herbology final rewiew ppt

HERBOLOGY Harry Potter - Gryffindor Professor Tudor(Year One)

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Harry Potter-Gryffindor

Professor Tudor(Year One)

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Greenhouse 1

• We work in Greenhouse 1 because all first years in Hogwarts do so.

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• Professor: Professor Tudor

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• I am Harry Potter,a Gryffindor First Year,I am only taking Herbology for now

• Now,please take a look at my Herbology Final Project

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For your safety

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We wear them to protect our hands

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Dragon-hide gloves

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We wear them to protect ourselves from The Mandrake’s Cry

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We use to do spells

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A wand

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Retrieved from the stool of any fire-breathing dragon

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Dragon Dung

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Can only be harvested when a Mooncalf emerges from its burrow

during the full moon

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Mooncalf Dung

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The tears from a Centaur

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Centaur’s tears

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• Repotting is a very special stage for both Herbologist and the plant because the plant likes a new pot and needs more sunlight, water and food.

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• Except the plant was cutting a plant's life short for medicinal or experimental usages,a plant’s lifespan is three to five thousand years.Treestend to have the longest lifespans, however cacti and guapo herbs also have lengthy lives.

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Major Plant Ingredient

Major Plant Ingredients• · Mistletoe berries• · Wolfsbane/monkshood/aconite• · Valerian Sprigs (also in sleeping potions)• · Leaping Toadstool• · Knotgrass• · Peppermint• · Root of Aconite• · Poppy Heads• · Shrivelfigs (shrinking potions especially)• · Rose Thorns• · Rose Oil

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Dreamless Sleep Potion

In the widely accepted version of the dreamless sleep potion, both moonstone and starpuffs are used.Both these ingredients are named for their relation to sleep, and thus the night. While moonstone causes drowsiness, without the starpuffs a dreamless sleep potion would not carry the name of dreamless,while Starpuffes are alive in plant form, possess a hypnotic quality. If you don't watch yourself, you will find yourself easily mesmerized by their sparkling petals and shimmering leaves. Without the starpuffs, a dreamless sleep potion would not give the user an inability to think, which is vital to the process of dreamless sleep. Distractions are indeed a large part of the dreaming cycles of both day and night.

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Dreamless Sleep Potion

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• Gillyweed is a rather rare herb native to the Mediterranean Sea, and grows to a height of five centimetres to seven centimetres in soil with a pH range of 7.9–8.4 (Moderately alkaline). Gillyweed consumes a large amount of water, but requires little sunlight in order to thrive.TheGillyweed is a slimy plant, grows as in bushel, and is grey-green in colour.

• Consumption of Gillyweed by a fully human being results in temporary growth of gills and webs between toes and fingers. The effect lasts for about an hour in fresh water, and up to three hours in salt water (although, there is some controversy around this in the field of Herbologists. Several suggested that the salt water number is not accurate, and many contest the difference of the effects of Gillyweedbetween salt and fresh water). The properties of Gillyweed include a refreshed, nourishing feeling when it is consumed, thus making Gillywatera popular drink. Gillywood is a tree which grows in water, and is believed to be a relation to the Gillyweed due to the patterns in its leaves.

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How to make Gillywater:

• Begin with a pure water, or a juice. You will need a cucumber,and sheaves of Gillyweed. Peel the cucumber, then cut it into long, relatively thin strips. Use the longest to tie the rest of the strips together. Pour any liquid you choose into the cup, and then add the cucumber. The longer you let sit, the stronger the cucumber taste. Right before drinking, add Gillyweed to the cup, and perhaps a chilling charm or icecubes. Gillyflower may also be added if you like a little spice in your drink.

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• A herb present at weddings, for it is symbolic of the tying together of two people. Actually, it's more than that. Knotgrass is used in polyjuice potions to help temporarily turn one person's’ body in that of another. Knotgrass is native European forests, and is present in Hogwart's Forbidden Forest. Growing from 5cm to 4m tall ! Knotgrass has a very irregular growth pattern, perhaps due to its ability to halt the growth of animals.It’s used in some love potions too. Knotgrass is used by healers to treat urinary tract infections as well as fertility issues.

• Knotgrass grows wherever there is a neutral level of pH level in soil (Slight acid) 6.1–6.5 to (Neutral) 6.6–7.3, and plenty of water. The more sunlight, the faster it will grow. The height knotgrass when planted in greenhouses is highly variable, anywhere between 2 inches and 14 feet! Knotgrass blooms flowers in the summer, with the colour varying between whites, pinks, and greens. When the flowers are done blooming, the stem must be cut bellow the flowering.And lots and lots of water!

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DittanyEssential to healers, potioneers, romancers and parents alike! Dittany only grows naturally on the mountainside of Crete and Greece. Of course, Herbologists and Healers have greenhouses full of them, with specialised conditions to mimic that of Crete's climate. Muggles go through many difficulties to retrieve this herb from its natural habitat; however, the process is dangerous for them and many don't make it. Muggles are aware of the romantic quality this herb possesses, and thus collect it for their significant others. Dittany aids in curing ailments of all manners, can prevent permanent scarring, is used in love potions, and sometimes is used as a wand core. In liquidized form dittany is brown.According to my notes,to properly use Dittany, it must be diluted. This usually occurs in the liquidizing process.

Dittany grows twenty centimetres to thirty centimetres in height, and requires warmth and sunlight to thrive. Its Latin name is origanum dictamnus, and its closest relation is dictamnusalbus, which is also referred to as Burning Brush or White (False) Dittany. Dittany, like Knotgrass, grows in soul with an average pH level of (Neutral) 6.6–7.3. To grow dittany, one must use a greenhouse in order to control conditions. Keep the temperature in the greenhouse at an even temperature of 13 degrees Celsius. Seeds should be lightly covered by soil, and then sprinkle lightly with water. Wait until the soil feels dry to water the Dittany. It is alright to accidentally give Ditty too much water, as long as you let it dry out before adding

more again, but do be careful should you choose to grow Dittany.

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Valerian Roots/Springs

• Valeriana officinalis is a plant native to Europe and some of Asia, although it has migrated to North America. Muggles are aware of its existence, however many are unaware of its powers. The Valerian Root possesses sedative powers, and its sprig is used in several sleeping potions. The root is anxiolytic, thus it is also used in calming droughts and potions. Perfumes make use of the strong smell of the sprig (noted to be like a mix of cherry and vanilla), and the root itself is often worn by grooms at weddings, to ward of the envy of the elves. (This custom is still used today by wizards in Eastern Europe).

• Valerian may grow to be five feet, and forms bunches of attractive white flowers. At least seven hours of sun is required to keep healthy. Root division and seeding are effective ways of starting the growth of a new plant. The seed should be planted in soil with a pH level of 4.5–5.0 (very strong acid), about 1/8 of an inch down. Valerian Root ought to be harvested in the fall, or in the spring. It is important to keep the plant out of the way of cats, who are just as attracted to the root as catnip.

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Valerian Roots

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Valerian Sprigs

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Draught Of The Living Dead

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The Mandrake (mandragora)

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The Mandrake (mandragora)

• It’s cry can kill people

• Before earmuffs are discovered that can protect us from The Mandrake’s Cry, herbologist needs to use a dog when repotting a Mandrake

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Devil's Snare

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Devil’s Snare

• It will only grow in dark and spooky places

• It can kill you very fast but if you relax,it will slide you down

• If it come to rescue,you’ll need spells,I prefer Lumos,Lumos Maxima and Incendio,because it hates light and heat

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• From Scotland, the Bubotuber looks like a giant black slug. But when squeezed, it releases gas-scented yellow pus. The pus treats acne, but must be diluted before it is safe. Undiluted Bubotuber pus causes rashes and burns on contact. Muggles classify the pus as corrosive, although none of them are aware of where it comes from.

• To grow Bubotuber, one must plant a bulb in dark, nutrient rich soil. Bubotuber requires very little sunlight, and can stand very cold weather. Dragon dung is recommended for fertilizer, and lots of it!

• To dilute the pus, either mix with dittany in liquid form or Gillywater. The pus is also able to lose its scent over time, so be wary when opening mail.

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Rat Root• The uses of Rat Root vary widely, as the herb is rather universal in

properties and abilities (which perhaps explains its continued popularity despite the toxicity). Due to the sweet smell of the herb, Rat Root is commonly used in floor coverings. Rat Root is used in various ways in the art of Healing. Some symptoms Rat Root can help cure are tooth aches, burns, and eye diseases. In powdered form Rat Root is capable of clearing a cough and relieving the strain on one’s voice. This herb is also used to help people after a stroke, in the recovery process. Seventeenth century Herbologist Nicholas Culpeper completed research which suggests that Rat Root strengthens the mind and stomach, and this led to the use of Rat Root in some digestive potions. Rat rot is also used as a mild tonic, and can be used to calm people’s nervousness in mildly stressful situations.

• Rat Root is a water plant, and thus grows in moist soils. It is thereby necessary to water the herb about once every two to three days. Sunlight is a huge must for Rat Root; do not plant this one in the shade! Rat Root grows best in shallow water, marshes, by the edge of a river, or in ponds. Seeds are ripe in July and August, and should be planted quite quickly after you obtain them. Rat Root flowers between May and July.

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Some qualities of Rat Root

AbortifacientAnodyne (relives pain)AnthelminticAphrodisiac (used in some love potions)CarminativeCounters the side effects of hallucinogens DiureticHallucinogenLaxativeOtalgic (cures ear aches)Sedative

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Bouncing Bulb

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Bouncing Bulb• Also called Resilio bulbus, this magical plant is able

to jump around, when not restrained. Purple in nature, Bouncing Bulbs consist of a bulb shaped plant, with several green leaves sprouting from its top. To care for this plant, it is best to have a bathtub's worth of dirt (neutral PH level), in a relatively bright area. Centaur tears are best when watering. Young Bouncing Bulbs are easy enough to handle, though if they wiggle free they often try to hit you in the face. Bouncing Bulbs have the ability to grow to the size of doorways; therefore, it is important to recognize signs of aggression from a Bouncing Bulb, as well as how to subdue them.

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Bouncing Bulb• When threatened, Bouncing Bulbs tend to jump towards

anyone they view as a possible attacker. If you see a Bouncing Bulb coming at you, it is safe to assume that is showing signs of aggression. Smaller Bulbs may be subdued with a knockback jinx Flipendo (fli-PEN-doh). The wand movement is a check-mark, hill, and then valley. You may wish to practice this spell with your charms professor if you are having trouble, and sources tell me that pottermore.com also has practice help for the knockback jinx. Mitigating the hazard of a larger Bouncing Bulb requires fire, to which I recommend the spell incendio (in-SEN-dee-o). This spell's wand movement is quite literally the shape of a flame, although Herbologist Tilden Toots always found slashing movements to be equally effective. The fire causes withering of the bulb. Toots was fond of Bouncing Bulbs, and advertised help to Herbologists whose bulbs were losing height on his radio show.

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• Although Gurdyroots resemble green onions in appearance, their foul scent makes them easily distinguishable. What is lacking in their scent is not made up for by their taste. Gurdyroots are commonly used to "ward off evil" (by their smell, presumably), as well as in potions which are attributed to this same purpose. Gurdyroot Infusion, a drink made with this plant, is of a red-purple colour, and a 'bogey-like' taste. Of the creatures Gurdyroots are said to ward off, Gulping Plimpies are among them. Herbologists are not yet in agreeance on the actual existence of that particular breed of Plimpie.

• Gurdyroots are able to grow in a diverse range of environments, provided the soil has enough nutrients. Sunlight and water in adequate amounts will keep the Gurdyroot alive for several months, as long as the soil is nutritious. If there is a lot of sunlight, Gurdyroots can grow to be up to fifteen centimetres in diameter. In order to take care of a Gurdyroot, it is necessary to have the plant in a pot seven and a half times the size of the bulb (or have the same ratio of space for the Gurdyroot if planted outdoors). What makes the Gurdyrootdifficult to grow is many bugs like to 'attack' this plant, as the smell is offensive to them. While many mundane critters are kept at bay by the odour, bugs which have magic are inclined to attempt to break through the stem of the plant. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that you place a protective spell around your plant. Nonperiurabis should do the trick.

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Aconite (Aconitum)• Otherwise known as Monkshood or Wolfsbane, (in

muggle society "the queen of poisons",leopard'sbane, women's bane, blue rocket, and devil's helmet are other names which refer to Aconite) Aconitum comes from the Greek word ἀκόνιτονor akonitos, meaning 'without dust' or 'without struggle'. Without struggle would be the more appropriate reference, and refers to the toxicity of aconite leaves, which were often used to kill wild animals during the middle ages. The poison was also applied to the tips of arrows when muggles fought each other in battle. Aconite is a poisonous sedative, powerful in small doses, and can be used to slow heart rate. It is also known to treat prickly pain in the skin.

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Aconite (Aconitum)• Aconite can be found in the wild, in forests and mountain ranges of moderate

temperatures. To care for Aconite, always wear your dragon-hide gloves. If you are harvesting the plant outdoors, be careful not to leave parts of the root exposed, as it can harm the wildlife nearby. (Remember, Aconite is highly poisonous). When growing Aconite, one had best use nutritious soil, the darker and fluffier the better. Aconite thrives in shady areas, so if you are planting outside it is best to plant Aconite close to trees. Do not attend to your Aconite while you have open wounds on your hand, as it takes great caution to ensure correct dosages of Aconite are used at the best of times. If your wound becomes infected by Aconite's poison, apply the antidote (a fully plant based potion: antropine) immediately, and head to St Mungo's, as only certified Healers will be able to fully handle your care. The importance of seeking treatment cannot be stressed enough. Death occurs almost instantaneously with large doses, although usually within two and six hours of exposure. Symptoms (which are evident within the first hour) include diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting first, and then sensations of burning in the abdomen, mouth, and face, as well as tingling and numbness in the mouth and face. As death nears, numbness spreads throughout the body. Sweating, dizziness, headaches, confusion, and troubles with breathing may also occur.

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Aconite (Aconitum)

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Wormwood (Absinthe)

• Wormwood is a plant which is commonly associated with sorrow and bitterness, and has been used in potion making since as long as potioneershave recorded knowledge of. Wormwood grows to a height between one and two metres, usually closer to two. Common throughout Europe, Wormwood has wood-like roots, and leaves which are between two and eight inches. Wormwood prefers salty water, which many Herbologistsspeculate to be related to the bitterness in taste and bitterness in nature of the plant.

• If you have sat in on a potions class, you are probably already aware that Wormwood is an ingredient in the Draught of Living Death. Healers will often use Wormwood in potions to help with digestive disorders. Properties of Wormwood include the ability to induce sweating, stimulate the imagination, increase hunger, settle stomach, and is a counter-irritant (reduces pain). Wormwood leaves and flowers may be placed on the skin for dulling the pain of wounds such as insect bites. In potions, wormwood is also used by Healers to treat fevers, gall bladder, and lover disease.

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Wormwood (Absinthe)

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Lily Plants

• Lily plants are most commonly recognized for their flowers, which consist of three petals surrounded by three sepals (the part of the flower which encloses the petals). Lilies may come in several colours, from blue, orange, pink, purple, and white, to yellow. It is also important to note that lilies come in a variety of shapes in regards to their flowers. Some common flower shapes for lilies include bowl, funnel, recurved (Turk's cap), star, and trumpet. The flower itself may point upwards, downwards, or also to the side. Remember, not all species of lilies are able to produce flowers. In order to plant a lily you will need a bulb. The bulb should be planted 1/4 inch into the ground in nutrient rich soil, and have partial to full access to sun (5-6 hours of full sunlight is optimal). As this is a non-magical plant regular water will suit just fine. Another aspect of the lily to consider is its stem. Usually a shade of green (though the stem can be red or purple) lily stems grow from a foot to ten feet tall. Lily stems tend to be thick and sturdy, though the size and weight of lily flowers often cause the stem to bend over. The leaves of lily plants are vital to the production of lily flowers. This is due to a process where the leaves catch rays of light (from the sun) and turn the light energy into carbohydrates. This process would be for us like transfiguring sunlight into a Hogwarts feast!

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Lily Plants• The carbohydrates are stored in the bulb, in order to produce flowers. Always

allow lily leaves to "die back" in a normal fashion, without interfering. This allows the lily bulbs to prepare for a stage of dormancy throughout the winter. Lily leaves come in as many varieties in shape and side as lily flowers.One quality of lilies is that they are known to attract birds. Lily plants are a high source of fibre when dried, and have many other health benefiting properties. Lilies have several capabilities which even muggles recognise in them. The flower of a lily is able to help to regulate heart rate, and is also used in helping other conditions related to the heart. A lily may be used in the treatment of angina. Lilies especially interact well with magic, as bulbs can be stimulated by magic to grow. Future parents take note, lily flowers are excellent to use for the treatment of burns and to prevent scar tissue from forming. The roots of the flower may be made into an ointment to apply to burned areas. (Remember, if burns cover the palm of your hand, or more than 10% of the body, seek a healer immediately). Spider bites may be treated with remedies including the lily flower and/or roots. Herbal remedies can be made with the lily flower to support people who have had a stroke. In the form of tea, lily plants are used in the treatment of the following conditions and symptoms: coughs and fevers, stomach disorders, wounds, sores, and for washing swollen bruised areas. The scent of lilies are used by muggles in what they call aromatherapy (the use of oils for healing). Lily flower essential oils are used for depressed individuals, as the scent is meant to induce feelings of happiness and security. Wizards use the scent of lilies in ways related to muggleuses in the realm of potions. (The flower of a lily plant is often an ingredient in anti-depressant potions).

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Lily Plants

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English Roses• “Roses are good for the skin and the soul.”

The English Rose, like lilies, grows in partial to full sunlight. It is classified as a shrub, and grows from one to twenty feet. As a shrub, width is also an important factor to consider when planting. It may grow from two to four feet wide, which depends on the variety that you obtain. The rose flower may be blue, green, orange, pink, red, or white. Make sure to plant your rose shrub in soul with a pH range of 5.5–7.0. Most home gardens tend to have a pH of 6.5, however there is a spell you can do to test the soil. "Acidious revealious" (ah-sid-EE-us rev-EE-lee-us) will reveal to you, in the form of white mist, the number of the pH level your soil is. There are also muggle soil tests that can be done, but I am not an authority of those. If your soil is too acidic you can counteract the acid by adding finely ground limestone, and highly alkaline soil can become more acidic through the addition of ground sulfur. When you receive your rose shrub it will look like a pile of sticks, but that is because it is in a dormant state. Once it is planted and receives enough nutrients it will be able to grow. In wizarding society dragon dung should be used (which helps the rose to interact with magic later) but muggles supplement nutrients by covering the base of rose shrubs with organic matter. Dragon hide gloves ought be worn to protect yourselves from rose thorns. Rose plants need lots of water, but do not drown them! Let the water sink in before adding more. During hot seasons, soak the roots twice a week. When watering do not do a little water often, but a lot of water occasionally. This is so when you water the deeper roots are reached. Also, make sure the water can drain.

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English Roses

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Rose oil• Rose oil is very costly. Due to the expensiveness of the oil,

many people corrupt the oil (water it down, adulterate it) to a mix of lesser quality. Only use pure rose oil for medicinal purposes. Another warning to you — while rose oil is non toxic, healers or potioneers ought to be consulted about usages and dosage.

•In the first century anno Domini, 32 medicinal uses were recorded by a muggle called Pliny the Elder. A Herbologistfrom the same time named Ponticus listed 36 uses, although four more uses have been discovered since then. First of all, it is important to note that rose oil is distilled from the petals. This oil is used in the aforementioned process of aromatherapy. Also, roses have been used to add flavour to other medicines. The medicinal uses follow.

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Medical uses of Rose oil

• 1. Eye diseases/ (as a tea) and to treat cataracts (from skin of the roots)• 2. Burns• 3. influenza• 4. Stomach problems / as a digestive stimulant• 5. Diarrhea• 6. Chronic finger sores• 7. Snow blindness (with an eyewash using petals, stem bark, and skin of

the roots)• 8. Astringent/ for skin lotions• 9. Sore throats• 10. Treats rabid dog bites• 11. To stop nosebleeds• 12. To ease muscular pain/ antispasmodic• 13. Antidepressant /ease depression and anxiety

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Medical uses of Rose oil

• 14. Used in love potions• 15. Can decrease kidney stones• 16. Menstrual regulator (may be mixed with motherwort for cases of

heavy flow too)• 17. Helps with kidneys• 18. Cleansing properties• 19. Anti-inflammatory• 20. Source of vitamin C• 21. Seeds are diuretic• 22. Seeds are a laxative• 23. Potions with dried petals treat headaches• 24. Soaking a cloth in cool rose water may be applied to the forehead to

help treat headaches• 25. Scent in potions may relieve colic (muggles may use Rosehip tincture)• 26. Eases a cough

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Medical uses of Rose oil• 27. May be used to treat dry skin• 28. May be used in a potion to relieve itching for women• 29. Combining Rose water with witch hazel makes a potion to help

clear up skin with pimples/acne• 30. Adding rose oil to bath water helps ease grief, and sometimes

insomnia as well• 31. Rose tea helps relieve stress• 32. Has been used to prevent scurvy by consumption• 33. Eases colds• 34. Eases fevers• 35. Decreases swelling of puffy skin by compressing with rose water• 36. Scent in some potions may induce sleep• 37. Can help regulate blood thickness• 38. Rose oil is known to be antiviral• 39. Rose oil is known to be antibacterial• 40. Rose oil and rose water are known to be Antiseptic

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Hazards alien plants poseInvasive plants tend to require more resources, draining the ecosystem when they grow prolifically. Water is especially a problem. When alien plants take too much water, the ground can become too dry for other plants to survive, and cause extinction of another plant species. Also, sometimes the water supply drainage will affect how much fresh water nearby humans have available to them. It is estimated that invasive plants have taken up 7% more water resources in South Africa. Sometimes a plant which is harmless in its natural habitat can cause enormous harm to another ecosystem. Invasive plants can destroy land which is normally arable by drying out the soil. By changing the environment, flood and fire risks increase, which further damages the habitat. It is possible for an invasive species to cause mass extinction of plants and animals. Clearly, all these effect Herbologists working in the field. Invasive plants compromise research, and can even destroy the survival chances of rare herbs and other endangered plants. Loss of arable land limits other areas which are kept natural for growing.

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Did you know? Dandelions were introduced to North America in order to help strengthen the ground, to root the soil in so that it wouldn't blow away?

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The Gardening Effect(History)• Long before the Statue of Secrecy, Herbologists played an important role

in muggle and wizarding cultures. Especially in the realm of healing and medicine, Herbology was a well respected subject. Even in the late 16th century, Herbologists were well respected in Aboriginal circles in North America. What caused the decline in appreciation? Why do Herbologiststoday suffer mock and scorn from their contemporaries? Where did it all go so wrong?

• They key to understanding this decline, most ironically, is the natural world. Our understanding of material existence has completely changed over the last five hundred years especially. There are many muggles today who express the opinion that nothing exists except the material world, or another words, everything that exists has to be something they can see and study. (Of course, we witches and wizards are very aware of invisible reality, and that our relationship with the world includes an awareness of a very special energy, our magic). In developing this view, however, the natural world became something of a toy, a specimen. No longer did these muggles behold the world in wonder and awe. It makes life very dry… and then the wizards caught on too. Of course, wizards didn't deny the existence of invisible and incomprehensible realities, but they found their own way to incorporate this unfortunate muggle view. Witches and wizards, I am very sad to say, decided that everything which could be a part of this natural world was decidedly muggle and inferior to our understanding of the world, precisely because it wasn't magic.

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The Gardening Effect(Plant)

• I'd like to ask you to take a moment. Take a moment, and go outside. Breathe in the air, smell the grass, the trees, the rocks, feel the wind, taste the air, really taste it. Then, think about what you see. If it is night, look at the stars. Can you see any constellations? Ursa Major is my favourite, if you can find it. Our world is filled with spectacular magic. The physical, natural world is a part if our reality, although it is not all of it. But this physical natural reality joins with our own invisible, mystical reality. And plants, magical or muggle (but never truly mundane), are a beautiful, significant, complex part of everything. And this is why Herbology is an important field in magical study.

• Now that we've gone over how the negative perception of Herbology started, we should take a brief look on the effect it has on Herbologists today. First and foremost The Gardening Effect has an effect on funding. The wizarding population is hesitant about funding endeavours of Herbologists, much more so than any other academic field. Potioneers have been somewhat helpful on this front, sharing some research money in order to further our understanding of plants and their properties; however, this help is limited to research in areas where plants are able to contribute to potion making and may draw away from other practical knowledge Herbologist would like to gain. St. Munglo's gives a rather small donation to Herblogists' studies as well, but this is limited by a board of directors which is afraid of public perception of giving money to the field of Herbology.

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Alien Species• Herbologists face another major challenge when getting involved

with field work: alien species (especially plants). Other words which may be used to refer to alien species include non-indigenous, introduced, exotic, and invasive species. A definition of alien species would be a type of plant or animal living outside of its original habitat, ecosystem, or geological range. The many effects an alien species can have on an ecosystem present many challenges to the fells of Herbology, and indeed to the ecosystem itself.

• For this lesson, we will be looking at the effects of invasive plants. Please remember, this is a controversial topic as governments, herbologists, muggle farmers and 'scientists' (scientists are a sort of muggle who seek to determine truths about the natural world. They are usually very helpful but can be known to overextend themselves. If you ever run into a muggle who says they are a sort of scientist, it is useful to remember they are probably quite smart) constantly disagree on details of the effects.

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How invasion works:

• 1. The seed/plant propagates into new territory

• 2. The plant adapts to the new environment

• 3. The plant "takes over" the environment, growing in numbers that may be beyond what the ecosystem can handle (some plants are able to adapt, grow wild in the habitat, and not overextend itself)

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