nikki beach

The French daily Figaro once noted St. Tropez in summer presents "the greatest number of famous faces per square meter." Oprah Winfrey, Barbra Streisand, Jack Nicholson, Robert DeNiro, Sean Combs, Elton John, Sly Stallone, Sting, the Hilton girls, Bono, Beyoncé, the Olsen twins, Leonardo DiCaprio, Serena Boardman, Jenna Bush… the A-list goes on and on. The town remains an almost clichéd picture-postcard: from pink ochre buildings with red-tile barrel roofs and blue and white shutters to historic forts crowning craggy rose-hued rocks overseeing the forest of masts that sprout from yachts in the sparkling sapphire water. The Vieux Port is a warren of narrow twisting cobblestone streets radiating from the harbor, dominated by the four-towered La Citadelle, originally constructed in 1583, whose keep offers a fine historic Naval Museum as well as superb sweeping panoramas of the city, gulf, and Massif of Maures.

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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facts and photos about st tropez


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The French daily Figaro once noted St. Tropez in summer presents "the greatest

number of famous faces per square meter." Oprah Winfrey, Barbra Streisand, Jack

Nicholson, Robert DeNiro, Sean Combs, Elton John, Sly Stallone, Sting, the Hilton

girls, Bono, Beyoncé, the Olsen twins, Leonardo DiCaprio, Serena Boardman, Jenna

Bush… the A-list goes on and on.

The town remains an almost clichéd picture-postcard: from pink ochre buildings

with red-tile barrel roofs and blue and white shutters to historic forts crowning

craggy rose-hued rocks overseeing the forest of masts that sprout from yachts in the

sparkling sapphire water. The Vieux Port is a warren of narrow twisting

cobblestone streets radiating from the harbor, dominated by the four-towered La

Citadelle, originally constructed in 1583, whose keep offers a fine historic Naval

Museum as well as superb sweeping panoramas of the city, gulf, and Massif of


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