vendor reference routing guide

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Vendor Reference Routing guide

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This reference guide will provide the necessary information needed to

complete tasks and responsibilities, assigned to Cost Plus World Market

Vendors inside 3G Transportation Management Services

This reference guide will help you learn how to:

1. Login and Access Cost Plus World Market 3GTMS

2. View Purchase Orders for domestic routing purposes

3. Submit Routing Requests

4. Check Status of Routing Requests

5. Edit a Submitted Routing Request

6. Glossary of 3GTMS Terms

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Table of contents

Topic 1: Login and Access CPWM 3GTMS 4

Topic 2: View Purchase Orders 5-6

Topic 3: Submit Routing Request 7-15

Sub Topic: Creating routing request with multiple PO’s 13

Sub Topic: Adding or Editing a shipping/warehouse address 14-15

Topic 4: Check Status of Routing Requests 16-18

Topic 5: Edit a Submitted Routing Request 19-20

Topic 6: Glossary of 3GTMS Terms 21-22

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Topic 1 Login and Access CPWM 3GTMS

When you log in for the first time, follow these steps:

1. Access and bookmark the 3GTMS Login Page

2. Allow pop-up windows. If pop up windows are blocked, it will prevent many of

the functions to operate properly

3. Log in with the credentials that were provided to you by Cost Plus World Market.

Passwords are case sensitive. Click submit once username and password has

been entered.

You must use Google Chrome or Firefox to access 3G. No other browser is


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Topic 2 View Purchase Orders


As a vendor, you will have access to view all Purchase Orders created by Cost Plus

World Market for your location for routing purposes. Infor Nexus is still our purchases

order delivery system to view and accept purchase orders. This portal is intended to

replace the previous domestic pick-up request process and does not apply to import

vendors or domestic prepaid vendors who deliver directly to our DCs.

View Purchase Orders

1. Select drop down menu “Vendor Portal” and select “Purchase Orders.”

2. To generate all active PO’s, place your cursor in the quick search, found in the

upper right-hand corner, and hit enter.

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3. To view the PO, select the check box next to the desired PO number, and select

the . This will populate the PO, including details, to the right of the screen.

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Topic 3 Submit Routing Request


As a vendor, you will be responsible for submitting routing requests through the 3GTMS

web portal. Previously, a Pickup Request Form would have been submitted via email to

Cost Plus World Market, but the web portal will now replace this step. The following

steps will explain how to enter a request for a single PO and multiple PO’s

Create Routing Requests for Single PO

• Select “Vendor Portal” drop down menu and select “Purchase Orders”

• To generate all active PO’s, place your cursor in the quick search, found in the

upper right-hand corner, and hit enter.

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• Select the checkbox on the desired PO and using the “Action” drop down menu,

select “Create Routing Request.”

• The system will ask you to confirm your selection. “Select Line Item” box will

populate, and user will need to select check box on the PO they wish to move

forward with. Select Submit.

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• The following fields are required to be filled out for the pickup dates:

o Origin Location: type the first three letters of your vendor name and hit

enter. This will populate all locations associated with your vendor. Select

the location that will be the pickup location.

o DO NOT EDIT THE DESTINATION-this will auto populate and should not

be changed.

o Ready to ship date- adjust date if needed. There is a 7 day grace period

o If Pickup Appointment is required, select checkbox for “Pickup Appt

Required” and add the vendor’s requested pickup appointment date and


o Add Pickup Appt Number if a pickup reference number is required

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• The following fields are required to be filled out for the “Request Details”

• Line item must be added/updated, to do this double click on the line item to open

the edit field


o Enter Freight class

o Review and update Unit Count that will be shipped (if needed)

o Under piece count, enter in number of cases and select “cases’

from the drop down menu located next to it.

o Enter in Gross weight- this needs to include the pallet weight (40

lbs per pallet)

o Enter HU (handling unit) Count- this is the number of pallets being


o If product is non-stackable, select the checkbox

o If temp controlled, please enter 65 for the min and max temp


o NFMC number

o Enter Dims if known

o Save and Close

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• User will need to add a “Requested Equipment” type

o Under Constraints & Required Services

o Select “Requested Equipment” drop down menu and select

Truckload, Van

o Select Controlled temperature trailer, only if product needs to

remain at 65 degrees

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• If additional services are needed like a liftgate, this will be added under “Do you

require special services”

• Add any additional reference numbers or comments if needed.

o Select “Add Another Reference Number”

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• Once all required information has been filled out, the request will need to be


o Submit – save and submits the request to Cost Plus World Market

Planners. Please note, once submitted, there is no option to edit inside the

web portal. An email will need to be sent to [email protected] to

update or change anything on a routing request.

• Each routing request will be assigned a routing request number. These can be

viewed under “Routing Request” in the “Vendor Portal” drop down menu.

o To see the PO, hit the arrow symbol to the left of the Request #

Create Routing Request for Two or More PO’s

EFFECTIVE JULY 21ST, 2021-Cost Plus will only allow one PO per each routing

request. If you have any questions, please reach out to

[email protected]

If you have multiple PO’s that need to ship, please ensure each PO is assigned a

separate routing request number. Follow steps mentioned above for each


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Editing or Adding a shipping address

If an address needs to be adjusted for the origin location, please follow the steps below

To add

1. Select the “+” above the origin location

2. In the organization field, enter CPWM, and hit enter. Select CPWM from drop


3. Enter in Address name

4. Enter in Street Address

5. Enter in Postal code

• Once postal code is entered, a drop-down menu of cities will populate.

Please select the city that matches the zip code you entered.

6. Hit Save icon on top of the window.

7. To enter in a contact, select phone book, after you save. Hit New.

8. Save on top of the window.

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To Edit

1. Select your origin location by entering the first three letters and hit enter. Select

from the list of locations that populate.

2. Once selected, hit the pencil icon above origin location

3. This will populate a new window where you can edit the address field

4. To edit a contact, select phone book and edit.

5. Hit the save icon on top of the window once all changes have been made

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Topic 4: Check Status of Route Requests


As a vendor, the user will have access to check status of submitted Route Requests.

Here, the user will see once a carrier has been assigned and how to receive the BOL

for the shipment.

1. Select “Routing Request” from the Vendor Portal drop down menu

2. User can search by routing request number or PO number in the quick search on

the upper right-hand corner.

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3. To access the routing instructions; select the arrow next to the routing request

and select the “routing instruction” tab. This will populate a carrier’s name once it

has been planned and routed by the Cost Plus World Market Team.

4. Receiving copy of the BOL

o Once a carrier has been assigned, a BOL will be emailed to the vendor


o The vendor user can also access the BOL from the portal.

▪ Under the routing request grid, select the checkbox of the desired


▪ Select the Action drop down menu, select print BOL

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Sample BOL

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Topic 5: Edit a Submitted Routing Request


If any edits or changes are needed on a routing request, after it has been submitted on

the portal, an email will need to be sent to Cost Plus World Market.

The email should include the routing request number from the portal and detailed

description of all necessary changes.

Please note, a vendor is not able to edit any Routing request once it has been

submitted. If a vendor selects “save for later” on the routing request, edits can be

applied through the portal.

[email protected]

To find the routing request number

1. Select “Routing Request”, under Vendor Portal

2. Search for the specific PO the user wants to update by using the quick search

function in the upper right-hand corner. Enter the PO and select enter.

3. The grid will populate all routing requests that match the PO

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4. Use the routing number found on the grid and include in the email sent to Cost

Plus World Market.

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Topic 6: Glossary of 3GTMS Terms


To better understand the different status used inside 3GTMS, please refer to the

glossary below:

Purchase Order Statues

Routing Request Status

Status Description Business Rules

Draft Draft is the default initial status when a routing request has been created and saved

Vendor user can edit the request in the portal during this status

Pending The routing request has been submitted to CPWM for processing

No edits can be made inside the portal, all changes must be emailed to CPWM

Routed Routing instructions have been received from CPWM

Vendor user will have the ability to see the carrier

Status Description Business Rules

New “New” is the default initial status when a purchase order has been created

Vendor user will be able to create a routing request from this status

In Progress Indicates that routing requests have been confirmed and submitted against the PO.

No edits can be made inside the portal once the PO status is in progress. Any changes would need to be emailed to CPWM

Canceled Purchase orders will be canceled when the purchase order is withdrawn or when the goods have not been shipped in accordance with the PO dates

No Routing requests can be generated when in canceled status

Closed Purchase orders will be closed when they have been fulfilled

No action can be taken on a closed Purchase Order

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that was assigned and access the BOL

Shipped Indicates that the status of the load associated with the routing request has changed to Shipped or in Transit

Vendor user will have visibility to view the carrier assigned and status of the load

Delivered Indicates that the status of the load associated with the routing request has changed to delivered

Canceled Indicates that the routing request has been canceled