gnipst bulletin 26.4

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  • 7/28/2019 Gnipst Bulletin 26.4




    5th July, 2013 Volume No.: 26 Issue No.: 04

    Contents Message from GNIPS

    Letter to the Editor News Update

    Health awareness

    Disease Outbreak Ne

    Forth Coming Events

    Drugs Update

    Campus News

    Students Section

    Editors Note







    GNIPST Photo Gallery

    For your comments/contributionOR

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  • 7/28/2019 Gnipst Bulletin 26.4



    Smart Anticancer'Nanofiber Mesh'(3rd July, 2013)A MANA research team has developed a new nanofiber mesh which is

    capable of simultaneously realizing thermotherapy (hyperthermia)

    and chemotherapy (treatment with anticancer drugs) of tumors. Theysucceeded in efficiently inducing natural death (apoptosis) of

    epithelial cancer cells.Read more

    Novel Chemistry for New Class of Antibiotic (3rdJuly, 2013)University of Adelaide research has produced a potential new

    antibiotic which could help in the battle against bacterial resistance

    to antibiotics. The compound is a protein inhibitor which binds to theenzyme (called biotin protein ligase), stopping its action and

    interrupting the life cycle of the bacteria.Read more

    Exercise reorganizes the brain to be moreresilient

    to stress (3rd July, 2013)

    According to a research team based at Princeton University, Physical

    activity reorganizes the brain so that its response to stress is reduced

    and anxiety is less likely to interfere with normal brain function.The

    researchers report in the Journal of Neuroscience that when mice allowed

    to exercise regularly experienced a stressor exposure to cold water

    their brains exhibited a spike in the activity of neurons that shut off

    excitement in the ventral hippocampus, a brain region shown to

    regulate anxiety. Read more

    Molecular switch that kick starts formation of

    arteries identified (3rd July, 2013)Researchers in the laboratory of Gladstone describe the precise order

    and timing of signals that spur the formation of arteries. Specifically,

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    Over 25 percent of people newly diagnosed with diabetes are

    smokers. Quitting smoking is one of the most important things a

    patient can do to improve their health. Smokers with diabetes have an

    increased risk of death (especially from heart attacks and strokes),

    high LDL cholesterol levels, worsened blood sugar controlled, nerve

    damage from diabetes, kidney disease leading to dialysis, foot ulcer

    and amputation of toes, feet or legs caused by peripheral vascular


    Exercise and Diabetes

    For diabetics, exercise promotes cardiovascular fitness and weight

    loss, lowers high blood pressure, improves lipid profiles, improvesblood sugar control in some cases, and leads to an overall sense of

    well-being. When combined with dietary lifestyle intervention it can

    even help prevent type 2 diabetes in some people. People with

    diabetes who want to start an exercise program should consult with

    their healthcare provider first. Generally a physical examination and a

    resting electrocardiogram (ECG) is done in sedentary adults (age >50

    years) with diabetes prior to beginning an exercise program. It is bestto begin a gentle exercise program and to gradually progress to a more

    vigorous program as tolerated.

    Gentle aerobic exercises, which increase the heart rate for a sustained

    period of time, are often the best choice for diabetics. A reasonable

    exercise session consists of 10 minutes of stretching and warm-up,

    followed by 20 minutes of gentle aerobic exercise. Examples of

    aerobic exercise include walking, cycling, swimming, or rowing.Diabetics with well-controlled blood sugar levels and no

    complications can usually participate in most any type of exercise.

    Exercise does not have to be intense to be beneficial. Persons who

    want to increase the intensity of exercise should do so gradually, and

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    should stop if he or she experiences worrisome symptoms, such as

    chest discomfort or nausea.

    People with diabetic eye complications (proliferative retinopathy)

    may be advised to avoid high-impact activities and strenuous weight-lifting, which can increase blood pressure and cause bleeding in the

    eye. People with neurologic complications (peripheral neuropathy)

    are usually advised to avoid traumatic weight-bearing exercises such

    as running, which can lead to foot ulcers and stress fractures although

    this depends on the severity of the nerve damage.

    Most of the benefits of exercise for people with diabetes require a

    regular, long-term exercise program. Patients should commit toexercising 30 minutes a day most days of the week. People who take

    insulin should try to exercise at the same time of the day. This

    practice can help to maintain predictable blood sugar levels.

    Diabetics who use insulin should :

    Measure blood sugar before, during, and after exercise to determine

    their body's typical response to exercise. If the pre-exercise bloodsugar reading is 250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L) or higher, exercise should

    be postponed until the level is under control.

    Consider a decrease in insulin dose by about 30 percent during


    Choose an insulin injection site away from exercising muscles (for

    example, avoid the legs if running).

    Keep rapidly absorbed carbohydrates on hand (glucose tablets, hard

    candies, or juice).

    Eat a snack 15 to 30 minutes before exercise, and again every 30

    minutes during exercise.

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    Eat a source of slowly absorbed carbohydrates (dried fruit, fruit

    jerky, granola bars, or trail mix) immediately after exercise. This

    will counter a post-exercise drop in blood sugar levels.


    Human infection withavian influenza A(H7N9) virus

    (4thJuly, 2013)The National Health and Family Planning Commission, China

    notified WHO of an additional retrospectively detected laboratory-

    confirmed case of human infection with avian influenza A(H7N9)

    virus.Read more


    The 2nd Pharm. Tech IAPST International Conference on "New insights into

    diseases and recent therapeutic approaches" from 17th to 19th January 2014 in

    Kolkata, India.Read more


    FDA approves the first non-hormonal treatmentfor hot flashes associated with menopause (28th June)The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Brisdelle

    (paroxetine) to treat moderate to severe hot flashes (vasomotor

    symptoms) associated with menopause. Brisdelle, which contains the

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    selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor paroxetine mesylate, is

    currently the only non-hormonal treatment for hot flashes approved

    by the FDA.Read more


    A one day seminar cum teachers development programme for schoolteachers on the theme ofRecent Trends of Life Sciences in Higher

    Education organized by GNIPST held on 29th June, 2013 at GNIPSTauditorium. The programme was inaugurated by Prof . Asit Guha,

    Director of JIS Group, Mr. U.S. Mukherjee, Dy Director of JIS Group

    and Dr. Abhijit Sengupta, Director cum Principal of GNIPST with

    lamp lighting. The programme started with an opening song

    performed by the B.Pharm students of this institute. The seminar

    consists of a series of lectures, video presentations and poster session.

    On the pre lunch session 4 lectures were given by Dr. LopamudraDutta, Debabrata Ghosh Dastidar, Swati Nandy and Tamalika

    Chakraborty. On their presentation the speakers enlighten the recent

    development of Pharmacy, Genetics and Microbiology and their

    correlation with Life Sciences. On the post lunch session, Saini Setua

    and Sanchari Bhattacharjee explained the recent development and

    career opportunities in Biotechnology and Hospital Management. The

    programme was concluded with valedictory session and certificate


    About 50 Higher secondary school teachers from different schools

    of Kolkata and North& South 24 Parganas district of West Bengal

    participated in this programme. A good interactive session between

    participants and speakers was observed in the seminar. The seminar

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    was a great success with the effort of faculties, staffs and students of

    our Institute. It was a unique discussion platform for school teachers

    and professional of the emerging and newer branches of Life Science.


    There are some job opportunities in Cadell Pharmaceuticals,

    Kolkata in the Production unit . The interested B.Pharm. pass

    out students are requested to contact Mr. Anshuman

    Bhattacharya (9836070711) immediately.

    The following B.Pharm. final year students have qualified, GPAT-2013. We congratulate them all.

    AAAmmmaaannnppprrreeeeeettt KKKaaauuurrr,,, MMMooohhhuuuaaa DDDaaasss,,,

    SSSooouuurrraaavvv BBBaaagggccchhhiii,,, UUUddddddiiippptttaaa GGGhhhooossshhh DDDaaassstttiiidddaaarrr,,,

    SSSiiiddddddaaarrrttthhh S

    SShhhaaahhh,,, PPPrrraaapppt

    ttiii CCCh



    SSSuuubbbhhhrrraaadddiiippp RRRoooyyyccchhhooouuudddhhhuuurrryyy,,, SSSooouuummmyyyaaajjjiiittt DDDaaasss,,,


    GGGNNNIIIPPPSSSTTT iiisss nnnooowww aaapppppprrrooovvveeeddd bbbyyy AAAIIICCCTTTEEE aaannnddd aaaffffffiiillliiiaaattteeeddd tttooo WWWBBBUUUTTT fffooorrr

    cccooonnnddduuuccctttiiinnnggg ttthhheee tttwwwooo yyyeeeaaarrrsss pppooosssttt gggrrraaaddduuuaaattteee cccooouuurrrssseee (((MMM...PPPhhhaaarrrmmm))) iiinnnPPPHHHAAARRRMMMAAACCCEEEUUUTTTIIICCCSSS... TTThhheee aaapppppprrrooovvveeedddnnnuuummmbbbeeerrrooofffssseeeaaattt iiisss 111888...

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    Majumdar, Asst. Professor, GNIPST for his contribution to this

    issues Health Awareness section.

    An important part of the improvement of the bulletin is the

    contribution of the readers. You are invited to send in your write ups,notes, critiques or any kind of contribution for the forthcoming special

    and regular issue.


    The general body meeting of APTI, Bengal Branch has been conductedat GNIPST on 15th June, 2012. The program started with a nice

    presentation by Dr. Pulok Kr. Mukherjee, School of Natural Products,

    JU on the skill to write a good manuscript for publication in impact

    journals. It was followed by nearly two hour long discussion among

    more than thirty participants on different aspects of pharmacy

    education. Five nonmember participants applied for membership on

    that very day.

    GNIPST is now approved by AICTE and affiliated to WBUT for

    conducting the two years post graduate course (M.Pharm) in

    PHARMACOLOGY. The approved number of seat is 18.The number of seats in B.Pharm. has been increased from 60 to 120.

    2nd World Congress on Ga-68 (Generators and Novel Radiopharmaceuticals),

    Molecular Imaging (PET/CT), Targeted Radionuclide Therapy, and Dosimetry(SWC-2013) : On the Way to Personalized Medicine

    Dates 28 Feb 2013 02 Mar 2013

    Location: Chandigarh, India.Details.

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