mortlake college · 2019. 11....

Term 2 - Week 913th June 2018 Principal’s Report The importance of Reading This year we have a school-wide focus on reading because we recognise that a capacity to read and understand what is read is the cornerstone of a successful educaon and it’s true that no other single acvity has the capaci- ty to yield so much educaonal value. Of course, in today’s society, with our reliance on electronic devices, many children and young people are spending significantly less me reading and as a result it is very difficult for them to become strong, fluent read- ers with high levels of reading comprehension. Literacy experts agree that a child who reads regularly develops greater reading skills, a larger vocabulary and more general knowledge about the world. In return the child has increased reading comprehension and there- fore has more enjoyable reading experiences and is encouraged to read even more. Ideally, all our students will be reading both at school and at home, not only for the many benefits outlined above but also for the pleasure that books can bring. I would urge all parents and carers to encourage your chil- dren to read regularly. Endeavour 2018 Fundraiser for “Blaze Aid” this Friday Endeavour house students are conducng their fundraiser for the year on Friday and all students in the school are asked to come to school dressed in green and provide a gold-coin donaon to support ‘Blaze Aid’. Ice creams and sausage rolls will be on sale at recess and lunchme respecvely. “High School Musical” As I menoned last week, the school producon of ‘High School Musical’ is drawing closer and there is a great deal of excitement and ancipaon among the cast and crew. With just under seventy students from across Years 5-12 involved, the producon really is a major undertaking. Good luck to all! Tickets are available at the school office so don’t miss the opportunity to see what promises to be a fantasc show. Work Experience Last week our Year 10 students parcipated in their first Work Experience placement. Most of the group worked in Warrnambool and the placements included panel beang, hairdressing, aged care, automove and sports centre assistant. Mark Croucher, our careers advisor, reported that all students had received very posive feed- back from their employer/supervisor so congratulaons to all. Graeme Good Mortlake College Newsletter 10HoodAve Mortlake,Vic,3272 Ph:0355992204 Fax:0355992503 Email:[email protected] SMS Mobile: 0427 841 239 (Text Only)

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  • Term 2 - Week 9—13th June 2018

    Principal’s Report

    The importance of Reading

    This year we have a school-wide focus on reading because we recognise that a capacity to read and understand

    what is read is the cornerstone of a successful educa�on and it’s true that no other single ac�vity has the capaci-

    ty to yield so much educa�onal value.

    Of course, in today’s society, with our reliance on electronic devices, many children and young people are

    spending significantly less �me reading and as a result it is very difficult for them to become strong, fluent read-

    ers with high levels of reading comprehension.

    Literacy experts agree that a child who reads regularly develops greater reading skills, a larger vocabulary and

    more general knowledge about the world. In return the child has increased reading comprehension and there-

    fore has more enjoyable reading experiences and is encouraged to read even more.

    Ideally, all our students will be reading both at school and at home, not only for the many benefits outlined

    above but also for the pleasure that books can bring. I would urge all parents and carers to encourage your chil-

    dren to read regularly.

    Endeavour 2018 Fundraiser for “Blaze Aid” this Friday

    Endeavour house students are conduc�ng their fundraiser for the year on Friday and all students in the school

    are asked to come to school dressed in green and provide a gold-coin dona�on to support ‘Blaze Aid’. Ice

    creams and sausage rolls will be on sale at recess and lunch�me respec�vely.

    “High School Musical”

    As I men�oned last week, the school produc�on of ‘High School Musical’ is drawing closer and there is a great

    deal of excitement and an�cipa�on among the cast and crew. With just under seventy students from across

    Years 5-12 involved, the produc�on really is a major undertaking. Good luck to all! Tickets are available at the

    school office so don’t miss the opportunity to see what promises to be a fantas�c show.

    Work Experience

    Last week our Year 10 students par�cipated in their first Work Experience placement. Most of the group worked

    in Warrnambool and the placements included panel bea�ng, hairdressing, aged care, automo�ve and sports

    centre assistant. Mark Croucher, our careers advisor, reported that all students had received very posi�ve feed-

    back from their employer/supervisor so congratula�ons to all.

    Graeme Good

    Mortlake College Newsletter 10 Hood Ave

    Mortlake, Vic, 3272 Ph: 03 5599 2204 Fax: 03 5599 2503

    Email: [email protected] Website:

    SMS Mobile: 0427 841 239 (Text Only)


    Happy Birthday to all students who have birthdays this week.


    19th—Liam Anders 20th—Matilda Hetherington


    For students wanting to travel on a bus they normally don’t travel on requirements are

    outlined below.

    • Parents/guardians must contact the school no later than one school day prior to

    request the travel.

    • If seating is available, a bus pass will be sent home with the child.

    • The bus pass must be signed and dated by a parent/guardian, returned to the school office on

    the morning of the travel arrangement.

    Please note that bus passes may be requested in the week prior to the travel but cannot be approved if

    made on the day the travel is requested.

    It is important to keep in mind that we cannot always guarantee a pass as it is dependent on the seat-

    ing capacity of each bus.

    If your child is not going to be on the afternoon school bus can you please send a bus note with your

    child or call the school before 2.30pm so one can be organised. Or alternatively let the bus driver know

    on the morning your child will not be returning home on the bus.


    There will be a meeting on Tuesday 19th June at 6.30pm in the staff room at Mortlake College. All welcome


    P-12 Sport Dates Term 2


    28th Yr 7-9 Junior Football & Netball


    On Thursday the 23rd of August 2018, the South West Zone/Victoria Clay Target Associa-tion will conduct the Annual Zone School Stu-dents Trap Championships. These Champion-ships will be held at the Noorat Gun Club, lo-cated in McKinnon’s Bridge Road, Noorat.

    Your school is invited to be represented at these Championships. The emphasis of the day’s activity is based on firearm safety. Many of Australia’s top trap-shooting champions and qualified instructors will be in attendance and involved in this aspect of the Championship.

    We appreciate that firearms safety is being taught to young people in many schools as a nor-mal curriculum sport activity and many schools are using local clay target clubs for practical support. This Championship brings together young people only with experience in firearm safety.

    The Championship is provided for all participants at a fee of $10.00. Low recoil ammunition will be used and supplied. The Noorat Gun Club is also providing its facilities free of charge in the interest of firearm safety.

    Please give this outstanding sporting day your consideration and your support for students

    who have satisfied your school that they are able to compete at a competent safety standard.

    Please note that this is not a Championship for beginners, but rather for the advanced stu-

    dent. It is open to all Junior Shooters who currently (at time of Championship) hold a Victori-

    an Junior Shooters’ Permit.

    For further information or entry forms, please see Mr Jones

  • P-4 Place There was action a-plenty on Thursday morning as our P-4 House Captains led the P-4 students for fitness.

    We had Endeavour competing in the Gaga Pit (and thanks to student teacher Mr Dennis for joining in with us). Inspire participated in skipping activities, while Succeed played Octopus and Sneak up on Granny.

    Thanks to our capable House Captains Holly and Jack (Inspire), Ella and Oliv-ia (Endeavour), and Kane and Mady (Succeed) for organizing our Thursday fitness activities.

  • Endeavour ‘Blaze Aid’ 2018 Fundraiser

    Friday, 15th June

    Endeavour will be running a fundraiser to help the people that were affected in the bush fires earlier this year.

    Dress-up: We will be dressing up in GREEN (environmental colour) with a gold coin donation go-ing to ‘Blaze Aid’.

    We will be selling: Recess: Ice-cream cone $1.50

    Lunch: Sausage rolls $2

    Face painting at lunch under the shade sails.

    BlazeAid is a volunteer-based organisation that works with families and individu-als in rural Australia after natural disasters such as fires and floods.





    Almond butter

    Nut butter spread on a rice cake, or on a slice of apple, provides a brilliant energy-boosting snack. Our homemade alterna-tive to peanut butter (using almonds) is a cinch to make, too

    Smoked salmon & avocado sushi Kids can help assemble these little bite-sized rolls, perfect for lunchboxes or a quick trans-portable snack. There’s no sugar in them and the combination of salmon and avocado provides a range of valuable nutrients

    Instant frozen berry yogurt Three ingredients and two minutes is all you need to whip up this fruit-filled alternative to ice cream. Keep packs of berries in your freezer and you can have it in your kids’ hands in the time it would take to walk to the ice cream van for a 99p cone

    Almond, raisin & popcorn trail mix Give plain popcorn more nutritional oomph with this version that adds dried fruit and nuts to the mix and comes in at just a whisper under 100 calories. Easy to store and even easier to make



    If your child is sick or absent, you are required to no�fy their school as soon as possible on the day of absence using

    one of the following methods:

    Online: log the absence directly using your school’s IT plaAorm. (Skoolbag)

    Telephone: the school office and let the staff know your child’s name, class, date of absences and reason.

    Email: the school and provide the staff with your child’s name, class, date of absences and reason.

    No�fying the school of your child’s absence either prior to, or on the day that they will be away, helps en-

    sure the safety and wellbeing of children and will fulfil your legal responsibility.

    Why do I need to no

  • Classifieds

  • Mortlake Library is on the move!

    Work on the new Library and Visitor centre will com-

    mence in June.

    The library will close at 12noon Saturday 2nd June at its

    current loca�on and will be closed un�l Wednesday 13th

    June, reopening in its temporary loca�on at 23 Boundary

    Road (Day Centre room)

    The out of hours returns chute will remain at 101 Dunlop

    Street un�l Friday 8th June and then it will be located at

    the new premises.

    We apologise for the disrup�on to service and for any inconvenience but look forward to seeing you all

    in our temporary loca�on while we wait for our new and exci�ng premises to be completed.

    For any queries please call into the library, phone 55992410 or email [email protected]

    Other library branches nearby are Terang, Camperdown, Derrinallum and Warrnambool please see for opening hours

    Jackie Elliott—Mortlake Library


    9 JUNE 11









    Endeavour Fundraiser

    Yr 5/6 Trisports Net-

    ball Warrnambool

    Legal Aid Presenta