top 5 super bowl halftime shows

Top 5 Super Bowl Halftime Shows

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Post on 08-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Top 5 super bowl halftime shows

Top 5 Super Bowl Halftime Shows

Page 2: Top 5 super bowl halftime shows

The Super Bowl is a standout amongst the most foreseen occasions of the year! The yearly title round of the National Football League (NFL) has gotten more than 1 BILLION watchers in its fifty year history.

Page 3: Top 5 super bowl halftime shows

5. Prince, 2007

Teams: Indianapolis Colts Vs. Chicago Bears

In light of his past provocative exhibitions, Prince's was somewhat of a stunning decision. In any case, he did the halftime indicate incredible equity. His stage was molded as his image. He is the administrator of this execution with almost no assistance from visitor entertainers.

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4. Janet Jackson, 2004

Teams: Carolina Panthers, New England Patriots

With the end goal of this main five rundown, we will simply ahead and imagine that the closet glitch that for all intents and purposes instituted the expression "closet breakdown" never happened!

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3. U2, 2002

Teams: St. Louis Rams Vs. New England Patriots

This execution comes at the wake of the 9/11 assault and ended up being a wonderful, touching tribute that prompted recuperating for the whole Country. U2 commits its melodies "MLK," "Where The Streets Have No Name" and an earnest supplication to the fallen casualties of the Twin Towers assault. This move evoked an extraordinary measure of feeling from the gathering of people.

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2. Beyonce Knowles, 2015

Teams: Baltimore Ravens against San Francisco 49ers

Who can even prevent the fierceness from claiming this execution that incorporated an all lady escort? Beyonce was informally delegated as the Michael Jackson of the day! She ordered the stage – which, coincidentally, was formed in the outline of her own head – and left the group pondering, "would she say she is even genuine?"

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1. Michael Jackson,1993

Teams: Buffalo Bills Vs. Dallas Cowboys

Never was there ever a more noteworthy entertainer than Michael Jackson! The King of Pop set the point of reference for all Super Bowl halftime shows to come. Shouting fans kept running over the field, as he awed the country with lights, fire, and his moves.

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