gnipst bulletin 55.2

G G G N N N I I I P P P S S S T T T B B B U U U L L L L L L E E E T T T I I I N N N 2 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 6 6 6 06 th May, 2016 Volume No.: 55 Issue No.: 02 Vision TO REACH THE PINNACLE OF GLORY AS A CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN THE FIELD OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BY KNOWLEDGE BASED LEARNING AND PRACTICE Contents Message from PRINCIPAL Editorial board Historical article News Update Knowledge based Article Disease Related Breaking News Upcoming Events Drugs Update Campus News Student’s Section Editor’s Note Archive GNIPST Photo Gallery For your comments/contribution OR For Back-Issues, mailto:[email protected] GURU NANAK INSTITUTE OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Website:

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GNIPST Bulletin 55.2


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GGGNNNIIIPPPSSSTTT BBBUUULLLLLLEEETTTIIINNN 222000111666 06th May, 2016 Volume No.: 55 Issue No.: 02




Contents • Message from PRINCIPAL• Editorial board• Historical article• News Update• Knowledge based Article• Disease Related Breaking

News• Upcoming Events• Drugs Update• Campus News• Student’s Section• Editor’s Note• Archive

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"It can happen. It does happen. But it can't happen if you quit." Lauren Dane. ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.’ Aristotle It gives me immense pleasure to pen a few words for our e-bulletin. At the onset I would like to thank the last year’s editors and congratulate the newly selected editors for the current year. Our first consideration is always in the best interest of the students. Our goal is to promote academic excellence and continuous improvement. I believe that excellence in education is aided by creating a learning environment in which all learners are supported in maximizing their potential and talents. Education needs to focus on personalized learning and instruction, while promoting an education system that is impartial, universally accessible, and meeting the needs of all students. It is of paramount importance that our learners have sufficient motivation and encouragement in order to achieve their aims. We are all very proud of you, our students, and your accomplishments and look forward to watching as you put your mark on the profession in the years ahead. The call of the time is to progress, not merely to move ahead. Our progressive Management is looking forward and wants our Institute to flourish as a Post Graduate Institute of Excellence. Steps are taken in this direction and fruits of these efforts will be received by our students in the near future. Our Teachers are committed and dedicated for the development of the institution by imparting their knowledge and play the role of facilitator as well as role model to our students. The Pharmacy profession is thriving with a multitude of possibilities, opportunities and positive challenges. At Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, our focus is on holistic needs of our students. I am confident that the students of GNIPST will recognize all the possibilities, take full advantage of the opportunities and meet the challenges with purpose and determination. Excellence in Education is not a final destination, it is a continuous walk. I welcome you to join us on this path. My best wishes to all. Dr. A. Sengupta

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Brahmagupta Brahmagupta is unique. He is the only scientist we have to thank for discovering precisely zero…

Brahmagupta was an Ancient Indian astronomer and mathematician, who lived from 597 AD to 668 AD. He was born in the city of Bhinmal in Northwest India. His father, whose name was Jisnugupta, was an astrologer.

Although Brahmagupta thought of himself as an astronomer who did some mathematics, he is now mainly remembered for his contributions to mathematics.

Many of his important discoveries were written as poetry rather than as mathematical equations! Nevertheless, truth is truth, regardless of how it may be written.


• was the director of the astronomical observatory of Ujjain, the center of Ancient Indian mathematical astronomy.

• wrote four books about astronomy and mathematics, the most famous of which is Brahma-sphuta-siddhanta ( Brahma’s Correct System of Astronomy, or The Opening of the Universe.)

• wrote that solving mathematical problems was something he did for pleasure.

• was the first person in history to see zero as a number with its own properties.

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• defined zero as the number you get when you subtract a number from itself. Identifying zero as a number whose properties needed to be defined was vital for the future of mathematics and science.

• said that zero divided by any other number is zero.

• said that dividing zero by zero produces zero. (Although, this seems reasonable, Brahmagupta actually got this one wrong. Mathematicians have now shown that zero divided by zero is undefined – it has no meaning. There really is no answer to zero divided by zero.)

• was the first person to discover the formula for solving quadratic equations.

• wrote that pi, the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, could usually be taken to be 3, but if accuracy were needed, then the square-root of 10 (this equals 3.162…) should be used. This is about 0.66 percent higher than the true value of pi.

• indicated that Earth was nearer the moon than the sun

• incorrectly said that Earth did not spin and that Earth did not orbit the sun. This, however, may have been for reasons of self-preservation. Opposing the Brahmins’ religious myths of the time would have been dangerous.

• produced a formula to find the area of any four-sided shape whose corners touch the inside of a circle. This actually simplifies to Heron’s formula for triangles.

• wrote that the length of a year was 365 days 6 hours 12 minutes 9 seconds.

• calculated that Earth was a sphere of circumference around 36,000 km (22,500 miles).

Brahmagupta established rules for working with positive and negative numbers, such as:

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• adding two negative numbers together always results in a negative number.

• subtracting a negative number from a positive number is the same as adding the two numbers.

• multiplying two negative numbers together is the same as multiplying two positive numbers.

• dividing a positive number by a negative, or a negative number by a positive results in a negative number.

Why is Zero Important?

Although it may seem obvious to us now that zero is a number, and obvious that we can produce it by subtracting a number from itself, and that dividing zero by another non-zero number gives an answer of zero, these results are not actually obvious.

The brilliant mathematicians of Ancient Greece, so far ahead of their time in many ways, had not been able to make this breakthrough. Neither had anyone else, until Brahmagupta came along!

It was a huge conceptual leap to see that zero was a number in its own right. Once this leap had been made, mathematics and science could make progress that would have been impossible otherwise.

Brahmagupta might smile at the fact that, without his concept of zero, we would not have the science of thermodynamics; and without thermodynamics we could not even begin to understand the universe – the same universe that Brahmagupta, who viewed himself chiefly as an astronomer, tried so hard to understand over 1300 years ago.

NEWS UPDATE Antibody therapy opens door to potential new

treatment for HIV: (06th May, 2016) Researchers are developing an antibody-based drug that may provide a better strategy for long-term control of HIV. New results from a

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clinical trial suggest that a single dose of a so-called broadly neutralizing antibody enables patients' immune systems to better fight the virus.

First safe way to deliver drugs to the placenta: (06th May, 2016)

Scientists provide proof of principle for safe, targeted delivery of drugs to the placenta during pregnancy, for the first time. The discovery could one day help prevent some premature births and treat complications such as preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high blood pressure and sometimes fluid retention.

Study of elite paralympic athletes supports benefits of exercise for children with cerebral palsy: (06th May, 2016)

For highly trained Paralympic athletes with cerebral palsy, bone mineral density and other measures of body composition are similar to those of able-bodied adults of similar age, reports a new study.

Clinicians need to screen 'nicotine naive' teenagers for vaping, says addictions expert: (06th May, 2016)

An addictions expert calls on clinicians to screen for vaping among teens, who are either uninformed or misinformed about the dangers and risks associated with electronic cigarettes.

New device may provide rapid diagnosis of bacterial infections: (06th May, 2016)

A new device has been developed that has the potential of shortening the time required to rapidly diagnose pathogens responsible for health-care-associated infections from a couple of days to a matter of hours.

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Tiny genetic switches found in lizard tail regeneration: (06th May, 2016)

Any kid who pulls on a lizard tail knows it can drop off to avoid capture, but how they regrow a new tail remains a mystery. Now, researchers have identified tiny RNA switches, known as microRNAs, which may hold the keys to regenerating muscles, cartilage and spinal columns.

Scientists put some muscle behind their research: (06th May, 2016)

An old-fashioned neurobiology technique has been used by researchers to explore new avenues for treatments to reverse a late-onset neurodegenerative disease that robs men of the capacity to walk, run, chew and swallow.

High blood pressure lowers significantly after drinking tart montmorency cherry juice: (05th May, 2016) Drinking tart Montmorency cherry juice significantly reduces high blood pressure at a level comparable to that achieved by medication, according to new research. This reduction is comparable to the level achieved by anti-hypertensive medication. For detail mail to editor

KNOWLEDGE BASED ARTICLE Effect of Hemolytic Snake Venom on Human


Venom: Snake venom is highly modified saliva containing zootoxins used by snakes to immobilize and digest prey or to serve as a defence mechanism against a potential predator or other threat. There are

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mainly 3 types of venoms. These are – i) Neurotoxin, ii) Hemotoxin & iii) Cytotoxin.

Hemotoxins are toxins that destroy red blood cells, disrupt blood clotting and generalise tissue damage.

Injury from a hemotoxic venom is often very painful and can cause permanent damage and in severe cases death.

Various species of snakes having Hemolytic venom:

Boomslangs (Dispholidus typus), Twig snake (Thelotornis capensis capensis), Lebanon viper (Montivipera bornmuelleri), Russell’s viper (Vipera russelii), Malayan Pit viper (Calloselasma rhodostoma), Green

Pit viper (Trimeresurus albolabris), Spectacled Cobra (Naja kaouthia) etc.

Spiders & scorpions possess this type of venom.

Effects of Hemotoxin in Human Body:

This type of venom is slow in comparison with the other 2 types (Neurotoxin & Cytotoxin). The effects can be seen after as little as 1 hour.

1. It causes irregularities in the victim’s blood, preventing it from clotting.

2. A bleeding tendency occurs starting with all the mucous

3. membranes & progress to nose bleeds, bruises, blood is found in the urine, vomiting of blood.

4. Anaemia & shock may develop and eventually kidney failure may set in.

5. Sight pain, discomfort and haemorrhage occurs at the affected snake bite area.

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6. Dizziness and headaches are known to occur.


Death usually follows within 2 to 5 days. For treatment purpose, the following steps are put into action:-

1. Antivenom can be administered after a few days & still work effectively, however the kidneys would have been damaged by then.

2. In the event if the antivenom is not obtained in time, whole blood and fresh freeze-dried plasma should be administered.


Pharmaceutical Use:

1. Venom is used in the production of antivenom. 2. For production of drugs to cure illness such as heart disease,

stroke, high blood pressure, kidney disease in diabetics, breast cancer and tumors.

3. In addition, a lot of research is currently being done to make new drugs for AIDS.

4. Researchers in France have determined that two molecules isolated from Black Mamba venom (referred to as mambalgin-1 and mambalgin-2) are as effective as morphine in the elimination of pain.

Other Uses:

1. Venom is used for the treatment of Hair Loss. 2. It is also used to increase Sensual Performance.

Snakes are the most beautiful & surprising creatures of nature. All of them are not venomous. And they are bite only when they are threatened. Besides fatal death & several injuries there are many

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others profitable uses of venoms. The uses of snake venoms bring a new era in humans’ life & medical treatment.

Smaranjeet Banik Student B.Pharm 4th year GNIPST

DISEASE RELATED BREAKING NEWS Human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9)

virus – China: (03rd May, 2016) On 18 April 2016, the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) of China notified WHO of 17 additional laboratory-confirmed cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9) virus, including 5 deaths.

Read more

UPCOMING EVENTS 3 days workshop on statistical Methods in biomedical Research, in

collaboration with National Institute of Medical Statistics will be held on 11th to 13th May, 2016 at New Delhi. World Congress on Drug discovery-2016 will be held on 18th to

20th July 2016 at Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

DRUGS UPDATES Nuplazid Approval History: (29th April, 2016) Nuplazid (pimavanserin) is a non-dopaminergic, selective serotonin inverse agonist (SSIA) for the treatment of psychosis associated with Parkinson’s disease.

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The FDA approval of Nuplazid was based on data from the pivotal Phase III -020 Study, which demonstrated significant reduction in the frequency and severity of psychotic symptoms compared to placebo, without worsening the primary motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

The recommended dose of Nuplazid is two 17 mg tablets taken once daily with or without food.

Most common side effects reported during clinical trials include peripheral edema and confusional state.


Placement Record 2016: SL NO






1 DR. LAL PATH LAB 64 7 (3 of them already joined)

Sales, Marketing and office assistant


36 25 Hospital and retail chain pharmacist

3 ABBOTT INDIA 74 03 Sales and Marketing

4 HETERO DRUGS 18 18 (Waiting for final


Production, QC and QA

5 ERIS LIFE SCIENCES 01 01 (Joined) Sales and Marketing


05 01 (Joined) Production, QC and QA

7 GOVT PHARMACIST 4 4 (Joined) Hospital Pharmacist

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2 2 (Waiting for final


Hospital Pharmacist

9 MEDPLUS 25 21 Retail chain pharmacist

IPA Bengal Pharma & Healthcare trust scholarship 2016:

Congratulations to Rudradip Das, student of B.Pharm 3rd year has been awarded IPA Bengal Pharma & Healthcare trust scholarship 2016. Accreditation by NAAC:



STATE CGPA(out of scale 4)


01 Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science And Technology, Kolkata-700114

West Bengal

2.70 B

JOBS 2016:

Dr. Lal Path Lab: On 22nd March 2016 Dr. Lal Path Lab conducted interview at GNIPST. The name of selected students for the post of Sales Trainee are: 1. Atri Pain Majumder 2. Chandrika Saha 3. Maitreyee Banerjee 4. Md. Nadeem Shah 5. Nilotpal Gorai 6. Smaranjeet Banik 7. Sreejita Roy

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GPAT 2016 Result: The following B.Pharm. final year students have qualified, GPAT-2016. We congratulate them all. Aishika Datta Mainak Chatterjee Indira Saha Priyanka De Aheli Mukherjee Soumya Guha Debanjana Das Debalina Datta Evana Patra Himadrija Chatterjee IRIS 2016:

GNIPST organized colllege fest ‘IRIS 2016’ from 11th to 13th March, 2016. Result of different events: Intracollege Quiz competition: 1st: Arani Roy and Dipayan Nath 2nd: Bhaskar Singha and Pratik Nandi Intracollege Painting competition: 1st: Swagata Paul 2nd: Aviraj Pathak 3rd: Dippyoman Guha Group Dance Competition: Karma Group Intercollege Solo Dance Competition: 1st : Monodipa Ghosh 2nd: Aditya Paul (NIT) Antaksari Competition: 1st: Sunanda and Aparupa 2nd: Meghna and Joyita

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3rd: Arpita and Pami Intercollege Solo Singing Competition: 1st: Arpita Sarkar 2nd: Arvind Raj (Sudhir Chandra College) 3rd: Priyam Mondal (Supreme College) Intercollege Band Competition: 1st: D Errors 2nd: Mukti 3rd: GNIPST band Fashion: Best Male: Md. Nadeem Shah Best Female: Sweta Best Couple: Md. Nadeem Shah and Susmita Kar

Blood donation Camp 2016: On 4th March 2016 Social Service club and Alumni Association of GNIPST organized a Blood donation camp in association with Association of voluntary Blood Donars, West Bengal.

Reminiscence & 1st Alumni meet 2016: On 28th February 2016 GNIPST organized the Reunion programme “Reminiscence & 1st Alumni meet 2016”.

National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC): A NAAC peer team completed a three-day inspection (17th February to 19th February, 2016) of GNIPST to evaluate its academic credibility and infrastructure on Friday.

Saraswati Puja 2016: On 13th February 2016 the students of GNIPST celebrated Saraswati Puja at GNIPST campus.

GNIPST Cricket 2016 result: Winner: B.Pharm 4th year Runners: B.Pharm 2nd year

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Man of the match, best wicket taker, best batsman: B.Pharm 4th year student Gourab Dey

GNIPST Sports 2016 result: Relay Race for Boys: 1st: Maruf Billa, Somenath Dian, Subhajit Majumdar, Abu Sufia 100 meter Flat Race for Girls: 1st: Nirmita Gupta 2nd: Joyati Ghosh 3rd: Moutan Roy Long Jump for Girls: 1st: Aindrila Bhoumik 2nd: Manpreet Ghai 3rd: Anjali Mondal Shotput for Girls: 1st: Koyal Ghosh 2nd: Nirmita Gupta 3rd: Sneha Pal Discuss for Girls: 1st: Manpreet Ghai 2nd: Nirmita Gupta 3rd: Sneha Pal Sack race for Girls: 1st: Nirmita Gupta 2nd: Aindrila Bhoumik 3rd: Moutan Roy Balance race for Girls: 1st: Indira Saha 2nd: Nirmita Gupta 3rd: Aindrila Bhoumik Relay Race for Girls:

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Aindrila Bhoumik Manpreet Ghai Anjali Mondal Joyati Ghosh Skipping for Girls: 1st: Aindrila Bhoumik 2nd: Anjali Mondal 3rd: Manpreet Ghai 200 meter Flat Race for Girls: 1st: Anjali Mondal 2nd: Moutan Roy 3rd: Nirmita Gupta Sack race for Boys: 1st: Maruf Billa Akunjee 2nd: Abu Sufian 3rd: Sufian Sk. 100 meter Race for Boys: 1st: Abu Sufian 2nd: Maruf Billa Akunjee 3rd: Arijit Mitra Thakur 200 meter Flat Race for Boys: 1st: Maruf Billa Akunjee 2nd: Subrajit Mazumder 3rd: Arijit Mitra Thakur Long Jump for Boys: 1st: Abu Sufian 2nd: Maruf Billa Akunjee 3rd: Dipankar Kamila Go for Goal for Boys: 1st: Rohan Dutta 2nd: Souvik Ganguly

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3rd: Ankit Chowdhury Discuss throw for Boys: 1st: Bishal Kr. Singh 2nd: Raj Kumar 3rd: Arijit Mitra Thakur Shotput for Boys: 1st: Arijit Mitra Thakur 2nd: Bishal Kr. Singh Tug of War for Boys: Dipu Roy, Doyal Hui, Ankit Dey, Rohan Dutta, Bishal Kumar Singh. Tug of War for Girls: Indira Saha, Joyati Ghosh, Sneha Pal, Manpreet Ghai, Debolina Roy.

On 29th January to 30th January 2016 GNIPST organized the cricket match.

On 27th January and 28th January 2016 GNIPST organized the Annual Sports programme.

From 19th January, 2016 to 28th January, 2016 B.Pharm final year students had their Industrial Tour in Gangtok, Sikkim and Pelling. They visited Alkem Laboratories Ltd. Sikkim under the supervision of Ms. Jeenatara Begum, Mr. Samrat Bose and Mr. Dipanjan Mondal.

On 12th January, 2016 the students and teachers of GNIPST celebrated youth day on the occasion of 153rd birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda.

A competition on Innovative and Scientific Modelling will be held in Tech-Fest 2016. Only B.Pharm students are eligible for participation. Last date for topic submission is 11th January, 2016

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and last date for Model submission is 20th January, 2016. Posters are also invited on different subjects. Last date for soft copy of the posters submission is 11th January, 2016.

A Bulletin committee will be formed and all the committee members are requested to attend the Bulletin Committee Meeting on 4th January, 2016.

On 23rd December 2015, a meeting was held in GNIPST for Bulletin committee formation and Tech-Fest 2016.

Dr. Asis Bala got 1st prize in the Oral presentation conducted by SFE in Jadavpur.

Recived a Grant in aid from Department of Science & Technology, Govt of WestBengal under the Scheme of Scientific Project Research & Science Popularization Programme during the financial year 2015-16 to GNIPST as per details below Grantee Institution: Guru Nanak institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology Principal Investigator: Dr Swati Chakraborty Title of the Project: Identification of heavy metal chromium Cr (VI) & Nickel (Ni) tollerence bacteria to develop microbial biosensors and role on secondary metabolite of medicinal plant Bacopa monnieri(L) in metal contaminated soil of East Kolkata Wetland. Grant in Aid: Eighteen lakh Ninety Eight Thousand & One Junior Research fellow for three years of duration

Some teachers and students of GNIPST attended the seminar SFE 2015.

Report of National Seminar on “Current Innovation in Biotechnology for Human Welfare”: 1. Name of the Institute: Guru Nanak institute of Pharmceutical Science & Technology

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2. Sanctioning Authority: West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology, Department of Science & Technology, Government of West Bengal for conducting Seminar for National Science Day. 3. Seminar Topic : “Current Innovation in Biotechnology for Human Welfare”. 4.Amount Sanctioned: 30,000/- 5. Purpose of Utilisation: Celebration of National Science Day (7th November 2015) One day National Seminar on “Current Innovation in Biotechnology for Human Welfare”.

Eminent Speakers from Indian Stastical Institute, Viswa-Bharati University, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vidyalaya, National Institute of Occupational Health ,Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute, Directorate of Drug Control(WB) etc. were invited for the presentation in scientific lecture sessions.

There was scientific poster presentation competition among the students of different colleges of WestBengal. Total number of sixty three posters were selected for presentation and best three posters were awarded .

I. First prize winners Poulami Majumdaer, Indrajit Karmakar, Suchandra Majumder, Pallab kanti halder from Jadavpur University, Department of Pharmaceutical Science on “ Evaluation of invitro antidiabetic activity of methanol extract of Curcuma caesia rhizome,

II. Second Prize winners Susmita Dutta, Swati Chakraborty , Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology, “ Optimization of biofilm poduction from Pseudomonas sp. and application in antimicrobial and bacteriocin producing activity” ,

III. Third prize winners are jointly from Arindam Ganguly, Aparupa Bhattacharya, Guru Nanak Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology, “Microbial fuel cell” and Apurba Mukherjee , Sutapa Mukherjee, Madhumita Roy, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute , “The common Indian spice curcumin act as an enhancer of antitumor agent in Leukemia”.

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Around 580 delegates from different academic and reserch institutes attended the day long seminar

Swarangam: On 9th November, 2015 GNIPST organized the post puja and pre Kalipuja celebration programme ‘Swarangam’. National Science Day 2015:

On 7th November 2015, GNIPST organized a National Seminar on “Current Innovation in Biotechnology for Human Welfare”, on the occasion of Science day 2015 on the theme of “Science for Nation Building”. Sponsored by West Bengal State Council of Science & Technology, Catalysed & Supported by National Council for Science, Technology & communication, DST, New Delhi.

Winners of Intracollege Football Tournament: Congratulations to B.Pharm final year for their victory in Intracollege Football Tournament.

Intracollege Football Tournament: On 9th October and 10th October, 2015 GNIPST has organized the Intracollege Football Tournament.

EN BIOLET: On 5th and 6th October, 2015 seminar was held on EN-BIOLET by Stone India Ltd. INDOOR BATTLE 2015

On 24th September, 2015 GNIPST organised the Indoor games (Table Tennis, Carrom, Chess for both Boys and Girls) Indoor Battle 2015. Congratulations to all winners and participants. The Winners are: Table Tennis (for Boys): 1st: Soumen Dhara (M.Pharm, 2nd year [Pharmacology]) 2nd: Ratul Banduri (B.Pharm, 3rd year) 3rd: Sneham Sen (B.Pharm, 3rd year) Table Tennis (for Girls): 1st: Sweta Saha (B.Sc [BT], 3rd year)

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2nd: Moutan Roy (B.Pharm, 2nd year) Carrom (for Boys): 1st: Sk. Sajjat Ali (B.Pharm, 4th year) and Sk. Abdul Aslam (B.Pharm, 3rd year) 2nd: Sourabh Saha (B.Pharm, 4th year) and Rajib Singha Roy (B.Pharm, 4th year) 3rd: Arnab Banerjee (M.Pharm, 2nd year [Pharmaceutics]) and Achinta Banerjee (M.Pharm, 2nd year [Pharmaceutics]) Carrom (for Girls): 1st: Sreyashee Mitra (B.Pharm 4th year) and Rituparna Das (B.Pharm 4th year) 2nd: Rinita DasBhowmik (B.H.M, 1st year) and Tania Datta (B.H.M, 1st year) 3rd: Sushmita Sen (D.Pharm, 2nd year) and Keya Das (D.Pharm, 2nd year) Chess (for Boys): 1st: Sayantan Dutta (B.Pharm, 3rd year) 2nd: Tanmoy Das Biswas (B.Pharm 4th year) 3rd: Sourabh Saha (B.Pharm 4th year) Chess (for Girls): 1st: Rituparna Das (B.Pharm 4th year) 2nd: Suchetana Dutta (B.Pharm 4th year) 3rd: Krishnakali Basu (B.Pharm 4th year) SAGAR DUTTA MEDICAL COLLEGE FEST-ASTERICA 2015

WINNER: The students of GNIPST stood first in the FASHION SHOW competition of Sagar Dutta Medical College Fest: Congratulation to the participants- Souvik Ganguly (B.H.M 2nd year) Riya Taran (B.Pharm 4th year) Moktar Hossain (B.Pharm 4th year) Chandrika Saha (B.Pharm 4th year) Swaranjeet Banik (B.Pharm 4th year) Sampita Pal (B.Pharm 3rd year) Ranit Kundu (M.Pharm 1st year)

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Susmita Kar (B.Pharm 2nd year) Md. Nadeem Shah (B.Pharm 4th year) Sreyashee Mitra (B.Pharm 4th year) Sunanda (M.Pharm 1st year) Best Male Model of ASTERICA 2k15: Souvik Ganguly (B.H.M 2nd year) Best Female Model of ASTERICA 2k15: Sampita Pal (B.Pharm 3rd year) Anchor: Sreejita Roy (B.Sc ) Solo Singing competition: Sayantan Goswami (B.Pharm 4th year):winner Arpita (B.Sc) :2nd runner up

CARNIVAL OF CANVASS: On 4th September the Students of GNIPST celebrated the freshers party for Masters degree students. On 4th September the students of GNIPST celebrated Teachers’ Day. ESPERANZA:

On 21st August, 2015 the 1st year students of GNIPST were welcomed in the Freshers Welcome Programme ‘ESPERANZA’.

HOMAGE TO FORMER PRESIDENT DR A P J ABDUL KALAM: On 31st July, 2015 all the students and teachers of GNIPST paid their homage for our former president Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION:

GNIPST has been certified by the Alumni Association under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. FAREWELL PROGRAMME:

On 15th May 2015 GNIPST celebrated the farewell programme ‘Sesh Chithi’ for the final year students of M.Pharm, M.Sc, B.Pharm, B.Sc and BHM. FINISHING SCHOOL TRAINING PROGRAMME:

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The FINISHING SCHOOL TRAINING PROGRAMME was organized by the Entrepreneurship Development Cell and Training & Placement Cell, GNIPST in collaboration with Indian Pharmacy Graduates’ Association (IPGA), Bengal Branch from 21st February to 11th April, 2015 at GNIPST Auditorium. On 21

st February, 2015 the Finishing School Training Programme of

GNIPST was inaugurated by Sri Soumen Mukhopadhyay, Deputy Director, Drug Control Office, Goutam Kr. Sen, President, IPGA, Mr. Subroto Saha, Asst. Directorate, Drug Control Office, Mr. Ranendra Chakraborty, Sales Manager and Associate Director Dr. Reddys Laboratory. On 28th February, 2015 Dr. D. Roy, Former Deputy Drug Controller, Mr. Sujoy Chakraborty, divisional Therapy Manager, Cipla and Mr. Vikranjit Biswas, Senior Manager, Learning & Development, Cipla delivered their valuable lectures in the 2nd day FINISHING SCHOOL TRAINING PROGRAMME of GNIPST. On 14th March, 2015 Mr. Milindra Bhattacharya, Senior Manager, QA & QC, Emami Ltd. and Mr. Joydev Bhoumik, Manager, Operation, Ranbaxy Laboratory Limited delivered their valuable lectures in the 3rd day FINISHING SCHOOL TRAINING PROGRAMME of GNIPST. On 21st March, 2015 Mr. Tridib Neogi, Associate Vice-President (Quality Assurance), Albert David Ltd. delivered his valuable lectures in the 4th FINISHING SCHOOL TRAINING PROGRAMME of GNIPST. On 28th March, 2015 Dr. Gautam Chaterjee, an Alumni of Jadavpur University and presently associated with NIPER delivered his valuable lectures in the 5th FINISHING SCHOOL TRAINING PROGRAMME of GNIPST. On 11th April, 2015 the closing ceremony of the FINISHING SCHOOL TRAINING PROGRAMME was held in GNIPST Auditorium.


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All the students of Final Year B. Pharm and M. Pharm are hereby informed that an interview will be conducted on 23rd May, 2015 by Standard Pharmaceuticals Ltd. GSK for post: Production, QA, QC. All the students of Final Year B. Pharm and M. Pharm are hereby informed that an interview will be conducted by GSK for sales and marketing job. Details given below:

Date: 27.03.2015 Time: 09:45 am Venue : GSK Consumer Healthcare Limited, Unit No. 208,

2nd Floor, Ecospace Campus B (3 B), New Town, Rajarhat, 24 Pgs (N). Kolkata-700156.

THYROCARE provisionally selected 15 students from JIS Group. Amongst these, 3 students of B. Sc (H) Biotechnology and M. Sc Biotechnology have been selected. Ipsita Mondal (M. Sc Biotechnology) Debriti Paul (M. Sc Biotechnology) Debopriya Chatterjee {B. Sc (H) Biotechnology}

The final year students of B.Pharm (31 students) and B.Sc (11 students) attended the pooled campus drive of Abbott India Ltd. on 10th March, 2015 at Jadavpur University. Among them 17 students have gone through to the final round of this pooled campus drive and short listed for final selection.


In 1969 who proposed the world earth day?

Answer of Previous Issue’s Image:


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Send your thoughts/ Quiz/Puzzles/games/write-ups or any other contributions for Students’ Section& answers of this Section at [email protected]

EDITOR’S NOTE It is a great pleasure for me to publish the 2nd issue of 55th Volume of GNIPST BULLETIN. All the followers of GNIPST BULLETIN are able to avail the bulletin through facebook account ‘GNIPST bulletin’ I am very much thankful to all the GNIPST members and readers who are giving their valuable comments, encouragements and supports. I am also thankful to Dr. Abhijit Sengupta, Director of GNIPST for his valuable advice and encouragement. Special thanks to Dr. Prerona Saha, Mr. Debabrata Ghosh Dastidar and Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya for their kind co-operation and technical supports. Thank you Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya for the questionnaires of the student section. An important part of the improvement of the bulletin is the contribution of the readers. You are invited to send in your write ups, notes, critiques or any kind of contribution for the forthcoming special and regular issue. ARCHIVE

ACHIEVEMENT: Congratulations to Anurag Chanda, student of B.Pharm final year

who have got the 1st prize in poster presentation event in Prakriti 2015 at Department of Agricultural and Food engineering, IIT, Kharagpur.

OTHERS: On 24th and 25th February, 2015 Swamiji of Gourio Math was delivered some motivational lectuers in GNIPST.

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The students of GNIPST participated in the 4th Sardar Jodh SinghTrophy organised by NIT on 20th February, 2015. On 8th February, 2015 Gnipst celebrated the Reunion programme“Reminiscence Reloaded 2015”.

The general body meeting of APTI, Bengal Branch has been conducted at GNIPST on 15th June, 2012. The program started with a nice presentation by Dr. Pulok Kr. Mukherjee, School of Natural Products, JU on the skill to write a good manuscript for publication in impact journals. It was followed by nearly two hour long discussion among more than thirty participants on different aspects of pharmacy education. Five nonmember participants applied for membership on that very day.

AICTE has sanctioned a release of grant under Research Promotion Scheme (RPS) during the financial year 2012-13to GNIPST as per the details below: a. Beneficiary Institution: Guru Nanak Institution of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology. b. Principal Investigator: Dr. LopamudraDutta.

c. Grant-in-aid sanctioned:Rs. 16,25000/- only

d. Approved duration: 3 years e. Title of the project: Screening and identification of potential medicinal plant of Purulia & Bankura districts of West Bengal with respect to diseases such as diabetes, rheumatism, Jaundice, hypertension and developing biotechnological tools for enhancing bioactive molecules in these plants.

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Activity Clubs of GNIPST: Name of Club Member Faculty CULTURAL Ms. Priyanka Ray DEBATE AND EXTEMPORE Mr. Soumya Bhattacharya ECO Ms. Sumana Roy LITERARY AND PAINTING Ms. Jeenatara Begum PHOTOGRAPHY Ms. Sanchari Bhattacharya and


Mr. Samrat Bose

SOCIAL SERVICES Dr. Asis Bala SPORTS Mr. Debabrata GhoshDastidar

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