

Upload: aneishav

Post on 14-May-2015




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Page 1: Technology
Page 2: Technology

List the types of hardware and software I think will use to

research, plan and construct my magazine

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The technology used to create and communicate with media. The physical device that enables messages stored on software to pass from a sender to a receiver. Television, radio, computers, movie projectors, telephones, etc., are hardware

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What types of Hardware will I use

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Camera and Tripod

I will use a camera and tripod while creating my music magazine in order to take vital images, which will be on the front cover. I will place the camera on to the tripod, and this will allow me to get a still image without the worry of the image being out of focus or blurry. I will borrow the school camera, to take photos within school hours and I will then use my own camera, if I would like to take pictures outside school.

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Memory Stick

I will always use a memory stick. Using a memory stick will allow me to save all my work which I have completed at school. Then I can use my saved work, and complete my unfinished work at home. A memory stick is also helpful, for transferring photos from the camera onto the Macs or PC.

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Significantly, I will use the Macs which we have within school to publish all my blogs. I will also use the Macs there fantastic applications, which will help me create my front cover and double page spread of my music magazine.

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The place where media messages are stored. Intended for use with hardware. Software can take the form of computer diskettes, videocassettes, film, audiocassettes, etc.

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As I am already using the Macs at school, I will use there software. For example; Isound and Imovie, as well as that, the Macs have an outstanding editing tool, this will help me to edit all of my photos , which I will upload to my music magazine.

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Pixlr is a free online photo editing website. I have already attempted using Pixlr to create a draft of my school magazine and my final school magazine. You can see all of my attempts on my blog. In addition, I will use Pixlr to help me create my music magazine because I feel it looks more professional than any other photo editing programme.

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I will use different hardware and software tools in order to create a very professional piece of work. The examples I have given, has given me a better understanding of some hardware and software programmes I can use to create my music magazine.