north jeffco westsider 041213

Printed on recycled newsprint. Please recycle this copy. Westsider North Jeffco POSTAL PATRON April 12, 2013 A Colorado Community Media Publication North Jefferson County, Colorado • Volume 12, Issue 14 PRSRT - STD ECRWSS US POSTAGE PAID BROOMFIELD CO PERMIT #101 EDDM Competitors in the annual Fire Chief Ale Green Chili Cook-off prepare to serve their green chili on April 3 at the Promenade Rock Bottom Brewery in Westminster. The evening featured the tasting of the green chili and competition, silent auction and a Lego fire station drawing contest. The proceeds from the cook-off support the Westminster Fire Department’s related nonprofit organizations including the BURN Fund, Westminster Public Safety Recognition Foundation and Westy CFIRE, Westminster Citizens for Fire Department Improvement Recognition and Education. Photo by Ashley Reimers HOT STREAK CDBG dollars decrease due to federal cuts By Ashley Reimers [email protected] Effects of the federal sequestration pro- cess are trickling down to the local level. For Westminster, the spending cuts are causing a 5 percent cut in Community De- velopment Block Grant (CDBG) funds. This cut is across the board for the CDBG pro- gram and most likely will result in a reduc- tion of $25,000 for the city’s allocation. “We are basing the $25,000 on what we received last year, which was $525,000. So our estimate this year is that we will even- tually end up with $500,000,” said Tony Chacon, south Westminster revitalization coordinator. “This cut will affect our staff- ing levels and then our programs and future projects.” CDBG funds are allocated each year by the U.S. Department of Housing and Ur- ban Development and are available for projects that benefit cities with low- and moderate-income residents. Westminster’s allocation will be used to revitalize parts of south Westminster. Chacon said the loss of $25,000 is equivalent to the loss of five to seven low-income home repair grants. “This cut puts more pressure on city re- sources to backfill the loss from sequestra- tion,” he said. Earlier this year the city approved the CBDG projects which include: Rodeo Market Park improvements, Westminster Grange/Rodeo Market community arts center feasibility study, Bradburn Boule- vard realignment and the 76th Avenue pe- destrian improvements. Chacon said these projects won’t be af- fected by the cut, but the timeline to com- plete the projects could end up being lon- ger. He said the city is constantly keeping track of what the federal government is doing, and is aware that future CDBG cuts could be made. “The city is preparing themselves for a gradual dissipation of federal dollars,” Chacon said. “We know over time this 5 per- cent could add on and be more in the future so we are trying to be proactive by seeking alternative sources to do the same level of improvements in the city.” Aircraft firms’ tax credit gets support Bill aims to boost employment in state By Vic Vela [email protected] A bill that would expand tax incentives for the purpose of new hires in the state’s aviation field is flying through the Legisla- ture with bipartisan support. House Bill 1080 modifies the 2005 Air- craft Manufacturer New Employee Tax Credit, which provides a one-time $1,200 tax credit for a new employee hired by an aircraft manufacturer. The bill expands the available tax incen- tives to manufacturers that provide aircraft maintenance, repair and modification ser- vices, which were not included in the bill from eight years ago. Rep. Chris Holbert, R-Parker, a bill spon- sor, said it’s important to extend the exist- ing earned tax credits in an effort to attract high-paying jobs in a growing field, rather than having planes fly to other states just for the purposes of having repairs done. “We have to recognize that big carriers like United or Fron- tier, when they need to main- tain an airplane, very often they’ll fly it to Wisconsin or Chicago to do the work there, and then bring it back,” he said. “I think it’s ridiculous that Colorado is losing out on those job opportunities.” Holbert said he was approached about the idea for the bill by representatives from Centennial Airport. Airport Executive Di- rector Robert Olislagers said Colorado is in a tough competition with other states for tax incentives for aviation jobs. “Twelve hundred dollars in tax credits doesn’t sound like a whole lot,” he said. “But, if you add that in with other incen- tives that Colorado counties are providing, it starts to add up.” Olislagers also said he hopes the bill will create more aviation jobs for veterans, especially when it comes to work that in- volves modifications of aircraft. The bill passed the House on April 5 by a vote of 61-2, with two members excused from the vote. “It’s a growing industry in Colorado,” said bill co-sponsor Rep. Tracy Kraft-Tharp, D-Arvada. “This bill helps aircraft manufac- turers by being able to hire employees.” The bill now heads to the Senate. Capitol Report Bill would punish outsourcing on state projects Contractors uneasy with provisions of measure By Vic Vela [email protected] Democratic lawmakers on April 8 un- veiled legislation aimed at promoting lo- cal hiring and putting in place penalties for contractors who outsource work involving state projects, when avoidable. But, so far, the so-called Keep Jobs in Colorado Act has been met with uneasi- ness by repre- sentatives of the contracting field, who are expressing con- cern over key requirements of the legislation and worry that the bill could run up the cost of doing business with the state. House Bill 1292 was announced at a Cap- itol press conference, where it was touted as a bill that will “reform state procurement,” the bidding process for state work projects. Rep. Dan Pabon, D-Denver, said the leg- islation will “promote local hiring, domes- tic manufacturing, and will help stop the outsourcing of jobs with taxpayer money.” “Our number one job is boosting our state’s economy and connecting more Col- oradans to good jobs,” Pabon said. “One way to do that is to ensure that state funds, our taxpayer dollars, go to hire Colorado workers and support Colorado businesses.” The bill would expand the state’s “best value” bidding process, to include factors beyond low bidding in awarding contracts, such as the availability of Colorado workers and whether domestic materials like iron and steel are being used for state-backed projects. The bill also would put in place financial penalties for companies that do not meet a current legal threshold, which requires that 80 percent of all taxpayer-backed state proj- ect labor be conducted by Colorado work- ers. Sen. Andy Kerr, D-Lakewood, said that the 80 percent requirement has been on the books since 1933, but that the jail penalty for company owners who do not abide by the law has not been enforced. Kerr said the bill would replace jail time with financial penalties for companies that do not comply, with fees as high as $25,000 when violations are found. “We are putting some teeth into a law that is already in existence,” Kerr said. “And we are making sure that it is feasible for it to be followed, as well.” The bill takes a “three strikes and you’re out” approach to companies that do not comply with the law, which could result in a company no longer being able to do busi- ness with the state. Enforcement will be up to the state Department of Personnel and Administration and the state Department of Labor and Employment. “If somebody violates those rules, there’s going to be consequences,” Pabon said. But representatives of the contracting field were not exactly jumping out of their seats with excitement over the bill, during a legislative committee hearing that followed the press event. Some had neutral positions on the bill, saying they just don’t know enough about the legislation or its cost to form an opinion at this time. But they did express concern over the 80 percent requirement, especially over how it’s enforced. Some who testified said that, for ex- ample, it would be difficult for contractors to ensure they are working with Colorado- based materials. “That’s a complicated process,” said Craig Clark of Dynaelectric, an electrical contracting company. “We have a tough enough time identifying a U.S. project.” Republican members of the House State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee also expressed concern that contractors would be penalized over things that would be difficult for them to control, such as whether those in the process are being hon- est about whether labor and materials are Colorado-based. “There’s absolutely no way in this free market system that everyone is going to be truthful,” said Rep. Ray Scott, R-Grand Junction. “It gets into the weeds so deep and puts such a burden on a general con- tractor.” The committee ran out of time during the hearing and will vote on the matter at another time. Capitol Report

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North Jeffco Westsider published by Colorado Community Media


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WestsiderNorth Jeffco


April 12, 2013 A Colorado Community Media


North Jefferson County, Colorado • Volume 12, Issue 14



PERmiT #101Eddm

Competitors in the annual Fire Chief Ale Green Chili Cook-off prepare to serve their green chili on April 3 at the Promenade Rock Bottom Brewery in Westminster. The evening featured the tasting of the green chili and competition, silent auction and a Lego fire station drawing contest. The proceeds from the cook-off support the Westminster Fire Department’s related nonprofit organizations including the BURN Fund, Westminster Public Safety Recognition Foundation and Westy CFIRE, Westminster Citizens for Fire Department Improvement Recognition and Education. Photo by Ashley Reimers

hot streak CDBG dollars decrease due to federal cutsBy Ashley [email protected]

Effects of the federal sequestration pro-cess are trickling down to the local level.

For Westminster, the spending cuts are causing a 5 percent cut in Community De-velopment Block Grant (CDBG) funds. This cut is across the board for the CDBG pro-gram and most likely will result in a reduc-tion of $25,000 for the city’s allocation.

“We are basing the $25,000 on what we received last year, which was $525,000. So our estimate this year is that we will even-tually end up with $500,000,” said Tony Chacon, south Westminster revitalization coordinator. “This cut will affect our staff-ing levels and then our programs and future projects.”

CDBG funds are allocated each year by the U.S. Department of Housing and Ur-ban Development and are available for projects that benefit cities with low- and moderate-income residents. Westminster’s allocation will be used to revitalize parts of south Westminster. Chacon said the loss of $25,000 is equivalent to the loss of five to seven low-income home repair grants.

“This cut puts more pressure on city re-sources to backfill the loss from sequestra-tion,” he said.

Earlier this year the city approved the CBDG projects which include: Rodeo Market Park improvements, Westminster Grange/Rodeo Market community arts center feasibility study, Bradburn Boule-vard realignment and the 76th Avenue pe-destrian improvements.

Chacon said these projects won’t be af-fected by the cut, but the timeline to com-plete the projects could end up being lon-ger. He said the city is constantly keeping track of what the federal government is doing, and is aware that future CDBG cuts could be made.

“The city is preparing themselves for a gradual dissipation of federal dollars,” Chacon said. “We know over time this 5 per-cent could add on and be more in the future so we are trying to be proactive by seeking alternative sources to do the same level of improvements in the city.”

Aircraft firms’ tax credit gets supportBill aims to boost employment in stateBy Vic [email protected]

A bill that would expand tax incentives for the purpose of new hires in the state’s aviation field is flying through the Legisla-ture with bipartisan support.

House Bill 1080 modifies the 2005 Air-craft Manufacturer New Employee Tax Credit, which provides a one-time $1,200 tax credit for a new employee hired by an aircraft manufacturer.

The bill expands the available tax incen-tives to manufacturers that provide aircraft maintenance, repair and modification ser-vices, which were not included in the bill from eight years ago.

Rep. Chris Holbert, R-Parker, a bill spon-sor, said it’s important to extend the exist-ing earned tax credits in an effort to attract high-paying jobs in a growing field, rather than having planes fly to other states just for the purposes of having repairs done.

“We have to recognize that big carriers like United or Fron-tier, when they need to main-tain an airplane, very often they’ll fly it to Wisconsin or Chicago to do the work there, and then bring it back,” he said. “I think it’s ridiculous that Colorado is losing out on those job opportunities.”

Holbert said he was approached about the idea for the bill by representatives from

Centennial Airport. Airport Executive Di-rector Robert Olislagers said Colorado is in a tough competition with other states for tax incentives for aviation jobs.

“Twelve hundred dollars in tax credits doesn’t sound like a whole lot,” he said. “But, if you add that in with other incen-tives that Colorado counties are providing, it starts to add up.”

Olislagers also said he hopes the bill will create more aviation jobs for veterans, especially when it comes to work that in-volves modifications of aircraft.

The bill passed the House on April 5 by a vote of 61-2, with two members excused from the vote.

“It’s a growing industry in Colorado,” said bill co-sponsor Rep. Tracy Kraft-Tharp, D-Arvada. “This bill helps aircraft manufac-turers by being able to hire employees.”

The bill now heads to the Senate.


Bill would punish outsourcing on state projectsContractors uneasy with provisions of measureBy Vic [email protected]

Democratic lawmakers on April 8 un-veiled legislation aimed at promoting lo-cal hiring and putting in place penalties for contractors who outsource work involving state projects, when avoidable.

But, so far, the so-called Keep Jobs in Colorado Act has been met with uneasi-ness by repre-sentatives of the contracting field, who are expressing con-cern over key requirements of the legislation and worry that the bill could run up the cost of doing business with the state.

House Bill 1292 was announced at a Cap-itol press conference, where it was touted as a bill that will “reform state procurement,” the bidding process for state work projects.

Rep. Dan Pabon, D-Denver, said the leg-islation will “promote local hiring, domes-tic manufacturing, and will help stop the outsourcing of jobs with taxpayer money.”

“Our number one job is boosting our state’s economy and connecting more Col-oradans to good jobs,” Pabon said. “One way to do that is to ensure that state funds, our taxpayer dollars, go to hire Colorado workers and support Colorado businesses.”

The bill would expand the state’s “best value” bidding process, to include factors beyond low bidding in awarding contracts, such as the availability of Colorado workers and whether domestic materials like iron and steel are being used for state-backed projects.

The bill also would put in place financial penalties for companies that do not meet a current legal threshold, which requires that 80 percent of all taxpayer-backed state proj-ect labor be conducted by Colorado work-ers.

Sen. Andy Kerr, D-Lakewood, said that the 80 percent requirement has been on the books since 1933, but that the jail penalty for company owners who do not abide by the law has not been enforced.

Kerr said the bill would replace jail time with financial penalties for companies that

do not comply, with fees as high as $25,000 when violations are found.

“We are putting some teeth into a law that is already in existence,” Kerr said. “And we are making sure that it is feasible for it to be followed, as well.”

The bill takes a “three strikes and you’re out” approach to companies that do not comply with the law, which could result in a company no longer being able to do busi-ness with the state. Enforcement will be up to the state Department of Personnel and Administration and the state Department of Labor and Employment.

“If somebody violates those rules, there’s going to be consequences,” Pabon said.

But representatives of the contracting field were not exactly jumping out of their seats with excitement over the bill, during a legislative committee hearing that followed the press event.

Some had neutral positions on the bill, saying they just don’t know enough about the legislation or its cost to form an opinion at this time. But they did express concern over the 80 percent requirement, especially over how it’s enforced.

Some who testified said that, for ex-ample, it would be difficult for contractors to ensure they are working with Colorado-

based materials.“That’s a complicated process,” said

Craig Clark of Dynaelectric, an electrical contracting company. “We have a tough enough time identifying a U.S. project.”

Republican members of the House State, Veterans and Military Affairs Committee also expressed concern that contractors would be penalized over things that would be difficult for them to control, such as whether those in the process are being hon-est about whether labor and materials are Colorado-based.

“There’s absolutely no way in this free market system that everyone is going to be truthful,” said Rep. Ray Scott, R-Grand Junction. “It gets into the weeds so deep and puts such a burden on a general con-tractor.”

The committee ran out of time during the hearing and will vote on the matter at another time.


Page 2: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

2 North Je� co Westsider April 12, 20132-Color


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Bring your own water Fast for 12 hours, except if you are diabetic Continue taking prescribed medications Drink plenty of water

Be the One to Own Your Health

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Dates and Locations

4/28/13: Parker Adventist Hospital

4/28/13: Littleton Family YMCA

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Bring your own water Fast for 12 hours, except if you are diabetic Continue taking prescribed medications Drink plenty of water

Be the One to Own Your Health

Bring your friends and family!

Dates and Locations

4/28/13: Parker Adventist Hospital

4/28/13: Littleton Family YMCA

Go to or call 303-698-4455

(toll free 800-332-3078)

Go to or call 303-698-4455(toll free 800-332-3078)

• April 13th from 7am - 12pm. Platte Valley Medical Ctr. 1600 Prairie Ctr Parkway, Brighton• April 14th from 7am - 12pm. St. Anthony North Hospital. 2551 W. 84th Ave., Westminster• April 15th from 7am - 12pm. Crossroads Baptist Church. 10451 Huron St., Northglenn• April 18th from 7am - 12pm. Covenant Village Healthfair. 9153 Yarrow, Westminster• April 26th from 7am - 12pm. Front Range Community College. 3645 W. 112th Ave. Westminster• April 28th from 7am - 12pm. Everest College. 9065 Grant St., Thornton• May 4th from 7am - 12pm. Carpenter Rec Center. 11151 Colorado Blvd, Thornton

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Denver Bronco stands tall for children You don’t want to be a running back,

or a slot receiver who has the audacity to enter the area of the gridiron that Den-ver Broncos linebacker Wesley Woodyard patrols.

But if you’re a kid who lacks Peyton Manning-like protection from life’s hard knocks, don’t worry.

Wesley’s got your back.Woodyard paid a visit to the state

Capitol last week to show his support for a legislative resolution that designates April as Child Abuse Awareness Month.

The resolution, which was adopted by the General Assembly, calls upon “all citizens to educate themselves on how they can be the one to make a difference in the life of a child, and prevent child abuse and neglect.”

Woodyard is no stranger to causes in-volving children.

He often advocates on behalf of CASA — Court Appointed Special Advocates for children — and for his own charity, 16 Ways, which benefi ts kids from underprivi-leged backgrounds.

“To me, it’s important to step up and be a part of the community,” Woodyard said in a recent interview with Colorado Community Media. “It only takes one person to make a difference in a child’s life. And when you’ve been given the platform that I’ve been given, it’s important to take advantage of it.”

State Sen. Linda Newell, D-Littleton, a sponsor of the resolution, is involved in many child welfare-related issues at the

Legislature. She said that awareness of these types of causes is heightened when-ever community members of Woodyard’s stature are involved.

“Sometimes it’s the celebrity or some-body who can draw the attention of the community,” Newell said. “And he has been a great addition to the child abuse preven-tion community because he’s drawing in people who are sometimes not necessarily involved.”

About the only thing that rivals Wood-yard’s impact in the community is his play on the fi eld — especially on the heels of his performance last season. Woodyard, 26, a Broncos team captain, had a breakout season at weak-side linebacker.

He had career numbers in categories that included tackles, sacks and intercep-tions.

But then there’s the way the season ended.

As a lifelong Broncos fan, I can honestly say that I still haven’t gotten over January’s playoff loss to the Baltimore Ravens. I re-member collapsing on my couch after the

game, like my heart had just been ripped out of my chest, straight out of some Aztec sacrifi ce ritual.

Seriously, my voicemail and text-message inbox was fl ooded that night with messages from concerned friends who were making sure that I hadn’t taken a leap from the top of downtown’s Republic Plaza.

So, yes, it was a painful loss, to say the least — and that goes for the players, too.

“It’s one of those things that I don’t think you get over,” Woodyard said. “But it motivates me. It motivates my teammates.”

If the Broncos are going to advance further in the playoffs this season, they’re gonna have to do it without a key member of their defense.

Pass rusher Elvis Dumervil, a fan favor-ite in the Mile City High since 2006, will be in a Ravens uniform this season, follow-ing a bizarre episode from last month that involved a signed, $8 million contract not being sent to the NFL in time for the league’s deadline.

OK, so “bizarre” doesn’t do the incident justice. I mean, who transmits a docu-ment literally worth millions of dollars via a piece of machinery that gets less use out of it than a Donkey Kong Atari video game? What, carrier pigeons weren’t available?

But, I digress.“I’m gonna miss Doom,” Woodyard said

of Dumervil. “Doom was a role model to me. He taught me to be a man on and off the fi eld. His leadership and play will be missed.

“I talked to him the other day and I told

him that I hope he breaks the sack record in Baltimore, but not against us.”

But there are plenty of things for Bron-cos fans to be excited about this season. Among them will be having another guy named Wes to cheer for on game days.

“Oh, we’re very excited,” Woodyard said of the addition of Wes Welker to the Broncos receiving corps. “He’s an extreme competitor and we’re so happy to have him on board.”

Not only is it gonna be nice to have the former New England Patriots standout on our team, Broncos players are just as thrilled about not having to defend against him.

“Absolutely,” Woodyard said, laughing. “I know (Broncos cornerback) Chris Harris is excited about that. Those guys had some battles.”

Woodyard recognizes that he and the Broncos did a lot of good on the fi eld last season. But don’t think for a second that he doesn’t want to accomplish bigger and better things.

“When you think you’ve arrived, that’s when you hit bottom,” he said. “It was a good season, but I could have done so much more. I’m grateful to have the op-portunity to be where I am, but I’m looking forward to this season.”

Vic Vela is the legislative reporter for Colorado Community Media. Email Vic at [email protected], and fol-low his legislative updates on Twitter: @VicVela1.


Sports: Moun-tain Range track and � eld highlights. Page 22

Twelve topics in 12 weeks: This week a look at a new normal for political par-ties in Je� erson County. Page 18

Art: Je� co students shine in annual art show. Page 4

Life: Murder mystery dinner theater produc-tion hosted at Briarwood. Page 17

Opinion: Columnist Michael Alcorn emerges from tax prepping daze to touch on topics of the day. Page 7

CORRECTION The river known as the Purgatoire or

Picketwire was incorrectly described in a column in the April 4 and April 5 editions of

Colorado Community Media newspapers. The river runs east from Trinidad.

SCHOOL NOTES Physical education teacher retiring

Kevin Dout has been a physical educa-tion teacher at Prospect Valley Elementary in Wheat Ridge for 37 years and is retiring.

Prospect Valley students and parents, current and alumni, are invited to send an email or card to describe positive experienc-es and fond memories of Dout’s classroom.

An emphasis is to be placed on any healthy habits that students continue to use today. The messages will be complied into a scrapbook retirement gift.

Photos can also be submitted, though they won’t be returned. The deadline to have your items included in his book is April 20.

Memories can be emailed to [email protected], or by mail to: Prospect Valley Elementary, c/o Lynn Christensen, 3400

Pierson St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033.

School board candidacyDr. Alonzo Rodriguez has announced his

candidacy for the Jeffco School Board repre-senting District 5, covering south Jeffco

According to his resume, Rodriguez is a native Coloradan, retired Army veteran and longtime Jeffco resident, has over 35 years of experience in public education both, as a teacher and higher education administrator.

He has been an active participant in education at the national, state and local levels including having served on numerous committees in Jeffco schools.

The Board of Education election will take place during the General Election in November.



This Week:National politics

Page 3: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

North Jeffco Westsider 3April 12, 20133-Color-SH&G



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Featured perennialBotanic name: Euphorbia epithymoides Common name: Cushion or Chrome SpurgeHeight: 12-18 inchesSpread: 18-24 inchesLight: Full sun to part shadeWater: Xeric to averageSoil: Average garden soils, tolerant of clay soilsGrowth Habit: MoundHow to use: Beds, borders, rock gardens, containers (USDA zone: 4-9)

The mounded habit and

cushiony appearance of Eu-phorbia epithymoides gives rise to its common name, Cushion Spurge.

The selection Euphor-bia epithymoides ‘Bon-fire’ emerges in the spring already touting stunning purple-red foliage that truly showcases the crackling yellow flowers, only to turn even darker burgundy in the fall.

This very drought toler-ant plant benefits from a

cut back when done bloom-ing to maintain its perfect dome shape.

Use as a border plant or in rock gardens with spring bulbs and other spring flowering perennials such as Cerastium, or Phlox su-bulata.

Submitted by Colorado Nursery and Greenhouse As-sociation

Euphorbia epithymoides Photo by Walters Gardens

Page 4: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

4 North Je� co Westsider April 12, 20134-Color





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Measure would extend work program Plan allows partial bene� ts for employees with reduced hours By Vic Vela [email protected]

State lawmakers have voted to renew a rarely used program that gives struggling businesses an alternative to laying off em-ployees.

Senate Bill 157, which has passed both chambers of the Democratic-controlled General Assembly on party-line votes, would extend the Colorado Work Share Pro-gram indefi nitely.

The program gives businesses the op-portunity to keep their workers at reduced hours, rather than laying them off altogeth-er.

Under the program, which businesses

Je� co schools talent shines Annual shows highlight middle schools, teachers By Clarke Reader [email protected]

Jeffco middle school students and teachers have the chance to show off their artistic talents at the annual Jefferson Foundation Middle School Art Exhibit and the Ninth Annual Jeffco Juried Teach-ers Exhibit.

Both shows are on display at the Lakewood Cultural Center, 470 S. Allison Parkway, and Civic Center, 480 S. Allison Parkway, through May 5.

There is a free artist reception for both exhibits from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, at the galleries.

“We have had the middle school exhibit here for more than 10 years,” said arts curator Lorene Joos. “It’s one of the exhibits our city employees really look forward to.”

The Jefferson Foundation Middle School Art Exhibit is a ju-ried show that fi lls up the Cultural Center’s North and Mezzanine galleries.

There are all kinds of styles and works on display and Joos said that a common question staff hears from visitors is “are those re-ally middle school students?”

“Throughout the time the ex-hibit is on display we see dads coming in to see their children’s

work, and grandparents visiting as well,” she said. “It’s also great to see the students show up for the artist reception.”

Joos said one of the best things about art education for students is that it helps students to think creatively.

She said in art there are no right answers, and the exhibit shows that because visitors will see how many variations there are on the

same assignment.The Ninth Annual Jeffco Juried

Teachers Exhibit is on display at the Civic Center’s James J. Richey gallery.

It’s not just for art teachers, but any who wants to contribute a piece for consideration.

The exhibit features works in a variety of mediums, including ceramics, sculpture, photography, painting, drawing, collage and

mixed media.“We get a lot of the teacher’s

students and former students stop by to see the work they do,” Joos said.

This year’s exhibit is sponsored by the Heritage, Culture and the Arts (HCA) Alliance for the fi rst time. Part of that sponsorship means there will be prizes handed out, including an $1,000 winning prize.

According to Debbie Koop, the president of the HCA Alliance, the organization wanted to sponsor the event to acknowledge all the work that teachers do.

“This is the fi rst time we’re giv-ing money for prizes, but we really like to support the art commu-nity in Lakewood because they do such wonderful things,” Koop said.

“We really wanted to support the schools as well, especially the teachers who work so hard.”

For more information on the exhibit, contact Joos at [email protected] or visit

“And the Spaghetti Spilled” by Jacqueline Pedlow of Creighton Middle. Courtesy photos

“Small Vase” by Annie Elephante of Col-legiate Academy

Teen gears up to compete in pageant By Ashley Reimers [email protected]

Chardonnay Rozyc, a Lega-cy High School freshman and Westminster resident, has a dream to become a successful model and actress.

To start her journey to Hol-lywood, she’s preparing to compete in the upcoming Miss

Junior Teen Colorado pageant, an extension of the National American Miss pageant.

“I was really excited to hear that I am able to compete in the pageant,” she said. “It’s really fun and exciting.”

After being chosen to com-pete in the pageant at an open call, Rozyc’s been busy looking for sponsors.

She’s been passing out a let-ters to local businesses describ-ing why she’s competing in the pageant. She said it’s sometimes hard to go into the business, but is dedicated to getting out there and gaining as much sponsors

as she can.“By getting sponsors it shows

the pageant that I’m willing to put myself out there,” she said.

During the pageant on June 30 and July 1 in Denver, Rozyc will be judged in four catego-ries: formal wear, pageant intro-ducing, one-on-one interviews with the judges and a commu-nity service. Rozyc said she’s a lot of experience on stage as a member of her school’s choir and orchestra and feels com-fortable talking in front of peo-ple.

“I’ve been on stage a lot be-cause of the performances and

plays I’ve been in,” she said. “I’ve also been in modeling agencies before, so I know how to interview.”

Competing in the pageant is just one step Rozyc is tak-ing to reach her ultimate goal. She said she wants to follow in her mom, Burgandy George’s footsteps, who spent time as a model and actress when she was younger.

“I would really like to go into acting after high school. I know it will be hard but I have to at least try,” she said. “I’m so envi-ous of my mom’s experiences. I want to get to do this too.”

Chardonnay Rozyc, a Westminster resident, will be competing in the Miss Junior Teen Colorado pageant in Denver. Courtesy photo

WHAT'S HAPPENING THIS WEEK? Want to know what clubs, art exhibits, meetings and cultural events are happening in your area and the areas around you? Visit our website at

Page 5: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

North Je� co Westsider 5April 12, 20135


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Measure would extend work program Plan allows partial bene� ts for employees with reduced hours By Vic Vela [email protected]

State lawmakers have voted to renew a rarely used program that gives struggling businesses an alternative to laying off em-ployees.

Senate Bill 157, which has passed both chambers of the Democratic-controlled General Assembly on party-line votes, would extend the Colorado Work Share Pro-gram indefi nitely.

The program gives businesses the op-portunity to keep their workers at reduced hours, rather than laying them off altogeth-er.

Under the program, which businesses

can enter into on a voluntary basis, employ-ees receive prorated unemployment bene-fi ts to compensate for the loss of hours.

Workers can receive up to 26 weeks of prorated unemployment benefi ts through Colorado Work Share, under recent federal changes made to the program.

The program receives federal money for re-imbursement, rather than adversely affecting the state’s Unemployment Insurance Fund.

Rep. Tracy Kraft-Tharp, D-Arvada, a House sponsor of the bill, said the program allows businesses that are going through a “temporary tough time” to keep skilled workers, instead of losing them.

Kraft-Tharp said in a recent interview that the program helps companies like Ves-tas Wind Systems, which has reduced em-

ployees’ hours at their Brighton, Pueblo and Windsor wind-power factories.

“This is a pretty specialized fi eld,” she said. “We don’t want to lose those people, or have them move away.”

The Work Share program, which was put in place in 2010, and is administered under the Colorado Department of Labor and Em-ployment, had to be taken up again by the General Assembly because it is scheduled to sunset in July.

The bill keeps the program going, while making adjustments to keep it in line with federal guidelines.

Kraft-Tharp acknowledges that the program isn’t well-known, and that only a handful of Colorado businesses are tak-ing advantage of it. But she expects that to change soon.

“There was no money for Department of Labor staff time when it passed in 2010, so the state has not been able to promote this,” she said.

“But, with the new changes, we can ac-

cess federal grants, so we can allocate staff time to support it.”

Republicans are opposed to the contin-uation of the program. The bill passed the Senate without any GOP support in March, and again in the House on April 2.

Rep. Brian DelGrosso, R-Loveland, said during a recent debate on the House fl oor that businesses that pay into the state’s un-employment insurance trust fund could es-sentially end up paying the wages for com-petitors’ workers, even though the workers are still employed there.

“So, potentially you can have a competi-tor down the street paying for the employ-ees of a fellow competitor somewhere else in town,” DelGrosso said.

But Kraft-Tharp sees value in the pro-gram.

“The bottom line is, if you’re going to be laid off … and if we can help you, we’re go-ing to help you,” she said. “It’s about keep-ing people employed and keeping their paychecks coming home.”


Commissioners survey road projects First project aims to improve tra� c � ow on South Golden Road By Glenn Wallace [email protected]

Construction on a roundabout at the Lena Gulch intersection is expected to begin in early summer, and be completed by the end of the year.

The project was among the county’s list of transportation improvement proj-ects discussed at the April 2 meeting of the Jefferson County’s Board of County Commissioners meeting.

Transportation and Engineering Di-rector Kevin French went through the 2013 list with the commissioners April 2. First on the list was ongoing work to improve traffi c capacity and fl ow along South Golden Road, including a round-about at the Lena Gulch intersection, and roadway improvements between Quaker and Moss streets.

The rest of the roadway improvements are complicated by the narrowness of the available roadway, with any extra road-way requiring the shifting of power poles and parking lots, French said.

“On both sides of the road, you’ll see more space for pedestrians,” French said.

District 1 Commissioner Faye Griffi n asked if the nearby NREL facility had fol-lowed through on a verbal offer to help pay for improvements along Moss Street. French said the federal laboratory had not yet replied to the request.

French said the South Golden cor-ridor required the special attention be-cause traffi c projections show the road approaching as many as 25,000 vehicle trips a day in coming years.

Also on the county’s to-do list was a continuation of FASTER Safety Projects. FASTER (Funding Advancement for Sur-face Transportation and Economic Re-covery) is a grant program administered by the state to local governments for the purpose of improving pedestrian and al-ternate transportation infrastructure.

“We look at shoulders, curbs and sidewalks, whenever we can, to be done in conjunction with repaving,” French said.

Golden homes addedAlso during their April 2 meeting, the

commissioners unanimously approved a four-lot subdivision on the northeast-ern side of North Table Mountain near Golden.

A development of 34 residential lots was once proposed on the site, now called Wild Horse Mesa, but continuing

access issues led the applicant to down-grade.

At issue is the land’s only access along West 53rd Drive, a cul-de-sac road that al-ready serves more than the 35 maximum recommended by county guidelines.

There were plans of direct road access from Easley Road, but it would have re-quired the land owner to negotiate with Jeffco Open Space, and with Denver Wa-ter for an easement and construction of a bridge over an irrigation ditch to reach the lots.

“It just didn’t make economic sense, even with 34 lots,” applicant Susan Tin-dell said.

There is an existing bridge over the ditch, currently used by maintenance crews, which both the applicant and Denver Water claim ownership over. The disputed bridge will be designated as an emergency evacuation route in case of fi re.

District 3 Commissioner Donald Rosier said it would be wrong to place the entire economic and legal burden to provide a secondary road access to resi-dences along West 53rd just because it was the latest in a long line of develop-ments along the road.

He suggested instead, that the entire area look into a collaborative effort to improve access.

WESTMINSTER NEWS IN A HURRY Fourth annual Bocce TournamentThe Westminster 7:10 Rotary Club invites

competitors, friends and spectators to com-pete in the fourth annual Bocce Tournament on Saturday, May 4, at the Carroll Butts Athletic Complex, 4201 W. 94th Ave. in Westminster. Proceeds from the event go to support the club’s community service projects including Com-puters for Kids, Dictionaries for Third Graders, books for pre-school kids and scholarships as well as international projects for schools in Bra-zil and poor women in Guatemala. Entry fees, which include breakfast and lunch, are $45 for competitors and $20 for spectators and friends. To register go to or call Brian Hall at 303-460-7209, on or before April 26.

City donates playground equipmentThe city of Westminster is donating the cur-

rent playground equipment from Jessica Ridge-way Memorial Park, formerly Chelsea Park, to Kids Around the World. This organization takes playgrounds that are being replaced and refur-bishes them, sends them overseas to countries where children are in need of play equipment and gets volunteers to install them. Donating the playground will also prevent it from going to the landfi ll. The park is in the process of being redesigned to honor the memory of Jessica. For information about the redesign, visit the West-minster Legacy Foundation website at

Teen gears up to compete in pageant plays I’ve been in,” she said. “I’ve also been in modeling agencies before, so I know how to interview.”

Competing in the pageant is just one step Rozyc is tak-ing to reach her ultimate goal. She said she wants to follow in her mom, Burgandy George’s footsteps, who spent time as a model and actress when she was younger.

“I would really like to go into acting after high school. I know it will be hard but I have to at least try,” she said. “I’m so envi-ous of my mom’s experiences. I want to get to do this too.”

Page 6: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

6 North Je� co Westsider April 12, 20136-Opinion


Amid tragedy is forgiveness, accountability Forgiveness itself is not often a topic in

an editorial, but the recent words of Lisa Clements, wife of slain Colorado pris-ons chief Tom Clements, inspire food for thought.

She stood with her two daughters by her side at her husband’s service March 25 in Colorado Springs and said, “We pray for forgiveness and peace for the family of the man suspected of taking Tom’s life, and we pray every day for forgiveness and peace in our own hearts.”

She noted she shares her husband’s belief in redemption and the ability for the human heart to be changed.

Her comments echo many other ex-pressions of forgiveness in news reports

through the years. One surely was the reaction of the

Amish community in Lancaster, Pa., after a 32-year-old gunman killed several girls in a one-room schoolhouse before killing himself in 2006.

While the Amish community was not in-clined to interact with the media, its stance was clear to not think evil of the gunman and instead pray for the shooter’s family,

which was further conveyed by neighbors who interacted with the tight-knit com-munity. Some Amish even reached out to comfort the family of the gunman.

Although the level of forgiveness to some surely seemed too generous, it seemed to quiet the surrounding commu-nity as it respectfully honored the perspec-tive of its neighbors, the direct victims of the shooting.

We noticed a similar effect following Lisa Clements’ thoughtful statements.

The complex mix of grieving, account-ability and forgiveness is too much for any one editorial, but we venture to say the heart does not so quickly follow the mind once someone has decided to forgive.

And while each person’s offer of forgive-ness is based on various factors — such as whether remorse is expressed — a commit-ment to forgiveness refl ects the best in all of us, a step toward mending and some-how improving the future to come.

In a recent CNN interview, Lisa Clem-ents said she could be enraged but chooses not to be angry with news that an errant court proceeding allowed the gunman to be released from prison four years early.

She said she will not let it consume her. While she supports this need for account-ability, we admire her strength as she champions a commitment to forgiveness and the steadfast view she shares with her husband that people can change.


Do you prepare your own taxes? As this year’s tax fi ling deadline on April 15 quickly approaches, we took a few mo-

ments to ask local residents about their fi ling preferences on a warm Sunday afternoon at the Margaret Carpenter Park and Open Space in Thornton.

“I’ve had someone prepare it for me for the past � ve years because when I tried to prepare my own taxes, I messed up and forgot that I sold some stocks and the IRS said I owed them additional money.”— Darrin McKinnon, Brighton

“I usually have someone prepare my taxes for me, because it takes a lot of time and can be very di� cult to understand at times — you don’t want to make a mistake.”— Jorge Beckmann, Brighton

“I did the tax returns for my wife and I have for many years, but because my wife still has a deal with a tax service for a small business that we just closed up, we de-cided to have someone else prepare it for us this year.”— Tom Rice, Commerce City

“It’s too hard for me to do it, so it’s easier to me to have someone else work on it instead of having to explain the tax laws and translate it into English because it’s my second language.”— Ana Cobos, Brighton


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Offering a sweetener to rail Last week I wrote about the positive

news pertaining to RTD moving sooner than later on requests for proposals from the private sector to construct at least a portion of the North Metro commuter rail line.

The possibility gets even more exciting as more information is discovered or pried loose. First, the Regional Transportation District will seek proposals on as much of this electric commuter rail line as the private sector has an appetite to do.

In other words, the whole line is up for consideration to be built from Union Sta-tion to the end of the line at 162nd Avenue. This will literally be a case of what the market will bear. Secondly, there is a pos-sible incentive being sent to RTD by Adams County and two of the three affected cities along this rail corridor (Northglenn and Thornton) pertaining to collaboration and potentially additional funds.

An o� er to build the whole projectAdams County Commissioner Erik

Hansen is taking the bull by the horns in promoting some proactive measures above RTD’s required 2.5 percent local agency contribution, which may help any proposal be successful. The three local governments state that they are interested in working together on a scope of work for an RFP to build the North Metro line to its end point by 2020. They state that if such a proposal would materialize, the three entities would 1) waive certain fees, 2) be agreeable to phasing certain elements of the plan and 3) provide additional local agency contri-bution.

Such collaborative provisions have mer-it in making the whole transit line more of a possibility. And it should be noted that this Adams County group provided this offer without direct solicitation from RTD (well, sort of in that RTD does list additional funds as something they would consider in their Risk Allocation matrix). Nevertheless, it is a gesture of cooperation and wanting to see the whole line done by 2020.

That would be a real accomplishment

for Adams County and the affected cities!

Using county sales tax fundsHowever, it remains to be seen how RTD

will respond to the proposal.RTD has not always welcomed help on

drafting the terms of a Request for Propos-als. But maybe on this one the RTD powers that be might have a favorable perspective.

Remember the county and two cities are offering funds above the required 2.5 per-cent local match per the original FasTracks provisions. From what I have gathered, the funds in questions could come from the Adams County sales tax which is ear-marked for transportation improvements.

The amount could be many millions of dollars.

This would mean that Adams County and the two cities would give up millions of dollars in tax revenue that could have been used to maintain, repair and build new streets, etc.

Political considerationsWhile the offer certainly has merit to

help solidify the North Metro commuter rail project and perhaps extend the length of improvements, the question becomes — is it necessary to forego millions of dollars of local street and road work? And is it worth having the taxpayers of Adams County and the two cities pay twice for these rail improvements?

Remember, RTD can still apply for federal funds beyond the initial segment of this line.

Bill Christopher is former city manager of Westminster and used to represent District J on the RTD board of directors.

Page 7: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

North Je� co Westsider 7April 12, 20137

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Amid tragedy is forgiveness, accountability And while each person’s offer of forgive-ness is based on various factors — such as whether remorse is expressed — a commit-ment to forgiveness refl ects the best in all of us, a step toward mending and some-how improving the future to come.

In a recent CNN interview, Lisa Clem-ents said she could be enraged but chooses not to be angry with news that an errant court proceeding allowed the gunman to be released from prison four years early.

She said she will not let it consume her. While she supports this need for account-ability, we admire her strength as she champions a commitment to forgiveness and the steadfast view she shares with her husband that people can change.

Offering a sweetner to rail

for Adams County and the affected cities!

Using county sales tax fundsHowever, it remains to be seen how RTD

will respond to the proposal.RTD has not always welcomed help on

drafting the terms of a Request for Propos-als. But maybe on this one the RTD powers that be might have a favorable perspective.

Remember the county and two cities are offering funds above the required 2.5 per-cent local match per the original FasTracks provisions. From what I have gathered, the funds in questions could come from the Adams County sales tax which is ear-marked for transportation improvements.

The amount could be many millions of dollars.

This would mean that Adams County and the two cities would give up millions of dollars in tax revenue that could have been used to maintain, repair and build new streets, etc.

Political considerationsWhile the offer certainly has merit to

help solidify the North Metro commuter rail project and perhaps extend the length of improvements, the question becomes — is it necessary to forego millions of dollars of local street and road work? And is it worth having the taxpayers of Adams County and the two cities pay twice for these rail improvements?

Remember, RTD can still apply for federal funds beyond the initial segment of this line.

Bill Christopher is former city manager of Westminster and used to represent District J on the RTD board of directors.

Always ready to help: Call her Mom I like to remember special days of the

year by giving you a column related to the event.

But sometimes I forget to write the column on time.

Because Mother’s Day is such a special event, I’m going to share this column with you early because you may also want to share it with family and friends. Here it is:

A baby asked God, “They tell me you are sending me to Earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?”

“Your angel will be waiting for you and take care of you.”

The child further inquired, “But tell me, here in Heaven I don’t have to do anything

but sing and smile to be happy.”God said, “Your angel will sing for you

and will also smile for you, and you will feel your angel’s love and be very happy.”

Again the child asked, “And how am I going to be able to understand when

people talk to me if I don’t know the lan-guage?”

God said, “Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak.”

“And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?” God said, “Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray?” “Who will protect me?”

God said, “Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.”

“But I will be sad because I will not see you anymore.”

God said, “Your angel will always talk to you about you about me and will teach you

the way to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you.”

At that moment, there was much peace in heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, “God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel’s name.”

“You will simply call her, Mom.”Stay well, stay involved and stay tuned.

Vi June is past Democratic state representa-tive for House District 35. She is a former mayor of Westminster and a former news-paper publisher. A Westminster resident for more than four decades, she and her husband, Bob, have fi ve grown children and eight grandchildren.

My brain still comes through after tax prep Doing taxes this week so I have very

little brain-RAM to spare — certainly not enough to keep a coherent train of thought together.

But, nevertheless, a handful of thoughts have penetrated the IRS-induced stupor, and here’s the result:

• In case you were keeping score, this Legislature, which, according to Rep. Tracy Kraft-Tharp, et al., has “the economy as their No. 1 focus,” has so far managed to pass bills that drove away 2,000 jobs, while not yet getting around to passing anything to help the economy.

• I rarely have control of the TV remote, so I don’t often get to just fl ip around the prime time lineup to see what’s on. But the other night, I was fl ipping around, and I caught a glimpse of the show “Smash.” And there, on the screen, is Bernadette Peters, one of the grand dames of musical theater, singing a beautiful duet. Y’know, there

are people in this world whose talent is so prodigious that it lights up a room, even through the television screen. I wonder if she was ever told not to pursue her dreams because her test scores were too low ...

• Regarding Coach Mike Rice and the Rutgers basketball team: In this day and age, barely six months removed from an election which a man lost in part because of a cell phone video, for a person in a po-sition of power to lose control in a public

place like that is inexcusable. All the rest aside, he might just be too dumb to have that job.

• I am slightly encouraged that Sen. Mike Johnston’s education funding bill in-cludes $100 million for innovation. Maybe we can use that to stop talking about test-ing and start driving for real innovation.

• Speaking of luminous talents, over the last week, I have caught on cable parts of the movies “Outbreak,””Congo,””The 13th Warrior” and “Twister,” all brought to us from the prolifi c mind of Michael Crichton.

• And I’m so glad to see that the Associ-ated Press has offi cially decided to drop the use of the term “Illegal Immigrant” to describe people who have, um, immigrated to this country illegally. George Orwell, phone home.

• Come to think of it, there is one class of people whose employment I would love to see reduced: tax attorneys. And not that

I have anything against tax attorneys, but the Byzantine nature of the U.S. tax code is really only good for two things: attorney employment, and I hear it makes a great reinforcement to sand walls in case of a fl ood.

• And in case you missed it, through the fi rst series of the major league baseball season (three games), every team but one has a loss. That’s the nature of baseball — it’s such a long season that even the best teams lose a lot of games, and I’ve always felt there’s a lot more to be learned in a loss than in a win. It’s called character, and it’s why baseball used to be such an important part of the American fabric.

Michael Alcorn is a music teacher and fi t-ness instructor who lives in Arvada with his wife and three children. He graduated from Alameda High School and the University of Colorado-Boulder.

HAVE A NEWS TIPOur team of professional reporters, photographers and editors are out in the community to bring you the news each week, but we can't do it alone. Send your news tips, your own photographs, event information, letters, commentaries ... Please share by contacting us at [email protected] and we will take it from there.

Page 8: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

8 North Je� co Westsider April 12, 20138

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Longtime Arvada salon moves to Westminster By Ashley Reimers [email protected]

It took fi ve years, but Heidi Casler’s dream of moving her salon to West-minster has fi nally come true. Come July, The Yacht Club Salon will be the fi rst business to move into the future Westminster Center, anticipated to be a thriving area of the city.

“It was such a roller coaster ride for the past fi ve years to get into the West-minster area,” she said. “I just love Westminster, and I still can’t believe it’s hap-pening.”

The Yacht Club Salon has been in Arvada for 25 years, with Casler as the owner for the past 11 years.

She said since she found about the plans to rede-velop the Westminster Mall area, she knew she had to fi nd a way to make the sa-lon a part of the transfor-mation. She said her clients can enjoy a variety of shops, restaurants, entertainment and other business during their trips to the salon.

“I knew I had to get into the area before it got estab-lished,” she said. “Getting in early allowed me to be able to purchase a space in the area. I love rejuvenations and this area will be fresh and exciting. It’s going to be modern and urban and that

is defi nitely where I want to be.

Casler purchased a por-tion of a building north of Costco on 92nd Avenue a block west of Harlan Street. She is combining three units into one to create a

new 3,500-square-foot sa-lon, about 900 feet larger than her location in Arvada. Construction has begun with a completion date in early July.

“We are what West-minster is looking for. We

are well established, with trained and experienced stylists,” she said. “We have a friendly atmosphere and we want to make people feel comfortable. I think we will fi t the needs of West-minster.”

Demolition of the old Westminster Mall was completed last year. Now around 105 acres of open area space is available for redevelopment. The city is currently working on a design plan for the future Westminster Center with a goal to develop a high-den-sity urban center of regional scope on the 105-acre par-cel currently occupied by the Westminster Mall.

According to, the project will facilitate both a vertical and horizontal mixture of uses, including entertain-ment, offi ce, residential and cultural. Completion of the fi rst portion of the center is anticipated by 2015.

“We are proud to offer a solid business like The Yacht Club Salon an environment that will be conducive to its continued growth,” said Westminster Mayor Nancy McNally.

“We hope other busi-nesses will share the vision that the Westminster Cen-ter is destined to become an economic cornerstone, both for Westminster and the entire region.”

An electrician from Duro Electric works on the lighting system at the future Yacht Club Salon in Westminster. The salon is currently located in Arvada but will be relocating to a renovated building in the former Westminster mall area. Photo by Ashley Reimers

JEFFCO BRIEFS Assault suspect arrested

Two days after an attempted sexual assault of a teenage girl in south Jef-fco, Sheriff’s deputies arrested Xavier Sebastian McDaniel, 20.

The assault took place April 4, in an apartment near South Simms Street and West Bowles Avenue. The victim suffered injuries, but was able to fi ght off the suspect, and described the suspect’s vehicle. Investigators located the car in the apartment complex. McDaniel is a resident of that complex. Investigators found McDaniel at his place of employment in Douglas County, where they placed him under arrest.

McDaniel is being on $1 million bond, on suspicion of fi rst-degree burglary and attempted sexual assault causing serious bodily injury.

DA to review Grand County shootingLaw enforcement offi cers are

investigating a fatal shooting that oc-curred in Hot Sulphur Springs.

Shortly before midnight on April 1, a woman called 911 call to report a stranger at her front door behav-ing erratically and causing a dis-turbance. The man allegedly tried to force his way into the home and a struggle ensued, resulting in the man’s shooting.

The woman who placed the 911 call was a deputy district attorney in the Fourteenth Judicial District. Her husband is a Grand County Sheriff’s deputy. Both the deputy DA and the Sheriff’s deputy have been put on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation.

Because the incident involves a deputy DA and a sheriff’s deputy from Grand County, Fourteenth Judicial District Attorney Brett Barkey has requested assistance from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the First Judicial District

Attorney’s Offi ce.The CBI is leading the investiga-

tion. The Critical Incident Team for Moffat, Grand and Routt counties is assisting in the investigation.

Climbing fatalityOn Saturday, April 6, the Jefferson

County Sheriff’s Offi ce received a 911 call in reference to a man who had fallen while climbing in an area off of Highway 6 near tunnel one. The Golden Fire Department, Foothills Fire Department and Genesee Fire Department responded along with Jeffco deputies.

The man, who had been climb-ing with other family members, fell at least 40 feet. He was transported to St. Anthony Central where he was pronounced dead.

Jefferson County Sheriff’s Offi ce is investigating the circumstances that caused the man’s fall.

WHAT'S HAPPENING THIS WEEK? Want to know what clubs, art exhibits, meetings and cultural events are happening in your area and the areas around

you? Visit our website at

Page 9: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

North Je� co Westsider 9April 12, 20139-Color

We’re inspired by classic Colorado architecture and passionate about cra smanship. Yet we geek out on the latest technology and sustainable building techniques. The thicker walls in our New Town Builders’ high performance homes allow for 60% more money-saving insula on than in a conven onal home, and our roof is 6 inches higher than a typical home, so we can get 2 ½ mes MORE insula on in the a c. This reduces heatloss, and more importantly, reduces your energy bill! Talk to us about building your (surprisingly affordable) energy-efficient new home.

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Brand New Homes on One Acre in Castlewood Ranch!

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Where were you born?I was born in Denver, Colorful Col-

orado and raised in wonderful West-minster, Co.

How long have you lived in the area?All my life – I met Audrey, my wife

of 37 years (we were married when we were 10 years old) at Westminster High School and have raised two gorgeous daughters, Breanna and Elizabeth.

What do you like most about Denver?We have great sport and theatrical

venues. We are minutes away from the mountains filled with fun from skiing to golf.

How long have you worked in Real Es-tate?

I have been marketing real estate for my friends and family for just over 13,300 days, did I mention I love math!

Each day has been different and complete with its chal-lenges and opportunities.

What is your specialty and what does that mean for the people you work with?

My specialty is being a friend, counselor, marketer, ne-gotiator and Realtor. Our company name stands for Real Estate Options and that is what we do. We supply our client’s options, including traditional sales, short sales, foreclosure assistance and HUDS.

What is the most challenging part of what you do?A Realtor works closely and depends on many other

professionals. It is Frustrating when a loan officer, ap-praiser, and or Title person fumbles and doesn’t do their job correctly.

What do you most enjoy do-ing when you are not work-ing?

I love the mountains. We spend much of our free time

in the Keystone, Vail and Central City and all they offer year ‘round excitement.

What is one tip you have for someone looking to sell a house?

“Prepare your home to look the finest possible and hire a professional that you like and are confident in.

What is one tip you have for someone looking to buy a house?

When I started my career an older new home salesman told one of my buyers “He who procrastinated doesn’t profit, He who snoozes – looses and he who sleeps – weeps.” This advice holds especially true in today’s mar-ket.

What is the most unusual thing you’ve encountered while working in Real Estate?

I was working with one of Westminster’s oldest land-holders in selling a prime piece of land in Jefferson Coun-ty. The three brothers that inherited the land and owned the acreage did not get along with each other. It was a

goal of mine to somehow bring the three brothers together and assist them in selling their land. For sever-al months, I attended many appoint-ments to help “mend the fences” and we eventually sold/closed the trans-action on the land. The three broth-ers did come together for a time. It was a challenge.

Gary DiGiorgioReal Estate AgentThe DiGiorgio Group R-E-OPTIONS llc7828 Vance Dr. #202Arvada, Co 80003Direct 303-898-4279 office 720-242-5200fax 720 242 [email protected]






venues. We are minutes away from the mountains filled with fun from skiing


I have been marketing real estate for my friends and family for just over 13,300 days, did I mention I love math!

What do you most enjoy doing when you are not working?

I love the mountains. We spend much of our free time

Left to right: Gary with his dogs.

was a challenge.

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10 North Je� co Westsider April 12, 201310-Color

Grain Finished Buffaloquartered, halves and whole


Locally raised, grass fed and grainfinished Beef & Pork.

Quarters, halves, wholes available.Can deliver 720-434-1322

Wanted to rent; quiet spacew/hookups for 36' RV. We're quiet,have references and no pets.Month to month starting in May

928-528-8028 [email protected]

"Luxury" Garage SaleSaturday April 20th 8am-2pm6925 Carr Street, ArvadaHosted by non-profit Live Cheap.Not your typical garage sale!!Silent Auction on high-$$ items.Supports children in Cambodia.

7476 West 83rd Way Large In-flatable Pontoon fishing boat $350,Free Weights $400, desk/table per-fect for sewing room mahogany$40 303-423-8810




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ArApAhoe properties inc.


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Bristol Cove in Centennial High Prairie Farms in ParkerThe inventory of homes for sale is very low. I am happy to provide you with a free

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Home for Sale

12 miles Southwestof Sedalia

off Highway 67 (Deckers Hwy)3 Brdm/2Bath Remodeled

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Wonderful LocationFantastic Mountain Views

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Mike Brady 720-297-2824Owner/Agent

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Businesses for Sale/Franchise

Business-Service Franchise -

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1 ACRE + LOTSFabulous Vistas

Builder-ready lot price includes water tap fee,

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Take I-76 East to Exit 22;east 5 miles to Hudson Rd.

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Gorgeous Valley inPine Grove.

1 bdrm mobile home,12 miles from Conifer.

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Commercial Property/Rent

Office WarehouseFor Lease in Elizabeth

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1/2 acre in townNew Carpet, No Pets

Workshop, Patio$900

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Page 11: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

North Je� co Westsider 11April 12, 201311-Color




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Farm Products & Produce

Grain Finished Buffaloquartered, halves and whole


Locally raised, grass fed and grainfinished Beef & Pork.

Quarters, halves, wholes available.Can deliver 720-434-1322


Wanted to rent; quiet spacew/hookups for 36' RV. We're quiet,have references and no pets.Month to month starting in May

928-528-8028 [email protected]


Garage Sales

"Luxury" Garage SaleSaturday April 20th 8am-2pm6925 Carr Street, ArvadaHosted by non-profit Live Cheap.Not your typical garage sale!!Silent Auction on high-$$ items.Supports children in Cambodia.

7476 West 83rd Way Large In-flatable Pontoon fishing boat $350,Free Weights $400, desk/table per-fect for sewing room mahogany$40 303-423-8810

Garage Sales

Estate/Moving SaleApril 12th, 13th & 14th 9am-4pm6853 West Woods Circle, Arvada80007 Furniture (including an-tiques) Lamps, Side Tables, Art-work, Floral Arrangements, Refri-gerator, Misc. Household Items,Electronic Equipment, Outdoor Fur-niture, Tools (power washers) Ta-ble Saw, Ladder etc., Golf Equip-ment, Scuba Gear, Clothes, Holi-day Decorations, Gardening Items,Books and much more!

Garage Sale/ DownsizingSunday April 14

2-5Furniture, Trundle bed, mirrors,

4 piece blond Drexel set, will sellseperately, chairs, etc1574 Wandering Way,

Castle Rock 80109

IT'S HERE AGAINStuff A Bag For $15.00

"Barely Used"Items Better than Ever

Summer, Winter clothesSaturday April 13thh 8am-?

7770 W. 44th Ave.Wheat Ridge 303-945-4704

Just Between FriendsHuge Kids' Sale

Flatirons Marketplace in theold Nordstrom Rack.

Wed. April 10, 12p-7pm Thurs. April11, 9a-7p. Fri. April 12, 9a-7p. Sat.April 13, 9a-3p and 5p-9p 50% off.

Sun April 14, 9a-3p 75%off. $2.00 Admission Fee

Garage Sales

Moving saleAntiques, leather recliners,

bedroom set, lots more303 384-3564,

8815 Blue Mtn Dr, GoldenApril 12,13,14

Fri noon-4, Sat 9-4, Sun 9-2

MOVING SALEFriday, April 12 - Saturday, April 13;8 am to 2 pm both days. 22875Hale Avenue, Parker (1 block offCanterberry Parkway) Furniture,ping pong table, golf clubs, lots ofhousewares and home accessor-ies. Cash only please!


Building Materials

Chain Link FencingApproximately 150ft, 3ft highfastners and posts included240-285-3643

Steel BuildingFrame Packages50x100 - $24,307 Sheetingavailable, sheeting specs providedErection information availableSource# 18X 800-964-8335


1873 Winchester 32 caliber, greatcondition $3995/obo 720-205-0632


FAST TREESGrow 8-12 feet yearly.

$17-$24 delivered.Potted. Brochure online:www.fasttrees.comor 509 447 4181


6 oak book cases 36x84 $95ea. /obo Infrared Sauna $1099/obo 2china cabinets w/china make offerMarty (303)995-2995

Castle Rock Furniture SaleCherry wood entry table, coffee &end tables, couch/matching chairs.Solid oak double bed set, kitchenware, solid oak computer desk andtable and misc. everything like new.303-386-3162

[email protected]


Craftsman Snow Blower - 9.0 HP28" electric start - excellent

condition only used once. $475303-421-5591





Chocolate Mini SchnauzerMale, 1 yr old, neutered,9 lbs,

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Car for Sale08 Tan Mazda Tribute

52,700 miles, 6 cylinder, auto,4-door, AM/FM, CD,

towing package$15,500 OBO 720-289-3831


4 Hankook Dyna Pro tires225/70R16101T

Used only 16k miles$200.



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The dream of home ownership is one that lives on in spite of the

global economic struggles. The process of buying a home can be an emotional roller coaster ride, with feelings of excitement

mixed in with exhaustion, fear and uncertainty.

Over the last several years, the real estate mar-ket has been turned upside down, and many prospec-tive buyers have begun to question some of the con-ventional wisdom associ-

ated with buying a home. While such skepticism might be a healthy attitude in the current market, pro-spective buyers -- particu-larly those who have never purchased a home before -- should avoid the following mistakes that buyers make

regardless of whether the market is up or down.

* Failure to get quali-fied beforehand. Mortgage qualification is essential when buying a home, as it gives buyers preapproval for a loan before they make any offers. Making an offer on a home before you know what the bank is willing to lend you is a waste of time for everyone involved, in-cluding you, the seller and the real estate agents in-volved. Some agents will not show a home if you don’t have a preapproval. Once preapproved for a loan, don’t take any steps that might put that ap-proval in jeopardy. This in-cludes anything that might drastically alter your credit score.

* Being blindsided by additional costs. First-time homebuyers, once they have moved into their home, often experience some sticker shock when the additional expenses as-sociated with home owner-ship arise. These additional expenses include property tax and insurance costs and can be substantial. Even those buying a condomini-um or co-op should expect monthly maintenance fees

even if their new place is brand new and needs no maintenance.

* Shooting for the moon. The ongoing recession is in part the result of preda-tory lending that saw banks grant excessive loans to ap-plicants who, in hindsight, could not actually afford all that they were approved to borrow. The result was many people buying homes they could not afford, and then suffering some steep consequences, including foreclosure, when the first mortgage payment came due or the interest rate rose. First-time and even veteran buyers must avoid shooting for the moon when it comes to buying a home, and in-stead only buy one they know they can afford. What the banks says you can af-ford isn’t always the same as what you know you can afford. Only buy a home you know you can afford, regardless of whether the bank has approved you for a larger loan.

* Pigeonholing yourself into an inadequate living situation. Just like buyers shouldn’t go overboard, they also must avoid com-promising on the things that are most important to

them. For example, many of today’s buyers, fully aware of the rash of foreclosures and all the housing horror stories of the last several years, are reticent to com-mit to a home, and might compromise with a condo or co-op. But if a home is what you really want, and another living situation that mirrors apartment life is going to make you mis-erable, don’t settle for that situation for the sake of se-curity. Doing so could cost you financially, especially when you realize the situa-tion isn’t what you’d hoped for and look to sell earlier than is ideal.

* Skimping on the cost of an inspector. An inspector is your last chance to find out if a home is your dream home or a money pit. Even if a house appears to be ev-erything you want, don’t close on the sale until the house has been thoroughly inspected. The old adage that advises against judging a book by its cover certainly applies to buying a home, and prospective buyers should enlist the services of a qualified inspector be-fore closing on the sale of a home. ■

Metro Creative Services

Buying a home? Avoid these mistakes

Miscellaneous Real Estate

Home for Sale

$500 Flat Fee listing!nO KiDDing!

other charges may apply

Call John at 303-910-9196 or go to www.arapahoeproperties.com30 Years Experience

John Vizzi Owner/Broker license #[email protected]

ArApAhoe properties inc.

Page 12: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

12 North Je� co Westsider April 12, 201312-Color




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Infant/toddler QualIfIcatIons:An eligible candidate must be currently GLQ. Previous teaching experience is a plus and will give the candidate an edge in position and salary compensation. The ap-plicant must love children, be energetic and have a positive outlook.

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our communItyOur school is in Lafayette, CO; a fast growing community in Boulder County. Our campus contains orchards, organic gardens and several playgrounds. Adventure Mon-tessori began 8 years ago with the dream of providing a beautiful Montessori learning environment where children and their families would be valued and respected; a place where children would love to learn. That dream has come to fruition and our goal continues to focus on the child. We strive for excellence in relationships with our students, parent body and with our staff. We truly believe that children are the future.

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Want To Purchaseminerals and other oil/gasinterests. Send details to:P.O. Box 13557Denver, CO 80201

Page 13: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

North Je� co Westsider 13April 12, 201313-Color




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Auction 800+/- Acres 6 Tracts C.R.P.,Ir rigated, Hunting Lodge April 23, 9:30AMLocation: Stratton COmmunity Center UnitedCountr y - Rocking X Land 719-346-5420


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Academy for DentalAssisting CareersApril 13th Session! 8 Saturdays / $2800 ONLY!

Littleton - CO Springs - Longmont303-774-8100 / 719-314-5579

Caregivers to provide in-homecare to senior citizens who need

assistance with activities ofdaily living.

Call Today


ConstructionExperienced Heavy EquipmentOperators needed.Dozers, excavators, scrapers, andoff-road articulated haul trucks.

Experienced oilers also needed forCAT heavy equipment.

Call 660-656-9506. EOE

ConstructionHeavy equipment mechanicneeded for local excavationcontractor. Travel required.Experience with CAT heavyequipment a plus, but will train theright applicant. Please call

660-656-9506 EOE

Drivers: 4K Sign-on bonus. CDL-A-Route Delivery. MBM Foodser-vice in Aurora. Regional. 65KAvg.annual salary+Ben.

Drivers:Home Nightly!Great Paying Denver Flatbed Runs!CDL-A, 1yr Exp. Req.

Estenson Logistics. 1-866-336-9642

Help Wanted

GAIN 130 LBS!Savio House needs foster

parents to provide temporary carefor troubled teens ages 12-18.Training, 24 hour support and$1900/month provided. Must

complete precertification trainingand pass a criminal and motor

vehicle background check.Call Michelle 303-225-4073

or visit


Claims adjusting firm inGolden/Genesee area. Must bereliable, professional w/strong

general office background,Word/Excel. Must have solid

work record/references.Resume &

cover letter to:[email protected]

Hiring Event!Thursday, March 18th

From 8:30-1pmLOCATION: Adams County

Workforce Center4430 South Adams County Prky

Brighton, CO 80601Available positions:

Concrete Finishers $16-18,Pipefitter-$18-$20Laborer $12-$14,Carpenter $18-$20,Millwrights-$18-20

Qualifications:• At least 1 year experience• Must pass drug screen• Ability to lift a minimum of 50 lbs

Benefits:• Full time (40 hours per week)• MedicalDress professionally, bring yourresume, and arrive promptly!

Housekeepingin Castle Pines Golf ClubBe a part of our elite team at theexclusive Castle Pines Golf Club.Full time/Part time and Weekendpositions available in

Housekeeping and Laundry. Call303-814-6252 for an interview ap-pointment. Fax resume to 303-660-8453

Help Wanted

HousekeepingNight Janitorial positionsavailable at Castle Pines Golf ClubApril-October. Full time/Part timeand Weekend positions.

Call 303-520-7365 foran interview appointment.Fax resume to 303-660-8453.


No Sales, no Investment, No Risk,Free training, Free website. Con-tact Susan at 303-646-4171 or fillout form at

MedicalMA, LPN or RN Full Timein Ken Caryl area Needed part time,includes Saturday morning for

medical center in Highlands Rancharea. Please fax resume to Nita303-791-7756

Outside SalesBF Sales Engineering, looking for an Outside SalesPerson with experience inPumps and Process Equipment.Employer located in Golden.Please email resume to:[email protected], no phone calls.

Part-Time may work into a fulltime position as a Housekkeeperwho loves dogs and is able to walk2 dogs. Dependable multi-taskedhousework and good cook lightproperty maintenance. Referencesrequired and background check.Email [email protected] fax 303-220-5384

PROJECT MANAGERFor project reporting, project

controls, project administration,planning, pricing,quality

management etc and there isbenefits for paid time off, accessto car, medical etc send resume

with salary expectations to :[email protected]

Help Wanted

Receptionist (PT) forWestminster assisted

living community(Weds thru Sunday) evenings.Must enjoy working with seniors

and have computer skills.Call 303-426-9090Thank You! Kathy

RN's,LPN'scaring, compassionate,

reliable/dependable nurses needed.$12 hr. P.T night shifts.

Fri, Sat or Sunin peaceful, loving home.

North Parker. Call 303-646-3020

Salaried CampGround Host

for Pikes Peak and S. Platte AreaRV or Trailer required

No electricity719-687-3814

ServiceMaster Clean hasseveral part-time janitorial openings

throughout Denver. Immediateevening positions available in

Centennial and Highlands Ranch.Please call 303-761-0122 to

schedule an interview.

Western SummitConstructors, Inc. is seeking

Formwork Carpenters & Laborers,Concrete Finishers, Pipefitters, and

Millwrights (process equipmentinstallations) for large wastewater

project located in Denver area.Applications will be taken at9780 Pyramid Ct, Suite 100,

Englewood, CO 80112,from 8-5 M-F.

Send resumes [email protected]

or call (303)325-0325.WSCI is an EEO Employer.


Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program.

Financial aid if qualified – Housing available

CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance877-818-0783


InstructionMisc. Notices

Colorado Springs-area Aero Cluboffering shares in well-maintained,well-equipped Piper PA24-250Comanche and PA28-235 Chero-kee. Based at Meadow Lake Air-port (KFLY), Falcon, CO. SeeWWW.NOSPINAIRCRAFT.COMfor details, or call David Miller at No-Spin Aircraft Sales: 719-650-8667.

Men of all ages come singyour old favorites with us. No

singing experience necessary,we will teach you.

Denver MountainairesBarber Shop Chorus

Edgewater Community Church.2497 Fenton St. (corner of Fenton

& 25th Ave, 6 blockswest of Sheridan.

Contact Ralph Fennell 303-805-9828, [email protected] or

Tony Pranaitis [email protected]

Want To Purchaseminerals and other oil/gasinterests. Send details to:P.O. Box 13557Denver, CO 80201

Misc. Notices

Want To Purchaseminerals and other oil/gasinterests. Send details to:P.O. Box 13557Denver, CO 80201

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Carpenter/Handyman:Semi retired but still ready to workfor you! 34 years own business.Prefer any small jobs. Rossi's:303-233-9581


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Free estimates.Craig (303)429-3326

Fence Services

Cowboy Fencing is a full service fence & gate company installing fences in

Colorado for 23 years.Residential/Commercial/Farm & Ranch

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Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270Scott, Owner 720-364-5270

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Reasonable rates 30yrs Exp.303-450-1172

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OUTSIDE: *Paint & Repairs*Gutters *Deck's *Fence's *Yard

Work *Tree & Shrubberytrimming & clean upAffordable Hauling

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Hauling Service

" $Reasonable$"Rates On:

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*Gutter cleaning.*Storm Damage Cleanup,

Servicing the Denver West andNorth areas

Mark 303.432.3503


Basement, Garages, Houses,Construction, Debris,

Small Moves

Office - 303-642-3548Cell 720-363-5983

Ron MassaBBB - Bonded - Insured

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Get a jump on sprinG projects!New installs, yard make-overs, retaining walls, sod, sprinkler systems, flagstone, decorative rock. For all your landscape needs call Richard at 720-297-5470. Licensed, insured, Member BBB.


Mowing???"303-274-9349.12 years exp.

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installs, makeovers & more!

Lawn/Garden Services

Aerating,Lawn Mowing,

Fertilizing,Power Raking,Yard Clean-up

and Sprinkler Work

LAWN AERATIONSResidential HomesJust $30

Call Eric 303-424-0017

Alpine LandscapeManagement

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Tony 720-210-4304

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John | 303-922-2670


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Aeration & Fertilization Combo


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summer commitment for new customers

www.denverlawnservices.comEstablished 2000

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• Res. & Comm. • Fully Insured.Offering Free Fall aerating &

fertilizing with a new mowing pkg.(mowing in select areas)


Reasonable Rates:*Lawn Maint: Leaf Cleanup, Tree &

Bush Trimming/Removal.Firewood for sale Del. avail. *Haul-

ing: trash, old fencing, debris.*Gutter cleaning. *Storm Damage

Cleanup. Refs.Servicing the West and

North areasMark: 303.432.3503

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Page 15: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

North Je� co Westsider 15April 12, 201315-Color

Lawn/Garden Services

Columbine Custom Contracting & Sprinkler Service

Tony 720-210-4304

• Sprinkler Start Ups $40• Aerations $40

• Fertilization $30• Power Rakes $60 & Up

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• Laminate/Hardwood Floors• Licensed Plumber


Mowing, aeration, fertilize, tree & shrub trim. Planting & Spring cleanup.28yrs exp.Free estimates

Call Greg303-345-8532

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FertilizingHedge Trim


John | 303-922-2670


Yard Cleanup, Aeration, Fertilizer, Shrub Trimming

Aeration & Fertilization Combo


Aeration, Fertilization & Power Raking



summer commitment for new customers

www.denverlawnservices.comEstablished 2000

• Lawn Maintenance•Aerating & Fertilizing,

•Power Raking • Landscape•Sod & Rock Work

• Res. & Comm. • Fully Insured.Offering Free Fall aerating &

fertilizing with a new mowing pkg.(mowing in select areas)


Reasonable Rates:*Lawn Maint: Leaf Cleanup, Tree &

Bush Trimming/Removal.Firewood for sale Del. avail. *Haul-

ing: trash, old fencing, debris.*Gutter cleaning. *Storm Damage

Cleanup. Refs.Servicing the West and

North areasMark: 303.432.3503

Misc. Services

Licensed and InsuredCall Us Today! 720-545-9222

STAIRLIFTS INSTALLEDwith a Warranty Starting at $1575

WALK-IN-TUBSStarting at $2995

Motorcycle Repair

All Makes and ModelsSmall engine repair also

Spring is coming – Need your carbs cleaned?

Motorcycle/ATV Service & Repair

Fisher Cycle WorksCall Fish Fisher at:720-308-0425


Call Frank303.420.0669

Long lastingSpecialty Servicesinterior & exteriorOver 40 yrs. experienceReferences andguarantee available.

Commercial • Residential Apartments • Warehouse Deck • Fence Interior • Exterior Repairs • Remodels Only use top quality products Free Estimates

[email protected]



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30 yrs experienceFree estimates303-450-1172

DEEDON'S PAINTING40 years experience

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Notice … Check Internet Reviews before hiring anyone.


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FREE INSTANT QUOTE.Repair or Replace: Faucets, Toi-lets, Sinks, Vanity, Dishwashers,

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Cooler Start-Up/Repair. Call West Tech (720)298-0880


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Bathroom/kitchen remodeling,repair work, plumbing leaks,

water damage. No job too smallWindow replacement.

Serving Jeffco since 1970(303)237-3231

Rocky MountainContractors

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A Hermanʼs ROOFINGHail Damage? Wind Damage? NewRoof, Re-Roof, Repairs, Res-idential - Commercial Family ownedfor Over 46 Years. Call today forfree estimate. (303)293-3131

Andy & Bob'sRoofing/Gutters

All types roofs-installs, repairsand certifications. Aluminum

seamless gutters.Since 1952


Let us inspect your roof and see what minor repairs can be performed to prolong the life of your roof.

Mention this ad and get a gutter clean and flush for $95.00

5790 Yukon St., Suite 111Arvada, CO 80002720-399-0355/ 720-352-9310

Colorado natives – Arvada-based company

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Roofing:Shingles, Flat Roofs,Roof Leak Repairs.

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Butch Metzler (303)422-8826

Page 16: North Jeffco Westsider 041213

16 North Je� co Westsider April 12, 201316-Color

To advertise your business here call 303-566-4089

Ask for Viola • Fax: 303-566-4098




Bankruptcy, Divorce, Criminal Defense

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Comments to Tina: FAX: 303-468-2592 PH: 303-279-5599 ext 228 [email protected]

THE GLASS RACK7475 W. 5th Ave., Unit 150H. Lakewood, CO 80226

Automotive • Residential • CommercialScreens • Tabletops • Patio Doors • RV Glass

Quality WorkLow Prices

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Classic Concrete Inc.Pursue The Highest Quality As Company

Mathew L. Connoly, OwnerOffice: 303.469.9893 11270 W. 102nd Ave.Cell: 303.995.9067 Broomfield, CO 80021

email: [email protected]

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Licensed - Bonded - Insured

Office 303-642-3548Cell 720-363-5983

35 Years Experience

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Now offeringAeration, spring yard clean ups,

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Stephen D Williams 25 Plus Years Exp

[email protected] (303) 425-6861 Bus Phone (720) 309-1195 Cell Phone



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Tree Service


CAREAbraham SpilsburyOwner/Operator

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A Tree StumpRemoval CompanyWe offer tree removal, brush,

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We also have firewood available! Call today for your

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JAY WHITE Tree ServiceServing with pride since 1975

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Call Jay (303)278-7119

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SpringIs Here!

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RINO RemodelingAffordable windows and home

remodeling of all kinds. Call Tomas at 303-809-3957 for a free estimate.

Based in Arvada. Your Community Connectorto Boundless Rewards

We are community.

For local news any time of day, find your community online at

Page 17: North Jeffco Westsider 041213


North Jeffcolife North Jeffco Westsider 17

April 12, 2013

Classic case of who did itBriarwood hosts Casablanca-style murder mysteryBy Clarke [email protected]

A tough as nails private eye, a mysteri-ous femme fatale and more than a few shady characters.

If this sounds like a Raymond Chan-dler novel or a Humphrey Bogart picture, it wouldn’t be far from the mark.

It’s a snapshot of the “Murder at Cafe Noir,” a dinner theater production at the Bri-arwood Inn, presented by The Edge Theatre.

The play runs on April 13, 19, 20, 26, 27 and May 3 and 4 at the Briarwood, 1630 8th St. in Golden. Tickets are $65 (plus tax and service). Cocktails start at 6:30 p.m. and din-ner and the show starts at 7 p.m.

“Murder at Cafe Noir” is the first in a tril-ogy of plays penned by New Jersey playwright David Landau, all of which take the film noir genre from the 1930s and ’40s and bring it to life on stage for diners.

“We really try to bring to life those great old black-and-white films,” said director Cindy Ergenbright. “We have all the actors dress in only black and white and encourage the audience to wear ‘40’s style black, white or gray attire.”

Ergenbright has served on the board for

The Edge and has a lot of connections to the theater, so when the Briarwood called to see if The Edge could do a murder mystery show, she stepped up.

“I really like the dinner theater atmo-sphere because I’m not one of those directors who has everything pre-planned,” she said. “I prefer to have the actors do what they’re feel-ing, and it becomes much more organic. It’s a nice way to let them have control over what they do.”

The story follows Rick Archer, private eye, who gets hired to find a runaway woman, and follows her to the island of Mustique, part of the Grenadine Islands in the Caribbean. The owner of the local watering hole has been found murdered and the woman he’s search-ing for was the last person seen with him.

It’s up to Archer to sort through the riffraff that’s washed into the Cafe Noir — from the manager Madam Toreau, black-market deal-er Anthony Cairo and disgraced British bar-rister Simon Gutterman — and find out who the real murderer is.

Actor Michael Parker — who plays Gutter-man — started his career in New Jersey and was in the first production of “Murder at the Cafe Noir,” and has played several roles in various other productions.

He said the show is reminiscent of “Casa-blanca,” and that doing the play in the din-ner-theater format is a great way to keep the show fresh.

“It’s so much more fun this way, because you have the play and improv at the same time,” he said. “It’s the same show every night, yet different depending on the audi-ence responses. It’s the best of both worlds.”

One of Parker’s favorite parts of the show is the writing, and how strong the mystery is.

“If you like detective stories, you’re going to love this,” he said. “You really have to know how to figure out a mystery to solve this. There is a lot of fun, and a few red herrings along the way.”

The Briarwood will be serving food based around the show, and Ergenbright said it’s a beautiful venue for the show.

Rick Archer (Doug Tisdale) and Sheila Wonderly (Jillian Price) share a kiss in “Murder at Café Noir,” a dinner theater production playing at The Briarwood Inn. Courtesy photos

Rick (Joe Derry) deals with an angry Sheila Wonderly (Jillian Price) in “Murder at the Café Noir.”

Rick Archer (Joe Derry) faces questions from Rigfield (Dustin Adam), a British police officer in “Murder at Café Noir.”

If you go

WHAT: “Murder at Cafe Noir” presented by The Edge Theatre

WHERE: Briarwood Inn

1630 8th St., Golden

WHEN: April 13, 19, 20, 26, 27 and May 3

Cocktails start at 6:30 p.m. and dinner and the show starts at 7 p.m.

COST: $65 (plus tax and service)

INFORMATION: call 303-279-3121 or visit

Black-market dealer Anthony Cairo (Andrew Parker) and Marie Larue (Lauren Russell) trade information in “Murder at Café Noir.”

Greenery isn’t bush-league

Remember when “take me out to the ball game” meant a meal of peanuts and crackerjack along with a hot dog and beer?

So imagine what a healthy home run that Aramark, Coors Field’s exclusive con-cessionaire, is hitting with the introduction of a sustainable garden at Gate A of the ball field.

The Colorado Rockies and Aramark have partnered with The Institute for the Built Environment at Colorado State University and Designs by Sundown to produce the on-site garden, which will provide the concessionaire with herbs and vegetables for use in Coors Field’s Moun-tain Ranch Club menu and build-your-own salad station.

The design of “The Garden,” which is its official name, mimics a baseball stadium, with raised beds terracing upward from The Garden’s “infield” to the outfield and then to the stands. Ornamental flow-ers, followed by herbs, followed by veg-etables will be on display for fans that pass through Gate A over the course of the Rockies’ season.

The beds will be constructed of beetle kill pinewood sourced from Morgan Tim-ber Products of Fort Collins. The plantings will be propagated at CSU from seeds adapted to the Colorado climate.

The installation of The Garden marks a further commitment by the Rockies and Aramark to develop environmentally friendly programs in alignment with Major League Baseball’s recent green focus.

On the other side of the snack spec-trum, Aramark has added plenty of indul-gent items that first were offered with last the April 5 home opener. They are:

• Sausage on a stick — Italian, smoked cheddar, spicy Polish sausage.

• Carnitas nachos — tortilla chips smothered in green chili queso topped with pork carnitas, jalapenos, pico de gallo and sour cream.

• Smothered empanada — topped with former Bronco Mark Schlereth’s Stinkin’ Green Chili, shredded lettuce, pico de gallo and sour cream.

• Pizza nachos — fresh fried pizza dough chips topped with house-made marinara sauce, shredded mozzarella, diced pepperoni and sausage.

• Rib eye sandwich — a 4-ounce rib eye served with sliced Havarti horseradish cheese, topped with onion tanglers and tangy gold barbecue sauce.

• Souvenir refillable popcorn.

Laird lands at Sarto’sSince talented chef Brian Laird left

Barolo Grill, after a 12-year stint in com-mand of the kitchen, he bounced around Denver’s dining scene between the now-shuttered Russo’s in the Vallagio development in Arapahoe County to the now-shuttered RockBar on East Colfax to Sketch at 101 Broadway.

I don’t think that Laird knew what he wanted to do when he grew up. But the boy wonder (he looks younger than his years) finally has landed at a spot I think he can call home. Sarto’s, a northern Italian eatery poised to open in the fall in a vacant centu-ry-old property at the corner of Eliot Street and 25th Avenue, will be the centerpiece of an emerging neighborhood between Highland and Sports Authority Field.

Laird and majority owners Taylor Swal-low and Kjsa Gotlin share a passion for

Parker continues on Page 19

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This Week:National politics

Je� co rankedground zero By Glenn Wallace [email protected]

Like it or not, Colorado is now undoubtedly a bat-tleground state in the war of national politics.

Statisticians like the New York Times’ Nate Silver have even identifi ed Colorado as “the tipping point,” with its modest nine electoral votes proving to be crucial votes for Barack Obama to ensure victories in both 2008 and 2012.

“Colorado has gone from being a relatively safe Republican state to a very important battleground state,” said Brendan Doherty, a political science researcher at the U.S. Naval Academy.

Doherty has tracked and ana-lyzed presidential travel patterns since the Carter administration, and said his research clearly in-dicates that presidents and their opponents recognize Colorado’s

pivotal importance as well.The data unsurprisingly shows

competitive states with more electoral votes get the most at-tention.

Proximity to Washington, D.C., also seems to result in more vis-its, easier to make a morning ap-pearance and still be back in the White House for afternoon brief-ings.

The state travel list shifts over time though. From January 2012 to Election Day, Colorado was Obama’s fourth most visited state, since he spent 15 days here, trailing only Ohio (23 days), Vir-ginia (23 days) and Florida (18 days).

Republican presidential can-

didate Gov. Mitt Romney also spent considerable time and re-sources in Colorado, particularly in Jefferson County where he held three separate rallies, including a sell-out event at Red Rocks Am-phitheater.

According to the National Journal, more than $48 million was spent on Colorado media spots by the Democrat and Re-publican candidates and their national parties between May and November 2012.

Swing stateThe amount of time and re-

sources spent in the state refl ects a belief that is shared by both of the nation’s major political par-ties: Colorado is winnable.

Before 1992, the state had vot-ed for the Republican candidate in every presidential race, going all the way back to Lyndon John-son.

But within the last six presi-dential elections the state has voted three times for the Repub-lican candidate, and three times for the Democrat.

The swing in voting margin is pronounced: George W. Bush

beat Al Gore by nine points, but just eight years later Obama won by the same margin over John McCain.

“Colorado has always been a very independent-minded state,” Colorado GOP Chairman Ryan Call said, pointing out the Cen-tennial State’s tradition of often electing a Republican majority to the Legislature, alongside a mod-erate Democrat for governor.

Colorado Democratic Party Chairman Rick Palacio said much the same. He said that in Jeffco there is almost a perfect three-way balance between registered Democrats, Republicans and In-dependents.

“I think we’re one of the most evenly divided states in the na-tion. And Jefferson County really is a microcosm for the rest of the state,” Palacio said.

Some counties are safely in the hands of one party, like El Paso County for the GOP and Boulder County for the Democrats.

“They kind of cancel each other out, so to win the state it becomes all about those swing counties, like Arapahoe County and Jefferson County,” Call said.

Looking aheadDemographic trends and new

voter registrations tend to fa-vor the Democratic Party, but Call said he thinks Colorado’s independent nature, and recent “overreaches” of legislative policy by Democrats at the state and federal level will cause the pen-dulum to swing back in the GOP’s

favor in the future.“I think Colorado will continue

to be a battleground to see what party and philosophy will carry the day. I think that is healthy because it keeps politicians more accountable, and closer to the electorate,” Call said.

Palacio said he also sees the state remaining a swing state for the foreseeable future.

“I think Coloradans just vote for the higher quality candidate, and in 2012 that was defi nitely the Democrats,” Palacio said.

According to Doherty, battle-ground states clearly receive more campaign and media focus, which has economic benefi ts, but also the side effect of bombard-ing residents with an even greater number of political ads.

Presidential candidates will be likely to continue visiting the state.

Doherty said that there “defi -nitely the perception” that all those visits make the winning candidate more sensitive to the wants and needs of a state.

All those candidate visits are not without their own costs, start-ing with multiple road closures.

Secret Service also requires lo-cal law enforcement to assist in presidential candidate security, racking up tens of thousands of dollars in staffi ng costs for even the shortest of rallies. That mon-ey is never reimbursed.

“But votes matter more in a battleground state,” Doherty said. “I’d say that’s the biggest benefi t.”

Colorado becomes battleground state

Colorado’s voting history in presidential elections for the past 25 years:

2008 2000

2012Barack Obama (D)51 percent to 46 percent

Barack Obama (D)54 percent to 45 percent

2004George W. Bush (R)52 percent to 47 percent

George W. Bush (R)51 percent to 42 percent

Bob Dole (R)46 percent to 44 percent


1992Bill Clinton (D)40 percent to 36 percent

1988George H.W. Bush (R)53 percent to 45 percent

‘Colorado has gone from being a relatively safe Republican state to a very important battleground state.’

Brendan Doherty, political science researcher

President Barack Obama, left, and former Gov. Mitt Romney, right, both met with supporters at rallies in Je� erson County last year. File photos

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North Je� co Westsider 19April 12, 201319

We’ve MOVED!The four MetroNorth newspapers of the Colorado Community Media group have moved back to the neighborhood.

We’re almost all unpacked and we’re ready to continue serving the communities of Northglenn, Thornton, Westminster, Federal Heights,

unincorporated Adams County and North Je� erson County as your award-winning leader in local news and advertising.

Our new address is 8703 Yates Dr., Suite 210 Westminster, CO 80031

– Northglenn-Thornton Sentinel –– Westminster Window –

– North Je� co Westsider –– Adams County Sentinel –

[email protected]

northern Italian cuisine, which will be adapted to re-fl ect contemporary tastes.

Laird will craft a sea-sonal made-from-scratch menu featuring locally sourced products, hand-selected Italian specialty items, antipasti creations, house-made pasta and wood-fi red selections.

A fl oor-to-ceiling bar will feature custom cock-tails, Italian wines and beers, as well as a handful of domestic selections.

Adjacent to the restau-rant will be Sarto’s Pantry, which will offer quick bites for lunch or dinner includ-ing soups, sandwiches, salads and pizzas.

For more information, visit or or follow on Twitter @sartosdenver.

Singin’ and dancin’ in Denver“Ballroom with a Twist,”

a super show coming to the Buell Theatre June 8 and 9, combines celebrity pros from “Dancing With the Stars” with “American Idol” and “So You Think You Can Dance “ fi nalists.

The international dance production, with stunning costumes and performances that push the boundaries of ballroom dancing, features “Dancing With the Stars” competitors Jonathan Roberts, Anna

Trebunskaya, Tristan MacManus and Chelsie Hightower. “American Idol” fi nalists are Gina Glock-sen (season six) and Von Smith (season eight). “So You Think You Can Dance” fi nalists are Randi Lynn Strong, Jonathan Platero and Legacy.

“Dancing With the Stars” Emmy-nominated Louis van Amstel’s choreography brings sizzling moves and fl ash to this family-friendly evening.

For information call 303-893-4100 or visit

Symphony sweepstakesThe Colorado Sympho-

ny Association is launch-ing its fi rst raffl e in more than two decades: The Great Symphony Sweep-stakes, which will be music to the winner’s ears.

Grand prize includes a 2013 Prius Persona with sales taxes paid by the Symphony, one year of free parking at the Denver Performing Arts Com-plex and two tickets to all 51 Colorado Symphony performances during the 2013-14 season at Boettch-er Concert Hall.

Raffl e tickets cost $75 each or fi ve for $300, and are available online at, at the Boettcher box offi ce and through one of the Symphony’s in-person sales agents.

Hair-raising event in ArvadaIf you’re in Arvada on

April 19 check out a truly Epic Experience. Several community leaders will have their heads shaved at the D-Note, 7519 Grandview Ave. in Arvada from 5-7 p.m. as part of a fundraiser for the cancer charity, Epic Experience. D’Ametri’s Hair Salon will donate their time to shave heads and Duke Street Kings will perform.

Donations for this event can be made online at Arvada Chamber of Commerce President Dot Wright, Arvada City Councilman Bob Dyer and several other local leaders will have their hair shorn during the event. Dyer says, “I am dedicating what little hair I have to those friends battling cancer and to the little dynamo who orga-nized this adventure.”

Penny Parker’s “Mile High Life” column gives insights into the best events, restaurants, businesses, par-ties and people throughout the metro area. Parker also writes for You can subscribe and read her columns (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) at She can be reached at [email protected] or at 303-619-5209.

Parker: D Note to host EpicExperience charity eventParker continued from Page 17Parker continued from Page 17

President Barack Obama, left, and former Gov. Mitt Romney, right, both met with supporters at rallies in Je� erson County last year. File photos


NIGHTS OUT WOMEN’S and men’s nights out for adults with developmental disabilities are planned from 6-8 p.m. Thursday, April 11. The women will be paining their own ceramics, and the men will take a tour of CarMax, and possibly get a chance to ride in a fancy car. Meet at FRIENDS Place, 555 Alter St., Suite 19E, Broom� eld. Register by Monday, April 8. Contact Molly Coufal, Friends of Broom� eld evening/social program director, at info@friendsofbroom� or 303-404-0123 for information on costs and to register.


KITE MAKING/FESTIVAL ASSEMBLE, decorate and take home your own sled kite at Majestic View Nature Center, 7030 Garrison St., Arvada. Final class is from 4-5 p.m. Thursday, April 11. Make sure to come out and � y your new kite at the free Arvada Kite Festival from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at Robby Ferru� no Park. Watch the pros � y their kites at this Arvada Festivals Commission event. All materials are included in the fee. Call 720-898-7405 to register; classes � ll up fast. Class open to ages 4-10 years.


TAX WORKSHOPS THE Colorado Department of Revenue o� ers free tax workshops on sales and use tax laws in Colorado. The workshops include information on many common sales and use tax topics, including but not limited to the liabilities businesses face when they are not in compliance with Colorado laws. Sales/Use Tax Part I is from 1-4 p.m. Thursday, April 11, and Park II is from 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, in Westminster. Registration is required. Sales/Use Tax Part II is from 1-4 p.m. Tuesday, April 23. Continu-ing Professional Education credits and training materials are available.


POTTERY SHOW ART Gallery 3698 presents a pottery show through April 30. A reception with refreshments is planned from 1-4 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at the gallery, 3698 W. 72nd Ave., Westminster. Artist of the month Joyce Graf will be featured. Call 303-487-1981.

REPUBLICAN FORUM THE North Suburban Republican Forum will meet from 9-10:30 a.m. Saturday, April 13, at The Grill at Legacy Ridge Golf Course, 10801 Legacy Ridge Parkway, Westminster. You’ll hear from Board of Education members. A continental breakfast is included in price of admission, and you can pay your 2013 dues at the meeting.

BABYSITTING CLASS FIRST-TIME babysitters ages 11-13 will learn all they need to know when responsible for young

children. Class is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. Skills covered include CPR, � rst aid, growth and development, safety, feeding, discipline, diapering and bathing. Call 303-450-8800 or go to register.

BIRD WALK ARE you ready to see some amazing birds that may visit your back yard? April is a spectacular time of year to see a variety of birds, and you can see them at the beginning bird walk from 8-10 a.m. Saturday, April 13, at Majestic View Park, 7030 Garrison St., Arvada. After an introduction, stroll around Oberon Lake to view resident and migratory birds. Bring binoculars and � eld guides if you have them. Spotting scope will be provided. Sign up early. Open to ages 10 and older; no cost. Visit

BEEKEEPING WORKSHOP EARTHLINKS presents a special double-workshop. The � rst is Backyard Beekeeping, led by local expert Judith Moran, from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 13. A free lunch will be served at noon, and the second workshop, Native Pollinators, will follow from 1-2 p.m. Ento-mologist Amber Partridge and horticulturist Amy Yarger of the Butter� y Pavilion will lead the second session. Both workshops will be at EarthLinks, 2828 Larimer St., Denver. Visit

RAPTOR RUN PUT on your favorite raptor hat and come out and run with the raptors on the trail through the Barr Lake nature preserve. The Friends of Barr Lake State Park will host their annual Raptor 5K Run and Fun Run on Saturday, April 13, to help raise money for future park projects that support education, recreation, and conservation opportunities. The 5k run is a course-certi� ed, timed event and the day will include goody bags for all participants, race pictures, kids’ activities, food & drinks, music, and awards. Meet at the group picnic area near the Nature Center at Barr Lake State Park, 13401 Picadilly Road, Brighton. Registration starts at 8 a.m. and the fun run starts at 9:15. Register in advance Sorry, no dogs allowed.


ART DISPLAY AN opening reception for “The Art of Sandra Davis” is from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, April 13, and you can meet the artist from 1-6 p.m. during Second Saturday Art Walk at Aar River Gallery, 3707 W. 73rd Ave., Westminster. The exhibit will be on display through April 30; the gallery is open from Wednesday through Saturday.


AUDITIONS THE DJC Youth All-Stars is looking for 9th, 10th and 11th grade clarinet, tenor sax, trumpet, trombone, tuba, string bass and drum set players. Auditions are from

6:30-9 p.m. Sunday, April 14; from 11:15 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. Sun-day, April 21; and from 6:30-9 p.m. Sunday, April 28, at Flesher-Hinton Music Store, 3936 Tennyson St., Denver. Audition music and recording are posted Intermediate to advanced jazz experience necessary; weekly rehearsals are on Sundays. For information and audition sched-uling, contact [email protected] or 303-328-7277.


MAYOR COFFEE COFFEE with the Mayor is a chance to talk directly with the mayor about issues in the community and to learn about new developments in the city. Meet at 8:30 a.m. Monday, April 15, at Atlanta Bread in the Northglenn Market-place. Call 303-450-8713 for more information.

RELAY FOR Life The Webster Lake Relay for Life is coming up in September but teams are being formed now. The team captain university meeting is from 6:30-8 p.m. Monday, April 15, at the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. This meeting will educate team captains on how to grow your team and your fund raising e� orts. Contact event chair Judith Tannehill at 720-232-0492 or [email protected].


ART EXHIBIT COLORADO Visions, a juried exhibit of works by Colorado artists, is from Monday, April 15, to Friday, May 31, at Westminster City Hall, 4800 W. 92nd Ave. The exhibit is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday. The show was juried by Colorado artist Cheryl St. John. The opening reception is from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, April 18. Meet the artists, enjoy refreshments and listen to live music by the Meadowlarks. Sponsored by the North Metro Arts Alliance and the SCFD. Visit


SENIOR CLEANUP VOLUNTEERS will help seniors at the Senior Hub’s annual spring cleanup days in Westminster, North-glenn and Thornton. Cleanup days will take place on three consecutive Saturdays in April and May. Groups of volunteers will clean up your yards, gardens, porches, carports and sheds, wash windows, and more for those who are unable to do it. If you were signed up last year, we will call you. If you did not have help from us in 2012, call Linda Rinelli at 720-859-2248 to sign up by April 16.

BLOOD DRIVE TEN West at Westmoor Technology Park community blood drive is from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, in Building 3, Suite 110 at 10155 Westmoor Drive, Westminster. For information, or to schedule an appointment, contact Bon� ls’ Appointment Center at 303-363-2300 or visit www.bon�

WARD IV meeting Northglenn residents will communicate directly to Ward IV elected o� cials with questions, concerns or comments about the city and its government. Discussion topics will include economic development, RTD’s North Metro Line, public works and resident involvement. Council members will also take questions from the audience. The meeting is Tuesday, April 16, and the meet and greet is at 6:15 p.m. and the meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. It is at Shepherds’ Hall, 650 Kennedy Drive. For more information, contact council member Kim Snetzinger at 303-913-7195 or ksnetzinger@; or council member Gene Wieneke at 303-457-0858 or [email protected].

FINANCIAL WORKSHOP. ANNUITIES and Your Retirement & Weathering Market Storms, a free � nancial workshop, is presented at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, at the Northglenn Recreation Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. The � rst part helps with understanding the basics of annuities, so you can choose the options that make the most sense for your speci� c situation. The second section talks about how inves-tors can weather market storms and how diversi� cation still matters. Register by contacting Jeanette Sánchez at [email protected] or 303-450-8935.

HEALTHY LIVING AS part of the Healthy Living Series, � nd out how food works with your body – or doesn’t – which makes it easier to understand what to eat and why. The program is at 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 16, at the Northglenn Senior Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. Cost is free. For people ages 55 and over.


WEDNESDAYS AT 2Covenant Village o� ers a monthly series featuring expert speakers on a variety of educational and entertaining topics. All programs are at 9153 Yarrow St., Westminster. Admission is free, but seating is limited. Call 303-403-2205 for directions and reservations. Come early for refreshments and fellowship; lectures begin at 2 p.m.

APRIL 17: Tibet, presented by Active Minds.


TRAVEL SERIES SEE digital slides of water bu� alo, elephants, gira� es, lions, leopards, rare birds, and more at the African Safari travel series, from 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, April 18, at Majestic View Nature Center, 7030 Garrison St., Arvada. Join presenter Bob Barber, a professional outdoor photographer and Arvada Park Advisory Committee member, for an armchair tour of the southern Africa’s unique animal life. Register by April 15. Open to ages 10 and older.

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ROCKIES BASEBALL CATCH the Rockies take on the New York Mets at 1:10 p.m. Thursday, April 18, at the Northglenn Senior Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. Snacks are available for a small fee.

AMERICAN BANDSTAND IN honor of Dick Clark, the Community Recreation Center, 6842 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada, is having its own version of American Bandstand at noon Thursday, April 18. Enjoy lunch followed by musical entertainment and dancing. Register with payment by April 16. Call 303-425-9583.

SOCIAL SECURITY DO you have questions about Social Security? Attend “Untangling Social Security” from 6-7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 18, at APEX Park and Recreation District, 6842 Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada. Speaker is Jo-Ann Holst. Space is limited; RSVP at 720-287-5880 or www.


ART PROJECT MEMBERS of Palatteers Art Club will work with community members of all ages to paint rocks for its Art Rocks community art project. Rock painting will be done from 6-8 p.m. April 17 and May 16 at Northglenn United Methodist Church, 1605 W. 106th Ave., Northglenn; and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. April 27 and May 25 at Aar River Gal-lery, 3707 W. 73rd Ave. The painted rocks will be distributed throughout Adams County in public areas such as parks, trails and landscaping around public buildings. The rocks are for public display and not for personal use. They must be donated to the Art Rocks Project. All supplies and instruction will be provided at these public painting events. The rocks will be distributed at a public event in August. Call 303-426-

4114 or email [email protected] to RSVP.


BLOOD DRIVE ST. Anthony North Hospital community blood drive is from 8-9:40 a.m. and 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 19, in the Aspen Room at 2551 W. 84th Ave., Westminster. For information, or to schedule an appoint-ment, contact Bonfils’ Appointment Center at 303-363-2300 or visit

TEA PARTY AS part of the Festive Friday Series, Master Gardener Rosie Garner will present information on gardening in Colorado after everyone has afternoon tea. Event is at 1 p.m. Friday, April 19, at the Northglenn Senior Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. RSVP at 303-450-8801.


YOUTH THEATER NORTHGLENN Youth Theatre presents Alice in Wonderland at 7 p.m. April 19-20, 26; at 2 p.m.

April 21, 28; and at 10 a.m. April 24-25, at the D.L. Parsons Theatre, 11801 Community Center Drive. The journey of Alice through the mirror to the land of bizarre characters and strange “pretzel-logic” is retold in this ingenious adaptation with a great sense of farce and a loving touch of human-ity. Sponsored by Scientific & Cultural Facilities District, Northglenn Arts & Humanities Foundation and the city of Northglenn.


EARTH DAY Olympics Flex your muscles and mind during our Earth Day Olympics, from 1-2 p.m. Saturday, April 20, at Majestic View Nature Center, 7030 Garrison St., Arvada. Join the fun competing in a series of Earth Day related games and events. Open to ages 5-12; must register.


Coming Soon continues on Page 21

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Clay Artists

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Call 303.566.4089 and ask for Viola Ortega

11040 Colorado Blvd.(across from Thornton Rec. Center)

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Worship 8:00 am & 10:45 amSunday School 9:30 am

St. John’sEvangelical Lutheran

Church (ELCA)

Northglenn United Methodist ChurchWe invite you to join us in worship on Sundays.

An inspirational traditional service is offered at 9 AM on Sunday.There are choirs for every age and musical ability. Small group fellowships that meet weekly and monthly, a licensed pre-school

program with a record of 39 plus years of excellence. As well as a Sunday school program for children, youth and adults.

We are located at 1605 W. 106th Ave., Northglenn.For more information about church and all other services offered,

feel free to contact us at 303-452-5120. See You There!

Sunday Worship8:00 am, 9:30 am & 11:00 am

Sunday School & Adult Classes9:20 am - 10:40 am

Come worship with us!


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YOUR WEEK: BLOOD DRIVE, EARTH DAY EVENTS COMING SOONHEALTH FAIR THE Broom� eld 9Health Fair is planned from 7 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 20, at United Methodist Church, 545 W. 10th Ave., Broom� eld. The fair is free and open to the public. Non-medical volunteers are needed; contact Pam Kutchen, � re and life safety education o� cer for North Metro Fire Rescue District, at 720-887-0404 or pkutchen@northmetro�


FIRE VS. Police The upcoming Fire vs. Police Bowl, a collaborative e� ort between North Metro Fire Rescue District, Broom� eld Police Department and A Precious Child, is planned for Sunday, April 21, at Chipper’s Lanes, 100 Nickel St., Broom� eld. Registration begins at 2:30 p.m. and bowling lasts from 3-6 p.m. All proceeds bene� t A Precious Child, a Broom� eld-based nonpro� t that provides basic essentials, such as clothing, coats and school supplies, to children living in homeless shelters, foster homes, or facing a huge life challenge and otherwise without access to basic needs. All members of the community are invited to sign up to bowl with either the � re or police; however, space is limited to 120 bowl-ers. Contact Britta Robinson at [email protected] or 612-559-1911 for information.

BLOOD DRIVE CROSSING Church of the Nazarene community blood drive is from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday, April 21, inside Bon� ls’ mobile bus at 3501 W. 104th, Westminster. For infor-mation, or to schedule an appointment, contact Bon� ls’ Appointment Center at 303-363-2300 or visit www.bon�

GUEST PASTOR NORTHGLENN Methodist Church welcomes the church’s sixth pastor, the Rev. Jim Harris, as the guest speaker on Sunday, April 21. A summer celebration of the 50th anniversary of the church is June 8-9. We hope all members, former members, visitors and community folks will come and enjoy the celebrations.


COLLEGE PLANNING JOSEPH D. Clemens will review the challenges of planning for your child’s higher educa-tion costs from 6:30-8 p.m. Monday, April 22, at Anythink Wright Farms, 5877 E. 120th Ave., Thornton. Learn di� erent strategies for saving, how college planning � ts within a � nancial plan, and di� erent strategies to help you keep pace with the rising costs of sending your child to college. This presentation will provide you with an independent and unbiased presentation on college planning from the non-pro� t Financial Planning Association of Colorado and as part of Money Smart Week’s Financial Education and Literacy Campaign. Visit or call 303-405-3200.



Metro Fire Rescue District will o� er cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external de� brillator classes from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 9; and from 5:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23 at the North Metro Fire Station 62, 10550 Huron St., Northglenn. The cost includes a CPR student workbook and a CPR certi� cation card, which is good for two years. For information or to sign up for a class, call 303-452-9910. The classes are open to the public.

BOOK CLUB SENIOR book enthu-siasts will read and review “Casual Vacancy,” author J.K. Rowling’s � rst work since her beloved Harry Potter series. The novel focuses on the death of a city o� cial in England, and the town is a� ected by the subsequent election. The senior book club meets at 1 p.m. Tuesday, April 23 at the Northglenn Senior Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. Call 303-450-8801 to reserve a copy of the book.


ART STOP ANYTHINK and Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art have teamed up to bring you an art-making workshop each month. In April, visiting artist Heather Cherry and express yourself through a variety of art media, with the emphasis on creativity and fun, from 4-5 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, Registration is required and limited to 20 students ages 5-12. Art stop takes place at Anythink Huron Street, 9417 Huron St., Thornton. Call 303-452-7534 or visit

DINNER THEATER ENJOY a per-formance of “Alice in Wonderland” by the award-winning Northglenn Youth Theatre, followed by a catered meal in the senior center. Event is at 10 a.m. Wednesday, April 24, at the Northglenn Senior Center, 11801 Community Center Drive. RSVP at 303-450-8801.

ESTATE PLANNING AS part of Money Smart Week’s Financial Education and Literacy Campaign, this special program will address common misconceptions about estate planning. Join Joseph D. Celemens as he discusses the basic uses of wills, powers of attorney, and the use of trusts to avoid probate. We will tie estate planning into your over � nancial plan and address questions on aging parents, as well. This presentation will provide you with an independent and unbiased presentation on estate plan-ning from the non-pro� t Financial Plan-ning Association of Colorado. Program is from 6:30-8 p.m. Thursday, April 24, at Anythink Wright Farms, 5877 E. 120th Ave., Thornton. Call 303-405-3200 or


NIGHT OUT A friends night out for adults with developmental disabilities is from 6-9 p.m. Thursday, April 25. Meet at FRIENDS Place, 555 Alter St., Suite 19E, Broom� eld, and the group will head to the Madcap Comedy Theater to watch an improve show. The material is unscripted, clean, original and interactive. You must sign

up no later than Monday, April 22, because tickets need to be purchased in advance. Contact Molly Coufal, Friends of Broom� eld evening/social program director, at info@friendsofbroom� or 303-404-0123 for information on costs and to register.


THEATER SHOW THE Player’s Guild at the Festival Playhouse presents “On Golden Pond” from April 5-20 at The Festival Playhouse, 5665 Olde Wadsworth Blvd., Arvada. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. Call 303-422-4090 or visit for tickets. Appropriate for all ages.


NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY PROFES-SIONAL photographer Rod Pilcher will lead this basic photography course (for ages 10 and up) with a twist from 2-4 p.m. Sunday, April 7, to Sunday, May 5, at and around Majestic View Nature Center, 7030 Garrison St., Arvada. Learn camera parts, how your camera works, proper exposure, color, composition and lighting. A � lm or digital camera is required; S.L.R. (Single Lens Relex) is preferred. Registration is required by March 27; visit This class also ful� lls the requirements for Boy Scout Photography Merit Badge. An optional trip to The Denver Zoon on May 19 is not included in class fee.


WILDLIFE ART DISCOVER wild ani-mals from Australia, South America and Africa, from giant lizards and poisonous frogs to deadly snakes. Use a variety of fun art techniques to examine these fascinating inhabitants of our planet. The 8-week session for ages 6-12 meets from 4-5:30 p.m. Wednesdays from April 3 to May 22 at Majestic View Nature Center, 7030 Garrison St., Arvada. Bring a healthy snack each week. Register by March 29 at Instructor is David Sullivan.


SPRING EXHIBIT BOULDER Museum of Contemporary Art presents its spring exhibit “The Museum of Broken Relationships,” through May 26. Visit, [email protected] or call 303-443-2122 for information. Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art is at 1750 13th St., Boulder.


FAMILY CONCERTS THE Music Train and Swallow Hill Music presents the family concert series, at 4 p.m. the sec-ond Sunday of each month through May at Swallow Hill Music Association, 71 E. Yale Ave., Denver; and at 4 p.m. the third Saturday of each month through May at the D-Note, 7519 Grandview Ave., Arvada. For information and tick-

ets, visit


ROBIN HOOD COLORADO ACTS presents a satellite homeschool class production of “Robin Hood,” presented by special arrangement with Pioneer Drama Services. Performances are at 7 p.m. Friday, April 26, and 5 p.m. Sunday, April 28, at the Colorado ACTS Theater, 9460 W. 58th Ave., Arvada. Visit www.coloradoacts.orgor call 303-456-6772 for information and tickets.


AUDITION NOTICE PRAIRIE Play-house is having auditions from 9-11:30 a.m. Saturday, April 27, for its upcom-ing production of “The Sound of Music.” No appointments needed; just show up during audition hours at Calvary Chapel, 161 E. Bridge St., Brighton. Prepare a short musical selection in style with the show; actors will sing accapella. Call backs are at noon, if needed, and are by appointment only. Rehearsals will start in May, and the show will be in Septem-ber. For more details, visit


THEATER SHOW COLORADO ACTS presents a 12- to 18-year-old production of “Annie Get Your Gun” at 7 p.m. May 3-4, 10-11 at Colorado ACTS Theater, 9460 W. 58th Ave., Arvada. Call 303-456-6772 or visit


WALK MS JOIN the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for Walk MS, its pre-mier fundraising event, on Saturday, May 4, at Denver City Park, 2001 Steele St., Denver. Registration opens at 7:30 a.m. and the walk begins at 9:30 a.m. Contact for infor-mation, or call 303-698-7470 ext. 2.

5K WALK/RUN THE Excel-erator is a professionally timed family-friendly 5K run/walk to promote physical � tness at Excel Academy in Arvada and the sur-rounding community. The fundraising event, which starts at 8 a.m. Saturday, May 4, will help with the purchase of playground equipment at Excel Academy, 11500 W. 84th Ave., Arvada. The event also will serve as a qualifying wave time for this year’s BolderBoulder. Visit to register.


LANDSCAPE WORKSHOP A two-day landscape painting workshop led by instructor Cheryl St. John is from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. May 6-7 at Countryside Rec Center, 10470 Oak St., Westminster. The workshop is sponsored by the North Metro Arts Alliance and is for artists working in oil or watercolor. For a registration form and more informa-tion on costs, call 303-426-4114 or [email protected].

Coming Soon continued from Page 20

Page 22: North Jeffco Westsider 041213




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North JeffcoSportS22 North Jeffco WestsiderApril 12, 2013

Gators rally to defeat SpartansSeiwald drives in four runs for Standley LakeBy Jonathan [email protected]

WESTMINSTER — As the saying goes ‘good teams find a way to win.’

That was very much the case for the Standley Lake on April 6, the Gators over-came a disastrous first inning and rallied to beat Thomas Jefferson 5-4.

“We work hard trying to keep our com-posure following rough innings,” Standley Lake coach Gary Allen said. “We just try and peck away each inning and stay positive.”

The Gators have done a great job of that this season, especially in their last two wins. Standley Lake spotted Fort Collins two runs on April 4 before winning 3-2.

Against Thomas Jefferson, the Gators remained unfazed by the four-run deficit thanks to the strong hitting from Justin Sei-wald and Mike Maher. The duo went a com-bined 7 for 7 at the plate.

“We are really working hard to gener-ally shore up our offensive approach,” Allen said. “Mike has been pretty consistent this season. Justin is making a pretty dramatic adjustments and is trying to stay back, and square up the barrel of the ball.”

Seiwald had a pair of RBI singles in the first and third innings, and hit 2-run single in the fifth to the tie the game.

Pitcher Jarrett Bott hit an RBI double to drive in the go-ahead run in the fifth.

On the mound, Bott struggled with his command in the first few innings.

He walked six batters and gave up two hits, but overcame the early struggles to get the win.

In the fourth, he got a strike out with the

bases loaded to get out of the inning. He also closed out the fifth with a strike out.

Bott struck out six batters in the game to pick up his third win of the season.

“Jarrett really struggled in the early in-nings,” Allen said. “His command was off, but to his credit he put it together when he was up against the wall. I just told him to relax, slow the game down, stay back and

pound the strike zone.”Against the Lambkins, Dylan Sherry

earned his second win of the season after striking out six batters and allowing two runs.

Bott, Matt Fuijinami and Henry Mistrot each had RBIs in the contest.

The Gators have now improved to 6-4 on the season, with three of their losses

coming against teams from California. They open play in Jeffco League on April 16 against Arvada West.

“Since our return from California,” Allen said. “We have changed up our practices to concentrate more on hitting drills and working on our approach with positive and negative counts. Hopefully this will pay off during league play.”

Standley Lake’s Justin Seiwald slides into first, under the tag of Thomas Jefferson’s Sam Reed during the Gators’ 8-7 win over Thomas Jefferson April 6. Photo by Jonathan Maness

Left, Standley Lake’s second baseman Brandan Maher turns a double play during the Gators’ 8-7 win over Thomas Jefferson on Saturday. Right, Standley Lake’s pitcher Jarrett Bott delivers a pitch during the Gators’ 8-7 win over Thomas Jef-ferson on Saturday. Bott allowed only two hits and struck out seven batters to get the win. Photos by Jonathan Maness

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North Je� co Westsider 23April 12, 201323-Color



Notice is hereby given to all interestedpersons that a public hearing will be heldby the City Council of the City of Westmin-ster on April 22, 2013 at 7 p.m., at theWestminster City Hall, 4800 West 92ndAvenue, Westminster, Colorado.

The purpose of the public hearing is toconsider an appeal to a March 12, 2013Planning Commission denial of a vari-ance to the City of Westminster sign codeto allow an additional monument sign in aPUD zone district for Arbor Colony West,LLC, located at 10081 Wadsworth Park-way, Westminster, Colorado 80021. Thisis on Lot 4, First Replat, Crown Point,Filing No. 4.

Copies of all application materials, theproposed plans submitted by theapplicant, and all informational materialsubmitted by others to be considered bythe City Council at this hearing are avail-able for inspection at City Hall by contact-ing the City Planner, Patrick Caldwell, at303-658-2090.

Mac CumminsPlanning Manager

Published in the WestsiderApril 12, 201300037679


In accord with C.R.S. 38-26-107 (1),notice is hereby given that final settle-ment will be made to David PetersonConstruction, Inc. by the Adams CountyHousing Authority on Tuesday, April 16,2013 for Contract: NSP #12-008B locatedat 5740 E. 68th Way, Commerce City,Colorado 80022. Any person, company,corporation, government, governmentalsubdivision or agency, business trust, es-tate, trust, limited liability company, part-nership, association, or other legal entitythat has furnished labor, materials,sustenance, provender or other suppliesused or consumed by the contractor iden-tified above or any subcontractor thereofin or about the performance of the workcontracted to be done or that has sup-plied laborers, rental machinery, tools, orequipment to the extent used in the pro-secution of the work whose claim there-fore, has not been paid by the contractoror subcontractor, may in accordance withsection 38-26-107 (1) C.R.S., file with theAdams County Housing Authority Procure-ment Officer at 7190 Colorado Blvd, SixthFloor, Commerce City, Colorado 80022, averified statement of the amount due andunpaid on account of such claim, whichstatement must be filed on or before 1:00p.m. on Tuesday, April 16, 2013. Failureon the part of a claimant to file a verifiedstatement prior to 1:00 p.m. on April 16,2013 will relieve the Adams CountyHousing Authority from any and all liabilityrelated to the above referenced project, asprovided by law.

Published in the WestsiderFirst publication: April 5, 2013Last publication: April 12, 201300037375


RFP #13-002

The Adams County Housing Authority(ACHA) is a public entity formed in 1974to provide federally subsidized housingand housing assistance to low-incomefamilies, within Adams County, Colorado.Though brought into existence by aResolution of the Adams County Board ofCommissioners, it is a separate entityfrom the Adams County, Colorado govern-ment.

ACHA acquired a multi-family propertyknown as The Village of Yorkshire, loc-ated at 10370 Brendon Way, Thornton,CO 80229. The property was built in 1974and consists of 200 units of rental hous-ing in 10 buildings. ACHA wishes to per-form renovations (the work) to buildingexteriors, which may include replacementof siding, patios, windows and doors, andto building interiors, which will include allunits and common areas.

The Housing Authority, the awardingagency, is seeking proposals from gen-eral contractors to perform the work. Adetailed Request for Proposals (RFP) con-taining the proposed scope of work will bereleased to contractors on or around April19, 2013. To obtain a copy of theRequest for Proposals (RFP), interestedparties must submit a Request for Docu-ments to the Adams County HousingAuthority. Please include contact informa-tion for your firm, including name,address, phone number, and emailaddress. The Request for Documentsmust be submitted by email to theHousing Authority’s Procurement Officerat [email protected] no laterthan 1:00pm on April 19, 2013. A pre-proposal conference is currently sched-uled for Tuesday, April 23, 2013 at1:00pm.

Published in the WestsiderFirst publication: April 5, 2013Last publication: April 19, 201300037684

Public Notice

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Ralston Valley boys win Mustang Invite Legacy’s Nun wins 1600 meter run By Jonathan Maness [email protected]

WESTMINSTER — The Mustangs Invite has always had a good mix of track teams from around Denver, and that was very much of the case this year.

The track meet, which is held at North Stadium, featured 15 different schools on April 6 — including Class 3A juggernaut Holy Family squad.

Ralston Valley took fi rst on the boys side with 113 points, followed by Highlands Ranch and Legacy.

Highlands Ranch girls came in fi rst with 98.42 points, while Regis Jesuit was second and Denver East was third.

“The North Stadium facility has a repu-tation for fast times, and teams enjoy run-ning there because of that,” Mountain Range track coach Chris Smith said. “Holy Family held their own against some very talented 5A schools on the boys side.”

The meet had 10 new meet records, six on the boys side and four on the girls, Smith said.

Melanine Nun was fi rst in the 1600-me-ter run, while her teammate Emma Gee was second. Nun won the race with a time of 5 minutes and 19 seconds, edging Gee by one second. The Lightning placed sixth on the girls side.

Megan Close also took fi rst in the girls high jump and Lindsey Gallowicz was third in the pole vault for the Lightning.

On the boys side, Legacy was fi rst and Horizon was second in the 1600-meter re-

lay. Matthew Drotar was also second in 400-meter dash for the Lightning, while Aron Ragins and Brandon Simmons were third and fourth in the 200 and Christopher Carroll was third in the 800. Zakery Wieman was also second in the boys shot put.

Mountain Range, which was missing several juniors due to an ACT workshop, took eighth on both the boys and girls side.

The Mustangs’ girls took second in the 1600-meter relay and its 800-sprint med-ley team was third, Cadence Pruitt was also

second in the girls shot put.Mountain Range’s boys 400- and

3200-meter relay team were both third and Darius Ortega was second in the boys dis-cus throw.

Horizon boys were seventh and the girls were ninth, led by Gabrielle Penafl or’s sec-ond place fi nish in the 3200-meter run. The Hawks were also second in the girls 3200-meter relay, while Holy Family was third.

On the boys side, the Hawks’ relay team was second in the 3200.

“I think that we had a good showing con-sidering that we hadn’t competed since pri-or to spring break, two weeks ago,” Horizon coach Jim Smyth said.

“Now that we have the break behind us it is time to start focusing on getting to state, that means that we will be working harder at practice and improving with each meet along the way through the next fi ve weeks.”

Holy Family boys were fi fth, while the girls were 10th. Katrina Gallic took fi rst in the girls shot put for the Tigers and was third in the discus throw.

Sean Arkario was second in the boys 1600, while Thornton’s Jose Garcia was sec-ond.

Ryan Younggreen was third in the 110-hurdles for the Tigers, while Weston Dinsmore was third in the high jump and Tyler Dudden was third in the discus throw.

Thornton boys were 11th and the girls were 13th. The Trojans’ boys took fi rst in the 3200-relay and Joshua Joseph was sec-ond in the 3200.

Northglenn boys were 12th, while the girls were 14th. Hannah Murphy was sec-ond in the girls shot put, while Alex Garcia was third in the boys shot put for the Norse.

Horizon’s Jonah Pena� or competes in the 4x200 meter relay during the Mustangs Invite on April 6. Photo by Jonathan Maness

Roundup: Rader, Smith appear in prep all-star game English makes RMAC’sAll-Academic Second Team By Jonathan Maness [email protected]

DENVER — Horizon’s Kaylie Rader and Legacy’s Caitlin Smith ended their high school basketball careers with a bang on April 6.

The duo competed in The Show, a high school all-star game sponsored by the Nug-gets and Gold Crown Foundation, which is played at the Pepsi Center.

Smith’s Blue squad won the contest, 59-51, led by Regis Jesuit’s Diani Akigbo-gun and Justine Hall.

Akigbogun was chosen as the game’s MVP and had a game-high 14, while Hall added 11.

Smith scored fi ve points and grabbed four rebounds in the game, while Rader had six points for the White.

Smith will play next season for Colorado School of Mines, while Rader will play for University of Wyoming.


Former Horizon High School star Mike English was recently honored by RMAC by making the conference’s All-Academic sec-ond-team Track and Field Team.

English is in his senior year at UC-Colo-rado Springs.

WOLVES’ RULE John Rule allowed only one run and

pitched a complete game to help Westmin-ster baseball beat rival Thornton 13-1 on April 4.

Garrett Smith went 3 for 4 at the plate with two doubles and two RBIs.

LIGHTNINGS SHUT OUT MUSTANGS Jasmine Beaulieu and Michaela Va-

deboncoeur each scored goals to help Leg-acy soccer shut out rival Mountain Range 2-0 on April 4.

Mady Huber and Lauren Cook each were credited with assists as the Lightning stay perfect with a 6-0 overall record.

JAGUARS TOP WILDCATS Jefferson Academy topped The Acad-

emy on April 4, 9-3, behind a strong outing from Michael Tybon.

Tybon threw a complete game, allowing only 3 runs.

He also went 4 for 4 at the plate with a 2-run home run. Eight different Jaguars got on base.

NORSE START LEAGUE STRONG Northglenn’s baseball team is off to a 2-0

start in the EMAC and a big reason why is

its pitching. Northglenn beat Brighton 2-0 in its league opener and then topped Ran-geview 10-0 on April 4.

Jose Quezada earned the win in the league opener, holding Brighton to only three hits and striking out nine batters. Pedro Montes struck out eight Raiders on April 4 and allowed only fi ve hits.

Quezada and Miguel Mendoza each had doubles in the win.

WILDCATS STAY HOT The Academy girls’ soccer team picked

up another win on April 5.The Wildcats beat Denver Science &

Tech Stapleton 3-0 to improve to 4-0-1 overall. The Academy have now outscored its opponents 30-1 on the season.

Makayla House has scored six goals to lead the way, while 13 different players have scored for the Wildcats.

HAVE A STORY IDEA? Email your ideas to [email protected].

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24 North Je� co Westsider April 12, 201324-Color

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Three parks organizations, celebrating three anniversaries, gathered at Red Rocks Amphitheatre April 5 for a fundraiser event dubbed “Party for Parks.” Je� erson County Open Space has been in existence for 40 years, Denver Mountain Parks for 100 years and Great Outdoors Colorado for 20 years. From left, Audobon Society of Greater Denver Executive Director Karl Brummert, along with two of his organization’s volunteers, Polly Reetz and Gene Reetz pose near the silent auction table. Photo by Glenn Wallace



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