what we wanted for Christmas because she had a direct link to Santa’s hotline. Over the years our traditions have changed. My brother would be Santa’s helper for all our children. I helped the children make special Christmas ornaments each year for our tree. They bring many memories and smiles as I hang them annually. The family continues to grow with members living all around the world. We honor those who no longer are with us. Our traditions have changed over the years. Instead of sharing our favorite foods, we share our favorite recipes and reservation links for our favorite restaurants. We catch up with each other over social media when unable to be together. Something that never changes is the love we share. We wish all of you wonderful holidays and time to enjoy the traditions and memories you’ve made over the years.


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Page 8, Herons Glen

Herons Glen’s Craft Fairs are always successful. This year was no different with a multitude of crafters and hundreds of shoppers. These photos are from past years. Can you guess which years?

Craft Fairs Over The Years

By Pam Reed, Herons Glen A large crowd of 250 people attended our annual Halloween dance. Chef Jason and his crew served up hot dogs and wings, sliders and other quick treats. The bars had specialty cocktails as well as the usual libations. Tat 2 was the featured entertainment and filled the dance floor all evening. The Resident Events team created a moon with a flying witch, a graveyard and many animated characters. “Even though it’s a lot of work to decorate, we love how happy it makes people when they arrive and see the decorations,”

Halloween Spooktaculars a i d c o m m i t t e e member Ron Reed. The costumes this year were amazing and creative. From Three Blind Mice, c o m p l e t e w i t h a scary farmer’s wife with a carving knife, to Egyptian royalty and pirates, residents outdid themselves. “We had a fun time and the decorations were awesome. The band was really good. We look forward to this each year and love that each time it rolls around we know more people. We w e r e r e a l l y impressed by the c o s t u m e s , ” s a i d res ident Deborah Gluszczak.

Stephen and Bonnie Lucas Judith West and Bruce WeyneMary Ann and Steve Simpson

Janet and Tim KernsDebra and Zenon GluszczakDennis and Linda Nickerson





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