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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    Game Geek, Issue 21, Sept 2011 

    An Avalon Games Product, All righ

    reserved, Version 1.0, 2011

    All comments, suggestions and

    contacts can be made at…

    Avalon Games,

    [email protected]

    Or visit

    Avalon Games at…

    Some Game design, artwork and lay

    by Robert Hemminger

    Cover by Joe Calkins

    Some art by Sade, LPJ and Art Fant


    Musing of the Avalon Stogie ...................................................................................................

    Behind the Game,

    Nova Blast part 2 ……...................................................................................................

    Coral Throne

    Chapter XII ...................................................................................................................

    Junkyard Wars,

    Strip #21 ……….............................................................................................................

    Raging Swan Gaming …………………………………………………………………….………..

    Avalon Pathfinder ................................................................................................................

    Dept 13 Comic, Issue #6 ……………………………..……………………………………..…..

    Multi-Verse …………,,,…….…………....................................................................................

    Artist Spotlight ……………………………………………………………………………………..

    Battle Axe …….……….….......................................................................................................Geek Profile ………………………………………………………………………………………….

    Reviews ..................................................................................................................................

    Cool Stuff ...............................................................................................................................

    Whats New ............................................................................................................................

    Arcana ………………………………………………………………………………………………

    Free Stuff ………………………………………………………………………………..……….…. 

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    aking a living versa having fun.

    any of you have heard this before, but it’s near impossible to make a living as an e-publisher. Avalon does very we

    this biz; we are one of the tops ten e-publishers out there. Still we don’t make nearly enough for me to quit my job

    nd do this full time. I don’t know too many folks out there that can say they are making a good living by doing this

    unning a small e-publishing house is a lot of work, many hours and some aggravation. Still I do it for one reason.

    n. If I never make a dime on this venture I would still be putting out game. Hell for years I did just that, creating

    oard games that just me and my friends played. For many more years I designed play by email games, which had a

    rge following. Now I sell my games, but I would still be doing it even if I did not make some sort of profit on them

    the end it’s just about making fun games and having fun doing it.

    o play a good game and have some fun with your friends.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Nova Blast Preview

    Part 2

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21




  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Coral Throne

    Chapter XII

    adora saw Tommus walking toward her as she tourede garden. She had needed time to think over what

    lvia had told her in the little chapel to the future. Here

    the strong sunlight of the open gardens Isadora felt

    ee of some of the worries that had come upon her in

    at closed space. The palace gardens were quite

    tensive, trailing off to the north of the palace and the

    ounds about that end of the great wall. Here near the

    a wall stood the stables and the little path that lead to

    e stairs and iron gate that she had used to leave Silvia’s

    cove and water filled basin. From there she had walked

    e flag stone covered path out from behind the stabled past the small smithy located in the north east corner

    the palace, along the sea wall. From there the gardens

    pened up, Isadora walked there now, through the tree

    ned paths and among the flowerbeds.

    sadora.“ Tommus called, waving a hand to get her

    tention. He walked past a small group of courtly maids

    they stood gossiping near by, no doubt about Isadora

    d her exploits. Isadora stopped and waited for the

    oung man to catch up.

    Maxis needs some information from the library, and has

    ked me to go fetch it for him,” Tommus told her. He

    as a bit out of breath as he stood next to Isadora.

    That's me,” Tommus laughed, “trained conjurer, skilled

    arrior and prince, but now little more then the fetch boy

    the pretend lord of the realm.” Isadora had to smile

    ith him at the joke. He had such a sunny manner, so

    fferent then most of his other siblings. Only Paula

    emed to share his moods of laugher.

    “So as you had shown some interest in seeing the

    library,” he continued on. “I thought to invite you

    along.” Isadora smiled; she would love to get out of the

    palace she thought. Looking over at the gathering of

    gossiping woman near by, all of whom made it a point to

    avoid Isadora’s eyes, but still continued to speak in low

    whispers about her. “I would love to go with you,” she


    Tommus smiled. “Good, I will fetch us a carriage then.

    Meet me in front of the palace in an hour.” As he turned

    to go Isadora reached out to stop him. “Have you seen

    Sammual around?”

    “Aye, I just left him with Maxis. They are in the council


    “Thank you,” Isadora called as Tommus rushed off. “I

    will meet you at the front of the palace in a hour’s time.”

    She then, rushed off to find Sammual.


    Isadora caught her husband as he was exiting the council

    room. He was dressed in his naval uniform, Kimn close

    behind on his heels. Both men stopped as she walked up

    to them. Isadora gave Kimn a hard look and then turned

    to Sammual, he handsome in his blue and black uniform

    she thought.

    “Can I talk to you? Alone please,” she said, looking at

    Kimn. The little giant bowed and left, smiling at Isadora

    as he did so.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    We need to talk,” she said turning back to Sammual

    ain. He looked down at his feet and shuffled about a

    t nervous and then nodding in agreement. “Yes

    night. I…,” he tried to continue on, “I am sorry about

    ow I have behaved.”

    he smiled at his efforts to be nice. “I am sorry too,” she

    id, reaching up to kiss him, happy that they had put therd time behind them.

    am going to the library with Tommus, so I do not

    now when I will be back, but tonight we will talk it all

    ut. I love you,” she told him as she kissed him again.

    ammual smiled down at her and patted her rear. “Have

    n then,” he offered. As he walked away Isadora pouted

    bit. He had not said it, told her he loved her. She

    etted about this as she watched him turn the corner of

    e hallway, meeting up with Kimn as they both

    ntinued on their way.


    adora stood without a word as she looked up into the

    eat open space that was the main library of Avieragon.

    ven in her home up north, she had heard of the great

    brary of Avieragon and had dreamed of seeing it

    meday. All about walked sages and scholars, countless

    umbers of them it seemed. The great hall was open to

    y that wished to enter, while aids and scribes moved

    out helping and offering their services.

    Quite the place is it not,” Tommus said. “I actually like

    ming here,” he said as he guided her along. They

    ssed one sage after another as they walked into the

    eat chamber. Many of the sages had with them

    tendants who trailed behind, each carrying arms full of

    ooks and scrolls. Isadora stopped to look up into the

    ulted ceiling over their heads, for above great beams of

    one held up the dome of gold. Along the walls ran case

    ter case of books, scrolls, tablets and texts. In the

    iddle of the massive chamber lay more shelves ofooks. She had never seen so many books, so much

    fort placed into storing the lore they held. It was truly

    ne of the wonders of the world.

    Now I will leave you to have a look around,” Tommus

    id. “I am off to find the information Maxis sent me

    ter. If you need help finding anything, grab one of the

    tendants and ask.” Tommus then waved good-bye and

    shed off.

    Isadora just stood there for a moment, taking it all in.

    Soon enough and elder gentleman approached her, he

    bowing deeply and respectfully. “My ladyship, I hope

    am not imposing,” he said, bowing again. “I noticed

    you were alone, the prince having left your side. If yo

    need a guide, I would be more then happy to assist yo

    “Thank you, that would be so nice. I am Isadora,” she

    said smiling and holding out her hand in a greeting.

    “I know who you are milady,” he offered, puffing him

    up, proud of his skills at identifying the royalty of the


    “Then you have me at a disadvantage, for I do not kno

    your name.”

    “I am Barnibus your highness, the chief librarian,” he

    offered with another bow, Isadora laughing at his stiff

    and uncomfortable pose. “Good sir, you are too polite

    If you continue to bow to me all the time, I will only b

    able to recognize you by the top of your bald head.”

    Barnibus smiles at that and rubbed the top of his hairle

    head. “Thank you my lady, I fear my back would not

    take another,” he complained with a smile, arching his

    lower back to relieve some of the strain. “Now, how m

    I help you? Do you seek a specific book, or are you

    more interested in some more general topic?”

    “I don’t know,” she pondered, at a lose as to where to

    star, “this is the first time I have been here. It’s so hug

    never dreamed that this many books even existed in th

    world.” Turning about Isadora tried to gather another

    look at the library. Barnibus smiled. “Then good lady

    you have much more to be amazed at. This is the

    greatest collection of lore in the world. Centuries hav

    been spent in the gathering of the wonders about you.

    Texts as old as the Monoliths of Guidord lie within ou

    vaults,” he said with pride. “Which I believe predates

    even Avieragon’s own glorious history.” It was clear

    the man lived for the books and lore that were stored

    here. Isadora could understand as she too had a passio

    to read, to learn of places far away and events out of th

    deep past. She had so little access to books over the

    years though, no more then a few hundred resided wit

    her father’s entire realm. She had read almost all of

    those. The harsh winters offering plenty of time to re

    and learn, the trading of books quite common among t

    lords and ladies of her homelands.

    “Now then,“ he said taking her arm in his own. “Shal

    we start with a tour, or do you wish to have me lead y

    to a particular section or style of work.”.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    he thought on the matter a moment. “What about the

    istory of our fair realm?” She asked, wishing to learn

    more about the people of Aviergon and their past.

    arnibus smiled a broad grin. “A historian at heart, I like

    ou more and more with each passing moment your


    Then you will like me even more after you stop calling

    me ‘Your Highness’ and start calling me Isadora.”

    arnibus nodding his head, a smile once more coming

    ver him, he taking her offer with a bit for pride. The

    oyalty of the realm were not so familiar with their

    ubjects as Isadora was and she had found her friendly

    manners went a long way to winning over the common

    olk. The two continued down a few isles of book-

    helves, some so tall it took a ladder to reach the top of

    he stack. Finally they entered a side chamber where

    more books were held. Here there were fewer scholars,

    nly a hand full sat about at several tables used for

    eading. All made it a point not to stare at her when the

    wo entered, but Barnibus puffed up all the more, his

    lace assured for months in the gossip of the library and

    s caretakers.

    Now here we have most of the texts concerning

    Avieragon and its long history,” Barnibus offered. “Are

    ou looking for something in general or a more specific

    eriod? I could suggest the treatise that Yorbo Mon did

    n the fifth age on the brothers war, or possibly my own

    ork on the royalty of past days and their many


    Both please,” Isadora said, sitting down at a long table,

    already covered in books. Barnibus hurried off to fetch

    he works, returning soon enough with more then the two

    e had offered. “I don’t think I can read all those today,”

    adora said with a smile.

    No need,” Barnibus offered. “You may take them with

    ou, after all they all belong to the queen.”

    You mean all of these book, the whole library is part of

    he royal holdings?” Isadora asked, a bit surprised. “I

    hought the library was a part of the city, belonging to the

    ealm’s people.”

    No, all of it is the property of the queen,” Barnibus said.

    Of course she allows us common folk to use the library

    t her pleasure. Still it does all belong to her, each and

    very book, scroll and tablet.”

    “Then I will take care of them and see that they are

    returned after I have finished with each,” she said,

    looking through a few of the books. All were large text

    some with hand drawn pictures. Each was written by

    hand, a lifetime of work, toil and love. In some ways sh

    thought, they were a bit of immortality for the author, a

    way to carry their name on into the future. Looking bac

    up to Barnibus she asked another question. “What of thpalace, do you have anything on it, floor plans or the

    like?” The place was such a maze she thought. A simp

    map would go a long way to her finding her way around


    “Aye,” he offered. “We have the original blueprints, as

    well as many other works on the great palace of

    Avieragon. Would you care to see them?”

    “Yes, that would be nice. Can I leave these here.”

    Isadora asked, pointing to the small mound of books hehad brought her already. “Aye, I will have a minor

    liberian wrap them and have them sent to the palace


    Taking her arm once more the two walked out of the

    chamber and down several halls, finally coming to a

    smaller chamber, this one locked.

    “We keep the more valuable and older works here,” he

    said. Bringing forth a large key he opened the door.

    Isadora noted a musty smell to the room, like mold anddust mixed and left to sit for years on end. She looked

    upon the stacks of old texts, some little more then folios

    of loose papers placed together. “Here we go,” Barnibu

    told her, leading her over to a small stack of books. Eac

    was duct covered and old; some of the leather on the

    bindings cracked and dry as old leaves. Pulling a large

    folio from the shelf Barnibus took it over to a table and

    opened it. Within lay hand drawn details of the palace,

    as it had been when first built ages ago. She looked at

    the papers before her, running her hand over the aged

    papers before her. A sense of the palace’s history and acame over her as she looked down upon how the great

    structure had looked when first built, those many years


    “Odd that you would look at the same folio as the

    prince,” Barnibus mused as he stood near the table were

    Isadora sat. “I do not believe another two people have

    seen these blueprints more then a hand full of times

    within the past few decades.”

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    Someone else looked at these recently?” She asked looked up from the folio.

    Aye, just last month prince Lessiter was here. He spent several hours looking through this and other works. I

    ssisted him myself,” said Barnibus as he looked over other works in the shelves beside the table. Isadora turned bac

    o the papers loosely stacked in the leather folder. What could Lessiter have been looking for here among these

    rawings? She flipped through the papers, one at a time, looking at each in turn, spending long moments search each

    or some clue. They all were done by hand, each drawn out with precise details, showing the placement of walls,

    indows and stairwells. Wait she thought to herself as she came to one of the final pages, here on this map of the

    asements. One area was circled in black ink, which itself was much darker then the other ink lines on the paper.

    learly it had been drawn recently, well after the drawing themselves had been done. Turning to Barnibus Isadora

    miled. “That will be all for now I think.” Standing she folded the papers back into the leather cover and handed itack to Barnibus. As she did so she asked one more question. “Do you have any other works by the man that drew

    hese blueprints?”

    Aye, we have his original diary,” Barnibus said. He then placed the folio back into the bookshelf and reached up to

    ull down another text. This was a small leather bound book; thick and wrapped in an old bit of silk ripen. Barnibu

    anded it to her. Looking inside Isadora saw that the script was by the same hand that drew the pictures she had just

    een. Within were many more small drawings, calculations and notes on his work. “Can I take this with me?” She


    arnibus thought on a bit and then nodded his head. “We are not suppose to loan out these works, but of course bein

    ne of the royalty and all, I cannot see why we could not make an exception in your case.”

    adora thanked him and left the room, carrying the small book at her side. She meant to study this diary fully and s

    she could not figure out what Lessiter was up to. Thanking the librarian, she took her leave then, returning to the

    main chamber to find Tommus waiting for her, ready to return to the palace.


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Wait, Shhhhh…., I hear something.


    Bot treads.

    We best find

    somewhere to hide.

    Now be quiet.

    Kill Kill Kill…

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    The Undead

    By Creighton Broadhurst, Publisher at Raging Swan Press

    The shambling undead can be encountered almost anywhere; underground they lurk in ancient

    crypts and corrupted fanes while above ground they could be the spawn of some fell

    necromancer who has unleashed them upon the surrounding countryside or the slain warriors

    of an ancient battle returned to wreck their revenge on the living.

    This short article provides the time-crunched GM with the tools to create many interesting

    encounters with these undead without spending hours creating stat blocks for creatures that

    will likely not survive very long. When designing an encounter featuring undead decide theEL and then simply select or randomly determine which group of monsters the PCs face.

    The encounter groups below feature undead of predominantly human origin.

    EL 1 ENCOUNTERS (XP 400)

    Human Fast Zombie (2)

    Human Skeleton (4)

    EL 2 ENCOUNTERS (XP 600)

    Human Fast Zombie (1), Human Skeleton (3)

    EL 3 ENCOUNTERS (XP 800)

    Human Fast Zombie (4)

    Heavy Horse Skeleton (1), Human Fast Zombie (1)

    EL 4 ENCOUNTERS (XP 1,200)

    Human Skeleton (3), Heavy Horse Skeleton (2)


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    CR 1/2 (XP 200)

    The putrid stench of death emanates from this

    shambling corpse. The creature's pale flesh is

    rotting from its body and it regards you with

    dull, hate-filled eyes.

    NE Medium undeadInit +2 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception 

    +0, Sense Motive +0

    Speed 40 ft.

    ACP 0; Acrobatics +2 (+6 jumping)

    AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; (+2 Dex, +2


    Immune undead immunities

    Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +3

    hp 12 (2 HD)

    Space 5 ft.

    Base Atk +1; CMB +4 CMD 16Melee slam +4 (1d6+4)

    Atk Options quick strike

    Quick Strike (Ex) Whenever a fast zombie

    makes a full-attack, it can make one additional

    slam attack.


    Str 17, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10

    Feats Toughness


    CR 1/3 (XP 135)

    This animated skeleton wears a rusted chain

    shirt but its longsword is yet sharp and deadly.

    NE Medium undead

    Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception

    +0, Sense Motive +0

    Speed 30 ft.

    ACP -2

    AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; (+2 Dex, +2armour [rusted chain shirt], +2 natural)

    Immune mind-affecting effects, death effects,

    disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects,

    stunning, nonlethal damage, ability drain,

    energy drain, damage to physical abilities,

    exhaustion, fatigue, massive damage, any effect

    requiring a Fortitude save (unless it affects

    objects or is harmless), cold

    Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +2

    hp 5 (1 HD); DR bludgeoning/5

    Space 5 ft.Base Atk +0; CMB +2 CMD 14

    Melee longsword +2 (1d8+2/19-20) and claw

    -3 (1d4+1)


    Melee 2 claws +2 (1d4+1)


    Str 15, Dex 14, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10

    Feats Improved Initiative

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    CR 1 (XP 400)Shreds of rotting flesh hang from skeleton of

    this large horse.

    NE Large undead

    Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception 

    +0, Sense Motive +0

    Speed 50 ft.

    ACP 0; Acrobatics +5 (+13 jumping), Stealth


    AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 11 (-1 size, +5

    Dex, +2 natural)

    Immune cold, undead immunities

    Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +3

    hp 9 (2 HD); DR bludgeoning/5

    Space 10 ft.

    Base Atk +1; CMB +7 CMD 22 (26 vs. trip)

    Melee bite +5 (1d4+5) and 2 hooves +0



    Str 20, Dex 20, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10

    Feats Improved Initiative

    The encounter groups below feature undead of humanoid origin.

    EL 1 ENCOUNTERS (XP 400)

    Bloody Goblin Skeleton (2)

    EL 2 ENCOUNTERS (XP 600)

    Bloody Goblin Skeleton (1), Wolf Skeleton (1)

    EL 3 ENCOUNTERS (XP 800)

    Ogre Plague Zombie (1), Bloody Goblin Skeleton (1)

    EL 4 ENCOUNTERS (XP 1,200)

    Ogre Zombie (1), Ogre Plague Zombie (1)

    Bloody Goblin Skeleton (2), Wolf Skeleton (2)


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    CR 2 (XP 600)

    Rotting flesh hangs from the corpse of this

    shambling giant. Thick muscles bunch and

    quiver as it raises its fists menacingly toward


    NE Large undeadInit -2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception 

    +0, Sense Motive +0

    Speed 30 ft., base speed 40 ft.; staggered

    Staggered (Ex) A zombie has poor reflexes and

    can only perform a single move or standard

    action each round. If it charges, a zombie can

    move up 30 ft. and attack in the same round.

    ACP -3; Stealth -9

    AC 14, touch 7, flat-footed 14 (-1 size, -2

    Dex, +4 armour [hide], +3 natural)

    Immune undead immunitiesFort +2, Ref +0, Will +5

    hp 33 (6 HD); DR slashing/5

    Space 10 ft.

    Base Atk +4; CMB +11 CMD 19

    Melee slam (reach 10 ft.) +9 (1d8+9)


    Str 23, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10

    Feats Toughness


    CR 2 (XP 600)

    Rotting flesh hangs from the corpse of this

    shambling giant. Thick muscles bunch andquiver as it raises its fists menacingly toward


    NE Large undead

    Init -2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception 

    +0, Sense Motive +0

    Speed 30 ft., base speed 40 ft.; staggered

    Staggered (Ex) A zombie has poor reflexes and

    can only perform a single move or standard

    action each round. If it charges, a zombie can

    move up 30 ft. and attack in the same round.

    ACP -3; Stealth -9AC 14, touch 7, flat-footed 14 (-1 size, -2

    Dex, +4 armour [hide], +3 natural)

    Immune undead immunities

    Fort +2, Ref +0, Will +5

    hp 33 (6 HD); death burst

    Death Burst (Ex) When a ogre plague zombie

    is destroyed it explodes in a burst of decay. All

    adjacent creatures are exposed to zombie rot as

    if struck by a slam attack

    Space 10 ft.

    Base Atk +4; CMB +11 CMD 19Melee slam (reach 10 ft.) +9 (1d8+9 plus

    zombie rot [DC 13 Fortitude {2 consecutive

    saves}; onset 1d4 days; frequency 1/day; effect

    1d2 Con {this damage cannot be healed while

    the creature is infected})


    Str 23, Dex 6, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10

    Feats Toughness


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    CR 1/2 (XP 200)

    Covered in blood and gore this goblin skeleton

    yet wears its noisome, blood-drenched leather

    armour and clutches a short sword in its bony


    NE Small undeadInit +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception

    +0, Sense Motive +0

    Speed 30 ft.

    ACP -1; Ride +10, Stealth +10

    AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+1 size, +3

    Dex, +2 armour [leather], +1 natural)

    Immune cold, undead immunities

    Fort +2, Ref  +3, Will +2; +4 channel resis-


    hp 6 (1 HD); fast healing 1; DR bludgeoning/5;

    deathlessDeathless (Su) The bloody goblin skeleton is

    destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points, but

    returns to unlife 1 hour later at 1 hit point,

    allowing its fast healing to resume healing it. A

    bloody goblin skeleton is permanently

    destroyed if it is destroyed by positive energy,

    if it is reduced to 0 hit point in the area of a

    bless or hallow spell or if its remains are

    sprinkled with a vial of holy water.

    Space 5 ft.

    Base Atk +0; CMB -1 CMD 12Melee short sword +1 (1d4/19-20) and claw -4



    Melee 2 claws +1 (1d3)


    Str 11, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 14

    Feats Improved Initiative

    Gear as above


    CR 1 (XP 400)

    White bone gleams bright beneath patches the

    moulding black fur of this skeletal wolf.

    NE Medium undeadInit +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception

    +0, Sense Motive +0

    Speed 50 ft.

    ACP 0; Acrobatics +3 (+11 jumping)

    AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2


    Immune cold, undead immunities

    Fort +0, Ref  +3, Will +2

    hp 9 (2 HD); DR bludgeoning/5

    Space 5 ft.;

    Base Atk +1; CMB +2 CMD 15 (19 vs. trip)Melee bite +2 (1d6+1 plus trip)

    Trip (Ex) A skeletal wolf can trip its opponent

    as a free action without provoking an attack of

    opportunity if it hits with its bite. If the attempt

    fails, the skeletal wolf is not tripped in return.


    Str 13, Dex 17, Con -, Int -, Wis 10, Cha 10

    Feats Improved Initiative


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    A guardian is sacred watchmen or some holy or arcane relic or site, a bodyguard or other

    keepers of a holy secret or oath. Guardians are called different things in different cultures

    but they are all experts at self-defense and security. Guardians rely on observation and tac-

    tics instead of brute force. Many guardians serve as elite law enforcement officers or

    guards for important officials.

    Characteristics:  Guardians are proficient with simple weapons, all non-lethal weapons,

    and martial weapons. The guardian is also proficient with light, medium, and heavy armor,

    as well as all shields. Guardians are tough and tenacious combatants that are difficult to

    surprise. Over time guardians develop their combat techniques and become even more


    Background:  Most guardians hail from realms or

    cultures with advanced arcane or religious orders and

     institutions. In these cultures and realms they serve

     as keepers of the truth, watch guard of holy ritesand sacred relics. They are often chosen form

    the best warriors and noble family, and it is

    often seen as an honor to be called on of

    their order.


    !"#$ &''"() *+ ,-

    .$/($0'1*2 3)144 5"2) *+ 6

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Hit Die: d10

    Class Skills

    The guardian's class skills and their related abilities are; Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (military)

    (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex)

    Skill Points at 1st Level: (6 + Int modifier) x 4

    Skill points at each additional level: 6 + Int modifier

    Class FeaturesAll of the following are class features of the guardian;

    Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The guardian is proficient with simple weapons, all nonlethal weapons, and

    martial weapons. They are also proficient with light, medium and heavy armor, as well as all shields.

    Damage Reduction: At 1st level the guardian gains the extraordinary ability to shrug off a certain amount of

    damage. At first level the guardian ignores the first point of damage from each injury he suffers. Damage reduction

    increases by +1 at levels 5 and 10.

    Alertness: At 1st level the guardian gains Alertness as a virtual feat.

    Bonus Feat: At 4th level the guardian gains a bonus feat from the Combat List. He gains an additional feat at leve

    3 and 9.

    Fearless Nature: Guardians deal with fear and intimidation as a part of daily life. At 2nd level he gains a +2 bonu

    to all saving throws involving fear and a +2 to level checks to resist intimidation. This bonus increases to +4 at lev8.

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    D  ,@=,6 ,< ,< ,9 ,; Bonus Feat

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21

    20/82Bad Baby Productions, 2011 Story by Jennifer Schoonover Art by Robert Hemm

    The Nubian Witch has gone by many names—t

    Sphinx, Bast, Sekhmet. She has fooled them all

    she uses her supple body to make herself more

    leonine and feral. Thousands have idolized he

    with statues and paintings depicting her as she

    wants. Her wisdom is profound, the way of the

     powerful woman. It is no wonder those who se

    her only reveal her nature rather than her true

    self. For if other women were to recognize the

    gifts all women have to change shape and rule

    men, men would be lost.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21

    21/82Bad Baby Productions, 2011 Art and Story by Robert Hemmi

    So we need to go to Maine.

    Maine, why Main

    The Nazis are looking

    for one of the gates,   which they believe is

    located under a

    school in Maine. 

    Deep under the scho

    lies a chamber.

    And how did you come by this

    information Professor?

    You would not believe me if I told you.

    The information is valid though, you will

    have to trust me on this.

    Trust is a hard

    thing to come by

    in this business.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    Never the less it is

    essential that you do. 

    We need to get there bef

    the Nazis open the gate

    We need to throw this into the gate

    as it opens. 

    A Rook! You want to wait unt

    the monsters are crawling out a

    open doorway and then throw

    rocks at them?

    I know it sounds

    insane, but yes

    that is exactly

    what I am


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    The Elder Gods have tried

    time after time to escape their

    limbo prison, but time after

    time a select few brave men and

    woman have stood against

    their plans.

    The priest of Atlantis tried in

    their mad quest for power to

    release the trapped alien

    horrors and paid for their


    Nero burned Rome in an attempt to stop

    yet another Gateway from being opened

    The cultist all burned as the city was

    consumed with flames.

    Now the Nazis try to free these alien

    monsters and only we few within the

    Dept 13 have a chance of stopping them.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    You’re really not

    going to tell me how

    you came by this rock

    and the informationon the Nazi’s plans.

    No my dear, I am not. You would thin

    after all we have b

    through that we co

    trust each other

    It is not a matter of

    trust Agent D, but

    one of security.

    And if I told you then

    you would be in grave

    danger from thesource.

    Well I wouldhave told you

    We will be coming

    up on the high

    school anything time

    now Professor.


    and this

    gateway is


    under a




    Well from what we could gather,

    the site was once sacred place to

    the local Indians.

    Hours later.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    Maybe they could

    help us out?  No go, they all died of Small Pox back in the

    frontier days.

    Shame, they migh

    have shown us

    what to look for.

    Hum, I think we are in the right place.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    Spaghetti Western


     Steve Lopez

    This month we will be bringing you the third part of Spaghetti Western, a brand new S&G setting. You will

    find new characters, cards and counters in the Free Stuff of this issue.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    !"# %&'&(# )* +,-

    Availablenow at

    RPGNow, E-23,


    and other

    great online stores.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Gordon NapierWe have some great art for you this month from yet another great artist.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Now this is a California Fairy if I

    have ever seen one.  

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Gordon Napier is an artist based in Buckinhghamshire, UK. His subject matter ranges from mythological &

    romantic themes to gothic horror. He has recently provided illustrations for the Dragon Warriors fantasy RPG

    franchise, and also produced pirate ship and map images, and Ancient Egyptian character designs for two Facebook

    based games. He has also produced sc-fi book cover artwork for a re-issue of 'Midway Between' by Warren

    Norwood, to be published in the near future by Battlefield Press. His work may be seen online at and enquiries regarding illustration or fine art commissions may be made by email to

    [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    A*/$ B"C1( #(D**4 ("/E# +*/ F*G 'D1# B*2'D H1'D I2(D"2'12C D1''12C 'D$ J"''4$ K1$4E

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    Have the spell caster make 4” moveAnd

    Play another War Band Card onthis spell caster

    OrYellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Make a single weapon becomemagical

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Don!t be a clown, play a game from Avalon and have a great time.

    Become Fan of Avalon

    Games and join our

    Newsletter. In each issue we

    offer insights into Avalon

    Games, the people that makeit a great little publisher and

    all sorts of free stuff, special

    offers and access to Fan

    Special Edition products. Go

    to our web site at, and

    sign up.

    !"#$ &'()' *'+#$

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Some times he is a snob, because he plays a realwar game, but others know the truth, he just

    likes to move his little tanks around. He can’tpaint for shit, so he pays some other geek to do

    that for him. Nope, he likes Flames of War justfine; it’s all he plays.

    Let the others move around their blocked,

    ranked up goblins or their elder tanks, he has

    Flames of War and he’s just fine with that.

    Historical map of WWII.

    Strange template used in the


    Table set with all sorts of terrain.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    By Megan Robertson

    Altered Earth

    By Chaos Trip Studios

    Opening with a Setting Introduction, which

    describes the variety of game types that you can

    play in this bleak yet chaotic apocalypic

    future-Earth, a setting rich with a wealth of

    opportunity for those brave, perhaps vicious,

    enough to sieze what they want and defend it

    against all comers. The background is explained, a

    gradual decline brought about by wars, economiccatastrophes and environmental damage: no single

    apocalyptic event but a succession of disaster after

    disaster that brought once-green Earth to its present

    state of barren wasteland scattered with giant

    city-fortresses ruled by warlords.

    Scene set, Chapter 2: Races looks at, well, the

    races available to players. The default is, of course,

    human beings - as described in the 'Humans'

    section of the Dungeons & Dragons 4e Player's

    Handbook. However, if 'fantasy' elements arerequired, the use of this ruleset means that the

    D&D fantasy races are compatible - even if they

    are explained away as aliens or from another

    dimension within your game. Or there are other

    options here: you might want to play an android,

    for example, a robot with artificial intelligence that

    has developed self-awareness... a process which

    tends to end in insanity. The formulae of D&D 4e

    have been used to good effect with such as 'Play an

    XXX if you want...' and powers for androids being

    renamed 'skill programs' - very neat retooling ofthe ruleset to suit the game setting. You could also

    pick a cyborg, a human with a lot of prosthetic

    enhancement and replacement. Stranger are the

    experimentals, subjects of mind or body altering

    biological experimentation, and gene freaks, who

    are genetically engineered humans, altered to excel

    in one specific area. Strangest of all, perhaps, are

    the risen, who have died and been restored to life

    by technogical means.


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    Next, Chapter 3: Classes examines the different

    career paths that characters can follow. Different

    races tend to be better at different classes, but you

    can enter whichever one that you wish. There are

    three to choose from: athlete, diplomat and

    specialist. Fantasy classes from D&D can also be

    used, the most suitable being those that draw on the

    martial or psionic power sources... unless you want

    to go really fantasy, of course. Athletes excel in

    melee, specialists in ranged combat, whilst

    diplomats use their minds and their charms to

    achieve desired outcomes. For each, a wealth of

    exploits and other features enable you to customise

    the character within these broad categories to end

    up with whatever you want. It's clear that plenty of

    thought has gone into these.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Chapter 4 then presents some paragon paths for

    those who reach 11th level and choose to specialise

    further. These are based on past history and

    inclinations, not on any specific class, and all are

    available to any character. Relic hunter, killer,

    high-tech gladiator, free agent, king of the streets,

    tunnel rat... it's the style in which you go about

    your adventures, the areas in which you wish toexcel, that determine which, if any, you choose.

    Race and class decided, on to Chapter 5: Skills and

    Feats. There are two new skills - Psych and

    Science - to equip your character to deal with the

    world as it is now, as well as notes on how to adapt

    existing D&D skills to the setting, in particular

    how to use knowledge of nature to forage in the

    wastelands. There are plenty of setting-specific

    feats to choose from as well. This is followed by

    Chapter 6: Equipment and Vehicles, so that you

    can kit out your newly-created character. In thissetting, each fortress-city has its own currency,

    often held in electronic format: fine whilst you stay

    in one place, but what if you are visiting, or travel

    around a lot - or just have to leave in a hurry? Once

    you move on, electronic funds need to be

    converted into something more tangible.

    Precious metals and gems are a standard, of 

     course, but drugs, medicines and ammunition

    are also popular. Then on to armour and

    weapons, and more general gear including

    medicines, food, and the various necessitiescharacters are likely to need. An interesting

    point is that gear is defined as the stuff your

    character has that makes a difference to his

     being able to complete the adventure.

    Services - from lodgings to those of 'sex

    workers' and even a scale of bribes - and

    vehicles are also included here.

    Next is Chapter 7: Experiments. Here are

    described several protracted procedures that

    characters might wish to undertake. They fit an

    analogous position to the 'Rituals' of D&D

    although they can involve the use of a wide range

    of skills. So if you wish to reanimate a fallen

    character, or persuade one of those archaic

    satellites to give you a view of the world fromspace... here's how. A character sheet blank, and

    off you go...

    Despite the overview of the setting given at the

    beginning, the GM is going to have to engage in

    quite a bit of pre-game designing: surroundings,

    personalities, as well as whatever adventure is to

    take place. This work gives you the tools and a

    glimpse at the setting, but more work is needed

    before you will be ready to stride forth and

    adventure in the Altered Earth. What is here isgood, clearly presented, consistently thought out...

    but it feels almost as if there's a second part to the

    book yet to come.

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Cool Stuff Barry Windsor Smith

    By far one of my most favorite artists,

    Berry Windsor Smith.  Stunned my little

    boy mind the first time I picked up a copy

    of Marvel’s Conan. The lines, clean work

    and detail overwhelmed me and still does

    to this day. What draws me to his work

    are the lines. Lines everywhere, almost

    like they where thrown down at random,

    but when they all come together they

    form this wild scene. Details out of lines.

    Here is a, link to his site…


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    The next in our S&G genre games will be out

    next month. You have had a chance to see it

    all in this very issue, so go get the full version.


    More Arcana this coming month with Journal

    #28. We are almost done with the south with

    this issue, and then move up to the Dark Northfor some goblin fun.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    A new edition of How to comes out with the

    next in our series of How to Be a Great GM.

    No month is complete without some

    Avalon Pathfinder. New adventure,

    encounter, magic and treasure await.

    Some Super Hero

    fun this month with

    the release of Super

    Hero based

    Counters. More

    super powers then

    you can handle.

    A little horror is good for you. Too much and

    you turn into a Zombie. Heres some Zombie

    art for you sick folks.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    The ruins of Gam-ErithAs found in hex 32 

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21






  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21








    Have the spell caster make 4” move


    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Make a single weapon become








    Have the spell caster make 4” move

    AndPlay another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Make a single weapon become


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21













    Have the spell caster make 4” move


    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Make a single weapon become


    Have the spell caster make 4” move

    AndPlay another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Make a single weapon become


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21







    Have the spell caster make 4” move


    Play another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Make one character’s armor become

    magical and thus reduce all attacks

    made on this character by -1








    Have the spell caster make 4” move

    AndPlay another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Make one character’s armor become

    magical and thus reduce all attacks

    made on this character by -1


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21













    Have the spell caster make 4” move


    Play another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Make one character’s armor become

    magical and thus reduce all attacks

    made on this character by -1


    Have the spell caster make 4” move

    AndPlay another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Make one character’s armor become

    magical and thus reduce all attacks

    made on this character by -1


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21







    Have the spell caster make 4”



    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Increase the range of any one

    missile weapon by +5”







    Have the spell caster make 4”move


    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Increase the range of any one

    missile weapon by +5”

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21














    Have the spell caster make 4”



    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Increase the range of any one

    missile weapon by +5”

    Have the spell caster make 4”



    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 0

    Remain in Play

    Increase the range of any one

    missile weapon by +5”

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21













    Have the spell caster make 4” move


    Play another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Increase the movement of any of

    character by +3”

    Have the spell caster make 4” moveAnd

    Play another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Increase the movement of any of

    character by +3”

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21













    Have the spell caster make 4”



    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Prevent any one character from

    being able to fly

    Have the spell caster make 4” move


    Play another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Increase the movement of any of

    character by +3”

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21













    Have the spell caster make 4”



    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Prevent any one character from

    being able to fly

    Have the spell caster make 4”move


    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Prevent any one character from

    being able to fly

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21








    Have the spell caster make 4”



    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Make a single weapon become

    magical and hit at +1 Category







    Have the spell caster make 4”



    Play another War Band Card on

    this spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Make a single weapon become

    magical and hit at +1 Category

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21








    Have the spell caster make 4” move


    Play another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Make one character’s armor become

    magical and thus reduce all attacks

    made on this character by -1 Category

    The character is also immune tobleeding and Stun results







    Have the spell caster make 4” move


    Play another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remain in Play

    Make one character’s armor become

    magical and thus reduce all attacks

    made on this character by -1 Category

    The character is also immune to

    bleeding and Stun results

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21






    Uni ue

    Have the spell caster make 4” move


    Play another War Band Card on this

    spell caster


    Yellow 1

    Remove from the game any one

    Remain in Pla card

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    Strength 4

    Speed 6 / 3

    Movement 3

    Adrenal 2

    Will 5






    Special Abilities

    1. Bear Hug(Attack, 1)

    See Description


    Strength 3

    Speed 5 / 2

    Movement 4

    Adrenal 2

    Will 5






    Special Abilities

    1.  PistolRange of 8



  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Strength 2

    Speed 5 / 3

    Movement 5

    Adrenal 2

    Will 5




    Cowboy(Land Barons)


    Special Abilities

    1. PistolRange of 8

    Strength 2

    Speed 7 / 5 / 2Movement 5

    Adrenal 2

    Will 5





    (Land Barons)


    Special Abilities

    1. RifleRange of 10

    2. Command(Move, 1)

    See Description 



    Clanc Cowbo

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Strength 3

    Speed 7 / 3

    Movement 4

    Adrenal 2

    Will 4




    Sheriff Brown(Solo)


    Special Abilities

    1. PistolRange of 6

    2. Bad Eyes(Special)

    See Description 

    3. Command(Move, 1)

    See Description 

    Disruptor Pistol

    (Base Range of 2, +1 Damage)

    Power Claws 

    (-2 AS in melee) 

    Strength 2

    Speed 6 / 3Movement 5

    Adrenal 6

    Will 5







    Special Abilities

    1. PistolRange of 8

    2. Slippery When Cornered(Move, 1)

    See Description 

    3. Treacherous(Attack, 1)

    See Description 




  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Strength 2

    Speed 7 / 5

    Movement 4

    Adrenal 0

    Will 5






    Special Abilities1. Rifle

    Range of 10

    Strength 2Speed 6 / 3

    Movement 4

    Adrenal 2

    Will 5






    Special Abilities1. Pistol

    Range of 8



    De ut Gunman

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    A great bear of a man, Babe is Trey's older brother. Babe's easygoing nature is in sharp counterpoint to

    his great size and strength. He's slow to anger, except when Trey hoodwinks him into anotherharebrained adventure. Consequently, Babe avoids Trey as much as possible – it's better for both of

    them. In the case of the Texas valley war, though, Babe stands alongside Trey in support of the beleaguered small ranchers.

    Cost: 10Attack: 4Defense: 4Strength: 4Speed: 6 / 3Movement: 3Adrenal: 2Will: 5Health: 15 

    Special Abilities:

    1. Bear hug (Attack, 1)When Babe scores a hit with a melee attack, spend an Adrenal point to place the target in a powerfulbear hug. The victim will take two hits of damage automatically at the start of Babe's activation. Thisdamage will continue until Babe is knocked out or the bear hug is broken with a successful Strengthtest. While hugged, the victim cannot make a move action and must remain in the square adjacent toBabe (who also cannot move while the bear hug is in place).

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21




    The first settlers of the valley were small cattle ranchers who were attracted by the area's lush grassland

    and plentiful water. Unfortunately these attributes also make the valley desirable to the newcomer

    Colonel Fitzroy, who wishes to run the small ranchers off and claim the valley as his own. Now theranchers are fighting not only for their property, but their very lives, against the ruthless cattle baron.

    Cost: 5Attack: 4Defense: 4Strength: 3Speed: 5 / 2Movement: 4Adrenal: 2Will: 4Health: 11

    Special Abilities:

    1- Pistol – 8 range

    Special Rules:

    Ranchers are non-unique characters. You may enlist as many ranchers on your force as you have pointsavailable to spend.

  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    Clancy(Land Barons)

    Clancy is the ringleader of the cowhands and toughs who work on the Fitzroy ranch. In the past,whenever there was dirty work to be done, Fitzroy always relied on Clancy to finish the job. But theColonel's confidence in Clancy has lately begun to wane in light of all the “new talent” (strangers and

    gunmen) flooding the area. Clancy, desperate to get back in his boss' good graces, has started to takesome foolhardy risks and long chances, courting disaster in his quest to show that he's still the top manaround when an especially nasty job needs to be performed.

    Cost: 10Attack: 4Defense: 5Strength: 2Speed: 7 / 5 / 2Movement: 5Adrenal: 2Will: 5Health: 11 

    Special Abilities:

    1- Rifle – 10 range2- Command (Move, 1) -  Clancy may command cowboys (allowing cowboys to be played on a forceat the game's start) but can't provide them with free actions.

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    Cowboy(Land Barons)

    Colonel Fitzroy's ropers and wranglers have the reputation of being some of the toughest men around.Under the leadership of Fitzroy and Clancy, the cowboys are the Colonel's “foot soldiers” in his

    campaign to drive off the small ranchers via terror tactics (including murder).

    Cost: 5Attack: 4Defense: 5Strength: 2Speed: 5 / 3Movement: 5Adrenal: 2Will: 5Health: 11 

    Special Abilities:

    1- Pistol – Range 8

    Special Rules:

    Cowboys are non-unique characters. You may enlist as many cowboys on your force as you have pointsavailable to spend, but only as long as Colonel Fitzroy or Clancy are also a part of your starting force.

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    Joachin is a career criminal with an impressive list of offenses covering the gamut from horse theft tosinging bawdy songs in the public square on a Sunday. Everything has a price; Joachin will do nearlyanything if the price is right and, not coincidentally, he has a price on his head. Both attributes make

    him a very dangerous character.

    Cost: 15Attack: 3Defense: 4Strength: 2Speed: 6 / 3Movement: 5Adrenal: 6Will: 5Health: 15

    Special Abilities:

    1- Pistol – 8 range2- Slippery When Cornered (Move 1) – Joachin may pay one Adrenal to receive a bonus of +1 diewhen rolling to disengage from combat.3- Treacherous (Attack 1) – Joachin may pay one Adrenal to make two ranged pistol attacks on thesame attack action (instead of one attack), even against characters which are adjacent to him.

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     Sheriff Brown


    Sheriff Brown has found himself somewhat caught in the middle of the Texas valley war; though swornto uphold the law, Brown also realizes it's in the best interest of his continued health to side withFitzroy (at least occasionally). Consequently, Brown tends to vacillate back and forth between the

    Fitzroy camp and the small ranchers, generally acting in his own self interest as it applies to any givensituation.

    Cost: 10Attack: 3Defense: 5Strength: 3Speed: 7 / 3Movement: 4Adrenal: 2Will: 4Health: 11

    Special Abilities:

    1- Pistol – 6 range2- Bad Eyes – Any ranged attack made by Sheriff Brown with any weapon has a maximum range ofsix squares.3- Command (Move 1) – The Sheriff may use his authority to command deputies within his force.When this ability is used, the Sheriff may activate any one character named “Deputy” on his force whois within five squares. This activated deputy may perform one action. (Note that the deputy may stilltake its normal actions when its activation comes up in the cycle.) The Sheriff may perform this ability

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    Any time an armed conflict erupts in an area where law enforcement is weak, mercenaries and self-styled “bad men” come pouring out of the woodwork for a piece of the action. Some come for themoney. Some come for the chance to raise a little hell. No matter what the motivation, it's certain that

    the local cemetery will soon fill up – after the streets run red with blood.

    Cost: 10Attack: 4Defense: 4Strength: 2Speed: 7 / 5Movement: 4Adrenal: 0Will: 5Health: 11

    Special Abilities:

    1- Rifle – 10 range

    Special rules:

    Gunmen are non-unique characters. You may enlist as many gunmen on your force as you have pointsavailable to spend.

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    All games available at

    (Click on the name to visit their site)

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    Avalon is a proud participant of Kiva,

    making loans that change lives.

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    Avalon’s premier game system the S&G battle system allows you to play skirmish level

    engagements, and do so with a fast, easy to learn system that also allows for endless

    expansions and genres. With S&G you can fight battles between fantasy based elves and

    orcs, or blast off into the cold hard future with space marines and aliens.






    Weapons and Armor

    Weapons As mod Damage mod Notes____

    Scimitar -1 +1 -

    Dagger +0 -1 -

    Warlord Grom

    Special Abilities


  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21


    Battle Axe is a simple to play tabletop system for skirmish level

    battles. Using cards instead of dice, you will find the game to be

    less luck based and much more tactical in nature. The rules and

    cards provide here will be enough to get you started, and new

    characters and rule expansions are on the way so you can continueto increase both the size and composition of your War Bands.

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  • 8/15/2019 Game Geek Issues 21



    “Fantastic artwork, wonderfully created and well thought outas well as a beautiful addition to any fantasy RPG.”