course syllabus / pacing guide level 1 modern foreign ... · intelligent inteligente smart listo...

Course Syllabus / Pacing Guide Level 1 Modern Foreign Languages Maury County Schools Class Goals: The primary goal of learning a foreign language is communication. To achieve this goal, students will be expected to participate in reading, writing, speaking and listening in the target language. Students will acquire knowledge of the culture of the countries that speak the target language. Connections will be made to other disciplines by using those content areas as context for language learning. Students will learn more about their native language by making comparisons and contrasts to the target language. Students will use their new language beyond the classroom by seeking ways to experience it in their own communities. Topics to be covered: Pronunciation Alphabet & phonics Vocabulary Essential: Common regular verbs (infinitives) Descriptive words (including colors) Classroom expressions and objects Greetings, farewells and introductions Question Words Weather and seasons Numbers 0-101 Calendar (days and dates) Telling time (12 hours) Basic family words Limited focus: Borrowed words and cognates Words connected to other disciplines Feelings and emotions Idiomatic expressions Places in the community Modes of transportation

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Course Syllabus / Pacing Guide Level 1 Modern Foreign Languages

Maury County Schools

Class Goals:

The primary goal of learning a foreign language is communication. To achieve this goal, students will be expected to participate in reading, writing, speaking and listening in the target language.

Students will acquire knowledge of the culture of the countries that speak the target language.

Connections will be made to other disciplines by using those content areas as context for language learning.

Students will learn more about their native language by making comparisons and contrasts to the target language.

Students will use their new language beyond the classroom by seeking ways to experience it in their own communities.

Topics to be covered: Pronunciation Alphabet & phonics Vocabulary Essential:

Common regular verbs (infinitives)

Descriptive words (including colors)

Classroom expressions and objects

Greetings, farewells and introductions

Question Words

Weather and seasons

Numbers 0-101

Calendar (days and dates)

Telling time (12 hours)

Basic family words

Limited focus:

Borrowed words and cognates

Words connected to other disciplines

Feelings and emotions

Idiomatic expressions

Places in the community

Modes of transportation

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Parts of speech Pronouns Gender of nouns Nouns-adjective agreement Articles

Word order


Punctuation marks

Likes and dislikes

Formal and informal speech


Present tense Regular Irregular Stem-changing verbs (implicit use of) Reflexives Hay

Verbs like gustar

Ser y estar

Near future (ir a)

Recent past (acabar de) (limited focus) Culture Essential:


Celebrations and holidays of TL countries

Gestures, body language, and unique greetings

Cultural expressions (and their variations)

Limited focus:

Songs, stories, poems of TL countries


Art and literature




Customs and activities of TL countries

Communities Essential:

Radio / television programs / advertisements / newspaper in TL

Local restaurants and stores Limited focus:

Travel plans

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Virtual travel

Communication via media

Traveling cultural exhibits

Theatre productions

International fair

Vocabulary Essential:

Common regular verbs (infinitives) English Spanish French

To talk hablar

To sing cantar

To dance bailar

To play (an instrument)/to touch


To love amar, querer

To walk caminar

To study estudiar

To listen to escuchar

To help ayudar

To look for buscar

To find encontrar

To look at mirar

To draw dibujar

To paint pintar

To arrive llegar

To use usar

To clean limpiar

To wash lavar

To skate patinar

To work trabajar

To ski esquiar

To swim nadar

To need necesitar

To prepare preparar

To practice practicar

To travel viajar

To take tomar

To take out sacar

To answer contestar

To explain explicar

To buy comprar

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To teach enseñar

To cook cocinar

To carry, to wear llevar

Descriptive words (including colors)

Big grande

Small pequeño

Tall alto

Short bajo

Good-looking guapo

Pretty bonito

Ugly feo

Nice simpático

Fast rápido

Slow despacio

Fat gordo

Skinny delgado, flaco

Easy fácil

Difficult difícil

Mean antipático

Organized organizado

Disorganized desorganizado

Boring aburrido

Interesting interesante

Hard-working trabajador

Intelligent inteligente

Smart listo

Daring atrevido

Funny cómico

Fun divertido

Talented talentoso

Silly tonto

Lazy perezoso

Patient paciente

Athletic atlético

Serious serio

Sociable sociable

Shy tímido

Brunette moreno

Blonde rubio

Red-headed pelirrojo

Colors rojo, azul, verde…

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Classroom expressions and objects

Book El libro

Pencil El lápiz

Pen El bolígrafo

Clock El reloj

Chalkboard/screen La pizarra/la pantalla

Paper El papel

Computer La computadora

Desk (teacher and student) El escritorio/el pupitre

Student El /la estudiante

Table La mesa

Teacher El profesor/la profesora

Pencil sharpener El sacapuntas

Ruler La regla

Folder La carpeta

Notebook El cuaderno

Backpack La mochila

Window La ventana

Door La puerta

Closet El armario

Map El mapa

Flag La bandera

Eraser El borrador

Marker El marcador

Dictionary El diccionario

Open/ close your book. Abre/cierra el libro.

Sit down. Siéntate.

Stand up. Levántate.

Turn in your homework. Entrega la tarea.

Take out… Saca…

May I go to the bathroom? ¿Puedo ir al baño?

How do you say…? ¿Cómo se dice…?

What does … mean? ¿Qué quiere decir…?

Quiet. Silencio.

Tell me/ Give me the answer…

Díme/Dáme la respuesta.

Attention. Atención, por favor.

Translate. Traduce.

Read. Lee.

Write. Escribe.

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Help me. Ayúdame.

I have a question. Tengo pregunta.

Chair La silla

Greetings, farewells and introductions

Hello. Hola.

How are you? ¿Cómo estás?

What’s your name? ¿Cómo te llamas?

My name is… Me llamo…

Nice to meet you. Mucho gusto.

Likewise. Igualmente.

How old are you? ¿Cuántos años tienes?

Where are you from? ¿De dónde eres?

I am …years old. Tengo…años.

I am from… Soy de…

Goodbye. Adiós.

Good morning. Buenos días.

Good afternoon. Buenas tardes.

Goodnight. Buenas noches.

See you later. Hasta la vista.

See you soon. Hasta pronto.

I have to go. Tengo que irme.

Interrogative expressions

Who? (singular and plural) ¿Quién? / ¿Quiénes?

What? ¿Qué?

When? ¿Cuándo?

Where? ¿Dónde?

How? ¿Cómo?

How much?/How many? ¿Cuánto(s)?

Why? ¿Por qué?

Which? ¿Cuál(es)?

Weather and seasons

Spring La primavera

Summer El verano

Winter El invierno

Fall El otoño

It’s hot. Hace calor.

It’s sunny. Hace sol.

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It’s good/bad weather. Hace buen/mal tiempo.

It’s cold. Hace frío.

It’s windy. Hace viento.

It’s cool. Hace fresco.

It’s cloudy. Está nublado.

It’s snowing. Nieva./Hace nieve.

It’s raining. Llueve./Hace lluvia.

It’s warm. Hace poco calor.

season La estación

What’s the weather like? ¿Qué tiempo hace?

Numbers 0-101

Calendar (days and dates)

Days of the week lunes, martes,…

Months of the year enero, febrero,…

Year El año

Week La semana

day El día

On Monday… El lunes…

Today Hoy

Tomorrow Mañana

Yesterday ayer

Telling time (12 hours)

What time is it? ¿Qué hora es?

It’s… Es la… / Son las…

At what time…? ¿A qué hora es…?

It’s at … Es a la… / Es a las…

Half past y media

Quarter till/past menos cuarto/y cuarto

Midnight Medianoche

Noon Mediodía

In the morning De la mañana /por la mañana

In the afternoon De la tarde / por la tarde

In the evening De la noche / por la noche


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Mother La madre / la mama

Father El padre / el papa

Brother El hermano

Sister La hermana

Grandmother La abuela

Grandfather El abuelo

Cousin El /la primo(a)

Uncle El tío

Aunt La tía

Son El hijo

Daughter La hija

Step- (brother, sister, etc.) El hermanastro, etc.

Half- (brother, sister, etc.) Medio hermano, etc.

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Course Syllabus / Pacing Guide Level II Modern Foreign Languages

Maury County Schools

Class Goals:

The primary goal of learning a foreign language is communication. To achieve this goal, students will be expected to participate in reading, writing, speaking and listening in the target language.

Students will acquire knowledge of the culture of the countries that speak the target language.

Connections will be made to other disciplines by using those content areas as context for language learning.

Students will learn more about their native language by making comparisons and contrasts to the target language.

Students will use their new language beyond the classroom by seeking ways to experience it in their own communities.

Topics to be covered: Vocabulary Essential:

House & Household Chores Food and restaurant (review and expand) Personal Grooming/Reflexive Verbs and related vocabulary Clothing / Adjectives Shopping and Purchases Places in a community (review and expand) Body Parts and Health Sporting & School Events Meanings of Verbs (-ar, -er, -ir)

Limited focus: Animals

Toys, Animals, Childhood activities Items in a Sporting Goods store Words related to driving and directions

Review and expand: Extracurricular, hobbies and pastimes

Emotions Advanced Adjectives

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Verbs and Tenses/ Grammar

Stem-changing verbs (explicit use) Saber Vs. Conocer Hacer+ Time expressions Reflexive verbs Ser Vs. Estar Long forms of Possessive Adjectives Preterit of Regular Verbs Demonstrative Adjectives Using Adjectives as nouns Direct Object Pronouns Irregular Preterit Informal Affirmative commands Present Progressive Imperfect Tense (regular and irregular) and uses Concept of Reciprocal Verbs Preterit verbs- Sometimes “Y” verbs/Worm words Preterit of u-stem, i-stem, and j-stem verbs (including “dar”) Imperfect Vs. Preterite Preterit of stem changing –ir verbs Indirect Object Pronouns Negative and Affirmative Words


Don Quijote José Martí Diego Velázquez Meal times, etiquette in different Spanish speaking countries Holidays (e.g. Las Posados y Navidad) Running of the Bulls Cinco de Mayo/Día de los Muertos The Alamo Incas Aztecs Gestures Family unit (nuclear y extended) Semana Santa & Carnaval Types of dances Selena Gloria Estefan Jennifer López Ballet Folklórico

Communities Immigration

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Vocabulary Essential:

House & Household Chores English Spanish French

Clean Limpiar

Wash Lavar

Organize Organizar

Iron Planchar

Sweep Barrer

Vacuum Pasar la aspiradora

Cut the grass Cortar el césped

Make the bed Hacer la cama

Set/clear the table Poner/quitar la mesa

Feed the dog/cat/fish… Dar de comer al perro, …

Cook Cocinar

Take care of the children Cuidar a los niños

Walk the dog Caminar con el perro

Do the laundry Lavar la ropa

Take out the trash Sacar la basura

Dust the furniture Quitar el polvo de los muebles

Bedroom El cuarto, el dormitorio

Living room La sala

Kitchen La cocina

Den La sala de familia

Bathroom El cuarto de baño

Closet El armario

Laundry room La sala de lavandería, el lavadero

Dining room El comedor

Basement El sótano

First floor La planta baja

Second floor El primer piso

Garage El garaje

Food and restaurant (review and expand)

Plate El plato

Cup La taza

Glass El vaso

Napkin La servilleta

Fork El tenedor

Knife El cuchillo

Spoon La cuchara

Bowl El tazón

Chicken El pollo

Beef La carne de res

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Fish El pescado

Hot dog El perro caliente

Lamb El cordero

Ham El jamón

Salad La ensalada

Green beans Las habichuelas, las judías verdes

Peas Los guisantes

Carrots Las zanahorias

Beans Los frijoles

Potatoes Las papas, las patatas

Milk La leche

Juice El jugo, el zumo

Cookies Las galletas

Dessert El postre

Breakfast El desayuno

Lunch El almuerzo

Dinner La cena

Bread El pan

Soup La sopa

Bacon El tocino

Eggs Los huevos

Toast El pan tostado

Sausage La salchicha, el chorizo

Sandwich El sandwich

Snack La merienda

Drinks Las bebidas

Lemonade La limonada

Tea El té

Soft drinks Los refrescos

Water El agua

Coffee El café

Butter La mantequilla

Salt La sal

Pepper La pimiento

Lettuce La lechuga

Onion La cebolla

Tomato El tomate

Cheese El queso

Cake El pastel, la tarta

Pie El pastel

Rice El arroz

Turkey El pavo

Hamburger La hamburguesa

French fries Las papas fritas

Chip El chip, el pedacito

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Pork chop La chuleta de cerdo

Banana La banana, el plátano

Apple La manzana

Orange La naranja

Grapes Las uvas

Watermelon El sandía

Peach El melocotón, el durazno

Chocolate El chocolate

Candy Los dulces

Menu El menu

Personal Grooming/Reflexive Verbs and related vocabulary

To bathe Bañarse

To shower Ducharse

To shave Afeitarse

To comb Peinarse

To brush Cepillarse

To paint (nails or lips) Pintarse

To put on Ponerse

To put on make-up Maquillarse

To wake up Despertarse

To go to bed Acostarse

To get up Levantarse

To stand up Levantarse

To cut (nails or hair) Cortarse

To dress Vestirse

To take off Quitarse

To have fun Divertirse

To wash Lavarse

To sit down Sentarse

To prepare oneself Prepararse

To go to sleep dormir (dormirse=to fall asleep)

To go away Irse

To call oneself Llamarse

To dry oneself Secarse

Soap El jabón

Brush El cepillo

Toothpaste La pasta de dientes

Washcloth La toallita

Hairdryer El secador de pelo

Towel La toalla

Shampoo El champú

Comb El peine

Make-up El maquillaje

Deodorant El desodorante

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Mirror El espejo

Razor La navaja

Toothbrush El cepillo de dientes

Clothing / Adjectives

Dress El vestido

Jacket La chaqueta

Coat El abrigo

Skirt La falda

Tie La corbata

Suit El traje

Shoes Los zapatos

Shirt La camisa

Blouse La blusa

T-shirt La camiseta

Jeans Los blue jeans

Socks Los calcetines

Shorts Los pantalones cortos

Vest El chaleco

Sweater El suéter

Scarf La bufanda

Tennis shoes Las zapatillas de tenis/los zapatos deportivos

Bathing suit El traje de baño

Boots Las botas

Rain jacket El impermeable

Hat El sombrero

Cap La gorra

Gloves Los guantes

Underwear La ropa interior

Jewelry La joya

Ring El anillo

Necklace El collar

Bracelet La pulsera/El brazalete

Sunglasses Los anteojos de sol

Glasses Los anteojos, las gafas

Watch El reloj

Pants Los pantalones

Purse La bolsa, el bolso

Cotton El algodón

Leather El cuero

Wool La lana

Silk La seda

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Shopping and Purchases

Expensive Caro

Cheap Barato

Wallet La cartera

Credit card La tarjeta de crédito

Cash El efectivo

Price El precio

It’s a bargain. Es una ganga.

It’s a rip-off. Es un robo.

How much does it cost? ¿Cuánto cuesta?

Sale La venta

Market El Mercado

Store La tienda

Supermarket El supermercado

Restaurant El restaurant

Food La comida

Mall El centro commercial

Suffix -ría

Places in a community (review and expand)

Bank El banco

Post office El correo

Hospital El hospital

Movie theatre El cine

Bookstore La librería

Library La biblioteca

Gas station La gasolinera

Theatre El teatro

Gym El gimnasio

Museum El museo

Stadium El estadio

Cafeteria La cafeteria

Office La oficina, la consulta

Park El parque

Beach La playa

Swimming pool La piscina

Airport El aeropuerto

Train station La estación de tren (de ferrocarril)

Church La iglesia

School La escuela

University La universidad

Body Parts and Health

Eye El ojo

Nose La nariz

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Head La cabeza

Shoulder El hombre

Elbow El codo

Stomach El estómago

Back La espalda

Mouth La boca

Ears Las orejas, el oídos

Hair El pelo

Neck El cuello

Leg La pierna

Fingers Los dedos

Toes Los dedos de pie

Ankle El tobillo

Knee La rodilla

Foot El pie

Lips Los labios

Heart El corazón

Face La cara

Body El cuerpo

Throat La garganta

Tooth El diente

Tongue La lengua

My …hurts Me duele…

How do you feel? ¿Cómo te sientes?

What hurts? ¿Qué te duele?

Doctor El medico, la médica/el doctor, la doctora

Nurse El enfermero, la enfermera

Sick enfermo

Sporting & School Events

Basketball El básquetbol, el baloncesto

Volleyball El voleibol

Soccer El fútbol

American football El fútbol norteamericano

Baseball El béisbol

Tennis El tenis

Swimming La natación

Hockey El hockey

Band La banda

Gymnastics La gymnasia

Cheerleading La animación deportiva

Chorus El coro

Game El partido

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Contest El concurso, la competición

Concert El concierto

Dances Los bailes

Practice La práctica

Meeting La reunion

Events Los eventos

Team El equipo

To play Jugar

Player El jugador, la jugadora

Coach El entrenador

To win Ganar

To lose Perder

To tie Empatar

Meanings of Verbs (-ar, -er, -ir)

To visit Visitar

To say, to tell Decir

To be (2) Ser, estar

To have Tener

To make Hacer

To know (2) Saber, conocer

To give Dar

To meet Conocer, encontrarse

To learn Aprender

To come Venir

To go Ir

To write Escribir

To live Vivir

To drink Beber

To eat Comer

To understand (2) Comprender, entender

To run Corer

To read Leer

To believe Creer

To sell Vender

To see Ver

To break, tear Romper

To receive Recibir

To attend Asistir a

To be able to Poder

To pay (for) Pagar

To begin Empezar

To close Cerrar

To open Abrir

To plan, to think Pensar

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To bring Traer

To want Querer

To prefer Preferir

To repeat Repetir

To ask for Pedir

To serve Server

To play (a sport) Jugar

To count Contar

To sleep dormir

To cost Costar

To remember Recorder

To eat lunch Almorzar

To enter Entrar

To show Mostrar

Should Deber

To put, place Poner

To leave Salir

To hear Oír

To return (3) Volver, devolver, regresar

To taste Probar

To die Morir

To follow Seguir