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Term 2 - Week 4– 4th May 2016 Mortlake College Newsletter 10 Hood Ave Mortlake, Vic, 3272 Ph: 03 5599 2204 Fax: 03 5599 2503 Email: [email protected] Website: SMS Mobile: 0427 841 239 (Text Only) Principal’s Report - Educaon Week: May 16-20 To celebrate the important contribuon of government schools we have a range of acvies planned for Educaon Week- Week 6 May 16-20. The theme this year is technology; Get involved, be intrigued and inspired by technology, and developing strong skills in science, technology, engineering and mathemacs are essenal in today’s world. Full details of Educaon Week acvies are included in this newsleer. Naonal Walk to School Day: Friday May 20 Naonal Walk to School Day is being held on Friday 20 May and students who live in town are encour- aged to meet outside Clarke’s at 8:10am to join in a supervised walk to school. Bus travellers will be dropped off at the skate park so they too can enjoy the short walk to school. All students will be able to share in breakfast at school. Mid- West Complex Athlecs sports Congratulaons to all competors, spectators and staff who braved difficult condions in Warrnambool last Friday for the inter-school athlecs. Due to an outstanding team effort Mortlake College won the Aggregate shield so well done to all competors. Parcular thanks to Mr Jones and Mrs Riordon who worked with the team in the lead-up to last Friday. VCE Informaon: With just over four weeks of VCE Units 1 and 3 remaining it is very important for all VCE students to be working producvely both at home and at school. We were fortunate to have a speaker from Deakin University spend me with our VCE students today (Wednesday) looking at a whole range of strategies to support students in their studies. A parcular focus was on Study Skills and the message was to “Study Smarter, Not Harder”. Year 12 is a difficult year and students will all go through peaks and troughs during the year; it is important to be resilient and think of the rewards that will come from consistent effort and a posive atude. Students studying Unit 1 subjects will have exams in Week 7 (May 23-27) and all students studying a Unit 3 subject will sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Tuesday 7 June. Students and parents are re- minded that there is a minimum aendance requirement of 80% for VCE students to sasfactorily com- plete units of study. If a student experiences health problems that results in extended or frequent ab- sences they must ensure they obtain the relevant documentaon from their doctor and pass copies to Mrs Good.

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Page 1: Mortlake College… · Wednesday 18Wednesday 18 Cross Country – MWC Thursday 19 th P-12 Your Future Career

Term 2 - Week 4– 4th May 2016

Mortlake College Newsletter 10 Hood Ave

Mortlake, Vic, 3272 Ph: 03 5599 2204

Fax: 03 5599 2503 Email: [email protected]

Website: SMS Mobile: 0427 841 239 (Text Only)

Principal’s Report -

Educa�on Week: May 16-20

To celebrate the important contribu�on of government schools we have a range of ac�vi�es planned for

Educa�on Week- Week 6 May 16-20. The theme this year is technology; Get involved, be intrigued and

inspired by technology, and developing strong skills in science, technology, engineering and mathema�cs

are essen�al in today’s world. Full details of Educa�on Week ac�vi�es are included in this newsle(er.

Na�onal Walk to School Day: Friday May 20

Na�onal Walk to School Day is being held on Friday 20 May and students who live in town are encour-

aged to meet outside Clarke’s at 8:10am to join in a supervised walk to school. Bus travellers will be

dropped off at the skate park so they too can enjoy the short walk to school. All students will be able to

share in breakfast at school.

Mid- West Complex Athle�cs sports

Congratula�ons to all compe�tors, spectators and staff who braved difficult condi�ons in Warrnambool

last Friday for the inter-school athle�cs. Due to an outstanding team effort Mortlake College won the

Aggregate shield so well done to all compe�tors. Par�cular thanks to Mr Jones and Mrs Riordon who

worked with the team in the lead-up to last Friday.

VCE Informa�on:

With just over four weeks of VCE Units 1 and 3 remaining it is very important for all VCE students to be

working produc�vely both at home and at school. We were fortunate to have a speaker from Deakin

University spend �me with our VCE students today (Wednesday) looking at a whole range of strategies to

support students in their studies. A par�cular focus was on Study Skills and the message was to “Study

Smarter, Not Harder”. Year 12 is a difficult year and students will all go through peaks and troughs during

the year; it is important to be resilient and think of the rewards that will come from consistent effort and

a posi�ve a@tude.

Students studying Unit 1 subjects will have exams in Week 7 (May 23-27) and all students studying a Unit

3 subject will sit the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Tuesday 7 June. Students and parents are re-

minded that there is a minimum a(endance requirement of 80% for VCE students to sa�sfactorily com-

plete units of study. If a student experiences health problems that results in extended or frequent ab-

sences they must ensure they obtain the relevant documenta�on from their doctor and pass copies to

Mrs Good.

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Aussie of the Month – Kaylee Bawden

The Aussie of the Month award for April was presented at

Monday’s assembly and the recipient was Kaylee Bawden.

Kaylee was nominated for being a very caring member of

the school community, someone who always goes out of

her way to help younger students and make them feel in-

cluded. Kaylee is always helpful and polite to staff mem-

bers and she always does her best. Congratula�ons


Girls’ Winter Uniform

All girls are reminded that whilst �ghts are part of the winter uniform leggings and skins are not and

should not be worn.

Happy Mothers’ Day!

Finally, happy Mother’s Day to all our mums! Hope you enjoy a special day on Sunday!

Graeme Good


Happy Birthday to all students who have birthdays this week.


5th—Alice Tanner 6th—Blake Murray 7th—Edward Wilson

8th—Bree Cummins 9th—Sophie Lehmann


A reminder that Thursday 5th May is a Public Holiday and

therefore NO STUDENTS are required at school.

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Education Week TimetableEducation Week TimetableEducation Week TimetableEducation Week Timetable

Monday 16th

P-12 Assembly, featuring performances from the Les Mis cast, school

choir and a presenta�on of 3d prin�ng.

Kinder transi�on day – special ac�vi�es with the Prep class

P-12 Open Classrooms 9 -11a.m.

Wednesday 18Wednesday 18Wednesday 18Wednesday 18 Cross Country – MWC

Thursday 19th

P-12 Your Future Career Dress Up Day & Parade

Students to dress up in clothing that reflects a

potential future career. 9.00-9.15am

P-4 Grandparents Day

Choral concert 9.15-9:45

Open Classrooms 9:30 – 11a.m.

Morning Tea – for visitors

Gardening workshop for 3/4

Friday 20th Walk to School Day

Bus drop off at skate park and breakfast in the

Undercover area

District Cross Country - Primary

Tuesday 17th

Alpine Students - food

Page 4: Mortlake College… · Wednesday 18Wednesday 18 Cross Country – MWC Thursday 19 th P-12 Your Future Career

P-4 Place P-4 Assembly awards Mon 2

nd May 2016

Prep: Nathan Mann – for concentra�ng on his tasks.

Year 1: Jobe Baker – for being a thoughIul and caring class member

Year 2: Oliver Keirl – for working well on independent tasks

3/4 P: Rose Hayden – for using crea�ve adjec�ves

3/4 CR: Lockie Lehmann – for excellent work with regrouping in subtrac�on

Congratula�ons to all of these students!

Stephanie Alexander Stephanie Alexander Stephanie Alexander Stephanie Alexander

Kitchen GardenKitchen GardenKitchen GardenKitchen Garden

The year 3’s and 4’s have been very busy in the kitchen and garden over the past few weeks.

We have made some delicious dishes, such as Spanish Chickpea Balls with Yoghurt and Ses-ame Sauce, Eggplant Parmigiana with Tomato and Basil Sauce, Potato Tortilla, Spring Rolls, Asian Omelette. They were all very tasty and it is great to try some foods we haven’t eaten before.

In the garden we have been busy collecting seeds, planting seeds, harvesting vegies and herbs for the cooking, weeding, watering.

We’d like to thank our parent helpers, as we couldn’t run this fantastic program without your help.

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P-12 Sport Dates Term 2


4th May House Cross Country (Years 3-12) 2.15—3.20pm

18th May MWD Cross Country (Years 7-12) Derrinallum


6th June GWR Cross Country (Secondary) Warrnambool

22nd June Junior Football / Netball (Years 7-9) Mortlake


Informa�on regarding state nomina�ons and other sports can be found on the School Sport Victoria website.


Parents and students can connect to School sports Victoria via Facebook and Twitter. Just follow the following links

Nathan Jones Year 7-12 Sports Coordinator [email protected]

P-2 FUN RUN P-2 Fun Run on Friday 13th May starting at 2:40 at Tea Tree lake.

Parents are very welcome to join us and run/walk with the students.

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Mid West Division Athletics 29Mid West Division Athletics 29Mid West Division Athletics 29Mid West Division Athletics 29thththth AprilAprilAprilApril Last Friday we had our annual Mid West Division Athletics carnival at Brauerander Park. Conditions were a little on the wet side but this didn’t stop us from coming away with a win overall. A special thank you to those staff and student helpers who braved the elements, and our competitors as well. It was fantastic to see some students putting their hand up to fill an event at the last minute to ensure the school got maximum points. Well done to all in-volved!

Age Group Champions

Lachlan Wareham (17-20 Boys as well as

overall male champion)

Ruby Schuuring (13 Girls)

Georgia Wareham (17 Girls)

Jackson Boyden (15 Boys)

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After School Snacks

Tor�lla Roll-up Lollipops


wholemeal tor�lla wraps

cream cheese




Pop a tor�lla wrap in the microwave for 5-10 seconds to soQen it. Spread cream cheese

over one side, spreading it right to the edges of the wrap.

Lay over your fillings – ham and le(uce leaves were used for this one. Fold the sides over

as shown below.

Roll the wrap up �ghtly. Cut into 6

equal pieces. If you want to present

them neatly, cut the ends off before

dividing them up. Just before serving,

push a pretzel s�ck into the top

of each piece to form the lollipop han-


Present neatly on a plate and enjoy!

You could use ham, houmous and

cheese to create a contras�ng flavour

– don’t they look pre(y! You could use

any fillings that you like – wraps are a

great place to hide all sorts of vegeta-

bles (leafy salad for example!)

Read more at: h(ps://


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Mortlake College Performing Arts Trip

Mortlake College will be attending the performance of Matilda

this year.

When: Wednesday Matinee August 24th 2.00pm

Leaving school at 9.00am and home by 7.30pm

Cost: Adults $105 Students $90

(Cost of bus is included- will need money for food, snacks

and if they want a program or souvenirs)

50 seats will be available. This excursion is open to all students at

the school. Students Grade 5 and below need an accompanying


More information will be available

in term 2

Bookings will be taken from

Monday 2nd May.

Lyle Russell

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Mortlake College logo embroidered to front of Black/Graphite Biz Collection Geneva soft-shell jacket Kids sizes (J307K): 4 – 16 Mens sizes (J307M): S – 3XL & 5XL Ladies sizes (J307L): S – 2XL

$ 75.00

$ 78.00

$ 78.00

Mortlake College logo embroidered to front, House logo embroidered to sleeve or full name under college logo of Black/Graphite Biz Collec-tion Geneva soft-shell jacket Name on Jacket ………………………………………….. Kids sizes (J307K): 4 – 16 Mens sizes (J307M): S – 3XL & 5XL Ladies sizes (J307L): S – 2XL

$ 77.00

$ 80.00

$ 80.00

Mortlake College logo embroidered to front, House logo embroidered to sleeve & full name under college logo of Black/Graphite Biz Collec-tion Geneva soft-shell jacket Name on Jacket ………………………………………….. Kids sizes (J307K): 4 – 16 Mens sizes (J307M): S – 3XL & 5XL Ladies sizes (J307L): S – 2XL

$ 83.00

$ 86.00

$ 86.00






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Camperdown Pony Club Inc. are accep�ng New Members!

Come and join us at our beau�ful grounds in the

Lakes and Craters complex Camperdown. Ac�vi�es include

cross country, show jumping, dressage, games,

cer�ficates, camps, clinics and more!

For more informa�on call

Rachael 0409985249 or Alison 0419580073

Information about Medicare for senior students

Medicare provides payments and services that can help when using health care services or buying medicine. Young people aged 15 or older can have their own Medicare card. This may make it easier for the young person to seek medical care. As a family it is good to discuss the option of independent medicare cards for senior students.

Centrelink has a form that needs to be filled out, and the parents or guardians have to provide a form of ID, such as a driving license. The young person applying for the new card requires bank account details into which refunds will be deposited. It is important to remember not all medical services “bulk bill”, and to ask about how the fees work when booking medical and health appointments.

1 x Sport Rugby Jumper Size Medium

If you have mistakenly picked this up or seen this rugby jumper. Please contact the General Office

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Wed 4th House Cross Country Years 3-12 2.15pm-3.20pm

Thur 5th May Race Holiday—No Students

10th/11th/12th NAPLAN

Thur 12 Yr 8-12 Josh Hose Presentation 2-3pm

16th-20th Education Week

Mon 16th Mortlake Kindergarten visit

Wed 18th MWC Cross Country

Wed 18th Hands On Learning Excursion

Fri 20th District Cross Country Primary

Fri 20th Walk to School Day

Wed 25th Keys Please Year 10

Fri 27th Divisional Cross Country Primary

Tue 31st Legal Prison Visit

30th May-3rd June Year 10 Work Experience


Mon 6th GWR Cross Country

Tues 7th District Cross Country Primary

Fri 10th VCE Legal Supreme Court Visit

Fri 10th Les Mis Performance

Mon 13th Queens Birthday Holiday—No Students

Tue 14th Les Mis Performance

Wed 15th Les Mis Performance

Wed 22nd MWC Junior Football & Netball

23rd-25th Year 11 Exams

Mon 30th Yr 7/8 DEAP Program