what supreme court decision made segregation legal? plessy v. ferguson

What Supreme Court decision made segregation legal? Plessy v. Ferguson

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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What Supreme Court decision made segregation legal?

Plessy v. Ferguson

What organization, founded by WEB Dubois, fought school segregation in the courts?


Give an example of a Jim Crow Law.

separate facilities, curfews, separate workplaces

How did WWII serve as a catalyst for the Civil Rights Movement?

blacks fought and died for U.S. then came home to discrimination

Why was it such a big deal that Jackie Robinson played


it was America’s past time, everybody paid attention

What did the Emmitt Till case demonstrate about the Southern

Judicial System?

no justice for blacks from all white system

What decision reversed Plessy?

Brown vs. the Board of Ed. (Topeka, KS)

Where did Rosa Parks start the Bus Boycott?

Montgomery, Alabama

Who was chosen to lead the boycott?

What was the key principle of his strategy to end segregation?

Martin Luther King Jr.

non-violence/passive resistance

Who were King’s chief influences in the use of non-violent tactics?

Gandhi & Thoreau

What organization was founded by King & other ministers in


Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)

How did President Eisenhower support the integration of Central

High School in Little Rock?

Sent in National Guard troops to keep the peace and protect the


Give 2 examples of tough conditions faced by black

students at Central High School in Little Rock.

soldier escorts, name calling, fights, threats

What was the SNCC? What was their first big action in the


The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, Sit Ins

What was the goal of the Freedom Riders? What

challenges did they face?

Integrate bus terminals and take the movement to the deep South,

bombings, beatings, arrests, etc.

Why was JFK reluctant to fully support the Freedom Riders?

He was afraid of America looking bad on the world scene (Cold war,

tension with the Soviets)

Why was Bull Connor so infamous?

Symbol of white resistance and oppression; ordered use of police dogs & fire hoses on protestors in


What did the SCLC do to expose Bull Connor’s tactics in 1963? What happened to MLK there?

Marches in Birmingham, he was put in jail

What was MLK’s chief purpose in his “Letter from a Birmingham


He will be an extremist in the cause of morality, it is not the fault of the movement that their actions result

in violence

What was the purpose of the March on Washington in 1963? What famous speech was given


pressure for Civil Rights Legislation, MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech

What legislation came out of this pressure?

Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965

What was the focus of the 1964 Mississippi Summer Project?

increase # of black voters in Mississippi

What happened to three of the volunteers who went down to


Kidnapped and murdered by local Klan members

What kinds of groups believed blacks must rely on themselves

and not on integration?

Black Separatists

Give an example of a Black Separatist Organization. Where

was separatism & militancy more rampant among blacks?

Black Panthers, Nation of Islam

Northern Cities

According to Malcolm X, who would it be OK to use violence


someone who had “laid a hand” on you

What did Malcolm X say blacks should reject?

self hatred imposed on them by white culture

Name two demands of the Black Panthers.

full employment, self determination, blacks should not serve in

Vietnam, decent housing, better education

Who fled the inner cities for the suburbs after WWII? What did

they take with them?

middle class whites, tax dollars needed for social services

Name two places riots broke out in response to poor conditions in

the cities.

Watts (1965) Newark and Detroit (1967)

What was the SCLC’s final campaign under the direction of


Poor People’s Campaign

What was John Kennedy’s plan for America called? What were

two of its major goals?

New Frontier, reinvigorate the United States & continue the

triumph of capitalism Space Race (NASA, Peace Corps, Civil Rights)

What was Lyndon Johnson’s plan for the United States called?

What were two of its goals?

Great Society, eliminate poverty, improve civil rights & provide

health care

What was AIM? What were two of their demands?

American Indian Movement; treaties upheld, original land back, better

education, equal rights

What was NOW? What were two issues they focused on?

National Organization for Women, equal pay, equal rights, sexual discrimination in the work place

Who did the Vietnamese originally fight for their

independence after WWII?


Who was the leader of North Vietnam?

Ho Chi Minh

Who did the U.S. install as the leader of South Vietnam in the

late 1950s? How was he received by the South Vietnamese?

Ngo Dinh Diem, poorly – much protest (monks immolating


What theory proposed that if South Vietnam fell to

Communism, the rest of SE Asia would soon follow?

domino theory

What were the southern sympathizers of the communist

North called?

Viet Cong or NLF

What gave LBJ the power to “use any means necessary” in

Vietnam in 1964?

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Which president oversaw our escalation of the conflict? Who’s

policies was he following?


What program was started to win over the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese and clear rural

areas of VC?


Name two things used to defoliate the jungles.

napalm & agent orange

List two ways combat conditions in Vietnam were unlike those

soldiers had prepared for.

jungle, traps & guerrilla tactics, heat & rain, unknown enemy

What event led to the arrest of the Chicago 7?

anti-war protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention

What was “vietnamization”?

turning the war over to the South Vietnamese

What impact did the 1968 Tet Offensive have on public opinion

about the war? Why?

turned many against it, showed that the VC and North Vietnamese

were still strong and willing to fight

Name one factor that made our involvement in Vietnam so


just cause?, high cost ($ & lives), impatience with lack of progress, it

was all there on TV

What is the most infamous example of the paranoid fear

created by the Viet Cong?

My Lai Massacre

Name two ways people tried to avoid the draft.

go to college, start a family, self inflicted wound, act crazy

What event immediately preceded the fall of South Vietnam? What was the fate of many South Vietnamese families who supported the U.S.?

full withdrawal of U.S. troops, became refugees

Which anti-war Presidential candidate was assassinated in


Robert F. Kennedy

What goal did Nixon claim to be pursuing in the Vietnam War?

Peace with Honor

What was the name of the quiet group that wanted law & order &

supported the war?

silent majority

Who were the Hawks? Who were the Doves?

Americans who supported the war, Americans who opposed it

What minority groups were over-represented in the troops in


Blacks and Hispanics

What brought an end to draft deferments for students and

married people in 1969?

draft lottery

What documents, printed in the NY Times in 1971, exposed the

truth about U.S. plans for Vietnam?

Pentagon Papers

Why did the U.S. attack Cambodia and Laos in 1970? What was the response in the

United States?

there were bases for the VC and NVA, massive protests (students

killed at Kent State & Jackson State)

What did the 26th Amendment do? Who did this favor in the

election of 1972?

Lowered voting age to 18, George McGovern (he was an anti-war

candidate favored by the young)

What tactic did Nixon use to try and force the Vietnamese to the

bargaining table?

increased bombing, especially the Christmas bombings of 1972